The Grave Importance of Ending The Financial Rule of The Federal Reserve and Central Banking

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John Whalen 1 John Whalen, Jr.

18 May 2012

The Grave Importance Of Ending The Financial Rule of The Federal Reserve System and Central Banking Cartels Imagine for a moment that there is a family of four living in your city. The mother and father are working professionals and both received generous promotions at their jobs. With their newfound success, they moved into a substantially larger house, and financed a long list of liabilities like new luxury cars, electronics, appliances, custom landscaping, designer home furnishings and apparel. Now imagine the fathers company downsized and laid him off. Imagine over the next fourteen months, the father unable to find a comparable job, this family racked by debt, falling behind on their bills, and their mortgage, sent their spendthrift college children out each weekend for a night of festivities with credit cards and maybe some blank checks for good measure. Would it be a surprise to predict due to this family not getting their finances under control that credit defaults and repossession could be coming soon? Yet that is exactly how the US government that is over 16 trillion dollars in debt behaves when they entrust taxpayers financial future to the Federal Reserve Banking System. [1] Whats worse, the Federal Reserve Bank (informally known as the Fed) has a track record of pumping money into the economy or monetizing any debt crisis when it chooses, [4] making secret deals with Wall Street firms while being managed by them, other foreign central banks, and Washington insiders with no almost no

John Whalen 2 supervision or response from Congress. [9] The Fed is solely responsible for the massive inflation of the US Dollar (USD), [12] creator of business cycles, economic recessions, [12] is the primary owner of our national debt and transfers wealth from the poor and middle class directly to its shareholders through the use of debt-loans in a fractional reserve system. [4] This may seem confusing at first but after this report the average person will achieve a coherent, accurate perspective on the nature of central banking in the USA as well as plausible solutions for sound banking principles. So what is the Federal Reserve? The Federal Reserve System is the central banking cartel of the United States. Its a private, for profit institution owned by other big banks and distributes a mandatory minimum 6% of its dividends to the shareholders. [3][4] [10] It is not a government agency but a coalition of government and big bankers. This central banking institution bears the title Federal in name only; its just as much a Federal branch of government as Federal Express (FedEx). Its called the Federal Reserve System because there are four divisions: 1) Board of Governors, 2) Federal Open Market Committee, 3) Twelve Regional Banks, and 4) over one thousand Member Banks. The twelve different Federal Reserve Banks in the country located in Boston, New York, Philadelphia, Cleveland, Richmond, Atlanta, Chicago, St. Louis, Minneapolis, Kansas City, Dallas, and San Francisco (in that order). The New York Federal Reserve Bank undeniably controls the other eleven banks and has employed or now employs the largest number of well-connected policy makers and Wall Street executives such as: Timothy Geithner Current US Secretary of the Treasury, Former Employee of Goldman & Sachs Hank Paulsen Former US Secretary of the Treasury, Former CEO of Goldman & Sachs Herman Cain Former Chairman of the Kansas City Fed, briefly worked with the New York Fed Matthew Rutherford Former Liaison of the New York Fed,

John Whalen 3 Current Member of the US Treasury Patrick Parkinson New York Fed Veteran, Drafted the US Treasurys Finance Reform Proposal in 2009 Jamie Dimon CEO of JPMorgan Chase, Also One of the Three Board of Directors of the New York Fed Richard L. Carrin CEO of Banco Popular of Puerto Rico, Board of Directors of New York Fed Paul P. Mello President and CEO of Solvay Bank, Board of Directors of New York Fed So, if the Federal Reserve is a private, for profit bank, then who are the shareholders that own the Fed? According to Peter Kershaw in 1997 of the hundreds of foreign and national bankers, the top ten primary shareholders were: 1) Rothschild Family London, 2) Rothschild Family Berlin, 3) Lazard Brothers Paris, 4) Israel Seiff Italy, 5) Kuhn-Loeb Co. Germany, 6) Warburgs Amsterdam, 7) Warburgs Hamburg, 8) Lehman Brothers New York, 9) Goldman & Sachs New York, and 10) Rockefeller Family New York. [2] However, JPMorgan Chase presently controls the position formerly held by Lehman Bros., and Citi Group has risen to prominent ownership over the last decade as well. The ownership of the Fed is significant, because whole nations literally rise and fall on the ability to issue credit, print money, borrow capital or establish lines of credit from a private central banking system. All citizens should posses an intense interest in the creation of money through debt-loans and how the United States central bank, the Fed, removes wealth from the poor and middle classes and transfers it to the wealthy banking elite and generates inflation through a fractional-reserve monetary policy.

