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Single Sampling Plan Theory

POM Assignment

G.Y.PRAVEEN 215112029

Introduction: The most important area for studying the effect of error due to measurement and misclassification is the sampling inspection plan. In general, imbedded within the design of acceptance sampling plans is the assumption that inspection procedure is free from error and normal distribution. In the area of sampling inspection plan by variables very little attention has paid so for to investigate the effect of measurement error. Walsh studied the effect of measurement error on the characteristic function of a single sampling inspection by variables with one-sided specification limit. The assumption made by them to investigate the effect of measurement error is the error is unbiased and independent of the actual value of the characteristics measured, both the true value of the characteristic measured and the measurement error follows normal distributions; the ratio of the population variance to the error variance has a positive upper bound. Suppose that a lot of size N has been submitted for inspection. A single-sampling plan is defined by the sample size n and the acceptance number c. Thus, if the lot size isN =10, 000, then the sampling plan means that from a lot of size 10,000 a random sample of n=89 units is inspected and the number of nonconforming or defective itemsd observed. If the number of observed defectivesd is less than or equal toc=2, the lot will be accepted. If the number of observed defectivesd is greater than 2, the lot will be rejected. Since the quality characteristic inspected isan attribute,each unit in the sample is judged to be either conforming or nonconforming. Oneor several attributes can be inspected in the same sample; generally,a unit that is non con-forming to specifications on one or more attributes is said to be a defective unit. This procedure is called a single-sampling plan because the lot is sentenced based on the information contained in one sample of sizen Operating Characteristic (OC) Curve: Analysts create a graphic display of theperformance of a sampling plan by plotting the probability of accepting the lot for a range ofproportions of defective units. This graph, called an OC curve, describes how well a sampling plandiscriminates between good and bad lots. Undoubtedly, every manager wants a plan that accepts lots with a quality level better than the AQL 100 percent of the time and accepts lots witha quality level worse than the AQL zero percent of the time. An OC curve is developed by determining the probability of acceptance for several values ofincoming quality. An OC curve showing producer's risk and consumer's risk is given in Fig.1. On the vertical axis is the probability of acceptance and this is the probability that the number of defects or defective units in the sample is equal too r less than the acceptance number c of the sampling plan. The units on the abscissa are in terms of percent defective. The AQL is the acceptable quality level in percentages and the LTPD is lot tolerance percent defective. The producers risk is the probability of rejecting a lot of AQL quality, i.e. Type I Error. The consumers risk is the probability of accepting a lot of LTPD quality, i.e. Type II Error. Although the hyper geometric may be used when the lot sizes are small (finite), the binomial and Poisson are by far the most popular distributions to use when constructing sampling plans (for infinite lots from processes), compare to [6].An important measure of the performance of an acceptance-sampling plan is the operating-characteristic (OC) curve. This curve plots the probability of accepting the lot versus the lot fraction defective. Thus, the OC curve displays the

discriminatory power of the sampling plan. That is, it shows the probability that a lot submitted with a certain fraction defective will be either accepted or rejected.

Type-A and Type-B OC Curves. The OC curves that were constructed in the previous examples are called type-B OC curves. In the construction of the OC curve it wasassumed that the samples came from a large lot or that we were sampling from a stream of lots selected at random from a process. In this situation, the binomial distribution is the exact probability distribution for calculating the probability of lot acceptance. Such an OCcurve is referred to as a type-B OC curve. The type-A OC curve is used to calculate probabilities of acceptance for an isolated lot of finite size. Suppose that the lot size is N , the sample size is n, and the acceptance numeric. The exact sampling distribution of the number of defective items in the sample is thehypergeometric distribution Designing a Single-Sampling Plan with a Specified OC Curve A common approach to the design of an acceptance-sampling plan is to require that the OC curve pass through two designated points. Note that one point is not enough to fully specify the sampling plan; however, two points are sufficient. In general, it does not matter which two points are specified. Suppose that we wish to construct a sampling plan such that the probability of acceptance is 1a for lots with fraction defectivep1,and the probability of acceptance is bfor lotswith fraction defective p2. Assuming that binomial sampling (with type-B OC curves) isappropriate,we see that the sample sizenand acceptance numbercare the solution to

Hybrid Single Sampling Plan The single sampling plan for attributes is explained below. Consider a lot consisting of N units. Take a random sample of size n and count the number of defective units in the lot. If the number of defective units d in the sample is less than or equal to a predetermined value c then the lot will be accepted else it will be rejected as a bad lot. If the lot size N is very large then the number of defective units in the sample d is a binomial random variable. When the proportion of defective units in the lot is not known precisely and is an uncertain value, we can treat the distribution of defective units as hybrid binomial distribution. In our discussion, we shall assume that the proportion of defective units is a fuzzy variable with triangular membership function. Hence the expression given Section 3 can be used for computing the Chance values for various choices of n and c. The Operating Characteristic Curve for the single sampling plan described can be drawn by using the Chance distribution. Determination of sampling plan Effective implementation of a single sampling plan requires appropriate values for the sample size n and the threshold value c. The values of n and c are determined for specified choices of , , p1 and p2, where and are respectively producers risk and consumers risk. Inthe imprecise situation, we choose the values of n and cso that the following two conditions are two satisfied: (i) p1 Ch (d c) 1 (ii) p1 Ch (d c) . An empirical study carried out on the behavior of the OC curve drawn using chance distribution clearly established the following properties: For fixed p and c, Chp (dc) is a decreasing function of n For fixed n and p, Chp (dc) is an increasing function of c For fixed n and c, Chp (dc) is a decreasing function of p Hence the iterative procedure suggested by Guenther [11] can be used to determine the values of n and c

Rectifying Inspection Acceptance-sampling programs usually require corrective action when lots are rejected. This generally takes the form of 100% inspection or screening of rejected lots, with all discovered defective items either removed for subsequent rework or return to the supplier or replaced from a stock of known good items. Such sampling programs are called rectifying inspection programs, because the inspection activity affects the final quality of the outgoing product. Suppose that incoming lots to the inspection activity have fraction defective p0 . Some of these lots will be accepted, and others will be rejected. The rejected lots will be screened, and their final fraction defective will be zero. However, accepted lots have fraction defective p0. Consequently, the outgoing lots from the inspection activity are a mixture of lots with fraction defective p0 and fraction defective zero, so the aver-age fraction defective in the stream of outgoing lots is p1, which is less than p0. T h u s r e c tifying inspection program serves to correct lot quality. Rectifying inspection programs are used in situations where the manufacturer wishes to know the average level of quality that is likely to result at a given stage of the manufacturing operations.

Thus, rectifying inspection programs are used either at receiving inspection, in-process inspection of semi finished products, or at final inspection of finished goods. The objective of in-plant usage is to give assurance regarding the average quality of material used in the next stage of the manufacturing operations. Rejected lots may be handled in a number of ways. The best approach is to return rejected lots to the supplier, and require it to perform the screening and rework activities. This has the psychological effect of making the supplier responsible for poor quality and may exert pressure on the supplier to improve its manufacturing processes or to install better process controls. However, in many situations, because the components or raw materials are required in order to meet production schedules, screening and rework take place at the consumer level. This is not the most desirable situation Average outgoing quality is widely used for the evaluation of a rectifying sampling plan.

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