The Influence of Cloud Computing On Ebay E-Commerce

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The influence of Cloud computing on eBay e-commerce

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The influence of Cloud computing on eBay e-commerce

Executive summary: This report mainly though analyzing the characters and developmentsof Cloud computing and how cloud computing influence the eBays e-commerce in the future years. As a trend of the IT, cloud computing being more and more popular and the applications of cloud computing areused atany levels of the e-commerce.It is achance to eBay further develops eBay's e-commerce with the opportunities and challenges of cloud computing. Introduction:This report aims to Analyze the characters and development. Why the eBay company need to apply cloud computing. The impacts on eBays e-commerce.

Finding: Gartner Identifies the Top 10 Strategic Technology Trends for 2013, the hybrid IT and Cloud Computing is one of the trends of technologies in the next years. As the definition of Hybrid IT form Gartner said, hybrid IT is a support of a business outcome from a combination of internal and public clouds. (Gartner, 2012) It is a result of internal and external service. Hybrid IT is enterprise computing that organizations and management of information technology resources in-house, but using cloud-based services for others. Hybrid IT enables enterprises to maintain centralized IT governance. (Rouse, 2011), at the same time,the hybrid IT experimenting withcloud computing. Hybrid IT relies on new technologies to connect clouds. (Gartner, 2011) What is Cloud Computing? According to the Mell and Grance stated (2011), cloud computing is a model that enabling individuals or organizations through network access to share configurable computing resources. Such as networks, servers, storage, applications, and services. Generally, the cloud computing own some essential characteristics. The firstly, On-demand self-service. Any individuals can provide computing capabilities, such as server time and network storage. It is not a necessaryfor human interaction with each service provider. (Mell & Grance, 2011) Broad network access. The capabilities of cloud computing can achieved by different client platforms over the network, like smart mobile phone, laptop. (Gartner, 2012) Resource pooling. The computing resources of Cloud computing providers are pooled intend to serve the consumers, rearranging the physical and virtual resources to meet the demand of consumers. (Gartner, 2012)

Rapid & flexibility.The capabilities ofcloud computing can be provisioned and releasedflexibly.To the consumers, the capabilities available are unlimited at any time. (Armbrust. et al., 2009) Measured service.Cloud computing can automatically control and optimize resource to serve the consumers. Both the users and providers can monitor, control, and report the resource usage. (Mell & Grance, 2011) WhyeBay Company needsCloud Computing? EBay called itself The Worlds Online Marketplace . (Whiteley, 2000) An online auction and shopping website that individuals and businesses buy and sell a broad variety of goods and services worldwide.As a global company, the largest and most popular consumer-to-consumer trading on the Internet. There are tons of transactions on the eBay. It is impossible that eBay handles all these data and application from customers requests though establishing their own data center with hardware, software and staff eBay own.As Gartner Says Cloud Computing Will Be As Influential As E-business. (Gartner, 2008) It is a trend that IT services via hardware, software and people over around the world; the resources are becoming repeatable and usable by a wide range of customers and service providers. (Gartner, 2012)About the eBays customer support organization, eBay outsources most parts of its customer support, including the two major units: General Support and Safety and Trust. (Whiteley, 2000)The eBay company can obtain many benefits from cloud computing. Since the cloud computing is becoming more and more popular in the applications of e-commerce. (Buyya, et al., 2008. Chang, et al., 2010) The impacts on eBays e-commerce: Using the evaluation tool relating information to business value to analyse cloud computing impact on eBays e-commerce.

Source: Marchand et al (2003) Create new reality (A) The most successful use of Cloud computing is the search engine (Armbrust, et al., 2009), the search and cloud computing are inseparable, since the eBay is a web company that offers the online transaction by consumer-to consumer business model. (Whiteley, 2000) The search engine is vital part of eBay. The use of cloud computing for e-commerce search not only be able to search for related information of products and services such as pictures, address, manufacturers and other commodities, you can alsosee the contrast of different manufacturers, in fact, cloud computing can integrate several different search engines, that means a search engine equivalently more than one search engine to serve you. (Armbrust, et al., 2009)Customers find the goods they want on the eBay Web site more easilythrough cloud computing technology. (B) In the future, voice services the Internet of Things technology, it will be integrated in the e-commerce search engine, (Mell & Grance, 2011) which will have a greater impact of electronic commerce, to promote e-commerce continue to move forward though the Cloud Computing. For eBay company, the voice services is not only an opportunity that making eBay owns more advantages in the field of electronic commercebut also a challenge from other competitors.

