Occupy Buffalo: General Assembly Minutes (Unedited) : February 16, 2013 (2 P.M. To 6 P.M.) in Attendance

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OCCUPY BUFFALO: GENERAL ASSEMBLY MINUTES (UNEDITED): February 16, 2013 (2 p.m. to 6 p.m.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. Al Allerton (Occupy Buffalo): n/a (n/a) Albert Brown (Occupy Buffalo): beingsamadhi@gmail.com Ashley Westbrook (Occupy Buffalo): westbrook.ashley@gmail.com ( Atrayeu (?) (n/a): n/a (n/a) Bev (Buffalo International Action Center, Workers World): iacbuffalo@peoplesmail.net Brandon Bob Brooks: brooksb2389@hotmail.com Brinda Krish (n/a): BrindaKrish11@gmail.com (716-228-2406 Brian Trzeciak: btrzeciak@gmail.com Chris Barbera (Occupy Buffalo): n/a (n/a) Chuck Culthane (Prisoners Rights Coalition, Occupy Buffalo): Culthane9@gmail.com (716-228-2076) Clifford Cawthorn (Occupy Buffalo): cliff@riseup.net ( Dana Lyn Gerace (Occupy Buffalo): sunydazefla@hotmail.com Ellie (Buffalo International Action Center, Workers World): iacbuffalo@peoplesmail.net Heron Simmonds-Price: heronimousphunk@gmail.com Jackie Splain Wilson: jfwilsplain@yahoo.com (726-543-5908) Jamie Nicol Stewart (Occupy Buffalo): jamienicholstewart@gmail.com (716-602-4196) Jeff OConnell (Occupy Buffalo): jeffoc_99@yahoo.com (716-200-7248) Jim Anderson (Citizen Action, Occupy Buffalo): aqejim@aol.com John Rozman (Occupy Buffalo): jroszman@hotmail.com John Washington II: johnarchiewashington@gmail.com Jon Gallo (Buffalo Class Action, PUSH): (716-274-9890) Kamali Liyanage (Legal Aid, Western NY Peace Center): liyanagekamali@gmail.com (716-544-8044) Karen Wozniak-Daigler: desayunar@gmail.com Lauren Leslie Scott (Federal Defenders Agency): leslie_scott82@gmail.com Lisa Richardson (Occupy Buffalo): dizzystarsparkle@yahoo.com (716-602-4196) A. Luana DeJesus (n/a): bflolovergirl@gmail.com (716-715-9798) R.J. Bradley-Ortiz (Public Policy & Education Fund Of NY): rjbradley-ortiz@ppefny.org (716-852-4050) Stefanski Harry Haller (n/a): n/a (n/a)

Still need to collect some emails and all phone numbers for those present; list is in Jim Andersons possession at this time

Welcome Jim Anderson Introduces R.J. works for Health Care Campaign (need clarification) Albert legal is important, Ashley will mention legal news regarding OB Jeff pass around sign-up sheet for attendance/emails Chris B. will take stack Albert will be moderator Albert Talk about Legal, Upcomings, Climate Rally, 1 Billion Rising, May Day, Jamie Upcoming legal team fundraiser Ellie International Womens Day: March 8 (http://www.internationalwomensday.com/ ), celebrating working women fighting back (after Triangle Shirtwaist Fire of 1911; mentions recent Bangladesh fire). Sweetness 7, Grant Street, March 7, 7 p.m : managing editor of Workers World, Lalani Dowell (?) , will speak Introductions made by those present (see Attendance) Jim forum on Immigration (get information) Jamie Legal Team Fundraiser Event at Nietzsches on March 21, 2013, at 8 p.m. Social Hour/ Hor Doeuvres: 8 9 p.m. Variety Show: 9 10 p.m. Need volunteers Ashley Huge thank you for above event, Daire and Mike Kuzma put in ton of time, will go for court fees Lisa Was arrested downtown for witnessing crime, woman attacked by man downtown, woman wanted to press charges, but police wouldnt listen, everyone called drug addicts, tried to report but was put in jail. Went through trial, not guilty. Will pursue civil suit against arresting officer Donna Donovan Ashley Very courageous step in doing this, filing ; really easy to take ACD, right choice for many at right time (no shame if it works for you), but Lisa is smart in doing this . I have job change, can be more aggressively involved. F.O.I.A. action: Mike is attorney, Daire is client in suing govt on behalf of OB.. doc drop in D.C. recently regarding Occupy, got ton of materials.