John Whalen 4 The Creature From Jekyll Island Originally publicized as part of a modern, sophisticated wave of progressive legislation intended to control inflation and provide a buffer against bank runs and economic disasters, the truth of the Federal Reserve Act couldnt be farther from the truth. According to Murray N. Rothbard, Progressivism was a bipartisan movement aimed at creating centralized baking and consolidate federal powers.[21] The origins of the Federal Reserve were crafted in secret. After the experiencing the hyper inflation during the Civil War, the fourteen year overdue reinstatement of the gold standard, and soon to be string of bank runs, the American citizens grew weary of the current national banking system. As Rothbard said: In This way, the Wall Street-funded government establishment was able to control the banking system , inflate the supply of notes and deposits in a coordinated matter. But there were still problems. The national banking system only provided a halfway house between free banking and government central bankingthe Wall Street banks were becoming increasingly unhappy with the status quo.[22] Beginning in the early 1900s banking luminaries like J.P. Morgan, and Rothschild began preparations for a smooth transition into a privately owned central bank. For example, Jacob H. Schiff, head of the Wall Street investment bank of Kuhn, Loeb and Co. appeared before the New York Chamber of Commerce with a fiery, hateful speech in 1906 complaining that the US Treasury didnt do enough for America when the country ran out of money[23] and suggested an elastic currency[23] via a modern banking system. During this time Schiffs firm partner Paul Moritz Warburg, another powerful banker from

John Whalen 5 the German Warburg Banking Family, M.M. Warburg and Co., also agitated publications advocating a central banking system. John D. Rockefeller, oil tycoon and visionary banker also instructed his flagship bank, Frank A. Vanderlip, to issue a five-man commission consisting of Mr. Vanderlip, George Baker of the First National Bank of New York, J.P. Morgan, former secretary of the treasury and current Rockefeller front-man Lyman Gage to issue findings supporting a central bank in 1906. About a year later in 1907 a severe panic erupted when rumors of banks being insolvent caused depositors to make a run on the banks. This primed the American public to accept the concept of creating a modern central banking system. A congressional committee called the National Monetary Commission headed by Senator Nelson Aldrich was tasked with investigating the causes of the 1907 bank run. The National Monetary Commissions recommendation was to institute a central bank so a panic like 1907 would never happen again. About two and one half years later while Americans were still recovering from the 1907 financial crisis on the night of November 22, 1910, a sealed railway car set off for an undisclosed location led by Senator Nelson Aldrich, head of the National Monetary Commission. This railway car took its passengers to a secret meeting was held off the coast of Georgia on a private estate owned by J.P. Morgan on Jekyll Island. The passengers on the car included J.D. Rockefeller, J.P. Morgan, Paul Warburg, a representative of Baron Rothschild, Mr. Vanderlip and five or so other prominent banking financiers. The trip was so secretive that the attendees gave each other secret names on the way to Jekyll Island estate to conceal their identities. It was there that the Federal Reserve Act was written. A financial writer by the name of Bertie Charlie Forbes, founder of Forbes Magazine, wrote:

