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ASP.NET 2.0, Parent/Child Data Control? | DaniWeb

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Web Development > ASP.NET > ASP.NET 2.0, Parent/Child Data Control? Start New Discussion Reply to this Discussion

Made Her Cry

7 Years Ago

Team Colleague
2,118 posts since Dec 2004

ASP.NET 2.0, Parent/Child Data Control?

Has ASP.NET 2.0 introduced a simplified data control for displaying parent/child data? Imagine a HelpDesk application, where you want to display all the "open tickets". I can see how you'd use a GridView for that. However, each row in the resulting table should have the ability to, when clicked/selected show all the "details" for that ticket. Make sense? Two separate queries, related by an identity field. I know how to do this with a DataGrid, and this is typically referred to as "Master/Detail" or "Parent/Child" data. I'm just wondering if there is anything new in ASP.NET 2.0 that simplifies this. 5
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6 Years Ago
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Made Her Cry

7 Years Ago Experiments continue... It's simple enough to create a SqlDataSource which selects all of the "master" records, and to bind that to a GridView. If one sets the "Enable Selection" to True, it adds a select command control to each row. Then, add a second SqlDataSource, tied to a query or stored procedure that displays the detail. In the wizard, one can specify that a parameter comes from a control, in this case, our first GridView. Create a second GridView, bound to the second SqlDataSource. Now, when the user clicks "Select" in the parent GridView, the child GridView displays all the associated detail records. All well and good. The issue is formatting. I don't want two separate GridViews. I want the second, child or "detail" GridView to display

Team Colleague
2,118 posts since Dec 2004

underneath the parent row. Each "detail" listing should be collapsible... it should be possible to display as many "detail" sections as the user wants. Any suggestions on how to go about that?

Made Her Cry

7 Years Ago So many of the C#/ASP.NET threads I start end up with me just talking to myself. Hopefully, everyone is following along diligently, just waiting for a chance to jump in. THIS IS YOUR CHANCE!