Albert Have you heard rumor regarding Page 62 or 63 thing about F.B.I. wanting to assassinate Occupy leaders Ashley In one of notes in NYC, footnote: credible source saying someone in NYPD (?) would fire on Occupy.were not getting all the documents, but are investigating.maybe govt did nothing, but need more info Heron Isnt it illegal for anyone to say they will kill Albert Not the govt, but discovered a threat by an extremist right-wing group making claims that they might Jamie Lisa, Dana, Mike Kuzma, and I filed F.O.I.A.s (under their own names) to see if govt has anything on OB Ashley City violated claim when evicted OB, Daire and I will file lawsuit (violation of 190 day rule).City might say they will negotiate, need people to testify. List of demands made by General Assembly was written, will bring listwill keep people posted. See you all as second kind of family, Stefan (?) and I got engaged yesterday Jamie 501c3 news? If we are non-profit, do we file Taxes? Brandon Not sure what to discuss canvassing Heron Havent met about canvassing strategy yet. Outreach Meeting next Saturday potentially at Citizen Action. We get together a few action items, go door-to-door to raise issues and get information with people about what they want to get done, get them involved.way to get Occupy Buffalo with community. Execute something significant over the summer, so if we protest and do actions towards the city, encourage participation by people so we may better represent them Cliff One thing we could do (sometimes people arent forthcoming about ideas or clear, but do have issues) Put things on flyer such as online poll to encourage people to contribute ideas about what they want for social change. I could do that Albert Make May Day Rally bigger and better this year Bev Instrumental with I.A.C. in organizing May 1 Coalition in NYC (has big focus on immigration but broad focus when all workers and oppressed people from all struggles come out with big presence)not sure what to do here, but we want to focus similarly on what May 1 Coalition doesespecially with local immigration community.now a big thing nationally. We would like to work with OB and unions and such, but not a narrow focus Jim OK to list Ellie / Bevs contact email with John Washingtons too?

Albert Bill Nowak willing to open up CWA office to do presentations/meetings on May Day Action.one idea was that we would do a march, do specific targets on march with speak-outs, one from each organization. John Rozman On May Day (speaking for JW, not present yet), do coordination with Strike Debt (also involves labor), targeting collection agencies (Buffalo is one of largest collection of these business in USA), may get some of these employees to walk out on job, spinning on Occupy issues, have personally worked in collectionstold people to pay their debt when couldnt pay own, deeply sympathize and strongly support this movement Jeff Point of info need to involve students (current, and graduate) Jim Need to huddle with other groups, I.A.C. and others have addressed these issues in recent past, could be major Chris Important for people who are new to understand the OB facilitation process we must follow democratic procedure..raise hand to speak.. Will have to endorse May 1 Action . JW and Strike Debt completely involved with OB, also working with Task Force at WNY Peace Center specifically focusing on poor people and debt issues Heron Endorsing Unity Idea .conservative forces regarding immigration run counter to labor unions concerns. Is wrong. States with higher number illegal immigration tend to have more employment. If we cant speak to issue with clarity, has weakening effect Instead of people getting excited, they shy away if not phrased carefully. How can theme of immigration be messaged that appeals to interests of domestic workers. Like JW, John, and Chris, Strike Debt is something students are interested in doing.Heron with Canisius, that day is last week of final exams, difficult to get them involved during this time We have to address are we doing something on Wednesday, May 1 as an action.something people can participate that has effect, but not solely linked to day or action.must be an ongoing thing If we speak to or about Strike Debt that emphasizes universal appeal of fighting our current debt system for working/poor people, and creatively find ways to link to other working peoples concerns. Must develop Elevator Speeches. this is my conclusion, you should be part of May day actions because point 1, 2, 3, end of talk Also, May Day is traditional and very specific, must develop point for why to expand to different groups Clifford May Day focuses: ECIDA in terms of reform effort (they give tax breaks and subsidies to their friends, not to those who need help). Also Labor Unions and their concerns . Who is the worst/i.e. largest Collection Agency? In leading to actions, must draw upon repertoire of experience: Labor has not always been progressive, at times xenophobic, but as Occupy, weve not been tainted by these reactionary elements, OB can refine progressive nature of relationship between labor and immigrant movement In Manchester, England, May Day was moved by labor teams to May 16 for various reasons. We can change the date too to a more helpful time as well If we cannot absolutely get a May1 Action, can do other Strike Debt Actions with more resonance (mentions actions in Manchester). We should write a statement on these issuesdoesnt have to represent larger movement, but can represent our statement, to establish in others minds that we are still here, plus establish our above messages with clarity (will help draft it). Keystone XL pipeline very scary, but we need to work with other groups to address issue (connections here, such as banks that fund the pipeline, indigenous and other communities that are affected by it)