John Whalen 6 Picture a party of the nations greatest bankers stealing out of New York on a private railroad car under cover of darkness, stealthily hieing hundred of miles South, embarking on a mysterious launch, sneaking onto an island deserted by all but a few servants, living there a full week under such rigid secrecy that the names of not one of them was once mentioned lest the servants learn the identity and disclose to the world this strangest, most secret expedition in the history of American finance. I am not romancing; I am giving to the world, for the first time, the real story of how the famous Aldrich currency report, the foundation of our new currency system, was written . . . . The utmost secrecy was enjoined upon all. The public must not glean a hint of what was to be done. Senator Aldrich notified each one to go quietly into a private car of which the railroad had received orders to draw up on an unfrequented platform. Off the party set. New Yorks ubiquitous reporters had been foiled . . . Nelson (Aldrich) had confided to Henry, Frank, Paul and Piatt that he was to keep them locked up at Jekyll Island, out of the rest of the world, until they had evolved and compiled a scientific currency system for the United States, the real birth of the present Federal Reserve System, the plan done on Jekyll Island in the conference with Paul, Frank and Henry . . . . Warburg is the link that binds the Aldrich system and the present system together. He more than any one man has made the system possible as a working reality.[24] After the Federal Reserve Act was written on Jekyll Island it was then handed to the bankers political front men; Senator Nelson Aldrich to push the bill through congress, and heavily funded presidential candidate Woodrow Wilson who allegedly agreed to sign the Federal Reserve Act into law in exchange for campaign support. Two days before Christmas when most of congress was at home with their families, Woodrow Wilson signed the Federal Reserve Act and ratified Abraham Lincolns Commissioner of Internal Revenue as

John Whalen 7 the Sixteenth Amendment to the Constitution, creating the IRS (Internal Revenue Service) on December 23, 1913. As a reward for his outstanding contributions, Senator Nelson Aldrichs daughter Abby Aldrich married John D. Rockefeller Jr. Former President Wilson wrote years later in regret: I am a most unhappy man. I have unwittingly ruined my country. A great industrial nation is controlled by its system of credit. Our system of credit is concentrated. The growth of the nation, therefore, and all our activities are in the hands of a few men. We have come to be one of the worst ruled, one of the most completely controlled and dominated Governments in the civilized world - no longer a Government by free opinion, no longer a Government by conviction and the vote of the majority, but a Government by the opinion and duress of a small group of dominant men.(misattributed quote)[25]

Debt-Loans The central bank of the United States, the Federal Reserve System, produced a document entitled Modern Money Mechanics in 1961. This publication describes the institutionalized practice of creating money, as utilized by the Federal Reserve System, which has been updated diminutively. On the opening page the mission statement is clear: Introduction The purpose of this booklet is to describe the basic process of money creation in a "fractional reserve" banking system.[6]

John Whalen 8

It then proceeds to describe this process using clich regulatory terms and banking jargon. The document poses the following question Who Creates Money? to which the answer is: Changes in the quantity of money may originate with actions of the Federal Reserve System (the central bank), depository institutions (principally commercial banks), or the public. The major control, however, rests with the central bank.[5]

In laymans terms, the process takes place like the following: If the US government needs to, lets say, fund a proposed invasion of Iraq but taxes collected are not enough to cover the invasion and still pay for social services or government funded programs and bureaucracies, the US government can request 500 billion dollars from the Federal Reserve and the Fed can either approve the request, deny the request or count it against a line of credit it has given to the United States. Should the Fed approve the request for 500 billion dollars, a transaction takes place. The United States prints up a stack of pink certified forms called Treasury Bonds, essentially IOUs, and sets the value of these bonds at 500 billion dollars. The Fed also prints up impressive pieces of green paper called Federal Reserve Notes, or USD, in the amount of 3% of the requested 500 billion, 15 billion dollars. With these Federal Reserve Notes the Fed buys the bonds from the US government, and a secure electronic money transfer procures the remaining 97% of the purchase.

Now since the Treasury Bonds were basically IOUs, the US government now has a future obligation to pay the Federal Reserve Bank the 500 billion dollar loan back, plus interest. In other words, the money was created from debt. Hence the common banking mantra: Debt =

John Whalen 9 Money. This is where the human brain tends to get confused because logically debt cannot equal money. The average citizen assumes debt is a liability and money is an asset, right?

Fractional-Reserve Banking Fractional-reserve banking is a form of banking where banks maintain reserves of cash and coin or deposits at a bank that are only a fraction of the customer's deposits. That means when a citizen deposits $100, the bank is only required to keep a fraction of that deposit in the bank, and the rest can be loaned out to other individuals to purchase a mortgage, cars, boats, college tuition, etc. On page four of Modern Money Mechanics it states all banks are required by law to keep only a fraction of their deposits on hand at all times: Finally, it must maintain legally required reservesequal to a prescribed percentage of its deposits.[5] The document goes on to specify policy mandates only 10% of deposits are required to be on hand at any given time: Under current regulations, the reserve requirement against most transaction accounts is 10 percent.[5] This concept is key, because like the example of the US borrowing 500 billion from the Fed, once the transaction is made, the US government deposits 500 billion into a bank account and only 50 billion (10%) is set aside as the required reserve while 450 billion is considered the excess reserve and can be used as the basis for new loans.

