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EMBASSY, Wednesday, March 6, 201310 EMBASSY, Wednesday, March 6, 201311

Feature Feature
his years list of the top 80 minds
influencing foreign policy shows that
trade and the economy have per-
meated many aspects of Canadian
foreign affairs. It also reflects ever-shifting
geopolitical pressures such as the rise of Asia
and the weaker status of the United States,
among others.
Its difficult to pick only 80 in touching on
all aspects of Canadian foreign policy, includ-
ing aid, trade, immigration, defence, security,
and foreign affairs.
Through more than a dozen conversations
with government insiders, policy analysts,
and stakeholders, Embassy made tough
choices in this unscientific appraisal. Given
that those who offered ideas were often work-
ing closely with the government, but were
expected to be frank, their names are not
cited here.
Choices were made based on access
to power, demonstrated ability to effect
change, experienceor simply due to a
powerful job.
Broken down by category, but in no par-
ticular order, here are this years top 80 most
influential people in Canadian foreign policy.
Stephen Harper, prime minister
This year, the big man delivered on
his promised religious freedom office,
which observers say was meant to curry
favour with specific minorities to help the
Conservatives win votes. Mr. Harper also took
long, high-profile trips to India and China,
areas of growing geopolitical power that
Canadas future economy will depend upon.
Mr. Harper told Macleans in 2011 that what
struck him the most since becoming PM was
how foreign relations has become almost
everything. Foreign affairs have domestic
implications, and domestic activities reflect
on foreign affairs. Mr. Harper, as the ultimate
policymaker, decides on it all.
John Baird, foreign minister
Hes being called
the most activist for-
eign minister since
Lloyd Axworthy in the
late 90s, and he hasnt
yet been on the job for
two years.
Foreign counter-
parts and diplomats
say that he appears
to be in the prime
ministers inner circle.
Whereas some of his
predecessors who
were older and less energetic, had more fam-
ily obligations, or got caught up in scandal,
Mr. Baird seems in his element whether hes
in Qatar or Question Period. Hes also come
through blunders and controversy relatively
unscathed, like the cutting of diplomatic ties
with Iran or the rethink of how to send some
aid to Syria.
Ed Fast, trade minister
Energetic, focused, and
well-liked by his peers, he
heads a strategically important
portfolio in the governments
economy-focused agenda.
But while he doesnt have the
influence of a Jason Kenney
or John Baird, hes put in the
much of the heavy lifting to get
Canada into the Trans-Pacific
Partnership trade talks. His real test will be fin-
ishing off the Canada-European Union free trade
agreement with a good deal for Canada.
Jason Kenney, immigration minister
activist min-
ister like Mr.
Baird, Mr.
Harper owes
a lot of his
majority vic-
tory in the 2011
election to Mr.
Kenneys tire-
less outreach to
key immigrant
That alone
means he has
big sway. Plus,
Mr. Kenney is chair of the important Cabinet
operations committee. Besides that, hes one
of the longest-serving immigration ministers,
and has overhauled Canadas immigration
system in ways meant to not only score polit-
ical points with key constituencies, but also
to fix a broken process.
Julian Fantino, international
co-operation minister
The prime minister has enough trust in
Mr. Fantino to have given him a raise last
year from associate minister for defence to
the minister responsible for the Canadian
International Development Agency. Its a
tough portfolio for which its hard to get
widespread public support. Mr. Fantino is
respected for his no-nonsense, accountabili-
ty-focused reputation, which gives him some
clout. But critics note hes been hampered by
his poor communication of a policy shift to
work more closely with the private sector.
DianeAblonczy, minister of statefor
foreignaffairs(Americasandconsular affairs)
Shes a junior minister
in a lukewarm portfolio
without the high profile
of her broadcasting vet-
eran predecessor, Peter
Kent. But Ms. Ablonczy
has been working away
quietly at boosting rela-
tions with like-minded
countries like Peru,
Chile, and Colombia.
This is especially
important now given
Canadas membership in the Trans-Pacific
Partnership and interest in the Pacific
Alliance trade bloc.
Gerry Ritz, agriculture minister
The agriculture minister has significant
duties related to the opening of new markets
for Canadian beef and pork, breaking down
non-tariff barriers, and defending supply
management. Mr. Ritz is a player in trade
talks including the Canada-EU deal.
Peter MacKay, defence minister
in August as the
second-longest serv-
ing defence minister
in Canadian history,
Mr. MacKay is said to
be highly respected
among the Canadian
Forces. But he faces
managing a depart-
ment operating in the
shadows of enormous
budget cuts, and a
highly debated and
criticized procurement system. Meanwhile,
Mr. MacKay is tasked with implementing the
Canada First Defence Strategythe Canadian
governments 20-year roadmap to a modernized
militarya plan that faces a possible re-write.
