LLNE Education Survey

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LLNE Education Survey

1. How interested are you in attending meetings when subject-specific topics are highlighted? (i.e. employment law, animal law, art law, intellectual property law, etc.) Response Percent Very interested Interested Somewhat interested Not very interested Not interested at all 26.7% 35.0% 23.3% 13.3% 1.7% answered question skipped question Response Count 16 21 14 8 1 60 1

2. How interested are you in attending meetings when practical topics are highlighted? (i.e. learn how academic, firm, court and other law librarians can work together to better train students and new attorneys; learn how to integrate new technologies into reference services, etc.) Response Percent Very interested Interested Somewhat interested Not very interested Not interested at all 58.3% 33.3% 6.7% 0.0% 1.7% answered question skipped question Response Count 35 20 4 0 1 60 1

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3. How interested are you in seeing a hybrid of both subject and practical topics covered at each meeting? Response Percent Very interested Interested Somewhat interested Not very interested Not interested at all 35.0% 43.3% 18.3% 3.3% 0.0% answered question skipped question Response Count 21 26 11 2 0 60 1

4. How important is the meeting topic when it comes to your decision to attend? Response Percent Very important Important Somewhat important Not very important Not relevant at all 43.3% 41.7% 13.3% 1.7% 0.0% answered question skipped question Response Count 26 25 8 1 0 60 1

5. Please list topics you'd like to see covered in the future. Response Count 29 answered question skipped question 29 32

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6. Do you think lengthening the meetings would be valuable and would you attend a 2 day meeting event? Response Percent Very valuable Somewhat valuable Does not matter Would not attend a 2 day meeting 10.0% 23.3% 18.3% Response Count 6 14 11



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7. Would it be beneficial to have half day workshops throughout the year? Response Percent Very beneficial Somewhat beneficial Does not matter; do not want to attend a work shop format 26.7% 70.0% Response Count 16 42


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8. Would you find it valuable to have a combination of meeting formats 1 full day meeting in combination with additional workshops throughout the year? Response Percent Very valuable Somewhat valuable Does not matter Would not attend this format combination 35.0% 51.7% 10.0% Response Count 21 31 6


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9. How important is the meeting duration when it comes to your decision to attend? Response Percent Very important Important Somewhat important Not relevant at all 15.0% 45.0% 31.7% 8.3% answered question skipped question Response Count 9 27 19 5 60 1

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10. Would it be valuable to you to have shorter breakfast meetings or dinner meetings after work? Response Percent Very valuable Somewhat valuable Would not attend this type of format for a meeting 13.3% 31.7% Response Count 8 19



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11. Would you be interested in seeing the meeting duration time lengthened in order to allow for extra time for networking and socializing with colleagues? Response Percent Very interested Interested Somewhat interested Not very interested Not interested at all 13.3% 25.0% 38.3% 20.0% 3.3% answered question skipped question Response Count 8 15 23 12 2 60 1

12. Please let us know if you have any suggestions about meeting duration. Response Count 16 answered question skipped question 16 45

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13. What role does the geographical location of the meeting play in your decision to attend? Response Percent Very important Important Somewhat important Not relevant at all 38.3% 36.7% 18.3% 6.7% answered question skipped question Response Count 23 22 11 4 60 1

14. Are you more or less likely to attend the conference if it is held in a central location such as Boston? Response Percent Most likely Less likely Does not affect my decision Least likely 66.7% 5.0% 28.3% 0.0% answered question skipped question Response Count 40 3 17 0 60 1

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15. Are you interested in carpooling if the conference organizers facilitated a carpooling system to make it easy for you to travel with fellow LLNE members and share driving and gas expenses? Response Percent Very interested Interested Somewhat interested Not very interested Not interested at all 13.3% 20.0% 31.7% 23.3% 11.7% answered question skipped question Response Count 8 12 19 14 7 60 1

16. How likely would you be to take advantage of a bus or train option to get to the conference if it was fully arranged by the meeting organizers? Response Percent Very likely Somewhat likely Less likely Not relevant 30.0% 23.3% 28.3% 18.3% answered question skipped question Response Count 18 14 17 11 60 1

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17. Are you more likely to attend if the meeting is held at a hotel or conference center rather than a law school? Response Percent Very likely Somewhat likely Less likely Not relevant 3.3% 13.3% 6.7% 76.7% answered question skipped question Response Count 2 8 4 46 60 1

18. Please let us know if you have any suggestions about meeting location. Response Count 11 answered question skipped question 11 50

19. How important is it to you that there be complimentary gifts, totes, raffles or items from vendors? Response Percent Very important Important Somewhat important Not relevant at all 3.4% 3.4% 8.5% 84.7% answered question skipped question Response Count 2 2 5 50 59 2

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20. How important is it to you that the organization collects donations for a local charity at the meeting? Response Percent Very important Important Somewhat important Not relevant at all 3.4% 8.5% 25.4% 62.7% answered question skipped question Response Count 2 5 15 37 59 2

21. How important is the cost of the conference to you when deciding to attend? Response Percent Very important Important Somewhat important Not relevant at all 13.6% 33.9% 40.7% 11.9% answered question skipped question Response Count 8 20 24 7 59 2

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22. How important is it to you that the organization provides scholarships to help members attend meetings? Response Percent Very important Important Somewhat important Not relevant at all 22.0% 33.9% 27.1% 16.9% answered question skipped question Response Count 13 20 16 10 59 2

23. Please let us know if you have any suggestions about meeting enhancements. Response Count 6 answered question skipped question 6 55

24. Lecture-type with time for questions (like most are now) Response Percent Very likely Somewhat likely Less likely Not likely 44.1% 45.8% 10.2% 0.0% answered question skipped question Response Count 26 27 6 0 59 2

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25. Presentation followed by moderated discussion among the attendees Response Percent Very likely Somewhat likely Less likely Not likely 28.8% 67.8% 3.4% 0.0% answered question skipped question Response Count 17 40 2 0 59 2

26. Presentation followed by un-moderated discussion by the attendees Response Percent Very likely Somewhat likely Less likely Not likely 10.2% 57.6% 27.1% 5.1% answered question skipped question Response Count 6 34 16 3 59 2

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27. Pre-meeting reading and/or video followed by moderated discussion only at the meeting Response Percent Very likely Somewhat likely Less likely Not likely 10.2% 52.5% 23.7% 13.6% answered question skipped question Response Count 6 31 14 8 59 2

28. Pre-meeting reading and/or video followed by un-moderated discussion at the meeting Response Percent Very likely Somewhat likely Less likely Not likely 10.2% 32.2% 35.6% 22.0% answered question skipped question Response Count 6 19 21 13 59 2

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29. Several topics announced and attendees break up into moderated or un-moderated groups to discuss Response Percent Very likely Somewhat likely Less likely Not likely 16.9% 37.3% 35.6% 10.2% answered question skipped question Response Count 10 22 21 6 59 2

30. Hands on practical training Response Percent Very likely Somewhat likely Less likely Not likely 39.0% 52.5% 6.8% 1.7% answered question skipped question Response Count 23 31 4 1 59 2

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31. Interactive online trainings or Webinars Response Percent Very likely Somewhat likely Less likely Not likely 37.3% 39.0% 15.3% 8.5% answered question skipped question Response Count 22 23 9 5 59 2

32. Please list formats you'd like to see used in the future. Response Count 7 answered question skipped question 7 54

33. Please enter any additional comments about educational programs that you would like to share with the committee. Response Count 6 answered question skipped question 6 55

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