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Ian Morris May 2010 Current position Jean and Rebecca Willard Professor of Classics and Professor of History,

Stanford University, 1995Previous employment Assistant through Associate Professor in the Departments of History and Classics, the Committee on the Ancient Mediterranean World, and the College, and Associate Member, Department of Anthropology, University of Chicago, 1987-95 Fellowships Research Fellowship, Jesus College, Cambridge, 1985-87 Uppsala University Visiting Lecturer, September 1989 Junior Fellow, Center for Hellenic Studies, Washington, D.C., 1989-90 Fellowship, National Humanities Center, 1989-90 (declined) Scholar, Chicago Humanities Institute, Winter 1992 Visiting Fellow, Institute for Research in the Humanities, University of WisconsinMadison, 1992-93 National Endowment for the Humanities Fellow, 2002-03 Guggenheim Fellow, 2002-03 Fellowship, Center for Advanced Studies in the Behavioral Sciences, 2007-08 (declined) Degrees B.A., June 1981, Birmingham University Ph.D., January 1986, Cambridge University Publications Books 1. Burial and Ancient Society: The Rise of the Greek City-State. Cambridge 1987 2. Death-Ritual and Social Structure in Classical Antiquity. Cambridge 1992. Greek translation, , Rethymno: University of Kriti Press, 1997 3. Archaeology as Cultural History: Words and Things in Iron Age Greece. Oxford: Blackwell, 2000. Spanish translation, Historia y cultura: La revolucin de la arqueologa, Barcelona: Edhasa, 2007.

4. The Greeks: History, Culture, and Society (with Barry Powell). Prentice-Hall. 1st ed., 2005. 2nd ed., 2009. Edited books 1. Classical Greece: Ancient Histories and Modern Archaeologies. Cambridge 1994 2. A New Companion to Homer. Leiden 1997 (with Barry Powell). Greek translation 2009 3. Democracy 2500? Questions and Challenges. Dubuque, Iowa: Archaeological Institute of America Monograph 3, 1997 (with Kurt Raaflaub) 4. The Ancient Economy: Evidence and Models. Stanford 2005 (with Joe Manning) 5. The Cambridge Economic History of the Greco-Roman World. Cambridge 2007 (with Walter Scheidel and Richard Saller) 6. The Dynamics of Ancient Empires. Oxford UP, 2009 (with Walter Scheidel) Articles and book chapters 1. Gift and commodity in archaic Greece. Man n.s. 21 (1986) 1-17 2. The use and abuse of Homer. Classical Antiquity 5 (1986) 81-138. Sections reprinted in Irene de Jong, ed., Studies of Homer (Amsterdam 1999). Revised version in Douglas Cairns, ed., Oxford Readings in Homers Iliad (Oxford 2001) 57-91 3. Tomb cult and the Greek renaissance: the past in the present in the eighth century B.C. Antiquity 62 (1988) 750-61 4. Solon. In Great Lives From History: Ancient and Medieval, edited by Frank McGill (Pasadena 1988) 1,962-66 5. Circulation, deposition, and the formation of the Greek Iron Age. Man n.s. 24 (1989) 502-519 6. Attitudes toward death in archaic Greece. Classical Antiquity 8 (1989) 296-320 7. Risk and the polis: the evolution of institutionalized responses to food shortage in the ancient Greek state. In Bad Year Economics: Cultural Responses to Risk and Uncertainty, edited by Paul Halstead and John O'Shea (Cambridge 1989) 98-105 (with Peter Garnsey) 8. Comment. Current Anthropology 30 (1989) 451-52 9. The Gortyn Code and Greek kinship. Greek, Roman and Byzantine Studies 31 (1990) 233-54 10. The archaeology of ancestors: the Saxe/Goldstein hypothesis revisited. Cambridge Archaeological Journal 1 (1991) 147-69 11. The early polis as city and state. In City and Country in the Ancient World, edited by John Rich and Andrew Wallace-Hadrill (New York 1991) 24-57 12. Comment. Current Anthropology 32 (1991) 306-307