Joe Oliver, natural resources minister
After a 30-plus-year career in the investment
business on Bay Street, this rookie MP has been
a main mover behind Canadas new respon-
sible resource development policy. The Tories
have a lot riding on this, as theyve tied it to
domestic job creation and geopolitical stability.
Mr. Oliver advocated internationally against the
EU fuel quality directive, for the oil sands, and
for getting Canadian bitumen to new markets.
He has also been working to deepen energy ties
with emerging-power India.
Vic Toews, public safety minister
While his large portfolio has domestic ele-
ments, it also covers foreign policy-related
topics like terrorism, cyber security, border
and spy agencies, as well as the RCMP. Notably,
the Manitoba lawyer is one of the main actors
in the governments perimeter security plan,
which is being rolled out over several years.
While he doesnt wield the same influence as
some other Cabinet ministers, government
insiders say he has a good working relationship
with his US counterpart, Janet Napolitano.
Jim Flaherty, finance minister
Throughout his seven years as finance
minister, Mr. Flaherty has sat in on a number
of G8 and G20 finance ministers meetings,
worked to mop up a global financial melt-
down, dealt with tariff policy and internation-
al banking, and doled out billions of dollars
in aid money to the World Bank and regional
development banks. Hes one of the longest-
serving finance ministers and controls other
departments budgets. That spells influence.
Rona Ambrose, public works/status
of women minister
Public Works is being
given more of the lead
on approving defence
procurement, and Ms.
Ambrose helped to
develop Canadas ship-
building procurement
strategy, which has seen
her foreign policy influ-
ence skyrocket. She also
led Canadas International
Day of the Girl awareness
campaign at the United
Nations, which coincided with a UN resolu-
tion that designated Oct. 11 as the worldwide
day celebrating women power and respect.
Deepak Obhrai, parliamentary
secretary to the foreign minister
Few parliamen-
tary secretaries
normally make the
cut, but Mr. Obhrai
is a special case. The
government has used
his annual Ottawa
Diwali bash to get
close to the Indian
diaspora; last year,
Mr. Harper and at
least four Cabinet
ministers attended.
But besides the cere-
mony, the man in the
trademark scarf has
been tasked with important work representing
Canada in places the foreign minister wouldnt
normally visit, such as the Pacific islands and
some parts of Africa. In fact, hes travelled wide-
ly in his seven years in the role. It also helps
that he gets along well with his boss, Mr. Baird.
Rob Merrifield, chair of the House
trade committee
This backbench MP, dropped fromCabinet,
makes the list because he has a golden Rolodex.
An Alberta businessman and farmer, Mr.
Merrifield was the minister of state for transport
between 2008 and 2011. Lately hes been tasked
with an informal role as the prime ministers
personal emissary to the United States Congress,
advocating for Canada on issues like energy. Mr.
Merrifield is co-ordinating his efforts with the
Canadian Embassyits just that in the US a com-
mittee chair is a powerful person, so hes effective
in meeting with counterparts through his cur-
rent chair status. Hes developed an impressive
contact and networking list, said one insider, in
part through his previous work as the co-chair of
the Canada-US Inter-Parliamentary Group. He can
sometimes get meetings with US lawmakers that
Mr. Fasts office is hard-pressed to get without his
help, said the source.
Paul Dewar, NDP foreign affairs critic
Mr. Dewars high-profile
status as a former leader-
ship contender and the
official Opposition foreign
affairs critic, who has
been in that role for the
last six years, earns him
a spot on this list. He is
plugged in, accessible, and
appears to enjoy a mutu-
ally respectful relationship
with Mr. Baird.
Hlne Laverdire, NDP
international development, Americas,
and consular affairs critic
Bringing with her years of experience as a
diplomat stationed in places like Washington,
and Chile, Ms. Laverdire has the policy
breadth to match her various critic roles. As a
rookie MP, she stepped into the foreign affairs
critic job during the 2012 NDP leadership race
and managed well. She also used her diplomat-
ic skills to come close to succeeding in getting
her access-to-medicines private members bill
passed last fall, although it ultimately failed.
Tom Mulcair, NDP leader
While he hasnt made a huge mark
on foreign affairs, by virtue of his official
Opposition leadership, he makes the list. One
policy shift that has been noticeable (though
the government will deny it) is the NDPs
moderation of its trade policy, especially in
relation to the Jordan and EU deals, in an
effort some say is meant to make the party
look more like a government in waiting.
