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By: Dr. Paul Karl Hoiland


Abstract: I will show by an examination of what is required to cause acceleration in a

warp field and its relation to the acceleration of the universe in opposition to gravity that
exotic energy as required by warp drives must exist and that if it exists we can then
generate extreme solutions such as warp drive once that mechanism of generating fields
that violate the strong energy condition(p+3p>0) are determined.

The expansion rate of the rear portion of a warp field can be given by:

For acceleration to take place one of the matter fields has to violate the strong energy
condition p+3p>0. The Matter fields include perfect fluids, elasticity theory, kinetic
theory, scalar fields, Maxwell fields, Yang-Mills fields, and combinations of these. An
important restriction is that the general results for perfect fluids and elasticity apply only
to situations where the energy density is uniformly bounded away from zero on the
region of interest. In particular, they do not apply to cases representing material bodies
surrounded by vacuum. In cases where the energy density, while everywhere positive,
tends to zero at infinity, a local solution is known to exist, but it is not clear whether a
local existence theorem can be obtained that is uniform in time. In cases where the fluid
has a sharp boundary, ignoring the boundary leads to solutions of the Einstein-Euler
equations with low differentiability. In the standard framework they are treated in terms
of a fluid with energy density , which satisfies an ultrarelativistic equation of state

. Adding the contribution of this kind of matter to the averaged stress-energy

tensor of the electromagnetic field, it follows, as usual, that is proportional

to the inverse of the fourth power of the scale-factor

This result allows us to treat such extra matter fields as a mere reparametrization of the

constants and into and , given by

The net effect of this is just to re-scale the value of as

Therefore, it turns out that the phenomenon of reversing the sign of the acceleration
parameter due to the high negative pressure of the magnetic field is not essentially
modified by the presence of the ultrarelativistic gas. Only a fluid possessing energy

density which scales as with could be able to modify

the above result.

So, for warp drive purposes we need exotic matter or energy. And a hint that such can
exist in nature comes from the issue of the observed accelerated expansion(1). The
reason the strong energy condition must be violated is that acceleration of the expansion
of the universe in opposition to normal gravity by the same equation as given at the first
can only be achieved if exotic matter/energy exists in nature.


1.), Albrecht, A., and C. Skordis. In

press. Phenomenology of a realistic accelerating universe using only Planck-scale physics.
Physical Review Letters. Available at, Huterer,
D., and M.S. Turner. Preprint. Probing the dark energy: Methods and strategies. Available

Further Readings:

Cowen, R. 2001. Starry data support revved-up cosmos. Science News 159(March

______. 1998. The greatest story ever told. Science News 154(Dec. 19&26):392. Available

Weiss, P. 2001. Force from empty space drives a machine. Science News 159(Feb.

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