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Has Iran Developed Nicola Tesla's Forgotten Source Of Clean, Cost Free Energy Ian R Thorpe: January !


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This article may seem like science fiction but I promise you it is not. And hey, let's face it, wth so many who style themselves "scientists" unable to tell the difference between fact and fiction, people like Adrian Hon, Daily Tele raph science writer who tells us !cience "iction is not #ust fantasy, it chan es lives it is, is it not, way past time we looked beyond the dreams of Trekkieism and narrow do mas of mainsteam science and reconsidered some of the truly e$citin discoveries of the past hundred and fifty years that were sidelined because they posed too reat a threat to the academic establishment, the political establishment, the business establishment and the financial establishment. %et us look for e$ample at scalar waves, discovered

in &'() by an immi rant to American named *icola Tesla. And if you are wonderin about that Iran reference, you have to o to the update at the end of the document +before the related posts list, to et the full information. -ell I don't want you missin my reat article. *ever heard of scalar waves. !tran e really as they offer a potential source of free ener y that would silence the *ew -orld .rder shills who want to shut down the oil and coal industries and make us reliant on hu ely costly and inefficient wind and solar ener y for our vast and increasin electricity needs +Iceber Alley /lues,. .ne would think the 0A1-A2T! +0arbon Anthropo enic 1lobal -armin Alternatrive 2eality Trolls,, who claim to be devoted to the scientific 3uest to e$pand the boundaries of human knowled e would be shoutin this stuff from the rooftops. !calar wavelen ths are finer than amma rays or 4 rays and only one hundred millionth of a s3uare centimeter in width. They belon to the subtle ravitational field
Scalar wave diagram. Sorry about the quality, it s a !I" image

and are also known as ravitic waves.

5ni3uely, they flow in multiple directions at ri ht an les off electroma netic waves, as an untapped ener y source called 'potentials'. 6otentials are particles which are unor ani7ed in hyperspace 8 pure etheric ener y not manifest in the physical world. In comparison, electroma netic waves +measured by so many hert7 or pulses per second, with which we are familiar as radio and other waves in the electro8ma netic spectrum, e$ist normally in the physical world, but can only be measured up to

Nicola Tesla

levels determined by the sensitivity of the e3uipment bein used as to how many cycles per second they operate.

Illustration #$ %dison, friend of the establishment& Tesla, the man with revlutionary ideas, guess which one science teachers tal' about.

Tesla, +&9:; or :< 8&')=, mi rated to the 5!A from The /alkans. He'd ori inally worked with Thomas >dison who discovered direct current, but went on to discover alternatin current with all its advanta es. The two men disa reed and eventually parted ways and Tesla later e$perimented usin the research of the 1erman Heinrich Hert7, who was provin the e$istence of electroma netic waves. Tesla found, while e$perimentin with violently abrupt direct current electrical char es, that a new form of ener y +scalar, became apparent. !calar waves had ori inally ori inally been detected by a !cottish mathematician and physicist, ?ames 0lerk @a$well +&9=&8&9<',. He linked electricity and ma netism thus layin the foundation for much of modern physics and technolo y. The impact of his work should have consi ned many of *ewton's theories to history
Illustration ($ )ames *ler' +a,well

but the profound conservatism, do matic nature and tribalism of the academic community have prevented @a$well's infulence from bein fully appreciated. 5nfortunately the very fine scalar waves which he carefully described in his research papers were deliberately omitted from his work by the = men, includin Heinrich Hert7, who contstucted the framework for physics studied as a discipline in universities and tau ht in colle es and schools . These three dismissed @a$well's scalar waves or potentials as he alternatively named them, on the rounds that they were "mystical" bein physically unmanifest or as they put it, "only e$istin in the "ethers." +An early e$ample of mainstream physicists refusin to see what is starin them in the chuffin face because they fear anythin that challen es their certainties., !calar or ravitic waves were then determined to be too ineffectual for further study. These eni matic +but more powerful than microwaves when harnessed and concentrated into a beam, scalar waves may have been for otten entirely but fortunately *icola Tesla accidentally rediscovered them. The first use Tesla envisa ed for !calar waves was in the creation of new weapons potentially far more destructive that any we know today let alone a hundred years a o. !ince Tesla's death in &')=, many nations have covertly developed his beam weapons which, havin been refined with the help of more recent advances in technolo y and our understandin of molecular physics are now so powerful it is rumoured that usin satellites, military command can
Illustration -$ A new breed of weapon

