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READING COMPREHENSION A Read the text on Human Rights Watch and match the following words with the appropriate paragraphs: Why? What? How Where? When? Who 1. ________ More than 150 dedicated professionals work for Human Rights Watch around the world. We are lawyers, journalists, academics of many nationalities and diverse backgrounds. We often join forces with human rights groups from other countries to further our common goals. 2. ________ Human Rights Watch is the largest human rights organization based in the United States. Human Rights Watch researchers conduct fact-finding investigations into human rights abuses in all regions of the world. Human Rights Watch then publishes those findings in dozens of books and reports every year, generating extensive coverage in local and international media. This publicity helps to embarrass abusive governments in the eyes of their citizens and the world. Human Rights Watch then meets with government officials to urge changes in policy and practice at the United Nations, the European Union, in Washington and in capitals around the world. 3. _________ Human Rights Watch started in 1978 as Helsinki Watch, to monitor the compliance of Soviet bloc countries with the human rights provisions of the landmark Helsinki Accords. In the 1980's, Americas Watch was set up to counter the notion that human rights abuses by one side in the war in Central America were somehow more tolerable than abuses by the other side. The organization grew to cover other regions of the world, until all the "Watch" committees were united in 1988 to form Human Rights Watch. 4. _________ Human Rights Watch is based in New York, with offices in Brussels, London, Moscow, Hong Kong, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Tashkent, Toronto, and Washington. We
Formadora: Ana Daniela Fonseca

often set up temporary offices in regions where we're conducting intensive investigations, and our researchers regularly travel to the countries they cover, unless security concerns prevent it. In cyberspace, Human Rights Watch is located at 5. _______ Human Rights Watch believes that international standards of human rights apply to all people equally, and that sharp vigilance and timely protest can prevent the tragedies of the twentieth century from recurring. At Human Rights Watch, we remain convinced that progress can be made when people of good will organize themselves to make it happen. 6. __________The hallmark and pride of Human Rights Watch is the accuracy of our reporting. To maintain our independence, we do not accept financial support from any government or government-funded agency. We depend entirely on contributions from private foundations and from individuals like you. Please join thousands of other concerned global citizens in supporting the work of Human Rights Watch. Together, we can make a difference. B Find evidence in the text for the following statements. 1. Human Rights Watch is made up of people from different countries. 2. This organization publishes many articles on human rights violations. 3. These articles can be very uncomfortable for some politicians. C True or False? Correct the False statements. 1. The people who work for Human Rights Watch come from many areas of the globe. 2. In order to develop common objectives Human Rights Watch engages the help of the media. 3. There is no human rights organization in the USA as large as Human Rights Watch. 4. Human Rights Watch publishes dozens of books and reports every month. D Find in paragraph 4 what these words refer to. 1. We; 2. they; 3. it. E What is your opinion about the work carried out by these organizations? Would you like to join them? Why? Why not?

Formadora: Ana Daniela Fonseca

VOCABULARY WORK F Circle the most appropriate word in italics. Human Rights Watch is dedicated to (1.) protecting/fighting/exposing the human rights of people around the world. We stand with victims and (2.) environmentalists/activists/politicians to prevent discrimination, to protect people from (3.) human/inhumane/humane/conduct in wartime, and to bring (4.) soldiers/victims/offenders to justice. We investigate and expose human rights (5.) violations/regulations/demonstrations. We challenge governments and those who hold power to end (6.) strict/abusive/irregular practices and respect international human rights (7.) rules/regulations/law. We enlist the (8.) private/community/public and the international community to (9.) contribute/fight/support the cause of human rights for all. Human Rights Watch is an (10.) dependent/independent/strange, nongovernmental organization, supported by (11.) help/contributions/gifts from private individuals and foundations (12.) everywhere/here/worldwide. It accepts no government (13.) funds/suggestions/guidelines directly or indirectly.

INFINITIVE WITH OR WITHOUT TO G - Complete the sentences: 1. Emmy has finally agreed ______________________________(to marry) Mike. 2. In my opinion Percy is just pretending ______________________________ (to love) her. 3. She'd rather ______________________________ (to marry) Billy . 4. One day I heard him ______________________________ (to sing) her a song, he had such a beautiful voice ! 5. To know him was ______________________________ (to love) him. He was so disarming. 6. But Emmy is old enough ______________________________ (to make) up her own mind, isn't she? 7. And nobody can force her ______________________________ (to do) something she doesn't agree with. 8. Last Friday I invited her ______________________________ (to have) dinner with me, then 9. I asked her ______________________________ (to explain) her strange choice but she just cried and said : 10. I 'd like something strong ______________________________(to drink) before adding Billy is dead...
Formadora: Ana Daniela Fonseca

11. This morning a walker saw him ___________________ (to fall) from the cliff. And she flew to the door. 12. I couldn't ______________ (to say) a word. 13. .. Poor sweet Billy. I felt tears ______________________ (to fall) down my face 14. Anyway I won't be able ______________________ (to go) to her wedding next month 15. First, I can't decide whether ________________ (to buy) a colourful dress or a black one. 16. Next, it's far from here and my father will never agree __________________ (to lend) me his car 17. The thing is that weddings make me (to sleep)! ______________________________ IMPERATIVE H Put the sentences in order using the Imperative: 1. wet. | Dont | the | camera | let | get | 2. Lets | the | cinema. | to | go | 3. speak | that. | like | Dont | 4. attention | pay | to | her. | Dont | 5. to | the | tonight. | Let | go | her | party | 6. Dont | fast. | too | drive | 7. door. | Close | the | 8. your | open | page | book | 26. | Sit | down | and | 9. You, | to | listen | me. | 10. word. | say | not | Lets | a |

WORD FORMATION I - Use the word at the end of each gap to form a new word with which to fill the gap. While doing this exercise, look for clues which tell you what kind of word is missing (adjective, noun, verb, adverb). Make sure to take into consideration forms using various prefixes and suffixes, as well as negative forms. We earn our 1__________ (LIVE) in America today in peaceful 2 ___________ (COMPETE) with people all across the Earth. Profound and 3__________ (POWER) forces are shaking and 4__________ (MAKE) our world, and the urgent question of our time is whether we can make change our friend and not our enemy. This new world has already 5__________ (RICH) the lives of millions of Americans who are able to 6_________ (COMPETITION) and win in it. But when most people are working harder for less, when others cannot work at all, when the cost of health care devastates families and threatens to 7__________ (BANK) our enterprises, great and small, when the fear of crime robs law abiding citizens of their 8 __________ (FREE), and when millions of poor children cannot even imagine the lives we are calling them to lead, we have not made change our friend.
Formadora: Ana Daniela Fonseca

1. Living Livelihood Life Lived 5. richen enriched riches enriching ACTIVE/ PASSIVE VOICE

2. Competition Competing Competed Competes 6. competed compete competition competing

3. powereless empowering powerful powered 7. embank bankrupt banked banking

4. made making unmaking unmade 8. freedom freeing freed free

J - Put the following sentences into the passive voice or form. Remember that the agent should not be used unless important. 1. They make shoes in that factory. 2. People must not leave bicycles in the driveway. 3. They built that skyscraper in 1934. 4. The students will finish the course by July. 5. They are repairing the streets this month. 6. They make these tools of plastic. 7. They have finished the new product design. 8. They were cooking dinner when I arrived. 9. Smithers painted 'Red Sunset' in 1986. 10. They had finished the preparations by the time the guests arrived.

Formadora: Ana Daniela Fonseca

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