Mentions TruthOut article: http://www.truth-out.org/opinion/item/14540-charging-through-the-archway-of-history-immigrants-and-africanamericans-unite-to-transform-the-face-of-labor-and-the-power-of-community Video of Manchester Action: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qxhE9zMC7w0 10 MINUTE BREAK

Albert Will continue with May Day planning discussionpick up on what Jim, Cliff, Heron, Ellie saying, supports a drafted statement on what action we take, want to propose we pick date (whether Wednesday, or 1st Saturday)Chuck mentioned idea of one event each day: Wednesday, Thursday, Friday on specific issue leading up to Saturday as big day. What would be the best day for everyone (students, workers, etc.) to come out? Keep the statement very broad as coming out workers and peoples rightscan hit many different tangents, including environmental issues as well as economic, immigration. Talk to any group that might be interested It is an important day, symbolized peoples struggle, important to show solidarity and diversity Jim Likes Chucks idea too along the way in organizing, go back and look at May Day history, to be well-grounded so to connect the modern issues. Immigration has been treated as cheap labor. The beast would have us fighting each other. Historically, this is nothing new. Our verbiage has to articulate on each sector. First Day: march from East Side to downtown, find ways to get workers to come out on lunch hour, actions on campus Ellie About May Day, it is a day about solidarity more than anything else. In the long/short run, that means strength. Without it, we stand apart/alone in our own little struggles. Day was born in the hands of immigrants who were hated, being executed/persecuted for fighting for 8 hour day. Our history defines what we do/pull us together. Show support for people fighting different struggles and situations We should not allow ourselves to be divided by our differences by the powerful. In 2006, explosion of immigrants in the hundreds of thousands who shut down industries by walking off of work Totally isolated in NYC from the decisions of labor unions, who didnt support until several years later. Only last year were labor leadership and immigrant workforce didnt hold different May Day rallies in NYC, and it was with Occupy John Put out All Debts Are Off/Strike Debt. Getting people to strike against debt industry and reasons why (low-wage workers being able to pay minimum), get them to participate in concepts of non-participation in the debt trap/cycle. The tie than binds all together with those feeling direct/non-direct oppression.something that opens the door to other issues, get narrative that brings it all around Buffalo is the epitome of sicing the poor on the poor via the debt collection industry. Every single person in collection agency is a debtor themselves, trapped in a bubble, made not to care. Give those in cubicle a chance to voice their frustration/concern. People have gotten so robotic to go to work at this job rather than question Chris Want to propose that OB officially endorse a May Day Event or Action, develop a May Day Action to flesh out a day, message, and action. Proposal seconded.now open to discussion