Reduce Costs (C) Anothercloud computing application isCloud storage, (Mell & Grance, 2011) Cloud storage can provide a personal level cloud storage; also can provide enterprise level cloud storage. (Mell & Grance, 2011.)Therefore, EBay Company and eBays customers can rent cloud storage space as personal or corporate e-commerce as e-commerce data storage. Not only can reduce the investment in hardware and software, but also can reduce the cost of operation and maintenance of the equipment. And because cloud storage has a remote backup system, (Armbrust, et al., 2009)which make eBay can spend the smallest price to ensure the security of e-commerce data. (D) Cloud computing to improve the flexibility professional of eBay e-commerce. Cloud computing for the eBay to provide economical and reliable e-commerce system customized services, cloud computing to provide a type of service like software as a service (SaaS), (Mell&Grance, 2011) which provides software as an online service. One of the important applications of electronic outsourcing is the enterprise cloud computing technology-based application of e-commerce service. (Chang, 2010) EBays most of customer supports are outsourced for other companies, (Whiteley, 2000) eBay network architecture and applications use cloud computing can make it more convenient, and the electronics outsourcing is actually demand becomes a form of e-commerce. EBayno longer need to spend a lot of money and laborpower, if eBay adopt cloud-computing services for e-commerce systems development and upgrades. With cloud computing, eBay can be more convenient to use cloud computing to provide a variety of services, which reduces the cost of inputs for the maintenance and upgrade of the e-commerce system. Thus, cloud computing to improve the flexibility and professionalism of the enterprise e-business applications. Manage Risk (E) Cloud computing to improve the security of eBay e-commerce applications. (Marston, et al., 2011. Mell & Grance, 2011) The eBay increasing scale enterprises will accumulate more information resources. With the rapid development of the network, the data while effectively store also attracted a lot of viruses and hacker attacks, has been a serious threat to the security of eBay data storage, making the investment in information security has become increasingly large. But with the application of cloud computing, the data stored in the cloud, cloud computing service providers to provide professional, efficient and secure data storage, (Marston, et al., 2011) so that eBay do not have to worry about the result in data loss due to a variety of security issues. Therefore, cloud computing can provide eBay with a reliable and secure data storage center. Add value (F) Cloud computing can achieve data handling capacitywhichcannot be realized

in the common computing environment. (Armbrust, et al., 2009) For eBay, with the globalization of company and increasing of customers and the data of customer, it is unrealistic that eBay deal with these data though eBay own hardware and software. Cloud computing can joint between the tens of thousands or even millions of ordinary computer users to provide superior computing capability, enabling users to perform tasks difficult to complete using a single computer. Cloud-computing model willas a computing resource to provide powerful computing ability. (Mell & Grance, 2011) Cloud computing is no longer from eBay own computer or from a specific server, but from the Internet through a variety of devices,such as mobile terminals, to obtain the required information. So the customers can save lots of time in terms of getting the accordingly service when the eBay company use cloud computing. (G) Cloud computing can provide eBay a good economic returns for e-commerce applications. Firstly, as the trend of information technology in the next years, there are must a lot of competitorsthat use this technology.Such as Amazon has begun develop personal cloud and cloud computing applications. (Chen, 2012) Therefore, in order to own more advantages in the future competition in response to threats from competitors.EBay must use the cloud computing technology. Secondly, a large number of computers and network equipment are necessary to build e-commerce systems; (Mell & Grance, 2011. Armbrust, 2009) it is noteworthy that the eBay in order to meet the growing business needs, it is difficult to match and with the rapid growth of network services and business applications require. Cloud computing can reduce the cost of the establishment of the enterprise e-commerce system. With cloud computingeBay no longer continue to purchase expensive hardware equipment and the burden of high maintenance costs, cloud computing can provide the IT infrastructure, eBay only need to rent equipment. Conclusion Overall, it is undoubtedthat the hybrid IT and Cloud computing is the trend of development and orientation of IT and Computing. As mentioned before, the feature of cloud computing is connect the tens of thousands or even millions of ordinary computer users around the world, which provides superior computing capability.EBay can improve the customer support though cloud computing, not only the cloud computing boosts the speed of coping with the data and demands of eBays customers, but also the cloud storage et al. applications of cloud computing ensure the security of customersinformation. At the same time, the cloud computing reduces the cost of increasing the hardware, software and labor power, and maintaining the equipment. Further more, the cloud computing enhances the efficiency of eBays service that leading eBay owns more and more competitive superiority.

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