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Cult of the Omnissiah

Battle for Ammoriss Rules Supplement for Necromunda

The Adeptus Mechanicus have a strong presence on Ammoriss. Their manufactorums and mining operations are a well know part of life. Millions of workers toil for the benefit of the Omnissiah and under the watchful gaze of his priests. As a result of the widespread reach of the Adeptus Mechnicus on Ammoriss, a minority of citizens have adopted the Cult of the Omnissiah for themselves. The under-dwellers of Imperial Tower are no different. The Cult of the Omnissiah is one of many sanctioned cults allowed by the Ecclesiarchy on Ammoriss. However, it is one of the most popular. It is estimated that one in ten citizens are followers of the Ad-Mechs philosophies. Much to the Ecclesiarchies dismay, the Red Tower actively promotes the Cult of the Omnissiah and often draws from its adherents into the ranks of the local tech-adepts. The Cult of the Omnissiah offers simple tenants to lead a spiritual life by following the Emperor as Omnissiah. The famous sixteen laws. These laws deem the machine as perfection and all other forms as naturally flawed. As a result, bionic replacement, metal grafting, and other body modifications are popular within the ranks of the Cult. The more modifications, the more difficult it is for the devotee to blend into regular Ammoriss society, and the deeper they become involved in the Cult Mechanicus. During the Battle for Ammoriss, restlessness and terror spread throughout the lower levels of Imperial Tower. To protect themselves, those citizens loyal to the Cult of the Omnissiah gathered into gangs for self-protection, and other less noble purposes. They were frequently eager to help suppress other gangs and cults in their territories.

Special Rules:

Gang: The Cult of the Omnissiah follows the normal rules for a Gang found in Necromunda. They are NOT outlaws.

Recruiting the Cult

The Cult of the Omnissiah is recruited the same way as a regular gang. The gang begins with 1,000 credits to purchase members and equipment with. Minimum of 3 Fighters: A cult must start with no less than 3 fighters. Adept Potential: Your cult must include one Adept Potential, no more and no less. 0-2 Lay-Brothers: Your cult may only have up to 2 Lay-Brothers. Juves: No more than half the cult can be made up of Juves. Servitors: Your cult can not have more servitors than it has Menials. Menials: Your cult may include any number of Menials.

Cost: 130 Experience: 60+1d6 The Adept Potential is the member most closely aligned with the 16 Universal Laws of the Cult of the Omnissiah. As part of the process of becoming a fully fledged Tech-Priest, he has taken up the mantle of Cult leader to prove himself to his superiors. By way of his works to spread the word of the Omnissiah and support his fellow Cult Mechanicus members, he seeks to gain entry into the exclusive order of the Red Tower. Due to his progression on the path to joining the Adeptus Mechanicus, the Adept Potential has all ready begun to acquire bionic replacements and enhancements.

1 Adept Potential

He has begun to shed the frail and flawed way of flesh, and to take up the perfection of the machine. Profile Adept Potential M WS 4 BS 4 S 4 T 3 W 3 I 1 A 4 LD 1 8

Equipment: An Adept Potential may be equipped with Armor Plates for 20 credits each. Weapons: An Adept Potential may be given weapons from the Bionics, Close Combat, Pistol, Special, Grenades and Shells weapon lists.

Special Rules:
Leadership: An Adept Potential has the respect and adoration of his fellow Cult members. This provides the Adept Potential with the Leader special ability. He always counts as having a friend within 2, this means he can always test to avoid pinning. Any cult member within 6 of the Adept Potential may use the Leadership characteristic of the Adept Potential when taking a leadership test. The benefit applies as long as the Adept Potential is not down or broken himself.

0-2 Lay Brothers

Cost: 60 Experience: 40+d6 Lay Brothers are particularly devout followers of the Cult of the Omnissiah, who have not chosen to seek the Red Robes of a Tech-Priest. However, their technical knowledge and ability with the Machine-Spirits is still more advanced then the common practitioner. As a result, they often have access to the best equipment the cult has to offer. Profile Lay Brother M 4 WS 3 BS 3 S 3 T 3 W 1 I 3 A 1 LD 7

Weapons: Lay Brothers may be armed with weapons chosen from basic, Hand-toHand, Pistols, Special, Heavy Weapons, and Grenade and Shells lists.

Cost: 25 Credits Experience: 0 Juves are young, inexperienced members of the cult. They are eager to join and please the other more senior members of the cult. They are filled with the ideals of the Omnissiah and the 16 Laws. However, they are unreliable and unsteady. In time, their understanding will mature, and their value to the cult will increase. Profile Juve M 4 WS 2 BS 2 S 3 T 3 W 1 I 3 A 1 LD 6

Weapons: Juves may be armed with weapons from the Hand-to- Hand, Pistols, and Grenades and Shells list.

