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Health is defined in the WHO constitution of 1948 as: A state of complete physical, social and mental well-being, and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity. Today the spiritual dimension of health is increasingly recognized. Health is regarded by WHO as a fundamental human right, and correspondingly, all people should have access to basic resources for health.We know that human being doesnt care about healthy, they only think about work and lifestyle. Statistic from WHO showed that many people above 65 years had disease. So, what the causes of the disease? . Besides, people not care about time that they eaten. Especially at night after 12am, because when we are sleep, the process of digestion cannot occur. A lots of stall, shop that sell until midnight. People also spent their time midnight at mamak stall while watching the football games. The population was indeed fortunate to be able to eat 24 hours or more accurate to say that Malaysia as a food paradise. A lot to be changed as poor diet and eating habits at night. Besides, people takes al lot of fast food. These food become culture because people take it every breakfast, lunch and dinner. We can see that this type of fast food likes KFC, Mc Donald, Pizza and so on are only suitable for overseas. This food contains high calories that suitable for the country that have lowest temperature. Statistics show that obesity in adults of this country increased sharply to 250 per cent in the past 10 years from 1996.

We also can talk about exercise. People doesnt care about exercise. They also gives more commitment on work. They also think that exercise is less important. Besides, our country only provide less place to exercise especially for community and senior citizen. We know that government provide futsal court but it is not suitable for exercise because it only for teenagers. People scared to exercise because a lot of crime on the ground likes rape, rob, kill and lots more.
So, we can solve this problem. A lot of step that we can take it. Walking also is a exercise. Besides, people can also walking without depends on vehicle. For workers, they can also exercise at least once per week. We know that public might get difficult to buy some exercise equipment. So at least walking and running at field can be the best way without buying some equipment.

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