Ceramics Cultural Heitage

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Proceedings of the International Symposium The Ceramics Heritage of the v ^.\J W V ^ 8th CIMTEC-World Ceramics Congress and Forum on New Materials Florence, Italy June 28-July 2,1994

Edited by

National Research Council, Italy

Faenza 1995

CONTENTS PREFACE ENDORSEMENT AND COMMITTEES CONTENTS SECTION 1 - INTERACTIONS BETWEEN CERAMICS TECHNOLOGY AND CULTURE Ceramic artefacts - A key to ancient society (Invited Lecture) B. Hulthen The relationship between technology and society in the PPNB period in Jordan L. Rehhoff Kaliszan and E. Makovicky The beginnings of pottery production in the Southern Levant: a model Y. Goren and A. Gopher . , Names and shapes of ceramic wares in the classical and post-classical Greek culture P. Radici Colace and M.I. Gulletta Ceramological studies of Bura graveyard (Niger) G. Querre, A. Bouquillon, A. Person and J. Polet Studies of African pottery for understanding of prehistoric craft (Invited Lecture) A. Lindahl Economic and social constraints on ceramic innovation in the Medieval period (Invited Lecture) C. Orton The organization of pottery production in Roman South Etruria J.T. Pena A Neolithic ceramic artifact from Tadrart Acacus (Libya) R. Ponti Some terracotta model or mock-up samples of building and cities from antiquity to the present S. Cizer 3 V VII IX

13 21

29 41


61 69 77


Pictorial and plastic narrations on the subject of the production of ceramics S. Cizer and L. Andic Ceramic technology, composition, and archaeological interpretation: examples from the Americas (Invited Lecture) R.L. Bishop, V. Canouts, R.H. Cunningham and D. Reents-Budet Explaining ceramic change in late prehistoric ceramics of coastal Ecuador, South America M.A. Masucci SECTION 2 - STEPS OF INNOVATION OF CERAMICS TECHNOLOGY 2.1 - ASIA Technology of traditional Korean celadons relative to modern developments (Invited Lecture) C.K. Koh Choo The development of Chinese overglaze enamels: Part I R. Scott, N. Wood and R. Kerr Technical investigations of an early 15th century Chinese cloisonne offering stand J. Twilley Some technological parallels between Chinese Yue wares and Korean Koryo celadons N. Wood, I. Freestone and C. Stapleton Ceramic manufacture and use at Dolni Vestonice, 26,000 B.P. (Invited Lecture) P. Vandiver Mediaeval Syrian fritware: materials and manufacturing technique R. Franchi, C. Tonghini, F. Paloschi and M. Soldi Innovation and continuity in the technology of Southwest Asian monochrome blue glazes B. McCarthy, P.B. Vandiver and M. Gibson 2.2 - EUROPE AND MEDITERRANEAN BASIN Technical aspects of the Terra Sigillata production: the pottery centre of Schwabegg (Augsburg, Germany, 2/3 D C . AD) M. Maggetti




141 153








Some observations on the manufacturing techniques of Arretine Terra Sigillata with relief colours B. Offmann, H. Juranek and P. Zamarchi Grassi Notes on an eastern Calabrian assemblage in the Stentinello tradition J. Morter and H. Iceland Aegean Bronze Age tinned vessels: analyses and social implications C. Gillis, B. Holmberg and A. Wideldv Technical analysis of Saint-Porchaire ceramics S. Sturman and D. Barbour Ancient technical ceramics - Steps of innovation or solutions to different problems 0. Stilborg New data on the pictorial decoration technique of the Etruscan fictile sarcophagi from Tuscania S. Angelucci, P. Borghesi and D. Paparoni The use of ceramic materials in metallurgy in Sardinia in the early Iron Age C. Atzeni, M.G. Cabiddu, L. Massidda, U. Sanna and G. Sistu Thermoanalytical investigation of terracotta finds on a gable in Civitella di Chieti (preliminary results) L. Campanella, P. Flamini and M. Tomassetti A technological approach to the Neolithic pottery production at Masseria Candelaro (FG - Italy) 1. Muntoni A study on the glass tesserae of Byzantine mosaics C. Fiori and I. Roncuzzi-Fiorentini An experiment to foster the study of pottery wheel-throwing speed P. Desogus, S.T. Levi and A. Vanzetti Archaeometric characterization of "terrae sigillata" ceramics from Sr ;n J.M. Rincon and M. Romero Glass manufacture in the late third millennium B.C. at Nippur in Iraq P.B. Vandiver, McG. Gibson and A. McMahon Chemical and technological characterization of Early Bronze pottery from East-Anatolia E. Ramous, M. Angler, M. Magrini and C. Persiani

