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How to Make Money on the Internet


How to Make Money on the Internet


How to Make Money on the Internet


How to Make Money on the Internet

How to Make Money on the


Michael Daehn


How to Make Money on the Internet

How to Make Money on the

How to Make Money on the Internet

Copyright © 2009 by
marketingenious Books
All Rights Reserved


How to Make Money on the Internet


You Have What it Takes


How to Make Money on the Internet


How to Make Money on the Internet



1. THE INTERNET: DAWN OF A NEW ECONOMIC AGE.............................................18

ENORMOUS GLOBAL MARKET ...................................................................................................19
THE GREAT DEMOCRATIZER ......................................................................................................20
2. HOW TO MAKE MONEY ON THE INTERNET ..........................................................22
SELLING PRODUCTS ..................................................................................................................23
SELLING SERVICES ...................................................................................................................24
DRIVING TRAFFIC ....................................................................................................................24
SELLING TRAFFIC .....................................................................................................................25
CHOOSING YOUR PRODUCT TO MAKE MONEY .............................................................................25
Physical Products ..........................................................................................................25

Offering Services ...........................................................................................................26
Providing Information ...................................................................................................27
Selling Advertising ........................................................................................................28
Selling Banner ads .................................................................................................... ............28
Keywords ...................................................................................................... .......................29
Other advertising methods ....................................................................................... .............31
HOW TO GET TRAFFIC TO YOUR WEBSITE ......................................................................................32
Search Engines...............................................................................................................32
Organic search results.................................................................................................... ........35
Organic results and the Golden Triangle ..................................................................... ..........35
How to get ranked high in organic search results............................................................ .......40
Google Juice.......................................................................................................... ..........40
Link Love........................................................................................................... .............41
Black Hat versus White Hat SEO...................................................................... ....................42
Using Banner Ads...........................................................................................................43
Email Marketing.............................................................................................................44
Social networks..............................................................................................................45
Trends in social networking.......................................................................................... .........46
Social media...................................................................................................................48
Subsites and microsites...................................................................................................49
Mashups, feeds and gadgets...........................................................................................52
How to Make Money on the Internet

Browser based traffic.....................................................................................................53

User experience..............................................................................................................55
DOMAIN NAMES........................................................................................................................58
Where to get a domain name..........................................................................................60
Choosing the right name for you....................................................................................61
How domains work.........................................................................................................61
Do it yourself sites..........................................................................................................64
Third party site building tools........................................................................................64
Professional help............................................................................................................66


4. TYPES OF WEBSITES ......................................................................................................68
COMMERCE SITES .....................................................................................................................69


INFORMATIONAL .......................................................................................................................70
KPI's ..............................................................................................................................71
Web analytics .................................................................................................................72
Webtrends ................................................................................................................... ..........73
Google Analytics ................................................................................................ ..................74
Which analytics program is right for you? ....................................................................76
Other measurement tools ...............................................................................................76
Google Page Rank ............................................................................................... .................76
Google Alerts ................................................................................................................... .....76
Blog search................................................................................................................. ...........77
Comment search..................................................................................................... ...............78
Forum discussion search................................................................................................ ........79
Twitter search ................................................................................................... ....................80
More tools ............................................................................................................................. 81

How to Make Money on the Internet






How to Make Money on the Internet


How to Make Money on the Internet

I was watching TV one lazy Saturday morning
when I saw an advertisement for an educational
package selling DVD’s about how to make money
with your own website. My first thought was “this is
kind of cheesy, I could make something like that.”
Then I thought about how this company probably
made a million dollars in sales while I was sitting
there bagging on their commercial. If I could create
something like that, then why don’t I?

I’m foregoing the bad acting and poorly lit
informercial. This book is more my style. Once I got
started writing I found myself pouring out more and
more information. One thought lead to the next and I
ended up with what I believe to be an excellent
primer for marketing on the Internet for
entrepreneurs, students, and executives alike. There
may even be a new trick or two in here for seasoned
My background is marketing, but I have had the
advantage of working with and seeing many sides of
how the Internet works. The best sites are built by a
team that understands design and user experience
on the front end and making the site work technically
How to Make Money on the Internet

on the back end. In between somewhere is good

search engine optimization that helps people find the
This book is more front end than back, more
marketing than web design. If you have some
technical skills or like to experiment you will be able
to most of the work yourself. If you prefer to hire a
professional, the information in this book will help
you ask the right questions and get a site built that is
sure to make you money.
This book is not about the get rich quick, set it

and forget it scams I see advertised. Sure your site
can make you money while you sleep, but only if you
have put in some hard work and/or resources up front
to make it worth while for people to visit.
I love the Internet. It is a powerful tool that is
letting more people get into the game and change
their lives without a huge capital investment. A little
knowledge and passion go a long way if you are
willing to do your homework. Good luck on your new
site, be sure to send me a link. See you online!