Jackie Will set up an email list just for May Day Working Group, and send out information Cliff For Labor we should possibly contact Locals that are much more radical than the Buffalo ones, get their colleagues to strongly encourage their non-radical union contacts to join in. What are other Occupies doing on that day? One problem: oncoming Austerity coming soon (on the federal level, some of it on state level) Heron Calls Point Of Process Ellie Specifically, make sure we are all aware of the postal crisisget them involved Jamie Can get worked out in working group Heron Wants to ask question: were creating group, fine with delegating details, but we should describe the scope of the project. We want to see Labor Movement strengthened over time, May Day important date in measuring its progress. Shouldnt there be an anniversary action for workers in worst situation, who MOST need to unionize. Wal-Mart, fast food restaurants. Do document drops at these places. Is working group narrowly having action or having larger campaign? Do we want to be ambitious and have working group doing general strike (much broader), or focus on the more narrow (Strike Debt or All Debts Are Off)? Chris My understanding: G.A. talks about basic philosophical issues, working group is the technical aspect of putting that into motion. The working group would report back to the G.A. about specific message/technical concerns. If G.A. disagrees, would have power to agree/disagree/amend the recommendation. Albert We should have the working group decide the specifics Cliff Clarify a point Herons point resonates with me. The General Strike, have heard of no union or worker association that has called for that; activists have, but they havent. Some trade unions in U.K. did actively call for long-term thing. In terms of more radical action, in solidarity with Wal-Mart workers, did do a banner drop (Video: In general, we could consider adding a march / picnic (something more celebratory) in addition to Lou Should be dealt with directly in working group: targets (labor, immigration, prisoners, etc.). There isnt any or in leading to General Strike. The consensus will develop that broad picture for the year that follows, wont necessarily be in opposition to the working group Karen Sometimes we are too quick to have working group to handle it, we need more definition of action/idea (noticed in the past the working group doesnt always follow through) John Washington Working group could transition to Affinity Group

Chris Not a perfect system, but just to set it in motion Albert MOVE TO VOTE Occupy Buffalo endorses May Day Activities, OB Working Group reports back. PROPOSAL PASSES Albert Finances . Financial Working Group here (Jamie) Jamie Need list to sign up to take over. Curt, Sam, Jamie dont. Albert Open up vote for new Financial Committee members to sign for withdrawal of bank account. Anyone can deposit, only 3 at the same time can withdraw Jeff Karen Sergio Albert Time of change and transition in regards to people on account Heron I was put on the list Albert Propose to vote to include on the account Jeff, Karen, Sergio. 3 people will be on the account, but 2 will be allowed to withdraw at bank. We task them to go to the Credit Union to formally submit that the list of co-signers are changed from 3 to 2 people to make transaction. If people want more people, open to discussion Also allow for rotating schedule. Chris If Ricky and others adamant about staying on, should be consulted Albert Sergio very reliable, others that havent shown up at meeting shouldnt be considered Jim Submit a 1page document to the BFCU hat we move to amend / accept changes to the Financial Committee. i.e. the date and time that the decision was made Al If it only requires 2 people, if it changes in the future, what 2 people will be tasked with continuing the process. Albert Problem in past with getting extra people coordinating schedules in going to the credit union. Created some hard feelings. What matters is efficiency. 3 hasnt worked, lets try 2.

Chris More people on account is democratic, but efficiency and reality forces us to adjust to circumstances. OK with decision, but concerned along with Al about ongoing democratic structure. Cliff 3 is better, not just to have the safeguard but still have efficiency. VOTE GIVEN. PROPOSAL PASSES. R.J. Am new here at Citizen Action. 1) Community Organizer at Citizen Action 2) Am working with Community Health Advocates bringing awareness to community about what your new health care options are under New York State laws (not necessarily Affordable Care Act). New enrollments begin October 1, am looking for new people to sign up. If anyone has questions, will give card out. Things she does: if you have health care but not satisfied with insurancewill be mandated by January 1, 2014 that all must have health insurance, can get you hooked up if necessary. If you have family members on Medicaid/Medicare, can help them too. How up to date is everyone on ACA? The Exchange is a giant warehouse of (private) insurance companies to pick from, can help John What are consequences if you dont? R.J. Could be fined when taxes are done, penalties are income-based. Albert Heard was upward of $10,000 fine Cliff If you are on parents insurance under 26, not affected. Basically a bailout for health care industry. R.J. Reason we need to do something about health care, we have to work with it though agree it is flawed. Please ask questions. Heron reason 1: We NEED single payer insurance. Other agenda items? R.J. Community organizing work at Citizen Action. Any reform laws take work beyond passing laws. We need to take corporations out of electoral process, health care companies buy politicians to defeat universal health care. ACA a step forward, but need to more. What happens too often is that minorities in a community get overlooked who dont have advantages (disabled, people of color). Health care is a basic human right. Albert Any other agenda items/announcements? Brandon - Next week, Saturday, will meet up about Canvassing Jim Will send out info about National Calls For Days Of Action about Drones