John Whalen 10 500 Billion Dollars Loan From The Fed - 50 Billion 10% Required Reserve = 450 Billion Excess Reserve As stated in Modern Money Mechanics: Of course, they [the banks] do not really pay out loans from the money they receive as deposits. If they did this, no additional money would be created. What they do when they make loans is to accept promissory notes [loan contracts] in exchange for credits [money] to the borrowers' transaction accounts.[5]

In other words, because two regulatory requirements were met: 1) there is a demand for another loan, and 2) the 10% reserve requirement was satisfied under banking regulations mandated by the Federal Reserve System, the bank can legally create new money out of thin air. The bank simply takes the excessive reserve and can duplicate the fractionalreserve process over and over again until the 10% reserve can no longer be satisfied. 450 Billion Excessive Reserve/New Deposit

- 45 Billion 10% Required Reserve = 405 Billion Excessive Reserve/New Deposit - 40.5 Billion 10% Required Reserve Etc.. In other words, for any deposit made by anyone, in any amount, an institution with a banking license from the Federal Reserve System may engage in fractional-reserve practices and essentially create nine times the amount of any deposit out of thin air.

John Whalen 11 Inflation The next logical question that might arise could very well be: If the banks can create money out of thin air, how or where does the value come from to give the newly created money its buying power? Sadly, the value comes from the existing money supply before the Federal Reserve Act of 1913. In other words, because more and more money is created through debt-loans, and there isnt enough demand for goods and services to keep up, the prices of goods and services become more expensive to use up all the new money being created in circulation. Essentially this is a simplified definition of inflation or as the old economic saying goes: Too many dollars chasing too few goods. The current fractional-reserve monetary policy issued by the Federal Reserve Banking System is inherently inflationary because the act of expanding the money supply nine times its initial deposits without expanding the number goods and services in the economy debases the currency. To further demonstrate this point, since the Congress passed the Federal Reserve Act in 1913, the value of one dollar in that year is the equivalent of $21.78 in 2010 [note: The pre-1975 data are the CPI statistics from Historical Statistics of the United States (USGPO, 1975). All data since then are from the annual Statistical Abstracts of the United States]. Thats over 92% decrease in buying power in almost 96 years. This perpetual expansion of the money supply, inflation, also has a hidden tax associated with it as well. [13] Its called the inflation tax or hidden inflation tax. [14] [15] For example; if our family of four mentioned in the top paragraph were to deposit one million

John Whalen 12 dollars in a savings account or some other savings program for their retirement they plan to draw from thirty five years from now, and inflation continues to rise as it has been for over 96 years of management by the Fed, that familys one million dollars would potentially be worth around $970,000 or less in thirty five years. Now the family never officially paid any taxes or fees of any sort to loose about 30% of their initial one million savings deposit, but through the inflation tax 30% of their deposits buying power vanished as they went about their daily responsibilities. Because the value of the money decreases without any readily discernable process the average citizen can quantify is precisely why the inflation tax is referred to as hidden, and why wealth is transferred from the poor and middle class directly to the shareholders of the central bank.

Secrecy and Institutionalized Corruption Since its inception in 1913, it has thrived on secrecy and insider deals, which serves at the behest of banking elite like the Rothschilds and Rockefellers and numerous other respective shareholders. The Fed is a private bank [3] that essentially creates money out of thin air, conducts rouge manipulation of interest rates, and interferes with the free market with virtually no oversight from Congress. [12] There are no checks and balances, no audits of the Feds books. By doing so, the Fed fuels our economys boom-bust cycle [12] [15] and has helped devalue our dollar via inflation by over 95 percent. Since the Federal Reserve System was first incorporated in Delaware as a not-for profit corporation in 1913, they pay no taxes of any sort to the United States government. [10]