13. Greeks on the move. Ancient History Bulletin 6 (1992) 137-45 14. Law, culture, and funerary art in Athens, 600-300 B.C. Hephaistos 11/12 (1992/93) 35-50 15. Poetics of power: the interpretation of ritual action in archaic Greece. In Cultural Poetics in Archaic Greece: Tyranny, Cult, and Civic Ideology, edited by Carol Dougherty and Leslie Kurke (Cambridge 1993) 15-45 16. The Kerameikos stratigraphy and the character of the Greek Dark Age. Journal of Mediterranean Archaeology 6 (1993) 207-221 17. Geometric Greece. Colloquenda Mediterranea 3.A.2 (1993) 29-38 18. The power of topoi. Topoi 3 (1993) 271-83 19. Columbus, Cleisthenes, and Classics: a commentary. The Ancient World 24 (1993) 83-89 20. Introduction. In Classical Greece: Ancient Histories and Modern Archaeologies, edited by Ian Morris (Cambridge 1994) 1-7 21. Archaeologies of Greece. In Classical Greece: Ancient Histories and Modern Archaeologies, edited by Ian Morris (Cambridge 1994) 8-47 22. Everyman's grave. In Athenian Identity and Civic Ideology, edited by Alan Boegehold and Adele Scafuro (Baltimore 1994) 67-101 23. The Athenian economy twenty years after The Ancient Economy. Classical Philology 89 (1994) 351-66 24. The community against the market in classical Athens. In From Political Economy to Anthropology: Situating Economic Life in Past Societies, edited by David Tandy and Colin Duncan (Montreal 1994) 52-79 25. Village society and the rise of the Greek state. In Structures rurales et socits antiques, edited by Panagiotis Doukellis and Lila Mendoni (Paris 1994) 49-53 26. Burning the dead in archaic Athens: animals, men, and heroes. In Culture et cit: l'avnement de l'Athnes archaque, edited by Annie Verbanck-Pirard and Didier Viviers (Brussels 1995) 45-74 27. About some thories de la ncropole antique. Topoi 5 (1995) 295-302 28. Comment. Cambridge Archaeological Journal 5 (1995) 235-36 29. The meanings of death. Cambridge Archaeological Journal 5 (1995) 331-33 30. The strong principle of equality and the archaic origins of Greek democracy. In Dmokratia: A Historical and Theoretical Conversation on Ancient Greek Democracy and Its Contemporary Significance, edited by Josiah Ober and Charles Hedrick (Princeton 1996) 19-48. Reprinted in Ancient Greek Democracy: Readings and Sources, edited by Eric Robinson (Blackwell 2004) 45-74 31. Greece in the Iron Age. In The Iron Age in Europe, edited by Anna-Maria BiettiSestieri (Rome 1996) 127-43

32. The absolute chronology of the Greek colonies in Sicily. Acta Archaeologica 67 (1996) 51-59 33. 2 entries in The Oxford Classical Dictionary, 3d ed., edited by Simon Hornblower and Anthony Spawforth (Oxford 1996) 34. 4 entries in The Oxford Companion to Archaeology, edited by Brian Fagan (Oxford 1996) 35. Periodization and the heroes: inventing a Dark Age. In Inventing Ancient Culture? Historicism, Periodization, and the "New Classics," edited by Mark Golden and Peter Toohey (New York 1997) 96-131 36. The art of citizenship. In New Light on a Dark Age: Exploring the Culture of Geometric Greece, edited by Susan Langdon (Columbia, Missouri 1997) 9-43 37. Introduction. In A New Companion to Homer, edited by Ian Morris and Barry Powell (Leiden 1997) xiii-xviii (with Barry Powell) 38. Homer and the Iron Age. In A New Companion to Homer, edited by Ian Morris and Barry Powell (Leiden 1997) 535-59 39. An archaeology of equalities? The Greek city-states. In The Archaeology of CityStates, edited by Tom Charlton and Deborah Nichols (Washington, D.C., 1997) 91105 40. Archaeology as cultural history. Archaeological Review from Cambridge 17 (1997) 3-16 41. Introduction. In Democracy 2500?, edited by Ian Morris and Kurt Raaflaub (Dubuque, Iowa, 1997) 1-9 (with Kurt Raaflaub) 42. Archaeology as a kind of anthropology. In Democracy 2500?, edited by Ian Morris and Kurt Raaflaub (Dubuque, Iowa, 1997) 229-39 43. Archaeology and archaic Greek history. In Nick Fisher and Hans van Wees, eds., Archaic Greece: New Evidence and New Approaches (London 1998) 1-91 44. Remaining invisible. The archaeology of the excluded in classical Athens. In Women and Slaves in Greco-Roman Culture, edited by Sheila Murnaghan and Sandra Joshel (New York 1998) 193-220. 45. Words and things. Cambridge Archaeological Journal 8 (1998) 269-70 46. Burial and Ancient Society after ten years. In Ncropoles et pouvoir, edited by Sophie Marchegay, Marie-Thrse Le Dinahet, and Jean-Franois Salles (Lyon and Paris 1998) 21-36 47. Negotiated peripherality in Iron Age Greece: accepting and resisting the east. In World-Systems Theory in Practice. Edited by P. Nick Kardulias (Lanham, MD, 1999) 63-84 48. Beyond democracy and empire: Athenian art in context. In Democracy, Empire, and the Arts in Fifth-Century Athens, edited by Deborah Boedeker and Kurt Raaflaub

