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MLS January 2009

MLS 014:
Alternative Assessment for Project Based Learning

Alternative Assessment Design:

Patchwork Assessment in Design and Technology

Foo Chek Keng James

Cedar Girls' Secondary School

Tutor: Dr Kelvin Tan

26th February 2009

Design Patchwork Assessment:
Design a qualitative assessment alternative to any of your existing assessment practices using
the Patchwork Assessment method. Your assignment should clearly describe the specific
assessment instructions to pupils and the assessment task(s). Give a clear rationale for the
approach you are adopting.

Traditionally the Design and Technology subject is perceived to be a hands-on subject where
the focus is placed on the making of a product. In actual fact, prior to the making stage, there is
a Design Process (See Fig 1) where pupils have to first understand and scope the given
problem as well as engage in research skills before coming up with ideas.

Fig 1. Design Process

The Design Process is often used as a design framework for an individual to embark on his/her
design journey. As an individual attempt, pupils often struggle to diversify their ideas (Stage 3)
as a result of a lack of exposure to the outside world (Stage 1) as well as limited depth of
research (Stage 2). This causes pupils to treat each individual assignment as separate entities
when the original intent is for them to develop and realize their ideas through a complete design
process cycle. Besides it being an individual journey, the kind of feedback that a pupil gets is
also limited as the conversations are often limited to bi-directional conversations between
him/her and the teacher.

The Patchwork Assessment method could be used to provide pupils with the opportunity to
synthesize their knowledge through a series of tasks leading to a final project that would
encapsulate their learning. As the journey is also travelled with fellow learners, as opposed to a
singular design journey, collective cognitive responsibility is assumed through frequent
collaborative efforts with members in the group to tackle the given problem situation and “build
onto each others’ contributions, and rise above diverse ideas to advance community knowledge”
(Zhang, Scardamalia, Reeve, & Messina, 2006).

Description of Tasks and Rationale:
The main aim of the project is to allow the pupils to develop a public awareness of people who
have disabilities or special needs and consider some of their difficulties they face everyday and
designing for these people, e.g. the difficulty a person in a wheel-chair faces when entering a
toilet cubicle. The pupils will assume the role of one of the designers working on a line of
products that will cater to various groups of people in society and their final task is to come up
with a presentation board that will act as a promotional poster for their product

This type of design is also known as Inclusive Design and the aim is to raise the public
awareness of people who have disabilities or special needs and consider some of their
difficulties they face everyday, after which to design products that will cater to their needs.
Selected presentation boards will serve as exhibition boards in the “Inclusive Design” Exhibition
held in the school.

The pupils will be given 4 tasks which will enable them to acquire, consolidate and synthesize
knowledge to aid them in creating a design presentation board as their final task.

Subject: Design and Technology

Topic: Creating an Inclusive society through Design
Theme: Travel
Duration: 2 hour sessions (5 weeks)
Sample: 40 Secondary 2 pupils (Express Stream)
(8 Groups of 5 pupils each, Team A to H)

Objectives of the project:

At the end of the lesson package, pupils will be able to:
- Identify the user from the given problem
- Identify users’ needs and craft a Design Brief based on the context of the problem
- Create an Image Board to diversify their ideas
- Create new ideas through the Shape-borrowing technique
- Use the LMS to interrelate their concepts and ideas
- Produce developmental sketches on Tablet PCs, using the ArtRage software
- Communicate their designs effectively through graphics presentation via Google
- Produce a presentation board as evidence of their knowledge synthesis

Patchwork Description and Rationale of Tasks SOLO Outcomes

Task 1: - The pupils are to describe the problem situation Pre-structural:

Crafting a and the identified product user based on the theme This is the pre-learning
Design Brief “Travel”. They will craft a Design Brief (no longer stage of the pupils. The
based on the than 30 words) and key the information into the pupils are aware of the main
given Theme LMS. D&T stages but now have
new pieces of information
- Pupils are to view their group members’ entries that they are grappling with.
and give online feedback on how they can refine They would have to do their
their design brief own research to find out
more about the theme and
(Pupils are given the freedom to come up with their think about how to craft a
own design projects and through peer critique, design brief.
pupils are able to further refine their Design Brief to
scope their project)

Task 2: - The pupils will create a collage of pictures, based

Creating an on their own crafted brief and problem situation, on
At this stage, pupils
Image Board a PowerPoint slide (At least 20 pictures) and make understand that they have to
annotations if necessary. collate pictures and
information based on their
- They will also upload their slide on the LMS and theme; however, they may
share it with their own group. Group members may still lack the understanding
comment freely on how they understand the image of how it can be connected
board. to their own design.

