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Syllabus for the Examination for Selection for Chief Office Superintendent in Scale Rs.

7450-11500 (RP) post in Commercial Department. Descriptive Type Questions: 1 What does the Rule 125 of Goods Tariff states with regard to routing of goods Traffic? What do you understand by Route Rationalization Scheme?

Route Rationalization Scheme: Unless there are specific instructions in writing from the sender or his authorized agent to the contrary, goods will be dispatched by the route operationally feasible and freight charges will be levied by the shortest route. If the sender or his authorized agent desires to book his goods by other than the shortest route, he must give in writing and signed instructions on the forwarding note as under. to be forwarded via a specified route and the railway receipts and its counterfoils must be endorsed by the booking staff as under, specified route selected by the sender Not withstanding this rule 125(1) above, when the Central Government issue an order under section 71 (1) (b) of the Railways Act, 1989 that the goods specified in the order can be carried by the route specified therein, the goods will be charged by specified route even if it is not the shortest route. The term shortest route where ever appearing in this rule is the shortest route between the forwarding station and the destination station as determined upon the basis of the distance notified by the Railways as being the distance for charge. For the purpose of determining the shortest route in case where break of gauge transshipment is involved each break of transshipment is reckoned as equivalent to 200 kms. Whenever there are separate goods booking stations at the same railway centre or separate gods sheds belonging to the same Railway or different railways at the same station the correct route shall be determined from amongst the routes only as are open from the particular station or goods shed at which goods have been tendered for dispatch. Route Rationalization Scheme: As per Section 71(1)(b) of Railway Act, 1989, Central government is empowered to issue orders, specifying the goods to be carried by the specified route, which is termed as route rationalization In such cases goods will be carried and charged by the route though it is not the shortest route. The object of route rationalization scheme is to move the goods swiftly and streamlining the movement of traffic eliminating operating bottlenecks and yard/junction congestions and regulating the traffic. This scheme is also introduced to offset the movement when works are in progress as regards to gauge conversions, doubling of track, Electrification of tracks and strengthening of track etc.

Central Government publishes the routes through general order circulated and also issued through TRC or Zonal Railway. This order is valid for 12 months from the date of issue and is extended from time to time. Route rationalization scheme is applicable for movement of goods traffic in wagonloads and train loads except for tank wagons, ODCs and Iodized salts. Section 69: Deviation of route:Where due to any cause beyond the control of a railway administration or due to congestion in the yard or any other operational reasons, goods are carried over a route other than the route by which such goods are booked, the railway administration shall not be deemed to have committed a breach of the contract of carriage by reason only of the deviation of the route. 2. What are the basic Commercial Statistics that are compiled by the Railways? Write in detail about Gross Earnings Statement and Operating Ratio?

The primary object of statistics is to increase gross earnings. The second object is to eliminate wastage. When the assets available with railway are utilized to the maximum we eliminate wastage and the final object of statistics in Railways is to enhance efficiency of Railways. Commercial Statistics: Importance of statistics: The Railways is basically a commercial concern; the main function of Railway is to manufacture and sale of transportation for the public. Railways is interested in increasing the sale of service of transport and the main objects is stability, profitability and further expansion of business, to achieve he aforesaid goals, management should be very efficient Primary Units: The railway statistics are based on four factors viz. quantity, distance, duration and service. When these primary conceptions are expressed in the statistical language they are called the primary units. The primary factors denoting these units are expressed as follows: Quantity : Distance : Duration : Service performed: Fundamental Units: The primary units do not convey a complete idea about the amount of work done by the railways. Hence to express an idea of work done 2 or more than 2 primary units related to primary units give a fundamental unit. For instance, only the number of passengers or tones of goods carried will not convey the correct idea about the amount of work done by the railway unless it is related with the distance also, and so, when these primary units are linked together to denote joint conceptions and are expressed in composite terms are called as fundamental units expressed in number of tones and number of passengers, earnings. expressed in terms of kilometers. expressed in hours and days. expressed in terms of trains, vehicles, wagons and engines.


viz: the fundamental units are the joint expression of two primary units and are arrived at by multiplying one primary unit by another primary unit. The fundamental units express two primary ideas in their relationship to one another for instance: 1 Tonne x kilometers = tonne kilometers 2 Passengers x kilometers = passenger kilometers These represent the revenue earnings work done in transportation 3 Wagon x kilometer = Wagon kilometers. 4 Vehicle x kilometers = Vehicle kilometers 5 Train x kilometers = train kilometers These represent the service performed by the operating or transportation department. 1 2 3 Passenger earnings divided by passenger carried = Average earnings per passenger Passenger earnings divided by passenger kilometers = Earnings per passenger kilometers. Passenger kilometers divided by number of passengers = Average lead per passenger

Wagon kms per wagon day: Wagons kilometers is made up of loaded and empty wagons excluding brake vans, empty departmental wagons run during he month, Wagon days are obtained by multiplying the average number of wagons on the line daily by the number of days in the month. The equation is wagon kilometers divided by wagon day gives wagon kilometers per wagon day. Net tone kms per wagon day: This is an utmost significant unit to judge the efficiency of usage a wagonload of the wagon as well as the mobility of the wagon. The equation is net tonne kilometers divided by wagon days is equal to net tonne kilometers per wagon day. To improve this unit full wagon loads should be ensured and wagons moved as quickly as possible, improving speed, reducing avoiding detentions at goods shed, marshalling yards, terminal yards and sick lines etc. The average number of passengers per vehicle is worked out by dividing passenger kilometers by vehicle kilometers for upper class and lower class of accommodation. The equation is passenger kilometers divided by vehicle kilometers is equal to average number of passenger per vehicle.


The above statistics are used for judging the performance of the railways from commercial point of view. Gross Earnings: Should correspond to the earnings of all Government Railways accounted for under abstracts X, Y and Z. The figures of appropriate gross earnings are to be computed on originating basis. The originating earnings for each railway will represent the earnings accrued on traffic originating from and Government Railway for the entire distance over which the traffic is carried on the Indian Railways system i.e. total fare/freight both paid and to-pay as well as the accounts office figures of earning relating to items which do not pass through the station balance sheets. The figures of approximate earnings are to be compiled in the headquarters office from the statement of periodical approximate gross earnings traffic handled submitted by the stations and figures of earnings to be supplemented by the Accounts office in respect of miscellaneous transactions, which are not included in the statement received from station e.g. items directly passing through accounts office balance sheet, refunds and under and other charges detected during checks in accounts, etc. The statements are received on as tri-monthly basis only by stations, contributing 90% of the Railway Gross Earnings. A selection of such satiations may be made on the basis of A.B.C analysis. The other stations will be submitting only monthly returns. The earnings and the traffic of these stastions are estimated collectively on the basis of average daily performance in the preceding month for the first two ten-day periods of the month, The difference between the data reported in the last period of he month by these stations and he estimated figures for earlier two periods will be the earnings and the number of passengers booked for the last period of the month. A close watch should be kept on careful preparation and prompt submission of the periodical returns by the stations. In respect of returns which have not been received in time for reporting figures to the Board, best possible estimates should be made and included. After receipt of such return, subsequently necessary adjustments should be made, on account of the difference between he estimated and actual figures, in the cumulative, total, while furnishing the information for subsequent periods. The railways shall submit reasons for variations in earnings to the Board with the statement of gross earnings and the traffic handled at the end of each month and not for the statements for the first two 10 day period reports. For the purpose the railways should get the reasons for variation in part VI of the statement of approximate gross earnings and traffic handled from their lower formations so that they are posted with the trend of loading and earnings at the stations. No reasons need to be given in the telegraphic advices sent to the Board at the end of each 10 day period. Operating ratio:

Operating ratio is broadly speaking, the ratio between working expenses and gross earnings and, as such, is an important figure in the estimation of the railways efficiency. This

ratio is always not a good criterion of the relative efficiency of different railways where the conditions of working vary considerably, and this is particularly so in India where differences in climate, topography and commercial and agricultural activity show so little uniformity. In comparing the ratio of one year with another, however, great care must be taken to see that the terms working expenses and gross earnings are clearly defined and that the figures have been compiled on the efficient working and good maintenance; It will tend to fail with efficient working, increase of traffic and fall in the expenditure. This will also fall or rise with variations in the rates charged to the public for movement of passengers and goods: other things being equal, it will fall or rise with an increase or a decrease in rates charged. The lesser the operating ratio of a railway, the greater is the performance. The operating ratio is a conventional and time tested index of operating Efficiency. The operating ratio of the Indian railways has been consistently improving since the beginning of this decade. To achieve better operating ratio, the working expenses are to be reduced and earnings shall be increased. 3 What do you understand by Carrying Capacity and Permissible carrying capacity? How Punitive Charges for overloading are levies for different types of wagons?

1. Short Title and Commencement.- (1) These rule may be called the Railways ( Punitive charges for overloading of wagon ) Rules. 2006. (2) They shall come into force w.e.f. 01.01.2007. 2. Definitions.- In these rules, unless the context otherwise requires,-(a) Act means the Railways Act, 1989 (24 of 1989) (b) Section means the section of the Act; Class rate means the freight rate applicable to a commodity as per the class assigned to that commodity; (d) Permissible carrying capacity means the normal carrying capacity determined under subsection (2) or (3) of section 72 or where a railway administration has determined a varied carrying capacity under sub-section (4) of section 72, such varied carrying capacity, whichever is higher; (e) Schedule means the Schedule of these rules: (f) Normal freight means the freight charge recoverable on a commodity at the class rate for the weight of the commodity loaded upto permissible carrying capacity plus 1 tonne or 2 tonnes, as the case may be, as specified in the Schedule: (g) Words and expression used and not defined in these rules but defined in the Act shall have the meaning respectively assigned to them in the Act.


1. Punitive charges for overloading.- Where the commodities are over-loaded in Railway wagon, the railway administration shall recover punitive charges as provided in part I and II of the situations A & B of the schedule, from the consignor, the consignee or endorsee, as the case may be, for the entire distance to be traveled by the train hauling the wagon from the originating station to the destination point, irrespective of the point of detection of overloading. Provided that no punitive charges will be levied if the customer carries out load adjustments at the originating station itself in case of detection of overloading at originating point. SCHEDULE Situation A: If the aggregate payload in a rake does not exceed the combined permissible carrying capacity of the rake, the punitive charges should be levied as follows; Part I For Enhanced CC Commodities loaded in 8-wheeled wagon excluding BOX, BOST & BOY wagons Extent of Overloading Punitive charges leviable on the entire weight loaded beyond the permissible carrying capacity

If the weight of commodity exceeds the permissible carrying capacity of the wagon: (a) Up to 2 tones. Nil* (b) By more than 2 tones but not more than 5 2 times the freight rate applicable to that tones commodity. By more than 5 tones 3 times the freight rate applicable to the highest class. For removal of doubts, it is hereby declared that on the weight exceeding the permissible carrying capacity up to 2 tones, the normal freight at the rate applicable to the class assigned to the commodity shall be recoverable and punitive charges will be recovered for the entire weight of the commodity in excess of permissible carrying capacity and loading tolerance of 2 tones. PART II : For enhanced CC commodities loaded in BOX, BOST & BOY and all other types of wagons (except 8-wheeler wagons), and for CC commodities loaded in all types of wagons and for container traffic. Extent of Overloading If the weight of commodity exceeds the permissible carrying capacity of the wagon: (a) Up to 1 tone. Nil* (b) By more than 1 tone but not more At 2 times the freight rates applicable to that than 4 tones commodity Punitive charges livable on the entire weight loaded beyond the permissible carrying capacity


by more than 4 tones

3 times o the freight rate applicable to the highest class

For removal of doubts, it is hereby declared that on the weight exceeding the permissible carrying capacity up to 1 tone, the normal freight at the rate applicable to the class assigned to the commodity shall be recoverable and punitive charges will be recovered for the entire weight of the commodity in excess of the permissible carrying capacity and tolerance of 1 tone.

Situation B: If the aggregate payload in a rake exceeds the combined permissible carrying capacity of the rake, the punitive charges shall be levied as follows; Part I For enhanced CC Commodities loaded in 8-wheeled wagons except BOX, BOST & BOY wagons Extent of Overloading in Punitive charges leviable on the entire weight loaded beyond the permissible carrying capacity

If the weight of commodity exceeds the permissible carrying capacity of the wagon (a) Up to 2 tonne. (b) by more than 2 tonnes but not more than 5 tonnes By more than 5 tonnes

Nil* 3 times the freight rates applicable to the highest class 5 times the freight rate applicable to the highest class.

For removal of doubts, it is hereby declared that on the weight exceeding the permissible carrying capacity up to 2 tonnes, the normal freight at the rate applicable to the class assigned to the commodity shall be recoverable. Part II For Enhanced CC commodities loaded in BOX, BOST and BOY and all types of 8 wheeled wagons: For CC commodities loaded in all types of wagons: and container traffic Extent of Overloading Punitive charges leviable on the entire weight of the commodity loaded in excess of permissible carrying capacity


If the weight of commodity exceeds the permissible carrying capacity of the wagon (a) Upto 1 tonne. Nil* (b) By more than 1 tonne but not more than 4 3 times the freight rates applicable to the tonnes highest class

by more than 4 tonnes

5 times of the freight rate applicable to the highest class

For removal of doubts, it is hereby declared that on the weight exceeding the permissible carrying capacity upto 1 tonne, the normal freight at the rate applicable to the class assigned to the commodity shall be recoverable.

Section 72: Maximum carrying capacity for wagons and trucks:(1) The gross weight of every wagon or truck bearing on the axles when the wagon or truck is loaded to its maximum carrying capacity shall not exceed such limit as may be fixed by the Central Government for the class of axle under the wagon or truck. (2) Subject to the limit fixed under sub-section (1), every railway administration shall determine the normal carrying capacity for every wagon or truck in its possession and shall exhibit in words and figures the normal carrying capacity so determined in a conspicuous manner on the outside of every such wagon or truck. (3) Every person owning a wagon or truck which passes over a railway shall determine and exhibit the normal carrying capacity for the wagon or truck in the manner specified in subsection (2) (4) Not withstanding anything contained in sub-section (2) or sub-section (3), where a railway administration considers it necessary or expedient so to do in respect of any wagon or truck carrying any specified class of goods or any class of wagons or trucks of any specified type, it may vary the normal carrying capacity for such wagon or truck or such class of wagons or trucks and subject to such conditions as it may thing fit to impose, determine for the wagon or a truck or class of wagons or trucks such carrying capacity as may be specified in notification and it shall not be necessary to exhibit the words and figures representing the carrying capacity so determined on the outside of such wagon or truck or such class of wagons or trucks. Section 73: Punitive charges for overloading:When a person loads goods into the wagon beyond its permissible carrying capacity as exhibited under sub-section (2) or sub-section (3), or notified under sub-section (4), of Section 72, a railway administration may, in addition to the freight and other charges, recover from the consignor, the consignee or the endorsee, as the case may be, charges by way of penalty at such rates, as may be prescribed, before the delivery of the goods. Provided that it shall be lawful for the railway administration to unload the goods loaded beyond the capacity of the wagon, if detected at the forwarding or at any place before the destination station and to recover the cost of such unloading and any charge for the detention of any wagon on this account. 4. What are the general conditions followed at Stations/Sidings for allowing Trainload benefit for commodities carried in Train loads?


CONDITIONS FOR GRANTING TRAIN LOAD CLASS RATE 1 Initially trainload classification has been classified for certain commodities only moving in bulk, now trainload classification is applicable for all commodities, wherever trainload class rate is not quoted in the classification, one class rate less than the wagonload class rate should be applied for train load traffic.. The trainload classification and the specified standard rake to be fulfilled for getting lower classification are already given in the Goods Tariff Part I Vol. II. However a list of standard rakes prescribed is enclosed in Annexure A. The following are the important conditions which have to be complied with for grant of trainload classification. (a) When full standard rake has been supplied by the railways, the consignor loads all the wagons of the standard rake or when the railway administration has failed to supply the full size standard rake, the consignor loads at least the minimum number of wagons specified required for trainload rate as mentioned in Annexure-I. (b) The grant of trainload rate shall however be subject to the condition that all the fit wagons offered in a rake which may even exceed the specified minimum number are loaded by the consignor and in case this condition is not fulfilled, the trainload rate will not be admissible. (c) In case where even the minimum number of wagons qualifying for trainload rate benefit could not be supplied by the railway against a trainload indent due to shortage of wagons, the railway users should not be penalized on the reasons for non-supply of full number of indented wagons should be recorded by a Gazetted Officer. (Commercial Circular no.87/97) (d) As directed by Board for proper implementation of the above instructions, a committee of Commercial, Operating and Accounts Officers have been constituted to lay down the joint procedural order for different types of stations and sidings on Railways (Commercial Circular no.108/98.). Procedural order; (a) Consignor/consignors indent for full number of wagons of a standard rake as indicated in Annexure-I (b) In case because of operating or other constrains the supply in one lot is not feasible, then the detailed reasons for non supply of indented wagons constituting block-rake should be recorded by competent authority who should be a Gazetted Officer. In case where railways are unable to supply wagons, because of justifiable recorded reasons, the rail user should not be penalized and the benefit of trainload class rate should be extended, to this effect an endorsement may be furnished on the RR and on the forwarding note in case of WOS. (c) The reasons should be recorded in the following format. (i) Sl. No. (ii) Station (iii) Indent no. and date


(iv) (v) (vi) (vii) (viii)

No. of wagons indented for the standard rake No. of wagons could not be supplied against a specified indent. Reasons for short supply of wagons Message no. date issued to station Signature with name and designation of the officer.

Two registers with the format specified above one at the divisional control office and one at the station concerned should be maintained A monthly report to COM duly endorsing copy to CCM and FA&CAO may be ensured by DCM concerned. (d) Normally, indents for trainload are accepted at such stations which are notified as full rake dealing stations by concerned Railway authorities, Relaxation can be granted on the written authority of the concerned loading railway (COM/CFTM).Such relaxation should be sparingly given with full intimation to the destination Railway station, The goods clerk at the destination station should quote the number under which relaxation has been granted by Local railway authorities.. (e) Trainload rates can also be given as a special case to trains originating from one point and terminating at two points provided that (i) The two points are either the serving station or siding or two sidings of the same serving stations or two sidings notified as independent loading points but operationally branched out from the same station. The two points may also be separate railway stations, if the combination of points in question is approved by the Railway Board. In these cases of (1) and (2) however the trainload rate will be allowed from and to points between which the combination train is booked with required number of wagons as mentioned in paragraphs 2.1.


There will be no separate weight condition for trainload rate either for CC commodities or for W condition commodities, for calculation of freight charges; the chargeable weight will be same as for wagonload traffic for each wagon The composition for combined raked viz. Sherpa rake for BOX/BFR/BRH has been indicated in the Annexure-I For rakes loaded two or more commodities having similar or varying weight conditions that is some with CC condition and other with W condition the trainload condition for each of the commodities loaded will be admissible if the conditions of loading the required number of wagons is complied with and the trainload classification for the commodity or commodities have been notified.



Regarding other types of wagons not specified in the annexed statement, the existing trainload weight conditions will continue to apply, till further advice.

It is clarified by the Railway Board that the benefit of trainload rate can be granted for clubbing of wagonload `indents of different consignors even if indents are placed on different dates and endorsements are made by the consignors on the forwarding notes for clubbing of their wagonload consignments to form a trainload (Commercial Circular number 54/97.) It is clarified by the Board that the parties should be asked to submit the indents for rakes of standard size Regarding indents for BCX wagons, it should be appropriate to ask the party for indenting BCX/BCN/BCN A rakes, it is clarified that BFR and BRH wagons should be treated as one type and BOX wagons as another type for reckoning minimum 10 number of each wagon. (Commercial Circular number 84/99) The trainload movement should be from one forwarding station to one destination only. However a trainload can be booked from one forwarding station to two notified destinations or vice versa. The consignment should normally be from one forwarding station to one consignee. In some cases clubbing of consignments is permitted. Trainload consignment must be from and to only those stations notified by Zonal Railways. Trainload classification is not applicable to traffic originating on Narrow Gauge 4. Supply of wagons and loading. 4.1 Against indents for trainloads Railways should endeavour to supply wagons in rake loads. 4.2 The restrictions for loading of trainload being completed within 72 hours was done away with effect from 1.11.94. 4.3 Railways should endeavour to supply requisite number of wagons in one lot to form a trainload. In case where railways are unable to supply the wagons against a trainload indent in one lot and supplies are affected in instalments, the trainload rate should not be denied. 4.4 In case where loading of wagons against trainload indent is done in instalments for want of supply of wagons in one lot, separate railway receipts may have to be issued. Each Railway Receipt should have a suitable cross referencing the other Railway Receipts and the last Railway Receipt of the series indicating clearly that it is the last Railway Receipt for the particular Trainload. 4.5 In case where Railways supply all the wagons against a trainload indent in one lot and the party is unable to complete the loading of the rake within the permissible free time the demurrage charges for detention of the stock beyond the permissible free time has to be levied according to the Rules. However the benefit of trainload is admissible so long as the conditions prescribed for trainload classification are complied with, with effect from. 1.11.1992 4.6 It was clarified that when wagons for loading of coal against trainload indents are placed in sidings in more than one shunt due to limited siding capacity and loaded wagons are formed into trainload from the serving station for a single destination, satisfying the number of



wagons prescribed for standard rake for trainload, the benefit of trainload classification should be given. In case of detention of stock beyond the free time allowed for loading Demurrage Charges as due, under the rules may be recovered. 5. Standard Rake and Minimum number of wagons. Once the standard rake for trainload has been complied with at the originating station. trainload rate has to be given even when all the wagons comprising the trainload have not been received at the destinations station, due to some wagons being marked sick at the starting/booking points or being detached en-route. The trainload classification may be allowed when the traffic booked partly to the station and partly to the siding served by the same station or booked to more than one siding served by the same serving station provided the rake load satisfies the number of wagons required for standard rake. So long as the number of wagons required for standard rake is complied at the originating station and after satisfying all the conditions prescribed for trainload conditions leaves the booking station as trainload, the benefit of trainload is admissible irrespective of limitations on trailing load of trains that may be applicable on particular section en-route. In case where wagons loaded and charged at trainload rates are dispatched piecemeal for operational reasons the benefit of trainload class rates should not be denied. However Railways should endeavour to haul all the wagons forming the trainload as a single unit. When the quantum of commodities loaded in a consignment offered as trainload is more than the number of wagons required for forming a standard rake Trainload rate is to be given to the entire commodity loaded and moved as a trainload. 6. Clubbing of commodities to form trainload 6.1.1 6.1.2 More than one commodity chargeable in the Main Head of classification can be clubbed for getting trainload rate. In respect of Iron and Steel. POL products, Chemical Manures and Grains and Pulses, trainload rate may be given by permitting clubbing of all commodities listed under different divisions of Iron and Steel, POL products, Chemical Manures and Grains and Pulses, for example commodities listed under Iron and Steel Divisions A B or C may be clubbed for getting trainload rates. But Iron and Steel cannot be clubbed with POL products etc. In such cases of clubbing freight charges should be levied at the trainload classification applicable to the respective products so clubbed. The benefit of trainload classification is allowed when the consignments of following types are clubbed subject to fulfillment of number of wagons required for forming a standard rake. Freight charges are levied at the trainload classification applicable for the respective products.




(a) Lime and limestone subject to freight charges for the entire consignment is levied at the higher of the trainload classification applicable to two of the commodities effective from 15.12.1983. (b) Wagonload consignment of Bi-Carbonates of soda may be clubbed with those of ashlight and commodities indexed there to for getting trainload rate. (c) Pig-Iron with commodities indexed to Iron or Steel divisions A B or C effective from 1.9.1987. (d) Coke hard with consignments of coal (e) Manganese ore with Iron ore (f) Coal (for public and non-government railways) is clubbed with non-government limestone. (g) Iron or Steel skull is clubbed with those of Iron and Steel and pig iron. (h) Ferro-manganese when clubbed with Silicon Manganese with effect from. 15.12.1994 (i) Dolomite and Dolomite Powder the freight charges for the entire consignment being levied at higher of the two classifications for dolomite and dolomite powder. 6.1.3 POL Products. It was clarified that the benefit of trainload classification should not be allowed in case of i. ii. iii. iv. v. Liquid Petroleum Gas tank wagons rakes when loading /unloading is done in two installment LPG tank wagons sent with POL tank wagons as mixed loads of POL Tank Wagons with LPG tank wagons as mixed loads. POL rakes not consigned to destinations having common POL sidings necessitating Company wise/product wise sorting of POL tank wagons. Wagonload consignments of Low Sulphur heavy stock clubbed with other POL products both dangerous and non-dangerous. POL products booked from one loading point to one destination involving product wise sorting with effect from 1.3.84. Where wagonload sorting is involved trainload classification is allowed In case of trainloads formed by clubbed of wagonload POL products assigned with different trainload classification freight charges are to be levied at the trainload classification applicable to the respective products clubbed.




6.2 Clubbing of commodities of different consignors 6.2.1 In respect of instructions at paragraphs 3-4 the trainload rate may be given in cases where trainload is formed by clubbing of wagonload of different consignor from the same loading point booked to different consignees at the same destination. The consignors, who wish to club their wagon consignments for getting trainload rate, should make a request for getting trainload rake and make endorsement to that effect on the forwarding notes tendered by them giving details of other wagonload consignments which are to be clubbed. Each invoice/Railway Receipt covering the trainload should contain details of the consignments clubbed for forming the standard rake Clubbing of consignments loaded from more than one loading point to a single destination or loading from single point to two destinations.. In relaxation of the conditions of paragraph 3.3 trainload rate has to be given to the trainloads formed at a serving station by clubbing wagonload consignments of commodities provided with a trainload classification and loaded from more than one siding served by the station and partly from siding serving the siding for a single destination. Sanction was communicated to allow the benefit of trainload class rates for rakes of CRT wagons only formed by combining wagons only formed by combining wagonload consignments of chemical manures loaded from FACT siding served by Irubanam and FAC siding served by Kalamaserry of Southern Railway for single destination. It was decided to extend the benefit of trainload classification for commodities with CC weight condition in case of BOX N rakes and BOX N rake loaded from two points to single destination on same railway in combination as approved by receiving railway on fulfillment of standard rake.


6.3 6.3.1



6.4 Clubbing of consignments booked as paid with to-pay basis. 6.4.1. The benefit of trainload classification is admissible in case of rakes formed by clubbing consignments booked as paid basis with those commodities which are permitted to be booked as to-pay basis and are subject to fulfillment of all the conditions including number of wagons required for forming standard rake .applicable for trainload class rates and levy of surcharge on to-pay basis consignments. 7. Rounding of; The following procedure to be followed for trainload as well as wagonload traffic in respect of rounding off weight for charge of consignments when to or more wagons are utilized for a consignment. One Railway Receipt should be issued by the Railway staff for as many as feasible. Rounding of weight for charge should be done for consignments covered by one Railway Receipt irrespective of the number of wagons covered by that Railway receipt



With effect from 17.08.2001 it has been decided that for each 4-wheeler, 6-wheeler and 8wheeler wagons a maximum of two, four and twelve railway receipts respectively can be issued. It has been decided by Board that in all cases where more than one invoice/RR is issued, at the request of the consignor, an additional amount of rs.100/- (one zero zero) should be levied from the consignor for each additional invoice/RR issued (Commercial Circular no. 119/2001.) 8. Notification of stations and sidings open for trainload; 8.1 Instructions were issued to the railways to notify the names of the stations /sidings which can accept registration of indents as well as stations/sidings to which trainload consignments can be booked to all stations open for goods traffic and to other Zonal Railways. 8.1.1 The stations/sidings from and to which commodities on trainload basis can be moved should be jointly finalized by COM and CCM of each railway after considering all relevant factors. Trainload consignments are to be booked to and from those stations /sidings notified by zonal railways to handle such traffic. No indent for trainload traffic should be accepted by forwarding station in case it has not been notified for handling for trainload traffic. It is also essential that the forwarding station has knowledge, that trainload handling facilities are available at the destination station/siding cited in the indent. For this purpose it is necessary that all Zonal railways regularly exchange information about the number of stations/sidings notified for handling trainload traffic so that the changes of booking of such traffic to a station/siding not having the required handling facilities could be eliminated. In cases where due to lack of information trainload traffic is booked for a station/siding not having facilities for handling trainload traffic but the consignor complies with the conditions of offering and loading as per standard rake, then the benefit of trainload traffic should not be denied. In such cases the competent authority to permit trainload benefit shall be CCM/COM. 8.1.3 Instructions were issued stating that such of the stations/sidings with total goods earnings Inward/Outward or both combined of Rs. 1 crore and above during the year 1991-92 should be notified for accepting registrations for trainloads as well as for receiving trainload consignments and such consignments should qualify for trainload class rate. .


9. Documentation. An endorsement trainload conditions complied with should be made by the booking staff on the Railway Receipts issued for trainload to enable the destination station to know that the consignment stated was charges at trainload rates and to prevent cases of undercharges are being raised. Checks to be exercised

Suitable checks should be exercised by Commercial Inspectors/ TIA on trainload consignments with a view to ensure compliance of the instructions regarding maintenance of registers, preparation of documents etc.


5. Write in detail the procedure for allotment of Special Carriage/Special Train and collection of charges from the time of application to final settlement? SPECIAL TRAINS The rules and conditions for booking of Special Trains are given in IRCA coaching Tariff, which should be carefully acted upon by the booking staff. Application for running of a special train must be made through the station master, after depositing the amount towards registration cum security deposit at the station at which the journey is to commence, to the Chief Passenger Traffic Manager of the Railway giving details of destination, route to be followed and halts enroute. Application must be made at least 30 days in advance and not more than 6 months prior to commencement of journey. In case any party wished to requisite a special train at short notice i.e. less than 30 days notice, specific permission must be obtained from the CPTM. It will be the sole discretion of the Railway Administration to allot a special train and programme its movement depending upon the availability of coaches/engine/paths and other operational considerations. The Railway receiving the application for the running of a Special Train over more than one Railway will coordinate with other Railways concerned for finalizing the tour programme. Such applications will be dealt with strictly in the order of priority of their receipts in the Head Quarters Office. If on examination of the itinerary of the tour, it is found feasible to run the Special Train, the party will be so advised. But when the dates are found to be unsuitable for running of the Special Trains, the party will be asked to change the dates, which must be within a fortnight in advance or after the date originally proposed by the party. In case, the suggestion is not acceptable by the party the running of special trains will be politely refused. If Railway Administration is not in a position to arrange the running of a special train due to paucity of coaching stock or any other reason what so ever, the amount of deposit fee will be refunded on application being made to the CCM and after surrendering the original money receipt. The CPTM of the Railway will sanction the movement if found feasible and issue a Programme for the entire tour in consultation with CPTMs of other concerned Railways, endorsing copies of the same to them concerned Station master ad Divisional Control Offices. A copy of the finalized Tour Programme of the Special Train must be issued to all concerned including the CCM and Traffic Accounts at least 3 weeks in advance of commencement of Journey. Once the itinerary is finalized by the origination railway, the party will not, normally be permitted to make any material change in it. But if due to unforeseen circumstances, if it becomes necessary to change the itinerary which doesnt affect the composition of the train, the



originating Railway will notify the change to all those who were previously advised of running of the special, with instruction to recover additional changes, if any before the change is actually affected. Special trains can be ordered for: 1. Clearance of waitlisted passengers/extra rush or trains run in Public Interest 2 Chartered trains requested by IRCTC to promote tourism 3. On Special request as per schedule requested by or purely to be run on FTR. Priority in allotment of Special Trains; First priority will be given for the clearance of wait-listed passengers or to clear extra rush in public interest. Second priority will be for chartered trains requested by IRCTC Third priority shall be given to Special Trains run on FTR. An amount of Rs.10,000/- as registration cum security deposit per coach will be payable at the station, where the proposed journey will commence of this Rs.5,000/- per coach will be retained as Security Deposit and remaining Rs. 5,000/- will be adjusted against the fare payable at the time of booking. In case of Circus Specials security deposit is Rs. 30,000/- per trip out of which Rs.20,000/- may be adjusted against the fare etc. due to be collected from the party at the time of booking and other Rs.10,000/- refunded after adjustment of charges due, if any , on completion of the tour. Luggage and property (including animals) booked by Circus Parties shall be charged at the rates notified from time to time. Minimum distance and composition and charges for the train:1. The minimum distance composition of a special train will be 500 kms and the minimum composition of a special train will be 15 coaches, 2. The minimum distance of charge for a Chartered Rajdhani type train with entire AC coaches will be 500 kms. and minimum composition will be 15 coaches. 3. The minimum distance of charge for a chartered Shatabdi type train with entire AC Coaches will be 200 kms and minimum composition of 10 coaches. 4. The composition can be changed at request of IRCTC but no below Minimum charge o 10 coaches plus service charge at the rate prescribed from time to time which at present is 15% besides the detention charge. 5. For clearance of extra rush or clearance of wait list or for train running in public interest no minimum composition or distance is applicable. In case of special trains over hill sections the minimum distance for charge will be chargeable distance (inflated) of the whole section subject to a minimum distance of 200 km and minimum composition of coaches will be the maximum permissible load for the concerned section. The charges for special train will be computed on point to point on the basis of full adult mail/express fare of the concerned class for actual number of persons traveling or marked carrying capacity of the coaches, whichever is more. If extra passengers are carried, the charges will be levied pro-rate for the additional passenger to be declared at the starting before or at the



time of commencement of journey. Extra passengers carried without payment at starting station will be charged pro rata and penalty charges recovered. A service charge of 15% will be leviable on the total fare; Service charge will not be leviable on circus special trains. If journey involves more than one gauge, the fare shall be evaluated separately for both gauges on the carrying capacity of the coaches or the actual number of persons traveling whichever is higher. No concessions will be allowed for booking of special train. (When reserved coaches are attached with Circus Specials or hired by circus parties and when coaches are used for running of a circus special) charges will be received in full even for children/students/Senior Citizens etc. However existing rule on the Kissan Specials and industrial workers specials will continue without any change. All charges should be paid in full an originating station 48 hours in advance of the departure of the train, failing which it will be deemed that the running of the special train has been countermanded by the organizers. The entire Registration charge cum security deposit will be forfeited in When coaches required for running a special trains, reserved coaches and special coaches are available at the starting station empty haulage charges will not be levied. When coaches are run from the base station to the originating station, empty haulage charges at the rates prescribed will be levied for a minimum distance of 200 kms. Or the actual distance which ever is more per coach for every journey organized by any party. However empty haulage charges will not be levied from originating station to base station. If the Special Train reserved coaches, special coach run empty in return direction in case of any one way journey that is single journey, the empty haulage charges at the rate prescribed will be levied for the actual distance hauled empty or a flat 500 kms whichever is more. The empty haulage charges will be as under. AC Coach; Partial AC Coach; Non-AC coach; Rs. 16/- per kilometer Rs. 14/- per kilometer. Rs. 12/- per kilometer

No empty charges will be leviable for IRCTC coaches. Empty haulage charges are leviable for tourist cars/Saloon from the base station to the distance hauled empty. Empty charges are not leviable for the extra coaches hauled for the clearance of extra rush or for waitlisted passengers in public interest. Luggage upto the normal free allowance will be allowed free, beyond the free allowance the party will liable for payment of regular luggage tariff rates. At the time of booking only the number of passengers is indicated while the names of the members of the party should be submitted to Station Master before the commencement of journey. The organizer must provide each member of the party with an identity token, duly stamped and countersigned by the Station Master of the station. These identity tokens will be treated as authority for moving in and out of the platform at the intermediate stations. The names of the passenger should be submitted to the station master 24 hours before the commencement of journey by a special train. Station masters are permitted to allow last minute change due to illness or any other exigencies upto 10% of the total number of passengers. Just before the



departure of the special trains. These instructions are necessary to ensure that party coaches are not misused by the organizer and only genuine members are carried by these coaches. When special trains are detained by the party at the starting, intermediate or destination stations, detention charges will be levied without giving any free time at the rates indicated below. Detention charges will be leviable at the following rates per hour or part of an hour per bogie without allowing any free time. AC Coach: Partial AC Coach: Non-AC Coach: Minimum Charge: BG Rs. 221/BG Rs. 163/BG Rs. 130/Rs.600/MG/NG Rs. 182/MG/NG Rs. 130/MG/NG Rs. 104/Rs. 600/-

For keeping the engine on steam or detention to Diesel/Electric locomotives of special trains a charge of Rs. 250/- on BG and Rs.150/- on MG per hour or part of an hour will be made. If the requisition for special trains is cancelled two days before the scheduled day of journey or earlier 10% of the registration fee will be forfeited. If the cancellation is done one day in advance (excluding the day of journey) and upto 4 hours before the scheduled departure of the trains cancellation charge shall be 25% o the chargeable fare and if the journey is cancelled within four hours before scheduled departure of the train or afterwards the cancellation charge will be 50% of the chargeable fare. 6. What are the general rules for booking of luggage? Define free allowance of luggage on tickets and passes and what is the maximum permissible luggage permitted with passengers in their compartments? Articles not accepted as luggage: 1. Offensive articles, such as wet skins, hides etc. other than the skins of wild animals securely packed in airtight boxes at owners risk. 2. Explosives, dangerous, inflammable articles, kerosene stoves and empty gas cylinders etc. 3. Bulky articles, chargeable on measurement, (Free allowance is not granted if accepted). 4. Oils, Grease, Ghee, Paints etc. 5. All varieties of dry grass, leaves and waste paper. 6. Dead poultry and game. 7. Acids and corrosive substances enumerated in Chapter VI of IRCA Red Tariff. Exemptions: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Safety based cinematography films. Empty gas cylinders by brake vans. Safety cartridges either in compartments or brake vans as part of personal luggage. Ghee with passengers not exceeding 20 kilograms per passenger in all classes. One musical instrument, one portable television set, one baby tricycle and laptop computer (no table top personal computers) per passenger may be allowed as personal luggage, within the free allowance.



6. One personal motor cycle/two wheeled scooter/bicycle shall also be permitted as luggage in the brake van in addition to the permissible limit of 150 kgs per person. Cinematography safety films may be carried in passenger compartments with owners as personal luggage on payment of usual charges for such carriage as per terms and conditions without granting free allowance. Permission for such carriage will be subject to obtaining a certificate from an accredited agency like Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) that the cinematographic films in use currently are indeed safety films and not of any other origin. (CC 92 of 2005) Basic Rules for booking of Luggage: Luggage is booked on a valid pass or ticket and is charged at Scale L rate. For booking of luggage along with owner, it should be presented for booking at least 30 minutes before scheduled departure time of the train. Luggage can be booked in advance on reserved ticket. Luggage can be booked in charge of the passenger and carried along with in the compartments or it can be carried in brake van. Forwarding note should be executed for booking of luggage in brake van. Luggage should be securely packed and locked. It should be fully and legibly marked in Hindi or English. Luggage liable to leakage, breakage and damage in transit, must not be accepted for booking in the brake-van unless the exact defect in the packing condition is recorded in the forwarding note. Railways do not guarantee to carry the luggage by the same train in which the owner travels. Delivery of the luggage within the definite time is also not guaranteed. Maximum weight of a single package accepted for booking is 150 kgs. either by weight or by measurement. As per Section 100 of the Railways Act, 1989, Railways shall not be responsible for the articles taken into the carriage and carried at entire risk of owner. Luggage can be booked upto maximum permissible limit along with passenger in the compartment, general merchandise items will not allowed for booking and carriage in the compartment as personal luggage. Luggage can be booked from any station to any station on the direct route for which a ticket is held. Free allowance of luggage will be granted only once on the entire journey. Booking of luggage to break journey point is permitted. Prepayment of freight charges is compulsory.. Packages exceeding the following dimensions are not permitted to be taken into the carriage and they should be booked and carried in the Brake-van: 1) AC FC/AC 2 Tier, FC, Sleeper Class and II Class:100 cms x 60 cms x 25 cms. 2) AC 3 Tier: . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . .. 55 cms x 45 cms x 22,5 cms 3) AC Chair Car . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63 cms x 37 cms x 20 cms. However packages exceeding the above dimensions can be carried in carriages reserved for one party.



On Metro Railway only small personal luggage, e.g. tiffin baskets, small hand bags or attach case is permitted to be carried in the carriages, provided the weigh does not exceed 10 kgs in weight and not bulky in nature. Invalid chairs, children push chairs, perambulators and hand operated auto tricycles, (collapsible and non-collapsible) motorized tricycles belonging to Orthopaedically handicapped persons, when carried in the same compartment by which the owners are traveling may be carried free in all classes of accommodation provided they can be folder or it may be carried in brake van by the same train by which the owner travels. Ghee, permitted to be carried with owner upto a maximum of 20 kgs per passenger irrespective of the any class. Fish spawn not more than two earthen pots or tins containing water with fish seed may be carried as luggage. Free allowance is not allowed. Oxygen cylinder with supporting stand with patients under medical certificate can be permitted in all carriages. Free Allowance of Luggage: Following free allowance for each ticket is given at the starting station on the total weight of the luggage; AC First class 70 kgs. AC 2 Tier and First Class 50 kgs. AC 3 Tier/AC Chair Car/Sleeper class 40 kgs. and II Class 35 kgs. In case of combined tickets, higher-class free allowance is granted for the entire distance. For children, half of the above mentioned weight is allowed as free allowance however free allowance for children should not exceed 50 kgs. Season Tickets: First Class 15 kgs. II Class 10 kgs. Passes; First Class A Pass(white) 140 kgs, First Class Pass(green) 70 kgs, II Class Pass(pink) 50 kgs. The maximum limit of free allowance on luggage applicable to Railway Passes/PTOs as per pass rules will continue to be applicable to Railway pass/PTO holders/beneficiaries.(CC 99 of 2005) Free Allowance is not granted; 1. On articles listed in chapter IX of Coaching Tariff, Part I Vol. I. e.g. Cycles., Motor cycles etc Exception one baby tricycle is allowed within free allowance per passenger (chargeable weight 20 kgs) 2. Bulky articles whose weight is more on measurement than actual weight. (Weight on measurement is calculated as 28 cubic decimeters or part of it is equated as 4 kgs. Exceptions; One TV set (actual weight or weight on measurement whichever is more) One musical instrument on actual weight, One baby tricycle 20 kgs and one lap-top computer within the free allowance, 3. Charpoys not in pieces is charged for 40 kgs. 4. Household effects booked as vehicle loads; charged for 60/45/35 quintals on BG, MG and NG respectively.



Articles allowed free and will not be weighed; 1. In AC First Class and First Class: Tiffin Baskets, ii) Small Ice Box, iii) Small handbags or Attach iv) Umbrella and v) Walking Stick. 2. In II Class and other classes; i) Walking stick, ii) Umbrella and iii) Food required for the journey. 3. Invalid chairs, Childrens push chairs, Wheel chairs, perambulators and hand operated auto tri-cycles collapsible or non-collapsible, motorized tricycle, modified scooter and modified tri-wheeler moped belonging to all categories of Orthopaedically handicapped persons when carried in the same compartment by which the owners are traveling, may be carried free in all classes of accommodation with the consent of fellow persons provided they can be folded and taken inside the compartment , on production of a certificate from Government Doctor to the effect that the person is Orthopaedically handicapped and cannot travel without the assistance of an escort. In case they cannot be accommodated in the compartment, they may be carried free in brake van accommodation permitting on production of the above mentioned certificate provided they are carried by the same train by which the owners are traveling. Maximum Permissible Limit; 1. There is a limit for booking of luggage along with the passenger viz. ACFC ; 150 Kgs. First Class/AC-2 Tier; 100 kgs. AC-3 Tier/AC Chair Car : 40 Kgs., Sleeper Class : 80 kgs, II Class 70 kgs. Passengers will be allowed to book and carry excess luggage beyond free allowance with them in the compartment upto to their maximum limit, on payment of charges at 1.5 times of luggage rate. 2. No such restriction for carriage in vendors compartment or luggage van. 3. The maximum limit of luggage that can be carried in Electrical Multiple Unit trains in passenger compartment, is the free allowance granted for different class of tickets. 7 What are the various scales of charges exist in Indian Railways for booking of Parcel Traffic? How does the PCEV charges and Bulky surcharges are levied explain in detail? Charging of parcels; Parcels are charged at different scales by different types of trains. Prepayment of freight charges is compulsory. (CC 119 of 2006) By Train Scale R Rajdhani Parcel Scale (i) Rajdhani and Shatabdi Express trains. A train whose utilization of brake van/ Parcel van is more than 60% and which has been leased out during the first round of tendering at Scale P rate or higher (i) A train whose utilization of brake van (SLR)/Parcel vans is more than 60% but it has been leased out during the first round of tendering at Scale S rate or higher. A train whose utilization of brake van (SLR) is less than 60% but it has been leased out during the first round of tendering at Scale S rate or

P Premier Parcel Scale



S Standard Parcel Scale

higher 1. All types of parcel trains All other trains are classified as Standard Parcel Scale.

Registered Newspapers and Magazines will be booked at concessional rates uniformly at 45 percent of Scale S rates by all trains including Rajdhani Express Trains. All types of special parcel trains shall be charged at Scale- P instead of Scale S. Reserve price for leasing out Millennium Parcel Express trains will be based on Scale-P instead of Scale S. Similarly all types of fruit special trains shall accordingly be charged at Scale-P instead of Scale S. Banana traffic when booked and transported in BCN/BCX wagons will, accordingly. Be charged at Scale-P minus 40% instead of at Scale S minus 20%.(CC 109/2004) Surcharge on weight: 50% extra weight on parts of Human Body and Explosives. Bulky surcharge is 100% on articles whose dimensions exceeds 1m x 1m x 0.7 m in out side dimensions or exceeding 100 kgs. Of weight. Bulky surcharge is not levied when one of the above dimensions exceeds upto 10% but the weight on measurement doesnt exceed 100 kgs. Percentage Charge on Excess Value (PCEV) Responsibility of Railways as carrier for certain valuable articles. These are the articles of special value, they have been mentioned in Part I of Schedule II (Extent of Monetary Liability and Prescription of Percentage Charge) Rules 1990 in exercise of the powers under Section 103 (3) of the Railway Act. These articles are as follows. Gold (i) (ii) Silver (iii) Pearls (iv) Jewellery (v) Precious stones (a ) Scooters and Motor Cycle. (vi) Currency notes and coins other than Government. (vii) Government stamps and stamped paper other than Postal Stationery and Stamps. The value of such articles/per package must be declared on the forwarding note. The booking of such articles will not be done unless value is declared and percentage charge is paid on the excess value. The amount of claim for loss, destruction, damage deterioration and non-delivery shall not exceed the value so declared. The rate of percentage charge will be 13 Paisa per hundred rupees or part thereof per 160 kilometers or part there of. The minimum percentage charge will be rupees two and the maximum percentage charge will be 1 % of the excess value. Monetary Liability: Where the Railway administration is responsible for loss, damage, destruction, deterioration and non-delivery of any consignment the amount of liability of such railway administration in respect of such loss, damage, destruction, deterioration or non-delivery shall not, unless the consignor has declared its value and paid percentage charge on excess value of such consignments exceeds:



i) ii) iii) iv)

in the case of any consignment consisting of animals, the amount specified in Schedule I or in the case of any consignment consisting of baggage, an amount calculated at rupees one hundred per kilograms or in the case of any consignment other than those referred to in clause (i) and (ii) above the an amount of rupees fifty per kg.

Monetary liability is calculated on the actual weight of the consignment. Schedule I Extent of responsibility of railway administration (per head) Percentage charge is collected at the rate of rupee one per hundred rupees of part thereof on excess value per 160 kilometers if part thereof.

Elephants 6,000/Horses 3,000/Mules, horse cattle or camels 800/Dogs, donkeys, goats, pig, sheep, or 120/Any other animal not mentioned above or birds.

Schedule II, Part II.Goods other than those specified in Part I: 25 paise per 100 rupees or part there of on excess value per 160 kilometers or part there of subject to maximum of 1% of excess value. 8 hat are the principles of routing of parcel traffic? How does the Rationalization of parcel traffic helps in decongestion of station platforms and reduction in claims? Routing of Parcels; 1. Unless otherwise provided all parcels shall be booked and carried by the cheapest route. 2. Parcels offered from the cities having both BG and MG rail heads should be booked as follows. 3. BG to BG destination, MG to MG destination only to avoid transhipment, delay in transit, mis-despatch or claims liability. 4. Parcels may be dispatched by route other than the normal route or elected route if it becomes necessary due to reasons beyond the control of the railways. 5. If dearer route is selected by the sender, same remark is obtained in forwarding note and reproduced in parcel way bill. Booking of Parcels (Rationalisation of Parcel Traffic CC No.63, 2004 dated 11.6.2004) It has been decided to restrict booking and carriage of parcels involving unloading and re-loading of parcels during transit. 1. Booking and carriage of parcels by all passenger carrying trains shall be permitted only for those stations where that particular train terminates.



2. Booking of parcels to and from intermediate stations served by a particular train shall also be permitted by Mail/Express trains provided the train stops for 5 (five) minutes or more at that station and by ordinary passenger trains having adequate halt for such booking. 3. Unloading and re-loading of parcels at intermediate stations shall also not be permitted. 4. However, one break-of-gauge transshipment shall be permissible in which case charging of freight will be done at the higher of the two rate scales for the entire distance from the booking point to the destination point. 5. These instructions, however, do not apply to the booking of Luggage. It must be ensured that parcels unloaded on the platform are promptly removed from the platform to avoid inconvenience to passengers. Similarly, loading of parcels booked at the station should be done with bare minimum time of stacking of parcels on the platforms. Loading programme for parcel movement for all Mail/Express trains should accordingly, be chalked out as per demand patterns and the same should be prominently notified and displayed for staff and public. 9. What is the purpose of setting of Railway Claims Tribunal? How do they differ Railway Rates Tribunal? Railway Claims Tribunal: A claims tribunal has been setup at New Delhi in accordance with Claims Tribunal Act of 1987. It is required to determine claims against Railway Administration for; i) ii) iii) Compensation for loss, damage, deterioration, destruction and non delivery of Goods entrusted to the Railways for Carriage, Refund of fares and freight. Compensation for loss of life or injury sustained due to Railway accident or any untoward incident.

Objective: i) ii) iii) To avoid protracted litigation in Civil Courts. To give speedy relief to the rail users. To reduce the burden on various civil courts in the country thereby giving them more time to decide other cases speedily.

Composition of Claims Tribunal and Benches. 1 2 Claims Tribunal shall consist of a Chairman, four Vice-Chairmen and Member Judiciary and Technical Member or as the Central Government may deem fit. A Bench shall consist of one Judicial Member and one Technical Member. At present there are 21 benches at 18 major cities in the country, three Benches at Kolkata and 2 Benches at New Delhi.

Qualification for appointment as Chairman, Vice-chairman and other members:



Chairman: A person shall not be qualified for appointment as Chairman unless he: a) b) is or has been, Judge of a High Court or has, for at least two years held the office of a Vice Chairman

Vice Chairman: A person shall not be appointed as vice chairman unless he is ; a) b) c) Is or has been qualified to be a Judge of a High Court Has been a Member of the Indian Legal Service and has held a post in Grade I of that service for at least five years, has, for at least five years, held a Civil Judicial post carrying a scale of pay which is not less than that of a Joint Secretary to the Government of India, or has, for at least five years, held a post under a Railway Administration carrying a Scale of Pay which is not less than that of a Joint Secretary to the Government of India and has adequate knowledge of rules and procedure and experience in Claims and Commercial matters relating to Railways.

The Chairman, Vice-Chairman and every other Member shall be appointed by the President Appointment of a person as the Chairman shall be made after consultation with the Chief Justice of India. Term of Office: The Chairman, Vice-Chairman and other Members shall hold office as such for a term of five years from the date on which he enters upon his office of until he attains: a) b) in the case of Chairman, the age of sixty five years, in case of Vice-Chairman or any Other Member, the age of sixty two years.

Jurisdiction, Powers and authority of Claims Tribunal: 1 2 a) b) c) d) e) g) The Claims Tribunal shall exercise jurisdiction, power and authority as are exercisable by any Civil Court. The Tribunal shall have the powers as are vested in a Civil Court, while trying a suit in respect of the following matters, namely: Summoning and enforcing the attendance of any person and examining him on oath. Production of documents. Issuing summons for examination of witnesses and documents. Reviewing it decisions. Dismissing an application for default. Setting aside any order or dismissal of ay application for default.


A person seeking any relief/compensation may make an application to the Tribunal


Application to Claims Tribunal:

Limitation: An application for any claim shall be filed within: a) b) c) three years from the date of booking of parcel or Goods. one year of occurrence of accident. Three years from the date of fare or freight is paid to the railway administration.

However, an application may be entertained after the limitation period, if the applicant satisfies the Tribunal that he has sufficient cause for not making the application within such period. Appeals: 1) 2) 3) An appeal shall lie from every order to the High Court having jurisdiction over the place where the Bench is located. No appeal shall lie from any order passed by the Tribunal with the consent of the parties. Every appeal shall be preferred within a period of ninety days from the date of the Order appealed against.

Differences between Railway Claims Tribunal and Railway Rates Tribunal

Railway Claims Tribunal 1 Railway Rates Tribunal

Constituted in accordance with the Claims Constituted in accordance with the Railways Act, Tribunal Act of 1987. 1989. Setup at New Delhi with 21 benches at 18 major Setup at Chennai with out any other bench. cities Application ma be made before Tribunal Any complaint against railway administration may seeking relief in the following matters: be made to the Railway Rates Tribunal where railways a) For compensation due to loss, damage, a) in contravening the provisions of section 70 of deterioration, destruction and non-delivery of the Railways Act, 1989. goods. b) Refund of fare or freight. b) in charging for the carriage of any commodity between two station at a rate which is c) Compensation for death or injury due to unreasonable. Railway Accident. Under Section 123 of the c) in levying any other charges which is Railway Accident and any untoward incident unreasonable. under section 124 of the Railway Act.


Limitation is there in making application to the No limitation in making an application. Tribunal.


Determines the amount of compensation payable Grants relief by by the Railw3ay Administration. a) fixing rate or charge as it considers reasonable from and date, not being a date earlier to the date of the filling of the complaint. b) directing the railway administration to refund amount if any as being the excess of the rate or charge fixed by the Tribunal.

Appeal shall lie with the High Court having No suit shall be instituted or proceeding taken in jurisdiction over the place where the bench is respect of any matter which the Tribunal is located in ninety days from the date of such empowered to deal with, or decide. order. The Tribunal need not present any report The Tribunal shall present annual report to the annually to the Central Government about its Central Government about its proceedings. proceedings.

