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Hyperspace a Vanishing act

By: Doctor Paul Karl Hoiland

Transtator Industries, Dallas, Texas

Abstract: Why are there so many different particles? Why do they have the
physical properties that they are observed to have? Have things always been this
way or have the properties of subatomic particle changed since the formation of
our universe? Do they continue to change? Some theoretical physicists are
exploring the idea that the diversity of subatomic particle can be accounted for in
terms of symmetry breaking. Maybe under the high energy conditions of the early
universe all particles were initially indistinguishable, a condition called
supersymmetry. As the universe cooled, some spatial dimensions compacted
and particles distributed themselves among the available stable energy states
provided by three extended spatial dimensions and six or more compact
dimensions. This has been the general line of thought promoted and discussed
under the theortical modeling of physics known as String Theory. But, String
theory has yet to address itself to solving the most fundamental question of why
certain dimensions compacted in the first place and how can this hidden
hyperspace be described. This will then be the two major questions I will attempt
to answer and along the way provide a solution to two other cosmological
puzzles: What is dark matter and dark energy?

The Dutch Equation

To begin this exploration towards discover of the solution to the problems

presented in the abstract for this paper we will first look at the Planck scale itself.
The Planck scale can be written as a function of some very well known constants
for which its expression was obtained by a research group at the University of
Amsterdam Holland[1]. In the Dutch equation

R=4Pie20Gh-cross2m0/e0 (1)

G=6.67 * 10-11Nm2/Kg2, h-cross=6.626/2Pi * 10-34J s, e=1.6 * 10-19C, m0=4P * 10-

H/m, and e0=8.854157817 * 10-12F/m to yield the known present vacuum state.
If following a bit of a modified Polorized vacuum[5] approach we were to allow
that the value of e0 has varied higher over time during the history of the cosmos
one finds that the Planck scale would become larger as one went backwards in
time. The effect here would be the same in a forward time fashion as the
compacting process of String Theory making the Planck scale itself equal to this
hidden extra dimensional set. Going far enough backwards in time one also
notices that there would occur a period of time as far as the evolution of the
cosmos goes when C had a far higher value than it does today, with that period
being equal for all intents to the period commonly invoked under inflationary
models of cosmic evolution.

But this early period also would show one exactly what hyperspace is. At some
point during cosmic history as we go backwards the Planck scale would have
nearly been infinite in extent and our cosmos would have well been within what
we could term the Planck horizon. During such a period the local velocity of light
would itself have been near infinite since e0 would have been nearly zero,
perhaps not quite zero, if one wants for modeling sake to avoid infinities here.
The result would be that this Planck region starts out with a near infinite vacuum
pressure which could have been the starting mechanism behind the formation of
our present space-time bubble which would be the subject of a different paper
here in itself. But neglecting that assumption for the moment once a bubble
started to form its rising energy level would alter e0 locally within that bubble
causing the hyperspace to contract in size. This lends itself to the suggestion
that hyperspace, no matter its size would still produce effects that seem contrary
to our larger macro scale measurements of C which is just what one encounters
with such quantum scale effects today as entanglement, and the ability of
particles to appear to be in more than one place at the same time. In short as
the Universe expanded it would create all the quantum effects that we encounter
today simply because the compacted hidden extra dimension is that original
hyperspace with its different local vacuum structure.

If we also view what happens over time as the Universe expands we find that
while the over all energy of the cosmos remains the same from the end of
inflation the distribution of that energy varies from place to place in the cosmos.
Following the same general model certain areas of the cosmos should have
different local vacuum pressures. In regions where the energy is less the
vacuum pressure would be higher producing just the accelerated expansion
effect we have been observing. Since in these regions the local Planck scale
would be larger its very possible that this dark unseen matter we seem to require
to account for local galaxy rotation may be nothing more than enlarged planck
scale regions and the higher vacuum pressure near those regions forcing the
matter in the more dense regions to clump stronger together than gravity would
normally allow.

There would also be one distinct experimental evidence if these assumptions

made herein hold true. The local value of C within any high energy/density
region should be lower than C within any less dense area also the difference in
vacuum pressure would tend to counter this change in C with a backpressure
drag that should be detectable.. Even within a Galaxy such as ours this evidence
would show up as a slight variance from that expected under general relativity
when it comes to the motion of any object directly out of such a high density area
into a less dense area. There would also be an over time derived slowing down
of C globally to be expected as the universe as a whole continues to expand.
Both of these have possible observational and experimental evidence in their
support. Ever since the discovery that the expansion of the Universe seems to
be speeding up[2] there has also been simular evidence used to support that
accelerated expansion being used to indicate that C has varied with time[3].
Also, the Pioneer Probe is known to have a slight slowing in its velocity as it has
proceeded out of our solar system[4] which could be accounted for by the above
mentioned difference in local vacuum pressure forming a drag effect that is not
accountable under normal general relativity.


This modeling is simply proposed as one of the simplest explinations accounting

for why certain dimensions compacted in the first place, what the vacuum
structure of those hidden dimensions may be like, and one that could go a long
way to answering certain other problems that have plagued both physics and its
offshoot modern cosmology. The model only requires that we adopt a slightly
modified version of a polorized vacuum in which the local value of e0 becomes a
variable and one which has varied with time. Once this slight modification to
normal general relativity is allowed and certain aspects under which both C and
the Planck scale becomes a variable are allowed as a modification to both
special and general relativity the rest becomes simple to account for and does
allow for important solutions to other problems that have confronted modern


1.] Stefan Kowalczyk, Quinten Krijger, Maarten Van Der Ment, Jorn Mossel,
Gerben Schoonveldt, Bart Verdoen, Contraints on Large Extra Dimensions
(pp12 eq. 14)
2.] A. Riess et al., Astrophys. J., to be published,
ph/0104455, S. Perlmutter et al., Astrophys. J. 517, 565 (1999).
FRIEDMANN UNIVERSES", The Astrophysical Journal, 429: 429-491, 1994 July
10, M.A. Clayton, J.W. Moffat, Dynamical mechanism for varying light velocity as
a solution to cosmological problems, Physics Letters B (460)3-4 (1999) pp. 263-
270, Phillip F. Schewe and Ben Stein, IS THE FINE STRUCTURE CONSTANT
CHANGING?, The American Institute of Physics Bulletin of Physics News,
Number 410 (Story #1), January 13, 1999.
4.] John D. Anderson, Philip A. Laing, Eunice L. Lau, Anthony S. Liu, Michael
Martin Nieto, and Slava G. Turyshev, Indication, from Pioneer 10/11, Galileo, and
Ulysses Data, of an Apparent Anomalous, Weak, Long-Range Acceleration,
Physical Review Letters -- October 5, 1998 -- Volume 81, Issue 14, pp. 2858-

5.] Dr. H. E. Puthoff, Polarizable-Vacuum (PV) representation of general

relativity, (Special Note: The actual PV being
suggested in this article is a bit different from the one Puthoff has suggested as far
as overall cosmic history goes.)

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