Team Colleague
2,118 posts since Dec 2004



ASP.NET 2.0, Parent/Child Data Control? | DaniWeb

I've given up on GridView. I'm using Repeaters, instead. I have one "static" Repeater, coded to display the "Parent" rows. There is a LinkButton element in the Repeater. There is also a PlaceHolder. When the LinkButton is clicked, I dynamically create a second Repeater, completely in code, bind it in code, and add that Repeater to the PlaceHolder. This dynamic Repeater contains all the "Detail" rows. The issue I need some help with is, re-creating all of the dynamic Repeaters which the user has chosen to display. I fully understand the issue... the codepath only creates one dynamic Repeater on PostBack. I need some mechanism to re-create all previously rendered Repeaters. Session? Note: this renders very ugly for now. First comes logic, then comes StyleSheets Here is the declarative syntax for the page.: 1 <@Pg Lnug=C"AtEetiep"re CdFl=so_s.sxc"Ihrt=so_s"% . % ae agae"# uovnWru=tu" oeie"hwtrap.s neis"hwtr > 2 . 3 <DCYEhm PBI "/WC/T XTL10Tastoa/E" . !OTP tl ULC -/3/DD HM . rniinl/N "tp/www.r/Rxtl/T/hm1tastoa.t" ht:/w.3ogT/hm1DDxtl-rniinldd> 4 . 5 <tlxls"tp/www.r/99xtl > . hm mn=ht:/w.3og19/hm" 6 <edrnt"evr> . ha ua=sre" 7 . 8 . 9 <ha> . /ed 1. <oy 0 bd> 1. 1 1. 2 1. 3 1. 4 1. <al> 5 tbe 1. 6 1. 7 1. 8 1. 9 2. 0 2. 1 2. 2 2. 3 2. 4 2. 5 2. 6 2. 7 2. 8 2. 9 3. 0 3. 1 3. 2 3. 3 %'+/s:ikutn >><apLnBto> 3. 4 3. 5 3. 6 3. 7 3. 8 3. 9 4. 0 4. 1 4. 2 4. <tbe 3 /al> 4. 4 4. 5 4. 6 4. 7 4. 8 4. <bd> 9 /oy 5. <hm> 0 /tl And the code-behind: <dv /i> <fr> /om <t> /d <t> /r <s:lcHle I=pDti"rnt"evr>/s:lcHle> apPaeodr D"heal ua=sre"<apPaeodr <IeTmlt> /tmepae <apRpae> /s:eetr <sa> /pn <pn PolmDti:<sa> sa> rbe eal /pn <pn<sa>% DtBne.vlCnanr "aatmdsrpin)%<sa> sa>/pn<# aaidrEa(otie, DtIe.ecito" >/pn <t> /r <ted /ha> <s:eetrI=rtIse rnt"evr OIeCmad"prsu_tmomn" apRpae D"prsu" ua=sre" ntmomn=rtIseIeCmad> <tmepae IeTmlt> <r t> <d<#DtBne.vlCnanr "aatmisei" %<t> t>% aaidrEa(otie, DtIe.su_d) >/d <d<#DtBne.vlCnanr "aatmsbet)%<t> t>% aaidrEa(otie, DtIe.ujc" >/d <d<#DtBne.vlCnanr "aatmDp" %<t> t>% aaidrEa(otie, >/d <d<#DtBne.vlCnanr "aatmAp)%<t> t>% aaidrEa(otie, DtIe.p" >/d <t> /r <r t> <dclpn"" t osa=4> <pn sa> <s:ikutnI=lkDti"rnt"evr apLnBto D"nbeal ua=sre" Cmadruet'% DtBne.vlCnanr "aatmisei" omnAgmn=<# aaidrEa(otie, DtIe.su_d) <ha> ted <r t> <hTR#/h<hSbet/h<hDprmn<t>t>plcto<t> t>S <t>t>ujc<t>t>eatet/h<hApiain/h <omi=fr1 rnt"evr> fr d"om" ua=sre" <i> dv <il>nildPg<tte tteUtte ae/il> <ikhe=Syehe.s"rl"tlset tp=tx/s"/ ln rf"tlSetcs e=syehe" ye"etcs >


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ASP.NET 2.0, Parent/Child Data Control? | DaniWeb

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ASP.NET 2.0, Parent/Child Data Control? | DaniWeb

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BTW, if you've ever wondered how to dynamically create a Repeater complete with an ItemTemplate and DataBinding, programmatically, the above code in orange demonstrates this very nicely! You're welcome. Now, once I get this issue resolved, the next step is to implement the detail rows as ClientCallbacks, so that as new records are added to the details table, they'll "magically appear" in the page.

Made Her Cry

7 Years Ago

Team Colleague
2,118 posts since Dec 2004

Figured it out. I'll write this up, eventually. The answer is to create a public class with two properties, the id of the record needed for the query to the details, and the UniqueID of the Placeholder for a pariticular row/item in the parent. Store these objects in a List<> generic, marked as Serializable. Store the List object in ViewState. Then, loop through the List, building the Repeater dynamically for each item in the List.

f1 fan
Posting Whiz in Training 279 posts since Jan 2006

7 Years Ago

Not had time to look over the code yet sorry. Couldnt you put a repeater in a user control and then you would be able to expand every one? I cheat. I bought the Infragistics controls years ago as they save me so much time. They have had hierarachical grids for a few years in both win forms and I know its good to make your own, but why reinvent the wheel when there are other things that need doing :D But if you do have the time then maybe worth thinking about writing the control from scratch based on the repeater rather than a user control?

Craig Pelkie
New bie Poster 1 post since Mar 2006

6 Years Ago Would the System.Web.UI.WebControls.DetailsView provide the detail display capabilities that you're after? In .NET 1.1 I coded an HTML table with embedded text boxes, the DetailsView provides similar functionality with the benefit of being a single control.

New bie Poster 1 post since Apr 2006

6 Years Ago

Would the System.Web.UI.WebControls.DetailsView provide the detail display capabilities that you're after? In .NET 1.1 I coded an HTML table with embedded text boxes, the DetailsView provides similar functionality with the benefit of being a single control.

Take a look at this...

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