Bob Rae, Liberal leader
He is on the way out (and, if the media is
right, Justin Trudeau will be on this list next
year). But the elder statesman of the Liberal
Party has weight as a former foreign affairs
critic. He has spoken out about Sri Lankas
human rights situation vociferously.
Alison Redford, premier of Alberta
Washington seems to
be Ms. Redfords second
home these days. Fresh off
a late February trip there
to drum up support for the
Keystone XL pipeline, the
Progressive Conservative
leader pledged a return
trip soon. While shes
not without challenges at
home, with a growing defi-
cit, spending scandals, and bitumen bubble
to worry about, she has been active on the
foreign policy file. Besides the United States,
shes travelled to China to boost ties. A bilin-
gual lawyer who worked as a senior policy
adviser to Progressive Conservative Joe Clark
when he was secretary of state for external
affairs, her previous international experience
is almost unparalleled among premiers.
Brad Wall, premier of Saskatchewan
Another premier who knows his way
around Washington, Mr. Wall and 10 United
States governors recently made headlines for
signing a joint letter to US President Barack
Obama to urge him to approve the Keystone
XL pipeline. As the leader of a burgeoning
province ripe with oil, gas, uranium, potash,
and wheat to sell globally, Mr. Wall has influ-
ence. He also knows how the world can help
his province, having travelled to Ireland last
year to encourage skilled workers to head to
the prairies.
Pauline Marois, premier of Quebec
Elected as the separatist Parti Qubcois
leader of a minority government, theres no
telling how long shell have her job. Still, any
premier of the populous, culturally and lin-
guistically unique Quebec wields influence.
Ms. Marois paid her respects to Paris shortly
after taking office last fall, where she criti-
cized the Harper governments foreign policy
and succeeded in getting French President
Franois Hollande to reinstate a historical
policy governing relations between France
and Quebec. Meanwhile, the chattering
classes deemed her later trip to Scotland a
flop. Ms. Marois has made waves suggesting
Quebec should start its own foreign aid agen-
cy, but has left Ottawa cautiously optimistic
through her recognition of the benefits of an
EU trade deal her predecessor pushed.
Shimon Fogel, CEO of The Centre
for Israel and Jewish Affairs
A standard on this list,
Mr. Fogel heads a powerful
national coalition of Jewish
advocacy groups. The
small-but-mighty Canadian
Jewish community,
courted by Liberals and
Conservatives, influences
the governments approach
to the Middle East.
Paul Grod, national president of the
Ukrainian Canadian Congress
Since 2007, Mr. Grod has led the UCC, which
represents many in the 1.2 million-strong
Ukrainian-Canadian community concentrated in
the prairies, a Tory stronghold. A diaspora that
large gets you noticed. Mr. Harper and several
Cabinet ministers participated in a showy send-
off for one of Canadas largest-ever contingents
of election observers for Ukraines parliamen-
tary elections last fall, and they were quick to
condemn election irregularities.
Khalil Shariff, CEO of Aga Khan
Foundation Canada
He leads an agency of the non-denomina-
tional Aga Khan Development Network, founded
by the Aga Khan, the imamof Ismaili Muslims.
AKFC is well-regarded within the CIDA and
foreign ministers offices. The Harper govern-
ment has courted Ismailis, which it sees as a
moderate Muslimsect, and consulted the Aga
Khan, a billionaire philanthropist, on its office of
religious freedoms. The AKFC is also heading the
government-supported pluralismcentre, which
is slowly getting off the ground.
Satish Thakkar, Immediate past
president of the Indo-Canada Chamber
of Commerce
He may seemlike a strange choice, but this
certified general accountant fromthe politically
important Greater Toronto Area is one to watch
within the vote-rich Indo-Canadian community.
He sat alongside Mr. Fast at a January pre-bud-
get consultation with the chamber of commerce.
Canada wants deeper trade ties with India and
is negotiating a trade deal to make that happen.
Its working closely with people already doing
business with India, including Mr. Thakkar. Hes
a guy whos got the ear of the government on
Canada-India relations, said one insider.
Nigel Wright, prime ministers chief
of staff
This Bay Street deal-
maker is Mr. Harpers
right-hand man and top
adviser, so although his
job doesnt solely deal
with foreign affairs and he
is blocked from advising
on certain issues because
of his former business
dealings, he has high-level
influence. The Globe and Mail reported that
Mr. Wrights Washington travels helped seal
the American approval of Canadas desired
membership in the Trans-Pacific Partnership
trade club.
Garry Keller, chief of staff to
the foreign minister
As the top advis-
er to Mr. Baird, Mr.