10 Why is the Marketing organization necessary? What role is played by marketing organization in the recent past in developing Traffic? 11 Discuss the various steps taken by the Indian Railways for attracting goods which has been diverted to road? FREIGHT INCENTIVE SCHEMES (Policy guidelines) Rates Circular No.25 of 2006 2006 Commercial Circular No. 83 of

1.0 Introduction: In super session of the existing Station-to-Station Rate Scheme (STS), Freight Forwarder Scheme, Premier Customer Scheme and Trainload benefit Scheme, following Comprehensive Freight Incentive Schemes are introduced. Customers already availing freight Concessions under Station-to- Station rate Scheme will have the option of continuing with the existing arrangement till completion of the term as per the agreement of the Station-to-Station rate scheme or withdraw from these Schemes and opt for any of the new Incentive Schemes. These Schemes will be applicable for freight traffic under provisions of Goods Tariff and will exclude Military and RMC tariff. A customer will be able to participate in Volume Growth Incentive Scheme and Cargo Aggregation Scheme only if he specifically applies for the same. This circular also includes the procedure to be followed for processing such applications.


Key Terms used in the description of the Freight Incentive Schemes have been defined in the following Section for precise interpretation and elimination of ambiguities.


2.0 Definitions:

Applicability: This identifies the type of customer and Terminal eligible for a particular Incentive Scheme. Availability: This specifies Seasonal availability of a particular Incentive Scheme. Benchmark: Benchmarks can be set on a monthly basis, annual basis or on the basis of Seasons (Busy and Lean), as relevant to a particular Incentive Scheme. Following parameters pertaining to the concerned period (month, year or Season) of the previous financial year would jointly constitute the benchmark. (a) Tonnes loaded (charged at trainload and/or wagonload rates) And (b) Freight earning if tariff rate has not been increased over the rate in the previous financial year Or Freight earning multiplied by the current tariff rate and divided by the tariff rate in the corresponding period of the previous financial year if tariff rate has been increased. Block Rake: It is a train carrying wagons for a single destination. Composition of Block Rakes composed of different types of wagons will be as notified by Railway Board. Busy Season - Freight Business: It refers to the period from November 1 to June 30, unless modified through a notification by Railway Board. Busy Season - Passenger Business: It refers to the period from April 16 to July 14 and from September 16 to January 14, unless modified through a notification by Railway Board. Cargo Aggregation Scheme: This includes following schemes: (a) Freight Forwarder Scheme (b) Freight Forwarder Scheme in Traditional Empty Flow Directions (c) Two Leg Scheme Concurrency: It specifies the Incentive Schemes for which the traffic loaded by a rail customer can be concurrently considered. Consignment Volume Based Scheme: This includes following schemes: (a) Block rake (b) Mini Rake (c) Two point Rake (Covered Wagons) (d) Multi Point Rake (Covered Wagons) (e) Two and Multi Point Rake (Other than Covered Wagons) (f) Rake from Two Originating Terminals (Covered Wagons) (g) Rake from Two Originating Terminals (Other than Covered Wagons) Covered Wagons: It includes BCN, BCNA, BCNAHS, BCX and BCXN wagons. It does not include tank wagons.

Eligible Wagons: This specifies the types of wagons permissible under an Incentive Scheme.



Eligible Lead: This specifies restrictions by way of minimum lead of traffic applicable to an Incentive Scheme.

Empowered Committee: It will comprise of Senior Commercial Inspector and a Traveling Inspector of Accounts nominated by the General Managers of the Zone. It will be the final authority at the Divisional level to verify eligibility of the customer under an Incentive Scheme and to vet the loading and earning data furnished by the customers. Exclusions: These specify specific commodities explicitly excluded from being eligible for a particular Incentive Scheme. Flat Wagons: It includes BRN, BRNA, BFR, BRH, BRS, BFK, BFKI and BFNS wagons. Freight Concession: This is a generic term indicating charging at a rate lower than the normal tariff rate without being specific about it being a Discount or Rebate. Freight Discount: This refers to an upfront discount on the normal tariff rate at the time of booking of traffic at the terminal. Freight Earning: It refers to the revenue realized by railway from a customer for transportation of cargo by way of freight charges including surcharges, if any. Freight Rebate: This refers to a freight concession granted by way of a refund based on fulfillment of certain agreed performance parameters over a period of time. Traffic is booked at the terminals at normal tariff rate and refund by way of rebate is paid in lump sum. Full Rake Terminal: This refers to Terminals notified by Zonal Railways as full rake handling point. Half Rake Terminal: This refers to Terminals notified by Zonal Railways as half rake handling point. Incremental Earning: It is the freight earning realized from loading of Incremental Traffic. Incremental Traffic: It is the traffic volume loaded after fulfilling the benchmark criteria. Investment Reimbursement Discount: This is a freight discount granted as an incentive to a customer for making investment in wagons, terminal, track or any other component of rail infrastructure. Lean Season - Freight Business: It refers to the period from July 1 to October 31, unless modified through a notification by Railway Board. Lean Season - Passenger Business: It refers to the period from January 15 to April 15 and from July 15 to September 15, unless modified through a notification by Railway Board. Mini Rake: This is a short rake with a composition, which is shorter than the specified number of wagons required for a Block Rake. Multi Point Rake: This is a train carrying wagons destined to more than two destinations.



Open Wagons: It includes BOXN, BOXNHS, BOXNHA, BOST and BOX wagons. This does not include hopper wagons. Rail Coefficient: It is the percentage of the total production of a manufacturing unit dispatched by rail. Production of the unit will be determined on the basis of documents pertaining to payment of Excise Duty or any other statutory levy paid to the government. Season: It implies either busy season or lean season. Terminal: It refers to a private siding, assisted siding, railway siding, port or a goods shed where cargo is loaded or unloaded. Traditional Empty Flow Directions: These are traffic movement streams comprising predominantly of empty wagons. Railway Board will notify these streams for specific wagon types. Two Point Rake: This is a train-carrying wagon destined to two terminals. Two-Leg Loading: Two-Leg loading is defined as a demand of wagons for transport of cargo as under: (a) Loading of cargo at the originating terminal of the First Leg (b) Unloading at the destination terminal of the First Leg (c) Fresh loading of cargo at the originating terminal of the Second Leg (d) Unloading at the destination terminal of the Second Leg (e) Destination of the First Leg and the Originating terminal of the second leg can be different terminals. Similarly, destination of the Second Leg and the originating terminal of the First Leg can also be different terminals. Volume Growth Incentive Scheme: This includes following schemes: (a) Incentive Schemes for Incremental Traffic (b) Loyalty Scheme (c) Incentive Schemes for Traditional Empty Flow Direction (d) Long Term Special Incentive Scheme 3.0 Processing Procedure :The detailed procedure for processing a proposal received from a customer regarding any of the freight incentive schemes as mentioned in these instructions as well as any such proposal is given herein under: General Managers of Zonal Railways will nominate a Divisional Empowered Committee (DEC) comprising of a Senior Commercial Inspector and a Traveling Inspector of Accounts for each Division. Customers will apply to the Divisional Railway Manager of the concerned Division for grant of benefits under the Freight Incentive Scheme they wish to participate in. These applications will include details as applicable in respect of their loading and earning performance for fixation of Benchmark supported by documents duly authenticated by the Station Manager/Chief Goods Supervisor at the concerned


2. 3.



terminal/s, projection of the traffic volume expected to be loaded in the concerned season and documents in respect of Excise Duty or similar statutory levy paid to the government to authenticate claim of actual production of the Unit, if applicable, proposed terminals and days for running any of the Cargo Aggregation Services etc. 4. 5. 6. The proposals will be passed on to the nominated DEC to verify the accuracy of the data furnished by the customer. The DEC will submit its report within seven days of receipt of the proposal from the customer. Proposals submitted by customers, duly vetted by the DEC, will be put up by (Senior) Divisional Commercial Manager to Divisional Railway Manager for issue of an Authorization to the Goods Supervisor of the concerned terminal for maintaining necessary records and granting admissible freight Discounts or issue of a Regret Letter outlining the reason/s of rejection. Before issuing the notification authorizing grant of discounted freights to an applicant, Divisional Railway Manager must ensure that restrictions in respect of concurrent operation of the Volume Growth Incentive Schemes as specified in these instructions are complied with. Freight concessions under these Incentive Schemes will be granted by means of discounted freight rate, as admissible, at the time of issue of Railway Receipt itself. There will be no system of freight refunds unless specifically and explicitly laid down in a particular incentive scheme. The Authorization or Regret Letter mentioned in Item (6) above must be issued to the Customer and Goods Supervisor of the concerned terminal not later than 15 days after receipt of the proposal from the customer. For each customer granted benefit under these schemes, commercial staff at the concerned terminal will maintain detailed account of loading and earning performance both for the benchmarked and the current periods. Commercial staff at the concerned terminal will issue a message to the concerned (Senior) Divisional Commercial Manager and Chief/Deputy Chief Accounts Officer (Traffic accounts) as soon as a customer achieves the Benchmark advising start of grant of discounted freight. On receipt of such a message the DEC will visit the concerned terminal for post check of fulfillment of conditions for grant of discounted freight. Grant of discounted freight rate will start as soon as the qualifying conditions are fulfilled without waiting for post check inspection by DEC. Detailed proposals for freight discounts beyond the powers delegated to GMs and DRMs should be forwarded to Railway Board for consideration with concurrence of FA & CAO and personal approval of GM. Proposals not complying with this procedure will not be processed at the Board.











A. Volume Growth Incentive Schemes: Following Incentive Schemes are directed at promoting higher volumes of traffic particularly during the Lean Season. 1 Incentive Scheme for Incremental Traffic: Customers may avail of discounted freight rates for incremental traffic under this Scheme. Applicability: All terminals. For customers operating at multiple terminals, the Scheme will be applied to each terminal separately and independently. Exclusion: Coal, Coke, Raw Material to Steel Plants, Ores, Minerals and commodities in Classes below Class 120. Eligible Lead: No restrictions. Eligible Wagons: No restrictions. Availability: Scheme available only in Lean Season. Concurrency: All Investment Reimbursement Discounts and All Consignment Volume Based Schemes. Conditions: Loading volumes from the terminal concerned to any number of destinations will be eligible. A customer will have to exceed the benchmark for Lean Season for being eligible under this scheme. Benefit: Incremental Traffic loaded by the customer in Lean Season will be booked at a discounted freight rate at the time of issue of Railway receipt itself. The percentage discount in freight rate would be as indicated in the applicable slab of incremental freight earning in the following table subject to such discounted freight rate (including discount under investment reimbursement schemes) not being lower than Class LR1. However in case of all new traffic the admissible discount will be 50% of the applicable rates given in the table below: Slabs of Incremental Freight Earning (in Percentage discounts on Applicable Freight charges Rs.) 5 Crore and below 10 More Than 5 Crore 15 on incremental freight earnings beyond Rs.5 crores. 2 Loyalty Scheme: Rebate in freight may be granted for the entire traffic loaded by a customer in Lean Season subject to achievement of the prescribed rail coefficient under this Scheme. Applicability: All private and assisted sidings. For customers operating at multiple terminals, the Scheme will be applied to each terminal separately and independently. Exclusion: Available only for Cement (excluding Clinker) and Finished Steel traffic. Eligible Wagons: No restrictions.


Availability: Available only in Lean Season. Concurrency: All Investment Reimbursement Discounts and All Consignment Volume Based Schemes. Conditions: A customer will have to achieve the rail coefficient as prescribed below in the Lean Season of the current year for being eligible for rebate in freight. Benefits: Rail coefficient achieved during the Lean Season of the current year will be rounded off to the nearest integer to determine the permissible rebate in accordance with the applicable slab of rail coefficient indicated in the table below. Rail Coefficient Percentage Freight Discount on Applicable Freight Rate (Lean Season Only) 50-90 0.50 Above 90 1.00 3 Incentive Scheme for Traditional Empty Flow Direction: Discounted freight rates may be granted to customers on Incremental traffic in the notified Traditional Empty Flow Directions under this scheme. Applicability: All customers at all Terminals. For customers operating at multiple terminals, the Scheme will be applied to each terminal separately and independently. Exclusion: Coal, Coke, Raw Material to Steel Plants and iron ore in BOXN wagons. Eligible Lead: Covered BOXN Lean > 700 km > 700 km Busy > 700 km > 1000 km Eligible Wagons: Covered and BOXN wagons. Availability: Available throughout the year. Concurrency: All Investment Reimbursement Discounts and All Consignment Volume Based Schemes. Conditions: The Scheme would be available subject to following conditions. 1 2 Notified Inter-Zonal Traditional Empty Flow Directions across which traffic movement comprises predominantly of empty wagons is enclosed as Annexure-II. Originating point may be any notified half rake or full rake Terminal on the Originating Railway of the notified Inter-Zonal Traditional Empty Flow Direction. However, wherever specific divisions have been mentioned in the Originating Railway, originating point must be on such divisions only. Destination point may be any notified half rake or full rake Terminal on the Destination Railway of the notified Inter-Zonal Traditional Empty Flow Direction. However,



wherever specific divisions have been mentioned in the Destination Railway, Destination point must be on such divisions only. 4 5 Two Point Rakes loaded under this Scheme will also be eligible for discounted freight rates. This Scheme would be operated on the basis of a Monthly Benchmark, which would be calculated for each notified Inter-Zonal Traditional Empty Flow Direction separately on the basis of the traffic loaded in the corresponding month of the previous year (both at trainload and wagonload rates). A customer will have to exceed the monthly Benchmark in the proposed Inter-Zonal Traditional Empty Flow Direction for being eligible for discounted freight rates under this scheme. Discounted freight rates may also be granted to intra-zonal traffic under this Scheme subject to submission of a proposal to this effect by the Zonal Railway and its specific approval by the Railway Board.

Benefits: Incremental Traffic loaded by the customer after achieving the relevant monthly benchmark will be booked at the discounted freight rates as indicated in following table at the time of issue of Railway receipt itself. However, if the benchmark happens to be zero, admissible discounts will be 50% of the applicable rates in the table. Season Freight Discount: Lean 30%Busy 20% 4 Long Term Special Incentive Schemes: In special cases, concession by way of discount or rebate may be granted for periods up to 3 years in accordance with the following: CC 127 of 2006. Applicability: All Customers Exclusion: Coal (except from NF Railway in Covered wagons), Raw Material to Steel Plants and iron ores. Eligible Lead: No restrictions. Eligible Wagons: No restrictions. Availability: Available throughout the year. Concurrency: All Investment Reimbursement Discounts and All Consignment Volume Based Schemes. Procedure: 1. 2. Proposals under the scheme would be scrutinized by DEC and the same may be forwarded to CCM of concerned Zonal Railway.



CCM would examine the proposal in consultation with COM for vetting of FA&CAO and personal approval of General Manager subject to the conditions of the scheme.


Proposals for concessions beyond the permitted limits and/or for durations longer than the permitted period should be forwarded to Railway Board along with concurrence of FA&CAO and personal approval of General Manager.

Conditions: These concessions would be granted if circumstances so warrant with the objective of sustaining as well as increasing the rail share in the total traffic of a customer. Benefit: (i) For customers who has given freight earnings of more than Rs. 50 crores in the previous financial year. On BG systems, discount in freight rates may be granted up to 10% in the Busy Season and up to 20% in Lean Season for durations up to 3 years. These concessions would be subject to the condition that the discounted freight rates would not be lower than Class LR1 in Lean Season and Class 100 in the Busy Season. Freight concessions permitted under Traditional Empty Flow Scheme may also be granted under this Scheme for duration upto 3 years with the personal approval of General Managers. On MG systems, a discount up to 15% may be granted in both Seasons for Cement traffic only for one year. (ii) All other cust0mers including New Customers.

On BG system, discount in freight rates may be granted upto 5% in the Busy Season and upto 10% in lean Season for durations upto 3 years. These concessions would be subject to the condition that the discounted freight rates should not be lower than Class LR1 in Lean Season and Class 100 in the Busy Season. B. Cargo Aggregation Schemes: A wide variety of cargo is not amenable to bulk movement in block rakes due to insufficient volumes. White goods, FMCG products and several high value consignments also require assured supply of wagons and time critical movements. Railway can offer the cargo in this category speedy, reliable, efficient and economic transport only by aggregating such commodities in trainloads. Aggregation of cargo also requires efficient warehousing facilities at the railheads. Such warehouses can act as hubs aggregating goods for long haul by rail and can provide a cost effective door-to-door distribution service for the consumers with a back-to-back arrangement with road transport service providers. With the objective of promoting rail, road and warehousing integration and coordination, Railways have already launched Rail Side Warehousing Scheme for private participation. In order to take the process forward, following Cargo Aggregation Schemes are offered to Freight Forwarders. 1 Freight Forwarder Scheme Applicability: All Rail Side Warehouses and goods sheds notified by the concerned Zonal Railway for cargo aggregation and distribution. Exclusion: None. Eligible Lead: Available only for leads of more than 700 KM. Eligible Wagons: Both Covered and Open Wagons permitted in Lean Season. Only Covered wagons in Busy Season. Availability: Available through out the year.



Concurrency: Investment Reimbursement Discounts. Conditions: The Scheme would be available subject to following conditions. 1 2 3 The Scheme will provide point-to-point transport service between specific pair of Terminals. Loading at the forwarding goods shed and unloading at the destination goods shed will be the responsibility of the Cargo Aggregators. Cargo Aggregators will be required to apply for being permitted to operate under this Scheme identifying the Goods sheds between which they propose to operate the services and proposed nomination of days of operation. Both the originating and the destination Goods Sheds should be full rake Terminals. Zonal Railways will examine the feasibility of permitting cargo aggregation at the terminals proposed by Cargo Aggregator and issue notification for the approved Terminal. This Scheme will be permitted only at Rail Side Warehouses and goods sheds notified for by the concerned Zonal Railway for cargo aggregation and distribution. Indents will be placed for a block rake. Railway will give a commitment to the Cargo Aggregators for assured supply of wagons on the nominated days mutually agreed upon. A wagon may be loaded with a single or multiple commodities. Not more than ten wagons in a rake can be loaded with the same commodity. Not more than ten wagons in a rake can be loaded with multiple commodities. Freight would be charged for each wagon in the rake for the notified Permissible Carrying Capacity of the wagon (eg. at present PCC is 60 Tonne for BCN and 63 Tonne for BCNA etc) at the composite Class rate permitted in this Scheme. These services will be run only on prepaid basis at Owners Risk. Said to Contain Railway Receipts will be issued for Self. Cargo Aggregators will be allowed 48 hours for stacking of goods at the originating terminal and 24 hours for removal of cargo at the destination terminal.

5 6 7 8 9 10 11

12 13 14 15



Extant Commercial rules and regulations including those for free times and demurrage will apply, except as specifically stated in this Scheme.


Cargo Aggregators will ensure that contraband and dangerous goods and other prohibited articles are not loaded under this Scheme. Full liability in case of violation will rest with the Cargo Aggregator.

Benefit: Customers will be able to move their traffic in smaller lot sizes. Cargo Aggregators will be charged at following composite freight rates. Season Chargeable Class Lean 100 Busy 130 2 Freight Forwarder Scheme in Traditional Empty Flow Directions Applicability: All Rail Side Warehouses and goods sheds notified by the concerned Zonal Railway for cargo aggregation and distribution in the notified Inter-Zonal Traditional Empty Flow Directions. Exclusion: None. Eligible Lead: Available only for leads of more than 700 KM. Eligible Wagons: Available only for Covered Wagons. Availability: Available in both Seasons. Concurrency: All Investment Reimbursement Discounts. Conditions: The Scheme would be available subject to following conditions. 1 2 3 The Scheme will provide point-to-point transport service between specific pair of Goods sheds in the notified Inter-Zonal Traditional Empty Flow Directions. Loading at the forwarding goods shed and unloading at the destination goods shed will be the responsibility of the Cargo Aggregators. Cargo Aggregators will be required to apply for being permitted to operate under this Scheme identifying the Goods sheds between which they propose to operate the services and proposed nominated days of operation. Both the originating and the destination Goods Sheds should be full rake terminals. This Scheme will be permitted only at Warehouses and goods sheds notified by the concerned Zonal Railway for cargo aggregation and distribution. Indents will be placed for a minimum of 20 Covered wagons. Railway will give a commitment to the Cargo Aggregators for assured supply of wagons on the nominated days mutually agreed upon.

4 5 6 7



8 9 10 11 12

A wagon may be loaded with a single or multiple commodities. Not more than five wagons in a rake can be loaded with the same commodity. Not more than five wagons in a rake can be loaded with multiple commodities. A full Block Rake of Covered wagons would be supplied against the indents placed under this Scheme. Freight would be charged for the actual number of wagons loaded subject to a minimum of 20 Covered wagons for the notified Permissible Carrying Capacity of the wagon (e. g. PCC at present is 60 Tonne for BCN and 63 Tonne for BCNA etc) at the composite Class rate permitted in this Scheme. These services will be run only on prepaid basis at Owners Risk. Said to Contain Railway Receipts will be issued for Self Cargo Aggregators will be allowed 48 hours for stacking of goods at the originating terminal and 24 hours for removal of cargo at the destination terminal. Extant Commercial rules and regulations including those for free times and demurrage will apply, except as specifically stated in this Scheme. Cargo Aggregators will ensure that contraband and dangerous goods and other prohibited articles are not loaded under this Scheme. Full liability in case of violation will rest with the Cargo Aggregator.

13 14 15 16 17

Benefit: Customers will be able to move their traffic in smaller lot sizes at following composite freight rates. Season Chargeable Class Lean LR2 Busy 100 3 Two Leg Scheme: Special composite freight rates may be availed by Cargo Aggregators /customers offering Two-Leg traffic in covered wagons subject to stipulations below. Applicability: All Rail Side Warehouses, sidings and goods sheds notified by the concerned Zonal Railway for cargo aggregation and distribution for aggregated cargo as well as block rakes. Exclusion: Coal and Coke. CC 210 of 2006 dated 1.9.06. Eligible Lead: Available only for leads of more than 500 KM for the First Leg. Eligible Wagons: Available only for Covered Wagons. Availability: Available in both Seasons.



Concurrency: All Investment Reimbursement Discounts. Indenting Procedure: Customer will register indents for Two-Leg traffic at the originating terminal of the First Leg along with an application stating therein itinerary and the expected dates of loading of both Legs. Wagon Registration Fee: Indents for Two-Leg traffic will be registered on payment of wagon registration fee for one rake. Date of Loading: Date of loading of the First Leg, as mutually agreed, will be indicated by the Customer on the Forwarding Note. The date of Loading of the Second Leg, as selected by the Customer, will also be endorsed on the Forwarding Note. The date of loading of the Second Leg should not be more than 15 days later than the date of loading of the First Leg. Advance Payment of Freight for Second Leg: On completion of loading of the First Leg, freight charges for both the Legs will be collected at the originating terminal of the First Leg. Railway Receipt will be issued for the First Leg and a Money Receipt will be issued in respect of the Freight charges for the Second Leg. On completion of loading of the Second Leg, the Money Receipt issued at the originating terminal of the First Leg will be collected and retained at the originating terminal of the Second Leg and a Railway Receipt will be issued for the Second Leg by adjusting the freight indicated in the Money Receipt. Forfeitures: Wagon registration fee will be forfeited if the customer fails to load the first Leg. Advance Payment Collected for the Second Leg will be forfeited if the customer fails to load the Second Leg. Conditions: A customer should book Two-Leg traffic as under in order to be eligible for the special composite rate. (a) First Leg: Origin: A Rail Side Warehouse or a siding or any terminal notified as a full rake handling point. Destination: A Rail Side Warehouse or a siding or any terminal notified as a full rake handling point at a chargeable distance of not less than 500 kilometers from the Originating point. (b) Second Leg: Origin: A Rail Side Warehouse or a siding or any terminal notified as a full rake handling point within 150 kilometers of the destination of the First Leg Destination: A Rail Side Warehouse or a siding or any terminal notified as a full rake handling point at a chargeable distance of less than 100 kilometers from the Originating point of the First Leg (c) Indents will be accepted only for block rakes of Covered wagons in both Legs

(e) No freight will be charged for the movement of empty rakes.



(d) Freight will be charged for a gross payload of 2400 tonnes for each Leg at the composite class rate mentioned in this Scheme.

(f) Freight will be charged for each Leg separately without giving any telescopic benefit by combining the two legs. (g) Multi-commodity rakes are permitted (h) The Scheme will provide point-to-point transport service between specific pair of terminals in Covered wagons. (i) Loading at the forwarding terminal and unloading at the destination terminal will be the responsibility of the Customer. (j) Customer will be required to apply for being permitted to operate under this Scheme giving details of the Terminals between which the services are proposed to be operated and proposed nomination of day of the First Leg of service. (k) Railway will give a commitment to the Customer for assured supply of wagons on the nominated days mutually agreed upon. (l) These services will be run only on prepaid basis at Owners Risk. (m) Said to Contain Railway Receipts will be issued for Self. (n) Customer will be allowed 48 hours for stacking of goods at the originating terminal and 24 hours for removal of cargo at the destination terminal. (o) Extant Commercial rules and regulations including those for free times and demurrage will apply, except as specifically stated in this Scheme. (p) Customers will ensure that contraband and dangerous goods and other prohibited items are not loaded under this Scheme. Full liability in case of any violation will rest with the customer. Benefit: Customers will be able to move their traffic in block rakes as well as smaller lot sizes. Aggregators will be charged at the following composite Class rates. Season Chargeable Class Lean LR2 Busy LR1 C. Consignment Volume Based Schemes: Railways offer several transportation options differentiated by the volume of consignment booked to a destination terminal. These products have varying tariff rates. Following options are offered to rail users. 1 Block rakes Single point Block Rake with a wagon composition as notified by the Railway Board will be booked at trainload rate. The present notification regarding minimum number of wagons to be indented and minimum number of wagons to be loaded is given in Annexure I. Applicability: All goods terminals for traffic moving in all types of wagons. Exclusion: None.



Concurrency: All Incentive Schemes. Conditions: The Scheme would be available subject to following conditions: 1 2 3 4 Both the Originating and Destination terminal should be notified as either Full Rake Terminal or Half Rake Terminal. Block Rake will have to be indented for prescribed standard rake size. The present list is at Annexure I. In case of non-supply of indented number of wagons, the prescribed minimum number of wagons qualifying for Block Rake should be loaded. Where even the minimum number of wagons qualifying for Block Rake cannot be supplied by the Railway against trainload indent due to shortage of wagons, the rail user(s) shall not be penalized. In cases, where Railways are unable to supply the adequate number of wagons because of operating or any other constraints, the benefit of trainload rate can be extended. However, detailed reasons for non-supply of all the indented wagons constituting a block rake should be recorded by the concerned Station Manager/ Yard Master, who in turn should get it confirmed in writing from at least a Gazetted Officer. The modalities for implementation of this instruction may be worked out jointly by Operating, commercial and Accounts Officers of the Railway depending on the local conditions. However, this relaxation will not cover the cases where standard block rakes cannot run due to capacity constraints, unless otherwise decided by Board. In cases where rake is split up during transit due to gradient or other operational reasons but has fulfilled all other conditions for availing trainload rate at originating point, the trainload rate benefit shall be admissible. Trainload rate benefit shall be extended to block rakes at the serving station by clubbing wagons loaded from more than one siding served by the same station or loaded partly from a siding and partly from the station serving that siding for a single destination. Trainload benefit shall be extended to trains originating from one point and terminating at two points provided that the two points are either the serving station and its siding or two sidings of the same serving station, or two sidings notified as independent booking points but operationally branched out from the same station. For rake loaded with two or more commodities, the required number of total wagons as per Annexure I shall be loaded with. For all other types of wagons not specified in the annexed statement, the existing trainload eight conditions i.e. 1400 tonnes on BG and 650 tonnes on MG will continue to apply.

9 10




Indents for BCX/BCN groups of wagons will be treated as interchangeable for the purpose of supply of rakes. Trainload conditions will be applicable as per type of stock supplied.

Benefit: Traffic in Block Rake shall be booked at Train Load Tariff Rate. 2 Mini Rake: Mini Rake can be loaded under the following Scheme. Applicability: The Scheme will be applicable to all goods terminals for traffic moving in Covered wagons. Exclusion: Coal, Ores and Raw Material to Steel Plants. Concurrency: All Volume Growth Incentive Schemes and Investment Reimbursement Discounts. Conditions: The Scheme would be available subject to following conditions. 1 2 3 4 Mini Rakes will have a minimum composition of twenty wagons. Mini Rakes can be loaded to and from any notified full or half rake terminal. Free time for loading/unloading Mini Rakes will be 5 hours. Mini Rakes can be loaded only for distances up to 400 km.

Benefit: Customers will be able to move their traffic in smaller lot sizes. Traffic in Mini Rakes will be booked at following tariff rates. Lean Season Trainload Rate Busy Season Trainload Rate for commodities in Class 140 & above. 5 % additional Surcharge over the applicable trainload rate for commodities in Class 130 & below. 3 Two Point Rake (Covered Wagons) Two Point Rakes can be loaded under the following Scheme. Applicability: The Scheme will be applicable to all goods terminals for traffic in covered wagons. Exclusion: None. Concurrency: All Volume Growth Incentive Schemes and Investment Reimbursement Discounts. Conditions: Two Point Rakes will be loaded subject to following conditions: 1 2 3 4 5 Originating terminal should be a notified full or half rake terminal. Each destination terminal should be a notified full or half rake terminal. Destination terminals should not be more than 200 KM apart. A minimum of 10 wagons should be loaded for each destination. The total number of wagons indented and loaded must conform to the Block Rake composition as notified for various types of wagon by the Railway Board.



Benefit: Customers will be able to move their traffic in smaller lot sizes. Traffic in Two Point Rakes will be booked at following tariff rates. Lean Season Trainload Rate Busy Season Trainload Rate for commodities in Class 140 & above. 5 % additional Surcharge over the applicable trainload rate for commodities in Class 130 & below. 4 Multi Point Rake (Covered Wagons) Multi Point Rakes can be loaded under the following Scheme. Applicability: All goods terminals for traffic in covered wagons. Exclusion: None. Concurrency: All Volume Growth Incentive Schemes and Investment Reimbursement Discounts. Conditions: Multi Point Rakes will be loaded subject to following conditions: 1 Originating terminal should be a notified full or half rake terminal. 2 Each destination terminal should be a notified full or half rake terminal. 3 Farthest destination terminals should not be at a chargeable distance of more than 200 KM. 4 A minimum of 10 wagons should be loaded for each destination. 5 The total number of wagons indented and loaded must conform to the Block Rake composition as notified for various types of wagon by the Railway Board. Benefit: Customers will be able to move their traffic in smaller lot sizes. Traffic in Multi Point Rakes will be booked at following tariff rates. Lean Season Trainload Rate Busy Season: Trainload Rate for commodities in Class 140 & above.10 % additional Surcharge over the applicable trainload rate for commodities in Class 130 & below. 5 Two and Multi Point Rake (Other Than Covered Wagons) Two/Multi Point Rakes in other than covered wagons can be loaded under the following Scheme. Applicability: All goods terminals. Exclusion: None. Concurrency: All Volume Growth Incentive Schemes and Investment Reimbursement Discounts. Conditions: Multi Point Rakes will be loaded subject to following conditions. 1 Originating terminal should be a notified full or half rake terminal. 2 Each destination terminal should be a notified full or half rake terminal. 3 Notified Two Point or Multi Point combinations for other than covered wagons are at Annexure-III. 4 A minimum of 10 wagons should be loaded for each destination. 5 The total number of wagons indented and loaded must conform to the Block Rake composition as notified for various types of wagon by the Railway Board.



Benefit: Multi Point Rakes of other than covered wagons will be booked at following tariff. Lean Season Trainload Rate Busy Season Trainload Rate for commodities in Class 140 & above. 5 % additional Surcharge over the applicable trainload rate for commodities in Class 130 & below. 6 Rakes from Two Originating Terminals (Covered Wagons) Rakes from two Originating Terminals in covered wagons can be loaded under the following Scheme. Applicability: All goods terminals. Exclusion: None. Concurrency: All Volume Growth Incentive Schemes and Investment Reimbursement Discounts. Conditions: Rakes from Two Originating terminals will be loaded subject to following conditions. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Two Point combination from which loading is permitted will be notified by the Zonal Railway concerned. In case the two terminals are on different Railways, recorded prior consent of the concerned Railway will be taken by the Railway issuing notification. Each Originating terminal should be a notified full or half rake terminal. Each destination terminal should be a notified full or half rake terminal. Loading of rakes from two terminals can be done only if the two loading terminals are less than 200 KM apart. A minimum of 10 wagons should be loaded from/for each originating/destination terminal. The total number of wagons indented and loaded must conform to the Block Rake composition as notified for various types of wagon by the Railway Board.

Benefit: Rakes from two originating terminals in covered wagons will be booked at following tariff Lean Season Trainload Rate Busy Season Trainload Rate for commodities in Class 140 & above. 5% additional Surcharge over the applicable trainload rate for commodities in Class 130 & below. 7 Rakes from Two Originating Terminals (Other than Covered Wagons) Rakes from two Originating Terminals in other than covered wagons can be loaded under the following Scheme. Applicability: All goods terminals. Exclusion: Coal, Ores and Raw Material to Steel Plants. Concurrency: All Volume Growth Incentive Schemes and Investment Reimbursement Discounts. Conditions: Multi Point Rakes will be loaded subject to following conditions.



1 2 3 4 5

Notified Two Point combinations from which loading is permitted, are at Annexure-III. Each originating terminal should be a notified full or half rake terminal. Each destination terminal should be a notified full or half rake terminal. A minimum of 10 wagons should be loaded from/for each originating/destination terminal. The total number of wagons indented and loaded must conform to the Block Rake composition as notified for various types of wagon by the Railway Board.

Benefit: Rakes from two originating terminals in other than covered wagons will be booked at following tariff Lean Season Trainload Rate Busy Season Trainload Rate for commodities in Class 140 & above. 5% additional Surcharge over the applicable trainload rate for commodities in Class 130 & below. D Explanatory Notes: (a) Benchmark: If a customer has loaded, say, 50,000 MT of traffic and Rupees One Crore in the previous Season and there has been no change in the tariff rate, the customer has to load 50,000 MT and give a freight earning of Rupees One Crore before he becomes eligible for freight discounts. In the same example if the tariff rate has been increased by 10%, freight earnings will reach One Crore before loading 50,000 MT: however, the customer will become eligible only after he has loaded 50,000 MT. On the other hand, if the tariff rate has been decreased by 10%, loading of 50,000 MT will be achieved before reaching freight earnings of One Crore: however, the customer in this case will become eligible only after he has achieved freight earning of Rupees One Crore. (b) Calculation of Freight Discounts for Volume Growth Incentive Schemes: A customer will start getting discounts at the rate indicated in the Scales of Discounts from the next rake as soon as the seasonal benchmarks in respect of loading and earning are fulfilled. When earning performance of the customer reaches the next slab, wherever applicable, he will start getting the higher discount for the traffic volume corresponding to that slab. An example is given below to illustrate this point. If the incremental earning is Rs. 5 crore in the lean season, the customer is eligible for freight discount of 10% for the entire incremental earning. However, if the incremental earning is Rs. 7 crore, a discount of 10% will be granted on the incremental earning of Rs. 5 crore and a discount of 15% will be granted on the balance incremental freight earning of Rs.2 crore. c) Concurrent Applicability: The concept is explained by the following example. Freight Discounts under the Incentive Scheme for Incremental Traffic and under the Wagon Investment Scheme (an investment reimbursement discount) are permissible concurrently. Incremental traffic volume of a customer will be eligible for admissible freight discounts provided the customer opts for both the Schemes. However, the discount on the incremental traffic will be given on net rate arrived at after having given concession under Wagon Investment Scheme.


These instructions will come into force with effect from 01.04.2006.



d) Calculation of freight in case of two point rakes and multipoint rakes will be done on end-toend basis. Illustration is at Annexure- IV

6. Zonal Railways should advise nomination of Divisional Empowered Committee (DEC) as stipulated in this circular to the Boards office. Zonal Railways should also send to Board s office a list of notified cargo aggregation and distribution terminal in reference to Cargo Aggregation Scheme of this circular, and the full rake/half rake terminals as well as combination of two originating terminals for covered wagons in reference to this circular. 7. Zonal Railways will ensure that wide publicity is given to these schemes. Steps should be taken to ensure that the staff fully understand these schemes and implement them correctly. This issues with the concurrence of the Finance Directorate in the Ministry of Railways. In order to improve the utilisation of the rolling stock, and help the customers in prompt clearance of freight trains from their sidings/terminals, the Engine-on-Load scheme was introduced vide Boards letter No.2004/TC-I/94/214/9/Vol. II dated 12.7.2004. Under the Engine-on-Load operations, the train engine will remain available during loading or unloading operation in the siding and wait on Railways account so as to work the train immediately after loading/unloading operation is completed. 2.0 In super session of all earlier instructions on the above mentioned subject, Central Government decided to liberalise the EOL scheme. 3.0 The siding holders will be required to opt for the EOL operations under an agreement with the zonal railway administration as per the terms and conditions of the Engine-onLoad operations, as given in the following paragraphs. Eligibility: Sidings which have been notified for charging freight on through distance basis can be brought under EOL operation. It has been decided that in addition to private sidings, zonal railways can also extend the EOL scheme to selected goods sheds and Rail-side Ware House complexes, where crew changing and resting facilities can be made available. Permissible free time Free time for loading and unloading operations under the EOL will be lower than the normal free time so as to minimize detention to the wagons and the waiting period of the locomotives. The free time for loading and unloading operations under the EOL will be permitted as under: Loading All types hours 8.


3.2 3.2.1




Unloading 1. All types of wagons except BOBRN 2. BOBRN wagons

4 hours 2 hours



Additional free time for placement/removal of rakes in the sidings shall be applicable as per extant instructions.


5 hours Not applicable

3.3 3.3.1

Debit/credit hours for demurrage A system of debit/credit hours in regard to detention to wagons shall be introduced for the EOL customers for the purpose of levying demurrage. Debit hours would signify the detention in terms of wagon-hours beyond the free time permissible under the EOL. Credit hours would signify the wagon-hours saved with reference to the free time permissible under the EOL. Saving/detention to a wagon of 30 minutes or more up to 1 hour will be rounded off to an hour. Saving/detention to a wagon of less than 30 minutes will not be reckoned.





The net debit/credit hours, accrued during a month, shall be carried forward till the end of a quarter ending on the 30th of June, 30th of September, 31st of December and the 31st of March. Demurrage will be charged, on a quarterly basis on the net debit hours outstanding, if any, at the end of the quarter at the rates prescribed from time to time for the first 24 hours. The prevailing rates for demurrage charges are Rs.100.00 per bogie wagon per hour, for all types of stock. The demurrage to be charged at the end of each quarter, if any, would not be waived except to the extent covered under Force Ma-jeure conditions. 3.3.6 The net credit hours, if any, at the end of a quarter will be adjusted as a rebate in the freight payable by the customer in the following quarter. For this purpose, the amount of rebate for each net credit hour will be @Rs.15.00 per hour per bogie wagon. 3.4 Exemption from Engine Hire Charges If a siding holder requires utilizing the train engine during loading or unloading of the rake, within the free time prescribed, the same will be allowed without levying any additional charges. The siding owner may, therefore, not be required to maintain a captive engine at his cost under the EOL operations. 3.5 Exemption from Siding charges For the bulb type sidings freight will be charged on the basis of through distance up to a specified loading or unloading point and not for the entire length of the siding. No siding / shunting charges for haulage of wagons within the siding will be leviable under the Engine-on- load operations. 3.6 Exemption from cost of railway staff The Railways will bear the entire cost of all railway staff deployed at the sidings operated under the EOL scheme. 3.7 Preference in supply of rakes In terms of Boards letter No.2004/TT-III/1/1 dated 16.3.2005, higher preference, within the same class of priority, will be accorded in supply of rakes to the EOL customers. 3.8 Multiple-commodity sidings It has been decided that in case of multiple commodity sidings, if the rakes for the major commodity handled in the siding is covered under EOL norms, such a siding can be notified as EOL siding, with no cost of Railway Staff to the siding owner. However, the 3.3.5



4.0 4.1

4.2 4.3 4.4


5.0 1

2 3 4



other benefits of EOL scheme shall be applicable only for the commodity and the stock used for its loading/unloading as per EOL norms. Multiple-plant sidings There are certain sidings, which serve an old plant and a new plant. If the operation at one of the plants is covered under EOL norms, the siding can be notified as an EOL siding with no cost of Railway Staff to the siding owner. However, the other benefits of EOL scheme should be applicable only for the commodity and the stock handled at that particular siding. General It should be ensured that all arrangements, including timely relief to the train crew, as and when required, are made in sidings and goods sheds/Rail side Ware House complexes etc. where the freight customers have opted for the EOL scheme. Suitable resting facilities shall be provided to the train crew by the siding owners in their premises. Siding owners will also permit the train crew to avail the facilities of staff canteen in their premises on payment of charges as prescribed for their own staff. All Railways are requested to give wide publicity to the liberalized Engine-on-load scheme among the existing as well as prospective siding owners. Proposals may be invited from the siding owners desiring to opt for the Engine-on-Load operations. Details of the detentions to wagons and locomotives in the sidings, before and after switching over to the EOL, may be analysed and also sent to Boards office for information so that the EOL scheme could be reviewed one year after its implementation at various locations. The above instructions shall be effective from 1st April, 2005. TERMINAL INCENTIVE CUM ENGINE ON LOAD SCHEME (TIELS) The scheme will be applicable to existing sidings only which have been notified for charging freight on through distance basis. All future sidings are to come up with EOL concept and loading / unloading time for TIELS would be applicable for all such future terminals without any financial benefits being admissible. The scheme will only be applicable to private sidings and terminals handling a maximum of 5 rakes per day on an average. This scheme will also be applicable to Goods Sheds and Rail Side. Warehouse Complexes subject to conditions separately specified for goods sheds. Financial incentives would be given to such freight customers who help to reduce terminal detentions through one or more of the following means. a) Investment in or augmentation of infrastructure for mechanized loading and unloading such as increase in number of pay-loaders, tipplers, in-motions weigh bridges, loading chutes etc. b) Invest in lay out of their sidings. c) Introduce round the clock working in terminals to save detention to wagons d) Increase in number of labourers. Direct benefits accruing to freight customers would be as follows a) Freight rebate as stipulated for a period of 10 years. b) Utilization of railway loco during the duration of free time, without paying engine hire charges.

7 8






Loading / unloading time for various types of block rakes with TIELS working prescribed as follows: Type of wagon EOL free time in hours Loading Unloading Open Rake (BOXN etc.) 3.00 3.00 Hopper Rake (BOBR etc.) 3.00 2.00 Covered Rake (BCN etc.) 6.00 6.00 Tank Rake (BTPN etc.) 5.00 5.00 The free time mentioned above will be the actual free time for loading/unloading of wagon from placement to release. If at any terminal, additional shunting time etc. have been permitted at present (from the exchange yard to siding and back) the same would continue. For ascertaining placement and release timings, automatic timing devices linked to specified track circuits would have to be installed by the customer. It is possible for a customer to opt for the above scheme either for his inward traffic or for his outward traffic, or for only one particular type of rake. (For example, a terminal owner may decide that he will be able to participate in this scheme only for unloading of his inward BOXN rakes) Modalities for switching over to TIELS working is as follows: (i) Customers who agree to switch over to TIELS working and load/unload their rakes within the limits prescribed for EOL timings would be eligible for incentives as detailed below. (ii) The incentives would be worked for all rakes handled at the terminal for the type of traffic which has gone onto TIELS working. (iii) It would be given as a percentage rebate in freight charges. (iv) The customer would be eligible for the above rebate for a total period of 10 years as detailed in para 10 and 11. Financial incentives accruing to terminal/siding owners opting for TIELS would be as detailed in the table below. Freight rebate Penalty Charges st 5% 1% 1 Year 4% 1% 2nd Year 3% 1% 3rd Year 2% 1% 4th year th th 1% 1% 5 10 year Financial incentives accruing to customers opting for TIELS at Goods Sheds and Rail Side Warehouse Complexes, would be as detailed in the table below Freight rebate Penalty Charges 2% 1% 1st -10th Year Freight rebate would be admissible for rakes loaded/unloaded within the EOL free time. Similarly, Penalty Charges would be levied for rakes detained for ore than 1 hour beyond EOL free time. Under TIELS working following stipulations would be operative for rakes detained beyond free time.







19 20

21 (i) (ii)


After TIELS starts at the terminal/siding or goods shed (for a particular customer), normal demurrage charges would be levied for rakes detained beyond the EOL free time. (ii) For rakes detained beyond the EOL free time notified for TIELS working, no freight rebate would be admissible. (iii) For rakes detained for more than 1 hour beyond the EOL free time notified for TIELS working, penalty charges @ 1% of freight would be payable by the terminal/siding owner or customer in the goods shed on Rail Side Warehousing Complex.. However, no penalty charges would be levied for the first three month period after start of TIELS working, so that the system stabilizes. At those terminals where customers opt for TIELS, railway will withdraw all C&W examination facilities from inside the terminal Nominated base depots will be identified for C&W examination of all such inward and outward traffic based on relevant streams in which they are moving. This will be done by zonal railway concerned. Terminals from where C&W examination cannot be shifted will not qualify for being included in this scheme. However, in case of all such terminals, where the terminal owner is prepared to go in for the scheme and zonal railways express inability in withdrawing C&W examination facilities, the case will be referred to Railway Board for further scrutiny as to whether C&W examination can be withdrawn or not. Similarly at those non-electrified terminals /sidings in electrified sections where customers opt for TIELS, railway will undertake electrification of their sidings on priority, prior to introduction of TIELS. For this purpose the same norms for electrification will be followed as had been earlier approved for such sidings. (For sidings up to 5 kms in length, a traffic volume of 5 BOXN / 7 BCN rakes per month. For sidings up to 10 kms in length, a traffic volume of 9 BOXN / 12 BCN rakes per month. For bulb type sidings, freight will be charged on the basis of through distance upto a specified loading / unloading point and not for the entire length of the siding. No siding / shunting charges for haulage of wagons within the siding will be leviable under TIELS. In terms of para 4.5 of Railway Boards letter no. 9/TC(FM) 26/1 dateed31.3.2005, railway will bear the entire cost of all railway staff deployed at the siding operated under TIELS. In terms of para Boards letter no. 2004/TT-III/1/1 dated 16.3.2005, higher preference, within the same class of priority, will be accorded in supply of rakes to TIELS customers. In case of multi party / multi commodity sidings, if more than 50% of rakes being handled are covered under TIELS, then such a siding can be treated as TIELS siding for the purpose of no cost of railway staff to siding owner. The modus operandi of implementation of the TIELS would be as follows: Customers who are interested in availing of the above benefits would approach the division concerned. Customer will have to introduce round the clock working at his terminal in order to be eligible to participate in TIELS. In case of goods sheds or rail side warehouse complexes, the customer will have to agree for round the clock working for all his rakes to be covered under TIELS. (For example if a customer opts for inward covered rakes at the goods shed or rail side warehouse complex to be covered under TIELS, then all his inward covered rakes at that good shed or rail side warehouse complex would fall within the ambit of TIELS)



Division will sign an Agreement with the terminal owners stipulating the streams of traffic that will be covered under TIELS working as also the date from which it will come into force. In case of goods sheds or rail side warehouse complexes, Division will sign an Agreement with the customer nominating the goods shed, streams of traffic that will be covered under TIELS as also the date from which it will come into force. All such goods sheds must have full length placement lines for handling a block rake in a single placement. The format of the Agreement will be circulated by Railway Board. (iv) Divisions will thereafter notify the above revised free time for loading/unloading as given at para 6 above, for different types of rakes covered under this scheme. (v) Since this freight discount is in the nature of repayment and incentive for investment made, it will be admissible in addition to all other rebates that the siding owner / customer may become eligible for such as lean season policy, empty flow direction, incremental loading etc. (vi) All outward traffic loaded from the siding / terminals or goods sheds ( for that customer) will be paid traffic. (vii) For outward traffic originating from sidings / terminals or goods sheds this discount will be given up front in freight charges at the time of booking. The Goods Clerk will maintain a separate register containing details of all outward traffic moved along with discount given. TIA and Section CMI will conduct post checks regarding this account keeping on a quarterly basis. (viii) In case the loading is being done by the consignor whereas freight is being paid by the consignee, then the freight rebate would be given to the consignor by way of a 6 monthly refund (This situation would arise in case of colliery sidings etc.) (ix) For outward the discount will be given by way of 6 monthly return. 22 Once the terminal / siding owner or a customer in goods shed or rail side warehouse complex goes in for TIELS working, it would normally be binding on him to continue with TIELS working for future handling of traffic at that terminal. However, in case he wishes to move out of this scheme after 10 years, it would be permissible for him to do so. 12. What are the conditions stipulated for opening of Private Siding? Explain in detail? 13. What are the various charges that are collected from the sidings? What do you understand by charging on through distance basis? Define Section 94 of the Railways Act, 1989. OPENING OF A SIDING At Zonal level, Chief Traffic Panning Manager (CPTM) is nominated as a Nodal Officer for all Siding matters through out the construction stage and the signing of Agreement. As soon as the siding is notified for commissioning, CCM (FM) will take over as Nodal Officer. Time Frame:




i) ii)

Six months to one year depending upon the size of the project where survey is done by the Railways and work is executed under Railway supervision. When empanelled consultants do survey and they supervise work, conceptual plan should be approved within two months and final approval within four months of submission of detailed project report.

Firm should apply to CTPM of the Zonal Railway for construction of a siding with the following details: 1. Location, including alignment of the nearest railway line. 2. Serving station. 3. Traffic projections of both inward and outward with Originating and Terminating location for 5 years from the commissioning of the Siding. 4. Period of construction of the plant. 5. Project report if any: a) Conceptual plan for Siding. b) Modifications required at the serving station. Railways will advise for payment of initial feasibility study fee for Rs. 5,000/-. This amount is fixed by COM of the Zonal Railways with the approval of General Manager. After payment of initial feasibility study fee of Rs. 5,000/- feasibility of opening of a siding will be examined and modifications to the arrangements proposed will be advised to the party Rail transport clearance shall be obtained from the Railway Board. On receipt of the reference from the Railway Board, the same will be advised to the Party. The firm may ask the Railways to take-up detailed survey or nominate a consultant to take-up survey. Railways will advise per kilometer survey charges to the party. After the amount is deposited survey will be conducted and plans are drawn. After discussions with the concerned division, S & T and traction, plans will be finalized. Approval of Principal Chief Engineer is required for commencement of work. After approval, Tenders are called for and the contract for execution of work will be awarded. The construction of the Siding work should be supervised by the Sr.DEN of the division. After completion of work 6 copies of the handy sized plans indicating the serving station upto the dead-end of the siding shall be prepared by the Divisional Engineer and jointly signed by Sr.DCM/Sr.DEN along with approximate running time to be sent to the CCM/FM. A siding agreement is executed by the Siding Owner and the Railways. Three copies of the Siding agreements are prepared, one copy is handed over the siding owner, one copy is kept at the serving station and one copy of the Agreement will kept with DRM ( C ) s office. The Siding should be given a name, the name as proposed by the Siding Owner, which will be sent to the General Secretary, IRCA at New Delhi. An alphabetical code and a numerical code is given the siding, which will be advised to the CCM of the Zonal railway.



The name of the siding, its serving station, alphabetical code and numerical code will be published in the TRCs duly declaring the Siding is open for a particular traffic. Capital cost: i) ii) The Siding Owner shall bear the capital cost of the siding from the take-off point at the serving station including OHE. The linking of the siding to the station shall be done at the cost of the Owner. If any additional lines are required to be laid at the serving station to deal with the traffic offered by the Siding or in the region, the same will be borne by the Railways, provided the investments remains financially viable with atleast 14% POR. Y connection at the serving station should be planned where sectional capacity utilization is 80% or above, and where such provision is absolutely inescapable. While the capital cost of Y connection may be borne by the Siding in these cases Staff should be posted in the cabins at the cost of the railways. The capital cost of the Siding station should be borne by the Siding owner. If the capacity utilization of the section is 80% and above, the staff may be posted at the crossing station at the Railways cost, other wise it should be at partys cost. A review in this regard should be carried out every three years and whenever the utilization reaches 80% and above Railway should take over the Staff Cost. Cost of gauge conversion: Siding owners have been representing that gauge conversion is railways operational requirement, and therefore its cost should be borne by the Railways. The matter has been considered and it has been decided that this cost should be shared with the party, provided the investment made by the Railways is financially viable with a minimum POR at 14% vis--vis traffic offered by the siding in the last 24 months, where it is not financially justified the siding owners will bear the full cost or the siding will closed.




Capital cost for augmenting siding facilities to cater to increased production: The capital cost for augmenting the facilities within the siding should be borne by the Siding Owner. The facilities at serving station necessitated by such expansion should be borne by the Railways provided POR on such investment is 14% or above vis-vis traffic projected. The cost of Y connection provided on section having capacity utilization of 80% or above and planned only when inescapable will be borne by the party and staff in the cabins will be at Railways Staff Cost: Means the cost of the railway staff employed at the Siding etc: the siding owner shall pay to the Railway Administration such establishment cost of any Railway Staff posted at the siding for the proper working of the said siding as may from time to time be decided by the Railway Administration and such establishment cost shall include the pay and allowances of any Railway staff as well as contributions or payments which the Railway Administration may make towards or on account of leave salary, provident fund, bonus, special contributions to provident fund, pension, gratuity, hours rent, cost of uniform or any other contributions , payment of any fringe




benefits of any railway staff. In accordance with any rules of the Railway Administration for the time being and from time to time in force relating to the employment or emoluments of the Railway servants. The applicant shall provide or bear the cost of proper and suitable office accommodation and quarters for all Railway Staff posted at the siding. Where the railways are necessarily to incur extra expenditure in the train examination and wagon repairs over and above what would normally done and which they would not have normally incurred otherwise in such cases, entire cost of the railway staff posted for Train Examination and all other expenses incurred in examination, certification, repairs etc should be paid by the siding holder. Maintenance: The applicant will at their own cost and expenses in all things and to the satisfaction of the Railway Administration and if required by the Railway Administration under its supervision maintain in good order and repair the said portion of the siding,. Such charges as may be fixed by the Railway for the supervision rendered shall be paid by the Applicant. Rate fixed by the Railway Administration from time to time per kilometer basis (fraction less than half a kilometer being treated as equivalent to half a kilometer). Siding charges: In addition the freight charges to and from the station serving the station, siding charges at the rates laid down in the agreement or notified separately by the railway administration for dealing with the traffic at the siding should be recovered from the siding user locally and should not be shown on the invoice/way bills. Where siding charges are fixed on trip basis, a trip being defined as one movement of the engine to and from the siding for placement and or removal of wagon, where loaded or empty, and a separate voucher must be issued for each such trip. In such cases, when a light engine is sent to the siding for pulling out loaded and or empty wagons lying in the siding the light engine should be recorded on the obverse side of the siding voucher and the details of the wagons pulled out should be entered on its reverse side. If the siding has been provided with complete facilities for direct reception and despatch of trains and such trains do not require to be dealt with at the station from which the siding takes off/serving station but runs through to or from the siding with railway locomotive or originate from or terminate in the exchange/peripheral yards provided by the siding holder the railway administration will have the powers for levying freight charges on through distance basis upto the buffer end of the siding or the farthest point of the exchange yard instead of levying freight charges upto the serving station and siding charges for haulage of wagons over the siding. Such as: 1. 2. 3. 4. direct reception and despatch of trains. such trains do not require to be dealt with at the station. run through to or from the siding with railway locomotive of Originate or terminate in the exchange / peripheral yard provided buy the siding holder.