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301 309 317

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Technology of firing of grey ware so called "siwak" from Late Medieval Plock M. Daszkiewicz and J. Raabe XPS study of Etruscan ceramics M. Maglietta and P. Pallecchi SECTION 3 - DATING AND PROVENANCE 3.1 - DATING Optically stimulated luminescence of heated materials J.K. Feathers The chronology of prehistoric Ecuador: thermoluminescence dating of the Valdivia culture M. Martini, E. Sibilia, G. Spinolo, C. Zelaschi, A. Alvarez and J. Marcos A new approach to archaeointensity dating J. Shaw and S. Yang Indirect dating of bronze artifacts using their thermoluminescent clay-cores * M. Martini, E. Sibilia, G. Spinolo and C. Zelaschi 3.2 - PROVENANCE 3.2A - Mineralogical, Petrographic and Chemico-Physical Techniques Phyllite fabrics in Eastern Crete P.P. Betancourt and G.H. Myer Oaunian geometric pottery: a new workshop at Tiati (San Paolo di Civitate, Foggia, Italy). An archaeometric approach E. Antonacci Sanpaolo, E.M. De Juliis and S. Sfrecola A petrographic study of the Neolithic pottery from the site of Pool, Sanday, in the Orkney islands of Scotland A. MacSween, J. Hunter and S. Warren TL dating and mineralogical, petrographical and micropaleontological features of prehistoric pottery from Milena (Caltanissetta-Sicily) area V. La Rosa, P. Mazzoleni, A. Pezzino, M. Romeo, S.O. Troja, A. Cro and V. Modica Archaeometric and archaeologic research on the pottery of Coppa Nevigata (FG - Italy): production and provenance S.T. Levi, M.L. Amadori, M. Di Pillo, F. Fratini and E. Pecchioni

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Provenance studies of ceramics by X ray diffraction and chemical methods (Invited Lecture) V. Gogte Neutron activation analysis of Roman fineware pottery from the Palatine Hill, Rome S.U. Wisseman, J.T. Pena, E. Desena and S. Landsberger Production of Roman fine dark colour-coated wares in North Gaul: pluridisciplinary approach A. Bocquet, F. Vilvorder, D. Laduron and R. Brulet Celtiberian potters: an archaeometric approach to pottery production in Late Iron Age communities from the Spanish Central Meseta M. Garcia-Heras Indigenous ceramic production in the context of the colonial frontier in the Transvaal, South Africa S. Hall and M. Grant Chemical characterization of Islamic glazed ceramics from Northern Syria by particle induced X-ray emission (PIXE) J. Perez-Arantegui, G. Querre, A. Kaczmarczyk and M. Bernus-Taylor Amphoras Roman in North Gaul and upper Germany A. Bocquet, F. Laubenheimer, F. Vilvorder, D. Laduron and J. Baudoux Early Neolithic pottery production in the Rio Maior Valley, Portuguese Estremadura M.A. Masucci Forms and pastes of Spanish amphoras found in the Veneto Region (Italy) I. Modrzewska Iaie Pan, M. Oddone and F. Pianetti Ceramic production and distribution in Bronze Age settlements in Greece - Status report on neutron activation analysis results H. Mommsen, Th. Beier, A. Hein, D. Ittameier and Ch. Podzuweit Neutron activation analysis of Italian maiolica and other related Medieval Italian ceramics M.J. Hughes, H. Blake, J. Hurst and T. Wilson Archaeometric and digital computer analysis on the Etruscan bucchero from Marzabotto M. Forte








493 505




The pottery production in and around Rome between the late Republic and the early Roman Empire: preliminary results of the laboratory analysis G. Olcese 541