Keller has a big role
in shaping Canadian
foreign policy. Hes
been working as an
aide to Tory MPs
and Cabinet minis-
ters since 1997. He
and Mr. Baird go
back a ways, and
his loyalty to his
boss is strong. He
took time off after
kidney transplant surgery in June, but had
returned to the office by October.
Neil Desai, chief of staff to the inter-
national co-operation minister
A former stakeholder
relations manager in the
prime ministers office, he
was brought on to lead
the CIDA ministers shop
when Bev Oda was still in
the job. Mr. Desai brings a
steady and savvy hand to
the job. Besides govern-
ment, he worked at the
Munk School of Global
Affairs at the University of Toronto, and main-
tains ties there.
Howard Anglin, chief of staff to the
immigration minister
In early 2011, Mr.
Kenney scooped
up the BC-bred
Mr. Anglin from
Washington, DC,
where he was work-
ing at a law firm.
Observers say Mr.
Anglin, who can
be seen stalking
the Hill with a con-
stant eye on his
BlackBerry, is mak-
ing the right moves
to support his activist minister. Immigration
has become a strategically important file for
the Harper government to gain talent and
ensure a strong economy.
Bill Hawkins, chief of staff to the
trade minister
Insiders and industry alike give Mr.
Hawkins high marks. After serving as the
director of stakeholder relations and strate-
gic planning in the prime ministers office,
he was paired with rookie minister Mr. Fast
after the 2011 election. A lot of what happens
in the trade department has Bills hands
all over, said one industry rep. Hes played
a major strategic role in the governments
trade agenda including the EU deal, said a
person close to the government.
Andrea van Vugt, prime ministers
foreign affairs, trade, and international
development policy adviser
Shes one of the only people within the
prime ministers office solely focused on
international policy development. Shes who
staffers in the foreign and trade ministers
offices go to in the PMO (along with principal
secretary Ray Novak). Policy director Rachel
Curran delegates much of the foreign affairs
matters to her. With three big files under
her belt, four years of experience as a PMO
policy adviser, and direct access to the prime
minister, she is indeed influential.
Roy Rempel, prime ministers policy
A quiet, behind-the-scenes player, Mr.
Rempel has a PhD in international relations,
has penned several foreign policy focused
books, and has the ear of the prime minis-
ter, say several defence pundits. A military
historian with a special interest in the war of
1812a favourite topic of the Harper govern-
mentMr. Rempel has political skills and
academic knowledge.
Ray Novak, prime ministers principal
A lot of what hits
ministers offices
from the bureau-
cracy eventually
gets filtered through
Mr. Novak. Hes the
prime ministers
longest-serving staff
member (he famous-
ly lived in a loft
above the detached
garage at Stornoway,
while the PM was
in Opposition). And
insiders say he can deftly manoeuvre the
nexus of policy, communications, and tour.
This go-to guy has got his hands on a bit of
everything, including having been a point
person for the prime minister on the G8 and
G20 summits held in Canada in 2010. He has
the trust of the prime minister, the respect of
his peers, and access.
Oren Cainer, foreign ministers
director of policy
Mr. Cainer was recently promoted from
senior policy adviser in charge of Europe,
the Middle East, Afghanistan, and the
Commonwealth, to director of Mr. Bairds
policy shop. Previously, he served as a policy
adviser to Mr. Flaherty. His day-to-day stick-
handling of the political end of Canadian for-
eign policy keeps him on the list.
Paul Hong, foreign ministers senior
policy adviser
Mr. Hong
is well con-
nected with
the foreign
corps in
Ottawa. Hes
often seen
at national
day recep-
tions, and has
influence as
being a con-
duit between
envoys and
Mr. Bairds
office. He advises Mr. Baird on parts of
Asia, sub-Saharan Africa, Oceania, reli-
gious freedom, and the UN. And he has the
advantage of long service, having worked
in the policy shop under former ministers
David Emerson and Lawrence Cannon. He
recently earned his masters in war studies
from the Royal Military College.
Chris Day, foreign ministers deputy
chief of staff and communications director
Mr. Day cracks the list this year, having
been promoted to Mr. Bairds deputy chief
of staff and served in the top job during Mr.
Kellers months-long absence after a kidney
transplant last year. While Mr. Baird seems to
have no trouble staying on message, hes got
Mr. Days media smarts to fall back on. They
stem from his time spent reporting for CTV
Ottawa and doing communications for the
City of Ottawa.
Kristen Shane and Ally Foster
The top 80
Canadian foreign policy
Insiders and observers weigh in on which hot
shots in defence, development, diplomacy,
immigration, and trade make the cut this year.
