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MARCH 2013

PYP Newsletter
ISGR Principals Message
It is good to see that the days are getting longer as we move towards Spring. There are a number of exciting events coming up in the next few weeks. The student developmental talks are on March 13th and the PYP Exhibition is on Tuesday 26th! The grade 5 students are still looking for experts to interview about alternative resources for their Exhibition projects. So if you are an expert or know of an expert in this area, we would love to hear from you. At present, we are in the Reading Weeks period when staff and students celebrate their love of reading and poetry. We look forward to the big dress-up day on Friday 8th when there will be many book characters wandering around the school. Marilyn James Principal Primary Years Programme

School Activities starting just now! School Choir

The ISGR choirs are a chance for students from both sections of the school to come together and celebrate our enjoyment of singing. We sing songs from different genres including traditional songs, muscial theatre, pop, jazz and other modern styles. We also practice some basic singing techniques and perform regularly at school events such as the Spring Show, Culture Week and on the last day of the school year. We currently have 2 choirs: PYP 1 and PYP 2 rehearse on Wednesdays from 9:50 - 10:10 PYP3-5 and LGR 2-5 rehearse on Thursdays from 12:40 - 1:10 This term we are busy preparing for the Spring Show. New students are always welcome to join although students need to attend regularly to participate in performances. ISGR Sports Club After school sports club! See notice board in the main entrance hall! If you have questions, thoughts or ideas, dont hesitate to contact me by email

Contents Page 2New staff, Opposites Day Page 3Whats happening grade 5 / Green flag Page 4Whats happening grade 4 / Fund raising Page 5Whats happening grade 2 / EAL Page 6Whats happening in grade 1 / Coordinator web Page 7Important dates

Welcome new staff!

On the National section of the school, we We would also like to welcome four new would like to welcome the new LGRP members to the PYP family; Michelle principal, Ingegerd Lfroth-Hildn. Kim, Michelle Prager, Joanna Martins and Camellia Whiting. Michelle Kim will be working as a resource teacher in grade 4. Camellia Whiting will be working as a classroom assistant in Kindergarten. Michelle Prager will be working as an assistant for a student in grade 1 and Joanna Martins will be working as an assistant in grade 2. We would also like to welcome Verity Davis who will be working temporarily in Kindergarten.

Opposites day
The opposites day was a big success and all the school really got involved by creating opposite costumes. Anything from shoes on the wrong feet to tops inside out could be seen. Teachers also got involved and the picture on the right is the grade 5 assistant Jamie dressed up as James.

Whats happening in PYP!

Grade 5 PYP Feb news How We Share the Planet Year 5 are currently inquiring into our Exhibition unit on How We Share the Planet. The central idea for this unit is: Conflicts can occur when sharing our planet. The students are examining the lines of inquiry: conflicts arise when resources are finite, conflicts have consequences, conflicts can be resolved in different ways and alternative resources can be found. Before the unit began; both classes were given lessons on topics such as 'How to make a good poster, PowerPoint and slideshow'. In writing lessons; note taking and report writing has been integrated into the exhibition unit. At the beginning of the unit we viewed videos and other information on a variety of different finite resources and alternative energy sources As part of the Exhibition process; the Exhibition groups have been working with their guides on researching information efficiently to inquire into their chosen topic. Additionally; both Year 5 classes have been working in their groups each day for an hour. Each group has had IPAD access to assist with their research. In addition; there have been focused lessons during Computer classes to introduce the students to apps on the IPADs that they could possibly use when giving their final presentations.

Green flag recycling training

Below are photos of the green flag student group receiving training in how to use the recycling area. They have also put up more child friendly signs to help the other students in the school to know which recycling bin is which.

Whats happening in PYP!

Grade 4 During the first week of Reading Weeks the grade 4 classes brought in their comfy clothes for a cozy clothes day. Below, in the photos, the children are settling down to their favourite books which they have brought from home.

Guldheden Library 2013

Library opening hours Monday 8.30 -3.30 pm Tuesday 8.30 -3.30pm Wednesday 8.30 -3.30pm Thursday 8.30 3.30pm Friday 8.30 2.30pm

PYP action in Grade 4! I was very happy and surprised when grade 4 students came to my office. They told me that they had been raising money over the weekend through a bake sale and they didnt know what to do with the money so they decided to give the money to the Bibi Jann Charity! This was amazing! - Mike Howlett

Grade 2
Friendship Weeks Year 2 students took part in a very special project in February. It was the Year 2 Friendship Project and over the course of 3 weeks, the students from all 3 classes worked together for an hour each day in mixed groups with either Kirsten, Emily or Amanda. They engaged in Inquiry, Maths and Literacy based activities together and the main aim was to encourage the children to meet and make friends with their peers in different classes and to also practice their team skills. The students really enjoyed working with new teachers and friends from different classes and so did the teachers! The project was such a success that Year 2 have decided to put Friendship Weeks on the calendar for next year too!

English as an Additional Language (EAL)

The EAL beginner group has made wonderful progress since they started in mid-August. They were extremely consistent in completing the recommended homework. I wish to thank the parents for helping them with the designated assignments. There are four elements in learning a language; comprehension, expression, reading and writing. We have now reached the final stage; creative writing. There are nuances within each area. A student can read words but without dramatic expression; the words will not interest the audience. All of the students now speak English. Some speak too much; at times I regret having taught them for now I am the listener. Certain students were inaudible. The Stanislavsky method was introduced. Students were asked to leave the classroom to read a text through a closed door and every word should be audible to the group. They did that. Now we can all hear what they are saying. We are developing vocabulary and spelling with the intermediate groups. Perhaps they now understand that a word is useless if it cannot be integrated in language. John Mc Bride

100 days of school!

During February, grade 1 celebrated their 100 days of school by doing a project on making something with pieces. There were houses made of 100 pieces as well as pictures completed using 100 pieces. They had lots more fun ideas!

PYP coordinator website

If you would like to learn more about the PYP programme, please visit my website to watch some interesting videos and maybe read the PYP book. MikeHowlett/apt1.aspx

Important dates
Week 11, March 13th (Wed) - Developmental Talks Day Week 13, March 26th (Tue) - PYP Exhibition Week 13, March 29th (Fri) - Start of Easter Break Week 14, Easter Break Week 16, April 19th (Fri) - Study-Day for teachersNo school Week 18, May 1st (Wed) Holiday Week 19, May 9-10th (Thurs/Fri) - Holiday Week 20, Culture Week Week 23, June 6/7th (Thurs/Fri) Holiday Week 24, June 14th (Fri) Students end

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