John Whalen 13 This means all the profits the Fed makes benefits their shareholders with privatized, tax free profits, while the means to pay for those tax free profits derive from socialized losses like inflation, interest on the national debt and side affects due to fractional-reserve banking at the expense of the American citizen. [12] Military spending, corporate welfare (a.k.a. Wall Street bailouts) and unfunded social programs are currently the three greatest deficits the Federal Reserve is reviewing for monetization. [2] [17] Monetizing these deficits will only serve to increase ownership of the United States government to historically unprecedented levels by the Fed. Insider trading with Wall Street based banks and firms are now more rampant than ever. For example, The Federal Reserve System came under fire when it was leaked they secretly gave preferential treatment in bailing out institutions that were either shareholders or closely connected to the Federal Reserve System with 7.7 trillion dollars, in addition to 16 trillion in loans to friends and insider connected Wall Street Banks according to a report the Fed issued in June of 2011, and the US taxpayers were pledged as collateral in case the Wall Street banks wouldnt or couldnt pay the 16 trillion back. [19] Any further disclosure of the Feds accounting practices compels the Feds lawyers to refer to the Federal Reserve Act of 1913, which says they dont have to answer to anyone if they dont want to. The Supreme Court has ruled the Fed Unconstitutional in the Lewis v. United States, 680 F.2d 1239 (1982) case. The court ruled that the Federal Reserve Banks are "independent, privately owned and locally controlled corporations", and there is not sufficient "federal government control over 'detailed physical performance' and 'day to day operation'" of the

John Whalen 14 Federal Reserve Bank for it to be considered a federal agency. Congressional Attempts to Control the Fed (quotes not under copyright) 1937 Rep. Charles G. Binderup of Nebraska 1952 Rep. Wright Patman of Texas ( House Banking Chairman) "In fact there has never been an independent audit of either the twelve banks of the Federal Reserve Board that has been filed with the Congress ... For 40 years the system, while freely using the money of the government, has not made a proper accounting." Patman RE: Federal Open Market Committee "one of the most secret societies. These twelve men decide what happens in the economy ... In making decisions they check with no one -- not the President, not the Congress, not the people." Patman also said: "In the United States we have, in effect, two governments ... We have the duly constituted Government ... Then we have an independent, uncontrolled and uncoordinated government in the Federal Reserve System, operating the money powers which are reserved to Congress by the Constitution." 1971 Rep. John R. Rarick of Louisiana introduced H.R. 351: "To vest in the Government of the United States the full, absolute, complete, and unconditional ownership of the twelve Federal Reserve Banks." He said: "The Federal Reserve is not an agency of government. It is a private banking monopoly."

John Whalen 15 A modern day detractor of the Federal Reserve System is Congressman Ron Paul of Texas: From the country's founding until 1913, the money base was stable with very little inflation, and our standard of living rose to the highest in the world. But during the Fed's 95-year reign, the dollar has dropped in purchasing power to less than 5 percent of its 1913 value. The only response from Congress has been to give the Fed even more power as the principal central economic planner. Creation of the Fed has been called the most tragic blunder Congress ever committed. It is a form of financial fascism that benefits the privileged rich and powerful over the poor and middle classes. Its inflation is the most vicious and regressive of all of the forms of taxation, Paul writes. [20] In addition, according to economists Ludwig von Mises and Murray Rothbard, inflation is an indispensable means of militarism, with its accompanying growth of government. For example, only an estimated 21 percent of the cost of World War I was financed through direct taxation; 56 percent was financed through Fed-backed borrowing, and 23 percent through outright money creation by the Fed. Its monetary inflation has allowed the U.S. government to pursue one war after another, and to set up a huge welfare state that covers all classes in society. It is no coincidence that the century of two world wars and nearly constant lesser wars coincided with the century of central banking. [20] In 1776 the United States fought to divorce their selves from the oppressive, police state rule under the British Monarchy of King George III. According to Benjamin Franklin, of those American colonists seeking freedom, the ability to print money without borrowing it from the Bank of England at interest was money was one of the primary causes of the American Revolution. Freedom cannot exist without sound money. It isnt too late to

John Whalen 16 restore sound money without a private central bank running the country and dictating monetary policy. Ending the oppressive financial governance of Federal Reserve System will mark the beginning of the rebuilding the core concepts of a truly free society. Without this, the prospects for our freedom are dismal. For on the day the USA will not have sufficient collateral to convince any private bank to buy up our bonds through debt loans shall spur intense pressure from central banks mandating austerity measures for more issued credit, much like the events experienced in Greece and soon to be engulfing much of Europe will become a nightmarish reality.