Continued on Page 12
EMBASSY, Wednesday, March 6, 201312
The top 80 influencing Canadian foreign policy
Lise-Ann Jackson, trade
ministers director of policy and
stakeholder relations
Ms. Jackson is new to the list, having
been promoted from senior adviser to
director of policy and stakeholder rela-
tions last year after Louise Girouards
departure. According to one insider, shes
got her fingers in virtually every major
pie, from China, to the United States, EU,
and the global commerce strategy refresh.
That doesnt make for much sleep. She
has experience in communications, public
affairs, and marketing in the private sector,
according to The Hill Times. She has roots
as a Progressive Conservative staffer in the
Ontario legislature. An honourable mention
goes to Adam Taylor, Mr. Fasts director of
communications and forward planning.
Chris Champion, immigration
ministers director of citizenship policy
He is in charge of a file thats making
daily headlines for the changes Mr. Kenney
has been proposing to processing. Mr.
Champion has been working for Mr. Kenney
at least since 2007, having earned a PhD in
history from McGill University. Fitting for
his job, he has a keen sense of what made
Canada what it is today, having penned a
book about national unity and the countrys
evolution from British Canada.
Idee Inyangudor, international
co-operation ministers policy director
This is the guy international NGO repre-
sentatives want to impress in Mr. Fantinos
office. He was promoted to director late last
year, managing a four-person policy team.
One NGO rep described him as open to
deal with. He held onto his role in the office
after former minister Bev Oda resigned. He
served previously as a policy adviser to for-
mer junior foreign minister Helena Guergis.
Wayne Wouters, privy council clerk
Hes Canadas top federal bureaucrat.
Although he doesnt just deal with foreign rela-
tions, he has the PMs ear on all top-level policy
and operational issues affecting the govern-
ment. A trained economist from Edam, Sask.
(population: 400), he was appointed to the privy
council clerk and secretary to Cabinet in 2009.
Ward Elcock, prime ministers
special adviser on human smuggling
and illegal migration
This is a high-profile job, but as a former
head of the Canadian Security Intelligence
Service, Canadas spy agency, its no sur-
prise that Mr. Elcock flies under the radar.
The prime minister tapped him to head a
taskforce of RCMP officers and other officials
after two ships of migrants arrived on BC
shores about three years ago. Mr. Elcock was
set to brief the PM in Thailand, a key transit
country, during their visit there in March. Mr.
Harper committed during that trip millions
more dollars to fight human smuggling.
Morris Rosenberg, deputy
minister of foreign affairs
Mr. Rosenberg, a
lawyer, has been a
deputy minister for
various departments
for more than a decade.
Since 2010, hes led a
department critics have
said in recent years has
dropped from its once
great presence. Its a big
job. Hes having to manage cuts to foreign
mission and headquarters spending.
Simon Kennedy, deputy minister
of trade
Seen to be a ris-
ing star in the public
service and respected
by this government,
Mr. Kennedy last year
jumped into the top
spot at Trade at a time
when the department
is buzzing with trade
talks, and negotiators
are spread thin and
under pressure to fin-
ish some key deals. He
made a name for him-
self at Industry Canada, where he worked on
administering Canadas foreign investment
review process. He also chaired the Canadian
Beyond the Border working group, an inter-
departmental group that reviews border
management proposals. Hes outgoing and
can juggle complex issues.
Neil Yeates, deputy minister of
citizenship and immigration
As Canadas top
immigration bureau-
crat since 2009, his
job is to support a
very activist min-
ister who has been
working to change
the system from top
to bottom. Thats
included a new
matchmaking pool
for skilled workers
and employers, a
revamped case management system, the
elimination of backlogged applications, and
refugee system changes. Its a huge job, but
his department has been getting largely
good marks for it.
Margaret Biggs, CIDA president
Heading Canadas
foreign aid agency since
2008, Ms. Biggs has the
experience where her new
minister is lacking. But
its still a tough job. CIDA
faces budget troubles that
led it to cut aid to a num-
ber of bilateral partners
this year. And the public
service integrity commis-
sioner has been referred
a case of alleged conflict
of interest on the part of a
CIDA employee.
Stephen Rigby, prime ministers
national security adviser
The call for a whole-of-government
national security strategy has been trum-
peted a great deal lately by defence think
tanks such as the Conference of Defence
Associations Institute. Mr. Rigby, with his
experience as former president of the
Canada Border Services Agency would cer-
tainly find himself the middle of the mix if
the Harper government decided to make
this a priority.