How to Make Money on the Internet

Michael Daehn


How to Make Money on the Internet


How to Make Money on the Internet

1. The Internet: Dawn of a New Economic



How to Make Money on the Internet

Internet Map Image courtesy of the Cooperative Association for Internet

Data Analysis.

Enormous Global Market

In March 2008 an estimated 1.4 Billion people were
already on the internet, and the numbers continue to
climb. Some areas like the middle east and Africa saw
over a 1000% increase in Internet use in the last
decade, and these number will only increase. By
simply posting a page to the World Wide Web you
have access to a global audience that was
inconceivable in the past.


How to Make Money on the Internet

The Great Democratizer
The Internet is unique in that just about anyone
can start a page and share in the global economy
with a minimal capital investment. Even if you don’t
own your own computer, you can get borrow one or
use one at the library to start your own website. And
with the number of free website building and hosting
tools available, just about anyone can start their own
How to Make Money on the Internet

site for a few dollars a year.


How to Make Money on the Internet

2. How to Make Money on the Internet


How to Make Money on the Internet

There are a variety of ways to make money on the

Internet., but they fall into four main categories
• Selling Products
• Selling Services
• Driving Traffic
• Selling Traffic

Selling Products
For the past 100 years the best way for most

manufacturers to get their product to market was to
use some type of intermediary. Salesmen,
wholesalers and retailers provided a great service in
getting products to market. With the Internet the
creators can now go straight to the consumers.
Authors can sell directly to their readers. And if you
would rather have some help, there are now masses
of people willing to help you distribute your product
via their websites. Times have changed indeed.
So the first way you can make money on the
Internet is to sell products, either yours or someone
else’s, directly to the public. These types of site
usually require some type of electronic shopping cart
so that you can allow people to pay for products.
How to Make Money on the Internet

Shopping carts let people pay by credit card,

electronic check or through other third party services
like PayPal ( The Internet makes it
possible for anyone to set up shop, sell products, and
collect revenues with a few mouse clicks.

Selling Services
Of course not all products are physical and
selling services has never been easier when using the
Internet. Now lawyers, consultants and educators can

provide information and/or advice and charge for it
through their website. Using tools like Internet files,
discussion boards, and web conferencing makes the
service professionals available to a wider audience.
Location is no longer an issue.

Driving Traffic
Not everyone wants to sell products or services
from their website, but they do need to drive traffic
to their business. Creating your own web page is a
great way to get people in the door of your physical
location. Why pay for a small ad in the corner of the
Yellow Pages when you can have your own full
featured web pages with all the advertising and
How to Make Money on the Internet

contact information you choose to share?

Selling Traffic
Maybe you don’t have anything to sell, but you
do have something to say. Having a highly trafficked
website is a great way to make money. Selling ad
space on your site is one of the best and most
popular ways to make money on the Internet. The
more eyeballs you have viewing your page, the more
you can charge advertisers to place their ads.

Choosing Your Product to Make Money

Physical Products
The Internet is a great place to sell physical
products. Consumers are flocking to the web to find
deals that can’t be found in retail locations due to all
of the middlemen involved. By taking your product
directly to the customer they save money and you
make more profit.
For example, when an author works with a
publisher there are lots of in between people:
• Author
How to Make Money on the Internet

• Publisher
• Book Wholesaler
• Book Retailer
• Customer

Compare that to when authors sell their books

directly to the customer:
• Author
• Customer

Removing all those people in between you and your
customers makes you more money and allows you to
offer a better price. The Internet allows you to reach
and sell directly to your customers.

Offering Services
The Internet is a great way for service providers to
connect with their customers and meet the needs of
their customers even if it is not face to face. Here are
some of the services you can now provide to
customers through your website:
• Consulting
• Education
How to Make Money on the Internet

• Advice
• Resource Management
• Recommendations

With the Internet tools now available you can

upload files, books, videos, manuals and even whole
university courses. You customers can take
advantage of your services, and pay you, online.

Providing Information
The Internet is a great way to reach your target

audience and sell information. If you have access to a
database or specialized information you can charge
your customers to view it. Here are some of the types
of information sites where you can make money:
• Real Estate
• Investing
• People Finding
• Consumer Reports
• Book Summaries

How to Make Money on the Internet

Selling Advertising
Maybe you don’t have any of your own products
or services to sell, but you have a lot of people
visiting your site. You can monetize the “eyeballs”
you have viewing your site’s content by selling
advertising to other people.
You may have heard of some of the 17 year old
kids that started blogs that are now raking in $15-20K
a month. They took a hobby like trains or fishing and
starting writing about it. After a while they had a
huge audience coming to read their reviews of new

products, or to comment on their stories.
Advertisers were eager to use these sights
where people were going to promote their products.
They were able to sell their related products to a
targeted audience. The kids started raking in the
dollars by placing ads on their websites.