Ellie Drone Action planned in Niagara Falls on April 7 Lou PUSH Buffalo has tons and tons of ways to get homes weatherized. If you live in city and do or dont own home, there is govt money available, can help you with the process. Brandon Was working for Empire Home Energy Solutions (private company). If youre renter, theres the Empowerment Program: free audit to get home weatherized. Actual retrofitting to house (subsidies available). Lou Program is brand-new, and free. Everyone pays in through conservation taxes, been sitting in hands from federal government for a long time, finally available (Pay back) Jim These walls that were knocking down to make a better way; we have to get access to better ways ourselves from our past efforts. Check and see if under the radar help (family, friends, etc. ) can be found.check out resources beyond Lauren R.J. talked about publicly financed fair elections. Banks are another big group Bank Of America, 495 Elmwood Avenue, February 21, 2013: press conference with Citizen Action at 11 a.m. to endorse to serve people, not big donors. Committee meeting at Citizen Action 5 to 6 p.m., Monday, February 18, 2013. Brian Trecziak March 5, going for another budget fight in Albany: Parade For Public Education/ Rally. Sign up sheet available Al Lots of good things going on, Media has lacked content. If anyone wants to put stuff out on website, facebook, YouTube. John, Jackie, Karen, Al are all available to put content on the .org site, Twitter. Jeff a) OB Video List going out soon, b) WNYPC show with Apollo Media proposed Jim Barbara Boxer proposed a bill to establish a cabinet-level Department Of Peacewill get that information out Lisa Talked to mail carrier todaythey are protesting at William Street Post Office regarding the USPS budget cuts on March 24, 2013 Al Dear Governor Cuomo screening at Burning Books: February 21, 2013 (7 to 9 p.m.) (FREE) Jamie Did anyone talk about D.C. Trip? Karen Forward On Climate Rally on February 17, 2013. Buses coming in, sponsored by Sierra Club, addressing Obama to put pressure on him to work on climate change issues, especially in the wake of Hurricane Sandy. Bring extra snacks, water, cash, etc. Bus will leave at UB South Campus park and ride.

Jackie Who has banner? John Rozman has OB banner, will bring Jamie Want to propose another meeting ORIGINAL AMOUNT IN PETTY CHANGE BOX: $200.00 1.30 .50 .58 TOTAL AMOUNT: $202.38 Lisa Can we propose to pay Heron with the petty cash regarding the reimbursement for the Radical Philosophy Conference fees? PROPOSAL PASSED AMOUNT REIMBURSED TO HERON SIMMONDS-PRICE: $40.00 CURRENT AMOUNT IN PETTY CASH BOX: $162.38 Jamie Used to have a literature/art budget Wanted to propose $100 releasing budget for Legal Fundraiser PR (flyers/art/etc.) VOTED PROPOSAL PASSED AMOUNT GIVEN FROM PETTY CASH BOX TO JAMIE STEWART AND LISA RICHARDSON FOR LEGAL FUNDRAISER: $100.00 CURRENT AMOUNT IN PETTY CASH BOX: $ 62.38 John Has check for $650.00 from Unitarian Universalist Church to deposit into account. Albert Proposal to release funds for Legal Fundraiser on March 21, 2013 VOTE PROPOSAL PASSES