cause atomic bomb like destructionA tri er earth3uakesA tidal wavesA cause

instant free7in 8 killin every livin thin instantly over many miles and cause intense heat like a burnin fireball over a wide area. It has also been said the technolo y could rant the ability to induce hypnotic

mind control over a whole populationA +it mi ht be a ood to invest in tinfoil hats, or even read anyone on the planet's mind by remoteA affect anybody's 2>@ dream sleep by sendin in subliminal pictures to the visual corte$A cause hallucination dru like effects or the symptoms of chemical or biolo ical poisonin A make a disease epidemic by imprintin the disease 'si nature' ri ht into the cellular structureA paralyse and orBkill everyone instantaneously in a :( mile radius. As I su ested in my first para raph, a lot of modern scientists have trouble distin uishin between fact and science fiction. It is certainly theoretically possible to remove somethin ri ht out of its place in time and space faster than the speed of li ht, without any detectable warnin by crossin C or more beams with each other and any tar et can be aimed at even ri ht throu h to the opposite side of the earth. This kind of cra7iness is e$tremely unlikely but not impossible, it is however the inevitable result of tryin to suppressin knowled e of somethin already published in the public domain. /eware of any attempt to censor the internet such as the bill the .bama administration is tryin to et throu h con ress now. !ome of the thin s mentioned in the previous para raph are feasible, others are wild speculation veerin into fantasy. Tesla's technolo y is real however, his work has been tested and the results reproduced +see links at foot of article, If any nation has tested any of the weapons however, they are not oin to talk about it in the public domain but some of the thin s speculated on were amon the -eapons .f @ass Destruction !addam Hussein was alle ed to have at his disposal. If any of the ma#or countries with scalar weapons capability, e. . 5.!., 0hina or 2ussia were to fire a nuclear missile to attack each other this may possibly not even reach the tar et, because the missile could certainly be destroyed with scalar technolo y
Star .ars$ +issile defence system using Tesla s technology.

before it even left its place or

ori in +Tesla and the !tar -ars defence system,. The knowled e via radio si nals that it was about to be fired could be ained by eavesdropin on conventional communications systems and the tar et could be destroyed in the bunker, fired at from space by satellite. Another scalar phenomenon is the ercetion of invisible movin barriers and lobes made of plasma +produced by crossed scalar beams, which could destroy any missile travellin towards a tar et while it was distant and hi h enou h to do little dama e on the round. As a last resort a lar e scale attack could be thwarted it by erectin a Tesla shield throu h which the attackin missiles would have to pass to enter the tar et's territory and which would e$plode anythin enterin its airspace. /ut enou h of uses in war, we would all hope to see scalar technolo y used to avert threats of war by means other than mutually assured destruction. %et's skip to the ood stuff.

Tesla s Aparatus for transmitting electrical energy.

/y &'(), Tesla had developed transmitters to harness scalar ener y from one transmitter to another, undetectably bypassin time and space. He could #ust

materiali7e it from one place to another throu h hyperspace, without the use of wires, it was #ust sucked ri ht out of the space8timeBvacuum and into a transmitter and into a beam which could be tar eted to another transmitter. 5nfortunately he ot no financial support for replacin electricity, which used wires and coal burnin enerators and thus earned money for businessmen and financiers. To this day, this is the reason why scalar ener y is still not acknowled ed in mainstream physics. Tesla, even thou h he discovered more for mankind in science than many others, is still not credited in science books for his discovery of scalar waves, a source of 7ero cost ener y obtainable from an infinite source of power that costs nothin . .ther inventors have sporadically rediscovered "free8ener y" but have disappeared, some have been involved in bi7arre accidents, others silenced by the sum of millions of dollars hush money, a small sum compared to the sale of electricity, oil, as and other ener y products which would then be rendered worthless. @oney hun ry bi business has harshly crushed any opposition to their own riches, enerated by multiple obsolete earth pollutin fossil fuels. !o whenever you see 0A1-A2Ts screamin and shoutin about sustainable ener y, ask them why we are not developin *icola Tesla's ideas rather than wastin time on unrelable, intermittent eneration e3uipment like medieval windmills. /ut scalar waves are not the only discovery that if publicised and developed would not only chan e the world but make nonesense of so many of the do mas to which mainstream scientists clin more ti htly than reli ious fanatics clin to their sacred te$ts. !ome time a o I reported the phenomenon of 3uantum entan lements otherwise known as the 1od theory, which is sneered at by mainstream scientists althou h there is more hard evidence for it that there ever has been for strin theory which is entirely untestable but has formed the foundation of the thinkin behind the hu ely e$pensive and always pointless %ar e Hardon 0olider pro#ect to et a thrill from spendin other peoples' money learn about the ori ins of the universe and much of the science fantasy stuff that passes for 6hysics now. -hy then are we not pourin DDDbillions into developin the poitential of scalar waves as a source of power for domestic and industrial useE -hat could be cleaner or

