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Spectacle Specter Species Special Specimen Specious Assist Circumstance Consist Constant Desist Distant Ecstasy Institute Obstacle

Obstinate Persist Resist Stamina Stanch Standard Stage Stake Static Stark Stall Stalk Stature Statue Status Substance Unstable Constrain Constrict Strain Strenuous Stretch

Glasses Disembodied spirit, a ghost Kinds, types, varieties Relating to some particular quality A sample of a certain kind or thing Pleasing to the eye but deceptive Stand by with help A situation or an happening Be made of Fixed, steady Cease doing something Standing for off A state of being out of oneself for joy Start, begin That which stands in the way Standing against, stubborn difficult to manage Stand firmly, unyielding Withstand Power to withstand or endure Firm and steadfast A degree of quality which must be maintained A platform for actors to stand on A length of wood or metal pointed at one end for driving into the ground Not moving or progressing Rigid, stiff, Stable Stem of a plant Height The form of a person or animal carved in stone Standing or rank in society The real nature of a thing which keeps it what it is Unsteady, wavering Compel, force Contract compress Stretch tightly Ardent, energetic Draw tight

Strict Stride Strife Strive Sturdy Construct Construe Destructive Instructor Instrument Industry Obstruct String Structure Strut Tact Tactics Tactile Tangible Tangled Contingent Contact Contagion Intact Substitute

Stern, severe Walk with long steps Bitter, often violent dissention or conflict try hard, endeavor Strongly built, robust Build Explain Tending to hinder One who teaches A tool to build with Diligence at ones job Build against A thin line of twisted fiber A building Walk in stiff swaggering manner A feeling of what is appropriate Clever maneuvering Pertaining to the sense Capable of being touched Intertwined Possible but not certain A touching Transmission of disease Untouched A person or thing acting or using in place of another

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