Richard Fadden, director of the
Canadian Security Intelligence Service
As the lead man
at Canadas spy
agency, Mr. Fadden
has the confidence
of the Canadian
government and a
big job. Between
cyber security, the
now-notorious case
of Canadian navy
spy Jeffrey Delisle selling secrets to the
Russians, and Canadians accused of par-
ticipating in terrorist attacks in Algeria and
Bulgaria, some are suggesting that Canadas
hunt for threats should be refocused within
its own borders.
Gen. Tom Lawson, chief of
defence staff
He took the helm last year with 34
years of experience in the Canadian
Forces. Coming out of the air force, he was
deputy commander of the North American
Aerospace Defence Command. As Canadas
military tries to modernize under budget
cuts and calls for a procurement strategy
overhaul, Gen. Lawson certainly has his
hands full.
Steve Verheul, chief trade
negotiator (Canada-European Union)
Were into over-
time on this deal. Its
an important prior-
ity for the Harper
government to close,
and Mr. Verheul is its
point man. Hes car-
ried it through the
technocratic process
over the past four
years, but political
issues surrounding
agricultural market access and intellectual
property, among others, remain. The Harper
government estimates a deal could boost
bilateral trade by 20 per cent. Its no sur-
prise a lot of people want to bend his ear.
Mark Carney, governor of the Bank
of Canada
While hell soon be
jetting off to London to
become the head of the
Bank of England, hes
still influential while hes
in Ottawa. Besides the
domestic tizzy caused
by his vacation at the
Liberal finance critics
cottage, he has been
making waves in the glob-
al financial world. He regularly attends inter-
national central bank meetings, and he was
named head of the Financial Stability Board,
tasked by G20 leaders to toughen global finan-
cial rules to avoid another Great Recession.
Christine Hogan, foreign and
defence policy adviser to the prime
Working with her political counterpart
in the prime ministers office, Andrea van
Vugt, Ms. Hogan covers a big file. One for-
eign diplomat said when the PM wants for-
eign policy advice he goes to a small circle
including Mr. Baird and her. She previously
worked as vice-president of strategic policy
and performance at CIDA.
David Moloney, senior adviser to
the Privy Council Office responsible
for Border Action Plan implementation
As a cross-
project with the
US to ease border
hassle for traders
and stop security
threats early, the
Border Action Plan
is a key priority of
the prime minister,
shown by the fact
that the implemen-
tation team, headed by Mr. Moloney, is housed
in the PCO. Mr. Moloney took on more respon-
sibility in August 2012 when he was assigned
to the joint council working on more efficient
regulations for cross-border trade.
Guy Saint-Jacques, ambassador
to China
This former climate change ambassa-
dor and career diplomat took the retiring
David Mulroneys place in Beijing last fall.
His task is to deepen Canadian ties with
China, especially on trade, while still press-
ing human rights concerns with his hosts.
The Canadian Press recently reported that
Chinese authorities denied him access to
Tibet, unlike his predecessor.
Gary Doer, ambassador to the US
Mr. Doer,
former NDP
premier, has
really upped
the game for us
in Washington,
said one gov-
ernment insider.
While Mr. Baird
is a US politics
and history
buff, Mr. Doer
knows the con-
temporary situ-
ation, said the
source. He can
tell a congress-
person from
Idaho from one from California and tell
you the impact of Measure X, Y, or Z on
that lawmakers district. Hes gone all out
lobbying Canadas biggest trading partner
to approve the Keystone XL pipeline. An
honourable mention goes to Roy Norton,
consul general in Detroit, who went to
great lengths (including risking embar-
rassment on a Daily Show appearance)
to push Americans to approve during
the 2012 election Canadas desired new
Detroit-Windsor bridge.
Gordon Campbell, high
commissioner to the UK
This former BC Liberal premier is com-
ing off of a busy year. Insiders say he was
good to deal with throughout the London
Olympics and the Queens Diamond
Jubilee year. Hes upping Canadas pres-
ence with a major ally. He also plays a part
in advocating Canadas position to the
Commonwealth and the European Union.
He is a key player in helping Canada to sell
the EU trade agreement.
Lawrence Cannon, ambassador to
After cooling his jets for several months
at a law firm upon losing his Pontiac, Que.
seat to the NDP in the 2011 election, this
former foreign minister was appointed
to represent Canada in France last May.
Although when he was foreign minister his
relations with foreign diplomats in Ottawa
were at times strained, hes received
good marks so far for his ambassadorial
work setting a good relationship between
Socialist French President Franois
Hollande and Mr. Harper.