Cost: 50 Experience: 20 +d6 Menials form the bulk of the Cult. They are dependable adherents tot eh cult, and willing to help defend the 16 Universal Laws by word or deed. Profile Menial M WS 4 BS 3 S 3 T 3 W 3 I 1 A 3 LD 1 7


Weapons: Menials may be armed with weapons from the Hand-to-Hand, Pistols, Basic, or Grenads and Shells lists.

Cost: 80 credits Experience: 50+d6 Servitors are lobotomized souls reprogrammed by Tech-Adepts and their ilk to perform their duties thoughtlessly. They cannot think for themselves, and can only take direction from their masters. Profile Servitor M WS 4 BS 3 S 3 T 3 W 3 I 1 A 3 LD 1 6


Equipment: A Servitor maybe equipped with Armor Plates for 20 credits each. Weapon: A servitor MUST be given one weapon from the Heavy weapon list and Bionics list. Once a Heavy Weapon is selected for a Servitor, it cannot be upgraded or changed for a different weapon. Skills: All Servitors have the Muscle skill Bulging Biceps. Special Rules: The cult must have a Lay-Brother or Adept Potential to use any Servitors. If none are available, then the Servitor may not be used, and is instead placed into the cults stash. He no longer adds to the gangs rating or cost upkeep. Weapon Link: The servitor has a heavy weapon grafted to them. As a result, they are always treated as encumbered in hand-to-hand. As a side-effect, the servitor does not benefit from any gun sights. Not a Free thinker: Servitors can only receive orders and follow its programming. As a result, it cannot run or charge. They may not hide. IN a scenario that requires a servitor to begin in hiding, it is instead placed out of sight. Servitors may not go on overwatch. They cannot earn income or work the Trading post.

Servitors are immune to fear and terror. Servitors must begin within 8 of another cult member at all times. If it is more than 8 away, the servitor must use its move to get within 8. Programming: Servitors are pre-programmed to perform basic tasks and functions. Before each game, roll a d6 and consult the Servitor Programming chart. 123456Shooting: Choose a shooting skill for this game. Well-Oiled machine: The servitor gains the Weaponsmith skill for this game. Camouflage: The Servitor may Hide as normal this game. Tracking: The Servitor may use Overwatch this game. Machine Spirits: The servitor can be pinned and ignores all flesh wounds. Saturation Fire: Choose one Heavy Skill for this game.

Experience: Servitors do not gain any additional experience once starting experience has been determined. Any experience a Servitor would have gained is simply lost. Repairing a Servitor: Servitors cannot gain experience in order to overcome serious injuries. However, they can be repaired by a Lay-Brother or Adept Potential. The repairing cult member can do nothing else during the post battle sequence. The cult then spends 50 credits on parts and equipment to repair the injury. The injury is simply removed from the Servitor. If the Adept Potential or Lay Brother went Out of Action during the game, then repairs cannot be made by that model during the post battle sequence. You do not have to repair serious injuries immediately on a Servitor, you can wait until a future post battle sequence.

Armor Plates
Servitors and Adept Potentials often have armored plates grafted to them for enhanced protection and to move away from the fragility of flesh. However, these metal grafts are bulky and cumbersome. A maximum of three metal plates can be added to a single model. Each plate improves the models armor saves by 1, but reduces their initiative by one. The minimum initiative for a model can have is 1.

Bionics are unique weapons and attachments fitted to Servitors and Adept Potentials to help them with their duties. Once purchased, they cannot be removed or replaced. If they are damaged, then they will act as a club. In the post-battle sequence, a Lay-Brother or Adept Potential can attempt to repair damaged bionics, assuming they were not put out-of-action during the previous game. If they repair bionics, then they cannot contribute to any other post-battle sequence activity including gathering income, repairing servitors, or working territories.

Roll a d6. On a 6, all damaged Bionics are replaced. Otherwise, they stay damaged. If the Cult has a workshop territory then the roll is a 4+ to succeed. Other hand-to-hand weapons: If a model with a Bionic is armed with more than one hand-to-hand weapon then the special rules for the Bionic Weapon only applies to hits with the Bionic Weapon. Remember, per the rules in the Necromunda rulebook, you alternate hits with close combat weapons. Therefore, only every other hit can use the special Bionic Weapon rules. Special Rules: In the event that a Bionic Weapon has a special rule that mimics a skill, then all rules that apply to the skill also apply to the weapon. Only the parry skill is stackable.