Jeff OConnell is authorized to give money to Jamie and Lisa Anything you dont spend must come back to the OB Fund, MUST follow up on people Must give Financial Statement every month. Albert Receipt is showing they have documentation for giving / spending money. Must be written or printed. Jim Please invest in an Accounting Book to keep track of OB account funds. Lisa Propose monies for St. Patricks Day / Dyngus Day parade (tabled) Chris Propose Soapbox Albert Propose next meeting date by March 2 Chris We used to meet every day, 3 times a week, once in a whilesome consistency helpful. Jim Will get on reserving Citizen Action office ASAP. Also mentioned possibility about CWA Jeff Will ask Bill Nowak tonight Jamie Anybody wants to sign up for Legal Team Fundraiser, contact me

SOAPBOX OPEN Heron getting out strong feelings going through Lisas trial and remembering situational ordeal I had when arrested in 2002 the shock to my system of the systems dishonest/dysfunctionality. Was appalled to learn when the prosecutor could throw out all original charges of arresting officer, bring back new charges. The person who was there said they made it up, everything is off the table, someone who wasnt there makes up charges to bring CRAZY and UNFAIR Left with feeling of dj vu about how unfair it feels like, because you have citizens with a sense of justice to try and do the right thing, come up with people doing their job in unfeeling way. Was stopped while biking, cops made up allegation that they were throwing coins at copsThey told a lie, shocked and nonplussed that their response was to help each other, the cops took it as a challenge, cops who came on the scene decide theyll change the situation around and bust heads (every cop comes on scene gets violated). Lisa wants to help person, police come and speak to no one, tell them to shut, and when asking Lisa to speak, confirms what they want to here. This what we allow to pass for justice. Justice gives people to have a chance to say their peace. How can you trust/support a system that wanted to silence you? My vision for the group is to give people a chance for their voice to be heard. Albert talked about Native American Reconciliation Practices (Restorative Justice)once you hear what people say, punishment is about the process of healing....at the end, they feel like the crime is forgiven and reconciled. There isnt a way in the system for the guilty to free themselves from psychological and social guilt. We should have it so people can feel free. Lisa was found not guilty, but the process did not work. Judge didnt know what happened, was there Pros say Represent Yourself. He who has themselves as a client has a fool for a client Clarence Darrow Ashley Largely Chucks doing, group being formed about racial disparities in the justice system. Did studies in Albany, Schenectady, other counties about population of people of color in those counties on probation, incarcerated, awaiting sentences, and the disparity is HUGEsituation is disgusting. Want to do the same study in Niagara, Cattaragus, Erie counties A program in NYC called Common Justice, a product of Vera Institute Of Justice, personal goal to bring it to Buffalo. Takes juvenile offenders, brings them through a process of reconciliation with victims of whatever crime they did, victims responsibility to assign a punishment, everyone walks away clean Albert Explains process of Restorative Justice in Native American societieswhole pressure of community forces parties to the crime to come to a solution/conclusion Chuck Michelle Alexander points out once you get charged, get trapped in a permanent cycle of incarceration/release/punishment John Washington Frustration with people showing up with out understanding issues, having no lack of consciousness, supporting them disingenuously. In thinking about future actions/issues, wants to make sure that the people involve really understood what May Day involves and understands full history/implications of participation, rather than just showing up for the sake of being there People should inform themselves. Heron Original conception of Justice Dialogue was that a forum for teach-ins to educate people on the issues we are advocated. Was difficult to keep in peoples minds why we were doing it. At the end, was cancelling due to no attendance. Hurt feelings when nobody shows when doing a teach-in. Individual thing: everyone has to figure out what they do know in relation to what they dont know. Two people in a situation: one has