Works Cited: [1] Templeman, CFA, Jerry H. Will The Federal Reserve Monetize U.S. National Debt? 6th ed. Vol. 65. Financial Analysts Journal, 2009. Print.

John Whalen 17 [2]Templeman, CFA, Jerry H. "Will the Federal Reserve Monetize U.S. Government Debt." Financial Analysts Journal 65.6 (2009): 24-28. Print.

[3] Haynie, David. "Proof The Federal Reserve Is A Private Corporation." Coup Media Group, Nov.-Dec. 2011. Web. 17 May 2011. <>.

[4] Kershaw, A. P. Economic Solutions. Boulder, CO: Heal Our Land, 1997. Print.

[5] Nichols, D. M. Modern Money Mechanics; a Workbook on Deposits, Currency and Bank Reserves. 1st ed. Chicago: Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago, 1961. Print.

[6] Nichols, D. M. "Introduction." Introduction. Modern Money Mechanics; a Workbook on Deposits, Currency and Bank Reserves. 1st ed. Chicago: Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago, 1961. Print.

[7] Ironman. To Whom Does The Us Government Really Owe Money Business Insider, Inc. 16 March 2011. Web. <>.

John Whalen 18 [8] Jerome C. Arnett, Jr. M.D. End The Fed. Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons

[9] Francis, David R. "Does the Federal Reserve Need an Audit?" The Christian Science Monitor ( 21 Dec. 2009. Print.

[10] Ann Berg. "The curious Federal Reserve. " Futures 1 Jul 2006: ABI/INFORM Global, ProQuest. Web. 18 May. 2012.

[11] Francis Oakey. (1921). Auditing Federal Reserve Banks. Journal of Accountancy (pre1986), 32(000005), 334. Retrieved May 18, 2012, from ABI/INFORM Global. (Document ID: 83265333).

[12] Politicka Misao: Croatian Political Science Review; 2009, Vol. 46 Issue 3, p69-90, 22p, 1 Chart, 4 Graphs

[13] Benoit, Gary. "The Inflation Tax." New American (08856540) 16 Mar. 2009: 44. Academic Search Complete. Web. 18 May 2012.

[14] "Inflation: What We're Not Being Told!" The New American. The New American, Oct.Nov. 2002. Web. 17 May 2012. < ailsWindow?displayGroupName=Magazines&disableHighlighting=false&prodId=OVIC&acti on=2&catId=&documentId=GALE%7CA93306167&userGroupName=txshracd2588&jsid=0

John Whalen 19 370d940941d23f35743123f867e8902>. [15] KIM, Y. S. and LEE, M. (2009), Wealth Distribution, Inflation Tax, and Societal Benefits of Illiquid Bonds. Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, 41: 809830. doi: 10.1111/j.15384616.2009.00234.x

[16] Rozeff, Michael S. Rothbard On Fractional Reserve Banking: A Critique The Independent Review (2010): p.497 ABI/INFORM Global, ProQuest 14 April 2010

[17] Corder, J. Kevin. "The Federal Reserve System and the Credit Crisis." Public Administration Review 69.4 (2009): 623+. Print.

[18] Barnett, W.. "Audit the Federal Reserve? " Central Banking 1 Feb. 2010: ABI/INFORM Global, ProQuest. Web. 18 May. 2012.

[19] Eddlem, Thomas R. "Another Secret Federal Reserve Bailout, $7.7 Trillion This Time." The New American. The New American, Oct.-Nov. 2011. Web. 17 May 2012. <$77-trillion-this-time>. [20] Paul, Ron. End the Fed. New York: Grand Central Pub., 2009. Print. [21] Rothbard, Murray N. "The Origins of The Federal Reserve." Quarterly Journal of Austrian Economics: 1+. Print. [22] Rothbard, Murray N. "The Origins of The Federal Reserve." Quarterly Journal of Austrian Economics: 5+. Print.

John Whalen 20 [23] "Banker's Magazine." Cassatt & Co. (1906): 114-15. Print. [24] Current Opinion Dec. (1916): 382 [25] Hill, Mark. Shadow Kings (2005): 91

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