Ian Burney, assistant deputy
minister for DFAITs trade policy and
negotiations branch
With free-trade and investment pro-
tection talks with many partners, this
shop is hopping. And its an indication of
the Harper governments economic and
diversification priorities. Mr. Burney is a
point man on Canadas trade talks with
Japan and Korea. All the trade policy
folks, including on the hot Trans-Pacific
Partnership, report to him. Hes definitely
a popular man these days, said one indus-
try rep, and hard to get in touch with. He is
the son of Derek Burney, a former ambas-
sador to the US and minence grise in the
foreign policy world.
Continued from Page 11
EMBASSY, Wednesday, March 6, 201313
The top 80 influencing Canadian foreign policy
David Jacobson, US ambassador
In representing
Canadas largest trad-
ing partner and neigh-
bour, Mr. Jacobson is
influential while hes
here. Hes on his way
out because US presi-
dents traditionally
refresh their ambassa-
dorial playbook upon
winning second terms.
The rumour mill is
running on overdrive about his successor,
meanwhile he continues to work to get his
boss message across on the border, climate
change, and other topics.
Zhang Junsai, Chinese ambassador
Keeping Mr. Zhang happy is key to ensur-
ing the success of Canadas warm-up to
China, which is now Canadas second-larg-
est trading partner after the United States.
Hes been watching as Canada has struggled
with approving the Nexen-CNOOC deal. It
was also on his watch that both countries
signed an investment protection deal 18
years in the making.
Miriam Ziv, Israeli ambassador
Ms. Ziv doesnt
have to flex her diplo-
matic muscles to get
Canadas attention.
Mr. Baird has already
declared that Israel
has no better friend
than Canada. Those
close ties mean she
has access to Ottawas
movers and shakers.
John Manley, CEO of the Canadian
Council of Chief Executives
A fixture on this
list for years, Mr.
Manley is a former
Liberal Cabinet min-
ister who is respect-
ed both by Liberals
and Conservatives,
including Mr. Baird.
The business lead-
ers he represents
collectively manage
$4.5 trillion in assets
and have annual rev-
enues of more than $850 billion. And money
talks in Ottawa.
Perrin Beatty, president and CEO of
the Canadian Chamber of Commerce
Another former Cabinet minister (this
time, Progressive Conservative), Mr.
Beatty knows his way around Ottawa and
is listened to. He represents the more
populous business community including
a national network of more than 420 cham-
bers of commerce and trade boards.
Jayson Myers, president and CEO of
Canadian Manufacturers and Exporters
Mr. Myers advocates for mainly small-
and mid-sized businesses that together
represent about 82 per cent of Canadas
manufacturing production and 90 per cent
of its goods and services exports. His vice-
president for global business policy, Jean-
Michel Laurin, also deserves an honourable
mention. The government works very close-
ly with him on an array of files including
TPP, the EU trade deal, and US issues.
David Collyer, president of the
Canadian Association of Petroleum
Mr. Collyer
heads a group
representing the
oil, oil sands,
and natural gas
industry. The
sees this sector
as a key player
in Canadas
future economic
prosperity, and
so Mr. Collyer
gets listened to
when he comes
Ross Gallinger, executive director
of the Prospectors and Developers
Association of Canada
Ms. Gallinger represents 9,000 individual
members and 1,254 corporate members that
work all over the world. The government
has been working to ensure their interests
are protected by signing protection deals
with countries that could pose a risk to
Canadian investment. PDAC also carries
weight for its massive annual Toronto
mining convention and trade show, which
attracts much international participation.
Pierre Gratton, CEO of the Mining
Association of Canada
Complementing PDAC, Mr. Gratton rep-
resents the countrys biggest mining and
energy firms. They have the governments
ear on issues from climate change to trade.
Mr. Gratton is a fixture on The Hill Times
top 100 lobbyists list.
Rick Waugh, CEO of Scotiabank
Although hes expected to soon retire
and has passed on his role as president to
his heir-apparent Brian Porter, Mr. Waugh
still wields considerable influence over
Canadian foreign affairs. His company has
ballooned in Latin America. It has pushed
for Canada to get on the Brazil bandwagon.
Mr. Waugh has travelled with the prime
minister and Mr. Harper appointed him the
Canadian co-chair of the Canada-Brazil CEO
Donald Guloien, president and
CEO of Manulife Financial
Toronto-based Manulife has major inter-
ests in the insurance field in Canada, the
United States, and Asia. With a global work-
force of more than 27,500, the Canadian
government has been keen to promote the
company abroad, including by taking com-
pany executives on trips with the prime
minister. One travelled with Mr. Harper to
China last winter.
Pierre Beaudoin, president and
CEO of Bombardier Inc.
Bombardier is a global powerhouse, with
aerospace and transportation interests in
much of the world and 71,700 employees.