ability to speak, another may not. I dont want people to speak up when theyre not confident. Some dont have the capacity to articulate about issues, even if they do know. The group will be stronger the more people are informed in situations where they are comfortable in speaking / participating. Albert You cant make people join in the sense of movementSome come for specific issues. In reality to develop the consciousness John talks about, must look at it from a global perspective in regards to injustice. Some come out for single issue events, but single issues are never the final answer, but solidarity is for standing out on multiple issues, difficult to support issues if youre not hot for them, but should offer support in some sense Maybe not HAVE to be at a strike, but could mention to another person about the issue Jim The Sentencing Project national group about injustice and sentence disparities. We have folks on the ground there doing the work, we need to exploit that possibility of working with them to change the system Mentions F.O.I.A. request made by Buffalo News to the City, which was denied, but they kept at it and presented information that related to case. Mentions how the judge in Lisas case was glad to throw the case out and lecture everyone in order to avoid calling attention to the Albert Its a race and class stratification-based strategy that the justice system perpetrates. Jim If youre on one of the country roads, stopped while speeding when theres no witnesses, you may not be able to argue your rights out of risk.have to play strategically Chris Agree with all the conversation. In terms of OB, were not burdened by problems at the camp and the house (homelessness, drugs, etc.). We have some freedom right now in that sense. We are not so much a service organization (serving the poor, drug counseling), were advocating for justice and social change. We didnt find a way to bring along homeless/drug addicts in an effective way before, because we didnt have the willingness or capability to deal with those gut-wrenching/emotional demands. We have an advantage in a way right now, unshackled Jim In regards to Justice Dialogues, 2nd Cup, we could try to get other venues interested to do Justice Dialogue presentations (re: organizations like the Racial Task Force at historical society last night; discussion at church last night about War On Drugs, the kind of people discussing this may not go to G.A. or Occupy, but we could bring the discussion to them). Other interested parties? The Say Yes Corporation. Bring in the strong conversation to their domain, if open to that Heron Would like to see practical invitation Jackie Came to Buffalo for OB, after 1st JD, couldnt come to all of them, but cares just as much about sitting, hearing, learning there. Not just solidarity, boots on ground stuff. InterOccupy Activities was what she could do help, but was feeling pressured, unsustainable Heron Why we remember politicians is when they articulate what we are thinking/feeling about. Bill Clinton: Without vision, the people perish. Brought it up in debate, in lieu of the Bush Administration the First, because his positions were pragmatically cherrypicked from different angles for political gain. Clintons statement also to counter Grover Norquist we dont need govt philosophy. Clinton: If you play by the rules, you should get a good fair shake. Change the theme: instead of cutting government for not working, make govt work. We remember them

for clarity on issues. Obama was successful in tapping into peoples feelings about the war, economy, etc. Throws out Hope/Change thing (disingenuous), but the message on point, and we need to feel that a coherent vision helps people to move forward.a clearer idea to what we need to do to reform the mess were in. We dont have to reinvent so much as look at what works now. One example: immigration. Republicans are now trying out new nasty rhetoric, the lie that immigrants are natural Republicans. Why? theyre entrepreneurs, believe in family values. Lies (Democrats DONT believe in those too?). The truth is when people are poor, they tend to identify with working-class issues (probably closer to natural Democrats). How can we be truthful and inter-fair and speak directly to the people and get THEIR agenda on the horizon? John Washington About Citizen Action going to Bank of America to protest for fair elections, discrepancy of drug charges and New Jim Crow, should also protest at HSBC (re; drug laundering activities). Easier to jail young poor black kids in jails for drug charges, while CIA-asset drug runners deposit their money with HSBC and getting off for free.banks should be punished and held to equal account in regards to drug issues. Department Of Justice recommended HSBC since 2002, knew they were doing this, but a lawsuit to charge them with drug-laundering activity would destroy their image, threat to the banking system, we cant touch them. The injustice is a big joke. We need to find a way to close the gap between the EC Holding Center and HSBCconnect the issues. Albert Theres only one form of justice here, and its corrupt. Race/ Class Stratification-based. Need a new vision of justice, going beyond reform. John Washington Ending Suspension In Schools movement about that, too.stopping punishment and promoting restorative justice Heron People encouraged to adopt mindset about what is advantageous to me alone, not about the community at large, or the Truth in itself Cynicism encouraged, which goes along with the market (Im going to do whatever I can to win/make money, truth be damned its functional within our current system). Albert The world is a market/business, and thats how its run. Chuck Established the Corrections Community Advisement Board, TBN called for Sheriffs resignation, more.County Control Board came out with audit, Sheriff has been misallocating hundreds of thousands of dollars for use of prisoners, went into his pocket, used funds for his own discretion, County took away his checkbook. One thing Karima Amin has mentioned is doing more coalition building with other groups Albert Intimidating when these people have guns, have the power to stop/arrest/shoot/abuse you Outrageous that Lisa was arrested in the first place for doing the right thing and thrown in jail, the woman got punched by someone whom the police had no interest in helping Not enough that her charges were dismissed, the point is the system is not being addressed Heron If she had more money at the time, would not be an issue for the police They were offended because we came out in support.Part of what theyre doing is a rear-guard offense Albert Even with the other people being tried, Judge tried everything to force Lisa to take ACD as a matter in intimidation; most of the time, without adequate representation, it works for 98% of others unjustly accused