The railway administration have the powers for levying freight charges on through distance basis upto the buffer end of the siding or the farthest point of the exchange yard. The distance from the serving station to the siding is notified by the railway administration in the TRCs and this distance is added to the chargeable distance from the serving station to the destination. Shunting Charges: When the engine performs shunting of wagons i.e. placement of wagons on different lines for the purpose of loading or clubbing of wagons from different lines, a separate charge is levied called as shunting charge. Shunting charges are leviable for the total time taken by the shunting engine from the time of its departure from the serving station to the time of its return to the same serving station after completion of shunting operations at the siding. The shunting time should be rounded off at the end of 10 day period for which bills shall be preferred. (This charge is levied on per hour or part of an hour basis, these charges are notified in TRCs.) Boards Lr. No. TC-1/94/214/18 dated. 30.9.1994. CC. 85/98. Demurrage Charges: The free time allowed to the applicant for loading and unloading and demurrage charges leviable for detention in excess of such free time will be governed by the rates and rules published from time to time in the Tariffs, Circulars and advices of the Railway Administration and in force at the time the traffic is carried. When wagons cannot be placed at the point of interchange on account of siding being blocked by wagons that have not been returned on account of applicants inability to accept wagons in the siding and such wagons are detained in the serving station or yard, the Railway reserves the right to levy demurrage, or detention charges on such wagons are ready to be made over to the applicant, the usual free time being allowed only once. In the case of delivery of goods, in the event of applicant failing to affect delivery within the prescribed free time after the arrival of the wagons at the serving stations, the usual demurrage charges shall begin to accrue on such wagons thereafter, the free time being granted only once. Demurrage on wagons/vehicles placed in siding: a) The free time for loading and unloading should be calculated in accordance with the rules in force from time to time. Wagons/vehicles detained by the siding user over and above such free time shall be subject to the payment of demurrage charges at the rates in force as notified by individual railway administration in their local tariff rate advices etc. b) For siding where pilot to pilot system has been introduced, the levy of demurrage charges should be made according to the schedule of placements approved by the railway administration in consultation with the owner of the siding.



What is a halt station? What is the procedure adopted for opening of a halt stations?

OPENING OF A PASSENGER HALT Definition: Passenger halts are opened between two stations for convenience of traveling public. Halts will deal with only passenger traffic upto adjacent junctions. Permission is given for issue of tickets by the Halt Agents upto the station connecting the Main line in case the halt is situated on the Branch line and permission of issue of tickets from halt upto the stations serving the district/tahsil headquarters if the same is situated within Railway or upto interchange point in case the halt is situated on the main line. Passenger halts are worked by contractor. They are not open for Parcels and Goods Traffic. On receipt of representation from public or State Government, Panchayat Board etc. A report from the division is called for. The report should contain the following information. 1) Exact location of the halt rounded off to two decimal places in kilometers. 2) Names of the adjacent stations and distance between the proposed location and the adjacent stations rounded off to two decimal places. 3) Names of the villages to be served by the proposed halt with the following details:- a) Population of each of the villages. b) Distance from each of the villages to the proposed halt and the adjacent stations on either side of the proposed halt. c) A rough sketch showing the location of villages, roads rivers etc. of the area. 4) Details of the traffic station wise dealt with at the adjacent stations on either side of the proposed halt for period of one year. 5) Anticipated fresh traffic from the proposed halt as well as traffic likely to be diverted from adjacent stations, details must be furnished destination wise to enable detailed financial implications being worked out. 6) Feasibility of locating the halt at the location requested for from the Operating, Mechanical and Engineering points of view.( Electrical Department in case of OHE sections) 7) The Capital cost required for provision of minimum amenities at the halt. The details may be split into those works which can be done by Shramdan and those worked required to be spent by other than Shramdan. 8) Number of trains proposed to be stopped at the halt. Normally at the opening of new halt minimum number of trains convenient to meet the needs of the population is introduced and introduction of further trains is considered based on the patronage of the halt.


9) Railways should take a written commitment from local panchayat people for shramdan for earthwork before considering the proposal for opening of a halt station to reduce the initial cost for construction. (CC-26 of 2005 Rly. Bd.) On receipt of report from the division, the chargeable distance from the proposed halt to various stations is worked out. The details of the fresh and diverted traffic are tabulated and additional earnings on account of opening of the halt are arrived at. The financial implications are worked out taking into account of the following: A. Capital Cost B. Expenditure i) ii) iii) iv) v) vi) Repairs and maintenance at 0.5% on the capital cost. Depreciation at 0.71% on the capital cost. Cost of stoppage of trains. Commission payable to the halt agent at the prescribed percentage on gross earnings. Cost of consumable stores. Interest of capital cost at

C. Results: Earnings Expenditure = Net Gain /loss per annum. Cost of stoppage of train is arrived at by referring to the ready reckoned furnished by CMPE/SC by taking into account the load, speed, the number of bogies and type of haulage of the train. In financial implications the item (vi) i.e. interest on capital is taken into account only when the proposal works on a loss. Conditions for opening of a passenger halt. 1. The proposal should be financially justified i.e. it should give a rate of return of 11% on the capital cost. 2. The exact location of the halt from the adjacent stations should be at least 5 kilometers on the either side of the halt in the non-suburban areas. 3. A halt can be opened on amenity grounds even when one or both of the above conditions are not fulfilled. After working out the financial implications, Administrative approval of CCM is taken and proposal is sent to FA&CAO for finance concurrence. On receipt of concurrence of Accounts sanction of General Manager is obtained and a sanction memorandum is issued to all concerned. Division will be advised to take up civil works connected with opening of the halt.

General Manager has got powers to open passenger halts on amenity grounds even in case where the loss is expected to be upto Rs. 10,000/-per annum.


Provision of Amenities at halt station: The following are the minimum passenger amenities which are required to be provided at the halt. 1. A rail level platform of suitable length having regard to the length of the trains stopping at the station. 2. A small waiting shed which will serve also as the booking office. 3. Lighting where trains stops at night. 4. Planting of shady trees. 5. Laboratory. 6. Drinking water. 7. Sitting Benches. Naming of the passenger Halt: Immediately after obtaining the sanction of the GM, the State Government concerned is addressed to recommend a suitable name together with the spelling of name in vernacular language and recommendations of name is also called for, from the District Collector concerned. On receipt of reply from them, the original vernacular name is sent to the Survey of India (concerned circle) for advising spelling in Devanagari (Hindi) and Roman Script (English) The General Secretary, Indian Railway Conference Association, New Delhi will be approached for allotment of suitable alphabetical code initials. Statistical and Analysis Officer will provide Numerical Code. The name and chargeable distances are notified to all concerned. On completion of all the above formalities and completion of civil worked connected with opening of the halt, the halt is opened. Appointment of halt Agent, duties regarding: For appointing a halt contractor, the following guidelines must be followed: 1. The halt contractor should be a permanent resident of the place where the halt station is opened. 2. The halt contractor should be at least 10th standard pass and should have the working knowledge of Simple English so as to read the names of the stations and value of tickets. (CC-26 of 2005 Rly. Bd.) 3. A Selection committee of Sr. Scale Officers from, Commercial, Finance and Operating Departments shall scrutinize and shortlist the eligible offers, Selection will be by draw of lots drawn by any child if there is more than one suitable candidate. (CC-26 of 2005 Rly. Bd.) 4. All the eligible candidates should be advised the date, time and venue of the draw, through courier by Registered Post acknowledgement due, so that they may attend the draw if they so desire. (CC-26 of 2005 Rly. Bd.)



5. The antecedents of the applicants shall be verified before their appointment as halt contractor. 6. The halt contractor should produce a medical certificate showing that he is fit for the active service and free from any communicable disease. 7. Initial contract should be for 5 years and thereafter the existing halt contractor may be given an extension for five years maximum period not exceeding 5 + 5 years i.e. 10 years the extension should be in two spell of two and half years at a time, subject to the halt contractors working is satisfactory and Railway dues being paid in time. (CC-26 of 2005 Rly. Bd.) 8. The halt contractor who also maintain the infrastructure of the station at their own cost including provision of water, electricity etc, may be given another extension of 5 years i.e. total period of contract may be 10 + 5 = 15 years. (CC-26 of 2005 Rly. Bd.) 9. Action should be taken well in advance before expiry of the contract, to call for fresh applications; the existing halt contractor should also be eligible to apply. Security Deposit: a) A security deposit of a minimum of Rs.2, 000/- will be charged from the halt contractor, based on the approximate cost of equipment supplied to each halt agent and also to safeguard the interest of the Railways. The railways may fix enhanced security deposit while renewing or awarding fresh contract at the existing halt station on the basis of total sales of the latest year by adopting a graded system which should be finalized in consultation with divisional associate finance. b) The Security deposit shall be deposited either in cash or in any other manner as may be approved by the Railway administration. If the Security Deposit is in the form of Government Security, the said Local Agent should make good the deficiency on the face value of the said Security due to market fluctuation whenever occurring beyond rupees five. c) No interest is payable on the Security Deposit. d) It shall be lawful for the Railway Administration to appropriate any sums due to the Railway Administration from the Security Deposit and such appropriation shall not prejudice the other remedies available to the Railway administration to realize the balance dues, if any. e) In the event of any portion of the Security deposit being so appropriated by the Railway Administration during the continuance of the Agreement, the said local agent shall on being informed by the Railway administration of the amount so appropriated forthwith make good the said amount a so as to maintain the full Security Deposit. f) The Railway Administration shall be entitled to forfeit the Security Deposit in full in the event of any breach on the part of the said agent of any of the terms and conditions of this agreement not withstanding the other rights and remedies of the Railway Administration as per Law or by virtue of this agreement.



g) Regarding regularization of halt contractors, facilities provided to halt contractors, etc., it is specified that halt agents are appointed after the Railways in enter into a contract with the selected candidate. The appointment is purely contractual in nature and no facilities viz., absorption in railway service, regularization of service, bonus railway pass facilities etc., shall accrue to a halt contractor Commission payable to halt agent: Trains proposed to be stopped, amount of work involved and the cost of living in the area etc. The rate of commission is fixed in consultation with FA&CAO along with processing of proposal for finance concurrence. As per the latest instructions of the Board the commission payable to the contractors is as under: 1. Minimum commission payable per month. Rs.500/2. Maximum limit is .. 15% of the sale of tickets. Sales turn over in Rs. 1 15,000 15,000 50,000 50,000 -1, 00,000 1,00,000 2,00,000 2,00,001 and above Commission payable 15% (Minimum Rs. 500/-) 12% 9% 6% 3%

There is no ceiling with regard to the amount payable. However when the amount of commission earned by the contractor exceeds the reasonable amount. Revision of percentage of commission is carried out. The commission payable to halt contractor will be on the basis of individual months transaction and not on the basis of monthly average sales turnover for the entire period. At one new station on each zonal railway the commission and the incentive payable to the halt contractor should be based on the number of tickets sold rather than earning and will be as under. No. of tickets sold per day 1-100 101-200 201-500 501-1000 1001 & above 1 MST Commission per ticket 1.25% 1.00% 0.50% 0.25% 0.15% Rs.10/-

Commission will be calculated for each day separately. However commission will be paid at the end of each month.

Incentives: In addition to the commission paid on new basis of number of tickets sold it is proposed to pay an incentive also to the halt contractor in order to enhance the sale of tickets.


Incentive calculated per quarter of the year will be at 25 paise per ticket for the incremental increase in the ticket sale with respect to the performance of the corresponding quarter of the previous year. If any additional train stops during the course of the quarter, then the quarter should not be considered for incentive but should be considered only in subsequent quarter. The formula for calculating incentive on incremental increase in ticket sale should be as follows. For corresponding quarter of the previous years Total number of tickets sold = Np Number of trains stopping = Tp Average number of tickets sold per train = AP (AP) = (Np)/(Tp) For the quarter of current year total number of tickets sold = Nc Average number of tickets sold per train (AC) = (Nc)/(Np) Incremental increase = Average number of ticket s sold (current year previous year) i.e. (AC AP) This new scheme of incentive should be tried out on pilot basis and the results of working of the scheme after every six months of implementation may be sent to board for further consideration. The minimum commission payable to the half contractor would be Rs.500/- per month for halt having stoppage of two pairs of trains. This will be applicable for contracts given on renewal or fresh contracts. Duties: Halt is attached to one of the main adjacent stations called the Depot Station for the purpose of supply of tickets, money value books, etc. and the name of the station will be notified well in advance of the opening of the halt. An agreement is entered into with the halt agent and the Railway Administration and a copy of the agreement will be supplied to the Station Master of the Depot station to enable him to ensure that all the terms and conditions laid down in the agreement are properly complied with. The tickets will be purchased by the agent from the Depot Station by giving a written requisition to the Station Master. The tickets will be dated and nipped by the local agent before issue to the passengers. The sale proceeds of the tickets and charges recovered from the passengers detected traveling irregularly will be accounted for by the agent in the daily trains cash cum summary book. The earning from the sale proceeds will be retained by the halt agent, while the earning accrued on account of irregular traveling by passengers will be remitted to the Station Master of the Depot Station. At the end of the month, the local agent shall prepare the passenger classification and excess fare returns and submits the same to the Depot Station Master. If any of the passenger amenities provided at the halt station is not functioning properly the same should be reported by the halt contractor to the serving station through a message for corrective action. (CC-26 of 2005 Rly. Bd.)



Appointment of Heirs and Successors of deceased halt contractors: Appointment of heirs and successors of deceased halt contractors, in the event of death of the halt contractor, may be considered along with other applicants and preference will be given to the heirs, all other thing being equal. Permission of issue of MST/QSTs by Halt contractors from the Halt Stations: Railways may consider this issue at their level in consultation with their Associate Finance. Board may be advised of such permission granted from time to time. Booking Zone of Halt Station Railway should permit halt contractors to issue tickets at least: i) Upto the station connecting the main line in case the halt station is located on the branch line. Upto the station serving the District/Tehsil Headquarters if falling within the ii) same Railway or upto 25 kms. from the inter-change points in case of halt station located on the main line. iii) In case where railways have permitted issue of tickets for distances longer than zones mentioned at (i) & (ii) above, the same need not be revised. Closure of Halt stations: For closing of an existing halt station, the State Governments need not be consulted unless the opening of such a halt was in consultation with them or at their instance. If the halt station is unremunerative and also not justified on passenger amenity grounds, it could be closed by the Railway Administration themselves, Zonal railways should consider the closure of such a halt where sale of tickets is less than 25 per day (outward) on branch line and les than 50 per day on mainline. There is no need obtain the views of ZRUCC / DRUCC before closure of such stations. Upgradation of Halt stations: A periodical examination of the existing halt station is required to be made and the possibility of converting them into flag stations considered on a programmed basis. After a train halt is functional for over 10 years and the average daily passenger traffic is 300 or more (outward passengers) and passenger earning more than 9 lakhs per annum. While examining the financial viability of the conversion of halt station into flag station, outward passenger earnings only should be taken into account. Flag stations having passenger amenities of less than Rs.1 crore per annum, should be given amenities as those of E category stations.



Uneconomical flag station which cannot be downgraded to halts may be operated through halt agents without downgrading passenger amenities.

Halt agents should be given additional responsibility of cleanliness of halt stations without any remuneration. Close inspection will be done by divisional authorities to ensure that proper cleanliness is maintained. The working of the halt agents should be reviewed annually, in case there is a abrupt fall in earnings, the working of such halt should be kept under a scanners to check whether decrease is due to any malpractices/frauds. In such cases the contract should be terminated. A suitable termination clause should be incorporated in the agreement entered with halt agent. Opening of Halt Stations under General Managers Powers: A halt station can be opened under General Managers powers without referring such a case to Ministry of Railways for approval when i) ii) iii) iv) v) There is a financial justification for opening a halt station. In non-suburban areas the site of the proposed halt is at least 5 kilometers from the station/halt on either side. When the proposal is feasible from Operating and Engineering points of view. The opening of the new halt station is otherwise remunerative but infringes the minimum distance limitation of 3 miles/5 kilometers. Railways should consider the possibility of obtaining the voluntary Shramdan, for earthwork during construction of the halt, from the local villagers and even after this if the passenger halt still remains financially un-remunerative the General manager, in consultation with their FA&CAO may sanction opening of such halt on amenity grounds, provided the estimated loss is not more than Rs. 10,000/-per annum In all cases of opening of new halt/flag stations under General managers powers, irrespective of the fact whether the proposal is financially remunerative or unremunerative, the financial implications must he vetted by FA&CAO.


Opening of halt station Requirement Boards approval: i) When the conditions as stipulated above are not fulfilled, a halt may be opened as a passenger amenity if the Zonal Railway is satisfied that there is justification for opening the halt on grounds of volume of passenger traffic. In such cases, however the Zonal Railway should make their recommendation to the Railway Board under whose orders alone can such halts be opened. While recommending to the Board, the proposal should be personally approved by the General Manager and vetted by the Railways FA&CAO. For determining the financial justification of a scheme for opening of new halt/flag station, interest on capital is not to be taken into account on a financially viable proposal, but wherever such scheme is not found to be financially remunerative, interest of capital should be added to work out the correct financial implications. It is observed that while determining the feasibility of opening of a halt station, the Zonal Railways inter alias, take into account he financial implications for providing




this facility. While calculating the financial implications, the cost of stoppage of trains at the proposed halt station is also worked out. In such cases where there is a demand from the local people for opening of passenger halts of Block Huts where trains are already stopping for operational purposes, cost of stoppage of trains need not be taken into account at the time of calculation of financial implications for processing he proposal. iii) While preparing justification for opening of a halt station, Zonal railways should not b only examine the financial aspects but also the passenger amenity aspect. This should invariably be done by each Zonal Railway while submitting comments to the Board. Passenger amenity aspect will include availability of road and buses, distance of the proposed halt from the adjoining stations etc. In case it is found that there is a justification to open a halt on passenger amenity grounds, comments should also be obtained from the Operating Department about the operational feasibility, etc. Railways report on proposals for opening of halt stations, information should invariably be submitted in the prescribed format (Annexure) along with a sketch map illustrating the location & kilometerage of the proposal halt and adjacent stations, as also the location and kilometerage of nearby rivers and rail/road over bridges, if any, so that the proposal could be examined in its proper prospective.


Railway Boards Lr. No. 99/TGIV/Halts/Policy dated; 17.5.1999 Conversion of Flag Station into Halts: When the traffic originating at the flag stations is meager, review sill be conducted to convert them as halt stations. Procedure: Approval of DRM for the proposal for conversion along with a detailed report covering the details of staff working, traffic details of stations for a period of one year at the minimum will be called for. Financial implications for working of the station taking into account the cost of staff and commission payable to the halt agent is worked out separately. Administrative approval of CCM is obtained for proposal and finance concurrence is sought with regard to the fixation of commission etc. Normally all facilities such as issue of long distance tickets, season tickets, stoppage for all trains are continued even after conversion duly closing the station for parcel traffic if the traffic does not warrant the same. On receipt off finance concurrence, Division will be advised to arrange for match surrender of the Commercial staff. Flag Stations:



These stations are worked by Commercial staff. Flag stations are also open only for passenger traffic. Normally flag stations are not opened as it involved huge expenditure on the cost of staff alone. At the minimum one ASM is grade Rs.5000-8000, one Commercial Clerk in grade Rs. 3,200- and one rest giver have to be posted. 15. What are the various guidelines issued by Railway Board for leasing of FSLR, RSLR and Brake Van space in ordinary and express passenger trains? However, only a small percent age of total parcel carrying capacity available in Sub. : Policy for leasing of parcel space in the Brake Vans (SLRs) by passenger carrying trains and leasing of Parcel Vans on round trip basis. 1. With a view to maximize utilization of un-utilized/ under -utilized parcel space in Brake Vans (SLRs) of various Mail/ Express trains, scheme for leasing SLRs of parcel traffic was introduced by Ministry of Railways in November 1991. Since its inception, a number of amendments/ changes have been made in the scheme from time to time to make the scheme more customers friendly. Brake Vans/ Parcel Vans have been leased by Zonal Railways. Thus, there is tremenderous scope to improve the leasing business and there by increase revenue With a view to make the scheme attractive, customer -friendly and also simplify the rules for leasing, the scheme has been revised. 2. Moreover, in view of a large number of amendments issued from time to time, a comprehensive master circular has been prepared to enable Zonal Railways to apply relevant rules correctly without any confusion. The revised policy guidelines are in super session of all previous instructions on the subject. The standard format of agreement for different types of leasing will be issued separately. 3. These instructions will come into effect from 1.4.2006. Following provisions of this Comprehensive Leasing Policy will be applicable to existing leasing contracts also. (i) (E) - Extension of Lease. (ii) (Y) - Identity cards/ Platform Labour permits. (iii) (BB) - Procedure for preparation of manifest by lease holder. (iv) (EE) - Placement /Withdrawal of Rakes on/ from platforms. (v) (FF) - Adjustment / refund of advance freight paid due to non loading. (vi) (I I ) - Over loading. (vii) (J J ) - Over carriage of consignment in leased SLR/ VP. (viii) (MM) - Extension of train/ increase in frequency of train. 4. Following provisions of this Comprehensive Leasing Policy will be applicable to existing leasing contracts also provided the lease holder is agreeable for modifying the existing terms of the contract agreement and there are no adverse financial implications for railways: (i) (V) - Failure of leaseholder in fulfilling his obligations having started loading. (ii) (AA) - Payment of lumpsum lease freight. (iii) (CC) - Loading/ unloading at originating and intermediate stations.

INDEX (A) Category of trains: - - - - - - (1)


(B) Categorization of services: - - - - - - (1) 5. Divisions/ Zonal Railways should complete the work of Registration of leaseholders before31.5.2006. After 31.5.2006, only registered lease holders shall be eligible for participating in tenders floated thereafter, as also for under taking temporary lease or day-to-day lease. 6. Zonal Railways are required to monitor parcel earning by maintaining division-wise details of total parcel carrying capacity available in Brake Vans/ Asstt Guard Cabin / Parcel Vans in each Zonal Railway. There should be a system for review of monitoring the earnings vis--vis capacity available. This is imperative given the target for parcel earnings in the budget 2006-07 and to reduce losses in parcel business. 7. Tender notice for leasing of Brake vans/ Asstt. Guard cabin/ Parcel Vans should be issued well in advance before termination of existing contract s. There should be time bound program for leasing tenders. All proceedings of leasing tender should be closely monitored by Zonal Railways. (C) Space to be leased out: - - - - - - (1) (D) Duration of contract: - - - - - - (2) (E) Extension of Lease: - - - - - - - (4) (F) Leasing of SLRs/ Asstt. Guard cabin from Intermediate stations: - - - - - - (4) (G) Leasing of Parcel Vans (VPs/ VPUs/ VPHs) from Intermediate stations : - (5) (H) Leasing of Asstt. Guard cabin: - - - - - (6) (I ) Leasing of ordinary passenger trains : - - - - (7) (J ) Eligibility : - - - - - - - - (7) (K) Registration of Lease Holder s : - - - - - (8) (L) Earnest Money: - - - - - - - (9) (M) Security Deposit: - - - - - - - (10) (N) Reserve Price of brake vans (SLRs) of mail/ express trains : - (10) (O) Reserve Price of unpopular trains: - - - - - (11) (P) Reserve Price of Parcel Vans (VPs/ VPUs/ VPHs) : - - - (11) (Q) Reserve Price of Asstt. Guard Cabin: - - - - (12) (R) Schedule of Powers: - - - - - - (12) (S) Formation of Tender Committee: - - - - - (13) (T) Invitation of tenders: - - - - - - (13) (U) Method of determining highest bid: - - - - (14) (V) Failure of lease holder in fulfilling his obligations after having started loading: -- (14) (W) Procedure for leasing of parcel space on temporary basis for 1 month at a time: - (14) (X) Procedure for day-to-day leasing: - - - - - (16) (Y) Identity Cards/ Labour Platform Permits: - - - - (17) (Z) Grant of leave to lease holder: - - - - - (17) (AA) Payment of lumpsum leased freight: - - - - (18) (BB) Procedure f or preparation of manifest by lease holder: - - (19) (CC) Loading/ Unloading at originating and intermediate stations - - - - - - - - (20) (DD) Stacking/ Removal of consignments on/ from platforms: - - (21) (EE) Placement /Withdrawal of Rakes on/ from plat forms: - - (22) (FF) Adjustment / refund of advance freight paid due to non loading: - - - - (22) (GG) Multi disciplinary teams for dealing with lease holder s : - - (23)



(HH) Helpline - - - - - - - - (24) (I I ) Over loading: - - - - - - - - (24) (J J ) Over carriage of consignment in leased SLR/ VP: - - - (26) (KK) Claim Compensation: - - - - - - - (27) 20 February 2006 (LL) Theft: - - - - - - - - - (27) (MM) Extension of train/ Increase in frequency of train: - - (28) (NN) Powers to relax certain conditions of the scheme: - - (29) (OO) Other terms and Condit ions of the scheme: - - - (29) Annexure 1 - - - - - - - (31) Annexure 2 - - - - - - - (32) Annexure 3 - - - - - - - (33) COMPREHENSIVE PARCEL LEASI NG POLI CY (A) Category of trains: 1. The scheme is applicable to the following categories of passenger trains on BG sect ions: - Shatabdi/ Rajdhani, Superfast Expresses including summer Specials / Puja Specials/ Holiday Specials/ any other special train, and ordinary passenger trains (short distance slow passenger trains stopping at all road side stat ions). 2. The scheme is applicable to Parcel Vans (VPs and VPRs) either being attached to Mail/ Express trains or being run as part of Parcel Express special. (Throughout this policy, wherever the term Parcel Vans has been used it covers VPs/ VPUs/ VPHs/ VPRs etc. 3. Leasing of Parcel Vans will not be permitted by: (i) Shatabdi and Rajdhani Express trains. (ii) Ordinary passenger trains. (B) Categorization of services: 1. Zonal Railways will notify such trains as Premier Parcel Service if (i) Its utilization of SLR parcel space during the preceding twelve months period was 60% or more at the originating station; or (ii) Its parcel space has been leased out at normal reserve price or higher, or (iii) It is a Parcel Van Special. 2. All other trains shall be classified as Standard Parcel Service.

3. Categorization will be notified separately for Up and Down directions of the train by the zonal railway concerned on which the Up or Down train originates. 4. In case of round trip leasing of Parcel Vans, category of train in the reverse direction must be ascertained by the leasing railway from the zonal railway at the other end.



C) Space to be leased out:

1. Minimum space to be leased out will be as follows: Parcel Space Minimum space Additional space SLR One compartment of 4 Tonne Asstt. Guard cabin Entire cabin of 1 Tonne Parcel Van Entire Van of 18 or 25 Tonne Multiples of minimum space 2. Each unit of minimum space to be leased out shall be floated as a separate tender. For example if both 4 Tonne compartments of front SLR are to be leased out , then two tenders of 4 Tonne compartments should be floated. Similarly, separate tenders should be floated for leasing of each 4 Tonne space in the two SLRs (front and rear). 3. In case of mail/ express and ordinary passenger trains running with 2 SLRs, from end to end, following space should be leased out: (i) Both 4T compartments in front SLR. (ii) One 4T compartment of rear SLR. (iii) The Asstt. Guard cabin of front SLR. The remaining second 4 Tonne compartment of r ear SLR will not be leased and must be kept under Guards charge for loading of passenger s luggage, perishables, newsprints etc. and for loading/ unloading of parcels from intermediate stations. 4. In cases, where 3 or 4 SLRs are running by a Mail/ Express train due to attachment of slip/ sect ional coaches enroute, or bifurcation/ amalgamation of rakes at intermediate stat ions, parcel space as detailed below should be leased out. All except one 4 Tonne compartment should be leased out from originating station of each link portion up to final destination of bifurcated/ amalgamated portionrespectively. 5. The above space should be leased out on through journey basis from the originating station it self up to the destination stations and should not be split up into different segment s up to and beyond the bifurcation point . 6. In case of reversal of train at enroute stat ion, one 4 Tonne compartment in front SLR and another 4 Tonne compartment in the rear SLR will be leased out. 7. Parcel space in a train may be leased out to more than one licensee on different days during the same week, in case single lease holder is not forth coming. Security Deposit shall be collected from each lease holder as per laid down criteria. 8. leasing of Parcel Vans will be on round trip basis by the owning railway of the train.

9. leasing of Parcel Vans can be done even for those trains where SLRs have not been leased out. 10. In case of trains to/ from NF Railway leasing of Parcel Vans will be done on single trip basis by the originating railway. 11. Leasing of VPRs can be done on both round trip or single trip basis.

(D) Duration of contract:



1. There will be 5 types of lease, depending on the duration of the leasing contract. These are classified as follows: (i) Long term lease 3 years. (ii) Medium term lease 2 years. (iii) Short term lease 1 year. (iv) Temporary lease for a period of 30 days at a time. (v) Day to day lease for a maximum period of 10 days at a time. 2. While the first three types will be through tender, the last two types of lease will be on quotation basis. 3. In case of all trains the following matrix indicates the tendering sequence: Tendering Duration 1st round Long Term Lease: 2nd round Medium Term Lease: 3rd round Short Term Lease. 4. Trains categorized as Premium Parcel Service should not be offered for 3rd round of tendering and in case of no response in the 2nd round SLRs of these trains should be used for clearing parcel booked by railways or for day-today lease. 5. Parcel space of trains which do not get taken up even after 3rd round should be made available for either temporary lease of 30 days at a time or for day to day lease. 6. For each type of leasing, divisions/ zonal railways shall enter into an agreement with the lease holder as per the standard format of agreement. 7. Railway shall have the right to terminate the agreement for any reason what so ever after serving one months not ice to the lease holder. However, Railway shall reserve the right to terminate the contract as a punitive measure without any notice and at any time in case of breach of agreement by the lease holder. However, such instantaneous termination of contract by railway administration should be followed by a written intimation of breach of contract within 3 working days of termination. 8. Lease holder shall also have the right to terminate the agreement after serving 60 days not ice to railway administration. 9. Tenders for Long Term Lease will be floated in following cases: (i) All popular trains. (ii) Newly introduce trains which are expected to get leased out. (iii) Other trains which have earlier been given on Medium Term Lease of two years at normal reserve price and have completed their full contractual period. (iv) Unpopular trains which have earlier been given on Medium Term Lease at reduced reserve price (50% of parcel rate) and have completed their full contractual period. 10. Tenders for Medium Term Lease will be floated in following cases: (i) Unpopular trains which are going in for 2nd round of tendering at reduced reserve price (50% of parcel rat e). (ii) Trains which have earlier been given on Short Term Lease for one year and have completed their full contractual period - at discounted reserve price of 25% of parcel rate.



11. Tenders for Short Term Lease will be floated in following cases: (i) Unpopular trains which are going in for 3rd round of tendering at discounted reserve price. (25% of parcel rate). (ii) Unpopular trains which have earlier been given on Temporary Lease for 1 month at a time and have completed 6 months. 12. Procedure for leasing of parcel space on temporary basis of 30 days at a time have been detailed under par a (W) of these instructions. 13. Procedure f or leasing of parcel space on day-to-day basis has been detailed under para (X) of these instructions. (E) Extension of Lease: 1. Extension of lease is permissible only in case of long term lease of 3 years.

2. In case of Long Term Lease, on expiry of the contract period, the same can be ext ended only once, by 2 more years at a lease rate of 25% more than the lumpsum leased freight rate. 3. Such extension will be subject to satisfactory performance by the lease holder, without any penalty for over loading or violation of any provision of the contract. 4. In case of expiry of contract period and non finalization of new contract due to administrative delays, temporary extension can be permitted by the CCM only once, for a period of 3 months. (F) Leasing of SLRs/ Asstt. Guard cabin from Intermediate stations: 1. Parcel space in SLRs of passenger carrying trains should normally be leased out from trains originating station to it s terminating station. 2. In cases where there is no offer from originating / intermediate stat ions of the railway after the 3rd round of tendering, divisions/ zonal railways other than the originating railway can lease out parcel space from intermediate stations, provided that stoppage time of the train at that intermediate station is 10 minutes or more. 3. In such cases, prior consent / no objection certificate must be obtained from the division/ zonal railway in whose jurisdiction the trains originating station is situated. 4. The concerned originating division/ zonal railway must issue No Objection Certificate (NOC) within a period of 15 (fifteen) days from the receipt of request from the intermediate division/ zonal railway. 5. Order of priority for leasing of SLRs/ Asstt. Guard cabin should be as follows (i) Originating station to Destination station. (ii) Originating station to Intermediate station. (iii) Intermediate station to Destination stat ion. (iv) Intermediate station to Intermediate stat ion.



6. In case offers are received from more than 2 pair s of intermediate stations [Para (F) 5 (iv)], then the parcel space between that pair of stations whose offer is higher should be leased out. 7. In metropolitan cities served by more than one railway stat ion, leasing will be permitted only at trains originating/ terminating station. Leasing of SLR will not be permitted to/ from any other intermediate station (short of originating / destination station) of suburban section of metropolitan cities. 8. In case of ordinary passenger trains, if there is no potential of leasing out parcel space from trains originating to terminating point, divisions/ zonal railways may lease out parcel space between any two pair of stations. 9. Division/ zonal railway which is leasing out parcel space will send prior intimation to all concerned before commencement of leasing contract Page 5 of 33 10. In case of leasing of parcel space from a joint station, which is served by two or more divisions/ zonal railways, the division/ zonal railway over which the train is to run, will lease out parcel space. (For example, parcel space in a train, which originates from Nagpur and runs over SECR, will be leased out by South East Central Railway. Similarly, parcel space in a train, which originates from Nagpur and runs over CR, will be leased out by Central Railway). (G) Leasing of Parcel Vans from Intermediate stations: 1. Normally leasing of Parcel Vans should be from end to end on return trip basis. Loading/ unloading may be permitted at all intermediate stations enroute having stoppages of 10 minutes or more. 2. However, leasing of Parcel Vans from intermediate station may be done in cases where there is no traffic offering from originating station, or when adequate room in the train composition permit s attaching of extra leased Parcel Vans from an intermediate station. 3. (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) leasing of Parcel Vans should only be done to/ from such intermediate stations where following conditions exist: Minimum distance of 500 kms. is covered in each direct ion, from lease originating to lease terminating station. Adequate time margin of at least 10 minutes is available for attaching/ detaching of Parcel Vans. Shunting facilities are available for attaching/ detaching of Parcel Vans. Attaching/ detaching of Parcel Vans may also be permitted from adjacent yards as per operating convenience.


4. Leased Parcel Vans can also be shunted from one train to another provided following conditions are satisfied: (i) There is no room on direct trains from the originating to the destination station. (ii) Minimum distance of 750 Kms is covered from lease originating station to the lease terminating station.


(iii) (iv) (v) (vi)

Shunting is carried out at station where adequate time margin of at least 10 minutes is available for attaching/ detaching of Parcel Vans. Shunting facilities are available for attaching/ detaching of Parcel Vans. Only one such shunting operation is permissible. The intermediate station where trains are changed must be on the same zonal railway which leases out the parcel vans, or is the interchange station of that zone with the adjoining zone.

5. Normally, no train service Parcel Vans should be attached by those trains in which round trip Parcel Vans have been leased. However, in case of seasonal/ unexpected demand, which may require attachment of train service Parcel Vans the same may be permitted by the CCM. 6. After a leased Parcel Van has been placed for loading/ unloading, the same must be completed within the free time allowed. In case a leased Parcel Van is detained beyond free time for loading/ unloading, normal demurrage charges would be levied. 7. In case the leased Parcel Van could not be attached to the nominated train due to this excess detention on account of the lease holder, then the advance lumpsum leased freight deposited will be forfeited only for the outward journey. The lease holder has to deposit fresh freight amount for hauling the parcel van on the next nominated day of service. (H) Leasing of Asstt. Guard cabin: 1. 2. 3. 4. Asstt. Guards cabin of front SLR of all passenger carrying trains will be leased out for 1 Tonne capacity to courier companies/ lease holders. Lumpsum leased freight will be collected for 1 Tonne capacity even if actual utilization of parcel space is less. The weight of individual packets carried in the Asstt. Guards cabin should not exceed 25 kgs., and the gross weight of all packets should not exceed 1 Tonne. Courier companies/ lease holders will be allowed to load/ unload their packets etc. at all stopping stations en-route irrespective of stoppage time of the train at intermediate stations. No separate permission would be required f or this. Only one representative of the courier company/ lease holder will be permitted to travel at a time in the Asstt. Guards cabin of the same train free of charge with an authority from the Sr.DCM/ DCM to travel in Asstt. Guards cabin for the purpose of handling of packages from/ to intermediate stations. However, the representative of the lease holder who is permitted to travel in the Asstt. Guard cabin can be changed enroute.


6. 7.



The authority mentioned in item no. 5 above shall be issued along with the contract for a period of 1 year and shall be renewed annually for the duration of the contract.


The representative of the courier company/ lease holder will be suitably counseled about the availability of guard brake valve and related equipment in Asstt. Guard cabin and strictly instructed not to touch/ interfere/ damage/ use the same in any manner. In case of any misuse of the equipment or damage to the same, a penalty of Rs. 5000/ - (per occasion) would be imposed on the lease holder. In case the courier company/ lease holder does not wish to send his representative in the Asstt .Guard cabin and wants to padlock the same, he may do so. However, in that case no loading/ unloading at intermediate stations would be permissible and the Asstt .Guard cabin would be locked through to the destination. In case of trains involving reversal of engine at intermediate junction station, leasing of Asstt. Guard cabin may be permitted provided the leaseholder agrees to trans-ship his consignments from front brake van to rear brake van at the junction station where train reverses. In all such cases, trans-shipment of consignment should be done within the scheduled stoppage of the train and in order to facilitate this work, lease holder may be permitted to keep a trolley at nominated place in the station premises. In case the leasing of Asstt. Guard cabin is up to an intermediate station, then after vacating the same, the representative of the lease holder must verbally inform the train Driver / Asstt. Driver regarding the vacant status of the Asstt. Guard cabin





(I ) Leasing of brake vans (SLRs) of ordinary passenger trains : Ordinary Passenger Trains are provided wit h one SLR and in many cases even 2 SLRs. Barring very few except ions, none of the SLRs of these ordinary passenger trains have been leased out , primarily because of lack of response and interest from prospective lease holders. There is substantial potential for leasing out of SLRs of ordinary passenger trains since presently SLRs of these trains are running empty in both up and down directions every day. For leasing of front SLR of ordinary passenger trains, following as detailed below should be followed. 1. The leaseholder shall be permitted to load/ unload the parcels from/ to all intermediate stations coming in the way of the journey of that specific ordinary passenger train irrespective of the stoppage time of train at that station(s) Loading/ unloading of parcels at all stations will be carried out by leaseholder. Apart from Parcels, even bulk commodities of freight traffic may also be permitted to be carried by the leased brake vans (SLRs) of ordinary passenger trains. Commodities would comprise of either bagged consignment (food grain, cement, fertilizer etc.) or packaged consignment. Loose consignments such as coal, sand etc. should not be permitted. Leaseholder will be liable to ensure that quantum of traffic for any one road side station is such that loading/ unloading can be completed within the scheduled stoppage of the train.

2. 3.





Where ordinary passenger trains are running with single SLR, leasing of one 4 Tonne compartment may be done.

(J) Eligibility: 1. Any person or cargo operator or transporter having Indian citizenship, or any agency or company registered in India is eligible to participate in leasing tenders.

2. The applicant must be a registered lease holder on the division where the tender is floated. 3. 4. In case the tender has been floated by zonal headquarters, then the applicant must be a registered lease holder at zonal headquarters. The scheme for leasing of parcel space is not applicable from/ to city booking agency or out agency.

(K) Registration of Lease Holders: 1. With a view to avoid counterfeit participant s and fly-by-night operators, there is need to maintain an approved list of leaseholders at each division/ zonal railway after scrutinizing credentials of each leaseholder. Prospective lease holders will be required to get themselves registered with the railways in order to participate in leasing tenders. For the purpose of getting themselves registered they will be required to submit documents listed in Annexure 1. Registration will be done division wise. In case a lease holder wishes to participate in tenders floated by different divisions then he must get himself registered separately in each division. In case a lease holder wishes to participate in tenders floated by zonal headquarters, then he must get himself registered separately at zonal headquarters. For this purpose, the lease holder will submit his documents (as listed at Annexure 1) to the division/ zonal railway concerned. The division/ zonal railway will duly verify the correctness of all details given in the relevant documents by deputing commercial inspectors to the business premises mentioned in the documents. Only after all documents have been verified for their authenticity, division/ zonal railway will accept the applicant as a registered lease holder. Normally a division/ zonal railway should verify all relevant documents submitted by the lease holder within a period of one month of submission of application. In case of non submission of document s mentioned at Annexure 1 or in case details provided by him are found to be incorrect, then the applicant will not be eligible for being registered as a lease holder. After his documents have been verified, the lease holder will be asked to deposit the registration fee for the category in which he seeks registration as detailed under para no. 10 below.




5. 6.




On payment of registration fee, the lease holder will be registered by the division/ zonal railway concerned and a certificate to that effect will be issued by the Sr . DCM/ DCM/ Dy.CCM. Format of the Certificate of Registration is given at Annexure 2. Along with the Certificate of Registration lease holder will also be provided with a Photo Identity Card duly signed by the ACM.


10. There will be three categories of Registration, namely A, B, and C. Details are as follows: Category Registration Fee Parcel space permissible ' A' Rs. 1 Lakh. Asstt . Guard cabins, SLRs and VPs. ' B' Rs. 50,000/ - Asstt . Guard cabins & SLRs. ' C' Rs. 10,000/ - Asstt . Guard cabins. 11. 12. It is for the lease holder to decide which category he wishes to get himself registered depending on the type of lease he wishes to participate in. Registration Fee will have to be deposited separately in each division. However a lease holder may get himself registered in separate categories on different divisions depending upon his requirement. Registered lease holders will be eligible to participate in tenders on a particular division for the category he is registered in. (For example a leaseholder registered in category C can only participates in leasing tenders for the Asstt. Guard cabins).


14. Lease holders registered in category A will be eligible to participate in all leasing tenders. 15. If the registration of a lease holder is cancelled as a punitive measure, either for reasons of repeated over loading or for repeated failure to start loading after award of contract, or for attempt to deliberately defraud railways or for repeated violation of any of the existing stipulations where cancellation of registration has been legislated as the penalty, then the entire registration fee would be forfeited. I n addition to forfeiture of registration fee, all his existing leasing contracts being operated from that division would also be cancelled. In addition to cancellation, such a lease holder would be debarred from fresh registration for a period of 5 years. Appeal against cancellation of registration will lie to CCM. Once a lease holder has registered himself, his registration will be valid for 5 years, unless his registration is cancelled by the railway administration as mentioned at item 15 above. Before expiry of his registration on completion of 5 years, a lease holder may renew his registration by submitting fresh documents as listed at Annexure 1, without payment of any additional registration fee. The registration fee deposited earlier will be carried forward.

16. 17.





The scheme of registration of lease holders will be a continuous process and open throughout the year. Any new entrant can get himself registered on a particular division at any time by submitting an application with relevant documents for verification, and thereafter paying the registration fee. If a lease holder wishes to withdraw from the registration scheme his registration fee will be refunded in full, subject to clearance of all railway dues.


(L) Earnest Money: 1. Earnest Money specified for bidding for different types of parcel space is as given below. Parcel Space Earnest Money (i) Asstt. Guard cabin. Rs. 5,000/ (ii) 4T SLR compartment Rs. 25,000/ -. (iii) Parcel Van. Rs. 50,000/ -. 2. 3. 4. All participants in the tender will be required to deposit the above Earnest Money. After finalization of tender, earnest money amounts of all unsuccessful bidders would be refunded. Earnest money of the successful bidder would be converted into Security deposit, if the bidder so requests.

(M) Security Deposit: 1. Security Deposit specified for operating lease of different types of parcel space is as given below. Parcel Space Security Deposit (i) Asstt. Guard cabin. Rs. 5,000/ (ii) 4T SLR compartment Rs. 25,000/ -. (iii) Parcel Van. Rs. 50,000/ -. 2. In all cases where an existing contract is cancelled by the railway as a punitive measure, the Security Deposit shall be forfeited.

(N) Reserve Price of parcel space of Mail/ Express t rains: Stipulations given below are equally applicable for fixing the reserve price of brake vans (SLRs), Parcel Vans (Parcel Vans) and Asstt. Guard cabins. 1. 2. Reserve Price shall be fixed by the Commercial department with vetting from associate Finance, based on guidelines given below. Reserve Price f or leasing out full capacity of each compartment, meant for loading of parcels, may be fixed on the basis of following scales:



(i) Rajdhani Expresses - Scale R (ii) Shatabdi Express and Mail/ Express trains notified for Premier Parcel Ser vice (A6) - Scale P (iii) Other Mail/ Expresses, summer / puja/ holiday specials, newly introduced trains, all other special trains and ordinary passenger trains - Scale S 3. In case of trains where the existing lease charges are different from the parcel rate, then the reserve price may be fixed at the Last Accepted Rate (LAR) at which the previous contract has been successfully operated for the entire duration of the contract period as indicated below. Long term lease successfully operated f or 3 years. Medium term lease successfully operated f or 2 years. Short term lease - successfully operated for 1 year. Temporary lease - successfully operated f or 3 months. In cases where the existing lease contract has not been operated for the full duration as specified at item no. 3 above, then the LAR shall be the previous lease rate which has been successfully operated for the specified duration. For trains in which one 4 Tonne compartment of front SLR has already been leased out through tender and is in operation, the reserve price for t he second 4 Tonne compartment of front SLR or one compartment of rear SLR by the same train shall be as per provisions stipulated in paras 2 t o 4 above. For day to day lease, the reserve price will be the parcel rate for that category of train, for the amount of parcel space leased out. There will not be any escalation element in the Reserve Price for taking care of future budgetary increase in parcel rates. In case of trains running daily, the reserve price will be fixed as the lumpsum parcel freight for 365 days in a year. In case of bi-weekly, tri-weekly trains etc., the reserve price will be fixed as the lumpsum parcel freight for X days in a year , where X denotes the number of trips of the train during the course of one year . Following powers are delegated for accepting bids below the reserve price in case of SLRs/ Asstt. Guard cabins only as the case may be. DRM - 10% below reserve price: (ii) CCM - 15% below reserve price. In case of leasing to/ from intermediate stations, reserve price will be the parcel rate for that category of train for the distance covered.

(i) (ii) (iii) (iv) 4.


6. 7. 8.

9. (i) 10.

(O) Reserve Price for brake vans (SLRs)/ Asstt. Guard cabins of unpopular trains: 1. A mail/ express train whose SLR compartments could not be leased out after one round of tendering due to no response will be termed as an unpopular train and its reserve price will be reduced.



The following matrix indicates the step by step reduction in reserve price after each round of unsuccessful tendering. Round of tendering Duration Reserve Pr ice 1st round Long Term - 3 year s 100% 2nd round Medium Term - 2 year s. 50% 3rd round Short Term 1 year. 25%


3rd round of tendering should not be resorted to for trains categorized as Premium Parcel Service and in case of no response in the 2nd round SLRs of these trains should be used for clearing parcel booked by railways or for day-to-day lease.

(P) Reserve Price of Parcel Vans (Parcel Vans): 1. Reserve Price for Parcel Vans shall be decided as given below: Type of service Scale for Reserve Price Mail/ Express trains notified for Premier Parcel Service in both directions ScaleP for both directions. Mail/ Express trains - Notified for Premier Parcel Service in one direction. ScaleP in notified direction & Scale-S in the other direction. Other Mail/ Express trains, summer / puja/ holiday specials, newly introduced trains, other special trains and ordinary passenger trains. Scale S in both directions. Parcel Expresses. Scale P in both directions. Parcel Vans to NF Railway which are leased out on single trip basis, the reserve price for outward journey towards NF Railway will be at 1.25 times the normal parcel freight for that category of train. Parcel Vans from NF Railway which are leased out on single trip basis, the reserve price for return journey from NF Railway will be at 0.5 times the normal parcel freight for that category of train. Reserve Price of VPRs will be 1.5 times the parcel rate for that category of train. Reserve Price for leasing of Parcel Vans on round trip basis will be 1.5 times the normal round trip parcel rate for that category of train. Above Reserve Prices stipulated in Paras 2, 3 and 5 will be applicable only for Long Term or Medium Term or Short Term Lease of 1 year or more. These rates will not be applicable for either Temporary Lease of 30 days or for Day-to-Day lease. For temporary Lease or for Day-to-Day lease, the Reserve Price would continue to be the normal parcel rate



4. 5. 6.



In case of Asstt. Guard cabin, the reserve price for leasing will be the parcel rate for 1 Tonne capacity as applicable to that category of train.


(Q) Reserve Price of Asstt. Guard cabin:


In case of trains where engine reversal is involved en-route, the reserve price for Asstt. Guard cabin will be 10% lower for each reversal involved during the trip. (Suppose there are 3 reversals involved during a trains entire journey, but the Asstt. Guar d cabin is leased out for a portion which involves only 2 reversals, then the reserve price would be 80% of the parcel rate.) A mail/ express train whose Asstt. Guard cabin could not be leased out after one round of tendering due to no response will be termed as an unpopular train and its reserve price will be reduced in stages as given under para (O).


(R) Schedule of Powers: 1. Tender Committee for dealing wit h such tenders would be constituted as per the revised schedule of powers (SOP) for leasing contracts as detailed below. However, it is mentioned that these power s are specifically for leasing of parcel space only and will not be applicable for other earning contracts. Value of contract Level of Tender Committee Accepting Authority Up t o Rs. 2 Cr s. Senior Scale. Sr.DCM Up t o Rs. 5 Cr s. J AG. ADRM Up t o Rs. 8 Cr s. J AG. DRM. > Rs. 8 Cr s. CCM/ FM, FA&CAO/ T, CPTM CCM.

(S) Formation of Tender Committee: 1. In all cases, Tender Committee will consist of 3 members, one of whom will be from Commercial and the other from Accounts department. The 3rd member of the Tender Committee will be nominated by the accepting authority. There will be a Standing Tender Committee for this purpose, and no fresh nomination of the Tender Committee will be required in each case unless the accepting authority changes one of the existing members by a specific order. Briefing note for Tender Committee and comparative statements should be prepared and vetted by finance to facilitate the Tender Committee.



(T) Invitation of tenders: 1. Contracts for leasing out of parcel space in SLRs/ Parcel Vans by passenger carrying trains will be awarded by inviting bids/ offers through tenders by divisions/ zonal Railways. Divisions/ zonal railways should take timely act ion to call for fresh tenders at least 2 months before expiry of the existing contracts so that there is no revenue loss to the Railway.




To the extent possible, divisions/ zonal railways should call for tenders at the same time for all the available parcel space for leasing on a particular train i.e. both compartments of front SLR, one compartment of rear SLR and Asstt. Guards cabin. Efforts should be made to ensure that the work of inviting of leasing tenders is uniformly spread out throughout the year so that there is no bunching of large number of tender s at any one particular time, resulting in delay in finalization. Divisions/ zonal railways will issue notification calling for tenders for leasing of parcel space in SLRs/ Parcel Vans in reputed national/ regional newspapers in Hindi/ English/ Regional Language. Efforts should be made to display them on the relevant web sites also. Cost of Tender Form for leasing out parcel space will be as follows: Parcel Space Cost of Tender Form Asstt. Guard cabin. Rs. 100/ 4T SLR compartment Rs. 250/ -. Parcel Van. Rs. 1000/ -. Tender notification should be f or a period of 30 days from the date of publication of notification. The date and time of opening of tender should be specifically mentioned and must not be changed unless t he day has been declared a holiday. In that case the tender would be opened on the next working day at the same time and at the same place. While issuing notification calling for bids for leasing out parcel space in SLRs/ Parcel Vans, reserve price of the parcel space must invariably be mentioned in the advertisement to avoid receipt of low and unworkable offer / bids. Only registered lease holder s can participate in the tender process. Each applicant / participant, while submitting his tender bid, shall be required to produce proof of his registration as a lease holder with the division/ zonal headquarters concerned by attaching a photocopy of his registration certificate. Divisions/ zonal railways on receipt of tender s (i.e. last date of the submission of tenders) will finalize the contract / tender and issue allotment letter to the successful bidder within a maximum period of 30 days. This should strictly be followed by all divisions/ zonal railways in order to avoid loss of revenue. Tender offer should be valid f or a maximum of 90 days.



6. (i) (ii) (iii) 7. 8.


10. 11.



(U) Method of determining highest bid: 1.


The highest bid will be determined on the basis of total value of earnings offered by the prospective lease holder during the contract period.