more sustainable that free electricity that is pulled out of the air without need for windmills or solar panels. !tran ely the science worshippers simply refuse to see the drawbacks of wind power +no wind, no power, or solar power +sunli ht is not present for on avera e &C hours a day, but can find all sorts of spurious reasons to ob#ect to any idea that threatens to challen e their certainties, e$pose their pre#udices or take from them their control of the ener y supply . There is a lon way to o before electricity will be available to the rid from Tesla's ama7in discovery, even if we start developin the systems now it would be many years before the source is ready for commercial use. /ut why are we messin around with e$pensive to build, hi h maintenance, low efficiency, short lived solar panels and more e$pensive, even less reliable wind turbines when scalar ener y is availableE 0ould it be anythin to do with the fact that the bi est investors in wind and solar are >$$on, /6, Tata and other lobal corporations which hu e interests in heavy pollutin industries like oil and chemicals, electricity, steel etc.E footnote: the Tesla /urple %nergy Shield has been widely promoted online as a health and healing product 0 beware of such advertisements, it s a scam.

UPDATE FEBRUARY 2012 Does Iran Already Have A Source Of Free Unl ! "ed Ener#y$ 'C&-I2> reporter 6atrick Hennin sen presents a report on the roundbreakin free ener y science and advanced propulsion technolo y brou ht claimed by Iranian nuclear physicist, Dr @.T. Feshe, head of the Feshe "oundation in /el ium. It is impossible to say at this sta e if what Feshe claims to have invented is a modern, fully developed version of technolo y proposed by *icola Tesla, but there are some strikin similarities. FesheGs recent lecture on ?an =(, C(&= at Imperial 0olle e in %ondon, revealed some incredible information about IranGs space ship pro ram, and also about a 6eace Treaty which is currently in the hands of the worldGs super powers,

as we wait to see how the the worldGs Hsuper8powersG will react to these new advanced breakthrou hs which Feshe himself is on record as sayin have already enabled Iran to capture not one, but two 5! drones. .ther applications include faster than li ht travel, nuclear ravity8ma netic field plasma free ener y reactors and advanced medical treatment for the terminally ill. The implications of what Feshe has revealed, if his technolo ies are proved, have the potential to chan e the world radically and shift the balance of power to the east. If it transpires that Iran and its allies have developed Tesla's ideas those western 'scientists' who have demonstrated for years that their speciality is flushin ta$payer's money down the toilet in pursuit of the dreams of science fantasy fans are oin to have a lot of e$plainin to do. !ee video of a talk by Feshe about his work. RELATED POSTS: HAARP: Scientists Open Pandora's Box With Experiments In !imate The @ystery .f The /osnian 6yramid Alien %ifeE -ho *eeds %i7ard @en There Is A 5niverse .f Ideas .ut There. A 0omputer That ThinksE -ill Hydro en "uel 0ells 6ower The 0ars -e Drive In The "uture Iuantum @etaphysics The Truth Is *ot .ut There. "ermilab particle collider discovers evidence of a new sub atomic particle -hat Actually Happened /efore /i /an I/@ Develop 0omputer 0hips To 2eplicate The Human /rain The 1reat -ind Turbine 0on Trick !calar -aves and Tesla !hields Tesla's True -ireless and HAA26 How @issile Defence !ystems -ork

!cience and Technolo y @enu

Tesla demonstrating his equipment in *olorado.

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