Its executives are also fixtures on the prime
ministers trips abroad to drum up busi-
ness. Its headquarters are in Montreal, in a
province that is a strategic political battle-
Peter Munk, founder and chairman
of the board of Barrick Gold Corp.
Barrick has operations in Australia, Latin
America, and the United States, among
others. While he is no longer the day-to-
day head of the company, Peter Munk is
Barrick Gold, remarked one foreign diplo-
mat. The company has a strong although
controversial role in corporate social
responsibility actions.
Richard Doyle, executive director
of the Dairy Farmers of Canada
The government maintains its defence of
supply management despite harsh criticism
from media commentators and pressure from
European and other counterparts to lower
tariffs for their dairy products. A big part
of that strong defence is the influence the
dairy farmers hold over politicians. They are
actively lobbying on the EU trade deal.
Kathleen Sullivan, executive
director of the Canadian Agri-food
Trade Alliance
Ms. Sullivan represents a coalition of free
trade-friendly agriculture and agri-food com-
panies, associations, and regional groups.
She has also been busy lobbying on the EU
trade agreement. Her calls get returned,
her emails get answered, said one insider.
Russ Girling, president and CEO of
TransCanada Corp.
With the Keystone XL pipeline debate
again heating up, his voice counts. Hes the
head of the company proposing the $5.3-bil-
lion US pipeline, which is one of the top
bilateral issues facing Canadas largest trad-
ing partner. He can get a meeting with just
about anyone in townCabinet ministers
and the prime minister.
Peter Harder, president of the
Canada-China Business Council
While the CCBC doesnt have to do much
lobbying to get the government to pat atten-
tion to China, Mr. Harders group still repre-
sents businesses with ties to a key country
of influence for Canada, therefore its impor-
tant. And so is he, a former deputy minister
of foreign affairs.
Janice Stein, director of the Munk
School of Global Affairs
Ms. Stein is
well regarded
by Mr. Baird
and regularly
sought after
for media com-
mentary on
foreign affairs.
Mr. Baird is
said to meet
with her in
Toronto when
hes there and
have her in to
talk when shes
in Ottawa. He
values her
Colin Robertson, Canada-US expert
Hes another one Mr. Baird goes to for
advice. Hes a distinguished senior fel-
low with Carletons NPSIA, a fellow with
the Canadian Defence and Foreign Affairs
Institute, and a senior strategic adviser for
McKenna, Long and Aldridge LLP. He is an
expert in Canada-US relations, having served
as Canadas consul general in Los Angeles.
Richard Kurland, immigration
policy analyst and lawyer
Among the immigration lawyer crowd,
whom Mr. Kenney has not always been a
fan of, Mr. Kurland stands out as one he
likes and listens to. A Vancouver-based con-
servative-minded lawyer, Mr. Kurland has
commented on new legislation to the House
immigration committee and the media. Hes
also the editor of the immigration law publi-
cation Lexbase.
David Perry, defence analyst at the
Conference of Defence Associations
Mr. Perry has been mentioned as a rising
star in defence circles. Currently a doctoral
candidate in political science at Carleton
University, he is also working for the CDA
Institute. Mr. Perry has served as a witness
for the House defence committee on lessons
learned from Canadas engagement in Libya.
Alan Williams, former assistant
deputy minister of defence (materiel)
Mr. Williams has continued to have lever-
age since retiring as a public servant and
heading up a procurement consulting firm.
He has caused consistent fuss with his com-
ments and book about the F-35 fighter jet
fiasco. He told CBC that the Canadian gov-
ernment misled the public over the selec-
tion process. One defence analyst said Mr.
Williams knows so much about the inside
workings of the F-35 deal that the current
government feels it has respond to his criti-
cisms to a certain extent.
Tom Jenkins, special adviser to
Rona Ambrose
A top executive with Open Text Corp.,
Mr. Jenkins has also led two government-
requested reports in recent years, mak-
ing him an influential player. He recently
released a report for Ms. Ambrose sug-
gesting that Canada could economically
benefit from procuring defence equipment
from Canadian companies when possible.
Its ignited lots of chatter. Mr. Jenkins also
chaired the Expert Review Panel on Federal
Support for Research and Development.
in Transition
Conference, Friday,
March 22, 2013
Chteau Laurier Hotel, Ottawa
Speakers include:
Ambassador Lu Shumin, Vice President, Chinese Peoples Institute of Foreign Affairs,
Fang Zhi, Vice President, China National Offshore Oil Corporation,
Hon. John Manley, President and CEO, Canadian Council of Chief Executives,
Yuen Pao Woo, President and CEO, Asia Pacifc Foundation of Canada
This is a premier event in
Canada on our evolving
relationship with our second
largest economic partner.

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