I n case separate tenders have been floated for two 4 Tonne compartments of front SLR of a particular train, then the two tenders can be finalized even if the highest bids in the two cases are different . However, the difference between the two highest bids should be less than 15%. Failure of lease holder in fulfilling his obligations after having started loading: If the lease holder fails to load leased SLR/ VP on any day without any genuine reason and without prior permission of the Railway administration, the lumpsum freight for that day shall be forfeited. If the lease holder after commencement of loading in leased SLR/ Asstt. Guard cabin VP fails to operate the contract continuously for 10 days without giving any notice, his contract will be cancelled and security deposit forfeited. In case of three such failures within a period of 5 years, his registration will be cancelled along with other penalties mentioned under Para K (15). If it is not feasible for the leaseholder to continue the contract due to fluctuation in the market or any unforeseen reason, lease holder can terminate the contract by giving 60 days notice to the Railway Administration. In such cases, security deposit will not be forfeited.

(V) 1.


3. 4.

(W) Procedure f or leasing parcel space on temporary basis f or 30 days at a time: 1. s. 2. Leasing of parcel space on a temporary basis is permitted only to registered lease holder Parcel space in SLRs/ Asstt. Guard cabin by only those trains will be leased out on temporary basis which have not been leased out on either Long Term or Medium Term or Short Term basis despite three rounds of tendering. These may be leased out by divisions/ zonal railways on temporary basis for 30 days. These may be leased out and allotted to the lease holder by the zonal railways/ Divisions by calling quotations. At the first instance when parcel space in a trains to be given on temporary basis, the same should be advertised in reputed national/ regional newspapers in Hindi/ English/ Regional Language newspapers. Thereafter for subsequent leasing of the same train on temporary basis, a notice should be displayed on the notice board in DRM office and Parcel office giving the train no, the existing rate of temporary lease and the due date when fresh bids would be opened.

3. 4.





Every originating train on a division (which has not been leased out on LT, MT or ST basis) will be allocated one day in a month when fresh bids for temporary lease of that train would be entertained.

7. 8. 9. 10.

Trains should be evenly spaced out so that there is no bunching on any one particular day of the month. The venue, date and time of opening of quotations will be prefixed and no change in any case be done. In case the nominated day happens to be a holiday, then the bids would be opened on the next working day. Prospective lease holder s who are desirous of taking temporary lease should put their bids in t he nominated box, and lease holder whose bid is the highest compared to the current lease rate would be permitted to operate the lease for the next 30 days period. For inviting quotations wide publicity at trains originating point may be done by issuing Quotation Notice and displaying the same in the DRM office and Parcel office at least seven days in advance. The details of availability of parcel space in the brake vans (SLRs)/ Asstt. Guards cabin may be given in the notice viz. train number, originating terminating station, number of compartment available for lease etc. Interested parties will submit their quotations in sealed cover which will be accepted and opened in presence of following concerned officer at notified date and time. Assist ant Commercial Manager. Assist ant Divisional Finance Manager. One member as notified. Applicants or their authorized representatives. The proceedings of opening of quotations will be prepared and signed by all the railway officers present at the time of opening of quotation. No quotation will be accepted if it is not submitted by the applicants themselves or their authorized representatives. The Security Deposit in case of leasing contracts on temporary basis would be the same as laid down under para (M). Allotment letter will be issued within 72 hr s. from the date of opening of quotations. A brief and standard agreement will be signed between allottee and Railway. The lease holder will have to start the loading within 3 days from the date of receipt of allotment letter. All other terms and conditions including collection of one-day advance freight etc. will be applicable.



13. (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19.


(X) Procedure f or leasing of parcel space on day- to- day basis:


1. Leasing of parcel space on a day-to-day basis is permissible only to registered lease holders. 2. Parcel space in SLRs/ Asstt. Guard cabin by only those trains will be leased out on dayto-day basis which have not been leased out on either Long Term or Medium Term or Short Term or Temporary basis. These may be leased out by divisions/ zonal railways on a day-to-day basis for a period not exceeding 10 days at a time. A not ice should be displayed on the notice board in DRM office and Parcel office giving the train number of those trains in which parcel space is available for being leased out on a day-to-day basis These may be leased out and allotted to the lease holder by divisions/ zonal railways without inviting tender on highest offer received basis, subject to reserve price mentioned at para N (6). This will be done at least 24 hrs. in advance of the departure date. Prospective lease holders who are desirous of taking day-to-day lease should contact the ACM in the divisional headquarters and offer their bids. Division will maintain a separate register in which separate pages will be allocated to each train.


. 4.

5. 6. 7. 8.

Divisions/ Zonal Railways will maintain a priority register for train-wise allotment of parcel space in SLRs for day-to-day lease in the following format: (i) S No. (ii) Date/ Time of application (iii) Name of party. (iv) Train No. (v) Amount of parcel space. (vi) Parcel rate. (vii) Offered rate. (viii) Day of lease. (ix) Signature of party. (x) Signature of ACM. (xi) Remarks. Lumpsum leased freight for the leased portion will be collected one day in advance.


(Y) Identity Cards/ Labour Platform Permits/ Vehicle Pass etc.: 1. Divisions/ zonal railways will issue laminated Photo Identity Cards to all registered lease holders for purpose of their identification in station premises. These will be duly signed by the ACM and shall be valid for 1 year only. On expiry the same will be reissued annually.




Laminated Photo Identity Cards will also be issued to 3 authorized representatives of all registered lease holders having validity of 1 year, duly signed by the ACM. On expiry the same will be reissued annually. Lease holder in turn will issue laminated photo identity cards to each of his labour, duly signed by the lease holder himself. Laborers photo identity card will contain the laborers full details including his residential address. To facilitate as also to regulate loading/ unloading operation from/ to lease parcel space, divisions/ zonal railways will issue free Platform Permit (s) to the Leaseholder for his labourers. A maximum of 8 (eight) labourers may be allowed to handle loading/ unloading operation of a 4 Tonnes compartment of leased SLR. For this purpose for each 4 Tonne SLR, 8, numbered, Labour Platform Permits will be issued to each lease holder for leases that he is operating. In case of Asstt. Guard compartment, maximum of 2 (two) labourers may be allowed. Numbered laminated platform permits will be issued by the Station Superintendent for leasing contracts operating from his station. Numbered laminated labour platform permits issued to lease holders will be valid for the duration of the contract of that particular lease holder.




6. 7.

8 .Labourers will be permitted to enter the platform area on production of both of the following: (i) Numbered Labour Platform Permit issued by the railway administration, and (ii) Photo Identity Card issued by the Registered Lease Holder. 9. 10. Checking of labourers should not be resorted to while loading/ unloading is in progress and such checks should only be conducted after its completion. Each lease holder may be given entry pass for 2 vehicles for each 4 Tonne of SLR space. These will be issued by the Station Superintendent and will be valid for 1 year. On expiry the same will be renewed annually. There will be no restriction on the number of packages to be loaded in any one vehicle.


(Z) Grant of leave to lease holder: 1. 2.


The provisions contained under this item are applicable to trains which have been leased out for Long Term or Medium Term basis or Short Term basis. Divisions/ zonal railways may exempt the lease holder to load leased SLRs/ Parcel Vans by granting a maximum of 1 (one) days leave per month (for 30 days operation).
In case of weekly/ bi-weekly trains the leave would be granted at the rate of 1 day for 30 trips of Page

the train.



This leave may be availed by the lease holder as per his choice of national holidays like 15th August , 26th January, 2nd October or regional festivals such as Holi, Diwali, Bihu, Pongal etc. In all such cases, adjustment in lumpsum leased freight may be allowed for subsequent / future loading by the same leaseholder at the station itself. This leave can be accumulated and be availed of at one time also. For example, a lease holder in Maharashtra can accumulate 4 days leave during 4 months and avail of the same during 4 consecutive days of Ganesh Chaturthi. At the end of each year, accumulated leave would lapse and balance leave at the start of next year would start from zero. Lease holder if he so desires can also avail of 1 day non loading per week by depositing 15% of the lumpsum leased freight rate. However, such notice of non loading must be given at the station, at least 48 hrs. before the departure of the train. On such days divisions can either clear their railway booked parcels by these trains or else lease out the SLRs on day- to-day basis in case of demand. I n addition to above leave, lease holder if he so desires can also avail more number of days of non loading by depositing 30% of the lumpsum leased freight rate. However, such notice of additional days of non loading must be given at the station, at least 48 hrs. before the departure of the train. On such days divisions can either clear their railway booked parcels by these trains or else lease out the SLRs on day-to-day basis in case of demand.

5. 6.

7. 8.


(AA) Payment of lumpsum leased freight: 1. Pre-payment of lumpsum leased freight is compulsory under the scheme irrespective of partial/ non-utilization of leased parcel space by the leaseholder, except in case of leave as mentioned under Para (Z). Lumpsum leased freight charges will be calculated as per the lumpsum rate fixed from lease originating to lease terminating station for full parcel space leased out irrespective of its actual utilization. At the first instance lumpsum leased freight will be collected for 6 days for 4 Tonne SLR compartment & Asstt. Guard cabin. Thereafter in case of 4 Tonne SLR compartment & Asstt. Guard cabin, lumpsum leased freight for 5 days at a time will be collected after every 5 days so that minimum 1 day reserve remains with the railways. At the end of the contract period the lumpsum leased freight for the last 5 days will be collected for 4 days only and 1 days reserve lumpsum leased freight will be adjusted accordingly.


3. 4.





I n case of SLRs/ Asstt. Guard cabin of trains which are not running on a daily basis (weekly/ bi-weekly/ tri-weekly etc.) lease holder will be required to pay the lumpsum leased freight for 4 trips of the train in the first instance. Thereafter in case of 4 Tonne SLR compartment & Asstt. Guard cabin, lumpsum leased freight for 3 trips of the train will be collected after every 3 trips so that minimum 1 trip reserve remains with the railways. At the end of the contract period the lumpsum leased freight for last 3 trips will be collected for 2 trips only and 1 trips reserve lumpsum leased freight will be adjusted accordingly. In case of Parcel Vans, at the first instance lumpsum leased freight for the leased parcel van will be collected for 3 days/ trips. Thereafter in case of Parcel Vans, lumpsum leased freight for 2 days/ trips at a time will be collected after every 2 days/ trips so that minimum 1 day/ trip reserve of lumpsum leased freight remains with the railways. At the end of the contract period the lumpsum leased freight for last 2 days/ trips will be collected for 1 day/ trip only and 1 days/ trips reserve of lumpsum leased freight will be adjusted accordingly. Details of collection of advance lumpsum leased freight should be given in the Money Receipt itself indicating the following: Name of lease holder. Train No. Capacity of parcel space leased out. From ___/ ___/ ____ t o ___/ ___/ ____ (both days inclusive). Leaseholder shall be liable to produce clear photo copies of the money receipt as documentary proof in regard to payment of lumpsum leased freight for leased SLR of a particular day at any time while transporting his consignment. If lease holder fails to load leased parcel space on any specific day without prior permission of railway administration, the lumpsum leased freight of that day shall be forfeited. The surcharge leviable for bulky articles will not be applicable under the scheme as handling/ loading/ unloading is done by the leaseholder. For parcel space leased out on round trip basis, 50% of the agreed upon lumpsum leased freight charges would be deposited at each end.



9. 10.


12. (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) 13.


15. 16.

(BB) Procedure for preparation of manifest by lease holder: 1.


No Railway Receipt will be issued by railway for consignments being transported in leased parcel space.



Only Money Receipt will be issued to leaseholders for the amount of advance lumpsum leased freight deposited for entire capacity of leased parcel space from lease originating to lease terminating station indicating full particulars as detailed under para AA (12). Leaseholder shall be required to prepare detailed Manifest (format given in Annexure 3) f or consignment being transported by him. Manifest will mention full particulars of train no., date, details of leased space, details of payment of lumpsum leased freight, Money Receipt number etc. Manifest will be prepared for each combination of loading & unloading station indicating station-wise details of number of consignments loaded in the leased parcel space. For example for 2312 Dn Kalka Mail, separate set of manifests will be prepared for (i) Delhi Aligarh, (ii) Delhi Kanpur, (iii) Delhi Allahabad, (iv) Delhi Gaya, (v) Delhi Dhanbad, etc.

3. 4. 5.

6. Each Manifest will be prepared in 4 copies to be used as follows: (i) 1st copy to be retained by the lease holder as his record. (ii) 2nd copy to be retained by parcel office of loading station as record. (iii) 3rd and 4th copies will be kept in the leased parcel space near the door, preferably in a transparent polythene folder / bag. (iv) 3rd copy to be retained by parcel office of unloading station as record. (v) 4th copy to be returned back to the lease holder signed and stamped by the parcel staff of the unloading station. This will serve as an authority to remove consignments at destination station. 7. All the copies of each Manifest will be signed by leaseholder or his authorized representative. 8. All the copies of Manifest will be signed and stamped by the parcel staff of originating station who will retain the 2nd copy as record and return the other copies to the lease holder . 2nd copy of the manifest must be submitted at the parcel office by the lease holder or his representative before starting loading in the leased compartment. Representative of the leaseholder shall be authorized to takeover and remove consignments from station premises on the basis of the 4th copy of Manifest duly signed and stamped by the parcel staff of unloading station. This will be treated as an authority to take delivery and remove the consignments from railway station. Loading/ unloading will not be supervised by railway staff.

9. 10.



12. The Leaseholder shall be prima-facie responsible for correctness of entries made in Manifest as well as actual number of consignments physically loaded/ available in the leased SLR. However, there would not be any penalty for minor variation of up to 3% in the number of


packages as long as the over all weight remains within the permissible limit. (For example, if the manifest mentions a total of 250 packages and actually there are 258, no penalty would be charged as along as the total weight does not exceed.) 13. It will be the responsibility of the leaseholder to ensure that the total weight of consignments loaded in the parcel space is not beyond the permissible carrying capacity of space leased out to him. 14. Penalty for over loading has been detailed under para (HH) of these instructions.

(CC) Loading/ Unloading at originating and intermediate stat ions: 1. Loading/ unloading of parcels at all stations will be carried out by leaseholder.

2. Leaseholder shall complete loading/ unloading operation within 30 minutes at originating and destination stations. 3. Leaseholder shall padlock the brake van 5 (five) minutes before scheduled departure of train so that railway staff can complete other formalities including sealing of brake van (SLR). 4 Detention of train on account of loading/ unlading of parcels in leased SLR should, in no case, be allowed. 5. Lease holder will be permitted to load/ unload at all intermediate stations where stoppage of the train is 5 or more. 6. For such loading/ unloading at intermediate stations no separate permission or No Objection Certificate will be required to be obtained from the controlling division of that intermediate station. However, the lease holder must inform the Station Superintendent of that intermediate station in writing that he intends to load/ unload from his station by that particular train. 7. In case of leasing of SLRs of ordinary passenger trains, the leaseholder shall be permitted to load/ unload the parcels from/ to all intermediate stations coming in the way of the journey of that ordinary passenger train irrespective of the stoppage time of trains at that station(s). 8. In case of ordinary passenger trains, apart from parcels, even bulk commodities of freight traffic are permitted to be carried by these leased SLRs. Commodities would comprise of either bagged consignment (food grain, cement, fertilizer etc.) or packaged consignment. Loose consignments such as coal, sand etc. would not be permitted. 9. Lease holder shall complete his loading/ unloading operation in the leased SLR/ Asstt. Guard cabin/ VP within the scheduled stoppage time of the train at that intermediate station. In no case shall detention to a train be permitted at intermediate station on account of loading/ unloading of parcels by the leaseholder. 10. In case detention to a train beyond the scheduled stoppage takes place on account of loading/ unloading by the lease holder, a fine of Rs.500/ - shall be imposed for each such occasion.



(DD) Stacking/ Removal of consignments on/ from platforms: 1. At all train originating stations, lease holder can stack his consignments 2 hours before the scheduled departure of the train in case of leased SLRs, and 3 hrs. in case of leased VPs. 2. In case of early morning trains leaving before 6.00 hrs. lease holder may stack his consignments after 22.00 hrs. and keep them over night at the platform to the extant permissible only at the originating station. 3. Similarly, at train terminating stations, lease holder must remove his consignments within a maximum of 2 hours after the actual arrival of the train in case of leased SLRs, and 3 hrs. in case of leased VPs. 4. In case of late night trains arriving after 22.00 hrs. lease holder may stack his consignments over night at the platform up to 6.00 hrs. to the ext ant permissible only at the train terminating station. 5. At all intermediate stopping stations en-route where loading/ unloading is to be carried out, lease holder can stack his consignments 1 hour before the scheduled departure of the train in case of leased SLRs/ Parcel Vans. No separate permission would be required for this. 6. In cases where clearance from Excise Officials is required for removing the consignment from the platform, extra stacking time may be permitted which should be 1 hour after the opening of Excise office. 7. Parcels awaiting loading at originating station or awaiting removal at destination station should be so arranged/ stacked so as not to cause any inconvenience in the free movement of the traveling passengers. (EE) Placement /Withdrawal of Rakes on/ from platforms: 1. At all train originating stations, empty coaching rakes must be placed at least hour before the scheduled departure of the train. In case of late placement of rakes, the scheduled departure of the train should be suitably delayed so that at least 20 loading time is available in case of leased SLRs. 2. Similarly, at all train terminating stations, empty coaching rakes must be withdrawn at least hour after the actual arrival of the train. 3. Normally the nominated platform for an originating train should not be changed at short notice except in an emergency resulting in non-utilization of parcel space by the lease holder. 4. Similarly at intermediate stations, where loading/ unloading is to be carried out by the lease holder, the platform nominations should not normally be changed except in an emergency.



5. In both the above cases, even if such a change is required in an emergency, the train should be placed/ received on the adjoining platform face of an island platform so that the stacked consignment can be loaded without any difficulty.

6. I n all cases TXR fit ness must be given before placement of rake on the platform and before commencement of loading. 7. In all cases where TXR marks a brake van (SLR/ VP) as damaged for any reason, a written memo must be given. (FF) Adjustment advance lumpsum leased freight paid due to non loading of SLR/ VP 1. Railways should ensure that the space leased out is made available without fail to the leaseholder (s). 2. In following cases mentioned at paras 4 and 5 below, where non-loading of parcel space by lease holder is not due to lease holders fault, lumpsum leased freight charges of that day deposited in advance may be adjusted against the next payment due and one days / trips less lumpsum leased freight charges collected accordingly. In case the day happens to be in the last period of the lease contract, then the advance lumpsum leased freight paid may be adjusted against the advance lumpsum leased freight payable by the lease holder for any other leasing contract that he may be having at that station. In case the advance lumpsum leased freight cannot be adjusted in this manner, then the same may be granted as a ref und. 3. In such cases, reasons mentioned under paras 4 and 5 must be certified by the multi disciplinary team mentioned under para (GG). 4. When the leased space is not made available by the Railways due to unavoidable circumstances including one of the following: (i) damage to inside walls of SLR due to theft during previous trip, (ii) breakage of floor, (iii) non-availability of front SLR, (iv) SLR sealed through to destination by railway staff at originating station, (v) carriage of dead body in SLR compartment, (see para 6 below), (vi) change of platform at the last moment, (vii) restriction to bring parcels on platform due to security arrangements for VVI P movement , important functions etc., (viii) agitation/strike by railway staff, etc. 5. When the lease holder is not able to load the parcel space due to unavoidable circumstances including one of the following : (i) Public agitation, (ii) Bandh, etc. 6. Normally dead body should not be carried in the brake van (SLR) and as far as possible these should be loaded in the Asstt. Guard cabin of front SLR of those trains which have not been leased. If no such train is available, then the dead body should be loaded in the Asstt. Guard cabin of a leased train and the lease holder granted lumpsum leased freight adjustment for one days non-loading. 7. In all other cases, if the leaseholder fails to load the SLR, advance lumpsum leased freight collected, will be forfeited.



8. If the lease holder has a genuine reason for not loading on that day he may prefer a claim for refund which will be dealt with on merits.

(GG) Multi Disciplinary team for dealing with lease holders: 1. In order to provide single window and customer friendly service to lease holders in the DRM office, a special cell should be created in each DRM office for dealing with leasing cases and lease holders. 2. Hand picked staff of out standing track record and having impeccable integrity must be posted in these cells for dealing with lease holders. 3. A complaint register will be opened in the Commercial department where lease holders can record their grievances and complaints of harassment, if any. Staff of the special cell against whom repeated complaints are entered in the register should be shifted immediately. 4. In order to provide single window and customer friendly service to lease holders at the station, multi-disciplinary teams will be deputed in each shift at major passenger terminals from where large number of trains originate/ terminate. 5. No. of teams per shift will depend on number of platforms, number of trains arriving / departing etc. 6. Teams will comprise of representatives from following departments: (i) Commercial department Parcel staff Team Leader. (ii) Mechanical department TXR staff. (iii) Security department RPF staff. 7. Only members of the multi disciplinary team will interact with lease holders for solving all their lease related problems and provide a single window clearance to them instead of making them run from pillar to post for solving their grievances. 8. All checks and certifications regarding leased parcel space whether pertaining to over loading, or damage to walls of the brake van etc. will be under taken only by members of the multi disciplinary team. 9. Names of team members will be prominently displayed on each platform.

10. In case complaint s of harassment are received against any particular member of a team he should be replaced.


1. In order to provide immediate help to a lease holder in an emergency, each division will get a help line activated for solving their day-to-day problems.


(HH) Helpline:

2. The telephone number of the helpline will be that of the Commercial Controller in the Divisional Control Office who will be instructed to note down complaints in a register and take necessary corrective act ion. 3. Divisional Commercial officers will scrutinize this register daily and take note of the type of complaints received and their rectification. The emphasis should be more on problem solving and system improvements in order to ensure that these do not recur rather than on fault finding and fixing responsibility. (II) Overloading: Railways objective should be to penalize deliberate defaulters rather than make life difficult for everybody. For achieving this purpose Railways will ensure that lease holders do not resort to deliberate over loading, while at the same time permitting some amount of flexibility to lease holders for genuine errors of judgment . Normally railways will operate on the principle of customer is always right and as such neither individual packages nor the entire consignment of a lease holder will be weighed as a matter of course. However, sample checks will be carried out from time to time in order to ensure that unscrupulous people do not try to take advantage of this liberal policy and indulge in deliberate over loading with a view to defraud t he railways. 1. Weight of each individual package is not required to be mentioned on the package. Only the total weight of consignment in the SLR/ VP would be checked. 2. In case of Asstt. Guard cabin the total weight of consignment as also the weight of individual package must be within the specified limits. The total weight of consignment must not exceed 1 Tonne and the weight of individual packages must be less than 25 Kgs. 3. There would not be any penalty for variation in the number of packages as long as t he over all weight remains within the permissible limit. (For example, if the manifest states 250 packages and actually there are 253, no penalty would be charged as along as the total weight does not exceed the prescribed limit.) 4. I n a SLR, weight of t he consignment should be checked f or each 4 Tonne compartment separately, and it must be within permissible limits for each compartment. Under loading in one 4 Tonne compartment will not mean that the other 4 Tonne compartment can be over loaded. In all such cases, the over loaded compartment will attract penalty as mentioned below. 5. Tolerances provided for as also penalty for overloading of entire consignment in 4 Tonne SLR compartment, 1 Tonne Asstt. Guard cabin or Parcel Van will be as follows: Over loading Charge/ Penalty (i) Up t o 3% Normal lumpsum leased freight for the excess weight only, no penalty. (ii) > 3% up t o 5% Normal lumpsum leased freight for the excess weight as freight charges. Penalty of 6 times Rajdhani freight for the entire amount of excess weight. (iii) > 5% (a) Normal lumpsum leased freight for the excess weight as freight charges. Penalty of 6 times Rajdhani freight for the entire amount of excess weight + Rs.5000 f or each of first 3 occasions. (b) Cancellation of lease for 4th default in addition to penalty as mentioned at (a) above.



6. The 6 times Rajdhani lumpsum leased freight mentioned in item no. 5 above will be charged for the entire excess weight from origin to destination irrespective of the point where such over loading was detected. 7. In case a consignment is found to be over loaded by more than 5%, then the excess weight would be offloaded at the point of detection and lease holder will have to take delivery of this part consignment on as is where is basis. 8. Railway will not be responsible for any damage, deterioration or loss to the excess consignment due to offloading short of destination. 9. In case of overloading of more than 10%, each slab of 5% or part thereof would be count ed as a separate violation. (For example over loading of 13% would be counted as 2 violations of more than 5% and penalty charged accordingly) 10. In case any package in Asstt. Guard cabin is more than 25 Kgs. in weight, then tolerances provided for as also penalty for excess weight will be as follows: Excess weight Charge/ Penalty (i) Up to 3 Kg. No penalty. (ii) 3 Kg t o 5 Kgs. 6 times Rajdhani freight for that particular packet. (iii) > 5 Kgs. (a) 6 times Rajdhani freight for that particular packet + Rs. 5000 for each of first 3 occasions. (b) Cancellation of lease for 4th default in addition to penalty as mentioned at (a) above. 11. In case of excess weight of more than 10 Kgs., each slab of 5 Kgs. or part thereof would be counted as a separate violation. (For example excess weight of 13 Kgs. would be counted as 2 violations of more than 5 Kgs. and penalty charged accordingly) 12. In case a consignment is found to be excess weight by more than 5 Kgs, then the particular packet would be off loaded at the point of detection and lease holder will have to take delivery of this part consignment on a as is where is basis. 13. Railway will not be responsible for any damage, deterioration or loss to the over weight consignment due to off loading short of destination. 14. In case leased consignments are detained by railway authorities for weighment purpose, no wharfage would be charged. 15. Division where such excess weight is detected would communicate to the lease allotting division/ railway which in turn will take necessary action like termination of lease, cancellation of registration etc. 16. In case of cancellation of lease on account of over loading f or 2 separate contracts (minimum of 8 violations in all), registration of the lease holder would also be cancelled as mentioned under para (K 15). (JJ) Over carriage of consignment s in leased SLR:



1. Lease holder shall be responsible for unloading his consignment from the leased SLR/ Asstt. Guard cabin/ VP at the station where his lease terminates. 2. If the lease holder fails to unload his consignment from the leased SLR at the intermediate station where his lease terminates, then the normal parcel freight from the lease terminating station to the station of over carriage and back shall be charged. 3. If the lease holder takes delivery of this over-carried consignment at the destination station, then normal parcel freight from the unloading station to the station of over carriage shall be charged. 4. However, no charges will be levied in case packages of one station are over carried / unloaded short of destination at another station by mistake, provided all such stations are between the leaseoriginating to the lease terminating station. (For example, in case of lease contract between New Delhi Chennai, no charges would be leviable in case packages of Agra get over carried to Bhopal or packages of Chennai get unloaded short of destination at Nagpur by mistake.) 5. When the lease holder f ails to unload his consignment from the leased SLR at the intermediate station where his lease terminates due to Railways operational reasons such as termination of train short of destination in case of accident, floods, breach of line, interruption of traffic or any other operational reason no extra freight or penalty will be charged. 6. When the lease holder fails to unload his consignment from the leased SLR at intermediate station where his lease terminates due to failure to open doors of SLR then the lease holder will be permitted to unload his consignment at the next station or in the opposite direction during the return trip. In all such circumstances, no extra freight or penalty will be charged. (KK) Claims Compensation: 1. In case of leased consignments, Railway Administration shall not be responsible for claim/ compensation due to any reason. 2. Lease holder shall carry parcels/ packages at his own risk and shall be responsible both to the railway and to the consignor / consignee for any loss, damage, destruction, deterioration and non-delivery of the parcels/ packages for any act of omission or commission on their part for parcels and its contents loaded in the leased SLR. 3. Railway shall not be responsible for any loss, destruction, damage, deterioration or non delivery of goods arising from the following causes: (i) Act of God. (ii) Act of war. (iii) Act of public enemies. (iv) Restraint or seizure under legal process. (v) Orders or restrictions imposed by Central Government or States Government or by any officer or authority subordinate to the Central Government or a State Government authorized in this behalf. (vi) Fire, explosion or any unforeseen risk. (vii) Act or omission or negligence of the lease holder or consignor or consignee.



(viii) Natural deterioration or wastage in bulk, or weight due to inherent defect, quality or vice of the goods. (ix) latent defect. 4. Railway shall only be responsible to carry the SLR/ VP from lease originating to lease terminating station with Railway seal and lock intact and shall not be responsible for the contents. 5. Brake Van will be padlocked by the leaseholder and sealed by the railway as well. (LL) Theft: 1. Loading will not be supervised by Railway Staff at loading station. If both Railways seals and padlocks are in intact condition, Railway shall not be responsible in any way unless there is a specific sign of theft e.g. cutting of the side wall of the SLR. 2. However, if railway seals as well as padlocks of any of the doors of the leased SLR are found tampered with, or in case of damage to the inside walls of the brake van where it is apparent that theft has taken place First Information Report (FI R) will be lodged with the GRP and a copy of the same will be given to the lease holder. 3. This FI R can be lodged either at the destination or at any stopping station enroute where the theft is detected. 4. In such cases, parcels from the leased SLR will be unloaded in the presence of CPS, RPF and the lease holder or his representative. Packages will be compared with the Manifest i.e. list of packages accompanying the SLR. 5. A certificate of discrepancies found will be prepared in triplicate and signed by CPS, RPF and the lease holder / his representative. A copy of the same would be handed over to the lease holder or his representative. 6. Balance consignment available in the SLR will not be deposited wit h t he RPF or GRP. Lease holder should be free to take delivery of the remaining portion of his consignment. (MM) Extension of train/ Increase in frequency of train: 1. In case a train in which parcel space has been leased out is extended beyond its initial originating station or beyond it s initial destination station, then the procedure as detailed below should be followed. 2. The existing lease holder should be permitted to continue his lease between the pair of stations mentioned in his contract. It will be assumed that the lease is being operated to/ from an intermediate station as the case may be.



3. The above arrangement should continue till the expiry of the contractual period in the normal course.

4. In case the lease holder is prepared to extend his lease to cover the newly extended portion also then the same may be ext ended and lumpsum leased freight charged should be increased on pro-rata basis as per his existing lease charges for the extra distance covered. 5. However, in case the existing lease holder is not prepared to extend his lease beyond the starting and terminating stations for which the contract has been executed then division/ zonal railway will be at liberty to float fresh tenders for the newly extended portion. 6. In such a case it must be ensured that the period of lease for the newly extended portion is co-terminus with the current lease for the earlier run of the train, so that after expiry of the contract fresh lease can be given for the entire stretch from origin to destination. 7. In case of increase in frequency of weekly/ bi-weekly/ tri-weekly trains, the current lease may be extended for the same lease holder in case he is willing for the same at the existing lumpsum leased freight rate, for the increased number of trips. 8. However, in case the existing lease holder is not prepared to extend his lease beyond the current number of trips of the train, then division/ zonal railway will be at liberty to float fresh tenders for the increased number of trips. 9. In this case also it must be ensured that the period of lease for the increased frequency is co-terminus with the current lease for the earlier number of days so that after expiry of the contract fresh lease can be given for all the days combined. (NN) Powers to relax certain conditions of the scheme: 1. Zonal Railways, in exceptional cases, with the personal approval of Chief Commercial Manager, may relax some of the conditions which have only local bearing and have no financial implications. 2. These include issues related to loading/ unloading problems, relaxation in the stacking time on account of restriction imposed by local municipal administration on road movement for particular peak period, issuance of plat forms permits for more labourers etc. (OO) Other terms and conditions of the scheme: padlocking, the brake van shall be sealed by the railway. 1. Lease holder shall be solely responsible for canvassing, acceptance, booking, handling, documentation and delivery of the parcel/ packages both at originating and destination stations. 2. Brake Van will be padlocked by the lease holder. In addition to the above

3. Lease holder shall load only such commodities which are permissible to be booked as Parcel, under prescribed Railway Rules. 4. Commodities listed in Red Tariff, offensive, contraband, dangerous, explosive and any other commodities which are prohibited by the Railway or banned by the Civil Authorities from time to time shall in no case be allowed to be loaded in the leased SLR/ VP.



5. If such articles are found to have been loaded in leased SLR/ VP, in contravention of the above para, a fine of Rs.10,000/ - shall be imposed on the lease holder. In addition to above, his registration may also be cancelled as per para K (15) depending on the seriousness of the offence. 6. In addition to above, in case of serious violation, lease holder will also be liable for prosecution as provided for under Indian Railway Act 1989. 7. Lease holder shall also be liable for any loss, injury or damage which may be caused by reason of bringing such offensive goods on the train as per provisions of Indian Railway Act 1989. 8. In case of false declaration of any commodity, the lease holder and owner of the goods shall be punishable under sect ion 163 of Indian Railway Act 1989. 9. Percentage Charges shall not be realized from the lease holder. However, claims will be settled on merits of the case under railway rules applicable to consignments booked at owner risk after verification of records but in no case it shall exceed Rs.50/ - per Kg. of the weight of such goods. The Railway may call upon the lease holder to prove the deficiencies by documentary evidence and such other documents as may be deemed necessary before admitting any claim. 10. Any damage caused to the Brake Van or to the platform or any other Railway property while handling parcels/ packages by the lease holder or their agent at booking or destination station will be made good to the railway by the lease holder. The assessment of damage made by the railway will be final. 11. The Railway shall reserve the right to open the padlock and seals to transship the parcels/ packages of the leased Brake Van in unavoidable circumstances like accidents, strike, hot axle etc. 12. The Railway and other concerned departments shall reserve the right to check the contents of the packages at any time to see that no dangerous, explosive, offensive, contraband or any other banned articles are loaded. 13. Some space within station premises should be earmarked by divisions/ zonal railways for use of lease holders f or (i) stacking their consignment s and (ii) keeping their trolleys.


Registration of Lease Holders 1. Name of applicant 2. Address (Copy of proof of residence) 3. Firms/ Companys/ Societys name: 4. Nature of applicant: Whether individual/ firm/ company/ society 5. Details of Registration of Firm/ Company/ Society: 6. Whether Partnership Firm: 7. Names and addresses of persons authorized to deal with Railway Authorities: 8. Location of premises from where leasing work will be conducted: (i) Address:


(ii) Area in Sq. Mt s.: (iii) If owned, proof of owner ship of proposed premises: (iv) If rented, particulars of rent paid and copy of lease deed: 9. Telephone Numbers: (i) Office: (ii) Residence: (iii) Mobile: 10. Attested copy of PAN Card (either of proprietor or of the company): 11. Category of Registration sought: 12. Photographs of lease holder and his authorized representatives. 13. Current business profile. ANNEXURE - 2 Certificate of Registration for Lease Holders This is to certify that M/ S ________________________________ (Name of company) having their registered office at ___________________________(Address of company) have registered themselves as Category __ lease holder on____________ division (Name of division) of ____________________ railway (Name of zonal railway). They have paid the required registration fee of Rs. ______ lakhs for the purpose of operating leasing contracts pertaining to brake vans/ parcel vans/ asst. guard cabins. This registration will normally be valid for a 5 year period from ___/ ___/ _____ t o __/ __/ __ unless the registration is pre-maturely cancelled by the railway administration as a punitive measure for violating laid down terms and conditions of the contract. Signature of Sr.DCM/ DCM Name & Address

Details of manifest to be submitted by lease holder 1. Name: ___________________ 2. Telephone No.: __________ 3. Address: ______________________________________________________ 4. Train No. __________ 5. Date of dispatch: __________ 6. SLR: __________ 7. Compartment: __________ 8. Railway MR No. __________ 9. Dated: __________ 10. Station From : __________ 11. Station To: __________ GR No. No. of packages. Tot al weight Consignor Consignee Pvt . Marking




What are the liabilities of Railways as Common Carriers of Goods?

RESPONSIBILITY OF RAILWAYS AS CARRIERS Prior to 1962 Railways responsibility in carrying the goods was that of Bailee. From 1.1.1962, Railways has taken greater responsibility in carrying the goods under common carrier liability Bailees Responsibility; Bailee is a caretaker or custodian. Responsibility of Bailee is defined in Indian Contract Act, 1872, under Sections 151, 151 and 161. Section 151; The Bailee is bound to take reasonable care, as an ordinary man would generally take care of his own goods. Section 152; The Bailee is not responsible for loss, damage, destruction, deterioration and nondelivery of goods, if he takes due care of the goods as defined in section 151. Section 161. The Bailee is responsible for loss, damage, destruction, deterioration and nondelivery of goods, if he has not taken the amount of care as per section 151. Common Carriers; means one who provides all reasonable facilities to carry the goods and animals. He works within the framework of Rules, Procedures and Conditions. He will not resort to pick and choose tactics like public carrier. So long as the trader offers payment and the common carrier has the facilities to transport the traffic, he cannot refuse to accept the traffic for transport. A bailee is responsible only when the goods entrusted to him are lost or damaged due to his fault or negligence. A common carrier on the other hand, takes upon him the responsibility of safe delivery of the goods. His responsibility is that of an insurer. The responsibility of Railways as common carriers is during the period of transit only. After termination of transit the responsibility is that of a Bailee, for a period of 7 days, in case of general goods. In case of Explosives and other dangerous goods, perishables, livestock and offensive goods, there is no Bailees responsibility. Liability; means the responsibility of the Railways after accepting the goods till the same are handed over to owner or consignee. The circumstances, conditions or to what extent railway is responsible for the goods offered to it, is defined in Sections 93 to 123 of Railways Act, 1989. Some of the terms used in these sections.



Act of God: means an event which happens independent of human action such as natural causes-cyclones, earthquakes, foods etc., It is not connected with human activity. It is unforeseen, unimaginable, unpredictable and uncontrollable.

Loss: Disappearance or the failure of the Railways to account to what has happened to the goods. Loss includes all the cases where the goods are not forthcoming. Damage: It may be by wet or due to defective packing or improper packing. Destruction of Goods may occur by fire, when the entire goods may disappear or part of them may be burnt by fire and the remaining may be available. Deterioration: A change for the worse in the goods itself. A physical deterioration of a thing eg .milk or perishables. If the thing is worthless than it was before, only because the market value has gone down, it means depreciation in value but not due to deterioration. Non-Delivery: means failure to deliver for some reason or other, it may be due to negligence of staff or otherwise. Transit: transit commences as soon as the loading is started or Railway Receipt is issued, which ever is earlier. Transit terminates; when goods are to be unloaded by consignee 1. When unloading of the wagon is completed within free time, transit terminates upon the expiry of free time for removal of the goods. 2. When the unloading of the wagon is not completed with in free time, transit terminates upon the expiry of free time for unloading from the wagon. Section 93 of Railways Act 1989, General Responsibility of Railways: Railways is responsible as carriers except in case where loss, damage, destruction, deterioration and nondelivery is attributed to the act of God, act of war, act of public enemies arrest, restrain by law, orders of Central or State Government, act of negligence or omission by the consignor or his authorized agent, natural deterioration or wastage or inherent defect of goods, latent defects, fire, explosion or any unforeseen circumstances. Railways must further prove that it has taken reasonable foresight and care in the carriage of goods. Section 94 of Railways Act, 1989. Sidings. In case of loading at sidings the Railways is responsible for loss, damage, destruction, deterioration and non-delivery of goods from the time it has taken over the goods from the siding owner at inter change point. In case of delivery of goods at siding, railways is responsible for loss, damage, destruction, deterioration and non-delivery of goods till it is handed over to the siding owner at the interchange point. Section 95 of Railways Act 1989. Delay in Transit. Railways are responsible for loss, damage, destruction, deterioration and non-delivery of goods due to delay in transit because of its negligence or misconduct. Section 96 of Railways Act 1989.Traffic passing over railways in India and railways in foreign countries. Where in the course of carriage of any consignment from a place in India to a place outside India or from a place outside India to a place in India or from one place outside India to another place outside India or from one place in India to another place in India over any territory outside India, it is carried over the railways of any railway administration in India the railway administration shall not be responsible under any of the provisions of this Chapter for the loss, destruction, damage or deterioration of goods, from whatever cause arising, unless it is proved by the owner



of the goods that such loss, destruction, damage or deterioration arose over the railway of he railway administration. Section 97 Goods carried at owners risk rate. 1. Railways are not responsible for loss, damage, destruction, deterioration and nondelivery of goods in transit at owners risk rate. 2. If the loss etc. is due to the negligence /misconduct of railway staff, railways is responsible for loss damage, destruction, deterioration and non-delivery of goods 3. When Railways fails to give correct reason for the loss, damage, destruction, deterioration and non-delivery of goods. It is the responsibility of owner to prove that Railways are at fault. Burden of proof lies with the owner. However railways should disclose how the goods are dealt with, when the goods are in the custody of Railways. Section 98 of Railways Act, 1989. Defective Packing Condition; 1. Railways are not responsible for loss, damage, destruction and non-delivery of goods offered in defective packing condition/improperly packed 2. Railways should prove that the loss, damage, destruction, deterioration and non-delivery of goods is due to defective/improper packing condition. 3. Railways should also explain what extra precautions the Railways has taken in case of carriage of defectively packed goods take. Section 99 of Railways Act, 1989. 1. Railways is responsible as bailee for the period of 7 days after the termination of transit 2. It does not assume even bailees responsibility for goods booked at owners risk rate expect upon proof of negligence of Railways. 3. Railways shall not be responsible for loss, damage, destruction, deterioration and nondelivery of goods for any consignment, after the expiry of a period of 7 days after the termination of transit. Section 100 of Railways Act, 1989. Luggage 1. Railways are responsible for loss, damage, destruction, deterioration and non-delivery of goods carried in Brake van. 2. Railways is not responsible for loss, damage, destruction, deterioration and non-delivery of goods booked with owner, unless it is proved that it is due to the negligence of railways. Section 101 of Railways Act 1989. Live Stock (Animals) Railways is not responsible for loss or injury to any animals due to fright (fear), restiveness of the animals or due to overloading of animals. Section 102 of Railways Act, 1989.Exemptions from responsibility. Railways is not responsible for loss, damage, destruction, deterioration, and non-delivery of goods due to mis-declaration or frauds practiced by the customers, improper loading or unloading by consignor,/consignee, riot, civil commotion, strike, lockout or loss of particular market. Section 103 of Railways Act, 1989; Monetary Liability of Railways The amount of liability of railways for the loss, damage, destruction, deterioration and nondelivery of goods shall not exceed the amount calculated with reference to the weight of the



consignment as prescribed. Goods and Parcels Rs.50/- per kilogram or part of kilogram, luggage Rs.100/- per kilogram or part of a kilogram. When the value of the consignment is declared and percentage charges on excess value are paid, the amount of liability shall not exceed the declared value. For the articles given in Schedule II declaration of the value of the consignment and payment of PCEV is compulsory. Section 104 of Railways Act, 1989; Goods carried in open wagons instead of covered wagons. Goods may be carried in open wagons instead of covered wagons with the consent of the owner for loss, damage, destruction, deterioration and non-delivery in such cases; the responsibility is equally shared between Railways and Owner. Section 105 of Railways Act, 1989; Right of railway administration to check contents of certain consignments or luggage. Where the value has been declared under section 103 in respect of any consignment a railway administration may make it a condition of carrying such consignment that a railway servant authorized by it in this behalf has been satisfied by examination or otherwise that the consignment tendered for carriage contain the articles declared. Section 106 of Railways Act, 1989; Notice of Claim for compensation. Railways is not responsible, if the claim for compensation is made after 6 months from the date of booking. Section 108 of Railways Act, 1989, Person entitled to claim for compensation. If Railways pays compensation to the consignee producing the railway receipt, Railways shall be termed to have discharged its liability, even though the consignee was not legally entitled to receive the compensation. Section 109, of Railways Act, 1989. Application for compensation for personal injury shall be made before the claims tribunal of a. Originating Railway, b. Destination Railway or the Railway where the loss occurred. Section 110, of Railways Act 1989. Burden of Proof. In case of claims for compensation for loss, damage, destruction, deterioration and non-delivery of goods the burden of proving monetary loss actually sustained or the declared value of the goods as its true value lies with the owner. 17. the How do you process the application claiming compensation for loss of goods, from time of application to final settlement? CLAIM: A claim is a rightful demand from the rail user against the Railway Administration for the payment of compensation for loss, damage, destruction, deterioration and non delivery of the goods/animals entrusted to Railways for carriage.



For any Commercial Organization, efficient and effective After Sales Service wing is necessary to satisfy the customers and solve the problems arising after sales. Claims branch is an after sales service wing for the railway organization. Speedy settlement of claim and payment of compensation within a time frame is required to satisfy the aggrieved customer. Notice of claim for Compensation and refund of over charge: As per section 106 of the Railways Act 1989, notice of claim for compensation against a railway administration should be given within a period of six months from the date of entrustment of such goods. In case of any refund of over charge in respect of goods carried by railway, a notice has to be served to the railway administration on which over charge has been paid within six months from the date of such payment or the date of delivery of such goods at the destination station, whichever is later. Railway Administration: As per section 192 of the Railways Act 1989, in case of a Zonal Railway the railway administration means the General Manager or any of the railway servant authorised by the General Manager on his behalf. In case of Claims the powers are delegated to CCM and CCO of the Zonal Railway. Hence, application for Claims shall be addressed to either GM or CCM or CCO. Application for compensation for loss, etc of goods: Section 107 of the Railways Act: Claim may be repudiated under the following circumstances: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Claims not preferred within six months from the date of booking. Claims not properly addressed to the GM/CM/CCO. Claims arising from any clause mention in Section 93 of the Railway Act, 1989, namely Act of God, Act of War etc. Claims arising due to delay in transit which happens due to reasons beyond the control of Railway without any misconduct and negligence on its part. Goods carried at Owners risk rate when Railways are not negligent. Goods in defective condition or defectively packed. Exoneration from liability in the following cases a) materially false description of the goods. b) fraud has been practiced by the consignor/consignee. c) improper loading or unloading by the consignor/consignee. d) riot, civil commotion, strike, lockout, stoppage or restraint of labour, e) any indirect or consequential loss or damage or for loss of particular market.


Extent of Monetary liability in respects of any consignment:


For repudiating claim, speaking orders are to be recorded clearly indicating the clause on which claim is repudiated.

As per Section 103 of the Railways Act, 1989, when the consignor does not declare the value and dont not pay PCEV charge the extent of compensation shall be based on the actual weight of the consignment. The maximum value in such cases is limited to 1 2 3 Parcels/Goods : Baggage/Luggage Animals Rs. 50/- per Kg or part there of : Rs.100/- per KG or part there of. : Elephant Rs.6,000/Horse Rs.3,000/Horned Cattle Rs.800/Other animals Rs. 120/-

If the value of any goods/ animal is more than the above limits, party must elect to pay PCEV charges. In that case, the extent of compensation payable is equal to either the declared value or cost of the consignment whichever is less. Documents to be verified: Forwarding Note, DDM/DDPC message, Trade Invoice / Bejuck / Putti, qualified remarks in the delivery book, copy of OD/AD etc. The following are also to be checked before settlement of claims Risk Rate, Correct freight charges, under charges, if any, Type of wagon used, PCEV charges paid or not paid etc. Settlement Procedure: Claims, where admissible should be verified on the basis of the suppliers bill. It should be carefully verified that loss / damage / breakage should be worked out at the rate shown in the Bill duly deducting the discount or commission, if any, allowed in the bill. 1 2 3 4 In case of Newspapers and Magazines, 30% from the face value of the magazines has to be deducted to arrive at the net amount payable as compensation. Damage by wet to cement consignments, 20% deduction to be made on the bill value. in case of Grains and Pulses in bags, weight of the bags is determined and its value is separately arrived. Proportionate freight charges, if claimed, in respect of damages assessed should be disallowed. This may not apply in case where the damaged stuff is buried. Consignments which are received on commission basis for which no bill is available, the claim will be settled at market price minus usual commission. The amount of claim paid must be recorded in red ink on the Railway Receipt, duly signed in full with name of the official granting compensation to avert the possibility of a second claim on the same invoice.



7 8

Whenever the claims is paid to the party, cash receipt is prepared in duplicate and the partys signature is taken on both Accounts and Record copies A remark that the amount of compensation paid must be made in station delivery book against the relevant entry.

Time limit for Settlement of Claims: The following is the time frame given by the Railway Board to settle the claims Perishables Loss/damage/shortage/leakage/breakage Partial Delivery : Non-Delivery Schedule of powers for settlement of claims: ACM SCM Dy.CCM CCO CCO CCM GM : : : : : : : Rs. 8,000/Rs. 15,000/Rs. 60,000/Rs. 2,00,000/- ( in case of Goods) Rs. 4,00,000/- ( in case of Passengers Death / Injuries) Rs. 4,00,000/Unlimited. How does a claim for 3 months ; 3 Months 4 Months : 6 Months :

18. What do you understand by untoward incidents? compensation due to death or injury is processed? Liability of the Railways for compensation:

The railways are liable to pay compensation for death/injury of a passenger in train accident as defined under Section 124 of the Railway Act. 1989, Similarly the railways are also liable to pay compensation for death/injury to a passenger and platform ticket holder in untoward incidents as defined under Section 124-A of the Act, such as terrorist acts, violent attack, robbery, dacoity, rioting, shoot out or arson by any person in train or within the precincts of a passenger in train accident/untoward incident is as under:The procedure for getting ex-gratia, interim relief and compensation for death/injury of a passenger in train accident/untoward incident is as under:Ex-gratia Ex-gratia relief is given by the railway administration soon after an accident or untoward incident normally at the rate of a) b) c) Rs.15,000/- in the case of death: Rs.5,000/- in the case of grevious injury: and Rs.500/- for simple injury.



Payment is sanctioned and arranged after such enquiries as can be reasonably made on the spot by a Senior Scale or higher officer nominated by the General Manager. If the ex-gratia has not been paid to the victim at accident site, the claimant should approach the Chief Claims Officer of the concerned railway. The Exgratia is intended o meet the immediate expenses of the victims, and is not taken into account at the time of final settlement of compensation claims. Compensation: Claims for compensation for death/injury of a passenger in train accident or untoward incident are decided by the Railway Claims Tribunal having jurisdiction over the site of accident. The Tribunal has 21 benches at 18 major cities in the country viz. 1 4 7 10 13 16 Ahmedabad 2 Bangalore Bhubaneshwar 5 Mumbai Chandigarh 8. Ernakulam Gorakhpur 11 Jaipur Chenai 14 Delhi Patna 17 Secunderabad (Three benches at Kolkata and two at Delhi) 3. 6. 9 12 15 18 Bhopal Kolkata Guwahati Lucknow Nagpur Ghaziabad

Who can claim? An application for compensation under section 124 and 124-A may be made to the Claims Tribunal. a. by the person who has sustained the injury or suffered any loss, or b. by any agent duly authorised by such person in this behalf, or c where such person is a minor, by his guardian, or d where death has resulted from the accident/untoward incident, by an dependant of the deceased or where such a dependent is a minor, by his guardian. Every application by a dependant for compensation under this section shall be for the benefit of every other dependant. Procedure for filing application 1. The claimant or his agent or his duly authorised legal practitioner should present the application in Form II in triplicate to the Registrar of the Tribunal having jurisdiction over the place of accident/untoward incident. The application can also be sent by registered post to the Registrar of the Bench concerned.



2 Where the number of respondents is more than one, as ma extra copies of the application as there are respondents, together with unused file size envelopes, bearing the full address of such respondents, shall be furnished by the applicant.

3 The applicant may attach to and present with his application a receipt slip in Form IV which shall be signed by the officer of the Registrar receiving the application on behalf of the Registrar in acknowledgement. 4 Every application including any miscellaneous application shall be typed legibly in double space on one side on thick paper of good quality. No fee is charged for filing accident/untoward incident claim in Railway Claims Tribunal. Documents which facilitate expeditious adjudication of claim by Tribunal. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Post mortem report in case of death. Copy of FIR in case of death/injury. Medical report indicating the details of injuries sustained by the passengers. Death certificate from the District Administration in case of death of a passenger. legal heir certificates in case of death. Documentary proof of bonafide of the victim/deceased as passenger of the train on the date of accident/untoward incident, if available otherwise indicate class of travel, ticket/pass number the extent known.

Scale of Compensation: Amount of compensation in case of death and permanent disability is Rs.4 lakhs in case of injuries, the minimum amount is Rs.32,000/- and maximum is 3.60 lakhs. The amount of compensation payable for injury of a passenger in train accident/untoward incident is given separately. Compensation for unscheduled injuries: The amount of compensation payable in respect of any injury other than an injury specified in the schedule resulting in pain and suffering shall be such as the Claims Tribunal may after taking into consideration medical evidence, besides other circumstances of the case, determine to be reasonable Provided that if more than one injury is caused by the same accident/untoward incident compensation shall be payable in respect of each such injury. Provided further that the total compensation in respect of all such injuries shall not exceed Rs.80,000/- . Procedure for transfer of case from one bench to the other bench: The claimant may apply to the Chairman, Railway Claims Tribunal, Mall Road, Delhi for transferring the case from one bench to the bench near to this residence after it is registered in the bench having jurisdiction over the site of accident/untoward incident. Time limit for filing claims for train accident/untoward incident. The time limit for filing claim in the concerned Bench of Railway Claims Tribunal is one year from the date of accident or untoward incident. The Railway Claims Tribunal can, however waive off this limit, and entertain the claim if the applicant satisfies the Claims Tribunal that he had sufficient cause for not making the application within such period.



Right to legal representation: A person making an application to the Claims Tribunal may either appear in person or take the assistance of a legal practitioner of his choice to present his case before the Claims Tribunal. Free legal aid to the claimant: Railway administration liaise with the State Government for providing free legal aid to the prospective claimants. This facility should be availed of by the claimants. Issue of special passes to the claimants: Sleeper class cheque passes from the place of residence to the place of hearing and back are issued by the railway administration to the victims/claimants, when attendance of the claimants is ordered by Railway Claims Tribunal in respect o case falling under Section 124 and 124-A of the Railways Act, 1989. Review of Decision by Railway Claims Tribunal: (a) Any person considering himself aggrieved by ay order of the Tribunal from which no appeal is allowed and who on account of some mistake or error apparent on the face of the record, or for any sufficient reason, desired to obtain a review of the order made against him, may apply for review of a final order not being an interlocutory order, to the Tribunal. (b) Where it appears to the tribunal that there is not sufficient ground for a review, it shall reject the application. (c) Where the Tribunal is of the opinion that the application for the review should be granted, it shall grant the same. Provided that no such application shall be granted without previous notice to the opposite party to enable him to appear and be heard in support of the order, a review of which is applied for. Appeal against the decision of Railway Claims Tribunal: (a) The Railway claims Tribunal has the powers of District Court and appeal against its decision lies in the High Court having jurisdiction over the place where the bench is located. (b) No appeal shall be from an order passed by the Claims Tribunal with the consent of the parties. (c) The appeal should be preferred within a period of ninety days from the date or order appealed against. 19. Briefly describe the rules for indent and allotment of wagons. Under what circumstances is the change of destination permitted. Write about refund of WDRF? WAGON DEMAND REGISTRATION FEE (W.D.R.F) 1. Any person who desires of dispatching his goods by wagon should register his indent in wagon demand/priority register.