(Pupils are creating image boards to gain

inspiration for their own ideas)

Task 3: - The pupils will practice their Shape-borrowing Uni-structural:

Generating Technique based on their Image board. They will At this stage, pupils
ideas extract the shapes of at least 3 of the designs on understand that they have to
through the Tablet PCs using the ArtRage software and apply the Shape-borrowing
Shape- upload their designs on the LMS and share it with Technique to extract shapes
Borrowing their own group. for the development of their
ideas. They may still lack
- They will choose one of the shapes and the complete understanding
brainstorm with their own group on the shape that of how “Form” can be
they are adopting and how it fits into their Design connected to “Function” in
Brief (Task 1) their own design.

(Pupils are connecting ideas for the “Function” from

Task 1 and the “Form” from Task 2)

Task 4: - Once the pupils have chosen their idea from the 3 Multi-structural:
Development initial ideas, they will begin to develop the purpose At this stage, pupils are
of the and functions of the product. They will produce beginning to form
chosen idea developmental sketches on their Tablet PCs, using connections of the shapes
the ArtRage software, and compile it into 2 slides. (“Form”) that they have
They will upload their designs on the LMS and drawn with the Functionality
share it with their entire class. of their design idea. This is
a step where they put
- Everyone in class will provide feedback to their together their developmental
assigned groups’ developmental sketches following ideas with their design
this grouping format: Pupils in Group A will critique sketches.
pupils in group B, C to D, E to F & G to H.

(This is the stage where other groups are given the

chance to view other groups’ work and to provide
constructive feedback)

Final Task: Relational:

- Pupils will consolidate, not just compile, their
Presenting work from the various tasks and produce a At this final stage, pupils are
Final Design to integrate all the relevant
presentation board that would be displayed in the
on A2 “Inclusive Design” Exhibition. information, ideas and
presentation structure it for presentation
boards - Pupils’ Final Presentation board must include with clarity to the target
the following: audience. This process
• Description of Problem Situation allows for pupils to form
• Detailed analysis of User Profile their learning and present
• Design Brief their complex ideas in the
• Developmental Sketches and form of a presentation
• Final Conceptual drawing using the Google board.
Sketch-up Software.

- Pupils are reminded that their final task should

be a synthesis of their learning and should
communicate their design concept to the public
succinctly. It should not be a direct transfer or
compilation of their tasks.

(The final task allows the pupil to synthesize what

he/she has learnt from the previous tasks and from
feedback from peers)

Submission - The students are given an additional 1 week to

refine and improve their presentation board before
submitting their work.

A sample of the students’ assignment sheet is shown in Annex 1.

Annex 1

Sec 2 Design and Technology Assignment

Creating an Inclusive society through Design



Description of Project:
Your assignment for this project will be a series of 4 tasks that will enable you to complete your
final task of creating a presentation board of your final design. You will assume the role of one of
the designers working on a line of products that will cater to various groups of people in society
and you are to come up with a presentation board that will act as a promotional poster for your

This type of design is also known as Inclusive Design and the aim is to raise the public
awareness of people who have disabilities or special needs and consider some of their
difficulties they face everyday, after which to design products that will cater to their needs.
Selected presentation boards will serve as exhibition boards in the “Inclusive Design” Exhibition
held in the school.

Throughout the tasks, you are also expected to give feedback to your peers through the LMS
(Learning Management System) as well as to consider the feedback given to you by your peers
and incorporate it to your design when appropriate.

Patchwork Time Description and Rationale of Tasks

Assessment Frame
Task 1: Week - Based on the theme “Travel”, describe the problem situation and the
Crafting a 1 identified product user. Craft a Design Brief (no longer than 30
Design Brief words) and key the information into the LMS.
based on the
given Theme - View your group’s entries and give online feedback on how they can
refine their design brief. You are to provide feedback to each member.

Task 2: Week - Create a collage of pictures, based on your brief and the theme, on a
Creating an 2 Powerpoint slide (At least 20 pictures) and make annotations on the
Image Board different types of disabilities.

- Upload your slide on the LMS and share it with your own group. You
may choose to give feedback to your members if necessary.

Task 3: Week - Based on your Image board, use the Shape-borrowing Technique to
Generating 3 extract the shapes of at least 3 of the designs on the Tablet PCs using
ideas the ArtRage software. Upload your designs on the LMS and share it with
through your own group.

- Choose one of the shapes and brainstorm with your group on the
shape that you are adopting and how it fits into your Design Brief (Task
1). Decide on the type of user you are catering your design for.

Task 4: Week - Once you have chosen your idea, develop the purpose and functions
Development 4 of the product. Produce developmental sketches on the Tablet PCs,
of the using the ArtRage software, and compile it into 2 slides and upload your
chosen idea designs on the LMS and share it with your entire class.

