Bengkel KRK2 Student

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1. Diagram 1 shows the structures of the human skin.

DIAGRAM 1 (a) On Diagram 1, label the structures R, P and S. [3 marks] (b) Name the system in Diagram 1. ______________________________________________________________________ _ [1 mark] (c) State two functions of the organ in Diagram 1. i) ________________________________________________________________ ii) ________________________________________________________________ [2 marks]

2. Diagram 2.1 and Diagram 2.2 shows the visions of an animal and a human.

___________________ DIAGRAM 2.1

__________________ DIAGRAM 2.2

(a) In the spaces provided on Diagram 2.1 and Diagram 2.2 name the type of visions. [2 marks] (b) State the advantage of the vision in Diagram 2.1. ______________________________________________________________[1 mark] ( c) State 2 characteristics of the vision in Diagram 2.2. ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ [2 marks] (d) List two examples of animals with the vision of Diagram 2.1 ____________________________________________________________________ [2 marks]

3. Diagram 3 shows a human digestive system.

DIAGRAM 3 (a) Name the parts labelled P, Q, R, S, T, U and V. [2 marks] (b) What is produced by part U? _____________________________________________________________[1 mark] ( c) Which part does digestion ends? ____________________________________________________________________ _ [1 mark] (d) State the enzymes excreted in Q i) _________________________________________________________________ ii) _________________________________________________________________ iii) _________________________________________________________________ [3 marks]

4. Diagram 4 shows an experiment on the electrolysis of water.

DIAGRAM 4 (a) Name two elements of water [2 marks]

(b) Define electrolysis.

[2 marks]

( c) Based on the above diagram, (i) what is gas Y?

[1 mark]

(ii) What will happen when gas X is tested with a burning wooden splinter?

[1 mark]

(iii) What is the ratio of volume of gas X and Y collected at cathode and anode? [1 mark]


DIAGRAM 5 The above diagram shows a graph of solubility of solutes P, Q and R against temperature. (a) What is solubility? [2marks]

(b) Based on the above graph, (i) what happens at point S?

[1 mark]

(ii) which solute has the lowest solubility at 15oC?

[1 mark]

(iii) which solute has the highest solubility at 75oC?

[1 mark]

(c) Give two factors beside temperature that affect the rate of dissolving a solute in a solvent? (i)__________________________________________________________________________ (ii)

[2 marks] 6. (a)

DIAGRAM 6 The above diagram shows some water is boiled in a metal tin. The tin is then sealed immediately and placed under cold running water. (i) What will happen to the metal tin? (ii) Explain your answer in (a). (iii) Give two applications of air pressure in our daily life. [1 mark] [1 marks] [2 marks]


(i) Based on the above diagram, what will happen to the balloon when air is pumped out of the bottle? [1 mark]

(ii) Explain your answer in (a).

[2 marks]

(iii) Beside temperature, what will affect the air pressure in a covered container? [2 marks]

( c)

Gases are usually stored in the form of liquid in cylinders and aerosol cans. Give two examples of gases stored in gas cylinders. [2 marks]


(i) Define work done. [1 mark] (ii) A machine produces 15000 J of work in 30 seconds. Calculate the power produced by the machine. [3 marks]


A worker carries a box with a mass of 20 kg. He climbs up a flight of stairs of 30 steps in 10 seconds. Each step is 25 cm high. (i) Calculate the work done. [3 marks] (ii) Calculate the power produced by the worker. [3 marks]

( c)

(i) Define power. [1 mark] (ii) A man with a mass of 50 kg pushes a car with a mass of 1500 kg against the wall for 10 seconds. Calculate the work done. [1 mark]


Study the animal in the below figure.

(i) (ii)

Explain how this animal supports its body weight.

[1 mark]

Land vertebrates like deer have hollow bones. Why? [1 mark]



State one similarity between land vertebrates and aquatic vertebrates. [1 mark] How is the body weight of aquatic vertebrates being supported? [1 mark]


(iii) What will happen if a whale is washed ashore? Explain. [2 marks]

( c)

Study the cross-section of the stem of a plant in the below figure.

(i) (i) Where does this plant grow? [1 mark] (ii) Explain your answer in (a)(i). [1 mark] (ii) What happen if the part labelled with X is removed? [1 mark]

(iii) State two plants that have the same stem structure. [2 marks] 9.

(i) State what a lever consists of. [1 mark] (ii) List all classes of lever and give an example for each of them. [3 mark]


State the class of lever the above object belongs to. [1 mark]


(i) Define moment of force. [2 marks] (ii) State two factors that affect the moment of force. [2 marks]


The two children in the above diagram sit at an equal distance from the fulcrum.

(i) State the class of lever of the above object. [1 mark] (ii) Calculate the distance that the girl has to sit to make the seesaw balanced. 3 marks]

10. Diagram 10 shows an experiment to test the presence of starch in green leaf. [Pot of plant which has been kept in the day after few hours is tested for presence of starch.]


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(a) Based on your observation, what inference can be made. -______________________________________________________________________ [1 mark]

(b) State the variables involved in this experiment. Constant variable Manipulated variable Responding variable [3 marks]

( c) State the purpose of each stages Stage A Stage B Stage C Stage D Stage E [5 marks] Boil the leaf in water to ____________________________________ Boil the leaf in alcohol to __________________________________ Soak the leaf in hot water to ________________________________ Put a drop of iodine to _____________________________________ _______________________________________________________

(d) Define photosynthesis. _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ __ [ 2 marks] (e) Write the equation for photosynthesis. [1 mark]

11. Diagram 11 shows 8 animals, based on your observation, state one characteristic of each animal


V W [8 marks]

(B) Classify them into 2 group based on their common characteristics

Common characteristics

Name of animals

[4 marks]

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