CC 30 of 2006 w.e.f. 1.2.2006

2. The following particulars should be shown in the wagon demand register. Date and time of registration, serial number, consignors and consignees name and address, station to, name of the commodity, type of wagon required, signature of the party or signature of the person registering the demand. 3. Wagon demand registration fee to be deposited at the time of registration of indents s under: Type of Gauge BG MG NG Registration fee per wagon Rs. 500 Rs. 400 Rs. 300 Registration Fee per Rake Rs. 15,000 Rs. 12,000 Rs. 1,500

4. A forwarding note duly filled in should be tendered by the sender at the time of registration of demand for supply of wagons.(CC110 of 2005) Half the amount is collected for half rakes. W.D.R.F. may be collected in cash or through Credit Note. A separate money receipt in two portions will be issued with following particulars; name of the consignor, priority number, date of registration, station to, commodity, name of the person who is authorized to take refund, type of wagon indented. After collecting the W.D.R.F. the indents are registered in printed register maintained separately for wagon loads, train loads for each series and signature of the party is obtained Any number of indents can be accepted, except to quota points, where individual railways impose restrictions. Clubbing of consignments is permitted upto12 for bogie wagon and upto 2 for a four wheeler wagon, however Rs.100/- extra is collected for issue of every additional railway receipt issued per wagon.. These registers are kept open for public. Exemption from payment of WDRF (a) Traffic in any commodity offered by Platinum & Gold card holder from their siding (b) Container Traffic booked by CONCOR. (b) Railway Material and Stores booked by Railway Officials in their official capacity (c) Household Kit of railway employees on transfer. (d) Military Traffic booked on Military Credit Notes. (e) Certain traffic subject to road competition specially notified by the Railway Administration as exempt from payment of Wagon Registration Fee. Forfeiture of Wagon Demand Registration Fee:



Wagon demand registration fee is forfeited under the following circumstances a. When wagon demand is cancelled after the physical supply of the wagons. b. When wagon demand is cancelled with in10 days of registration irrespective of the commodity. c. When 2 four-wheeler wagons are supplied against an indent for a bogie wagon or viceversa and the consignor is not willing to load. d. When BCX wagon is supplied against an indent for 2 CRT/CRC wagons. e. When loading is not commenced within the free time for loading, indent is cancelled, WDRF is forfeited and demurrage charges levied without granting any free time. f. When consignor has given in writing to detain the wagon and the loading is not commenced within 24 hours from the expiry of free time, indent is cancelled, WDRF is forfeited and demurrage charges levied without granting any free time. g. When consignor is not willing to pay freight charges as per existing railway tariff. Refund of Wagon Demand Registration fee. Station Master is empowered to give refund of wagon demand registration fee when paid in cash. WDRF is refundable under the following circumstances. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. When wagon is booked and loaded. When wagon demand is cancelled after 10 days from the date of registration. When open wagon is supplied against an indent for covered wagon or vice versa and the consignor is not willing to load. On surrender of money receipt, refund is granted or the amount can be adjusted to wards the freight charges in case of paid traffic. Party can claim refund within 3 years When WDRF is paid through credit note, refund will be granted by CCM If money receipt is lost refund can be granted on execution of a stamped Indemnity Bond.

Change of Destination; 1. Change of destination is permitted for High Profit Yielding commodities, if booking is closed to desired destination for not less than 30 days after the date of registration and also on the day the request for change is made. It is permitted by DCM. When wagon supply is not already been made. A change has not already been made. Siding owners are permitted to load wagons against a particular indent to any another destination.

2. 3. 4.

Change of commodity; is permitted by DCM if the Commodity is within the same Priority. It is permitted only once



Supply of Wagons or Allotment of Wagons; Each demand of wagon registration is given a serial number in the order of priority. Separate priority registers should be maintained for Wagonload traffic and Trainload traffic. A forwarding note duly filled in should be tendered by the sender at the time of registration of demand for supply of wagons. (CC 110 of 2005) Allotment/loading orders are issued in accordance with the priority of registration as per Preferential Traffic Schedule. Stations should load wagons in accordance with the allotment /loading orders from the Appropriate authority i.e. Sr.DOM. The loading order given is called as Specific Loading Order SLO. At some stations, Station Masters are authorized to give loading orders in case of inward released wagons, which is called as back loading. The allotment or loading orders should be exhibited on the Notice Board of the station for the information of the Public.
Before allotment of wagons the Registers of Bans and Restrictions should be verified to see whether the commodity is banned from booking or a particular destination is closed for traffic All wagons allotted and supplied should be certified by TXR (Train Examination) staff where ever available, other wise wagons are jointly selected by the Consignor after physical check. Non-water tight wagons should not be supplied for goods damageable by wet.

Wagon Transfer Register: The date and time at which wagons are placed in position for loading/unloading is recorded in the wagon transfer register. This register is machine numbered register. In case of wagons required to be loaded/unloaded by the owner, the signature of the Consignor /Consignee should be obtained in the register, immediately after placement/release of wagons. Whenever wagons are not released in time, demurrage charges should be recorded in these registers and recovered. The reasons for delay in treating the wagon as placed in position and non-availability of wagons for loading and unloading due to operational convenience should be recorded in the wagon transfer and countersigned by the Station Master. Payment of Lumpsum deposit.



Lumpsum deposit for Government Departments shall be Rs. 10,000/-. The parties having regular transactions with a Railway may be permitted, at the discretion of the Railway, to pay a lump sum deposit in lieu of payment of registration fee each time an indent is made for wagon supply. The Lumpsum deposit payable shall be fixed Railways in such cases taking into account the number of wagons that the parties concerned have to register at a time. The rules regarding forfeiture of Wagon Registration Fee will be applicable in the instant case. However, the amount to be forfeited will not be entire lump sum deposit but specific amount pertaining to individual rake which will only attract forfeiture. In such cases, the customer will have to recoup the amount forfeited so that lump sum amount is maintained at the stipulated level.

For Allotment of Wagons (In force from 1stApril, 2007) CC 93 of 2007. Section 70, of the Railways Act 1989, lays down that no undue preference should be given to any individual or commodity by Railways in allotment of wagons. In exercise of the powers conferred by Section 71 of the Railways Act, 1989, the Central Government hereby directs that all Railway Administrations shall give special facilities for or preference to the transport of goods / class of goods at a station/siding as per priority / preference mentioned in the order. 1 1.1 2 2.1 Priority A Military Traffic, when sponsored by MILRAIL and approved by Railway Board. Priority B Goods for emergency relief work for victims of natural calamities, like floods, drought, earth-quake etc. when sponsored by an officer not below the rank of Deputy Secretary of Central / State Government or a non official organization nominated by the Central / State Government and accepted by the originating Zonal Railway or Railway Board. Food grains and levy sugar for Public Distribution System or other welfare schemes sponsored by Food Corporation of India and approved by Zonal Railways/Railway Board. Proposals for sponsorship of any other commodity by a Central Government Agency will require specific approval of Railway Board. Priority C All programmed traffic of the following commodities when sponsored and accepted by authorities as under: COMMODITY Coal SPONSORING AUTHORITY ACCEPTING AUTHORITY Coal companies, public or EDRM/Kolkata for ER.ECR, private, for quantities specified as SER, SECR and ECoR.


3. 3.1



per short-term linkages approved by the standing linkage committee. Edible Salt Salt Commissioner Raw Materials Steel producers who satisfy for Steel Plants specific criteria.

For other Railways, COM/CFTM of respective Zones. Zonal Railways EDPM/Kolkata for plants located in ER, ECR, SER, SECR. ECoR. (EDPM/Kolkata shall issue the programme for movement of raw material to Steel plants located in the above five zones irrespective of the source of the raw material. For Plants located in other Railways, Acceptance of programme will be done by EXRM/Kolkata if raw material is to be loaded from ER, ECR, SER, SECR or Ecor. For all others by COM/ CFTM of the Railway where the plant is located.

4 4.1 .

Priority D All traffic not included in priority A to C PTO is current or valid for one year, but can be extended from time to time. In allotment of wagons first priority will be given to A series, followed by B,C, and D on all days except a nominated two day in a week, on nominated days allotment will be done as per oldest date of registration (ODR).

General Instructions:

5.1 Traffic will have preference over other traffic within the same class of priority in the following order: a) All rakes, including the normal and guaranteed supply of rakes under the Wagon investment Scheme c) Traffic in rakes loaded under the Engine on Load Scheme. d) Traffic in rakes loaded from a Siding / Goods Shed having round the clock working. e) Traffic in rakes from a full rake handling siding having mechanized system of loading



b) Traffic in rakes registered under the Premium Registration Scheme


All traffic offered in block rakes including club bed indents constituting a block rake will he given reference over traffic in piecemeal irrespective of the class of priority and date of registration. All Traffic can be accorded preferential loading and movement under a higher priority under special orders issued by the Ministry of Railways, Railway Board / Zonal Railway. Two days in a week shall be reserved and notified for allotment of rakes as per the date of registration irrespective of the class of priority. Currency of the order: This order is in super session of G.O 78 and amendments issued thereto from time to time and will come into force with effect from 1st April 2005, and unless cancelled earlier, will remain in force up to 31st march, 2006.


5.4 6 6.1

20. Differentiate between Open delivery and Assessment delivery? Write about Joint Survey Report? OPEN DELIVERY Open delivery means delivering the contents of the package or packages on actual count or weight. Conditions under which Open Delivery is granted. 1. When there is shortage of package. 2 When there is leakage, pilferage and appreciable shortage in the weight. 3. When the consignment arrives at the destination station in damaged condition or shows any signs of being tampered with. Open Delivery is not granted: 1. When wagons are received, with seals intact and does not show any signs of pilferage. 2. When there is no difference in weight. Precautions to be taken for granting Open Delivery: 1. The consignee/endorsee should produce senders original trade invoice/bejuck/puttee. 2. The date, name of the sender, quality of the goods and other particulars shown on the bejuck should be compared with railway receipt to check genuineness. 3. Contents must be checked for misdeclaration. 4. Check whether DDM is properly issued. Procedure: 1. Entire consignment should be reweighed. 2. Original trade invoice/puttee/bejuck should be counter signed by the consignee/endorsee and by the railway Official.



3. Packing Condition should be checked to see if the damage is due to defective packing condition. 4. Whenever possible an equivalent of the content missing must be separately weighed and check whether sufficient room in the package is left. The consignee may be permitted to pass remarks in the delivery book for the actual weight delivered. 5. The Original Bejuck, copy of the remarks passed by the consignee in the delivery book regarding details of shortage, Copy of DDM message, copy of the PDC should be sent to CCO along with the Joint Survey Report or Missing and Damaged Goods Report (M&DG). 6. JSR is prepared in 3 copies, and should be addressed to CCO. One copy of this report is handed over the party; one copy is retained as station record. The official granting open delivery, consignee and RPF signs JSR. Section 81: Open delivery of consignment:Where the consignment arrives in a damage condition or shows signs of having been tampered with and the consignee or the endorsee demands open delivery, the railway administration shall give open delivery in such manner as may be prescribed. ASSESSMENT DELIVERY Means granting delivery of a damaged consignment through assessment is called as assessment delivery. Damage of goods may be due to wet or breakage or leakage. Precautions; 1. The condition of the packing (Internal or External) found at the time of assessment of damage must be commented whether they are as per prescribed packing conditions. 2. When the damage is due to wet the consignment should be exposed to sun and air. 3. Damaged goods must be examined and sorted out in lots, according to the extent of damage. 4. If the damage appears to have existed before the consignment was accepted by the Railways, the fact should be specifically recorded. 5. The damaged package and the whole consignment should be weighed separately. 6. The Officer granting assessment delivery should specify the percentage of damage incurred. Procedure: 1. When the damage is trivial, the staff should persuade the consignee to take delivery under clear signature. If the consignee records any remarks, it should be counter signed by the official granting open delivery. 2. Consignee and the official granting assessment delivery should countersign the bejuck/trade invoice/puttee. DDPC message should also be verified.



3. Should there be any difference of opinion between the consignee and the official granting assessment delivery, two independent and respectable persons should be called in and their opinion should be recorded on point to point basis. 4. If the consignment required assessment through laboratory, it should be sent for chemical analysis immediately.(chemical fertilizers) 5. Incase of food grains etc. the opinion of the Railway doctor should be obtained. In case of machines and motor etc the opinion of the mechanical/electrical department should be obtained. 6. After granting assessment delivery. An M&DG /JSR should be prepared in three copies and addressed to CCO, one copy should be handed over to party and one copy is kept as station record. Powers for granting of Open Delivery and Assessment Delivery: The following officials are empowered to grant OD/AD based on the value of the consignment. The power to grant open delivery/assessment delivery for any officer is unlimited. DESIGNATION CI Dy.SS/SCI/SM/GSR/PSR SS/GSR/CCI GRADE Rs.5000 8000 Rs.5500 9000 Rs.6500 10500 OD Rs.3000 Rs.4000 Rs.5000 AD Rs.3000 Rs.4000 Rs.5000

21. What is a forwarding note? How does it help in safeguarding the interest of Railways Administration with reference to settlement of claims? FORWARDING NOTE 1 2. 3. 4. 5. .Any person desirous of booking goods by Rail should tender a Forwarding Note. This is necessary as per section 64 of the Railways Act, 1989. This a form of application. This is an initial document between the consignor and railways. This form is an agreement; hence it is a legal document and can be produced in the court of law in case of disputes. It is exempted from stamp duty as per Section 9 (a) of the Stamp Act, 1899. Different kinds of forwarding notes are as follows: Forwarding note for dangerous goods (pink colour) Forwarding note for general merchandise and animals. Forwarding note for Weight Only Coal/Ore traffic

6. 7.



Railway Material Consignment Note. 8. Forwarding note consists of the following information. i. Name of the consignor and consignee and their addresses. ii. Station from and to. iii. Number of packages and private marks if any. iv. Description of the contents and weight. v. Whether internal packing and outer packing conditions are complied with or not. vi. Actual condition of the contents of consignment. vii. Election of Owners risk and Railway Risk rate. viii. To be forwarded via route. ix. Declaration of the value of the consignment and whether opts to pay PCEV or not. x. If open wagon is selected by the sender. xi. Date and signature of consignor or his authorized agent with address.

Precautions to be taken while filling up the forwarding note: 1. At the time of acceptance the consignor should check if all the particulars are correct or not. No erasures or alterations are permitted. If there is any alteration consignor or his authorized agent should sign. These forms are given serial numbers starting from 1st April to 30th of September, and 1st of October to 31st, March. As per section 66 of the Railways Act, 1989, correct description of the material should be given for calculation of freight. Forwarding note should be preserved for 5 years and should be pasted to the record copy of the railway receipt. If taken for any reference, copy should be preserved quoting the file or case number for which taken with signature of the official taking it. Consignor is responsible for all the entries made in it. Station Master can guide in filling up of the forwarding note, but he should not fill the form in his own handwriting.






7. 8.

10. The sender is responsible for the all the entries made in the forwarding note.




If consignor or his agent is illiterate, his left hand thumb impression is taken.

General Forwarding Note: 1. Consignors having regular transactions with railway are given the facility of having a General forwarding note, and they need not fill forwarding note at the time of booking. 2. They have to apply to Sr.DCM through the stationmaster for this facility. 3. If agreed to, a general forwarding note is prepared in three copies viz. one copy is given to the party, one copy is sent to the station and third copy is retained as office copy.

4. This is valid for 6 months and the consignments are booked at owners risk rate only. 5. Fresh forwarding note should be executed, for booking at Railways risk rate or when packages are defectively packed.

The list of consignments with weight, and destination station should be submitted in duplicate at the time of booking.

22. What are various Users Consultative Machinery functioning at various levels in Railways? Write in detail the Constitution and Working of these Committees?

The following Consultative Bodies have been established with a view to affording more frequent opportunities for consultation between Railway Administration and railway Users soon matters relating to the service provided by railways and means of improving the efficiency of such services:1. Railway Users Consultative Committees at the Divisional level. (DRUCC) 2. Zonal Railway Users Consultative Committee at the Headquarters of each railway and 3. National Railway Users Consultative Council at the Centre. Divisional Railway Users Consultative Committees: The Divisional railway Users consultative Committee in the Division represents the local users in the territories served by the railway and consider matters relating to: 1. Provision of amenities in the area with which the Committee is concerned. 2. Proposals regarding opening of new stations within the jurisdiction of the Committee. 3. Arrangements regarding time tables.


5. Any subject of general public interest or public convenience or such matters affecting the services and facilities which has been the subject of representation by users, or which has


4. Improvement of the services and facilities provided by the railways and

been referred to them for consideration by the Zonal Railway Users Consultative Committee, the National Railway Users Consultative Council or by the Administration. Zonal Railway Users consultative Committee: The Zonal Railway Users Consultative Committee at the headquarters of each railway represents the general railway users of the territory or zone served by the railway as a whole and considers: 1. Such matters, from the point of view of the zone as a whole, as referred by DRUCC. 2. Matters arising from the reports of the Division Committees, or such other matters relating to the subjects referred, as may be specifically forwarded by the Divisional Committee for consideration and 3. Matters referred for consideration and report by the Administration, Ministry of Railways or the National Railway Users Consultative Council. National Railway Users Consultative Council: The National Railway Users Consultative Council at the Centre considers: 1. Such matters relating to the services and facilities provided by railways as may be referred to it for consideration by the Ministry for Railways. 2. Such matters being within the scope of the function of the Zonal Committee as are referred to it for consideration by such Committees: and 3. Such other matters relating to the services and facilities on railways which individual members of the Council may, with the approval of the Chairman, desires to be included in the agenda All the Committees and the Council established under these rules are consultative in character. Questions relating to staff, discipline and appointment should not be brought before the Consultative Committee or the Council. Divisional Railway Users Consultative Committees: The Divisional Railway Users Consultative Committees will consist of members to represent the prince-les interests among railway users of the area, the member ship being determined as follows:1. Not more than six on the Divisional Railway Users Consultative Committees to be appointed by the General Manager, made up of one representative each of Local Chambers of Commerce, Trade Association and Industries and Agricultural Associations registered in the State or States. 2. Two representatives of the registered Passenger Association in the area, to be appointed by the General Manager and



3. Nine representatives of special interests not otherwise represented on the Committee (eight to be nominated by the Ministry of Railways and one by General Manager) 4. One representative each of the Governments of the States and one each of the Legislatures of the States served by the Division, recommended by the State Government. 5. Two members of the Parliament one each from Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha (to be nominated by Ministry of Parliamentary Affairs) 6. One representative of Consumer Protection Organization served by the Division. Where by reason of the larger number of Chambers, Trades Associations, Passengers Associations etc representation cannot be given to all such bodies, representation may be given to them by rotation. The Divisional Railway Manager of the division concerned will be the Chairman of the Divisional Railway Users Consultative Committees. One of the senior traffic officers of the Division concerned will function as the Secretary of the Committee. National Railway Users Consultative Council: The National Railway Users Consultative Council at the headquarters of each railway consists of persons appointed by the Minister for Railway to represent the general railway users in the territory served by the railway as stated below: 1. One representative each of the Governments of the States served by the Railway as recommended by such Governments. 2. One representative each of the States Legislatures as recommended by the State Governments. 3. Not more than five representatives of principal Chambers of Commerce and Trades Associations recognized by the State Government or Governments and having a standing of not less than five years. 4. Two representative to be sent by State Government or Governments of Agricultural Associations and other bodies, not included in or officiated to the Chambers of Commerce etc 5. One non-official representative elected form each of the Divisional Railway Users Consultative Committees. 6. Two representatives of the Public Sector Undertakings including Ports in the case of Railways served ports. 7. Registered Passengers Associations one each of the States which have a sizeable route kilometerage on the Railway. 8. Three Members of Parliaments 2 from the Lok Sabha and 1 from the Rajya Sabha.



9. One representative of Consumer Protection Organization. 10. Nine representatives of special interest not otherwise represented on the Committee (eight to be nominated by the Minister of Railways and 1 by the General Manager. The members of the Zonal Railway Users Consultative Committee representing industries, commerce and trade are ordinarily drawn from important local Chambers or Associations representing pre-dominant trade interests and approved by the State Governments concerned. After the Chambers or Associations etc. are approved for representation by the Minister, how the chambers or Associations etc. select their representative i.e. by election or otherwise, is left to them. However, where by reason of the large number of Chambers, Trade Associations, Passengers Associations, representation cannot be given to all such bodies, representation may be given to by them by rotation. The General Manager will be Chairman of the Zonal Railway Users Consultative Committee and the Secretary to the General Manager or such other officer as my be nominated for the purpose by the General Manager will function as Secretary of the Committee. National Railway Users Consultative Council: The National Railway Users Consultative Council at the centre consists of persons appointed to it by the Minister for Railways as stated below: 1. Secretaries of each of the following Ministries of the Government of India: (a) Ministry of Industry; (b) Ministry of Commerce; (c) Ministry of Tourism. 2. Ministry of Railways; Chairman and Members of Railway Board. 3. Fifteen Members of Parliament, Ten of whom being from the Lok Sabha and Five from the Rajya Sabha. 4. A representative of each of the Zonal Railway Users Consultative Committee, not being an official to be elected by the respective Zonal Railway Users Consultative Committees. 5. One member each from the following All India Associations: (a) Federated Chambers of Commerce: (b) Associated Chambers of Commerce and Industry; (c) Indian Sugar Mills Association. (d) All India Manufacturers Association. (e) Cement Manufacturers Association; (f) All India Travel Agents Association, and similar All India Associations; (g) Fertilizer Association of India. 6. One to represent Agricultural Interests. 7. Two retired officers of Railways (Members of Board/General Manager).



8. Such other members as the Ministry of Railways may appoint to represent interests which he considers are necessary to be represented on the Council. The Minister for Railways presides at the meeting of the Council and in his absence the Minister of State for railways acts as Chairman. The Joint Director, Traffic (General), Railway Board acts as Secretary of the Council. Persons holding assignments of profit connected with the railways e.g. catering and vending contractors, out-agency contractors, handling contractors, engineering contractors etc are debarred from the membership of the Railway Users Consultative Committees and the National Railway Users Consultative Council. Tenure of the membership: The appointment to the Consultative Committees under these rules or to the National Railway Users Consultative Council is for a period not exceeding two years. The tenure of Divisional and Zonal Committees and National Council will generally commence in January, April and July respectively and run for full term of 2 years from those months. Meeting The Divisional Railway Users Consultative Committees will ordinarily meet once in a quarter, but not less than three times in a year, the Zonal Railway Users Consultative Committees will ordinarily meet threes times in a year. Traveling Facilities and Traveling Allowances: Members of the Divisional Railway Users Consultative Committees, Zonal Railway Users Consultative Committee and the National Railway Users Consultative Council, When attending meetings of the committees or of the council or of sub-committees of these bodies, will be afford facilities for travel and traveling allowances as prescribed from time to time. Suburban railway Users Consultative Committees: Separate Suburban railway Users Consultative Committees have been set up at Madras, Calcutta and Bombay on the Southern, Eastern, South Eastern, Western and Central Railways with the following membership: Official: 1. Chief Operating Manager. 2. Heads of commercial and Engineering Departments.




3. The Deputy General Manager (G) or such other officer as may be appointed by the General Manager member Secretary.

4. One representative of the City Corporation or the Municipalities where the headquarters of the railway are located. 5. One representative each from not more than two municipalities in the area served by the suburban services, if there are any municipalities in that area. 6. One member from the Divisional Railway Users Consultative Committee within whose jurisdiction the Suburban section falls (to be elected). 7. One representative from the Zonal Railway Consultative Committee (to be elected). 8. *Four representative of Suburban Passengers on Central and Western and two representatives on other Railways. 9. One nominee of the General Manager. This must be a lady member (preferably from the Parliament or the Local State Legislature) if no lady member is in the Committee under items (4),(5),(6),(7) and (8) above. 10. Four representatives of special interest not otherwise represented on the Committee. *The two Associations will be selected by the General Manager, and he Associations so selected will select their own representatives . Separate Suburban Railway users Consultative Committees may be set up for the BG and MG suburban Sections. Functions The Suburban Railway Users Consultative Committee will function in the same manner as other consultative committees so far as the problems relating to the suburban section are concerned. They may also consider time tables of suburban trains where the times of the suburban train or trains under consideration do not affect the timings of the main line trains. Tenure: The tenure of the Suburban Railway Users Consultative Committee will be for two years. Traveling Allowances payable to members of the Suburban Railway Users Consultative Committees. Non-official members of the Suburban Railway Users Consultative Committee will be paid traveling allowance at the same rate as is applicable to the non-official members of the Divisional Railway Users Consultative Committees.


Station Consultative Committees comprising of the representatives of all types of Railway users function at District/Headquarters and a important industrial, commercial and political centers. These committees consider all local problems of users in their dealings with the railways in


Station Consultative Committees:

consultative with railway officials and also look into the question of passenger amenities along with other commercial matters regarding the booking and other facilities for parcels, luggage etc. The choice of the centers where such Committees are to be set up, The composition of the Committees and their functions are left to be decided by the General Managers in consultation with the appropriate Divisional Railway Users Consultative Committees. 23. Describe the procedure for remittance of station earnings and their accountal? What is the procedure followed if there is loss or shortage of remittance? The following procedure regarding transfer of cash and vouchers from station to cash office/traffic accounts office shall be implemented with effect from 01.09.2006. 1 Separate leather bags of two different colours, one for cash along with Cash Remittance Note and another for vouchers along with voucher remittance note shall be used by stations. 2 The cash bag shall contain a CR Note support by a) Hard currency/ treasury challan. b) Cheques/DDs (where not remitted directly into local banks. c) Society Pay Orders d) Credit Notes (where not directly remitted into local bank) The word cash shall be clearly written on the paper used for sealing the bag. Vouchers bag shall contain a Voucher Remittance note along with: a) Statement of non-issued tickets in duplicate supported by actual non-issued b) Summary of billable vouchers supported by instruments: i) Military warrants ii) Police Warrants iii) High Officer Requisitions. Summary of various statements of Non-billable vouchers, WDRF refunds, ABRTs, Station Pay Orders-cum-pay sheets, CCM Refund Pay Orders. Etc, supported by instruments concerned. Statement of cancelled tickets supported by actual cancelled/refunded tickets.

3 4 tickets.


d) 5 6

The word Voucher shall be clearly written on the paper used to seal the bag. The cash bag and voucher bag shall be separately dropped in the same TC safe and separate acknowledgements obtained from the Guard for having dropped both the bags.

Action to be taken at Cash Office:


The sealed cash nags shall be dealt with as per existing system.


On opening of Travelling Cash safe, the cash and voucher bags shall be separated and verified with the Guards summary.

The sealed voucher bags shall be sent to Traffic Accounts office along with two copies of a statement (3rd copy retained in Cash office) showing the list of stations and number of voucher bags with the bag numbers received from each station. In case of discrepancy between number of bags received and Guards summary, the head TCW, Divisional Cashier and Security staff shall witness the same and follow up with the station for corrective action. In case the sealed Voucher bags appeared to be tamped. The Head TCW shall reseal the same without opening the bag. These vouchers shall be sent to Traffic Accounts office on a daily basis (excluding Saturday and Sunday) by Cash Office/SC and from Cash office/BZA to reach Traffic Accounts Office on every Monday, Wednesday and Friday.


11 12

Action to be taken by Traffic Accounts Office: 13 The Voucher bags received form cash office shall be verified with the statement sent by Cash Office and acknowledgement given on one copy to Cash Office Clerk for the bags received. CVR section of the Traffic Accounts Office shall get the voucher bags opened by the Schroff in the presence of TCW and Traffic Accounts staff. The Schroff will maintain Voucher Record Register pertaining to Voucher Remittance Note of all the stations received at Traffic Accounts Office. One TCW shall witness the verification of the Vouchers/Non-issued/Cancelled tickets vis--vis entries in the voucher remittance note of all the statements concerned. In case of discrepancy, the details of the vouchers not received in the bag along with the monetary value of the vouchers shall be recorded on the Remittance Note and shall be countersigned by TCW and the representative of the Traffic Accounts Office. The Voucher remittance note shall be acknowledged by the Traffic Accounts Office. The acknowledgement Voucher Remittance Note shall be putback in the same voucher bag from which it was taken out. Cash office shall arrange to collect the Voucher bags containing acknowledgement voucher remittance notes. A statement of Voucher bags being collected by Cash Office shall be prepared in triplicate by Traffic Accounts Office and acknowledgement for the bags will be given by Cash Office representative on the copy retained by traffic accounts office. Cash office shall keep one cop of the statement for its record and handover the bags to CPSR along with other copy off the statement duly obtaining acknowledgement






Cash remittances:



The entire collection of the day i.e. coins, currency notes, discharged money receipts of wagon demand registration fee, credit notes of private firms or Government Departments, pay orders should invariably be sent to cash office by the train notified to carry the cash of that station. The train by which traveling cash safe is conveyed on each section of the Railway and by which each station on that section of the line should send its daily collections will be specified by divisional Office. Cash remittance note form is serially numbered and bound in books of three foils: one block foil and two counter foils. Both the counter foils should be sent along with the cash to the cashier who will return the receipt foil thereof duly stamped with the office seal and signed by him and the cash witness to the station as an acknowledgement passing on the other foil to the traffic accounts office. Particulars to be entered in the cash remittance note, details of the currency notes should be entered on the reverse of the cash remittance note. The number of the cash bag in which cash is remitted should be entered on all the three foils of the cash remittance note. The cash and cash remittance note should be sent in cash bags provided for the purpose. When there is no cash, cash remittance note should still be sent in the cash bag with the word NIL written on it. Cash bag should be in sound condition, properly tied before depositing in cash safe. Station master should obtain signature of the guard of the train in the register of guards signature. Station master should make an entry in his own handwriting, in the guards cash bag guidance showing particulars of the bags deposited by him in the traveling cash safe. The guard will be personally responsible for the safe transit of the traveling cash safe and deliver there of at the destination station. At the last cash dropping station on the section, the guard will sign the cash bag guidance indicating thereon the total number of cash bags in the safe. Station Master/Assistance Station Master on duty at the last cash dropping station, seal the lid of the traveling cash safe with his own station seal. Both the Station Master and Guard will sign on the seal card. At the destination the loaded cash safe should be immediately handed over to the station master on duty and obtain acknowledgement in his rough journal for having made over the safe in good condition with lock and seals intact. Station Master should ensure that loaded cash safe are handed over to the Government Railway Police or Railway Protection Force personnel as per the procedure laid down by the divisional office.



Commercial department and Traffic cash witness will be responsible for traveling cash safe and their contents until such time they are taken over and acknowledged by representation of the cash office. Locks and seals will be examined before opening. The cash bags are opened by Cashiers of the Cash office in the presence of TCW and GRP/RPF staff. Once the cash is tallied acknowledgement foil of the cash remittance note is signed and sent back to the station along with empty cash bags. Loss or theft of cash: should in station cash be lost or stolen, wholly or part, particulars of the theft should be sent to by XR and XXR telegram, as notified by the Railway Administration to the SI/GRP having jurisdiction over the section. Loss of bags will be brought to the notified of the Chief Cashier, Chief Commercial Manager, Divisional Railway Manager, Traffic Accounts Officer, Assistant Security Officer, Commercial Inspector and Traffic Inspector of Accounts through telegram followed by letter immediately. 24. What are the Station Outstanding? How are these categorized? Explain in detail how station outstanding can be minimized? The unrealized earnings at a station at the end of the month are called as Station Outstanding. The outstanding can also be defined as the difference between the total debits and credits at end of the month. Nature of Outstanding and clearance thereof: Cashiers Disallowances: This outstanding is raised due to rejection of defaced and spoiled currency notes etc. and also non-submission of vouchers to cash office. On receipt of cashiers disallowance list from the chief cashier, the station staff should take immediate steps to clear the outstanding on this account by remitting the cast to the extent of cash disallowed and by submitting the cash voucher. Short Accountal and Short Remittances; The short accountals and short remittances by the traffic accounts or inspection staff should be cleared immediately by the staff responsible without any further delay by cash. Error Sheets (Accounts Office Debits); The under charges noticed by the accounts office during their internal check will be advised to the stations through error sheets for early realization and accountal. Obreceipt of the error sheets the station staff should verify the same and classify the error sheet. Into a. Admitted debit and b. Non-Admitted debits. On receipt of the error sheets they should be accounted in the outstadi9ng register and in the balance sheet on hand. Admitted Debits; If the objection raised by the accounts is acceptable to the station then the debit is called admitted debit. If the debit is admitted, immediate steps should be taken by the station staff to clear the outstanding by the remitting the cash. Not-Admitted Debit; If the objection raised by the Accounts Office is not acceptable to the station, then they should send one copy of the Error Sheet to Traffic Accounts, together with their remarks for not accepting the debit, Traffic Accounts office should re-examine for not accepting the debit by the station and if their remarks are found satisfactory they should



withdraw the debit, by issuing a credit advise. The credit advise should be accounted on the credit side of the Balance Sheet. The credit advise is an authority for clearance of the outstanding amount under disputed debit. Freight Outstanding: The freight outstanding on account of freight is classified as (a) Freight on hand (b). Freight not to hand. Freight On Hand: The freight outstanding on undelivered consignments is called as freight on hand. If the party has not taken delivery of the consignment with in 7 days from the date of arrival of the consignment then a Sale Notice should be issued to the party by the destination station. If the party has not taken delivery of the consignment within 7 days from the date f receipt of the sale notice, the consignment is disposed of by conducting auction at the station and the outstanding is cleared on this accounts. Freight not to hand; The freight outstanding on consignment not received at destination is called as freight not to hand. The reasons for non-receipt of a consignment waiting at the destination station are as under. 4 Consignments lying unconnected at the junctions; If the consignment is not received within the normal time by the destination station, they should send a telegraphic message to the forwarding station, junction stations enroute, and DCM. On receipt of the message the staff at the junction station and DCM should take immediate steps to dispatch the consignment to the destination if the consignment is lying unconnected at the junctions. Lost or destroyed in transit: The outstanding on account of consignment lost or destroyed in transit should be cleared by obtaining certified overcharge sheet from the chief claims officer. Diversion: In case of goods are diverted to a new destination, the freight outstanding should be cleared by obtaining a certified over charge sheet from the forwarding station. Rebooking; In case of goods are rebooked to any other station, the freight outstanding should be cleared by including all the charges due in the rebooking railway receipt as Paid On:. A copy of the rebooking railway receipt should be attached to the station balance sheet for clearance of the outstanding. Forced Entries; The items copied from the Machine Prepared Abstracts (MPAs) into goods delivery book are called as forced entries. The copies of invoices for these items should be obtained either from the forwarding station or from the traffic accounts office. After verification, if the invoices are not pertaining to the station, a letter from the forwarding station should be obtained and the outstanding is cleared. Over Carried; If the goods are over carried to a station on the Home Railway the station which has received the consignment wrongly should rebook the same to the original destination station under a free invoice/ way bill. If the goods are over carried to a station on a foreign railway the station should rebook the consignment to the original

6 7



destination station as to-pay. The freight outstanding to the extent of goods over carried should be cleared by obtaining special credit from the concerned DCM. Wharfage and Demurrage Charges; these charges will be outstanding for want of remission orders from the DCM. Prompt action must be taken to obtain remission orders from the DCM to clear the outstanding on this account. Siding Charges; All siding charges due from the siding owners as per agreement must be collected promptly and the station must ensure that there are no arrears in collection of these charges. If the siding authorities do not pay the charges due to the railways, the matter should be reported to DCM immediately. Under no circumstances the siding charges should be written off. Miscellaneous items; the outstanding arising on account of miscellaneous items, should be cleared depending upon the nature of their outstanding. The unsold publications such as timetables, tariffs, should be returned to DCM and Special Credit obtained for clearance of outstanding on this account. 25. What are Audit Objections? How a Draft Para is dealt with?

Communication from Audit : Ordinarily, the results of statutory audit are communicated through: (i) Specific reports of the more important and serious irregularities discovered in the course of audit of accounts and departmental offices and station records. (ii) Audit notes detailing minor irregularities discovered in the course of audit of Accounts office records. Inspection reports showing the results of audit of the initial records of executive offices and stations. Disposal of Audit objections: All audit objections and notes should be promptly attended to by the Account s Officer. Audit objections may either related to matters which can be disposed of by the Accounts Officer himself without reference to the executive or to matters which can be elucidated only by the executive. In the former case, no reference should ordinarily be made by the Accounts officer to the executive except to advise disallowances, if any, arising out of audit objections. For the latter, the Accounts Officer should arrange to elicit necessary information for disposal of the audit objection; and if in his opinion, the audit objection should be upheld, he should arrange to see that suitable action is taken. The Accounts Officer should generally take the same action on defects and irregularities brought to notice by the Director of Audit as he would take if they had been discovered in the course of internal check excised in his organization. Audit notes and Inspections Reports: An inspection report consists of two parts, Part I dealing with the more important matters and Part II dealing with the rest, containing minor routine matters. Audit notes detailing the



results of monthly test-audit similarly consists of two parts and should be dealt with by the departments and Accounts Officers without delay. The final disposal of Part II of the audit notes and inspection reports whether on the accounts or executive offices, rests with the Accounts Officer, and no formal reply to the Director of Audit is necessary. The disposal of such audit and inspection reports should, however, be made available to the Director of Audit. Replies to Part I of inspection reports and audit notes and specific reports on the more important irregularities should be sent to the Director of Audit as soon as possible showing clearly the action taken thereon. A reply on the specific reports, audit notes Part I and II and inspection reports, Part I and II received from the audit and dealt with or outstanding should be kept and reviewed periodically to ensure their prompt disposal. The connected records on which objections have been raised should not be destroyed till the objections are settled. Replies to Inspection reports: Replies to inspection reports of executive offices should be sent by those offices to the Accounts Officer. In scrutinizing them, the Accounts officer should call for further information, if necessary and consult the head of the division or department, where desirable, before giving a reply to the Director of Audit. The Accounts Officer should, in giving replies to the communications to the Director of Audit, act in close collaboration with the Administrative authorities concerned, so that the information given to audit may be an authoritative statement of facts on behalf of the Railway Administration, and there may be no possibility of dispute at a later stage. Draft Paras and Audit Reports: The audit department is free to mention in the Audit Report any matter which it may like, in discharge of its statutory duties, to bring to the notice of Parliament. The financial irregularities may be on account of the following cases: (a) Cases in which the audit department feels doubtful as to the adequacy of the action taken by individual railways and therefore and therefore considers action or cognizance of the Railway board is necessary: and (b) Matters which can be adequately are dealt with only by the Railway Board. e.g. regarding routing of the through traffic and general policy. In these cases, the railway audit officer have to forward the copies of factual statements so covered into draft para along with original correspondence with the comments of executives, to the General Manager by name endorsing copies by name to FA &CAO, Concerned, Principal Heads of Department and Executive Director (Accounts) Railway Board. Immediately on receipt of the Draft paras the FA &CAO will address the concerned Principal Heads of Department, indicating the prescribed time table laid down for disposal of Draft para.



The Railway Administration proposed reply is compiled in the form of sentence-wise remarks in juxta-position. The reply duly approved by the General Manager has to be sent to the Railway Board within a total period of 5 weeks. The Associated Accounts Officer should assist and involve himself is framing the replies and factually verify the contents. The final reply as approved by the Railway board should be given within 8 weeks. The proposed reply to the Draft Para should invariably be supplemented by the additional information as detailed below: (a) History of the case with copies of relevant records not given in the Draft Para.. (b) A chronological summary of delays occurred. Remedial action called for or taken to avoid similar irregularities in future. (d) Disciplinary lapses where individual lapses were brought to light. The final reply to Director of Audit and to Railway Board should be issued under the signature of the General Manager. If Railway Administration find on through examination of Draft para that some material modification are required in respect of factual portion of the proposed para, before final reply it should be settled by personal discussion at top level between Additional GM, FA &CAO and concerned HOD with Director of Audit in order that protracted correspondence may be avoided and the facts may be presented correctly and impartially. The relevant papers etc. should also, be placed at the disposal of Director of Audit even at the initial stages, of the examination of Draft Para. A copy of accepted Draft para should also be sent to Railway Board, together with such supplementary information as the board should have in their possession to enable them to place the point of view of Railway Administration before the Public Accounts Committee. If para deals with the question of accounts procedure or contained comments on the efficiency of the Accounts Office, a copy thereof, together with FA &CAOs views and explanation s should be sent to Railway Board. Financial Officer and Chief Accounts officer should, in giving replies to the communications to the Director of Audit act in close collaboration with the Administrative Authorities concerned, so that the information given to the audit may be an authoritative statement of facts on behalf of the Railway Administration, and there may be no possibility of any dispute at a later stage. 26. What is the procedure followed for indenting printed card tickets and computer ticket? What are the consequences if the indent is not placed in time for the supply of tickets? Tickets Estimates:


1. The actual sale of PCT for the first 6 months should be worked out, for each series of tickets.


1. Before placing a ticket indent for printed card tickets, an estimate for PCT should be prepared. This will help to avoid accumulation of tickets in excess of the requirement.

2. If there is any drop in the sales during these months due to: a). Suspension of trains on account of Accidents and Breaches. b). Tickets running out of stock, the normal sale only will be taken on to account. 3. The average number of tickets sold per month for each series (station to) will be worked out as under. Actual number of tickets sold during the month 6 4. The estimate is prepared in 3 copies by carbon process separately for local and foreign Traffic viz. 1) Record 2) Accounts 3) Printing Press. 5. The record foil is retained at the station as a record and other two foils are sent to Accounts Office and Printing Press. 6. Estimates are revised once in 3 years. 7. The estimates are checked by Commercial Inspectors. If he advises to revise the estimate the same should be done. 8. The estimate is also checked by Inspector of Station Accounts and counter signed. 9. The details of the estimate are entered in a register called Tickets Estimate Register duly giving the following particulars . a) b) c) d) e) To station. Class Fare Via Commencing no. ! ! ! ! g) Closing no. h) Number of tickets sold for first 6 months. I) Average number of tickets sold per month. j) Remarks (Reasons for low sale of tickets)

Preparation of indents for printed card tickets: 1. Ticket indent is a requisition placed on Printing Press, through Traffic Accounts Office for obtaining the supply of Printed Card Tickets. 2. This is prepared in form Com.T.14 REV. separately for Local, Foreign and Season Tickets. 3. The indent should be placed for all series of tickets the sale of which is a). 400 or more for distance upto 250 km in a year. b). 200 or more for distance beyond 250 km in year. 4. For the purpose of placing indents stations are classified into Quarterly, Half-Yearly and Yearly. 5. No. of tickets to be indented will be arrived as under. Monthly average sales (as per estimate) x no. of months (3/6/12) + Buffer Stock (4 months average) + expected increase in traffic stock on hand. 6. The above figure is rounded off to next 100. Indent has to be placed for minimum 100. 7. The following particulars will be furnished in the indent.



a) Indent number ! f) Route b) Code Initials of the station. ! g) Fare c) Distance. ! h) Adult/child ! i) Last progressive number of the series. d) Description. e) Combination of train/Class 8. Only seven items should be entered in one indent and all particular are recorded in the register. The serial number as per register is quoted on the indent. 9. The Indent is prepared in 5 copies by carbon process. i) Station Copy ii) Delivery Note iii) Accounts copy iv) Acknowledgement copy v) Press copy. 10. The indent is submitted to Traffic Accounts Office in 4 copies. 11. After verification Accounts Office will record the commencing number and closing number and send 3 copies to Press. Receipt and Examination of PCTs. 1. When tickets stock is received, they are counted and correctness of all details printed on tickets are verified. 2. The commencing number and closing number are recorded in the station copy from Delivery Note. 3. Details of duplicate, incorrect and missing tickets are recorded in the Delivery Note and Acknowledgement foil. Acknowledgement copy with duplicate tickets and correct tickets are sent to Accounts Office. 4. If there is any missing number, matter is reported to Press. Accounts, DCM and Destination station. 5. If the tickets are not found they are treated as Non-issued. Details are noted in the delivery note and acknowledgement copy. Details of Gazette notification are also recorded. 6. The time limit for completing the verification of PCTs is Upto 25,000 one week 25,001 to 50,000 two weeks 50,001 and above, one month. 7. Any deficiency noticed subsequent to the acknowledgement, action will be taken in the same manner as above. Tickets Stock: 1. Before the acknowledgement is sent, the details of tickets received are posted in this register. 2. Ticket stock book is maintained separately for local and foreign tickets and one or two pages are set aside for each series of tickets. 3. The full particulars of missing tickets, advice from Press, reference to Gazette notification etc. are recorded in this register. 4. Whenever the obsolete tickets, (tickets which are damaged by wet or eaten away by white ants) are sent to Accounts Office, the particulars of the re-called indent should be recorded in Red ink against respective entries. 5. Details of tickets stock exhausted and tickets issued out of order are also recorded.



Custody and Cleanliness of Tickets: 1. SM. / CBSR are personally responsible for the safe custody cleanliness and correct issue in a serial order. 2. It should be ensured that the dirt, insects or damp does not spoil the tickets. Random check Register: 1. SM/CBSR must check the tickets in tubes of as many series as possible every day and record the result in the Random Check Register. 2. This check should be so exercised that all the series in a tube come under the preview of check at least once a month. 3. The tickets in the stock should also be test checked and recorded in the register. 27. What are the refund rules in case of cancellation of unreserved and reserved tickets during normal and abnormal circumstances?

213.1 Short title and commencement; (1) These rules may be called Railway Passengers (Cancellation of tickets and refund of fare) Rules, 1998. (2) They come into force on the first day of October, 1998. 213.2 Definitions; a) Clerkage - means a charge levied by a railway administration for clerical work rendered by it in the refund of fares, b) Destination station - means the station for which the ticket is issued. c) RAC ticket means a ticket on which a seat has been reserved against requisition for a berth and berth may be subsequently provided against cancellation, if any. d) Fare includes basic fare, supplementary charge on super fast trains, reservation fee and safety surcharge. e) Reserved ticket means a journey on which a berth or seat has been reserved. f) Reservation fee means the charge, in addition to the fare for reservation of a seat/berth. g) Station means a railway station and includes other reservation offices or booking offices in the same city. h) Station Master means a railway employee by what ever name called having overall charge of a railway station and includes any other railway employees authorized to grant refund of fare at a station.



i)Ticket means a single journey ticket or any half of a return ticket but does not include a season ticket, an Indrail Pass ticket or a special ticket for a reserved carriage or a tourist car or saloon, or a special train; 213.3 Station master to refund fares;(1). Subject to the other provisions of these rules, every refund of fare on unused unreserved ticket shall, when such ticket is surrendered for refund of fare to the station master of the ticket issuing station, be granted by such station master after verifying the genuineness of the ticket from the records of the station. (2). Subject to other provisions of these rules, every refund of fare on reserved tickets, RAC tickets and wait listed tickets shall, when such tickets are presented for refund of fare to the station master of ticket issuing station, be granted within the time limits prescribed in these rules, by station master after verifying the genuineness of the tickets through computer or from the record of the station. Provided that: (a). in case of tickets which were issued for travel from a station other than the ticket issuing station, refund of fare shall be admissible at (i). the ticket issuing station, if the ticket is surrendered before the scheduled departure of the train from the station from where the ticket is valid for travel; and (ii). the journey commencing station, if the ticket is surrender within the time limits prescribed in these rules: and (b). Refund of fare may also be granted by the station master of the station other than the ticket issuing station and journey commencing station subject to the following; (i). the ticket is surrendered for refund of fare during working hours of the reservation office and before the preparation of the reservation chart, of the concerned train, for the station from where the ticket is valid; and (ii) The genuineness of the ticket and its particulars are verifiable at the refund granting station through computer or from record of the station. 213.4 Levy of Clerkage: Subject to the other provisions of these rules, station mater shall levy a clerkage of rupees ten per passenger for cancellation of unreserved, waitlisted and RAC tickets. 213.5 Unused Tickets on which no reservation has been made:



If a ticket on which no reservation of a seat or berth has been made, is presented for cancellation with in three hours after the actual departure of the train for which ticket is issued or for any ticket valid for the whole day within three hours after the actual departure of the last train of the

day for destination station, refund of fare shall be made on every such ticket after deducting rupees 10 per ticket per passenger as clerkage. 213.6 Unused Tickets on which reservation has been made: Subject to the provisions of these rules, if a ticket, on which reservation of a seat or berth has been made, is presented for cancellation refund of fare shall be made after deducting cancellation charge from the fare as follows; a). If a ticket is presented for cancellation more than 24 hours before the scheduled departure of the train, cancellation charge shall be deducted at a flat rate of Rs.70/-(Rupees Seventy) for Air-Conditioned First Class/Executive Class, Rs.60/-(Rupees Sixty) for Air-Conditioned 2-tier Sleeper Class, Air-Conditioned 3tier Sleeper Class/First Class/Air Conditioned Chair Car, Rs.40/-(Rupees Forty) for Sleeper Class and Rs.20/- for Second Class. b).If a ticket is presented for cancellation within 24 hours and up to four hours before the scheduled departure of the train, cancellation charge shall be 25 percent of the fare subject to the minimum flat rate mentioned in clause (a). c).If the ticket is presented for cancellation within four hours before the scheduled departure of the train and upto; a) three hours, when the ticket is for destination station upto 200 kilometers b) six hours, when the ticket is for destination station upto 500 kilometers c) twelve hours, when the ticket is for a destination station of more than 500 kilometers after actual departure of the train, cancellation charge shall be 50 percent of the fare subject to minimum flat rate mentioned in clause (a). 2. No refund shall be granted at the station if the ticket is surrendered for cancellation after the expiry of the period mentioned under clause c) of sub-rule (1). 213.7Unused wait listed or RAC ticket: No cancellation charge shall be payable if a wait listed or RAC ticket is presented for cancellation. (1) Upto three hours, when the ticket is for destination station upto 200 kilometers (2) Upto six hours, when the ticket is for destination station of more than 200 kilometers, but Upto 500 kilometers, and (3) upto twelve hours, when the tickets is for a destination station of more than 500 kilometers After the actual departure of the train except for a deduction of a clerkage of Rs.20/- per passenger. Provided for the night trains leaving between 21.00 hours nod 6.00 hours actual departure, refund shall be admissible at the station within the time limit specified above or within four hours after the opening of the reservation office, whichever is later.



When confirmed reservation has been provided to RAC and wait list ticket holder at any time upto the final preparation of the reservation charts, such ticket shall be treated as a reserved ticket and cancellation charge shall be payable in accordance with rule 213.6 213.8Cancellation Charge when reservation for starting journey is confirmed and onward journey is not confirmed or vice-versa: When an unused ticket involving more than one journey is surrendered for cancellation the entire ticket shall be treated as one single journey ticket and refund of fare of the entire ticket shall be granted as per rules according to the reservation status of first lap of journey i.e. if reservation status of first lap of journey is confirmed, refund shall be granted in accordance with rule 213.6 and if the reservation status of first lap of journey is RAC or waiting list, refund shall be granted in accordance with rule 213.17. The cancellation charges or clerkage, as the case may be, shall be levied only once on the entire amount of ticket, irrespective of reservation status of different laps of journey, and not separately for each lap of journey. 213.9. Preponement or Postponement of journey on a reserved ticket; (CC 15 of 2006 w.e.f 21.1.2006) (1) Postponement of Journey: (a) Confirmed tickets: Postponement of journey on confirmed tickets shall be allowed in the same or any higher, class by any subsequent train on the same of any subsequent day, for same or any longer destination, provided that:(i) Confirmed or RAC or waiting list accommodation is available in the train in which fresh reservation is required: (ii) Fresh reservation fee for the class for which reservation is required is paid in case of tickets surrendered during working hours and at least 24 hours before the scheduled departure o the train in which originally booked: (iii) 25% fare of already booked ticket is paid as cancellation charges, in case of tickets surrender during working hour and within 24 hours and 4 hours before schedule departure of the train in which originally booked: (iv) 50% fare of already booked ticket is paid as cancellation charges, in case of tickets surrendered during working hours and within 4 hours before scheduled departure and upto the maximum time limits mentioned in rule 213.6(i) (i.e 3/6/12 hours, depending on the distance) after actual departure of the train in which originally booked. 213.10 Change of journey from lower class to higher class: (1). Change of reservation shall be allowed on a reserved ticket of lower class for higher class on the same train and day, without levying any cancellation charges but on payment of fresh reservation fee for higher class berth, provided that (i). Accommodation is available, and (ii). the request for change is made



a). either during the working hours of reservation office and upto six hours before the scheduled departure of the train, or b). during the course of journey in the train: (2). the change referred to above shall be allowed only once. (3) If the ticket on which change of reservation has been allowed is cancelled, cancellation charge shall be payable as follows namely: (a). Cancellation charge as would have been due if the original reservation had been cancelled at the time when the Preponement or postponement of reservation was allowed, and (b). Cancellation charges due in respect of the altered reservation as if the altered reservation is a fresh reservation. 213.11 Non-commencement or missing of journey due to late running of trains (1). No cancellation charge or clerkage shall be payable on a reserved, RAC and waitlisted ticket and full fare shall be refundable if the journey is not undertaken due to late running of trains by more than three hours provided that such ticket is surrendered for refund within three hours from the actual departure of the train. It may be ensured that refund is granted only if the train is late by more than three hours at the journey commencing station and not at the train originating station. (CC 113/2000) (2). Where a passenger holding a ticket, with or without reservation, missed connection for continued journey by another train at any junction station owing to late running of the train by which he had been traveling, the fare for the traveled portion shall be retained and the balance amount of ticket shall be refunded as the fare for un-traveled portion, without levying any cancellation charge or clerkage, if he surrenders the ticket for such refund within three hours of the actual arrival of the train by which he had traveled. The refund shall be granted at the junction station. If the passenger has missed the connecting train owing to late running of the train by which he has traveled, instead of taking refund he wants to travel by next available train wit or without reservation, he should be permitted to do so by making suitable endorsement on the ticket. (CC183 of 2006) Without waiting for the time limit of three hours after the scheduled departure of the train to lapse, full refund can be granted at the journey commencing station immediately after obtaining confirmation from the Station Manager or Control Office that the train is reaching the journey is commencing station more than three hours late. CC 273 of 2006 213.12 Cancellation of tickets where railway administration is unable to provide accommodation; Where a railway administration is unable to provide accommodation for any reason whatsoever to passengers holding reserved tickets, no cancellation charge shall be levied and full refund of fare shall be granted to them if such tickets are surrendered for refund within three hours for the actual departure of the train.