Mossbauer studies on Neolithic ceramic findings from West Sicily P. Agozzino, I.D. Donato, S. Magazu, P. Migliardo, R. Ponterio, E. Rivarola and S. Tusa Raman and FTIR microspectroscopy on Neolithic pigments and ceramics D. Majolino, P. Migliardo, A.M. Musolino, R. Ponterio, P. Agozzino, I.D. Donato, E. Rivarola and S. Tusa 3.2B - Provenance from Shape and Style and from Technology of Manufacturing Roman unguentaria: chronological and typological observations A. Camilli Criteria for dating Florentine zaffera a rilievo maiolica A. Valeri Moore The Vessel Shape Families and stylistic analyses of pottery assemblages A. Buko SECTION 4 - ANALYSIS OF MATERIALS DEGRADATION AND STUDIES FOR CONSERVATION AND RESTORING Research on paint materials, paint techniques and conservation experiments on the polychrome terracotta army of the first emperor Qin Shi Huang C. Thieme, E. Emmerling, C. Herm, Y.Q. Wu, T. Zhou and Z. Zhang The degradation of enamel on Medieval silver objects of the Kunsthistorisches Museum in Vienna/Austria M. Schreiner, I. Schmitz, W. Baatz and B. Zamora Campos A new material for glass conservation: perspectives for ceramics heritage H. Rbmich, M. Pilz and D.R. Fuchs The conservation of eleven Tang tomb figures S. Smith, M. Abey-Koch, J. Cooper, P. Fisher, D. Ling, F. Ward and N. Williams Study of the ceramic sculptures of the Birth and Baptism Porticos of Seville Cathedral J.L. Perez-Rodriguez, M.C. Jimenez De Haro, A. Justo, C. Maqueda and A. Ruiz Conde The ceramigraph: an integrated computing system for archaeological drawing of pottery M Forte -



565 573









Characterization of Portuguese 17th century tiles J.L. Antunes, M.O. Figueiredo, J. Costa Pessoa and M. Amaral Fortes Efflorescence testing on pottery A. Boccia Paterakis Reproduction of Medieval enamels on silver B. Zamora Campos, C. Angermann, J. Haiden, M. Schreiner, I. Schmitz and W. Baatz Analysis of painting materials of the polychrome terracotta army of the First Emperor Qin Shi Huang C. Herm, C. Thieme, E. Emmerling, Y.Q. Wu, T. Zhou and Z. Zhang The Sarcophagus of the Lions: the revolution of an image subsequent to the application of a new method of restoration A. Carraro and F. Mizzoni The restoration of terracotta on the facade of Saint Chiara in Rome C. Croce, A. Draghi, R. Pennino and A. Villarini The ornamentations in cotto of the Church of Santa Maria (Abbey of Pomposa): materials and techniques C. Di Francesco, G.C. Grillini and F. Bevilacqua Study of the polychromy on the terracotta sculptures of the Porticos of Seville Cathedral M.C. Jimenez De Haro, J.L. Perez-Rodriguez and M.D. Gayo Study of the ceramic bisques and glazes from the Manara Palace (Seville, Spain) M.C. Jimenez De Haro, E. Gomez, P. Lopez, M. Rueda and J.L. Perez-Rodriguez Restoration of the antique vases from the collection of Marquis of Campana in the Hermitage Museum (historical pages and actual problems) N. Pavlukhina On the possibility of using burnt ceramic masses for the restoration of damaged ceramics L. Andreyeva SECTION 5 - ANCIENT CERAMIC PRODUCTION CENTERS Household ceramic production: searching for the archaeologically invisible, the Hill Site M. Kapches

653 661



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For and against the existence of the Neolithic pottery complex of kilns in the region of the Yantra river, Bulgaria J. Gencheva and P. Stanev Italian influence on Antwerp maiolica in the 16th and 17th century C. Dumortier Northern France decorated slipware G. Dilly The glazed polychrome ware from Nicotera A. De Crescenzo and P. Saporito Early Medieval and Medieval pottery in Central and Southern Calabria. Conclusive notes and research perspectives G. Di Gangi, C M . Lebole Di Gangi and F. Sogliani Early Medieval and Medieval pottery in Calabria. Amphoraceus and broad line between Gerace and Tropea: typological and decorative problems C M . Lebole Di Gangi Early Medieval and Medieval pottery in Calabria. Fine pottery from Tropea (CZ): typological and decorative problems G. Di Gangi The early-Medieval and Medieval pottery in Calabria. The Medieval pottery of Vibo Valentia F. Sogliani Coating of Laterza ceramics from 15th to 19th centuries. Chemical and mineralogical characterisations C. Dell'Aquila, R. Laviano and F. Vurro AUTHOR INDEX

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