- Provide feedback to your assigned groups’ developmental sketches

(Pupils in Group A will critique pupils in B, C to D, E to F & G to H)

Final Task: Week - Consolidate your work from the various tasks and produce a
Presenting 5 presentation board that would be displayed in the “Inclusive Design”
Final Design Exhibition.
on A2
presentation - Your Final Presentation board must include the following:
boards • Description of Problem Situation
• Detailed analysis of User Profile
• Design Brief
• Developmental Sketches and
• Final Conceptual drawing using the Google Sketch-up Software.

Please note that the final task should be a synthesis of your learning
and should communicate your design concept to the public succinctly. It
should not be a direct transfer or compilation of your tasks.

Submission Week - You are given 1 week to refine and improve your presentation board
6 before submitting your work.

Assessment Grid
Patchwork Assessment Tasks Marks Allocation (%)
Task 1: Design Brief 10
Task 2: Image Board 10
Task 3: Idea Generation (Shape Borrowing) 15
Task 4: Idea Development 20
Final Task: Design Presentation 40
Group Participation and Contribution 5
Total Marks 100

--------- End ---------

Group Mates’ Comments

(My own responses to the comments are in bracketed italics)

Comments from Ms Lily Tan:

General comments: I like this performance task as it is an authentic and meaningful project task.
It provides an opportunity for our pupils to think for the less fortunate in our society and do
something useful for them

Task 1:

• I like the idea of pupils giving feedback to one another and not just teacher giving the
• What are the scaffolds given to pupils to ensure that they are able to describe the problem
situation and the identified product user? The reason I am asking this is because there are
many kinds of disabilities, so the pupils would need some guidelines to scope their project.
(Through the group discussions, I could use mind maps to get pupils to diversify their ideas
after which to focus on 1 area to work with)
• The focus of the task seems to be on design rather than meeting the specials needs of the
users as there is no provision for pupils to study deeply into the needs of the prospective
(Agreed! At the moment, for the Sec 2s, the in-depth research may be lacking, focus is
slanted towards design. In Sec 3, there will be a greater emphasis on this area)
• The word limit of 30 words may pose problem for teachers as it may be rather difficult to
assess such a short write-up.
(The design brief is meant to be a short statement to force students to be focused on the

Task 2:

• In your task instructions, annotations are not compulsory. What if the pupils put up photos
that are totally related to the project theme? What are you assessing? How the collage of
pictures connects with the theme? Quality of pictures chosen? How you ‘measure’ the quality
of pictures?
(In the strictest sense, there is no need for annotations in creating image boards as the focus
is on exploring shapes, but perhaps, I should encourage annotations so that peers can
benefit from learning about how their friends think)

• Perhaps you could make it compulsory for pupils to put annotations to explain the connection
between the pictures and their project. In this way, you can assess pupils’ ability to link the
image board to their design.

Task 3:

• According to your task,” They will choose one of the shapes and brainstorm with their own
group on the shape that they are adopting and how it fits into their Design Brief”. This is an
individual project but you are getting the pupils to brainstorm as a group. Is this task meant
for group assessment? What learning outcomes are you assessing? Whether the idea is
“new”? Whether pupils are able to use the Shape borrowing technique?
(I would like the group to meet face-to-face to see if they can give feedback by helping to add
ideas and physical drawings for their peers)

Task 4:

• It is not clear what the pupils are being assessed here. Are they being assessed on their
sketches or ability to arrive at the purpose and functions of the product?
• Think there is some mistake in the instruction: “Provide feedback to your assigned groups’
developmental sketches (Group A will critique B, C to D, E to F & G to H) “. Is it supposed to
be “Students in group A and B will critique each other’s sketches”?
(They will be assessed according to the details that they put into their conceptual sketches,
annotations and detailed development)

Final Task:

• The final task seems rather heavy going as “Description of Problem Situation” and “Detailed
analysis of User Profile” were not done earlier and the pupils are required to work on this for
their exhibition board, on top of coming up with the finalised design for the product. These 2
tasks could perhaps be included in the earlier tasks.
(The description of Problem Situation will be done in Task 1, the user profile has been taught
in Sec 1)

Comments from Mr James Peh:
General comments:

• Dear James

It is a very comprehensive assessment task.

I've added some comment on your word document.

One question: Most of the task involves peers' critique. Would you consider some score for
peer assessment?
(I agree, will allocate 5 marks to reward participation)

Task 1:

• How would they use the feedback from their peers?

• Would they need to explain why they accept or reject any suggestion?
(Pupils can defend and discuss their ideas via the LMS forums, the ideas are developmental in
nature, there is no right or wrong answer)

Final Task:

• Are these parts of the Presentation Board?

(The pupils are reminded that they have to synthesize their learning through the tasks. There is
also an element of presenting the board to the audience. What are the items and message that
would best capture the attention of the public in the exhibition?)

Zhang, Scardamalia, Reeve, & Messina, (2006). Designs for Collective Cognitive Responsibility
in Knowledge Building Communities. (pp. 5). Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of
American Educational Research Association, San Francisco, CA, 2006.

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