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Tracking Current Federal Gun Control Legislation

February 2nd 2013 Over the years, there have been a number of laws introduced into the US. Senate and House that deal with gun control in some fashion. Not all of them have become law, but there have been some significant ones that have impacted us all and I believe violate the Second Amendment. I saw this graphic that listed seven major gun control laws that had become laws. I did a little research on who was president at the time and which political parties controlled the Senate and House. I found a very interesting trend that points a huge finger at the liberal Democratic Party starting back in 1934. Here is that list of seven (eight actually as I added one that was ruled unconstitutional by the US Supreme Court five years after being signed into law.) 1934 National Firearms Act FDR Dem; Senate Dem; House Dem 1968 Gun Control Act LBJ Dem; Senate Dem; House Dem 1986 Firearms Owners Protection Act Reagan GOP; Senate GOP, House Dem 1990 Gun Free School Zone Act* GHW Bush GOP; Senate Dem; House Dem *Ruled unconstitutional by US Supreme Court in 1995, when it was revised and passed. 1993 Brady Handgun Violence Act Clinton Dem; Senate Dem; House Dem 1994 Assault Weapons Ban Clinton Dem; Senate Dem; House Dem 1995 Gun Free School Zones Act Clinton Dem; Senate GOP; House GOP Now here is a list of the gun control bills that have been introduced into the US House and US Senate so far year. I may have missed some and if I have, I apologize, but I hope that you still understand the scope of danger we are in from a liberal progressive administration that wants to disarm the American citizenry. The link provided with each will take you to a tracking cite so you can get a summary of each one and then follow the progress of each resolution or bill. It also tells you who sponsored or introduced the bill. From 1934 to 1995 there were seven Federal Gun Control Laws voted on and passed. In 2013, which we are still in the first quarter there have been 35 Federal Gun Control Laws under consideration!!! Realize that again, we have a Democratic president, the Senate is controlled by Democrats but the House is controlled by Republicans. I hope you see a very dangerous agenda here! 2013 HR 21 or NRA Members Gun Safety Act 2013 HR 34 or Blair Holts Firearm Licensing and Record of Sale Act 2013 HR 65 or Child Gun Safety and Gun Access Prevention Act 2013 HR 93 or Fire Sale Loophole Closing Act 2013 HR 117 or Handgun Licensing and Registration Act 2013 HR 137 or Fix Gun Checks Act 2013 HR 138 or Large Capacity Ammunition Feeding Device Act 2013 HR 141 or Gun Show Loophole Closing Act 1

2013 HR 142 or Stop Online Ammunition Sales Act 2013 HR 226 or Support Assault Firearms Elimination and Reduction for our Streets Act 2013 HR 236 or Crackdown on Deadbeat Gun Dealers Act 2013 HR 238 or Fire Sale Loophole Act (same content as HR 93) 2013 HR 321 or Firearm Safety and Public Health Research Act 2013 HR 329 or Strengthening Background Checks Act 2013 HR 339 or Fairness in Firearm Testing Act 2013 HR 404 or Straw Purchaser Penalty Enhancement Act 2013 HR 427 or Trafficking Reduction and Criminal Enforcement (TRACE) Act 2013 HR 431 or Gun Transparency and Accountability (Gun TRAC) Act 2013 HR 437 or Assault Weapons Ban 2013 HR 449 or To provide an amnesty period during which veterans and their family members can register certain firearms in the National Firearms Registration and Transfer Record, and for other purposes. 2013 HR 452 or Gun Trafficking Prevention Act 2013 HR 577 or Veterans Second Amendment Protection Act 2013 HR 661 or To repeal certain impediments to the administration of the firearms laws. 2013 HR 720 or To increase public safety by permitting the Attorney General to deny the transfer of a firearm or the issuance of firearms or explosives licenses to a known or suspected dangerous terrorist. 2013 HR 793 or To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to impose an excise tax on concealable firearms and to require the Attorney General to establish a firearms buyback grant program 2013 SB 22 or Gun Show Background Check Act 2013 SB 33 or Large Capacity Ammunition Feeding Device Act 2013 SB 34 or Denying Firearms and Explosives to Dangerous Terrorists Act 2013 SB 35 or Stop Online Ammunition Sales Act 2013 SB 54 or Stop Illegal Trafficking in Firearms Act 2013 SB 147 or Common Senators Conceal Firearms Permit Act 2013 SB 150 or Assault Weapons Ban 2013 SB 174 or Ammunition Background Check Act 2013 SB 179 or Gun Trafficking Prevention Act 2013 SB 261 or A bill to establish and clarify that Congress does not authorize persons convicted of dangerous crimes in foreign courts to freely possess firearms in the United States.

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