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Movie Discussion Guide Coach Carter

It begins on the street. It ends here. Based on a true story, Ken Carter takes over as coach for his old high school basketball team at an inner city public school. In the previous season, the Richmond High School team won only four games, and the players lacked discipline and sportsmanship. Through some arguably controversial and unorthodox tactics, Coach Carter works to turn the team around both on and off of the court.
T.M. & Paramount Pictures Corporation

Programming Suggestions
This discussion guide is designed to facilitate educational programs after viewing the film COACH CARTER. Its purpose is to generate discussion based on social issues found within the movie and for program participants to reflect on themes that may be pertinent to them. Therefore, there are no right or wrong answers to questions in this guide. The discussion facilitator may choose to utilize one of the following activities as a means of developing discussion: Invite members of your campus basketball team and coaching staff to view the film with your group. Ask them to talk about the coaching techniques that Coach Carter displays in the film and their feelings about what the boys go through for the team. Throughout much of the film, Coach Carter and Principal Garrison debate the role that the coach has chosen regarding his players' academics. Invite a faculty member or member of the athletic department to host a debate with your group as to the role athletics should play in a student's college experience. What about their discipline cases? Preview the movie before your program and give your group some background about the Richmond High School team. Divide them into smaller groups and instruct each group to develop coaching strategies of their own if they had to coach the Richmond team. After the movie, have the groups present their strategies and compare them to what Coach Carter did. Prior to watching the movie, research information on Coach Ken Carter. After the movie, facilitate a discussion about those parts of the movies that are historically accurate and those that are not. Be sure to talk a bit about what Coach Carter has done besides coaching the Richmond team. At Richmond, students are 80% more likely to go to prison than college. Six of the basketball players that year went on to college. Invite a staff member from the Orientation program or Admissions office to talk about what your institution does to set up students for success. Be sure to have the person talk about the many campus resources available to your group and how they can use them. An important consideration in choosing any facilitation option is that all students have an opportunity to participate. Be aware that many of the topics addressed in the film are not often talked about in public settings. Students who attend the program may have varying degrees of comfort level with the discussion.



Did you like the movie? Why or why not? Do you know someone in your life that reminds you of Coach Carter? How so? Have you ever had a mentor like Coach Carter? What role does Coach Carter's family play in the movie? In what ways are Coach Carter and his son Damien similar? In what ways are they different? When offered the job to coach at Richmond, Coach Carter processed the decision with his partner. Was his mind made up before the discussion? Did she have any input? Do you think she was supportive? Why or why not? When first introduced to the team, Coach Carter takes a direct approach with the players. Do you think he earned their respect in this meeting? Why or why not? How does someone earn your respect? What did you think of Coach Carter's contract with his players? Was it fair? Was it effective? Would it work at your school? Why or why not? When Kenyon's girlfriend tells him she is pregnant, what did you think of his reaction? What could he have done differently? What did you think of the mugging that Timo Cruz used as a practical joke? What role does basketball play in the lives of the guys on the team? What role should it play? Between athletics and academics, what is more important on your campus? Why do you think that? How do athletes on your campus balance their academics with their athletic commitments? If not for basketball, which of the team members might actually be involved in situations like the fake mugging? Why do you think that? Damien makes the decision to transfer schools so that he can play for his father. He also proposes a contract stricter than that offered to the other players. Why do you think it is so important he play on his father's team? What would you have done if you were Coach Carter's son? Why is that? Why did Cruz come back to the team? Do you think he was involved in drug dealing when he was playing? Why or why not? When the team helped Cruz finish his 2500 pushups and 1000 suicides, did that surprise you? Why or why not? Do you think it surprised Coach Carter? After a successful wining streak, the players start to get a little cocky. What did you think of Coach Carter's response to this? What would you have done if you were coach? Why? Principal Garrison and Coach Carter argue about the coach receiving academic progress reports. Who was right? Why? What should have been the team's punishment for sneaking out at night and going to the party? Why is that? Is this movie about basketball? If not, what do you think it's about? Throughout the film, we witness several of the players' lives turning around for the better. Why do you think that is? What role does Coach Carter play? Coach Carter scolds the African American players who call each other The N Word. He challenges them to ask what that teaches white people. Do you agree with Coach Carter? Why or why not? Did you agree with the concept of the lockout? Why or why not? How do you think the people's reactions would have changed if the team had not been undefeated at the time of the lockout? During the school board hearing Principal Garrison supports Coach Carter by voting in favor of the lockout. Why do you think she changed her position? Kyra tells Kenyon that she had an abortion. Do you think he wanted her to? Do you think he would have gone to college if she had kept the baby? Why or why not?

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