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If people must work together in life for a common goal, there must be an
understanding that humans are made different, and also be able to
appreciate differences.

Wisdom is the ability to see difference (Dr. Mike Murdock).

Differences are made by God for the purpose of supplementing. We are

meant to supplement each other for the uniform growth of the body of Christ
(Eph. 4:11-13).

Kenneth E. Hagin said that the body of Christ will not be able to come to their
full capacity in Christ until they have embraced the four different gifts of

We are all different in:

a. Ability
b. Temperament
c. Passion or desire
d. Vision
e. Anointing (because of different ministerial offices)

All these things brought about our likes and dislikes, decisions, choice of life
and values differently. So, let’s learn to appreciate and respect one another’s
differences. The ability to do this is known as Interpersonal skill. Even if you
do not like a particular part of your body, you cannot still stop it from doing
its function.

Points to remember

1. You can never please everybody.

2. People are bound to misunderstand your assignment in life.
3. Some are also bound to dislike your assignment because perhaps, you
are not meant for them (1 Samuel 10:25-27).
4. Grudge is a breach to eternal life (the life of God in us)

There are people that naturally don’t like to see or hear another man’s
success; but fight to keep a free mind with everybody as much as you can.
Jesus said, “Love your enemies.”
Some major reasons for strife (Proverbs 20:3)

1. Despise for one another.

2. Competition mentality.
3. Superiority mentality.
4. Critical attitude (not seeing anything good in another person).
5. Lack of interpersonal and communication skill.
6. Lack of divine love (Proverbs 10:12; 17:9).

Let’s see these scriptures: Ephesians 3:17-19.

The Story of Kenneth E. Hagin

The Results of God’s love

1. It is a booster to law of prosperity (Prov. 11:25-26).
2. It is a booster to eternal life (1 John 3:11-15, 17).
3. It makes your faith produce (Gal. 5:6).
4. It produces in you an unconventional mindset that will help you to
comprehend with all saints (Remember Late Arch Bishop Benson
Idahosa to his blessed memory).
5. Because it attracts God’s presence, the command of the supernatural
becomes easy (Acts 4:32-35; 5:12).
6. It brings about the multiplication of the works our hands (Acts 2:44-47).
7. It give you access to an unusual continuous revelation of divine secrets
that results to complete termination spiritual barrenness (2 Peter 1:5-

This kind of love I am talking about is not by the energy of the flesh. It is by
the Holy Ghost. Without it, you cannot love those that hate you. Therefore,
you need the baptism of such divine love. The understanding of the benefit
of a spiritual factor helps us to constantly be in need of it. Remember, good
understanding brings favour (prov. 13:15).

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