(Cambridge, MA., 1999) 59-86 49. Foreword. In Moses Finley, The Ancient Economy (revised ed., Berkeley 1999) ixxxxvi 50. Iron Age Greece and the meanings of princely tombs. In Les princes de la protohistoire et lmergence de ltat. edited by Pascal Ruby (Naples and Rome 1999) 57-80 51. The social and economic archaeology of Greece: an overview. In Proceedings of the XVth International Congress of Classical Archaeology, Amsterdam 1998, ed. H. A. G. Brijder (Amsterdam 1999) 27-33 52. Archaeology and gender ideologies in early archaic Greece. Transactions of the American Philological Association 129 (1999) 305-317. Reprinted in Mark Golden and Peter Toohey, eds., Sex and Difference in Ancient Greece and Rome (Edinburgh UP 2003) 264-75 53. Hard surfaces. In Paul Cartledge, Ed Cohen, and Lin Foxhall, eds., Money, Labour, and Land in Ancient Greece (Routledge 2001) 8-43 54. Stanford University excavations on the acropolis of Monte Polizzo, Sicily, I: preliminary report on the 2000 season. Memoirs of the American Academy in Rome 46 (2001) 253-71 (with Trinity Jackman, Emma Blake, and Sebastiano Tusa) 55. The use and abuse of Homer. Revised version. In Douglas Cairns, ed., Oxford Readings on Homers Iliad (Oxford 2001) 57-91 56. Archaeology and ancient Greek history. In Stanley Burstein, Nancy Demand, Ian Morris, and Lawrence Tritle, Current Issues and the Study of Ancient History (Claremont, CA, 2002) 45-62 57. Stanford University excavations on the acropolis of Monte Polizzo, Sicily, II: the 2001 season, with Trinity Jackman, Emma Blake, and Sebastiano Tusa. Memoirs of the American Academy in Rome 47 (2002) 153-98 58. Stanford University excavations on the acropolis of Monte Polizzo, Sicily, III: the 2002 season, with Trinity Jackman, Emma Blake, Brien Garnand, and Sebastiano Tusa. Memoirs of the American Academy in Rome 48 (2003) 243-315 59. Mediterraneanization. Mediterranean Historical Review18 (2003) 30-55 60. Iron Age state formation in Greece. In Douglas Clark and Victor Matthews, eds., One Hundred Years of American Archaeology in the Middle East (American Schools of Oriental Research, 2003) 263-82 61. Classical archaeology. In John Bintliff, ed., The Blackwell Companion to Archaeology (Blackwell 2004) 253-71 62. Institutions, economics, and the ancient Mediterranean world. Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics 160 (2004; with Barry Weingast) 702-708 63. Economic growth in ancient Greece. Journal of Institutional and Theoretical

Economics 160 (2004) 709-742 64. Stanford University excavations on the acropolis of Monte Polizzo, Sicily, IV: preliminary report on the 2003 season, with Trinity Jackman, Emma Blake, Brien Garnand, and Sebastiano Tusa. Memoirs of the American Academy in Rome 49 (2004) 197-279 65. Scavi sull acropoli di Monte Polizzo, 2000-2003, with Sebastiano Tusa, Sicilia Archeologica 38 (2004) 35-90 65. Economic sociology of the ancient Mediterranean world. In Neil Smelser and Richard Swedberg, eds., The Handbook of Economic Sociology, 2nd ed. (Princeton 2005) 131-59 (with Joe Manning) 66. Introduction. In Joe Manning and Ian Morris, eds., The Ancient Economy: Evidence and Models (Stanford 2005; with Joe Manning) 1-46 67. Archaeology, standards of living, and Greek economic history. In Joe Manning and Ian Morris, eds., The Ancient Economy: Evidence and Models (Stanford 2005) 91-126 68. Monte Polizzo. In Patrizia Min, ed., Urbanistica e architettura nella Sicilia greca (Palermo 2005) 116-18 (with Kristian Kristiansen, Christopher Prescott, and Sebastiano Tusa) 69. The growth of Greek cities in the first millennium BC. In Glenn Storey, ed., Urbanism in the Preindustrial World: Cross-Cultural Approaches (University of Alabama Press 2006) 27-51 70. The collapse and regeneration of complex society in Greece, 1500-500 BC. In Glenn Schwartz and J. J. Nichols, eds., After Collapse: The Regeneration of Complex Societies (University of Arizona Press 2006) 72-84 71. Introduction. In Walter Scheidel, Ian Morris, and Richard Saller, eds., The Cambridge Economic History of the Greco-Roman World (Cambridge 2007; with Richard Saller and Walter Scheidel) 1-12 72. Early Iron Age Greece. In Walter Scheidel, Ian Morris, and Richard Saller, eds., The Cambridge Economic History of the Greco-Roman World (Cambridge 2007) 211-41 73. Religione e mutamento sociale in Sicilia occidentale, 600-400 a.C.: gli scavi sull'acropoli di Monte Polizzo (TP), 2000-2003, Kokalos 48 (2004) 277-97 (published 2007) 74. Preface. In Ian Morris and Walter Scheidel, eds., The Dynamics of Ancient Empires (Oxford UP 2009; with Walter Scheidel) 75. The Greater Athenian State. In Ian Morris and Walter Scheidel, eds., The Dynamics of Ancient Empires (Oxford UP 2009) 99-177 76. The eighth-century revolution. In Kurt Raaflaub and Hans van Wees, eds., A Companion to Archaic Greece (Blackwell 2009) 64-80