Provided that when the train is cancelled due to unforeseen circumstances such as accidents, breaches and floods, the ticket is surrendered within three days excluding the scheduled day of departure of the train. 213.13 Partially used tickets; (1). except as provided in these rules, no refund shall be granted at a station on a ticket on which part of the journey has been undertaken. (2). Where a passenger terminates his journey enroute, a ticket deposit receipt shall be issued to the ticket holder by the station master of the station in lieu of surrender of the ticket and refund shall be admissible in accordance to the rule 21. In such cases fare for the traveled portion shall be retained and balance amount on the ticket shall be refundable as the fare for the un-traveled portion. 213.14 Discontinuation of journey due to dislocation of train services: (1). When a train journey is dislocated enroute due to unforeseen circumstances, such a accidents, breaches and floods, full fare for the entire booked journey without any deduction for the traveled portion and without levy of cancellation charge shall be refunded at the station at which the journey is terminated under the following circumstances; a). when the railway is unable to carry passengers to destination station within a reasonable time by arranging transshipment or diversion or otherwise, or b). when the passenger is involved in a railway accident and or injured in the accident and does not continue his journey, or c). in the case of death or injury to a passenger in a railway accident, the kith and kin of the passenger has to terminate the journey. (2) Where the railway administration offers to carry the passenger to his destination station by any diverted route or by arranging transshipment or otherwise, and the passenger is not willing to avail of such an alternative arrangement, fare for the traveled portion shall be retained and balance amount of ticket shall be refunded as the fare for un-traveled portion, without levying any cancellation charges, at the station to which the journey has been terminated. (3). Where the train journey is dislocated enroute due to bandhs, agitations or rail roko, fare for traveled portion shall be retained and the balance amount of ticket shall be refunded as the fare for traveled portion, without levying any cancellation charges. (4). If the trains, which have separate all inclusive fare structure on point to point, are terminated at a non-scheduled stoppage of the train and the passenger is not willing to avail of the alternative arrangement made by the railway administration to carry the passenger to his destination station, fare for the distance traveled shall be retained based on the per kilometer fare of ticket and balance amount shall be refunded as the fare for un-traveled portion of journey. 213.15 Refund of certain fare on failure to provide air-conditioning facility in air conditioned coaches:



(1). where the air-conditioning facility could not be provided for a portion of journey, refund on tickets issued for air-conditioned coaches shall be granted for such portion on the following basis, namely: a). if the ticket is for air-conditioned first class, the difference between the air-conditioned first class fare and first class fare; b). if the ticket is for air-conditioned sleeper 2 tier/air-conditioned 3 tier sleeper class, the difference between air-conditioned sleeper 2 tier/air-conditioned 3 tier sleeper class and sleeper class fare (Mail and Express) c). if the ticket is for air-conditioned chair car, the difference between the air-conditioned chair car and second class fare (Mail and Express) d). if the ticket is for executive class, the difference between the notified executive class fare for the concerned section and the first class fare (Mail and Express) for the concerned distance of that section. (2). The refund of difference of fare shall be granted at the destination station on production of the ticket along with a certificate from the conductor of the coach and stations between which the air conditioning facility was not provided, and is presented within twenty hours of arrival of the train. 213.16 When passengers are made to travel in lower class for want of accommodation:If the ticket holder of a higher class is made to travel in a lower class for want of accommodation in the class for which the ticket was issued, refund of the difference between the fare paid and the fare payable for the class in which it is actually used shall be granted at the destination station or at the origination station, as the case may be: Provided that the refund shall be granted at the destination station only on production of a certificate from the conductor or the guard or the traveling ticket examiner of the train certifying that the holder the ticket has to travel in a lower class for want of accommodation in the class for which it was issued and the ticket is presented within two days of the date of issue of the certificate (excluding the date of issue) at the train destination station. 213.17 Lost, mislaid, torn or mutilated tickets: (1). No refund of fare in respect of a lost or misplaced ticket shall be granted. (2). Refund of fare shall be granted in respect of a torn or mutilated ticket if its genuiness and authenticity are verifiable on the basis of the particular visible on the face of he tickets. (3). If the reservation status of a lost, misplaced, torn or mutilated reserved/RAC tickets, at the time of receipt of the application for issuance of a duplicate ticket for the purpose of undertaking journey, is reserved or RAC and that the duplicate ticket is sought before preparation of reservation chart of the concerned train, the station master shall issue a duplicate ticket in lieu of the original ticket on collection of only the prescribed nonrefundable clerkage charge per passenger (i). If a duplicate ticket in lieu of a lost or misplaced reserved or RAC ticket is sought after preparation of reservation chart of the concerned train, it shall be issued on collection of the



charge equivalent to fifty percent of the total fare. Duplicate ticket shall, however not be issued in respect of RAC tickets after preparation of reservation chart of the concerned train. (ii).If duplicate ticket in lieu of a torn or mutilated reserved or RAC ticket is sought after preparation of reservation chart of the concerned train, it shall be issued on collection of a charge equivalent to twenty five percent of the total fare. (iii). A duplicate ticket in respect of a party coach ticket or a special train ticket, shall be issued upto the time of departure of the train, on collection of a charge equivalent to ten percent of the total fare. (4) (i). No refund shall be granted in respect of charges collected under sub rule (3) except in cases where the lost or misplaced ticket is traced after the issuance of a duplicate ticket and presented along with the duplicate ticket before departure of the train. (ii). if the passenger who has paid excess charge on account of his reserved ticket or RAC ticket, being lost misplaced, torn or mutilated, makes an application to a railway administration for grant of refund of the charges paid in train, the Chief Commercial Manager (Refunds) of that Railway administration may, after making such enquiry as he may deem necessary, grant refund of total charges realized in the train, after retaining the cancellation charges at fifty percent of a single journey ticket fare per passenger provided that no one has taken refund earlier on the original ticket. CC 180 of 2006: The practice of asking for a copy of the FIR lodges with police being followed by some of the railway is dispensed with and duplicate ticket is to be issued in accordance with the rules. 213.18 Wait-listed passengers on concession and privilege ticket order tickets;When any person has purchased a ticket on any confessional order or privilege ticket order, and is wait-listed for reservation in any train, he shall be entitled to avail of the same ticket for reservation in any other train on the same date or any other date without losing the benefit of concessional fare. 213.19 Unused portion of return tickets:(1). No refund shall be granted on the unused portion of the confessional return tickets. (2) When a return ticket is issued without any concession, it shall be treated like two single journey tickets and the refund shall be granted accordingly. 213.20 Refund of fare on unused tickets and freight realized on luggage tickets in respect of luggage booked on the same ticket in case the journey is not undertaken:-


(a). Luggage is with drawn at starting station: Luggage ticket shall be cancelled and freight already collected shall be refunded after recovery of wharf age charges, if any and deduction of


(1). Refund of freight on luggage shall be granted by the stationmaster as under:-

cancellation charges of rupees ten per luggage ticket. Journey ticket shall be endorsed to the effect. (b). Luggage already dispatched from the starting station. Freight charges on weight admissible as free allowance shall be collected and remarks to this effect endorsed on journey ticket. (2). On production of journey ticket on which luggage has been booked, the fare shall be refunded only if bearing the endorsement referred to in sub-rule (1) on the unused ticket after deducting the cancellation charges or clerkage as per rules. 213.21 Application for refund in other circumstances:For refund of fares under circumstances other than those specified in these rules or where refund is not admissible or granted at the station on account of expiry of time limits prescribed under these rules or otherwise, a Ticket Deposit Receipt shall be issued to the passenger in lieu of the surrendered ticket, at the station where ticket has been surrendered and the passenger may apply for refund, within ninety days from the day of commencement of journey, to the Chief Commercial Manger (Refunds) of the railway administration under whose jurisdiction the Ticket Deposit Receipt issuing station comes, enclosing the original Ticket Deposit Receipt. Ticket Deposit Receipt shall be issued only upto thirty days after the scheduled departure of the train. 28. Write about end to end quotas and revised tatkal scheme? Policy on Reservation of Berths/Seats: R.B. 99/TGI/20/P dated 21.4.1999

Long distance trains will be logically split into two groups from the point of view of accommodation. One will be end to end accommodation and other will be accommodation for road side passengers. The quota as well as coaches will be accordingly defined and coach indication boards etc should be placed accordingly. Thus, there will be only two quotas End to End Quota and Road side Quota. These will be defined as primary quotas. The second level of quotas will be known as sub-quotas and there will be sub-quotas within end to end quota as well as for roadside quota. All reservations like Emergency Quota, Defence quota and Foreign Tourist quota will be known as sub-quotas and they will be defined for various types of trains. The quotas meant for City booking Agency and Out Agencies will also fall under the category of sub-quotas. The broad definition of all types of quotas is given below: End to End Quota: Since long distance trains are primarily meant for end to end passengers, the basic emphasis is to provide the maximum number to this category only and this is primary and main functional quota and its utilization has to be monitored very closely. The train accommodation should be increased according to utilization of this quota. Road Side Quota: This is an aggregate quota of a group of roadside stations which may be clubbed together. Any remote location which is added on the PRS network should be given



access only to this quota and fresh profile of PRS train should not be defined for this purpose. For control of this quota grouping of various roadside stations, one nodal station should be defined as the reference point and charting activity etc. should be done with respect to that nodal station. Sub Quotas: Various sub quotas defined in PRS are as under. Emergency Quota It should be such defined that it could be part of either end-to-end quota or roadside and should be need based on requirement of VIPs at that point. Foreign Tourist Quota is earmarked for booking of foreign tourists on payment of foreign currency. Defence Quota is earmarked specific requirement of Defence personnels. This will be fixed by the Railway Board from time to time in consultation with the Defence Department and instructions will be issued to the Zonal Railways accordingly. Out Station Quota: is earmarked to station with booking facility from other station from where the train passes. City Booking Agency Quota is earmarked at the Out Agencies and City Booking Agencies operated by agents to the cities having no rail head. Standard nomination of Quotas in specific coaches: Quotas will be defined in the following coaches. Class Roadside Quotas Spill Over quota I AC 2-AC 3-AC FC SL H-1 A-1 AS-1 F-1 S-4, S-5 -A-2 -S-6

Two berths allotted as physically handicapped quota will be berth Nos.1 and 2 in Coach No. S-3. The Intermediate Station quotas of sleeper class will be defined in the centre coaches, ie in Coach No. S-4, S-5 and if necessary in S-6. In special circumstances when the train is bifurcated into two streams like one portion of the Dakshin Express going to Secunderabad and other going to Vishakapatnam, the quotas for the intermediate station can be defined in other coaches also. In AC-2 tier coaches, the intermediate defined in other coaches also. In AC-2 tier coaches, the intermediate quotas will be defined in coach A-1, for First Class in F-1, for 1st AC in H-1 coach and for AC-3 tier in AS-1. Since the total accommodation available in upper class is very less, particularly in those trains where one or two upper class coaches are running, it may be difficult to observe the above principle. However, the above principle may be followed as for as possible and slight modification in the distribution of quotas, if required, can be made by the Zonal Railways on



train-to-train basis. Efforts should, however be made to ensure that the variation is to the minimum extent possible. All sub quotas for end-to-end, like Emergency Quota, Foreign Tourist quota, Defence quota, physically handicapped quota, etc. will be defined in Coach S-3 in the case of Sleeper Class and over-flow if any will be allotted in coach S-2. In the case of AC-2 tier, AC-3 tier, First Class and AC First Classes, the quotas will be defined in Coach A-1, AS-1, F-1 and H-1 respectively. If the train is not originating from an important station on account of operational reasons, the important station falling on the route, like, New Delhi in the case of trains originating from Jammu Tawi, Amritsar, etc will be treated as the originating station. The same principle will be applied by other railways. Location and display of boards: At all roadside stations a display board should given the position of various coaches where the train will be stopping. For stoppage of engine or all trains at every station a stopping board should be installed with immediate effect and for all classes either electronic display boards or oil painted board should be installed at all important stations. It is possible to provide a PC in the enquiry office and connect it to various electronic display boards to give the position of train which may be berthed at that time. The train composition and the location of the coach pre-programmed and put on PC. Such systems should be planed for A and B class stations. All roadside quota coaches should be manned without fail. From all stations whatever vacant berths are available the information should be sent to the station in advance by E-mail for doing the booking and this should be displayed by a chart. Distribution of accommodation between end-to-end and road side: In order to ensure optimum utilization of the existing reserved accommodation and to rationalize the various quotas, the following systems are suggested. Out of the total reserved accommodation in a train, 70% of the accommodation should be defined as end-to-end quota which should be booked only from the originating station to the destination station. 30% accommodation should be roads side quota for the group of the road side stations. The distance restriction for each train should be harmonized with above quota concept, so that optimum utilization of berths is done. Rationalisation due to networking After the networking, it is not possible to define more that 7 remote locations. The quotas of various computerized intermediate station will be clubbed and confined only 6 to 7 locations



which will be defined as remote locations. The following principles will be followed in this regard. No quota will be allotted at any computerized reservation location falling within a distance of 200 kms from the train origination. The quotas of 4-5 next computerized locations will be clubbed together and access given to all these locations on first-come-first served basis. For example the quota of Agra Cantt, Gwalior, Jhansi ad Bhopal will be clubbed together and defined as Agra Cantt Quota. All these 4 station swill be given access to the clubbed quota on first come first served basis. No train will be defined as remote train at a particular station if it passes through that station between 20.00 hours and 08.00 hours. At the time of the preparation of chart the vacant accommodation at all train originating station etc, would be released to the next remote locations in order of distance. System of Booking The system of booking of end-to-end quota and road-aside quotas will be as under: Each train should be defined in one PRS only and it should be the PRS which controls the primary / secondary maintenance of the train e.g in the case of 2311 Howrah Kalka Mail, it would be defined on the Calcutta PRS and in the reverse direction 2312 will be defined on the New Delhi PRS. The total route of the train will be defined as originating station (O) Road side locations (RS-1, RS-2 . upto RS-7) and destination (D). 70% of the accommodation will be defined as end-to-end and the remaining 30% will be allotted to the road side locations en-route. The quota of nearby computerized locations will be clubbed and defined as RS-1, RS-2..RS-7 in order of distance from the train originating station. The first station of the stations for which the road side quotas has been clubbed will be called as nodal point for that road side location. For example, if the quota of Mathura, Agra Cantt, Gwalior and Jhansihas been clubbed together, Mathura will be treated as a nodal point for RS-1. The end to end quota available at the train originating station will be used for providing reservations to passenger commencing their journey from train originating station and stations upto the first nodal point and detraining a station beyond the last nodal point and upto the destination. The reservation at the originating station and stations upto the first nodal point for passengers intending to go to intermediate roadside stations will be given to the extent of reservation quota earmarked at next location. For example, the passengers intending to travel for any station located between RS-1 and RS-2, the quota of RS-2 will be utilized. Similarly if a passenger wants to go to a station between RS-6 and RS-7, the quota of RS-7 will be utilized.



The roadside stations will be permitted to book upto the limit of their quota for intermediate stations and also for destinations depending upon the demand subject to the distance restrictions if any in vogue. The responsibility for updation of data base will be of that PRS location in which the train is defined. Any other requirement by anybody else will be forwarded to the CCM/PM of that Railway. All changes in the Database will be done only on 31st March, 30th June, 30th September and 31st December only. All summer specials will be decided by 31st of December and fired by 28th February and Pooja holidays specials will be fired by 30th June and XMas holiday specials by 30TH September. No train should run which is not defined in PRS. As soon as changes have been done and trains or coaches have been added, the CCM/PM should give an advertisement in newspaper and the same information should be available in the national Train Enquiry System. The City Booking Agencies and Out Agencies have a special character and their quotas wherever defined will continue as a Sub-quota even if PRS terminal has been opened. The Railway administration may give them the access to end-to-end quota or roadside quota or both but apply a suitable limit and other safeguards. RTA/RTSA, CBAs and Out Agencies may also be provided with PRS terminals, when suitable guidelines are issued from Railway Board. In future their revenue accountal and quota will be governed by specific provisions made from time to time in that respect. The utilization of the quota should be done as a regular exercise for all quotas by CM/PM personally, and adjustments be done so as to optimize utilization and fresh profile of the PRS train should not be defined for this purpose. For control of this quota various roadside stations should be grouped and one nodal station should be defined as a nodal point and charting activity etc. should be done with respect to that nodal point. Revised Tatkal Scheme for Reservation. The broad features of the revised Tatkal Scheme are as under: 1. To meet the urgent travel requirement of the passengers who plan their journey at short notice, Tatkal reservation facility will be provided in the train. 2. The reservation under this scheme can be sought by full fare paying passengers only and no passenger holding concessional ticket may be allowed to avail reservation under this scheme. 3. The reservation under this scheme will commence at 8.A.M, five days in advance of the date of journey, excluding the date of journey i.e. for journey on 14th the reservation will commence from 8.00 a.m. on 9th. 4. There will not be Tatkal train defined separately in PRS. The Tatkal coaches presently running will be included in the train service composition. The Tatkal accommodation will, therefore, be earmarked as a quota in the train service coach like any other quota. The Tatkal Scheme will be available in Sleeper, AC Chair Car, AC-3 tier and AC-2 tier classes in all Mail/Express trains including Rajdhani Shatabdi / Jan Shatabdi Express



7 8

9 10. 11

trains. Tatkal scheme for reservation is also available in the special trains run during rush periods i.e. summer, pooja, winter etc. After completion of the Tatkal quota under the scheme, passengers will be issued waiting list tickets to the extent of number of berths defined as Tatkal Quota by available classes. Cancellations done in the general booking should confirm general and Tatkal waiting lists alternatively. However, alternative confirmations should commence only after the waiting list under Tatkal accommodation starts. Prior to that, the berths should be allotted to passengers in the waiting list under the general quota. Whenever an extra coach is attached in a particular train, vacant berths available in that extra coach after confirming all waitlisted passengers of that class should be allotted to Tatkal waitlisted passengers of that class. The Tatkal quota waitlisted passengers will be allotted if any unutilized vacant berths in Quotas like Foreign Tourist Quota, Defence Quota, Headquarter quota etc on priority during the preparation of final chart. No modification is permitted on Tatkal Reservation Tickets. The general guidelines for earmarking of accommodation under this scheme will be as under: (a) To bring uniformity in the accommodation to be earmarked in various classes, the following accommodation shall be earmarked in different classes: AC-2 tier 4 berths per coach AC-3 tier 6 berths per coach AC Chair Car 6 seats per coach Sleeper class 10 % of the accommodation or one coach whichever is less (b) The utilisation of berths earmarked as Tatkal accommodation will be periodically reviewed and reduced, if necessary, based on the actual utilisation. In those trains where average utilization of Tatkal accommodation during six months period is 80% and above, accommodation to be earmarked under Tatkal Scheme should enhanced as under: AC-2 tier 10 berths per coach AC-3 tier 16 berths per coach AC Chair Car 16 seats per coach Sleeper Class 30 % of the available accommodation Tatkal charges applicable during the peak period should be charged through out the year. In those trains where utilization of Tatkal is less than 50 % the number of berths under Tatkal may be reduced to half. The accommodation so earmarked shall be defined in PRS and booking will be done on first come first served basis. The facility of change of name is not permitted on the bookings made under Tatkal Scheme. The premium on Tatkal Scheme on different classes will be as under:Proposed Tatkal Charges
S.No. Class During non-peak period (15th July Other to 15th Sept.) period Rs.200/Rs.200/Rs.300/Rs.300/than non-peak

i) ii)

AC 2-tier AC3- tier



iii) iv)

ACCC Sleeper



refund on the reservations made under Tatkal scheme. Even in case the coach, in which accommodation under Tatkal Scheme has been earmarked, is not attached and the accommodation has been provided to the Tatkal passengers in the normal train service in the same class, no refund will be permissible. A flat refund of 25 % of total fare charged on the ticket, excluding Tatkal may be granted on cancellation of confirmed Tatkal tickets, which are presented for cancellation up to 24 hours before the schedule departure of the train. There after, no refund may be granted on cancellation of confirmed Tatkal ticket. However, full refund of fare and Tatkal Charges will be granted on the tickets booked under this scheme in the following circumstances: If the train is delayed by more than 3 hours from the train originating station; In case of non-attachment of coach in which Tatkal Accommodation has been earmarked and the passenger has not been provided accommodation in the same class. If the party has been accommodated in lower class and does not want to travel. In case the party travels in lower class, the passenger will be given refund of difference of fare and also the difference of Tatkal charges, if any. 14. For the purpose of granting refunds & issuing TDRs in circumstances mentioned above, the time limit will be the same as applicable for refund of normal tickets. 15. The reservation under this scheme shall be available only upto the time of preparation of charts. At the time of preparation of charts, the vacant Tatkal accommodation shall be released to the RAC/waitlisted passengers and no tatkal charges shall be realized from such passengers. 16. After preparation of charts, there will be no Tatkal accommodation and all vacant accommodation in the train, if any, shall be treated as general accommodation and booked accordingly. The accommodation becoming available in the train due to non-turning up of passengers booked under Tatkal Scheme will be treated like normal train service accommodation and no Tatkal charges shall be realized for such accommodation also. 17. The Tatkal charges would be reflected in PRS data under separate field. 18. The booking under Tatkal Scheme will be done only from originating to terminating point of the train with boarding facility from intermediate station. Any passenger boarding from an intermediate station can book Tatkal Accommodation but ticket will be end-to-end and charged accordingly, with permission to board the train from intermediate station. 19 The provision regarding defining intermediate stations in Tatkal scheme will be at the discretion of zonal railways. In case Tatkal quota is earmarked at an intermediate station, the vacant berth from the originating station to the intermediate station shall be allotted to a Tatkal passenger traveling to that station. In case this accommodation remains vacant the same will be released at the time of chart preparation to the waiting list passenger under the general quota. Reservation Charges: The reservation charges leviable on tickets booked for journey are as follows:



AC First AC 2Tier



Reservation Fee Rs.35/Rs.25/-

Enhanced reservation fee for journey originating from a station other than the one from where ticket has been issued Rs.50/Rs.40/-

AC 3 Tier First AC Chair Car Sleeper Second



Additional reservation fee for such tickets to be added additionally in the basic fares shown on passenger fare table as shown below: Type of train Additional reservation fee to be charged in total charges payable AC First Rs.20/Rajdhani Express Train AC 2 Tier Rs.20/AC 3 Tier Rs.20/AC Chair Car Rs.20/Shatabdi Express Train Executive Class Rs.20/AC Chair Car Rs.20/Janshatabdi Express train Second Class Rs.15/AC Chair Car Rs.20/Normal reservation fee is leviable on tickets issued in the following cases: (i) For journey originating from ticket booking station the satellite locations of PRS which are linked to a particular booking station of a PRS, will be treated as booking station to which they are defined as satellite station. (ii) The booking offices in remote non rail head locations will also be treated as booking offices serving their rail head city. In these cases when tickets are issued for journeys originating from the rail head station serving them the existing reservation fee will continue to be levied. (iii) Out agencies having manual reservation quotas will continue to issue reserved tickets at existing reservation charges. 29. What are the initiations taken by Railway in the field of reservation of tickets to improve the image of Railway? Scheme for up gradation of full fare paying passengers (CC 45 of 1.3.06) The important features of the scheme are as follows: The facility of up gradation of passengers will be provided without an additional financial burden on the passengers. This facility will be automatically provided unless any passenger specifically refuses to avail this facility by giving NO option at the time of filling of the requisition form. This scheme will not be upgraded in trains with only sitting accommodation viz.2S, CC and EC classes. Class



Upgradation will not be done for block booking transactions. Upgradation will be automatically done by the PRS at the time of charting. Upgradation scheme may be implemented at all intermediate chart preparing points against the remote location quota berths, after preparation of remote location charts in addition to that being done at originating point. The Train Conductor / Ticket Examiners will have no authority to upgrade any passenger under this scheme on the train. However, the present system of Upgradation on collection of full fare difference by booking, reservation or checking staff will continue as usual. If a passenger, who has been upgraded, cancels the ticket, cancellation charges of the original class only will be payable. Normally up-gradation of passengers will be done in one class above only e.g. from sleeper o AC/FC, 3AC to 2AC and 2AC to 1AC. Upgradation may be permitted by jumping one class, if necessary, for example, from sleeper class passenger can be upgraded, if required to 2AC and 3AC to AC First Class. If all the confirmed passengers of a particular class have not opted for Upgradation to higher class, then RAC and thereafter Waitlisted passengers would be upgraded irrespective of the option exercised by them in the requisition slip. Upgradation of passengers from lower class to the higher class will be done after allotment of berths of all quotas viz. HO, FT, DF, RAC and WL. If there are berths still vacant then all the vacant berths will be allotted to lower class passengers except the number of berths as mentioned below. Berths kept vacant to current booking in each train. 1 AC (a) Only 1 berths in case of composite 1A + 2A Coach. (b) Only 1 berths in case of full 1A Coach. (a) Only 1 berths in case of composite 1A +2A Coach. (b) Only 2 berths in case of full 2A Coach. only 2 berths.


3 AC

Passengers will be selected randomly by the PRS System as follows: 1 2 One PNR from the list of general passengers confirmed after RAC/WL. Next PNR from the confirmed PNRs booked under Tatkal Scheme alternatively.


This scheme is applicable only to passengers having booked tickets on full fare. Concessional ticket/free pas holders including senior citizens traveling on concession will not be upgraded.


All passengers in one PNR (Maximum 6) will be upgraded together or none of them will be upgraded in case of non-availability of enough berths for Upgradation.

Original PNR of upgraded passenger will remain unchanged and all information from PRS, IVRS etc. will be provided when enquiry is made with the original PNR. Upgradation will be done only to the extent of clearance of the combined waiting list of all classes e.g. if there are 80 vacant berths in 1AC, 2AC & 3AC and the total waiting list of all classes is only 30, total number of Upgradation will be linked to the clearance of waiting list only. This is being done in order to ensure that, as a result of Upgradation only waitlisted passengers are provided confirmed seats. The remaining vacant berths will be transferred for booking on the current counters as per the existing practice. Thus, if there is no waiting list on a train, no Upgradation will take place. The berths of the confirmed passenger, who have been upgraded to the higher class, will be allotted to the RAC/WL passengers of that class. If thee are sill some berths vacant, the vacant berths will be allotted to confirmed passengers of the next lower class. Passengers will be upgraded without asking for their choice e.g. SL to AC/FC coach, cabin berth to side berth, lower berth to upper berth, cabin level compact accommodation to coach level compact accommodation. However, if an passenger exercises NO option for Upgradation in the requisition form at the time of booking, his/her PNR will not be considered by PRS for Upgradation. Party consisting of both full fare paying and concessional passengers will be not upgraded, to avoid splitting, The chart of the original class of passengers will have indication at he bottom of the chart giving original berth numbers, which have been upgraded. The final charts of the upgrade class will include the names of upgraded passengers against their allotted upgraded coach and berth number and will have an indication denoting their upgraded status. There will also be a separate sheet on the lines of the waiting list chart giving old status and new status for upgrade passengers. Reservation after charting: Normally current reservation after chart preparation is being handled manually. It is now planed to introduce current reservation through the system after chart preparation. Reservation after charting has been started on selected trains. The Computerized Passengers Reservation System Ticket is available even after the preparation of chart at the selected counters of the Originating station of the trains where Reservation after charting has been implemented for details contact Chief Reservation Supervisor of the concerned originating station. The current reservation will take care of not only vacant berths but also any subsequent cancellation done after the chart preparation.



The current reservation system will stop functioning 15 minutes before the scheduled departure of the train. In case of any delay in the departure of trains, accordingly the system will continue to issue ticket till 15 minutes before the revised scheduled departure of the train. The tickets issued through Current Counter will have the caption Journey cum Reservation Ticket after charting e Ticketing: E-Tickets (e-reservation) are another innovative service provided by IRCTC, which dispenses with the need for the physical ticket to be carried for a rail journey. The user can take a print out of the reservation details and perform the journey with personnel photo identification without requiring carrying the regular railway ticket. Making an e-reservation; To avail this service, the user can log on to and book his ticket on the Internet just like any normal booking, and selecting e-Ticket in the Plan My Travel page. The user has to give the photo identity card details of any one of the passengers, while booking the ticket. On confirmation of his booking, the user can take a print of the Electronic Reservation Slip (ERS) and can perform the journey with the ERS and the photo identity card. At present only confirmed tickets can be booked through e-reservation. The following photo identity cards are considered valid. o Voter Identity Card o Passport o PAN card o Driving License o Central/ state Government issued Photo ID card. At present, payments for e-Tickets can be made only by direct debit (Internet Banking, with 15 Banks) or with the Cash Card Option. Payments through credit cards are not available for e-Ticket Reservation at present. However ordinary Internet tickets can be purchased using Credit Card. Journey with an e-Ticket (Reservation): The passenger has to necessarily carry the same Photo Identity card as given during the booking along with the Electronic Reservation Slip (ERS). If the passenger is not able to carry the ERS but is carrying the proper Identity card as given during booking, an excess fare ticket will be issued by the TTE / Conductor against payment of Rs.50/- per ticket, provided if his name is available in the chart. If the name is not available in the Chart, he is not authorized to board the train and the case will be treated as ticketless travel. This Electronic Reservation Slip would also be treated as a valid authority for entering the Railway premises as for a normal ticket when accompanied by the relevant photo Identity Card. Only confirmed tickets can be booked through e-reservation. If, at the time of booking, the status is WL (is nether confirmed nor RAC), the ticket will not be booked. The user will be given the option to replan and book the ticket as a normal Internet Ticket in WL, if he so desires. The money debited in his account for the planned e-ticket, will be reversed. Electronic Reservation Slip (ERS)



After successful payment and booking of accommodations, the User is shown the ticket confirmation details along with a Print Reservation Slip Button. On clicking the button ERS is shown with an option to print. The customers can subsequently also print Electronic Reservation Slip from the 'BOOKED TICKETS' history page and the 'CANCEL TICKETS' page. He should give the ID card details of each specific ticket to view the corresponding ERS and print it. Cancellation of e-Tickets E-Tickets can be cancelled on Internet at this website till Chart preparation of the train. Cancellations are not allowed at face to face Railway Counters. If the user wishes to cancel his eTicket, he can do so till the time of chart preparation for the train (which is normally 4 hours before the scheduled departure of the train from the train originating station). He can log on to and go to Booked Tickets link and select the ticket to be cancelled and can initiate the cancellation by selecting the passengers to be cancelled. However if the Identity Card holder in the original ticket is selected for cancellation, all the passengers in the ticket would be cancelled and a fresh reservation will have to be made, duly including the ID particulars of another passengers. Cancellation would be confirmed online and the refund would be credited back to the account used for booking. If there is any partial cancellation of ticket, please ensure that a fresh e-reservation slip (Electronic Reservation Slip) is printed separately as done for the original ticket. For any claims on e-tickets to be cancelled after the preparation of Reservation charts, the user has to send an email at the earliest possible time to giving full details of the ticket and stating the claim, which would then be processed by IRCTC with the Railway administration offline and refunds as sanctioned by the Railway administration would be credited back to the users account. Write about Tatkal reservation Scheme. 30. What are minor penalties under DAR rules? What is the procedure for placing an employee under suspension and what are the privileges an employee under suspension is entitle for? Penalties:- The following penalties may, for good and sufficient reasons and as hereinafter provided be imposed on a Railway servant namely:Minor Penalties: (i). Censure. (ii) Withholding of his promotion for a specified period. (iii) Recovery from his pay of the whole or part of any pecuniary loss caused by him to the Government or Railway Administration by negligence or breach of orders. (iii) (a) Withholding of the Privilege Passes or Privilege Ticket Orders or both.



(iii) (b) Reduction to a lower stage in the time scale of pay for a period not exceeding three years, without cumulative effect and not adversely affecting his pension: iv) Withholding of increments of pay for a specified period with further directions as to whether on the expiry of such period this will or will not have the effect of postponing the future increments of his pay. Suspension 4. Authorities competent to place a railway servant under suspension: The classes of railway servants who may be paced under suspension and the authorities by whom they may be so placed, shall be as specified in Schedules I, II and III. Provided that, in exceptional circumstances, any authority specified in any of the Schedules may place any subordinate, railway servant specified therein under suspension. Provided further that where any action is taken under the foregoing proviso, the authority concerned shall forthwith report to the authority competent to place such railway servant under suspension, the circumstances in which the order was made and obtain his approval, Explanations: For the purposes of these rules, in respect of railway servant officiating in a higher post, the competent authority shall be determined with reference to the officiating post held by such railway servant at the time of taking action. 5. Suspension. (1) A railway servant may be placed under suspension (a) Whereas disciplinary proceeding against him is contemplated or is pending: or (b) Where in the opinion of the authority competent to place a railway servant under suspension, he has engaged himself in activities pre-judicial to the interest of the security of the state: or Where a case against him in respect of any criminal offense, is under investigation inquiry or trail. 2. A railway servant shall be deemed to have been placed under suspension by an order of the competent authority. (a) With effect from the date of his detention, if he is detained in custody where on a criminal charge or otherwise, for period exceeding forty-eight hours (b). With effect from the date of his conviction, if in the event of a conviction for an offence, he is sentenced to a term of imprisonment exceeding forty eight hours and is not forthwith dismissed or removed or compulsorily retired consequent to such conviction. Explanation: The period of forty-eight hours referred to in clause (b) of this sub-rule, shall be computed from the commencement of the imprisonment after the conviction and for this purpose, intermittent periods of imprisonment, if any shall be taken into account. (3) Where a penalty of dismissal, removal or compulsory retirement from service imposed upon a railway servant under suspension, is set aside in appeal or on revision under these rules and the case is remitted for further inquiry or action of with any other directions, the order of his



suspension shall be deemed to have continued in force on and from the date of the original order of dismissal, removal or compulsory retirement and shall remain in force until further orders. (4) Where a penalty of dismissal, removal or compulsory retirement from service imposed upon a railway servant, is set aside or declared or rendered void in consequence of or by a decision of court of law and the disciplinary authority on consideration of the circumstances of the case decides to hold a further inquiry against him on the allegations on which the penalty of dismissal, removal or compulsory retirement, was originally imposed the railway servant shall be deemed to have been placed under suspension by the competent authority from the date of the original order of dismissal, removal or compulsory retirement and shall continue to remain under suspension until further orders. Provided that no such further inquiry shall be ordered unless it is intended to meet a situation where the court has passed an order purely on technical grounds without going into the merits of the case. (5) (a) An order of suspension made or deemed to have been made under the rule, shall continue to remain in force until it is modified or revoked by the authority competent to do so. (b) Where a railway servant is suspended or is deemed to have been suspended (whether in connection with any disciplinary proceeding or otherwise) and any other disciplinary proceeding is commenced against him during the continuance of that suspension, the authority competent to place him under suspension may for reasons to be recorded by him in writing, direct that the railway servant shall continue to be under suspension until the termination of all or any of such proceedings. An order of suspension made or deemed to have been made under his rule may, at any time be modified or revoked by the authority which made or is deemed to have made the order or by any authority to which that authority is subordinate. Privileges an employee is entitled for during suspension: Subsistence Allowance: The suspended employee is entitled for the first three months subsistence allowance of an amount equal to leave salary on half pay, with appropriate dearness and other allowances. Dearness allowance on subsistence allowance will be worked out as admissible on the amount of subsistence allowance and not with calculation of full pay will be done first then it will be half. The suspending authority has to review the quantum of payment of subsistence allowance. The allowance may be increased by suitable amount not exceeding 50% of the initial amount, if the suspension is prolonged due to reasons not directly attributable to the employee. It may be decreased in the same manner if the employee if held responsible for the prolongation. If it is not varied either way, the circumstances under which such a decision was taken should be recorded. It is open to the competent authority to make further reviews if the circumstances warrant and pass appropriate orders.



The suspended employee may appeal to the Appellate Authority if he is not satisfied with the increase /decrease allowed. Average running allowance is treated as part of the pay for the running staff for the grant of subsistence during suspension and pay after reinstatement. Subsistence allowance can be paid only if the suspended employee furnished as certificate every month that he was not engaged in any other employment, business, profession or vocation and this allowance cannot be denied on any other ground. Subsistence allowance cannot be stopped or reduce as a disciplinary action for alleged offence of absence from Headquarters. 31 What is IRCTC? What is the basis for classification of stations into A,B,C,D,E &F categories and how catering contracts are awarded? CATERING POLICY-2005 PART A GENERAL 1. NEED FOR A NEW POLICY Catering Policy 2004 was issued on 5th October 2004. During implementation, some practical problems were faced and representations were received from various corners to bring about changes in Catering Policy 2004. Mainly, withdrawal of reservation in award of licences of small catering units at A B and C category stations, problems of under privileged classes, problems of existing licensees, etc. due to non-renewal of licences prescribed in Catering Policy 2004, were highlighted in these representations. Subsequently, Honble Minister for Railways made some announcements on the floor of Parliament addressing issues of renewal of licences of small catering units at D, E and F category stations, allotment of catering/ vending units to some weaker sections of society at A, B and C category stations through application, provision of reservation in award of licences of small catering units at A, B and C category stations and relaxation in eligibility/financial criteria for these categories, etc. Catering Policy 2004 issued vide Railway Boards letter no. 2003/TG.III/600/5 dated October 5,2004 needed some other amendments also. In consideration of genuine demands and subsequent announcements of Honble MR in order to fulfill the social obligations of the Government of India, the existing Catering Policy 2004 has been reviewed by the Board and a new Catering Policy 2005 has been formulated in super-session of all existing policy guidelines issued from time to time. As already decided, all new allotments of Catering contracts are to be made by IRCTC and Ministry of Railways has issued administrative instructions from time to time in regard to handing over of catering /vending units to IRCTC. However, contracts at D, E and F category stations will continue to be controlled and awarded by railways till IRCTC is equipped to take over these units. In future, as and when there is any need for change, modification or alteration in this policy, Ministry of Railways will be free to undertake those changes without any notice. Catering Policy 2005 is attached herewith for immediate implementation. 2. CATERING / VENDING SERVICES The following catering/vending services are provided: -



i) Refreshment rooms, restaurants, fast food centres/snack bars, tea stalls, fruit/fruit juice stalls, cold and hot beverage dispensers, miscellaneous curio goods stalls, ice-cream parlour etc. at railway stations. ii) Tea stalls at roadside stations. iii) Integrated on-board catering services on Rajdhani and Shatabdi Express trains. iv) Services through pantry cars on selected long and medium distance superfast /mail and express trains. v) Base kitchens to provide ready made meals for on-board catering. vi) On board catering/vending services through static units (train side vending) in trains having no pantry cars.

3. SCALE OF CATERING FACILITIES ON INDIAN RAILWAYS Zonal Railways/IRCTC should undertake a review of the existing catering establishments at stations with a view to reduce overall congestion on platforms by consolidating the services. Scale of catering services required at stations may be decided keeping in view the needs of the travelling public and the extent of passenger traffic dealt at a particular station without aggravating the congestion on the platforms. Scale of facilities should be drawn up according to the Category of station and volume of passenger traffic. Following guidelines may be observed while providing catering and vending facilities at different Categories of stations. 3.1 Category A Stations (Non-suburban stations with an annual passenger earnings of more than Rs. 6 crore as per the list circulated by Board from time to time) Following catering/vending facilities should be provided at all Category A stations: i) Existing refreshment rooms should be developed into self-service model refreshment rooms/restaurants and should be equipped with modern equipment/ gadgets for cooking, storage, heating etc and must have computerized billing arrangement. Vegetarian and non-vegetarian refreshment rooms, wherever provided separately may be progressively clubbed and one station should have one integrated refreshment room. ii) Provision of any additional stall is banned at some Category A stations notified by Board from time-to-time except on new platforms/concourse. Any additional facility at such stations will require Boards sanction on adequate justification and recommendation of the General Manager of the railway. However, zonal railways/ IRCTC will review the need for additional facilities in the light of provisions contained in para 4. iii) Main Station Platform: No catering/vending stalls should project out of the station building and all stalls should be progressively flushed with the wall of the station building. All stalls should be provided as per the guidelines circulated through commercial circular No. 1 dated 15.03.99 and correction slip dated 25.02.2000 on modular stalls.



iv) Island Platform: Island platforms should have minimum number of stalls as per requirement in order to provide free movement to the passengers. All stalls on island platforms should be provided along the centre line of the platform and conform to the specifications of modular stalls, as per policy guidelines on this subject. A combined and integrated catering stall, dispensing snacks, tea/coffee cold drinks, etc. should be provided on either end of the island platform. It should be done progressively by relocating and consolidating the existing stalls to ease congestion in the middle of the platform. v) Cooking free Platform: To discourage cooking/deep frying on the platforms, Railways /IRCTC should gradually shift to the concept of serving pre-cooked food items packed in biodegradable and eco-friendly containers, in which food could be warmed before serving. Cooking should be confined to centralised kitchens and food should be dispensed through heating equipment such as bain-maries, infrared /microwave ovens etc. In order to ensure cleanliness, railways /IRCTC should replace coal-fired sigris, kerosene stove etc. with cooking gas stoves, wherever cooking is unavoidable. Proper washing and cleaning arrangements should be made to maintain cleanliness. Adequate number of dustbins should be available near all stalls. Use of disposable eco friendly cups, plates, kulhars or other containers should be encouraged. vi) Trolleys: - Eventually there should be no mobile food trolleys on platforms at A category stations. With the gradual decrease in the number of commission bearers/ vendors on account of their absorption against regular posts, number of trolleys should be progressively reduced. Railways/IRCTC may, however, ensure that a minimum level of catering services are maintained through other outlets. 3.2 Category B Stations (Non-suburban stations with annual passenger earnings between Rs. 3 crore and up to Rs. 6 crore as per the list circulated by Board from time-to-time) Zonal Railways/IRCTC should observe following guidelines to provide catering/vending facilities at Category B stations: i) Railways/IRCTC should provide catering/vending facilities at stations in order to meet the requirement of customers. ii) On main station platforms all stalls should be flushed with the wall of the station building and no stalls should project out as mentioned in para 3.1 (iii). iii) On island platforms modular stalls should be provided along the centerline. This should be done together with relocating existing stalls as mentioned in para 3.1 (iv). iv) Provision of any additional stall is banned at some Category B stations notified by Board from time to time except on new platforms/concourse. Any additional facility at such stations will require Boards sanction on adequate justification and recommendation of the General Manager of the railway/MD, IRCTC. However, zonal railways/IRCTC will review the need for additional facilities in the light of provisions contained in para 4. 3.3 Category C (all suburban stations except Category A/B stations)



Suburban stations are generally handling very high volumes of passenger traffic. It is therefore necessary that adequate space should be available for free movement of passengers. Following catering/vending facilities may be provided at these stations: (i) On end platforms, stalls should be flushed with the wall of the station building to the extent possible in line with the modular stall policy as mentioned in para 3.1(iii) (ii) On island platforms modular stalls should be provided along the centre line as mentioned in para 3.1(iv). (iii) Tea/snack stalls should provide choice of ready made and pre-packed food items, which can be easily dispensed and consumed conveniently by a fast moving passenger. Stalls should provide multi product dispensers as stipulated in the policy on Automatic Vending Machines issued vide Commercial Circular No. 3 dated 17.3.99. (iv) Provision of any additional stall is banned at these stations except on new platforms/ concourse. Any additional facility on these stations will require Boards sanction on adequate justification and recommendation of the General Manager of the railway/MD, IRCTC. However, zonal railways/IRCTC will review the need for additional facilities in the light of provisions contained in para 4. 3.4 Category D (stations with passenger earnings between Rs.1 crore - 3 crore) Zonal Railways will approve the requirement of catering facilities at Category D stations with the recommendations of DRM keeping in view the minimum requirement of traveling passengers at different stations. 3.5 Category E stations (all stations other than Category A, B, C, D and F) Divisional Railway Managers may decide to provide need based catering facilities at Category E stations. 3.6 Category F stations (all Flag/Halt stations) Divisional Railway Managers may decide to provide need based catering facilities at Category F stations. 4. REDUCTION OF CONGESTION ON STATIONS/PLATFORMS There is a need to reduce/relocate the existing stalls in order to ease congestion on platforms. A standing committee of three divisional officers should conduct a detailed review of catering/vending facilities at all stations and take systematic steps to decongest the platforms as per a master plan for each station. Following guidelines should be observed in this regard: 4.1 Shifting of stalls Railway should observe following guidelines for shifting of stalls: 4.1.1 Stalls should not be shifted to a station appearing in the list of banned stations except in case of new platforms/concourse. 4.1.2 In case of new platforms/concourse Divisional Railway Manager with the recommendation of a committee of three branch officers & in consultation with IRCTC, if the stall is managed by IRCTC, will shift stalls from other platforms by inviting applications from existing licensees/units at the station.



4.1.3 In case, existing licencees are not willing to shift their stalls at the same station, Chief Commercial Manager with the recommendation of a committee of three Junior Administrative Grade officers (HQ level) and in consultation with IRCTC, if the stall is managed by IRCTC, will decide by inviting applications from other congested stations on that Railway. 4.1.4 For shifting stalls from one railway to another railway, prior approval of Board must be obtained with detailed justification prepared jointly by the railways concerned. 4.1.5 However, railway should keep in mind that while shifting catering/vending facilities from congested stations/platforms, vacancies so created should not be filled. 4.2 Reduction in the number of stalls on platforms To decongest the platforms, it is necessary that the number of stalls is reduced by observing following guidelines: 4.2.1 Vacancy created due to absorption of commission vendors/bearers should not be filled and resultant vacant stalls should be closed in case of congested stations. However, if railways feel that such a facility is required for the passengers without causing congestion, the same should be licensed out as per relevant rules and regulations. 4.2.2 Whenever the performance of any licensee is found to be continuously unsatisfactory, his licence may be terminated and the vacancy allowed to lapse in case of congested stations or fresh licence awarded after inviting applications if required in case its continuance does not create congestion. 4.2.3 To provide free movement to passengers, the number of trolleys should be reduced at Category A station as per the master plan prepared for the station. 4.2.4 While all new stalls are to be provided as per the policy guidelines on modular stalls, existing stalls should be modified as per the standard dimensions of modular stalls to reduce congestion progressively. 5. MANAGEMENT OF DEPARTMENTAL UNITS 5.1 In future no catering/vending units should be taken up for departmental management and only catering licences will be awarded in future. Facilities vacated due to absorption of commissioned vendors and commissioned bearers should be consolidated with a view to standardize the catering/vending facilities. 5.2 IRCTC/Railway should review from time to time, the performance of departmental units. All loss making units should be taken for licensing with the approval of the General Manager. Staff should be relocated to other units within the railway. Railway Board may be kept informed in this regard.




5.3 Railways will not make any fresh recruitment in Catering department except in the categories specified by Board.

6.1 Ownership of rake In order to maintain effective control over on-board services, the Division responsible for the primary maintenance of the train would own the rake of the train and also undertake the maintenance of the pantry car. For any complaint in this regard the division concerned would be accountable. The zonal railway having primary maintenance of rake will coordinate with IRCTC for provision of catering services in pantry cars. Any exception in this regard would require full justification and Boards approval. 6.2 Provision of pantry cars Provision of pantry cars on different trains will continue to be determined centrally by the Railway Board. Railways will observe the following guidelines with regard to mobile catering services: i) Pantry cars of Rajdhani Express trains should be designed to ensure that pre-cooked and hygienically packed food is supplied from base kitchens with minimum handling in transferring the same to the passengers. Mini pantries with modern gadgets/equipment as specified for Rajdhani Express train coaches should be provided. IRCTC should use covered mobile vans, containers and trolleys of standard design for transferring meals from base kitchens to the trains. However, in first AC class, railways will provide personalised service and the food should be cooked in the pantry car. Services should be provided through trolleys in all coaches. ii) All Shatabdi Express trains should have mini pantries equipped with modern gadgets such as hot cases, water boiler, bottle cooler etc. in all coaches. There should be no cooking and washing on board. Food should be served in pre-set trays, and service in all the coaches should be through trolleys. IRCTC should use covered mobile vans, containers and trolleys of standard design for transferring meals from base kitchens to the trains. iii) Railways will provide pantry cars on long distance trains to be identified centrally at Railway Board level from time-to-time. Broad criteria for providing pantry car on mail/express trains are given in para 6.3 below. iv) Train side vending As it is not feasible to provide pantry cars on all trains, IRCTC will arrange on board catering/vending services (train-side vending) in terms of Board letter No.2000/TGIII/645/11 dated 29.5.2000. v) Pantry car of a particular train is considered as one unit, irrespective of the frequency viz. whether it is a weekly/bi-weekly, etc./ or a daily train service. Pantry car licence of a particular train should, therefore, be awarded to one licensee only and should not be split among different licensees for different days. vi) There may be cases where train services are run with integrated rakes and only one or more trains may be having the pantry cars. In such cases, IRCTC will provide pantry car services on all trains running with integrated rakes to avoid shunting and make optimum use of the rolling stock. IRCTC will however follow the extant instructions for awarding fresh pantry car licence on new train/trains as this will be an additional service. Trains having the same originating and destination stations (including Rajdhani/Shatabdi express trains), but following different routes with different numbers and Rajdhani/Shatabdi trains running with advanced coaches (IRY / LHB, etc.), which are given different numbers for conventional rakes (due to technical reasons), should be treated as one unit. Composite licence should be awarded for such trains. In case of



existing integrated rakes, composite licence may also be awarded for these trains. For holding purpose from the ceiling point of view, one composite tender for such trains will be treated as one unit. vii) Conversion of gauge - In case of gauge conversions, the licensee managing the pantry car services on MG/NG trains, will continue to manage the services on corresponding trains for the unexpired period of their licence on its conversion into broad gauge. In case it is not possible to provide a separate pantry car in the corresponding BG train, the licensee may be permitted to provide on board vending on that train for the unexpired period of the licence only. He may also be given a suitable space for running kitchen at the terminal station for this specific purpose. viii) In case of an increase in the frequency of train services and / or extension of trains the existing licencee should manage services on additional trip(s) and / or on extended portion. Railway will correspondingly increase the licence fee in such cases. 6.3 Criteria for providing pantry car on long distance mail/express trains IRCTC should strengthen the static catering units at major stations on popular routes so as to provide adequate facilities to the passengers. Wherever it is not possible to provide satisfactory services through static units in future, following criteria will be observed for providing pantry cars in mail/express trains, other than Rajdhani express trains where it is a part of train composition, subject to the availability of rolling stock: a) Journey time more than 24 hours each way; b) At least 10 sleeper class coaches (upper and lower class) are in the train formation; c) At least 200 meals comprising of lunch or dinner for super-fast trains and 150 meals for mail/express trains are expected to be served each time. d) There are less number of stoppages and it is not possible to provide catering services through static units enroute; e) Air brake rake with vestibuled coaches will have preference f) Other consideration such as tourist attraction, non-availability of satisfactory services enroute, other operational requirements etc. 7. TARIFF Railway Board will continue to decide the tariff for tea/coffee, standard breakfast, meals and for mineral water, which is uniformly applicable on all zonal railways. Railway Board will also continue to decide catering charges for various services in case of Rajdhani /Shatabdi Express trains, as this is a part of passenger fare. However, zonal railways will decide the rates of a la carte catering items in consultation with associate finance under advice to Railway Board as per Boards letter no. 98/TG-III/631/3 dated 7.7.1999. IRCTC will have an opportunity to suggest / propose a la carte items for sale for approval by Chief Commercial Managers of zonal railways. 8. CEILING LIMIT ON HOLDINGS



Major catering units are as under: (a) All Mobile Catering Units including Rajdhani/Shatabdi Express and other mail and express trains, (b) Restaurants / refreshment rooms at all Category A stations excluding attached facilities like stalls/trolleys if any existing at present, (c) Multi outlet food plazas/ food courts or (d) Single outlet fast food centres A firm/company or an individual can hold a maximum of 15% units of each type of major catering units as mentioned above subject to a maximum of 10% of total major units. 9. TRANSFER OF LICENCE Transfer of licence to the spouse/legal heir would be allowed only in the event of death. The licence can be transferred in the name of spouse/legal heir for the unexpired period of the agreement only on personal approval of the Chief Commercial Manager / Divisional Railway Manager / MD,IRCTC as the case may be in case of small units and MD/IRCTC in case of major units. Nomination of the legal heir should be obtained from the licence holder at the time of entering into contract. The nomination should be only amongst the family members. 10. EXCLUSION OF GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES AND THEIR DEPENDENTS As contained in Railway Board letter no. 85/TG.III/600/1 dated.05.02.1985, no catering /vending licence should be awarded to any Government employee or railway servant or any other member of his/her family (as defined in rule no 103 para 17 of the Indian Railway Establishment Code Vol.-I). The existing catering/vending licencees, who are coming under the above category, should also not be allowed to continue their licence on conformation of the above position. 11. INCLUSION OF SON/WIFE/DAUGHTERS NAME IN THE LICENCE In case of old age, disablement, infirmity, etc. as circulated vide Boards letter no. 92/TGIII/601/14/C dated 16.6.1993, Chief Commercial Manager of zonal railways / MD, IRCTC, as the case may be, in exceptional cases only, may personally consider request of individual licensees for inclusion of the names of their son/daughter/wife /husband in their licence subject to his/her performance being satisfactory and also that no railway dues are pending against the licensee. Zonal railways or IRCTC should also ensure that son/daughter/wife/husband, whose name is proposed to be included in the licence should not hold any other catering/vending licence over Indian Railways. 12. GENERAL 12.1 Use of food grade material Railways/IRCTC, as the case may be, should ensure use of food grade material of standard quality for storage/packaging of food items in order to avoid chances of contamination. The use of eco-friendly material should also be encouraged for serving snacks/beverages in order to control pollution. In view of increasing use of packaging material, Railways/IRCTC will devise suitable systems to collect, transferand dispose catering waste. However, it will be the sole responsibility of the licensees to dispose catering waste/detritus arising out of their service.