John Washington Probation is a set-up to really destroy you later.. Heron They push and intimidate you not to fight City Hall, because if you fight, might win, affect the citys coffers. Jim Justice admonished by upper court for badgering/intimidating those standing in trial, not to mention his past drug usage. One reason why hes still at same level in court. His behavior was inappropriate and atrocious Chris When Dana was on the stand, her integrity, honesty, and humor put the judge off balance. Very powerful moment, little things that influence and change the situation. One time spent the night in jail after Thursday At The Square, witnessed, tried to tell cop, sent to jail. The level of arrogance of power that the judge has to lecture me (the police asked you to move, you should have move.how dare you say that). Dana and others address that arrogance in a healing and powerful way


Canvassing Working Group:
1. 2. 3. 4. Heron Simmonds-Price: heronimousphunk@gmail.com) Clifford Cawthorn: cliff@riseup.net Brandon Bob Brooks: brooksb2389@hotmail.com Sergio Tupac Uzurin (maybe?): sergiotupacuzurin@gmail.com

Financial Working Group

1. Jeff OConnell: jeffoc_99@yahoo.com 2. Karen Wozniak-Daigler: desayunar@gmail.com 3. Sergio Tupac Uzurin: sergiotupacuzurin@gmail.com (Authorized To Withdraw Funds From Buffalo Cooperative Federal Credit Union Account)

May Day Working Group:

1. John Washington II: johnarchiewashington@gmail.com 2. Albert Brown: beingsamadhi@gmail.com 3. Jackie Splain Wilson: jfwilsplain@yahoo.com 4. Clifford Cawthorn: cliff@riseup.net 5. Jeff OConnell: jeffoc_99@yahoo.com 6. Lou DeJesus: _____need email_____ 7. Jon Gallo: _____need email_____ 8. John Rozman: jroszman@hotmail.com 9. Chuck Culhane: Culhane9@gmail.com 10. I.A.C. (Bev and Ellie): iacbuffalo@peoplesmail.net 11. Lisa Richardson: _____need email_____

Media Working Group:

Al Allerton: _____need email_____ Jeff OConnell: jeffoc_99@yahoo.com Karen Wozniak-Daigler: desayunar@gmail.com Others?



MISCELLANEOUS INFORMATION: http://www.google.com/#hl=en&tbo=d&sclient=psy-ab&q=c.i.a.+agent+john+kiriakou&oq=c.i.a. +agent+john+kiriakou&gs_l=hp.3..0i22l2.4860.12360.12.13844.,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.&bvm=bv.42553238,d.dmQ&fp=87086c472ffe1e17&biw=1024&bih=571 http://open.salon.com/blog/barry60x/2013/01/28/abu_ghraib_whistleblower_faces_feds_in_retrial http://www.google.com/#hl=en&tbo=d&sclient=psy-ab&q=cariol+j.+horne&oq=cariol+j. +horne&gs_l=hp.3..0i30j0i8i13i30.15500.19328.2.20578.,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.&bvm=bv.42553238,d.dmQ&fp=87086c472ffe1e17&biw=1024&bih=571 http://www.highbeam.com/doc/1P2-21696453.html

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