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2008 – 09 SAC Assembly - Meeting 5 02/11/09

I. Call to Order

2008-09 President Alexander Saxton called to order the regular meeting of the Student
Affairs Council Assembly at 9:15 on 02/11/09 in the Auditorium. Dale was appointed as
the Speaker for this meeting as both the Speaker and Deputy Speaker were absent today.

II. Roll call

Please refer to assembly.attendence.pdf for the official attendance list.

III. Approval of Minutes from Last Meeting

The minutes from last Assembly meeting have been approved.

IV. Opening Issues

I. Follow-up to impeachment (President Alexander Saxton)
▪ Earlier, a bill of impeachment was made against the ISD
▪ The Senate voted in favour of the bill, but she decided to resign
before the Assembly meeting
II. Vacancy of office (President Alexander Saxton)
▪ The position is now vacant – if you are interested, you must
complete the Elections Package, pass an interview with Dale, and
present a speech for the Assembly.
▪ Next week, Anouk Benseler will send out further details by email

V. Statements by Executives
I. President Alexander Saxton
▪ The recent impeachments have been quite unfortunate. Please be
sensitive when discussing this concern.
II. Vice-President Anouk Benseler
▪ Madame Benseler is away skiing for Northern
III. Treasurer Sam Zivot
▪ Mr Zivot ddd not have any items to address today.
IV. ESD Ellie Graham
▪ Surevys regarding Prom have been distributed. Some have returned.
VI. Secretary Carol Xiong
▪ is our official Site, please bookmark or subscribe to it.
▪ is a new email address we've acquired,
though we will still be checking mail from – the
backup account
▪ We need a pringles can to serve as a communications box. One was
received at the meeting.

VI. Discussion
▪ Semi will not occur due to the following reasons:
◦ it was not put on the agenda, and a number of complications regarding
the scheduling of the dance have ensued recently

1 Created by Q Carol Xiong (2008–09 SAC Secretary)

◦ Administration is considering alternatives to dances

VIi. Statements by Senators

I. Grade 9
• Will there be a Semi?
▪ ESD: Semi will not occur due to the following reasons:
◦ it was not put on the agenda, and a number of
complications regarding the scheduling of the dance
have ensued recently
▪ Administration is considering alternatives to dances
▪ What are the duties if the ISD?
• The position description was read aloud by Dale
II. Grade 10
▪ Will there be another dance to replace Semi?
◦ ESD: Likely not. Administration is looking towards events
instead, i.e., Jersey Boys
◦ Why are there buyouts for male sports events, but none for female
◦ The validity of this question could not be proved.
◦ There are no updated minutes in on the SAC Board.
◦ Secretary: They should be there – the most recent may have
been taken. I put all the leftover copies in the folders following
each meeting.
◦ Grade 10 Senator has recently created a NSS Grade 10 Facebook
group, Those interested are encouraged to join. Is it alright to advertise
about the new Website there?
◦ Yes, by all means.
III. Grade 11
▪ The Grade 11 Senator was unavailable for this section of the meeting.
IV. Grade 12
▪ There were no addresses from the Grade 12 Senator

VIII. Question Period

◦ Grade 10 Senator: What happened to the classroom visits? They are definitely
more direct and more powerful. Only one Executive has visited my class, and
that was for the field, not for the SAC.
▪ Exec:
▪ 1 – Teachers do not appreciate interruptions to their teaching,
especially in the morning, with the announcements and possible
• 2 – Seeing as we've visited classes for the Field not so long ago,
it would be espcially bothersome for the teachers to visit again at
so soon a time.
• 3 – Each time we get out of class, we also foresake our
academic duties, and we already have to do this many times
each month for meetings, discussions with Administration, etc.
Surely, we cannot jeapordize our academic stability.
• 4 – It is easier for the Grade 10 Senator to go into each class as
an individual than the Executive to all go in as a group. As well,
we trust that our Representatives and Grade Senators are
responsible enough to fulfill their duties by liaising between the
classes and the SAC.
• Grade 11 Senator:
• Grade Senators are encouraged to visit their classes periodically.

2 Created by Q Carol Xiong (2008–09 SAC Secretary)

• 10A Representative Zach Mrgenstern suggested that we should determine
representation by group as opposed to classes, i.e. the academic empire,
athletics, etc.

IX. Other Business

I. Guest to discuss possible early dismissal schedule (Mr Dominico)
▪ A recent poll within the staff members indicates preference to end each
school day earlier. To realize that, the following was suggested:
▪ Begin classes 10 minutes earlier – traffic is more convenient
prior to rush hour anyway.
▪ Shave off 5 minutes from Homeform – all that time is excessive
▪ Take 5 minutes from lunch
▪ In response, Grade 11 Senator Emma Katz raised the following points:
▪ Lunch is already short enough. Most students would be opposed
to reducing it further.
▪ Taking time from Homeform is good.
▪ If we start early, what about practices or meetings in the
mornings? They would have to begin earlier – which would mean
getting up at 5 or earlier for some people.

VII. Adjournment

The meeting was adjourned at 10:22.

3 Created by Q Carol Xiong (2008–09 SAC Secretary)

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