77. Cultural complexity. In Barry Cunliffe, Chris Gosden, and Rosemary Joyce, eds., The Oxford Handbook of Archaeology (Oxford UP 2009) 519-44 78. The specter of apocalypse. Stanford Report vol. 41, no. 35 (May 27, 2009; with Paul Ehrlich) 5 79. Desert island books. Assemblage 10 (March 12, 2010), Book reviews Agricultural History, American Antiquity, American Historical Review, American Journal of Archaeology, American Journal of Philology, American Journal of Sociology, Archaeological Journal, Cambridge Archaeological Journal, Classical Philology, Classical World, Journal of Field Archaeology, Journal of Interdisciplinary History, Journal of Near Eastern Studies, Journal of Roman Studies, Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute, Law and History Review, Ploutarchos, Polis, Telos Completed and forthcoming Books Why the West RulesFor Now: The Patterns of History, and What They Reveal About the Future. New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux. London: Profile Books. German translation from Campus Verlag; Dutch translation from Det Spektrum; Chinese translation from Citic. Publication 2010; Korean translation from Articles and book chapters The archaeology of Greek slavery. In Keith Bradley and Paul Cartledge, eds., The Cambridge History of Slavery I (Cambridge UP 2009) 176-93 In preparation Books War! What is it Good For? (New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux; London: Profile. Submission date December 1, 2012) The Ancient World: A New History (Princeton. Submission date September 1, 2014) Western Civilization and the Making of Our World (with Niall Ferguson). Pearson Education The Athenian Empire, 478-404 BCE (Blackwell) What is Ancient History? (with Walter Scheidel). Polity Edited books The Cambridge History of the World IV: The Ancient Empires, 1200 BCE-600 CE

(Cambridge) Stanford University Excavations on the Acropolis of Monte Polizzo, Sicily Archaeological Fieldwork Assistant on excavations at Stafford, Norton Priory, Wem, Uttoxeter, Eccleshall Castle (Stafford and Mid-Staffs. Archaeological Society, 1974-77) Assistant on excavations at Hulton Abbey, Thors cave, Whieldon Factory (City of Stoke-on-Trent Museum, 1977-78) Assistant on excavations at Coleshill (1979), Shifnal (1980) (West Midlands Rescue Archaeology Unit) Assistant on excavations at Assiros (1982), Agrileza (1983); Assistant Director, Perachora (1982) (British School at Athens) Associate Member, Archaeological Society of Athens, excavations at Koukounaries (1983-89) and Eretria (1984) Co-director, Kitrini Limni excavation and survey, Greece (1991; Greek Archaeological Service; funding from NIH, ref. PHS 2 507 RR-07029-26) Director, Kenchreai excavations, Greece (1993-95; American School of Classical Studies at Athens) Director, Stanford University Monte Polizzo excavations, Sicily (2000-2008) Main administrative service University of Chicago Classics Department: Chair, Greek Literature Search, 1991 Stanford University School of Humanities and Sciences: Associate Dean, 1999-2000 Classics Department: Department Chair, 1996-99 Social Science History Institute: Director, 2000-01 Stanford Archaeology Center: Co-Director 2000-02, Director 2003-06 East Asian Languages and Cultures Department: Chair, Chinese Archaeology Search, 2009 American Philological Association Board of Directors, 1994-97 Teaching University of Chicago Undergraduate courses in Greek history, Roman history, the history of western civilization I-II-III, the Athenian Empire, early Greece Graduate seminars on Greek state formation, Homeric society, Athenian democracy

Stanford University Undergraduate courses in Greek history, Roman history, slavery ancient and modern, the logic of history, the ancient Mediterranean world I-II (IHUM), ancient empires (IHUM), world history (IHUM) Graduate seminars on Athenian democracy, social theory in ancient history, the problem of the east in archaic Greece, the logic of ancient history, Hellenization, ancient state formation, Dark Age Greece, big ancient history, ancient war Deans Award for Excellence in Graduate Teaching, 2009

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