12.2 Training and HRD As in-house training facilities are not available on Indian Railways in catering and hospitality field, IRCTC should plan training of cooks, bearers/waiters, frontline managers and middle level managers in other Government or recognized private training institutes. Licensees will also ensure regular training of their staff on similar lines for human resource development. 12.3 Arbitration In the event of any dispute or difference arising under these conditions of contract or in connection with this contract (except as to any matters, the decision of which is specially provided for by these or the special conditions) the same shall be referred to the Arbitration Tribunal or the person appointed to be the sole arbitrator, by GM of the concerned zonal railways/MD, IRCTC as the case may be. IRCTC will keep the Railway Board informed. The person to be appointed as arbitrator, however, will not be one of those who had an opportunity to deal with the matters to which the contract relates or who in the course of his duties has expressed views on all or any of the matter under disputes or difference. The award of the Arbitrator shall be final and binding on the parties to the contract. In the event of the arbitrator dying, neglecting or refusing to act or resigning or being unable to act for any reasons, or his award being set aside by the court for any reasons, it shall be lawful for the authority appointing the arbitrator to appoint any other arbitrator in place of the outgoing arbitrator in the manner aforesaid. The arbitration referred to above shall be governed by Arbitration and Conciliation Act 1996. 12.4 Model Agreement Agreement entered with licensees should also have a clause that licensee shall all times indemnify the railway administration/IRCTC against all claims regarding workmen/labour /servant and there will be no liability of the railway on this account. All agreements between licensees & IRCTC and Zonal Railways & IRCTC will be according to MoU between Ministry of Railways and IRCTC and other instructions issued from time to time. 12.5 Application of New Policy to existing licencees The revised catering policy will take effect from the date of issue of this policy in case of all new catering/vending licenses. This will also apply in case of award of fresh license in the event of termination, non-renewal, vacation etc. of the existing licenses as per our latest guidelines issued from time to time. All existing contracts / agreements on Indian Railways will come under the purview of this policy on expiry of such contracts/agreements. Contracts at D, E and F category stations will continue to be managed by railways till IRCTC is equipped to take over these units. 12.6 Implementation on IRCTC IRCTC will follow the overall policy guidelines with reference to Category of stations, definitions of major units, reduction in congestion, provision of pantry car, transfer of licence, exclusion and inclusion of clause, tendering system, application system, tariff, reservation policy, renewal, tenure, ceiling limit on holding of catering units, mutually agreed model agreement, arbitration, etc. contained in the policy or amended/reviewed from time-to-time by the Ministry of Railways. Nominal land licence fee for land leased to IRCTC, if any, will be payable by IRCTC and revenue sharing will be as per Memorandum of understanding in vogue between IR and IRCTC. In case of any confusion/dispute on implementation of policy, IRCTC will abide by



views of Railway Board and decision of Railway Board will be final. IRCTC will allow the authorised Railway and other officials to inspect and take notice of complaints and to impose fines and make suggestions. PART B LICENSING POLICY 13. ALLOTMENT OF CATERING LICENCES It has been decided that allotment of catering/vending licences will be done under separate rules for major and small catering/vending units as explained in paragraph 14, 15 and 16 below: 14. SYSTEM FOR AWARDING LICENCE IN CASE OF MAJOR UNITS 14.1 Definition of major units For the purpose of award of catering licence, major catering units are defined as under: (i) All mobile catering units including Rajdhani/Shatabdi Express and other mail and express trains, (ii) Restaurants/refreshment rooms, at all Category A stations excluding attached facilities like stalls/trolleys, if any existing at present, (iii) Multi outlet food plazas or food courts, or (iv) Single outlet fast food centres. 14.2 Tendering System Catering licences of major catering units will be awarded through open tender under a twopacket system. Tenders will be invited by giving suitable notification in national and local newspapers. Packet-A will contain technical offer and Packet-B will contain the financial bid. Each catering unit will be treated as separate unit and will have a separate licence. Stalls/ trolleys will be allotted separately and will not be attached with Refreshment Room/ stalls, etc. Award of licence in case of major units will be done by IRCTC & will be coordinated at the level of Chief Commercial Manager of the concerned zonal railway. 14.3 Technical Offer Packet A which is the technical offer will be opened first. Packet A should contain the following basic documents along with other documentary evidence to satisfy the eligibility criteria, which are detailed in the following paragraph: (i) Memorandum and Articles of Association in case of a company, along with certificates of incorporation, and date of commencement of business etc. (ii) Details of partners along with certificate of registration and details of their business etc. in case of a partnership firm registered under the Partnership Act., 1932. (iii) Addresses, telephone numbers, contact persons of the various establishments/base kitchens etc. of the company/firm/individual applicant. (iv) Curricula vitae of the managerial/supervisory personnel in regular employment of the firm/company/individual with certificates for their educational/professional qualifications.



(v) Balance Sheet of the firm/company/individual or profit & loss account of the firm /company /individual for the last one year duly audited by a Chartered Accountant. (vi) Earnest money through demand draft/bankers cheque. (vii) Documentary evidence company/firm/individual. to establish reputation/business standing of the

(viii) Any other document considered relevant by Railway/IRCTC to be notified in the tender. 14.4 Eligibility Criteria A three member Tender Committee of appropriate level of Commercial, Finance and one from any another department will scrutinize the technical offers received in Packet A to shortlist the eligible candidates. MD/IRCTC will decide the level of the tender committee. The eligibility criteria for scrutinizing applicants would be as under: (i) The applicant should be an individual or a reputed company/firm duly incorporated/registered for catering/hospitality business for handling food and beverages. (ii) The applicant must have a minimum of five years of experience in the field of catering /hospitality business. (iii) The applicant should have a minimum annual turnover in catering/hospitality and F&B services related business and turnover criterion for different types of units are as under: Rs. 5 crore per annum Mobile catering on Rajdhani/Shatabdi Express trains. Rs. 3 crore per annum Mobile catering on other mail/express trains Rs. 1 crore per annum Restaurants/refreshment rooms at Category A stations Rs. 1 crore per annum Single outlet fast food centres at Mumbai Central, Mumbai CST, Churchgate, Dadar, Delhi, New Delhi, Hazrat Nizamuddin, Chennai Central, Howrah, Sealdah and Bangalore City. Rs. 50 lacs per annum Single outlet fast food centres at other Category A and Category C stations Rs. 25 lacs per annum Single outlet fast food centres at Category B stations Rs. 10 lacs per annum Single outlet fast food centres at other stations Rs. 5 crore per annum Multi outlet food plazas or food courts at Mumbai Central, Mumbai CST, Churchgate, Dadar, Delhi, New Delhi, Hazrat Nizamuddin, Chennai Central, Howrah, Sealdah and Bangalore City. Rs. 3 crore per annum Multi outlet food plazas or food courts at other Category A and Category C stations Rs. 1 crore per annum Multi outlet food plazas or food courts at Category B stations Rs. 50 lacs per annum Multi outlet food plazas or food courts at other stations. However, existing licensees will be eligible to participate in a tender against the respective units held by them even if they do not fulfill the prescribed turnover criteria for the said catering units. But the concerned licensee should have rendered satisfactory catering services in Railways for at least 5 years. (iv) Reputation/business standing of the applicant. (v) Sound financial standing of the applicant.



(vi) The applicant should have sufficient number of qualified personnel with at least three years diploma from a recognised catering institution in food and hospitality (hotel management) in its regular employment. (vii) The applicant should also have catering establishments/base kitchens with modern equipment and gadgets and should have in -house hygiene and food safety arrangements and must follow good management practices. Its establishments/base kitchens etc. should be available for inspection of the Tender Committee or any other agency as notified by Railways/IRCTC. (viii) The applicant should be an income-tax payee. Any other criteria considered relevant by Railways/IRCTC to be notified in Packet A. 14.5 Financial Bid (i) Packet-B, which is the financial offer, will be opened only after shortlisting of eligible applicants on the basis of Packet A and will contain the financial bid only and no other document. (ii) The offer should be conspicuous in figures and in words. Any overwriting, correction or insertion will not be accepted. (iii) The minimum licence fee for different type of services will be Rajdhani/Shatabdi Express trains 15%* of annual sales turnover based on actual occupancy figures certified by the Train Superintendent. Other Mail/Express trains 12%* of estimated annual sales turnover All other static units 12%* of estimated annual sales turnover * Or any other percentage commission on sales as notified from time to time (iv) The financial bid for Mail/Express trains and other major static catering units should be obtained as a lumpsum bid over the minimum licence fee as mentioned under para 14.5 (iii) and should be payable annually as licence fee. There will be no bidding for concession fee. (v) For Rajdhani / Shatabdi Express trains, however, concession fee should be bid as a lumpsum amount, over the annual licence fee as mentioned under para 14.5 (iii), for the entire period of contract and should be payable in three equal installments over a period of two years. First installment should be paid at the time of award of licence, second installment after one year of payment of the first installment and the third installment before the end of the second year. In addition to the concession fee, annual licence fee will have to be paid on yearly basis.


(vi) Assessment of Sales Turn Over: -


(vi) Licence will normally be awarded to the highest bidder. However, under no circumstances the quality of services be compromised.

(a) In the case of Rajdhani/Shatabdi Express trains sales turnover for the realisation of licence fee will be based on the actual occupancy of passengers in each trip as certified by Train Superintendent. (b) In case of mobile units, other than Rajdhani/Shatabdi services, a minimum number of 200 meals for superfast trains and 150 meals for other mail/express trains on each occasion of serving breakfast/lunch/dinner or two services or all services as per train timing, may be taken into account while assessing sales turnover. (c) In case of static units, the sales turnover may be assessed based on location of the unit, number of passengers dealt, the type and price of items sold, number of vendors on the unit, previous record of sale of a similar unit (in case of new units) and any other related criteria. Assessment of sales must also be done through a surprise physical check by a committee comprising of inspectors/supervisors from Commercial and Finance Departments for a period of three days with scrutiny of sales records. Such assessment will be approved by an officer of appropriate level of IRCTC with concurrence of associate finance. (d) IRCTC should keep a constant watch on the sale of various units to ensure that there is no loss of revenue. IRCTC should also introduce progressive systems utilizing advanced technology, computerized billing etc. to bring transparency in assessment of sales. Audited statement of accounts in case of major units should also be insisted upon. In case of Rajdhani/Shatabdi Express trains sales turnover is on actual occupancy basis as certified by Train Superintendent. Notwithstanding the above, Railways will also exercise vigil to ensure that there is no loss of revenue. (vii) No other operational charges like haulage /maintenance / detention etc. in case of mobile services will be recoverable from the licensees. In the case of static units also there will be no separate charges payable towards rent for building/land, vendors fee and conservancy charges etc. except electricity and water charges, which will be based on actual consumption. However, nominal land licence fee for land leased to IRCTC will be payable by IRCTC and revenue sharing will be as per Memorandum of understanding in vogue between IR and IRCTC. 14.6 Tenure 14.6.1 The tenure of license for major units will be 5 (Five) years. 14.6.2 The monitoring of performance of the licensee should be strengthened during the period. 14.6.3 There would be no renewal or extension after expiry of the contract and fresh tenders should be called and finalized well before the expiry of the existing contract. The current contract of existing licences which have already been given extension from time to time will not be extended further. It has further been decided that all such contracts whose term are expiring / expired will be transferred to IRCTC on completion of the present term. 14.6.4 At the time of fresh bid for the unit, license fee should be enhanced based on actual sales turnover of the unit subject to a minimum of 10% increase on the prevailing license fee of the unit.



14.7 Reservation It has been decided that the award of licence in case of all major catering/vending units will be made only on the basis of professional criteria through open competitive bidding as laid down for this purpose and there will be no reservation for any category. 14.8 Earnest Money To encourage genuine parties to bid for licences, earnest money to be enclosed along with the tender document would be as follows: Rs. 3 lakh All mobile catering licenses and multi outlet food plazas/courts Rs. 1 lakh Refreshment rooms/restaurants at all Category A stations and single outlet Fast Food centres Earnest money of unsuccessful bidders will be refunded after the award of contract without any interest. 14.9 Security Deposit Security deposit by the successful applicant will be equivalent to 5% of the assessed annual sales turnover of the unit to be fixed by IRCTC and incorporated in the tender document. Sales turnover should be assessed as per the guidelines given in para 14.5(iii). Earnest money of successful bidders will be adjusted against the security deposit. In case the applicant fails to provide satisfactory service, the security deposit will be forfeited. 15. SYSTEM FOR AWARDING LICENCES IN CASE OF SMALL UNITS 15.1 Definition of Small units 15.1 (a) Restaurants/refreshment rooms at all B & C Category stations and trolleys and stalls at all A, B and C category stations. 15.1 (b) Catering Units at all D, E and F Category stations. 15.2 System for award of licence for restaurants/refreshment rooms at all B & C Category stations and trolleys and stalls at A, B and C category stations. 15.2.1 Out of the total requirement of small catering units (as defined under para 15.1 (a) above)assessed for the zonal railways, 25% of catering units (i.e. 25% of Refreshment Rooms/Restaurants, 25% of Stalls and 25% of trolleys) will be awarded to the reserved categories as per break up given under para 15.7. Each catering unit will be treated as a separate unit. Stalls/trolleys will be allotted separately and will not be attached with Refreshment Rooms/stalls, etc. Tender system shall not be followed for award of licence. Licences will be awarded by calling applications through press notifications from reputed parties/caterers on the following criteria: (a) Reputation/business standing of the applicant, (b) Turnover of applicant's business in catering, (c) Financial standing of the applicant, (d) Previous track record of the applicant, (e) Size of the establishment and staff required for running the unit, (f) Location of the unit; (g) Proximity of the caterers to the location of the proposed unit, and (h) Any other factor considered relevant by IRCTC or suggested by Railways.



Allotment of these units would be done by IRCTC by making a selection committee of appropriate level. The recommendations of the committee will be put up to MD/IRCTC for acceptance. Before calling applications through newspapers, IRCTC will assess the potential sales turnover of such units, which among other things, will depend upon the type and location of the unit, category of station, number of passengers dealt with, types and price of catering items sold and other related criteria. 12% or any other percentage commission on sales turnover notified from time to time of annual assessed sales turnover will be the licence fee which should be clearly indicated in lumpsum amount in the press notification for calling applications. IRCTC will maintain the record of applications received through Press Notification for various categories separately. Data base of reserved categories awardees will be maintained by Railways and IRCTC both in order to keep track of implementation of reservation provision and for relevant references. In case no applicant turns up against a particular category specified in para 15.7, the vacancy will be carried forward to the next category in order of the break up of the various categories mentioned. However, under no circumstances the total allotment to a particular category should exceed the specified percentage reserved for that particular category except in the case of carry forward. The total number of allotments of small catering units at A, B and C category stations to the various reserved categories should also not exceed 25% of the total allotments of small catering units at A, B and C category stations made on a particular zonal railway. The above provision of allotments based on reservation will apply in the case of fresh allotments and zonal railways will also maintain records accordingly. Tenure of the licences for reserved categories will be three (3) years and licences of these categories will be renewed every 3 years on satisfactory performance. At the time of renewal of the licences of reserved categories at A, B and C category stations or fresh bid for the unit, license fee should be enhanced based on actual sales turnover of the unit subject to a minimum of 10% increase over the prevailing license fee of the unit. Renewal will be done for the existing licencees only on withdrawal of the court cases by the licensees, if any, against the railways and payment of all railway dues and arrears. 15.2.2 Out of the total requirement assessed for the zonal railway, licences for 75% of the assessed requirement of small catering units as mentioned under para 15.1 (a) will be awarded through open tender by IRCTC under a two packet system. Each catering unit will be treated as separate unit and will have separate licence. Stalls/trolleys will be allotted separately and will not be attached with Refreshment Room/stalls, etc. Tenders will be invited by giving suitable notification in national and local newspapers. Packet A will contain the technical offer and packet B will contain the financial bid. Other criteria and procedure for allotment of 75% unreserved small catering units mentioned under Para 15.1 (a) are laid down in the following paras. 15.3 Technical Offer Technical Offer for stalls and trolleys at A, B & C Category stations and Restaurants / refreshment rooms at B & C Category stations. Packet A which is the technical offer, will be opened first. Packet A should contain the following basic documents along with other documentary evidence to satisfy the eligibility criteria, which are detailed in the following paragraph: -



(i) Reputation / business standing of the applicant along with documentary evidence for the same including food licence, etc. (if any). (ii) Educational/Professional qualification (if any) or the licensee should have the knowledge & capability to maintain appropriate records and documents. (iii) Earnest money through demand draft/bankers cheque. (iv) Turnover of applicants business in catering, (v) Financial standing of the applicant, (vi) Previous track record of the applicant including previous dealings with Railways (if any). (vii) Size of the establishment and staff required for running the unit, (viii) Location of the unit (ix) Proximity of the caterers to the location of the proposed unit, and (x) Any other factor considered relevant by Railways/IRCTC. 15.4 Eligibility Criteria Eligibility Criteria for stalls and trolleys at A, B & C Category stations and Restaurants / refreshment rooms at B & C Category stations. For units at A, B and C Category stations, three member Tender Committee of appropriate level of officers of Commercial, Finance and one from any another department will scrutinize the technical offers received in Packet A to shortlist the eligible candidates and put up the recommendations for approval of MD/IRCTC or to the delegated authority. The eligibility criteria for selecting the applicants would be as under: (i) The applicant must have a minimum of five years of experience in the field of catering / hospitality business and F&B services related business in case of restaurants / refreshment rooms & a minimum of two years experience for stalls & trolleys. (ii) The applicants should be having a minimum annual turnover in catering / hospitality and F&B services related business for different type of units as given below: - However, existing licensees will be eligible to participate in a tender against the respective units held by them even if they do not fulfill the prescribed turnover criteria for the said catering units. But the concerned licensee should have rendered satisfactory catering services in Railways for at least 5 years. For the purpose of tendering, each trolley will be treated as one unit. (iii) Reputation/business standing of the applicant. (iv) Sound financial standing of the applicant. Any other criteria considered relevant by the Railway/IRCTC to be notified in Packet "A". 15.5 Financial Bid



(i) Packet-B, which is the financial offer, will be opened only after scrutinizing of eligible applicants on the basis of Packet "A" and will contain the financial bid only and no other document. (ii) The financial bid of licence fee will be in terms of a lumpsum amount payable by the licensee to IRCTC annually. The offer should be conspicuous both in figures and in words. Any overwriting, correction or insertion will not be accepted. The financial bid would be in terms of lumpsum amount over and above a minimum of lumpsum licence fee, to be indicated in the tender document by the IRCTC, which shall be calculated as under: - Restaurants/ Refreshment rooms at all B and C Category stations and stalls & trolleys at all A, B and C Category stations 12%* of estimated annual sales turnover * Or any other percentage of commission on sales as notified from time to time (iii) Assessment of Sales Turn Over: (a) In case of small units as mentioned in Para 15.1 (a), the sales turnover may be assessed based on location of the unit, number of passengers dealt, the type and price of items sold, number of vendors on the unit, previous record of sale of a similar unit (in case of new units) and any other related criteria. Assessment of sales must also be done through a surprise physical check by a committee comprising of inspectors/supervisors from Commercial and Finance Departments for a period of three days with scrutiny of sales records. Such assessment will be approved by an officer of appropriate level of IRCTC with concurrence of associate finance. Rs. 10 lakh per annum Restaurants/Refreshment rooms at C Category stations Rs. 5 lakh per annum Restaurants/Refreshment rooms at B Category stations Rs. 2 lakh per annum Stalls at A and C Category stations Rs. 1 lakh per annum Stalls at B Category stations and Trolleys at A and C Category stations Rs. 50 Thousand per annum Trolleys at B Category stations (b) IRCTC should keep a constant watch on the sale of various units to ensure that there is no loss of revenue. IRCTC should also introduce progressive billing systems to bring transparency in assessment of sales. Railways will also exercise vigil to prevent loss of revenue. (iv) Licence will normally be awarded to the highest bidder. However, under no circumstances should the quality of services be compromised. (v) In case of static units no separate charges will be payable towards rent for building/land, vendor's fee and conservancy charges etc. except electricity and water charges, which will be based on actual consumption and paid by licencee. However, nominal land licence fee for land leased to IRCTC will be payable by IRCTC and revenue sharing will be as per Memorandum of understanding in vogue between IR and IRCTC. 15.6 Tenure 15.6.1 The tenure of license for small units as mentioned in Para 15.1 (a) will be three (3) years. 15.6.2 The monitoring of performance of the licensees should be strengthened. Opinion of passengers should be taken by distributing standard forms and results should be computerized. Complaints should beanalyzed for their genuineness and corrective action should also be taken.



Grievance cells should be strengthened on Zonal Railways/IRCTC. Licensees should have accountability and loyalty to railways. 15.6.3 There would be no renewal or extension after expiry of the contract and fresh tender should be called and finalized well before the expiry of the existing contract. However, licences of reserved category licensees will be renewed every 3 years on satisfactory performance. Renewal will be done for the existing licencees under the reserved category only on withdrawal of the court cases by the licensees against the railways and payment of all dues and arrears. 15.6.4 At the time of renewal of the licences of reserved categories at A, B and C category stations or fresh allotment for the unit, license fee should be enhanced based on actual sales turnover of the unit subject to a minimum of 10% increase over the prevailing license fee of the unit. 15.7 Reservation It has been decided that award of 25% small catering units mentioned in para 15.1(a) will be done to following categories in the pattern shown against each: Scheduled Caste - 6% Scheduled Tribes - 4% People below Poverty Line - 3% Freedom Fighters/women including war widows and widows of railway employees - 4% Other Backward Classes - 3% Minorities * - 3% Physically/Mentally Challenged Persons - 2% * the term minorities will include the communities namely (i) Muslims, (ii) Christians, (iii) Sikhs, (iv) Buddhists, (v) Zoroastrians (Parsis) Award of contracts to these categories will be on the basis of application invited through press notification. 15.8 Earnest Money To encourage genuine parties to bid for licences, earnest money to be enclosed along with the tender document would be as follows: Rs. 1 lakh Refreshment rooms/restaurants and Stalls at A & C Category stations Rs. 50 thousand Refreshment rooms/restaurants at B Category stations Rs.25 thousand stalls at B Category stations & Trolleys at A & C Category stations Rs. 10 thousand Trolleys at B Category stations. Earnest money of unsuccessful bidders will be refunded after the award of contract without any interest. 15.9 Security Deposit Security deposit by the successful applicant will be equivalent to 5% of the assessed annual sales turnover of the unit or Rs. 10,000 whichever is more, to be fixed by IRCTC and incorporated in the tender document. Sales turnover should be assessed as per the guidelines given in para 15.5(ii) and 15.5 (iii). Earnest money of successful bidders will be adjusted against the security deposit. In case the applicant fails s to provide satisfactory service, the security deposit will be forfeited. 15.10 Allotment of milk stall / parlour



Milk stall/parlour licenses will be awarded by calling applications from apex dairy cooperative societies approved by the Government at the Center/State/Union Territories, who are members of National Cooperative Dairy Federation of India (NCDFI) and/or developed under the aegis of Operation Flood programme. Preference should be given to the local apex dairy cooperative society approved by the Government at the Center/State/Union Territories. 16. SYSTEM OF AWARDING LICENSE IN CASE OF SMALL UNITS at D, E AND F CATEGORY STATIONS Award of licence in case of catering units as mentioned in para 15.1 (b) will continue to be made by calling applications through press notifications from reputed parties. Out of the total requirement assessed for the Division, licences for 50.5% of the assessed requirement of small units would be awarded in general category by Divisional Railway Manager. Within this general category 10% reservation will be for women including war widows & widows of Railway employees and 2% reservation for physically & mentally handicapped. Mentally handicapped persons have to act through a guardian, legally appointed as per the provisions of Persons with Disabilities Act. Remaining 49.5% licences of small units will be awarded to candidates from reserved categories by the CCMs of zonal railways. Each catering unit will be treated as a separate unit. Stalls/Trolleys will be allotted separately and will not be attached with Refreshment Room/stalls, etc. 16.1 System for award of licence for 50.5% of small units on a Division under the general category i) Division will call for applications through press notifications. Tenders system shall not be followed for award of licence in case of such small units. Applications should be invited only from professional/reputed caterers on the following criteria: (a) Reputation/business standing of the applicant, (b) Turnover of applicant's business in catering, (c) Financial standing of the applicant, (d) Previous track record of the applicant, (e) Size of the establishment and staff required for running the unit, (f) Location of the unit; (g) Proximity of the caterers to the location of the proposed unit, and (h) Any other factor considered relevant by railways. ii) Selection Committee of three junior administrative grade officers (divisional level) including one each from Commercial, Finance and one from any another department will make the selection by scrutinizing the papers and interviewing all the short listed applicants before putting up its recommendations for the approval of Divisional Railway Manager. iii) Before calling the applications through newspapers, railway will assess the potential sales turnover of such units, which among other things; will depend upon the type and location of unit, Category of station, number of passengers dealt with, types and price of catering items sold and other related criteria. 12% or any other percentage commission on sales turnover notified from



time to time of annual assessed sales turnover expressed in lumpsum amount will be the licence fee which should be clearly indicated in the press notification for calling applications.

16.2 System for award of licence for remaining 49.5% of small units on a Division under the reserved category In the case of award of licence for remaining 49.5% of small units, the CCMs of the railway will exercise discretionary power; subject to the condition that the applicant fulfills the basic eligibility criteria and his/her credentials are checked before any allotment is made. For allotments of small units at D, E & F category of stations based on application following pattern of reservation will be applicable: i) Schedule Castes - 12% ii) Schedule Tribes - 8% iii) Other Backward classes - 20% iv) Minorities* - 9.5% TOTAL - 49.5% In each category 10% reservation will be for freedom fighters and women including war widows and widows of Railway employees and 2% reservation will be for physically and mentally challenged persons.* the term minorities will include the communities namely (i) Muslims, (ii) Christians, (iii) Sikhs, (iv) Buddhists, (v) Zoroastrians (Parsis) The Commercial Department of the Zonal Railways will maintain the record of applications received through Press Notification for various categories separately. Applications of such applicants will be forwarded to the concerned DRMs' who will verify the credentials of the applicants with regard to the eligibility criteria contained in para 16.1 and also advise the vacancy position with justification for the services. CCMs will exercise his discretionary power in this regard. In case no applicant turns up against a particular category specified above, the vacancy will be carried forward to the next category in order of the break up of the various categories mentioned above. However, under no circumstances the total allotment to a particular category should exceed the specified percentage reserved for that particular category except in the case of carry forward. The total number of allotments of small units to the various reserved categories should also not exceed 49.5% of the total allotments of small units made on a particular Division at D, E and F category stations. The above provision of allotments based on reservation will apply in the case of fresh allotments and Divisions will maintain records accordingly. For the purpose of allotment of catering units under reserved category mentioned herein above, the eligibility criteria as laid down in para 16.1 (a) to (c) shall be deemed to be the desirable criteria and not an essential qualification. The candidates belonging to this category will be required to satisfy the competent authority that they have the necessary resources to set up and run the units. In addition to the aforesaid, the applicant will produce a certificate from the appropriate authority regarding their status falling in reserved category. 16.3 Tenure Tenure of licences of all small units at D, E, and F category stations will be (five) 5 years. Railways may renew the licences after every five (5) years subject to satisfactory performance. Renewal will be done for the existing licencees only on withdrawal of the court cases by the licensees against the railways and payment of all dues and arrears. Monitoring of performance



will be done which will includeprompt payment of all railway dues, complaints of serious nature against licensees regarding quality of food and services, reasonable increase in sales turnover during the period of licence, and inspection reports of senior railway officers during the term of licence. 16.4 Licence Fee Licence fee will be 12% (or any other percentage commission on sales notified from time to time expressed in lumpsum amount) of estimated annual sales turn over for both general and reserved categories. This licence fee does not include electricity and water charges, which will be charged based on actual consumption. In the case of static units, there will be no separate charges towards rent for building/land, vendor's fee and conservancy charges etc. At the time of renewal for all licences at D, E and F category stations or fresh allotment for the unit, license fee should be enhanced based on actual sales turnover of the unit subject to a minimum of 10% increase on the prevailing license fee of the unit. 16.5 Allotment of milk stall / parlour Milk stall/parlour licenses will be awarded by calling applications from apex dairy cooperative societies approved by the Government at the Center/State/Union Territories Government, which are members of National Cooperative Dairy Federation of India (NCDFI) and/or developed under the aegis of Operation Flood programme. Preference should be given to the local apex milk cooperative society approved by the Government at the Center/State/ Union Territories. 17 Additional Items As the licence is granted for a specific purpose and for a specified period, the sale of any additional item will change the scope of the licence. Railway/IRCTC should not grant permission for sale of any additional item within the currency of the licence. However, to cover any addition/deletion/change, due to administrative decisions or in the larger public interest due to legal provisions or change thereof, zonal railways/IRCTC reserve the right to give permission for sale of additional/alternative items by providing equal opportunities to all existing licensees/units. These issues with the concurrence of Finance and Legal Directorates of Railway Board. The revised policy will take immediate effect. The revised policy may be widely circulated to all concerned. 32 What are the major penalties under DAR rules? Describe briefly the procedure for imposing major penalty? Major Penalties: v). Save as provided for in clause (iii) (b) reduction to a lower stage in time scale of pay for a period exceeding three years without cumulative effect and for an specified period with cumulative effect and adversely affecting his pension. vi). Reduction to a lower time scale of pay, grade, post or service, with further directions regarding conditions of restorations to the grade or post or service from which the Railway servant was reduced and his seniority and pay on such restoration to that grade, post or service: vii) Compulsory retirement:



viii) Removal from service which shall not be a disqualification for future employment under the Government or Railway Administration: ix). Dismissal from service which shall ordinarily be a disqualification for future employment under the Government or Railway Administration. Provided that in cases of persons found guilty of any act or omission which resulted or would have, ordinarily resulted in collisions of Railway trains, one of the penalties specified in Clauses (viii) to (ix) shall, ordinarily, be imposed and in cases of passing railway signals at danger, one of the penalties specified in clauses (vi) to (ix) shall only be imposed where such penalty is not imposed, the reasons thereof shall be record in writing. Provided further that in cases of persons found guilty of having accepted or having obtained form any person any gratification, other than legal remuneration as motif or reward for doing or for bearing to do any official act, one of the penalties specified in clauses (viii) or (ix) shall ordinarily be imposed and where such penalty is not imposed the reasons there of shall be recorded in writing. Explanations 1: The following shall not amount to a penalty within the meaning of this rule namely:(i). Withholding of increments of pay of a Railway servant for failure to pass any departmental examination in accordance with the rules or orders governing the Service to which he belongs or post which he holds or the terms of his appointment: (ii). Stoppage of Railway servant at the efficiency bar in the time scale of pay on the ground of his unfitness to cross the bar (iii). Non-promotion of a Railway servant, whether in a substantive or officiating capacity, after consideration of his case, to a Service, grade or post or promotion to which he is eligible: (iv) reversion of a Railway servant officiating in higher Service grade or post to a lower Service, grade or post, on the ground that he is considered to be unsuitable for such higher Service, grade or post, or on any administrative ground unconnected with his conduct. v). Reversion of a Railway servant appointed on probation to any other Service, grade or post to his permanent Service, grade or post during or at the end of the period of probation in accordance with the terms of his appointment or the rules and orders governing such probation: vi) replacement of service of Railway servant whose services had been borrowed from any other Military or Department of the Central Government or a State Government or on authority under the control of the Central Government or State Government, at the disposal of the Government or the authority from which the services of such Railway servant had been borrowed;

viii).Termination of the services:



vii). Compulsory retirement of a Railway servant in accordance with the provisions relating to his superannuation or retirement.

(a) of a Railway servant appointed on probation, during or at the end of the period of his probation, in accordance with the terms of his appointment or the rules and orders governing such probation: (b) of a temporary Railway servant in accordance with rule 149 contained in Volume I of the Indian Railway Establishment Code: or (c) of a Railway servant employed under an agreement, in accordance with the terms of such agreement: ix). Discharge of Railway servants: (a) for inefficiency due to failure to conform to the requisite standard of physical fitness: (b) on reduction of establishment. Procedure for imposing Major Penalties 9. Procedure for imposing Major Penalties:(1). No order imposing any of the penalties specified in clauses (v) to (ix) of the rule 6 shall be made except after on inquiry held as for as may be in the manner provided in this rule and rule 10, or in the manner provided by the Public Servants (inquiries) Act, 1850 (37 of 1850) where such inquiry is held under that Act. (2) Whenever the disciplinary authority is of the opinion that there are grounds for inquiring into the truth of any imputation of misconduct or misbehavior against a railway servant, it may itself inquire into, or appoint under this rule or under the provisions of the Public Service (inquiries) Act, 1850, as the case may be, a Board of Inquiry or other authority to Inquire into the truth thereof. (3) Where a Board of Inquiry is appointed under sub-rule 2 it shall consist of not less than two members, each of whom shall be higher in rank than the railway servant against whom the inquiry is being held and none of whom shall be subordinate to the other member or members as the case may be of such Board. (4). Where the Board of Inquiry consists of two or more than two members, the senior member shall be the Presiding Office. (1) Every decision of the Board of inquiry shall be passed by majority of votes, and where these is an equality of votes on the findings, the finding of each member shall be incorporated in the report prepared under clauses (i) of the sub-rule (25). Explanations:- Where the disciplinary authority itself holds the inquiry, any reference, in subrule (12) and in sub-rule (14) to sub-rule (25), to the inquiring authority shall be construed as a reference to the disciplinary authority (2) Where it is proposed to hold an inquiry against a railway servant under his rule and rule 10, the disciplinary authority shall draw up or cause top be drawn up-



i) ii)

the substance of the imputations of misconduct or misbehavior into definite and distinct articles of charge: a statement of imputations of misconduct or misbehavior in support of each article of charge which shall, contain

a) a statement of all relevant facts including any admission or confessions made by the railway servant. b) A list of documents by which, and a list of witnesses by whom, the articles of charge are proposed to e sustained. (3) The disciplinary authority shall deliver or cause to be delivered to the railway servant a copy of the articles of charge, the statement of the imputations, of misconduct, or misbehavior and a list of document and witnesses by which each article of charge is proposed to be sustained and shall require the railway servant to submit a written statement of his defence within ten days of such further time as the disciplinary authority may allow. Note: If copies of documents have not been delivered to the Railway servant along with the articles of charge and if he desired to inspect the same for the preparation of his defence, he may do so, within 10 days from the date of receipt of the articles of charge to him and complete inspection within ten days thereafter and shall state whether he desired to he heard in person. 8). The Railway servant for the purpose of his defence submits with the written statement of his defence, a list of witnesses to be examined on his behalf. Note: If a Railway servant applies in writing for the supply of copies of the statements of witnesses mentioned in the list referred to in sub-rule (6) the disciplinary authority shall furnish him with a copy each of such statement commencement of the examination of the witnesses on behalf of the disciplinary authority. 9) (a) (i) On receipt of the written statement of defence, the disciplinary authority shall considers the same and decide whether the inquiry should be proceeded with under this rule (ii).Where the disciplinary authority decides to proceed with the inquiry it may itself inquire into such of the articles of charge as are not admitted or appoint under sub-rule (2) a board of Inquiry or other authority for the purpose. (iii) Where all the articles of charge have been admitted by the Railway servant in his written statement of defence, the disciplinary authority shall record its findings on each charge, after taking such further evidence as it may think fit and shall act in the manner laid down in rule 10. (iv) If the disciplinary authority after the consideration of the written statement of defence, is of the opinion that the imposition of a major penalty is not necessary it may drop the proceedings already initiated by it for imposition of major penalty, without prejudice to its right to impose any of the minor penalties, not attracting the provisions of sub-rule (2) of rule



11. Where the disciplinary authority so drops the proceedings but considers it appropriate to impose any of the minor penalties, not attracting the provisions of the sub-rule 2 of rule 11, it may make an order imposing such penalty and it will not be necessary to give the railway servant any further opportunity of making representation before the penalty is imposed. (b). If no written statement of defence is submitted by the railway servant, the disciplinary authority may itself inquire into the articles of charge or may, if it considers it necessary to do so, appoint, under sub-rule (2) an inquiring authority for the purpose and also inform the railway servant of such appointment. Where the disciplinary authority itself inquires into an article of charge or appoints a Board of Inquiry or any other inquiring authority for holding on inquiry into such charge, it may by an order in writing, appoint a railway or any other Government servant to be known as Presenting Officer to present on its behalf the case in support of the articles of charge. (10) The disciplinary authority shall, where it is not the inquiring authority, forward to the inquiring authority. (i). a copy of the articles of charge and the statement of the imputations of misconduct or misbehavior. (ii) a copy of the written statement of defence it any, submitted by the railway servant. (iii) a copy of the statement of witnesses if any referred to in the sub-rule (6). (iv) Evidence proving the delivery of the documents referred to in sub-rule (6) to the railway servant; (v). a copy of the order appointing the presenting officer if any; and (vi) a copy of the list of witnesses, if any furnished by the railway servant. (11) The railway servant shall appear in person before the inquiring authority on such day and of such time within ten working days from the date of receipt of the inquiring authority of the order appointing him as such, as the inquiring authority may by a notice in writing specify in his behalf, or within such further time not exceeding ten days as the inquiring authority may allow. (12) The inquiring authority shall, if the railway servant fails to appear within the specified time, or refuses or omits to plead, require the Presenting Officer if any, to produce the evidence by which he proposes to prove the articles of charge and shall adjourn the case to a later date not exceeding thirty days, after recording on order that the railway servant may for the propose of preparing his defence give a notice within ten days of the order or within such further time not exceeding ten days as the inquiring authority may allow for the discovery or production of any documents which are in possession of Railway Administration but not mentioned in the list referred to in sub-rule (6) Note: The Railway Servants shall indicate the relevance of the documents required by him to be discovered by the Railway Administration.



(13) (a) The railway servant may present his case with the assistance of any other railway servant (including a railway servant on leave preparatory to retirement) employed on the same Railway Administration on which he is working. If the railway servant is employed in the Office of the Railway Board, its attached office or sub-ordinate office he may present his case with the assistance of any other railway servant (including a railway servant on leave preparatory to retirement) employed in the Office of the Railway Board, attached office or sub-ordinate office as the case may be, in which he is working. (b) This railway servant may also present his case with the assistance of a retired railway servant; subject to such conditions as may be specified by the President from time to time by general or special order in this behalf. Note: (1) A non-gazetted railway servant may take the assistance of any official of a Railway Trade Union, recognized by the Railway administration under which the Railway servant is employed, but shall not engage legal practitioner. An official of Railway Trade Union shall not be allowed to appear in a disciplinary case before an inquiring authority unless he has worked as such in a recognized Railway Trade Union for a period of at least one year continuously before he appears and subject to the conditions that he takes no fees. (1) Nominations of an assisting Railway servant or an official of a Recognized Trade Union shall be made within 20 days from the date of the appointment of the inquiry authority and it shall not be accepted if at the time of nomination the assisting Railway servant has more than three pending disciplinary cases in which he has to assist. (14). After the nomination of the assisting railway servant or the official of a railway trade union and other necessary steps preliminary to the inquiry are completed, a date, ordinarily not exceeding one month from the date o appointment of the inquiring authority, shall be fixed for the inquiry and the railway servant informed accordingly. (15) The inquiring authority shall, on receipt of the notice of discovery or production of documents, forward the same or copies thereof to the authority in whose custody or possession the documents are kept with a requisition for the production of the documents by such date as may be specified in such requisition: Provided that the inquiring authority may for reasons to be recorded by it in writing, refuse to requisition such of the documents as are, in its opinion, not relevant to the case. (16) On receipt of the requisition referred to in sub-rule (15) every authority having the curiosity or possession of the requisitioned documents shall produce the same before the inquiring authority by the specified time. Provided that if the authority having the custody or possession of requisitioned documents is satisfied for reasons to be recorded by it in writing that the production of all or any such documents would be against the public interest or security of the State, it shall inform the inquiring authority accordingly and the inquiring authority shall, on being so informed, communicate the information to the railway servant and withdraw the requisition made be it for the production or discovery of such documents.



(17) On the date fixed for the inquiry the oral and documentary evidence by which the articles of charge are proposed to be proved, shall be produced by or on behalf of the Presenting officer, if any may be cross-examined by or on behalf of the railway servant. The Presenting Officer, if any shall be entitled to reexamine the witnesses on any points on which they have been cross-examined, but not on any new matter without the leave of the inquiring authority. The inquiring authority may also put such questions to the witnesses as it thinks fit. (18) If it shall appear necessary before the close of the case on behalf of the disciplinary authority, the inquiring authority may in its discretion, allow the Presenting Officer, if any, to produce evidence not included in the list given to the railway servant or may itself call for new evidence or recall and re-examine any witness and in such cases the railway servant shall be entitled to have, if he demands it a copy of the list of further evidence proposed to be produced and on adjournment of the inquiry for three clear days before the production of such new evidence exclusive of the day of adjournment and the day to which the inquiry is adjourned. The inquiring authority shall give the railway servant an opportunity of inspecting such documents before they are taken on the record. This inquiring authority may also allow the railway servant to produce new evidence if it is of the opinion that the production of such evidence is necessary in the interest of justice. Note: New evidence shall not be permitted or applied for or any witness shall not be recalled to fill up any gap in the evidence. Such evidence may be called for only when there is an inherent lacuna or defect in the evidence which has been produced originally. (19) When the case for the disciplinary authority is closed, the railway servant shall be required to state his defence orally, or in writing, as he may prefer. If the defence is made orally it shall be recorded and the railway servant shall, be required to sign the record. In either case a copy of the statement of defence shall be given the Presenting Officer, if any. (20) The evidence on behalf of the railway servant shall then be produced. The railway servant may examine himself in his own behalf, if he so prefers. The witnesses produced by the railway servant shall then be examined by or on behalf of him and shall be cross-examined by or on behalf of the Presenting Officer, if any. The railway servant shall be entitled to reexamine the witnesses on any point on which they have been cross-examined but not on any new matter, without the leave of the inquiring authority. The inquiring authority may also put such questions to the witnesses as it thinks fit. (21) The inquiring authority may after the railway servant closes his case, and shall if the railway servant has not examined himself, generally question him on the circumstances appearing against him in the evidence for the purpose of enabling the railway servant to explain any circumstances appearing in the evidence against him. (22) The inquiring authority may, after the completion of the production of evidence, hear the Presenting Officer, if any and the railway servant, or permit them to file written briefs of their respective cases, if they so desire. (23) If the railway servant to whom a copy of the articles of charge has been delivered, does not submit the written statement of defence on or before the date specified for the purpose or does



not appear in person before the inquiring authority or other wise fails or refuses to comply with the provisions of this rule the inquiring authority may hold the inquiry ex parte. (24) Whenever any inquiring authority after having heard and recorded the whole or any part of the evidence in inquiry ceases to exercise jurisdiction therein and is succeeded by another inquiring authority which has, and which exercises, such jurisdiction, the inquiring authority so succeeding may act on the evidence so recorded by its predecessor or partly recorded by its predecessor, and partly be itself. Provided that if the succeeding inquiring authority is of the opinion that further examination of any of the witnesses whose evidence has already been recorded is necessary in the interest of justice, it may recall examine, cross-examine and re-examine any such witnesses as herein before provided. (25) (i) After conclusion of the inquiry, a report shall be prepared and shall contain:(a) The articles of charge and the statement of imputations of misconduct or misbehavior: (b) The defence of the railway servant in respect of each article of charge. (c) An assessment of the evidence in respect of each article of charge and (d) The findings on each article of charge and the reasons there for Explanation: If in the opinion of the inquiring authority the proceedings of the inquiry establish, any article of charge different from the original articles of charge, it may record its findings on such articles of charge. Provided that the findings on such article of charge shall not be recorded unless the railway servant has either admitted the facts on which such articles of charge is based or has had a reasonable opportunity of defending himself against such articles of charge. (ii) The inquiring authority where it is not itself the disciplinary authority, shall forward to the disciplinary authority the records of inquiry which shall include: The report prepared by it under clause (i). The written statement of defence, if any submitted by the railway servant: The oral and documentary evidence produced in the course of the inquiry. Written briefs: if any filed by the Presenting Officer, if any, or the railway servant or both during the course of the enquiry: and (e) The orders, if any, made by the disciplinary authority in regard to the inquiry. 10. Action on the inquiry report:- (1) If the disciplinary authority, having regard to its own findings where it is itself the inquiring authority, or having a regard to its decision on all or any of the findings of the inquiring authority, is of the opinion that the penalty warranted is such as is within its competence, that authority may act on the evidence on the record or may, it is of the opinion that further examination of any of the witnesses, is necessary in the interests of justice, recall the witness and examine cross-examine and re-examine the witness. Copies of the Enquiry officers report shall then be forwarded to the Railway servant, calling for his representation if any; within 15 days from its receipt and the Disciplinary authority shall consider the (a) (b) (c) (d)



representation if any, received from the railway servant and may impose on the Railways servant such penalty as is within its competence in accordance with these rules. Where such disciplinary authority is of the opinion that the penalty warranted is such as it is not within its competence, that authority shall forward the records of the inquiry to the appropriate disciplinary authority who shall act in the manner as herein after provided. (2).The disciplinary authority, if it is not itself the inquiring authority may, for reasons to be recorded by it in writing, remit the case to the inquiring authority for further inquiry and report and the inquiring authority shall thereupon proceed to hold further inquiry according to the provisions of Rule 9 as far as may be. (3) The disciplinary authority shall, if it disagrees with the findings of the inquiring authority on an article of charge, record its reasons for such disagreement and record its own findings on such charge, if the evidence on record, is sufficient for the purpose. In such a case, the Disciplinary authority shall cause to send, along with the copy of Enquiry officers report his disagreement note also and shall direct the Railway servant to submit his representation if any within 15 days of the receipt of the same. (4) If the disciplinary authority having regard to its findings on all or any of the articles of charge, is of the opinion that any of the penalties specified in clauses (i) to (iv) of Rule 6 should be imposed on the railway servant, it shall, not withstanding anything containing in Rule 11 make an order imposing such penalty. Provided that in every case where it is necessary to consult the Commission, the record of the inquiry shall be forwarded by the disciplinary authority to the Commission for its advice and such advice shall be taken into consideration before making any order imposing any penalty on the Railway servant. (5).If the disciplinary authority, having regard to its findings on all or any of the articles of charge and on the basis of the evidence adduced during the inquiry, is of the opinion that any of the penalties specified in clauses (v) to ix) of Rule 6 should be imposed on the railway servant, it shall make an order imposing such penalty and it shall not be necessary to give the railway servant any opportunity of making representation on the penalty proposed to be imposed. Provided that in every case where it is necessary to consult the commission, the record of the inquiry shall be forwarded by the disciplinary authority to the Commission or its advice and such advice shall be taken into consideration before making an order imposing any such penalty on the railway servant. 33. What are the different categories of staff under Hours of Employment Rules and what are their duty hours? HOURS OF EMPLOYMENT REGULATIONS (HOER) Aims and Objects: To regulate the hours of work ad periodic rest of the employees governed by HOER based on the classification and nature o work.



To provide compensation in the form of OTA/CR etc. in case of breach of provisions. The Act: The subject of Hours of Employment Regulations is covered by Chapter VIA of Indian Railways Act, 1890 (as amended in 1956). In total replacement of Indian Railways Act, 1980, this subject has been introduced as Chapter XIV of the new The Railways Act, 1989 Applicability: All the Railway Servants (including Casual Labour and Substitutes) except those who are governed by Factories Act, 1848, Minimum Wages Act, 1948, 1957 and Gazette Staff are covered by HOER. Classification of Employment: Section 130 of Railways Act, 1989. (a) Continuous: The employment of a Railway servant is said to be continuous except when it is excluded or has been declared to be Essentially Intermittent or Intensive. (b) Essentially Intermittent The employment of a Railway servant is said to be Essentially Intermittent when it has been declared to be so by the prescribed authority on the ground that the daily hours of duty of the Railway Servant normally include periods of inaction aggregating to fifty percent or more (including at least one such period of not less than one hour or two such periods of half an hour each) in a tour of 12 hours (on the average over 72 consecutive hours) during which, the Railway servant may be on duty but is not called upon to display neither physical activity or sustained attention. (c) Excluded The employment of a Railway servant is said to be Excluded if he belong to any one of the following categories, namely (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) Railway servants employed in a managerial or confidential capacity: Armed guards or other personnel subject to discipline similar to that of any of the armed police forces: Staff of the Railway Schools imparting technical training or academic education: Such staff, as may be specified as supervisory under the rules: Such other categories of staff, as may be prescribed.


(d) Intensive The employment of a Railway servant is said to be Intensive when it has been declared to be so by the prescribed authority on the ground that it is of a strenuous nature involving continues concentration or hard manual Labour with little or no period of relaxation. Under this definition, the following factors must be present.


(i) (ii) (iii) (iv)

Strenuous nature of work tending to cause mental or physical strain: and Continuous application to such work with little or no periods of relaxation and also that (subsidiary instructions): The periods of rest, in action or relaxation do not aggregate 6 hours or more in a cycle of 24 hours. Or In any shift of 8 hours he does not get periods of inaction, rest or relaxation of atleast one hour in aggregate.

Corollary: Condition (ii) above shall be deemed to be satisfied if the job analysis reveals that the work performed by the staff is that it doest not in a 24 hours cycle afford respite from strenuous work whether in the form of inaction or light work to the extent of at least 6 hours as per the adjudicators award. Note: Certain categories of staff are classified as Continuous as a general rule. They are Clerical Staff, Traveling Staff, Running staff, etc. Definitions: 1. Week: means the period commencing from the mid-night of Saturday / Sunday to the mid night of the following Saturday / Sunday. 2. Over Time: means the OT admissible under the proviso to Section 71 ( c ) (4) of the IRA Act 1956 (section 132 (4) of the Railways Act, 1989) 3. Hours of work: This term refers to the time during which an employee is rostered to work. It does not include intervals when the employee is free to leave his place of work. Certain staff is provided with quarters near their place of work so that they can be on call in case of necessity, but being on call does not constitute employment in this context. 4. Periods of inaction: A period of inaction is the time during which the employee must remain on duty at his place of work but is not called upon to display either physical activity or sustained attention. 5. Interval: means the period between two or three spell of duty. During intervals the employee is free to leave his place of work and these periods are not deemed to be hours of employment. 6. Periodic rest: The rest which is granted to a railway servant each week, fortnight for a month is known as periodic rest. 7. Sustained attention: It involves mental effort which the staff has to exert in connection with the working of the trains.



8. Strenuous work: Generally when an employee is engaged in a work or on sustained attention, if he also necessarily have to attend to another work simultaneously, that part of action has to be treated as strenuous work. For ex: if an ASM is under sustained attention, having granted L.C. to receive a train, if he does some other work like, shunting operations dealing with another train in the opposite direction, attending to public enquires including telephone calls etc, that particular period becomes strenuous work 9. Night Duty: A part of rostered hours of duty which falls between the hours of 10 p.m. and 6 a.m. shall be treated as night duty. 10. Night in bed: A person will be said to have had a full night in bed if he gets continuous rest of 8 hours between 9 p.m. & 6 a.m. 11. Split shift: means a shift which is punctuated in the daily tour of duty by breaks, during which the employee is free to leave his place of work and which, therefore are not treated as part of his employment. In the case of split shift the following conditions are to be observed: (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) The number of breaks is limited to two. Any break of less than half an hour should be ignored and included in the duty hours. If there are three spells of duty, quarters should be provided, if the spell is two, preference should be given in allotment of quarters. As far as possible the spread over should be limited 16 hours, provided that the rest between 10 p.m. and 6 a.m. is not broken and to 14 hours, if such rest is broken.

Note: In computing spread over the longest break between any two periods of duty is to be deducted from 24 hours of day. Day means 24 hours and not a calendar day. Short off: is a period of rest which is (i) (ii) (iii) Less than 12 hours in a roster of 6 hours duty, and less than 14 hours in a mixed roster of 6 and 8 hours duty, in the case of Intensive workers. Less than 10 hours in case of continuous workers. Less than 8 hours in case of E.I

Long on is a period of duty (i) (ii) (iii) Over 8 hours in case of Intensive workers. Over 10 hours in case of Continuous workers. Over 12 hours in the case of E.I. Workers

Roster: is a document which shows the duration hours of employment and periods of rest of employee. Government: means the Central Government in the Ministry of Labour and employment.



P & C work: preparatory and complimentary work. It is the time for performing work of handling over/taking over charge of duty, which necessarily to be carried out on out side the standard duty hours.RLT 1969 concept.

Criteria: (i) Continuous workers: Between 15 minutes and less than 45 minutes, should be treated s an hours work and such work between 45 minutes and one hour should be treated as one hour work. Intensive & E.I. workers; Between 15 minutes and 30 minutes will be treated as hour work. In the case of E.I. workers if such work exceeds 30 minutes, 45 minutes P & time can be fixed.


Hours of work and periodic rest at a glance HOER running staff As a general rule, running staff are classified as Continuous. 1. Duty hours: a) The overall duty at a stretch of running staff from signing on should not ordinarily exceed 12 hours and they should be entitled to claim relief thereafter. b) The running duty at a stretch should no ordinarily exceed 10 hours from the departure of the train and the staff should be entitled to claim relief thereafter. c) In operational exigencies the running duty may be extended beyond 10 hours, within overall limit of 12 hours provided a due notice has been give to the staff by the controller before the completion of 8 hour of running duty. d) If the train dies not reach within the overall limit of 12 hours its normal crew changing point/destination of the train/or the place where a relief has been arranged and such point is approximately one hours journey away the staff shall be required to work to that point. e) In exceptional exigencies of accidents, floods, agitation, equipment failure, etc, the staff may be required to work beyond the limits prescribed above. In such cases, the controller should suitably advice the staff. f) For accompanying dead engines, 2/3 of the time spent during such journeys, should be given as credit.

g) Full credit should be given for accompanying engine on trail. h) Running staff should not be away from their headquarters for more than 72 hours at a stretch.



i) j)

Credit for engine attendance: 35 minutes before departure and 15 minutes on arrival in the shed is allowed. Credit for train attendance: 1. For passenger trains 30minutes before departure & 30 minutes on arrival. 2. For goods trains 45 minutes before departure & 30 minutes on arrival. 3. For van and shunting trains 1 hr. before departure & 30 minutes on arrival.

