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Review of Ground Zero Reference 2T

The company Ground Zero delivers with its Reference Series already for a few years after a final stage of different from that in all fall aural Olympus romp. Gone are the days, in which When you hear about Ground Zero only thick Woofer and power-hungry amplifier boards shoot them in the head. Bayern prove simply time been far too long, to the illustrious circle of sound quality Top experts count. The new arrival the reference family is named 2T and completes the series. He does in fact primarily to the fine work of the music system. A major decision has the Owner to make right at the beginning: how is the amplifier installed? I will therefore less on their (modest) size allude, but more to the visual stimuli, which both to provide upper and the bottom have. Up's beautiful copper color and gebrushtes refined face, the bottom is Single Review Ground Zero Reference 2T fine work of dream of a amplifier spotted by one Plexi glass dents on the bottom. Shielded transformers, the finest components and a flawless Layout enjoy the technophile transparent so that you are really beautiful stocked stage in full glory and set of white lighting in scene may consider panting. Both sides have their charm. I myself would this by Install an amp but upside down, because the Technology is simply too beautiful presents. It can be seen strictly in the wonderful dual mono Building constructed board. Each of the two channels has its own power supply, the lush and pretty hardly could. Immediately behind the terminal takes one Screening of the action one that the ever coarsest debris from the operating voltage herunterfi is transformed ltered, after Chopping by two powerful, with pretty Aluminum pots shielded transformers category "Oversized". On the secondary side's again a capacitor / coil combination, that for a slick rail voltage for power amplification makes quite conspicuous .Two glass flasks on a daughterboard directly in the field of signal inputs were attached. The reference is a 2T hybrid power amplifier transistor technology on traditional for final amplification, but relies on tubes in preamplification branch. The used glass bulb is a double triode Type CV 491st . This type fi, this tent ever times in preamplifiers hyped around the Globe before, here do the two vacuum flasks the gain of the audio signal because tubes of this type and size is less suitable for are sufficiently high power values spit out, was the final amplification of trust into the hands of a transistor stage defined. The output transistors are below the PCB mounted directly on the heat sink and therefore not visible, the manufacturer suggests only that it is selected parts. Given the battle of material that would otherwise be exploiting dipped in this amp, it is easy for me, to believe. Around every corner you will find components the relevant from the top drawer Semiconductor manufacturers are. I want because only Mundorff M-Caps and the bizarre and probably super-exclusive rectifier diodes call. So amp belongs to the midrange system, quite optimal even only at the high-frequency range, Voice Coil Subwoofer for he is far too pity. Consequently, limited the selection of filter options to a variable high-pass, between the infinitely 40 and 5000 Hz can be used. All other stuff takes so an amp not. Most likely because of this quality class a processor distribution frequencies takes is the high-pass switched off completely. The audio flows then directly without detours to the driver without influence of filtering surgeries in some way to be. The available 140 watts per channel work a first one slightly oversized for a tweeter, but it makes such a Power output, the output stage of course flexible. In addition, experience tells me that a tweeter that is not necessarily so the belastbarste and power hungry member The audio chain, by a large power Headroom advantage sonically benefited. Performance can can never have enough, this is also in the high range. And it should also not hot, the Ground Zero tube would be weak in the Breast. The bitch is even 1-ohm stable and skin on this load quite loose about 400

watts from each channel. That will hardly anyone so exploit, but it's a good feeling, a so have to load stable stage. The remaining laboratory values, it provides the way in the style of a true high-end amplifier from. It is probably the tubes one slightly higher level of distortion produce. And if so, you can outright, mean that the amendments while even numbered THD is that harmoniously beautiful Insert the sound and only the warm Timbre produce. So a bit more THD is therefore intended and should not be considered negative characteristic of the amplifier be. All other key figures such as damping factor and noise performance are due fine-tipped transistor stage absolutely great, So a bit by combining the hybrid Construction here, the positive properties different concepts Sound It's pretty feist what this amp sound makes possible. Man it can confidently an adult component terminals to terminals and the entire mid-high 2T fuel with power. This amp plays wonderfully direct, crisp and creates some like the feat, a well-measured Absorbing heat to mix the sound. It is pretty much the sound I was expecting and I am very happy that my hopes so largely been met. This thing makes music easily. Supple, sublime, Divide send fine. A twist of the bias regulator resulted in an appreciable increase in suppleness, resolving power without reduced divide badge. Playback is easy real, somehow "analog". And the arrival intensity and impulsiveness she retains with high quiescent current. I personally would therefore, the higher electricity demand in Whistle Class A operation and only this mode use, easy to reach a much higher Musicality. But anyone can be for even try, is on the small knob yes shot quickly. Conclusion With this amp to the tweeters and of course Also on Komposystem one may be in any case be sure to play along sonically top and a very exclusive piece Car-Hi to have in the car, which in the age of Inconspicuous compact amplifier one welcome change is. Who does what on and holds an investment, is here anyway spot on.

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