Cult of the Omnissiah Weapon List

Bionic Weapons Buzz Saw Chainsaw Claw Hammer Rock Drill Shears credits Cost 25 credits 25 credits 15 credits 20 credits 15 credits 15 Cost 5 Auto Pistol Las Pistol Stub Gun Basic Autogun Lasgun Shotgun Special Flamer Grenade Launcher Plasma Gun Heavy 15 15 10 Cost 20 25 20 Cost 40 130 70 Cost

Hand-to-Hand Weapons Knife (first knife is free) Chain/Flail 10 Club 10 Pistols


Heavy Stubber Heavy Bolter Auto-cannon Heavy Plasma Grenades and Shells

120 180 300 285 Cost

Bolt Shotgun Dum Dum Frag Hotshot Shotgun Krak Manstopper

15 5 30 5 50 5

Bionic Weapons
Any model may only have one Bionic weapon. Buzz Saw Buzz saws are used to cut scrap parts and other large cutting jobs. It is essentially a whirling disk of toothed steel. The Buzz Saw can part steel or flesh with a just an easy swing. Str Dam Save Ammo 5 1 -3 Special Rules: None Chainsaw Chainsaws are another versatile devise used to cut scrap metal, piping, cables, and other industrial jobs. The chainsaw is often attached to a wrist stump or forearm. Compared to other bionic weapons, the chainsaws long, jagged, edged blade is comparatively easy to wield in combat. Str Dam Save Ammo 4 1 -1 Special Rules: parry Claw The claw, or big grabber, is useful for moving heavy loads and objects. It is popular in the many mines that the Adeptus Mechanicus operate. Models armed with a claw can pick-up and hurl his opponent if he wins a round of hand-to-hand combat. This hurl is in addition to hitting his opponent. A hurled opponent can be thrown d6 in a direction chosen by the thrower. The victim suffers a single hit at a strength equal to half the distance thrown (rounding up). If the thrown victim strikes a wall or obstacle he stops there. If he hits another model, then both models suffer a hit as if hurled. If the thrown model goes off the edge of a building, use the rules found in the Necromunda Rulebook for falling models. Str Dam Save Ammo 4 1 -1 Special Rules: Throw as above Hammer Giant hammers are often useful in the foundries and manufactorums of the Ad-Mech. Such facilities are especially common in North Ammoriss. The force of a hammer blow can often drive an opponent to their knees before they can recover. Any opponent in hand-to-hand with a hammer equipped model has its weapon skill halved (rounding down) unless it can roll under its Initiative on a d6 at the start of each hand-to-hand combat phase. Str Dam Save Ammo 4 1 -1 Special: See above Rock Drill Since mining is such a common practice for the Ad-Mech to facilitate on North Ammoriss, Rock Drill implants are relatively common. These devices can bore through slag, minerals, and rock with ease. If a model armed with a Rock Drill inflicts

two or more hits in hand-to-hand combat then they may exchange all hits for a single increased strength and damage hit. The bonus is +1 strength and +1 damage for each hit after the first that is exchanged. Str Dam Save Ammo 4 1 -3 Special: See Above Shears Huge shears help servitors and techpriests dispose of scrap materials and other industrial waste. These shears are also very capable of snipping off pieces of people too. If a model armed with Shears hits and opponent in hand-to-hand and rolls a 6 to

wound, immediately roll a second d6. On a subsequent roll of 6, the opposing model has had his head snipped off unless he can make a saving throw (armor, dodge, etc) Any opponent that has its head snipped off is simply dead. No roll is needed on the serious injury table. The beheaded model is simply removed from the opponents roster. The beheaded model cannot be helped by the medic skill, medi-packs etc. They are dead. Str Dam Save Ammo User +1 1 -1 Special: See above

Cult of the Omnissiah Experience Table

Experience 0-5 6-10 11-15 16-20 21-30 become Menials) 31-40 41-50 51-60 61-80 81-100 101-120 121-140 141-160 161-180 181-200 201-240 241-280 281-320 321-360 361-400 401+ Title Green Juve (Starting point for Juves) Juve Juve Top Juve Menial (Starting point for Menials, Juves that reach this level Menial Menial (Starting Point for Lay Brothers) Menial Lay Brother (Starting Point for Adept Potentials) Lay Brother Lay Brother Lay Brother Lay Brother Lay Brother Lay Brother Adept Adept Adept Adept Adept Tech-Priest- Cult members may not advance any higher.

Cult of the Omnissiah Skill List

Agility Combat Stealth Adept x x Lay Menial x Juve Ferocity Techno x x x x Muscle x x x x x x Shooting x x

Cult of the Omnissiah Bionic Upgrade

If a 2 or a 12 is rolled on the advancement table, the Cult of the Omnissiah cultist may choose to upgrade with a Bionic upgrade (or armored plates) instead of choosing a new skill. The gang will need to have the credits available to purchase the upgrade, and the cultist being upgraded will have to miss the next battle as they recover from the surgery. Any gang member can only have one bionic upgrade. Any future upgrades rolled can only be for additional armored plates.

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