2. Rest: a) Periodic rest (Both Loco & traffic) 4 periods of not less than 30 consecutive hours each or atleast 5 periods of not less than 22 consecutive hours each, including a full night in a month should be given. b) Rest at Headquarters: For duty of less than 8 hours : 12 hours rest. For duty of 8 hours or more 16 hours rest. c) Rest at out station: For duty of less than 8 hours: 6 hours rest. For duty of 8 hours or more : 8 hours rest. For duty of less than 5 hours Equal to the duty hours + 1 hour. 3. Breach of rest allowance(BORA): breach of rest allowance is payable to the to the running staff if they are called upon for duty before completion of 16 hours rest at headquarters provided it is immediately preceded by 8 hours or more hours of duty. OTA (Over Time Allowance) Under RLT 1969 Concept. For the payment of OTA the railway servants are classified into two groups viz. averaging and non-averaging: Averaging Group: (i) Running staff (ii) Operating staff (iii) Shift workers (iv) Work connected with the above three categories and other than those listed as non-averaging group. Further, the averaging group is split into Weekly and Two Weekly (a) Weekly averaging group: Other EI workers (i.e. EI workers given in (b) ). (b) Two weekly averaging group: workers classified as Intensive, Continuous and C Class Gate men, Care taker of rest houses and Reservoirs and Saloon attendants classified as EI Non-averaging group: (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) Office staff in Administrative Offices, classified as continuous. Gang Staff, works staff of Civil Engineering Departments. Staff governed by HOER attached to Workshops and Production units. Staff belonging to Stores Departments except Store Van Clerks.



Calculating of Hourly rate of Pay for the purpose of OTA. Averaging Group: Hourly Rate = Period of Averaging No. of rostered X 1/30 of monthly rate of pay hours in the average period Pay means Pay + DP + DA + CCA + Running Allowance, in case of running staff + Transportation Allowance Non-averaging group: Hourly Rate = __________1________________ X 1 of monthly rate of Pay No. of monthly rostered hours 30

Note: Rostered hours = Standard hours + P&C Time+ Additional Hours (in case of EI workers) 34. Describe the procedure for dealing with public complaints. What organizations is there for redressal of public complaints both at Zonal and Divisional level? PUBLIC GREVIENCES AND REDRESSAL MACHINERY (PGRM) The Government of India, in an effort to provide more responsive and citizen friendly service to the Public has set up Public Grievances Redressal Machinery in each of its Ministries / Departments. The Scheme was established during January 1985 in terms of the directions of the then Prime Minister Late Sri Rajiv Gandhi. He advised to devise a scheme to find permanent remedial measures for grievances/complaints. Complaint/Grievance is an expression of dissatisfaction / displeasure for defective service Service: It is an act performed by one to another on consideration (payment). Causes of Complaints 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Rude Behavior, Lack of amenities on trains and at stations. Unsatisfactory maintenance of amenities provided at stations. Late running of trains. Inadequate train services. Inadequate services at Booking/Parcel/Goods/Reservation/Enquiry Offices. Poor catering Services. Occurrences of thefts, pilferage etc. Miscellaneous


Sources of Complaints; Complaints books at station kept at different activity centre.


Five major areas of complaints are regarding working of Booking Office, Reservation office, Punctuality of Trains, Improper and rude behavior of Staff and General Cleanliness.

Complaints books with Guard/Conductor/Train Superintendent of trains. Assistant Booths. Information facilitation Centre. Complaints addressed to Railway Officials/Railway Ministry through letters/ e-mail/ telephone. Purpose of inviting complaints: It is a deliberate creation to attain upward communication. Complaints are the easiest and richest source to bring quick improvements in services. A complaint is a disguised compliment as it implies customers faith in Railways readiness to redress it. A complaint will initiate action to find out what happened and ascertain the real cause why it had happened. It leads to permanent remedial measures. Complaint book is made readily available to passengers at stations. A Complaint book is machine numbered and prepared in three foils viz. ADRMs, Passenger/Customer and Record. The contents of the complaint are transmitted through control phone within 24 hours. PGRM Divisional Set-Up: is headed by ADRM and deals with all public complaints pertaining to their division besides grievances received and referred by headquarters. Headquarters Set-Up: Headed by AGM who functions as the Director of Public Grievances for the whole Railways, and assisted by the Secretary (PG) and Assistant Secretary to GM. All the complaints received are registered and acknowledged promptly. Final replies are issued to the parties concerned after the complaints are duly enquired into Erring staff are taken up for their lapses to avoid recurrence of the complaints and to tone up the system. Following Action: The progress of grievances redressed is monitored, regular check of registers maintained for this purpose by the concerned Officers. Periodical meeting are held by the AGM Director PG) where receipt and disposal of grievances of the same type are reviewed and necessary creative actions is taken. Personal hearing of PG The system exists for personal hearing of complaints by office. The public can meet the AGM twice First and Third Fridays. If the public are not satisfied by the reply given by AGM, they can meet the GM on the last Friday of every month. Secretary (PG) is also readily available on all the working days to hear the grievances of all public directly. Similarly, the public can meet the ADRMs / DRMs at the divisional level on every Friday. PGRM at Board Level: A Senior officer has been designated as Director of Grievances in each of the Ministries/Departments./ Members of public may send their grievances to the Director of Grievances of the concerned Ministry for redressal. 35. What are the incentives and Awards Scheme available on S.C. Railway for implementation of Hindi? 36. What are the constitutional provision regarding use of Official Language Policy?



OFFICIAL LANGUAGE The Constitution committee accepted Hindi as the Official Language of the Union on 14th September, 1949. Hence Hindi Diwas is celebrated every year on 14th of September. Constitutional Provisions of Official Language; Article 343(1): The official language of the union shall be Hindi in Devanagari script and International form of Indian numerals are to be used. Article 343(3); For the period of 15 years from the year commencement of this constitution (26th Jan., 1950 to 26th Jan. 1965). The English language shall continue to be used for all the official purpose of the Union. The President may, during the said period by order authorize the use of the Hindi Language, Devanagari form of numerals in lieu of English language, International form of Indian numerals. Article 343(3):- Parliament by law provide for the use, after the said period of 15 years of the English Language or the Devanagari form of numerals. Article 344:- Commission and Committee of Parliament on official language. The President shall at the expiry of 5 years and there after 10 years from the commencement of this constitution by order constitute a Commission which shall make recommendations to the President as to the progressive use of the Hindi language and restriction on the use of the English language. Clause 4 of Article 344 provides for the constitution of a parliamentary Committee consists of 30 members (20 Lok Sabha Members + 10 Rajya Members) for examining recommendations of the commission. This committee will submit its report to the President making recommendation there on and the President shall cause the report to be laid before each house of the Parliament and sent to all State Government. Article 345 ;- Official Language or language of a State:The Legislature of a State may by law adopt any one or more languages in use in State or Hindi as the language/languages to be used for all or any of the official purpose of that State provided that until the legislature of the State otherwise provided by law, the English language shall continue to be used for these Official purposes. Within the State for which it was being used for these official purposes. Within the State for which it was being used immediately before the commencement of this constitution. Article 346 :- Official language for communication between one State and another State or between State and the Union The language authorised for use in the Union for official purpose at that time shall be the official language for communication between one State and another State and between the State and the Union. If two or more States agree that the Hindi language should be the official language for communication between such States they can use Hindi for their correspondence.. Article 347 ;- Second language of the State.



If any State demands the languages spoken by the public of that State should be used for Official purposes, the President may be by order authorize the use of language for some or all purposes in that State. Article 348;- language to be used in the Supreme Court and in the High Court and for Acts, Bills etc. 1) Until Parliament by law otherwise provided all proceedings in the Supreme Court and in the every High Court should be in English only. 2) The authoritative texts of all bills, Acts all orders, regulations shall be in the English Language. The Governor of state may with the previous consent of the President, authorize the use of the Hindi language or any other language used for any official purpose of the State, in proceedings in the High Court (not applicable to judgment, decree or orders) Article -349;- To regularize some Bill regarding language (Revision in the official language of the Union) During the 15 years period from the date of commencement of constitution use of other language other than English in Supreme Court/High Court or any revision regarding the use of language in official purposes, should be brought before Lok Sabha/Rajya Sabha after the prior permission of President. Article 350;- Languages used in representation of redressal of grievances:Every person shall be entitled to submit a representation for the redressal of any grievances to any office of the Union or State in any of the language used in the Union or in the State as the case may be Article 351: Directive for development of the Hindi language: It shall be the duty of the Union to promote the spread of the Hindi language, to develop it so that it may service as medium of expressions for all the elements of the composite culture of India and secure its enrichment by assimilating without interfering with its genius, the form, style and expressions used in Hindustani and other language of India specified in eight schedule. Eight Schedule languages: 1. Assamese 2. Oriya 5. Kashmiri 6. Gujarati 9. Punjabi 10. Bengali 13 Sanskrit 14. Sindhi 17. Konkani 18. Nepali 21 Santhali 3. Urdu 4. Kannada 7. Tamil 8. Telugu 11. Marathi 12. Malayalam 15. Hindi 16. Manipuri 19 Maithili 20 Bodo

Article 120: Languages to be used in the parliament:



Business in parliament shall be transacted in Hindi or in English. Any member who cannot adequately express himself in Hindi or in English may be permitted to address the house in his mother tongue. Languages to be used in legislature; Business in the legislature of a State shall be transacted in the official language or languages of the State or in Hindi or in English. Any member who cannot adequately express himself in any languages aforesaid may be permitted to address in the house in his mother tongue Official Language Act of 1963. An act to provide for the languages which may be used for the official purposes of the Union, for transaction of business in Parliament for Central and State Governments and High Courts. Short Title and Commencement: This act may be called Official Language Act 1963 and its commencement date will be notified in Official Gazette of India. Definitions: Hindi written in Devanagari script and Appointed Day means 26th January, 1965. Continuation of English language for the use of Union and Parliament: English language shall continue to be used after the expiry period of 15 years from the date of Commencement of Indian Constitution in Parliament,, Central Government and State Government. All the documents coming in section 3 (3) should be issued in bilingual form only. The documents are , General Orders, Circulars, Notifications, Press release, Press communiqu, Rules, Resolutions, Administrative reports or other reports, Contract Agreements, Permits, license, Tender forms, Tender notices, Papers to be submitted before Parliament. Reservation Charts. Committee on Official Languages; After 10 year from 1965 a Parliamentary official language Committee will be constituted. The committee consists 30 members (20 from Lok Sabha and 10 from Rajya Sabha) It shall be duty of the committee to review the progress made in the use of Hindi for the official purpose of the union and submit a report to the President making recommendation there on and President shall put all the same before each House of Parliament, and sent the same to State Government. After due consideration and any remark by the State shall issue directions in accordance with the report. Authorised Hindi translation of Central Acts: Translation in Hindi of any rule, act, ordinance of the President order, Regulation or By-laws issued under Constitution or under any Central Act, Published under the authority of President in official Gazette of India shall be deemed to be the authoritative text in Hindi Authorised Hindi Translation of State Acts in certain case: Where the Legislator of any State has prescribed any language other than Hindi, Act, Rule, Ordinance promulgated by Governor, in addition the translation in English language as required by Article-348 may be published in the official Gazette of that State Translation in Hindi of any such Acts or Ordinance shall be deemed to be the authoritative text thereof in the Hindi language.



Optional use of Hindi or other Official Language in the Judgments etc. in High Courts: Governor of State, may with the previous consent of the President, authorize the use of Hindi or the Official Language of that State or the purpose of any judgment, decree or order passed by the High Court it shall be accompanied by a translation of the same in the English language issued under the authority of the High Court. Power to make Rules: The Central Government may by notification in the Official Gazette, make rules for carrying out the purposes of this Act. Every rule made under this section shall be laid before each House of Parliament while it is in session for total period of 30 days. Certain provisions not to apply to Jammu and Kashmir: The provisions of Section 6 and 7 shall not apply to the State of Jammu and Kashmir. Official Language Rules 1976 (Use for Official purpose of the Union) GSR 1052 in exercise of the powers conferred by Section 8, read with sub section (4) of the Section 3 of the official language Act 1963 the Central Government hereby make the following rules, namely: Short Title, Extent and Commencement: 1. These rules may be called the official language (use for official purpose o the Union) rules 1976. 2. They shall extent to the whole of India, except the State of Tamilnadu. 3. They shall come into force from the date of their publication in Official Gazette of India. Definitions: Words used in this Rule like Act, Central Government offices, Employees, Notified office, Proficiency in Hindi, Working knowledge of Hindi etc, has been given. Region A ; Bihar, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh, Delhi, Andaman and Nicobar Islands, Utteranchal, Chattisgarh, Jharkhand. . Region B : Gujarat, Maharashtra, Punjab and Chandigarh. Region C : Means the States and Union Territories other than those referred above. Communication to State etc. other than the Central Government offices:A. Between one Ministry or Department of the Central Government and another may be in Hindi or English. B. From A region to A region in Hindi, depending upon the facility provided in Office, persons having working knowledge of Hindi and proportion fixed from time to time. C. Between Central Government offices situated in Region A shall be in Hindi only. D. By Central Government Offices situated in Region A or B or C in Hindi or English. E. Between Central governments Offices situated in Region B or Region C may be in Hindi or English only. Translation of such communication in the other language shall :i. Address to Region A or B- at receiving end.



ii. Address to Region C along with such communication. Further that translation in other language is not required if addressed to a notified offices. Replies to communication received in Hindi: Letters received /signed in Hindi from any office or person should invariably be replied in Hindi only. Use of Both Hindi and English: Documents mentioned in Section 3 (3) should be made and issued in both Hindi and English and it is the responsibility of the person signing such documents to ensure that the documents are issued, made and executed in both Hindi and English. Applications, Representations etc. An employee may submit an application, appeal or representation in Hindi or in English. Where an employee desire any order or notice relating to service matters required to be served in Hindi or English, it shall be given to him in that language without undue delay. Noting in Central Government Offices : 1. An employee may record note or minutes on a file in Hindi or English and he should not be asked to furnish translation in the other language. 2. No central Government employee possessing working knowledge of Hindi may ask for an English translation of any document in Hindi except in the case of legal or technical document. 3. H O D will decide the nature of document whether it is legal/technical or not. 4. Central government may by order specify the work should be done in Hindi in notified Offices by the employee having proficiency in Hindi. Proficiency in Hindi: a. Hindi is the medium of examination in metric or higher examination, or b. Elective subject in Degree or Higher examination; or c. Declaration in the form annexed to these rules. Working knowledge of Hindi: 1. An employee shall be deemed to have acquired a working knowledge of Hindi:a. If he has passed matriculation or higher examination with Hindi as one of the subject; b. Pragya or any lower examination conducted by Ministry of Home Affairs prescribed under that Scheme: or c. Any other examination specified by the Central Government or d. Declaration in the form annexed to these rules. 2. If eighty percent staff have acquired working knowledge of Hindi in a particular Office, it would be deemed that the office have acquired working knowledge of Hindi. 3. The Central Government or any office specified in this behalf can determine whether the Staff of a Central Government Office has acquired working knowledge of Hindi.



4. The names of central government Offices, where the staff have acquired working knowledge of Hindi should be notified in the Official Gazette. 5. At any date if the percentage of staff having working knowledge of Hindi has gone below the 80 percent, it may be denotify by notification in the Official Gazette. Manual, Codes, Other procedural literature articles of Stationary Etc. : 1. All Manuals, Codes and other Procedural Literature of Central Government Offices should be published in Hindi and English in diglot form. 2. The Forms, Heading in Registers, File Covers shall be in Hindi and English. 3. All name plate, sign boards, letter heads and inscription on envelopes, stationery items must be in Hindi and English. Responsibility for Compliance: 1. It shall be the responsibility of the administrative head to ensure that the provisions of the Act and Rules are properly complied with and to devise suitable and effective checkpoints for this purpose. 2. The Central Government from time to time issue directions as may be necessary for the compliance of the provisions of the Act and these rules. Various Awards Scheme for the use of the Rajya Sabha: Railway Board Individual Cash Award Scheme: Every year 6 to 8 officers/Employees are awarded for doing commendable and maximum work in Hindi by Railway Board at All India Hindi Week celebrations. The Railway Minister gives these awards. Every award winner gets Rs. 1000/- in Cash and a Certificate. General Managers individual cash award scheme: Every year on the eve of South Central Railways Hindi Saptah Celebrations, 10 officers 30 Employees are awarded for doing commendable and maximum official work in Hindi. The General Manager gives these awards. Every award winner gets Rs. 1000/- in cash and a certificate. Home Minister Award Scheme: All officers and Employees working in South Central Railway can participate in the competition under this scheme. Officers /Employees in regions A and B for writing minimum of 20,000 words in Hindi per year and in region C for writing minimum of 10,000 words in Hindi per year are given awards. Two First Prizes of Rs. 800/- each. Three Second Prizes of Rs. 400/- each. Five Third Prizes of Rs. 300/- each.


Collective Cash Award Scheme: Under this scheme 3 departments are awarded for doing commendable and maximum work in Hindi.


Under this scheme minimum 10 participants should be there from any Unit/Section/office.

Particulars of wards First Prize; Rs. 6,000/- (for 60 employees) Second Prize; Rs. 4,000/- (for 40 employees) Third Prize Rs. 3,000/- (for 30 employees) Awards for writing Original Hindi Books on Technical Subjects: Every year the following seven cash awards are distributed by the Railway Board to such genius Railway men who write Original Hindi books on Technical Subjects: One First prize: Rs.10,000/Two Second Prizes: Rs. 5,000/- each Two third prizes: Rs. 3,000/- each Two consolation prizes:Rs. 2,000/- each Apart from this copies of the awarded books are purchased for the Railway Hindi libraries. Indira Gandhi Raj Bhasha Award Scheme: Every year the following three awards are distributed of the writers of the best Hindi books on Official working First Prize; Rs. 20,000/-. Second Prize; Rs. 16,000/-. Third Prize; Rs. 10,000/Cash Award Scheme for writing story, novel and poetry in Hindi: Premchand Award Scheme: Every year an award of Rs. 10,000/- is given to the best story book or a novel in Hindi. Maithilisharan Gupta Award: An award of Rs. 10,000/- is given for best poetry book in Hindi. Training: incentives regarding Hindi/ Hindi Typing / Stenography training (only for those officers/ Employees who did not possess working knowledge of Hindi) The Officers/Employees of group A,B and C who pass the above examination conducted under the Hindi teaching scheme with suitable marks are awarded in the following manner: Lump sum Award: On passing of Prabodh/Praveen/Pragya/Hindi typng/Stenography examination under the Hindi Teaching Scheme by own efforts, the officers and employees are awarded in the following way: Prabodh Rs. 500/-, Praveen Rs. 500/-, Pragya Rs. 600/-, Hindi Typing R. 400/-, Hindi Stenography Rs. 750/-. Hindi examinations of voluntary Hindi organizations, which are recognized by Government of India as equivalent to Matric and Higher

Having Secured 70% or more marks

Prabodh Rs. 400/-

Praveen & Pragya Rs. 600/-



Cash Award

60% or more marks 55% or more marks

Rs. 200/Rs. 100/-

Rs. 400/Rs. 200/-

In addition personal pay equal to one months increment for 12 months. For passing Hindi typing and Stenography examination: Typing 97% or more marks 95% or more marks 90% or more marks Stenography 95% or more marks 92% or more marks 88% or more marks Amount Rs.600/Rs.400/Rs.200/-

For passing typewriting an additional, personal pay equal in amount to one increment for 12 months. For passing stenography an addition, personal pay equal in amount to two increments for the first twelve months and one for the next 12 months on passing Hindi Stenography Examination. Hindi Essay, Elocution, noting and Drafting competitions: Hindi Essay, Elocution, Noting, Drafting competitions are conducted at Zonal and Railway board level and the Hindi Typewriting competition is conducted only at Zonal level. All these competition are conducted once in a year. Awards are given in the following manner: For Hindi, Essay, Elocution and Noting and Drafting competition: Prizes First Prize Second prize Third Prize Consolation Prize Zonal level Rs. 500/Rs. 400/Rs. 300/Rs. 75/- (three prizes) Railway Board Level Rs. 600/Rs. 500/Rs. 200/Rs. 150/- (five prizes)

Competition will be held in July /August. 36. Short notes on; a) b) c) d) e) Privilege pass and PTO for various groups of serving employees. DCRG Commutation of Pension. Study Leave Pension Scheme.




A Railway servant may be issued on his/her own request a privilege pass or a privilege ticket order from one station to another as requested by the employee. Eligibility depends upon the date of appointment, Basic pay/Scale of the employee. For Group A and Group B Gazetted Officers are entitled for I Class A Pass. Basic pay Rs.14,500/- and above are entitled to travel in First class AC. For Non-Gazetted Group B & C employees: Recruited upto 1.2.1999; they are entitled for two types of pass first class and II class. Recruited after 1.2.1999 II Class A pass introduced valid to travel in 3AC.
Type of pass Recruited prior to 1.8.1969 Recruited between 1.8.1969 to 10.11.1987 Pay Rs.5375 Scale Rs.4,500.7,000 -Recruited between 11.11.1987 to 1.2.1999 Pay Rs.7,250 Scale 6,50010,500 -Recruited after 1.2.1999 Maximum class and free allowance 2nd AC 70 Kgs. person 3rd AC 50 KGs. person

First (Green)


Pay Rs.4,900/Scale Rs.4,000 6.000 --

Second A pass (Yellow)


2nd class pass (Pink)

Employees other than those covered above

Employees other than those covered above

Employees other than those covered above

Pay Rs.7,600/Scale 6,50010,500 and above Rs.7,250 7,600 Scale 5,0008000 Scale 5,5009000 Employees other than those covered above



Sleeper Class and second class 50 Kgs per person

Group D Employees are entitled for II class pass only. Validity: Outward and Return separately 3 months. Outward/Return combined 4 months. Number of dependents: A maximum if 2 are allowed subject to a total of 5 members when dependents are allowed. Family members: No restriction regarding number of persons. No of sets: For officers 6 sets per year For Non-Gazetted upto 5 years of service 1 set after 5 years of service 3 sets.

Privilege Ticket Orders; All Railway employees are entitled for 4 sets per year as per the class of eligibility given above on payment of 1/3rd of the basic fare. Validity is 3 months from the date of issue. DEATH CUM RETIREMENT GRATUITY: (DCRG)



Gratuity is defined as Service Gratuity, Retirement Gratuity, Death Gratuity and Residuary Gratuity. Retirement Gratuity: is admissible to permanent railway servant who retire after completion of 5 years qualifying service at the rate of of one months pay for each completed half years service subject to a maximum of 16 the emoluments or Rs. 3.50 lakhs which ever is less. Death Gratuity is admissible in the case of death while in service of a permanent as well as temporary railway employee at the following rates. Length of Service Less than one year One year or more but less than 5 years Five years or more but less than 20 years Twenty years or more Death Gratuity payable to the family 2 times of emoluments 6 times of emoluments 12 times of emoluments. Half a months emoluments for every completed 6 months period of qualifying service subject to a maximum of 33 times emoluments or Rs.3.50 lakhs whichever is less.

1 2 3 4

Residuary Gratuity: When an employee dies with in 5 years after retirement and the total amount actually received by him on account of pension or service gratuity, dearness relief on pension, retirement gratuity, and commutation amount is less than 12 times the emoluments drawn by him at the time of retirement, the deficiency is granted to his nominee/family. Nomination: Every employee should submit his nomination conferring on one or more persons the right to receive the death/retirement gratuity in the event of his death while in service or after, before receiving the retirement gratuity. Retirement gratuity remaining unpaid at the time of death, death gratuity due is payable in equal share to all the surviving members of his family when there is no nomination of the employee available. Recovery of Government dues if any, from DCRG is permissible without the consent of the nominee. COMMUTATION OF PENSION Every pensioner is eligible to commute a portion of pension not exceeding 40% of the monthly payment for a lumpsum payment w.e.f. 01.01.1996. if he applies for commutation before expiry of one year reckoned from date of retirement. After expiry of one year the employee will have to under go prescribed medical examination for commuting the pension. Calculation of commutation of amount is done as under: Commutation factor x 12x amount of pension offered for commutation.



The reduction in the amount of pension on commutation will become operative from the date of receipt of commuted value or at the end of 3 months after issue off the authority for payment, whichever is earlier. When the pension I revised upwards retrospectively, payment of commuted value of quantum of increase in pension may be authorised without further application from the pensioner. The pensioners are entitled to have the commuted portion of pension on the expiry of 15 years from the date of retirement. STUDY LEAVE: Study leave is granted to a railway employee other than group D employees for undergoing a special course consisting of higher studies or specialized training in a professional or technical subjects having a direct and close connection with the sphere of his duties or being capable of widening his mind and improving his efficiency. This leave is not granted for studies in academic or literary subjects. Study leave can be granted for a maximum period of 24 months in the entire service and shall not exceed 12 months at any one time. This leave will not be debited to the Leave Account and may be combined with any other leave due. Maximum period of continuous absence with including vacation if any, but excluding extra ordinary leave should not exceed 28 months. If study is for study outside India, the permission of Finance Ministry should be obtained together with release of necessary Foreign Exchange. One who does not resume after study leave or having resumed, quits service within 3 years or does not complete/pass the necessary course will have to refund the cost incurred by the Government. The employee should also refund the amount of leave salary. Cost of Fees, TA and other expenses if any incurred by the Administration. In exceptional cases, the President of India may waive such recoveries. PENSION SCHEME: Pension is admissible to permanent employees who retire or retired wit a qualifying service of not less than 10 years. Temporary who retire on superannuation or invalidation after rendering not less than 10 years of service or retire voluntarily after 20 years of continuous service are also eligible for pension. The following are different classes of pension. a) Superannuation pension on retirement after superannuation while on duty or on leave or on suspension. b) Retirement Pension on voluntary or premature retirement before superannuation. c) Invalid pension on retirement after being declared medically unfit for further Railway service. d) Compensation Pension on opting for discharge owing to the abolition of a permanent post and provision of alternative appointment of equal status not being possible or offer of a lower post being not acceptable.



e) f)

Compulsory retirement pension on compulsory retirement as a measure of penalty by the competent authority. Compassionate pension on dismissal or removal. The amount such pension shall not exceed two-thirds of pension or gratuity or both which would have been admissible if the employee had not retired on compassionate pension and should not be less than Rs.1275/.

Qualifying Service: Qualifying service of a Railway employee commences from the date he takes charge of the post to which his first appointed in permanent capacity. Temporary service followed by confirmation without break will also qualify for service. The following period of service count as qualifying service Duty and periods treated as duty. All kinds of leave with leave salary. Deputation and Foreign Service. Extraordinary leave with medical certificate or without medical certificate on special sanction or for prosecuting higher studies. e) Periods of pre appointment training in case of Group C and Group D staff. f) Service on probation followed by confirmation. The following periods of service will not count for qualifying service. a) b) c) Service rendered before attaining age of 18 ears. Unauthorized absence treated as dies-non. Absence period not regularized as leave with leave salary. a) b) c) d)

Qualifying service for pension/gratuity is calculated on completed half year. Fractions equal to 3 months and above shall be treated as half year and fractions less than 3 months will be ignored. Calculation of Pension; Full pension is admissible to an employee who retires after completing a qualifying service of not less than 3 years of service. The amount of pension is determined at 50% of the average emoluments subject to a minimum of Rs. 1275/- and the maximum of 50% of the highest pay. Proportion pension is admissible to an employee who retires before completing 33 years of qualifying service but after completing 10 years of qualifying service. The amount of pension will be proportionate to the amount of pension admissible for qualifying service of 33 years.



Question Bank for the post of OS-II in grade Rs. 5500-9000

1. What are the basic commercial statistics that are compiled by the Railways? Write in detail about gross earning statement. 2. What do you understand by carrying capacity and permissible carrying capacity? How punitive charges are levied for overloading different types of wagons? 3. What are the liabilities of Railways as Common Carrier of Goods? 4. What is Claims and Claims prevention? What are the steps taken by the Railways to prevent Claims? 5. Write short notes on the following: (i) Open Delivery (ii) Assessment Delivery 6. What is the process for disposal of unconnected wagons? 7. How goods/parcels are delivered in the absence of RR? 8. Write short notes on the following: (i) Diversion (ii) Rebooking 9. What are the various modes of payment towards freight charges? Explain. 10. Write short notes on the following: (i) RRT (ii) RCT 11. Write about the rules regarding refund of fares on unused / partially used reserved / unreserved tickets 12. What is Railway Users Consultative Committees? Describe its function 13. What is a siding? What are the types of siding? Write about the process of opening of a private siding. 14. How are siding charges fixed and what factors are taken into account while fixing the same? 15. Write about the station outstandings. What is the process of clearing station outstanding? 16. Write short notes on the following (i) Rules for postponement and preponement of journey. (ii) Rules for issue of Duplicate ticket 17. Write short notes on the following: (i) Tatkal Reservation Scheme (ii) Emergency Quota 18. Write short notes on the following (i) Said to contain RR (ii) Credit Note 19. Write short notes on the following (i) RTSA (ii) Out-Agency 20. Write short notes on the following (i) Station Balance-Sheet (ii) NR Cell 21. Write short notes on the following Public Grievance Redressal Machinery. (i) (ii) PNM




22. What is Passenger Amenities? What are the steps being taken by the Railway Administration to improve Passenger Amenities? 23. Define Wharfage and Demurrage charges. What are the circumstances in which a Commercial Officer can ordinarily waive off Wharfage and Demurrage charges? Write the Schedule of Powers. 24. What are various guidelines issued by the Railway Board for leasing of SLR space in Passenger trains? 25. Write about the procedure of imposing major penalty under D&A Rules. 26. Write about the procedure of imposing minor penalty under D&A Rules. 27. What are the incentives and Awards scheme available on South Central Railway for implementation of Hindi? 28. What are the various passes available in the Railways? Write with the entitlement criteria. 29. What are the conditions for granting trainload benefit for goods traffic? 30. Explain the procedure of Registration, Indenting and Allotment of wagons for Goods traffic. In what cases WDRF is not charged? 31. What are the types of Passenger Tickets? What is the process of indenting and supply of Printed Card Tickets? 32. What are the different kinds of checks conducted by Ticket checking organization to eradicate ticketless travelling? 33. Write about the general rules for exchange of various concessions on Indian Railways. 34. What do you understand by Rationalization Scheme? What are general rules for routing of traffic? 35. Write short notes on the following: (i) POET (ii) IVRS 36. Write short notes on the following: (i) FOIS (ii) UTS 37. What are various guidelines issued by the Railway Board for Vehicle Parking contracts? 38. What are various guidelines issued by the Railway Board for Catering and vending Contracts at D and E category of stations? 39. Describe the procedure for dealing with public complaints. What organizations are set up for redressal of public complaints at Divisional and Zonal level. 40. Write down the Railway Board policy regarding allotment of STD/PCO booths at railway stations. 41. What is the importance of Public Relations in Railways and explain the Public Relation Organisation in Zonal Railway. 42. What are the sources of station earnings? On what accounts withdrawals can be made from station earnings? 43. Write short notes on the following: (i) Privilege Ticket Order


(ii) Pension Scheme 44. What are audit objections? How a draft Para is dealt with? 45. Describe the procedure for remittance of station earnings and their accountal.

Objective Questions Fill in the Blanks: 1. Scheduled date for submission of Coaching Balance sheet by station is ____ of the month. 2. Scheduled date for submission of Goods Balance sheet by station is ____ of the month. 3. Error Sheets are prepared in ___ copies. 4. _____ is the head of public complaints at Divisional Level. 5. A public complaint is made in ___ copies. 6. The Local Blank Paper Tickets (BPTs) are _____ coloured books. 7. The Excess Fare Tickets (EFTs) are _____ coloured books. 8. No. of languages mandatory on IInd class unreserved printed card tickets are ___. 9. On a computerized reservation ticket PNR stands for ____________. 10. Ticket checking staff will issue ____ ticket only. 11. Cash Remittance Note has one __ foil and two ____ foils. 12. As a result of ___ check of traffic documents and returns rendered by stations, Error Sheets are issued by the Traffic Accounts Office. 13. ______are deputed at Cash Office from Commercial Dept. to protect the interest of the station staff 14. Correction slips are issued by _____. 15. RDSO stands for _____. 16. CRIS stands for ______. 17. IRFC stands for _____. 18. IRCON stands for ____. 19. RITES stands for _____. 20. COIS stands for _____. 21. FOIS stands for ____. 22. AGM stands for ___. 23. MOSR stands for _____. 24. Soldier ticket is issued in exchange of military warrant No.____. 25. Sleeping accommodation is provided from ___ to ____ hours. 26. Accommodation for ladies must be reserved in trains as per section ___ of railways Act, 1989. 27. Safety Surcharges are collected for every class of travel on ____ basis. 28. ATM stands for ___ 29. Demurrage charge is prescribed per ___ per ___ basis. 30. J.S.R. stands for ___ 31. J.S.R. is prepared in ____ copies. 32. Wharfage for goods is levied per ___ per ___ basis. 33. Admitted debits above Rs. ___ can be cleared by salary recovery. 34. Exhibition and surrender of passes and tickets is governed by section_____ of Railway Act.



35. IRCA concession is allowed on ___ fare only. 36. When WDRF receipt is lost, refund can be made on the strength of ___ 37. The refund of WDRF should be claimed within ___ years. 38. The initial document that determines the railway liability for loss, damage, etc. of goods/parcels is ____ 39. Forwarding Note should be preserved for a minimum period of _____ 40. The highest scale in the Parcel is _____ 41. In case of diversion, outstanding at the original destination is cleared on the strength of ___.

42. The minimum commission for the halt contractor is Rs.____ 43. Coaching tariff No. _____ contains rules for various concessions allowed on journey tickets. 44. PTVM stands for ______ 45. Unrealized earning of a station is termed as __________. 46. Earnings from parcel traffic come under the head _______. 47. Earnings from catering units come under the head _______. 48. The check conducted with an object to fix or refix the target is _______. 49. Validity period of identity card issued along with season ticket is ___ years. 50. Script of Rajbhasha is ______.

Multiple Choice Questions 1. Head of Public complaints at Zonal level is (A) CCM (B) COM (C) AGM (D) SDGM 2. General Managers of Zonal Railways are provided with ____ metal pass. (A) Silver (B) Gold (C) Platinum (D) Diamond 3. HOR is issued to high officials such as (A) CCM (B) FA&CAO (C) GM (D) Governor 4. Cloak-room charges per article for first 24 hours or part of is Rs.____ (A) 10/- (B) 12/- (C) 15/- (D) 20/5. _____ contains details of various concessions allowed by Railways in fares. (A) Coaching tariff Part I Vol I (B) Coaching tariff Part I Vol II (C) Coaching tariff Part II (D) Coaching tariff Part III 6. RAC facility is not available in (A) Sleeper class (B) AC 3-tier (C) AC 2-tier (D) AC FC 7. For every break journey, fresh ___ is payable (A) safety surcharge (B) super-fast supplementary charge (C) reservation charge (D) clerkage 8. For the purpose of placing ticket indent, stations are classified as ___ depending upon the sale of Ticket



(A) monthly, quarterly, half-yearly (B) quarterly, half-yearly, yearly (C) monthly, quarterly, yearly (D) monthly, half-yearly, yearly 9. After verification of supplied printed card tickets, the acknowledgement foil should be sent to ___ office by the station master. (A) Accounts (B) Sr.DCM (C) Printing Press (D) CCM 10. Transfer of certain tickets is prohibited as per section ___ of railways Act,1989. (A) 49 (B) 53 (C) 54 (D) 55 11. As per section ___ of Railways Act, 1989 exclusive accommodation must be provided for ladies by all passenger carrying trains. (A) 54 (B) 58 (C) 59 (D) 60 12. Permission for booking of explosives is (A) B certificate (B) C certificate (C) H certificate (D) Form 16 13. Sale notices are served under section ___ of Railways Act, 1989. (A) 83,84 (B) 89,90 (C) 94,95 (D) 81,82 14. Responsibility as a carrier of luggage is defined by section ___ of railways Act, 1989. (A) 98 (B) 64 (C) 100 (D) 102 15. Act which deals with the duty rosters to be given to a railway employee is ___ (A) Payment of wages Act (B) Workmen compensation Act (C) H.O.E.R (D) Company Act 16. Gents detected traveling in ladies compartment are liable for prosecution under section __ of Railways Act (A) 58 (B) 162 (C) 53 (D) 144 17. Minimum weight for charging luggage is ___ kg (A) 10 (B) 20 (C) 30 (D) 50 18. Ex-gratia payment for serious injury in case of accident is ____ (A) Rs.15000/- (B)Rs.10000/- (C) Rs.5000/- (D) Rs.500/19. Which of the following is a non-journey ticket (A) CJT (B) EFT (C) BPT (D) Luggage ticket 20. Exhibition and surrender of passes and tickets is governed by section ___ of Railways Act (A) 51 (B) 54 (C) 55 (D) 56 21. Time limit for first application for waiver of demurrage charges for siding is __ (A) 10 days (B) 30 days (C) 90 days (D) 1 year 22. In computerized coaching refund scheme TTE prepares __ (A) TCR (B) EDR (C) CDR (D) TDR 23. Compensation under the Passenger Insurance Scheme is settled by _____. (A) Sr.DCM (B) CCM (C) RRT (D) RCT 24. The monetary ceiling in declaring private cash for station staff is Rs. __ (A) 200 (B) 250 (C) 500 (D) 750 25. Trains with __ utilization of parcel space are notified as premier trains by Zonal Railways (A) 50% (B) 60% (C) 70% (D) 80% 26. Break journey can be permitted for those holding single journey tickets for distance more than



(A) 400 km (B) 500 km (C) 800 km (D) 1000 km 27. Concession fare shall be calculated on (A) total fare (B) basic fare (C) reservation charges (D) none of these 28. Exchange of berths in the coach between passengers is (A) not permitted (B) permitted with the knowledge of TTE (C) permitted on collection of Surcharge (D) none of these 29. No. of concessions allowed at a time is (A) one (B) two (C) three (D) four 30. On a circular journey ticket reservation charges are collected (A) once (B) no reservation charges (C) for each leg of journey (D) none of these 31. On a circular journey ticket super fast surcharge is collected (A) once for any times of journey by super fast trains (B) no super fast surcharge (C) for each leg of journey by super fast train (D) none of these 32. Ex-gratia payment for death in case of accident is ____ (A) Rs.15000/- (B)Rs.10000/- (C) Rs.4 lakhs (D) Rs. 3.6 lakhs 33. Ticket Collector should enter the collected tickets in (A) DTC book (B) TCR (C) TDR (D) none of these 34. Person found transferring his reserved ticket with business motive should be prosecuted as per section __ of Railways Act, 1989. (A) 141 (B) 142 (C) 143 (D) 144 35. The check conducted with an object to fix or revise the target is called __ (A) Massive check (B) replacement check (C) CRB check (D) operational check 36. The minimum distance for charge in sleeper class is __ (A) 100 km (B) 150 km (C) 200 km (D) 250 km 37. Parcels booked by Rajdhani express is charged at scale __ (A) S (B) P (C) R (D) L 38. Maximum number of break journey allowed on a circular journey ticket is __ (A) 5 (B) 8 (C) 10 (D) 12 39. Minimum number of coaches for a special train for public is __ (A) 10 (B) 12 (C) 15 (D) 18 40. The ticket estimate should be revised for every __ years (A) 2 (B) 3 (C) 4 (D) 5 41. __ is the complete record of all coaching earnings maintained at the stations. (A) DTC- book (B) CR-Note (C) Station balance sheet (D) Cash book 42. In case of private siding, the staff cost is borne by __ (A) siding owner (B) railways (C) both siding owner and railways (D) none of these 43. Non-issued tickets are sent to Accounts Office every day through (A) way bills (B) courier (C) CR-Note (D) monthly returns 44. Before placing emergent indent, approval of __ should be obtained (A) Accounts Office (B) Printing Press (C) Sr.DCM (D) CCM 45. If the freight charges shown on the invoice/RR are less than the actually due, they are called__ (A) Undercharges (B) Overcharges (C) Supercharges (D) Subcharges



46. If the freight charges shown on the invoice/RR are more than the actually due, they are called _ (A) Undercharges (B) Overcharges (C) Supercharges (D) Subcharges 47. When a wagon is not released within free time __ charges should be collected (A) Wharfage (B) Demurrage (C) Stabling (D) Stocking 48. SLR space consists of two compartments each of capacity ___ tons. (A) 4 (B) 5 (C) 8 (D) 10 49. General forwarding note is valid for ___ months (A) 3 (B) 4 (C) 5 (D) 6 50. ___ works as NR cell at Divisional level (A) traffic control (B) commercial control (C) nominated goods shed (D) nominated station Answers to Objective Questions Fill in the blanks: 1. 12th 2. 22nd 3. 4 4. ADRM 5. 3 6. Pink 7. White 8. Three 9. Passenger Name Record Number 10. Excess Fare 11. Block, Counter 12. Internal 13. Traffic Cash Witnesses 14. Zonal railways 15. Research Design & Standards Organization 16. Centre for Railway Information System 17. Indian Railway Finance Corporation 18. Indian Railway construction Corporation 19. Rail India Technical and Economic Services 20. Coaching Operated Information System 21. Freight Operated Information System 22. Additional General Manager 23. Minister of State for Railways 24. IAFT 1707 25. 21.00 hours, 06.00 hours 26. 58 27. Per Passenger 28. Automatic Teller Machine 29. 8-wheeler wagon, hour 30. Joint Survey Report 31. 3



32. Quintal, day 33. 100 34. 54 35. Basic 36. Indemnity Bond 37. 3 38. Forwarding Note 39. 5 years 40. scale R 41. COC 42. 500 43. Coaching tariff Part I vol II 44. Platform Ticket Vending Machine 45. Station Outstanding 46. Other Coaching earnings 47. Sundry earnings 48. Replacement 49. 5 50. Devnagari Multiple choice questions: 1. C 2. B 3. D 4. A 5. B 6. D 7. C 8. B 9. A 10. B 11. B 12. C 13. B 14. C 15. C 16. B 17. A 18. C 19. D 20. B 21. B 22. B 23. D 24. B 26. D 27. B 28. B 29. A 30. C 31. A 32. A 33. B 34. B 35. B 36. C 37. C 38. B 39. C 40. B 41. A 42. A 43. C 44. C 45. A 46. B 47. B 48. A 49. D



25. D

50. B

Question bank for Selection for the post of Office Superintendent Grade II in Scale Rs. 5,500-9,000 (RS) in the claims seniority group. 1 2. 3 What is the procedure to be followed or settlement of high value claims? What are the responsibilities of railways as common carriers? What is the procedure followed for settlement of claims for compensation for death or injury in case of accidents/untoward incidents? What are the various steps taken by railways to prevent claims arising out of loss/damage/destruction/deterioration/non-delivery of goods? Write in detail the procedure followed for disposal of a) Excess unconnected goods. b) Unconnected wagons/parcels. Write short notes on Open Delivery and Assessment Delivery? Write short notes on any three of the following: a) b) c) d) 8 9 10 11 Wagon Demand Registration Fee. Exemption from payment of WDRF. Refund of WDRF. Premier Registration Scheme. b)Credit Notes


6 7

Write short notes on a) Weight only system

What is the procedure for granting delivery of Goods in the absence of Railway Receipt and Invoice? What is perishable deposit? Differentiate rebooking and diversion? What is the procedure for indenting of printed card tickets? What is recalled indent? What are the general rules for booking of luggage? What is the maximum permissible limit for carrying luggage with passengers in different classes? What is meant by Rationalization of Parcel Traffic? How does it help Railways in minimizing claims? What are the various scales under which parcels are charged? What is PCEV charge and how do you calculate PCEV charges for motorcycles?


13 14



15 16 17

What is the basis for categorization of stations for the purpose of providing passenger amenities? What are the classifications of passenger amenities? What is irregular travel? What is the penalty levied on a passenger detected travelling without ticket? What is meant by Station Outstanding? What are the steps taken to minimize outstanding? Write short notes on any two: a) ZRUCC b) DRUCC c) Station Consultative Committee. Enumerate the refund rules under the following circumstances: a) Abnormal circumstances b) Failure of Air Conditioning Equipment c) Loss of Tickets. Write short notes on the following a) Revised Tatkal Scheme Write Short Notes on the following: a) RCT b) RRT

18 19



Ticket Deposit Receipt.



Claims Website


Write Short Notes on the following a) MRs 11 point programme b) Single File System c) Method to watch Boards and MRs references What are the incentives and Awards Scheme available on S.C. Railway for implementation of Hindi?

22 23

What are the constitutional provision regarding use of Official Language Policy? ** Objective Type Questions: Fill in the blanks. 1. RCF stands for _________________________. 2. FOIS stands for ___________________________________. 3. IVRS stands for ____________________________________. 4. POET stands for ____________________________________ 5. COIS stands for _____________________________________.

7. RDSO stands for ______________________________________. 8. CRIS stands for ______________________________________.



6. CONCERT stands for __________________________________.

9. IRCTC stands for _______________________________________. 10. RITES stand for ____________________________________. 11. IRCON stands for ___________________________________________. 12. IRFC stands for ____________________________________________. 13. NTES stands for ___________________________________________. 14. EOL stands for ____________________________________________. 15. Commercial Manual Vol.I deals with___________. 16. Commercial Manual Vol. II deals with _____________________. 17. Goods Tariff Part I Vol I contains rules regarding _____________ of goods. 18. Goods Tariff Part I Vol II contains rules regarding _____________ of goods. 19. Goods Tariff Part II contains _____________ of goods. 20. Coaching Tariff part I contains rules regarding ____________. 21. Coaching Tariff part II contains rules regarding ____________. 22. Coaching Tariff part III contains rules regarding ____________. 23. TRC stands for ____________________________________________ 24. SORC stands for ___________________________________________ 25. Bans are imposed by _________________________. 26. Restrictions are imposed by _____________________. 27. Wagon demand cannot be accepted when _______________ are in force. 28. Forwarding note should be preserved for a minimum period of _____________. 29. Preferential traffic order is governed by Section ___ of the railway act. 30. Excepting on ___________ days allotment of wagons should be done as per priority.

32. PTO is published by _______________________.



31. PT Order is valid a period of ______________________.

33. Allotment of wagons as per oldest date of registration is done on ______________. 34. The number of priorities in PT Order is _______________. 35. For dispose unconnected or undelivered goods y public auction instructions from _______________ is required. 36. In case of said to contain RR, excess packages are delivered on _____________________________ and _______________________. 37. WT is certified by ____________________. 38. BCX standard rake consists ____________ wagons 39. Change of commodity is permitted by the DCM if the commodity is __________________. 40. In case of misdeclaration, the minimum penalty per quintal is ___________. 41. If PCEV charges are not paid Railways liability per sheep/goat is _______. 42. L condition means _________________________________________. 43. In general classifications letterd indicates ________________________. 44. In general classification letter small p indicates ___________________. 45. M & DG stands for ____________________________________________ 46. SWA stands for ______________________________________________ 47. SLO stands for _____________________________________________ 48. VDS stands for _____________________________________________ 49. JSR stands for __________________________________________ 50. MPA stands for ________________________________________ 51. Delivery short of destination is called _______________________. 52. Diversion fee per wagon is Rs. ____________________. 53. When consignments are diverted freight outstanding can be cleared through _______________________. 54. Rebooking of perishables is ___________________.



55. When consignments are rebooked freight outstanding can be cleared through ______________. 56. RR is issued at the door step of consignor in _______________ services. 57. Specially reduced rates is applicable in ______________ to _____________ rate. 58. Demurrage charge is levied on per___________________basis. 59. Normal Goods shed working hours are from _______ to ________.. 60. DDM/DDPC is addressed to ______________________. 61. Damage and Deficiency message is issued with in __________ hours of opening of the wagon. 62. Joint survey report is prepared in ____________ copies. 63. Joint survey report is submitted to _________________. 64. Wharfage charges on Goods are on per __________________ basis. 65. Wharfage charges on Parcels are on per _________________ basis. 66. Free time allowed on inward goods for levy of wharfage charge is ___________________. 67. Wax seals should not be used on wagons loaded with ______________. 68. The object of riveting a wagon is to ________________. 69. Maximum number of rivets that can be provided on each door is ______________. 70. Rivets are bent at _____________ angles 71. Minimum PCEV charge for general commodities is ___________________. 72. WDRF for a 4 wheeler BG wagon is _____________________. 73. WDRF is refunded when the demand is cancelled after _________ days. 74. Private marking is done by _____________.


76. In a four wheeler wagon the number of consignments that can be clubbed is ______.


75. Sale notices are served under section __________ and __________.

77. In a bogie wagon the number of consignments that be clubbed is______ 78. Permission of DCM is required to rebook _________________________. 79. In case of wagon load general goods the weight for charge is rounded off to ______ 80. If PCEV is not paid the Railway liability per Bull is _____________. 81. If PCEV is not paid the Railway liability per Elephant is _____________. 82. If PCE If PCEV is not paid the Railway liability per Dog is _____________. 83. If PCEV is not paid the Railway liability per Horse is _____________. 84. When packages are short, excess or exchanged ____________ is issued. 85. Section ________ of the Railway Act is connected with the Sidings. 86. The extent of monetary liability for loss/damage of goods is prescribed in section ________ of Railway Act. 87. In case of undelivered general goods sale notices are served after _______ days. 88. Error sheets are prepared in Accounts Office and sent to station in _______ foils. 89. Error sheets receive from Accounts office should be accounted on ________ side of the balance sheet. 90. In case of consignments which are diverted enroute outstanding freight at original destination is cleared by ____________. 91. SMs are authorized to grant refund of overcharges of freight at the time of delivery in case of _____________. 92. Wharfage remission orders are accounted on the ____________ side of the balance sheet. 93. Wharfage accrued is accounted on the _____________ side of the balance sheet. 94. Exgratia payment to passengers in case of simple injuries is Rs. ______. 95. Exgratia payment to passengers in case of grievous injuries is Rs. ____ 96. Exgratia payable in case of death of a passenger is Rs. ______ 97. Compensation payable in case of death of a passenger is Rs. ____



98. Compensation payable to passenger in case of permanent disability is Rs __ 99. Maximum compensation payable in case of any grievous injuries is _________ 100. Admitted debits should be immediately paid if the amount is upto ____________. 101. Demurrage charges accrued is accounted on the __________ side of the balance sheet. 102. Short Accountal and Short Remittances upto Rs.100/- should be cleared through __________________. 103. SMs are not authorized to grant refund of overcharges at the time of delivery in respect of ____________ or __________________. 104. At the end of the day, the SM will remit station earnings through ______________. 105. EOL is permissible for siding notified for charging freight on ____________ 106. Prior Finance concurrence is required for waiver of DC/WC charge, when the demurrage accured is more than Rs. _________ per wagon/consignment. Multiple Choice Questions: 1 ( 2 ( 3 ( 4 ( 5 ( 6 ( ) ) Head of pubic relations department t Zonal level is (a) CPRO (b) CCM (c) COM (d) Sr.DCM Functions of the Commercial Department are (a) Sale of transport (b) Development of traffic (c) Maintaining public relations (d) all. Head of public complaints at Zonal railway is (a) Sr.DOM (b) AGM (c) DRM (d) COM

) )

Head of Public complaints at Divisional level is (a) Sr.DCM (b) ADRM (c) Sr.DOM (d) DRM

DDM should be issued within _____ hours from the time of opening of the wagon. ) (a). 3 (b). 4 (c). 5 (d). 6 ) J.S.R. is submitted to (a). CCM (b). CCO (c). DCM (d). ACM



7 ( 8 ( 9 ( 10 (

SM is empowered to deliver the consignments on indemnity bond up to a maximum of ) (a). Rs.50,000 (b).Rs.One lakh (c).Rs.2 lakhs (d). Rs.80,000 ) Sale notice should be served under sections (a).83,84 (b). 64,66 (c). 89,90 (d). none (d)

________ consignments are not delivered on indemnity bond. ) (a) Self (b) Perishables (c)To pay consignments None

Time limit for claiming refund on perishable deposit is ______ months from the date of delivery ) (a) 3 (b) 4 (c) 6 (d) 7

8. When invoice is not available, for delivery of general goods on indemnity bond, permission is required from ( ) (a) SM (b) CPO (c) DCM (d) FA & CAO 9. Gate pass is prepared in __________ foils ( ) (a) two (b) three (c) four 10. Duplicate RR is ( ) (a)can be issued (d)None (b)Cant be issued (d) none (c)Is permitted by CCM

11. DDPC is issued ( ) (a) Within 6 hours (b) On the day of unloading (c) Within 24 hours (d)Within 48 hours. 12. General Indemnity bond is valid for ( ) (a) 1 year (b) 6 months (c) 3 years (d) 7 days 13. Packages may remain unconnected for want of ( ) (a) Private or Railway marking (b) Illegible marking (c)Markings are faded and unreadable (d) All of these 14. Monetary limit of CCM to waive demurrage charge is ( ) (a) Rs. 25,000/(b) Rs. 50,000/c) Rs. 1 lakh (d) Full powers 15. Monetary limit of GM to waive demurrage charge is ( ) (a) Rs. 25,000/(b) Rs. 50,000/c) Rs. 1 lakh (d) Full powers 16. Pre-ponement of journey on reserved ticket is permitted ( ) (a) 6 hours before departure of train (b) 24 hours before departure (c) 3 days in advance (d) None of these 17. Postponement of journey on reserved ticket is permitted



( ) (a) 6 hours before departure of train departure (c) 3 days in advance

(b) 24 hours before (d) None of these

18. Tatkal charge collected on sleeper class ticket during peak period ( ) (a) Rs.75/(b) Rs.150/(c) Rs.200/- (d) Rs.300/19. Tatkal charge collected on AC Chair Car ticket during peak period ( ) (a) Rs.75/(b) Rs.150/(c) Rs.200/- (d) Rs.300/20. Tatkal charge collected on AC3Tier class ticket during peak period ( ) (a) Rs.75/(b) Rs.150/(c) Rs.200/- (d) Rs.300/21. Tatkal charge collected on AC2Tier class ticket during peak period ( ) (a) Rs.75/(b) Rs.150/(c) Rs.200/- (d) Rs.300/22. Tatkal charge collected on sleeper class ticket during non-peak period ( ) (a) Rs.75/(b) Rs.150/(c) Rs.200/- (d) Rs.300 23. Tatkal charge collected on AC Chair Car ticket during non-peak period ( ) (a) Rs.75/(b) Rs.150/(c) Rs.200/- (d) Rs.300/24. Tatkal charge collected on AC3Tier ticket during non-peak period ( ) (a) Rs.75/(b) Rs.150/(c) Rs.200/- (d) Rs.300/25. Tatkal charge collected on AC2Tier ticket during non-peak period ( ) (a) Rs.75/(b) Rs.150/(c) Rs.200/- (d) Rs.300/-



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