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Board of Supervisors


County of Rice, State of Minnesota

September 30, 2008

The meeting was called to order at 7:08 PM by chair Kathleen Doran-Norton.

Present were supervisors Glen Castore and Leif Knecht, Treasurer Brad
Pfahning, and clerk, Pam Petersen.

The Pledge of Allegiance was said by all present.

This meeting is a continuation of the Regular Board meeting from

September, 16, 2008.

The Agenda was approved.

Landfill Building Permit: Peter Tiede has written a letter outlining a written
request to bring the landfill into compliance with the Zoning Ordinances and
to work with Bridgewater Township to revise Bridgewater Ordinances
concerning landfills so they are a good fit for both Rice County and
Bridgewater Township. Motion to authorize P Tiede to move forward made by
L Knecht, second by G Castore, MCU.

Resolution Requesting Rice County Budget for Highway Intersection Planning

Studies: Motion made by G Castore to approve Resolution 2008-8, second by
L Knecht, MCU. Clerk will send copies to all county Commissioners, Dennis
Luebbe and County Administrator.

Discussion of township and county trading some roads, i.e.: Decker, 77, 83.

Look at HWY 3 safety issues to possibly address with township funds, re:
signage, etc. at new intersection at Cabot Ave. and to begin to explore ideas
for the Dahle Ave. intersection.

The township transitioned some driveway accesses along Decker after road
work there was completed. Gleason supplied the material; Knecht Nursery
supplied the skid loader and the manpower.

Dundas Planning Commission: Update from K Doran-Norton. The Ordinances

should be written within the next few weeks. The Board would like the
Township represented at the next meeting which is Thursday, October 16.

Approve to have Peter Tiede and Carolyn Braun there. Update the website
with the Dundas Planning Commission meeting dates also. Notice that there
may be more than one supervisor in attendance at that meeting and they
may also speak in the Public Comment section.

K DN will contact Qwest to bring in Phone and cable lines to town hall so
Zoning Administrator will have and be readily available to the residents.

How to deal with public relations stemming from recent actions brought by
and for the township. G Castore will contact David Legvold, L Knecht will
contact Gene Bakko, K Doran-Norton will contact George Kinney, and Pam
will contact Paul Liebenstein and Kevin Estrem about next payment due to
the Northfield Rural Fire District.

Dean Franz feedlot increase: The Township would like a written commitment
from Franz in conjunction with the permit not to run heavy equipment on the
roads during spring break up time. G Castore will convey comments to the

The minutes from the July and August meetings were approved by a motion
made by L Knecht, second by G Castore, MCU.

Public Comment: Stephanie Henriksen noted that in the Northfield Comp.

Plan through the Cannon River Watershed, that the trout stream is protected
due to Low Impact Development, which is being implemented.

Motion to adjourn made by G Castore, second by L Knecht, MCU.

Pam Petersen, Clerk

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