Selling Banner ads

If you surf the web it’s not long before you see a
typical banner ad. They resemble advertising placed
in magazines or newspapers and run alongside the
content of the page or sometimes at the top or
bottom. If you have a well trafficked site, you can sell
this real estate to advertisers to place ads.
How to Make Money on the Internet

Banner ad related to website content

Instead of banners, you can allow for small text
advertisements to appear on your site. Google has a
great advertising program that anyone can sign up
for called Adsense.
Go to and sign up for a free Google
account. Once you have a Google account you can
sign up for the Adsense program. They will walk you
through how to put the ads on your site and you
make money anytime someone clicks on an ad.
If you don’t have a site, Google will give you one
for free using their blogging program called Blogger.
How to Make Money on the Internet

They’ll let you set up a site and host it for free and
you can switch the Adsense program on very easily
using their site.
The great thing about keyword advertising is
that it is able to change from page to page and
presents ads that are relevant to the information your
visitors are reading. In many ways it becomes a
helpful resource for your site visitors.
There are many other companies that offer
similar programs like Yahoo! and Microsoft, but
Google is the biggest and very easy to use, so I

recommend you start there.

How to Make Money on the Internet

Other advertising methods
While banner ads and keyword advertising are the
most popular, there are lots of other ways you can
make money selling advertising on your site. Here
are some of the other tools available:
• Popovers
• Popunders
• Videos

How to Make Money on the Internet

• Animation
• Audio
• Flash demos

How to get traffic to your website

There are many ways to get traffic to your site.
Building a positive reputation is very effective, but it
takes time. You can take a shortcut and pay for traffic
using paid advertising. Both methods work and a

combination of the two can be very effective.

Search Engines
Most people use a search engine to look for
information on the web. Google is the most popular
search engine today, but others include Ask, Yahoo!
and Live (Microsoft). There are two types of results on
search pages, sponsored (paid) results and organic

How to Make Money on the Internet

Driving traffic and increasing PageRank
©2009 by Michael Daehn

How to Make Money on the Internet


How to Make Money on the Internet

Organic search results

Organic search results are the listings that show
up that are not paid for by advertisers. Google’s
organic search results are displayed on the top left
hand side of the page, with paid or sponsored results
on the right hand side. Occasionally Google will also
place paid results at the very top left hand side of the

Organic results and the Golden Triangle

Many studies have been done about how people
view web pages and search engine results pages in

particular. Heat maps show that people naturally look
to the left side of the page about one inch from the
In fact most people do not naturally look to the
right of the page where Google serves the majority of
their paid advertising. The heat map image below
shows how people view a Google search results page.
The brighter the area, the more people viewed it and
for a longer amount of time.

How to Make Money on the Internet

Google Search Results Page Heat Map

This does not mean that nobody is looking or

clicking on the sponsored results. If that were true,
Google would not be the multi-billion dollar company
it is today. The key strategy for you to remember is to
be in the top three organic search results. If you are,
How to Make Money on the Internet

you are sure to be getting lots of looks for your

search term.
Because of this trend some sites like Ask have
started mixing paid and organic results together. This
can be dangerous. When you mix advertising with
your content it can hinder your credibility. I’m sure
they make money, but I question the long term
One reason Google does so well with their
advertising is because they are straightforward about
what is organic and what is paid search. I highlighted

the areas in the first screenshot, but notice how
difficult it is to distinguish the organic and paid
results on the non-highlighted page.

How to Make Money on the Internet


How to Make Money on the Internet

Many companies have kick started their website
with paid ads, and transitioned over to relying on
getting organic results once people became aware of
their site.

How to Make Money on the Internet

How to get ranked high in organic search

The best way to be ranked high in the organic
results on sites like Google is to have lots of in bound
links- that is other sites that link to your site. Google
calls this PageRank- the higher your page rank on a
scale of 1 to 10, the more likely you are to show up
first in search results.

Google Juice
Though PageRank is the official name, many

people call page ranking Google Juice. When a high
ranking site links to a lower ranking site they can
bring up the rank of the lower site, and vice versa. If
you can get a high ranking site to link to you that’s
good news, but be careful about linking to low ranked
site because it can take away from your own ranking.
It’s better to get the juice than to give it.
The easiest way to see your PageRank is to
install the Google Toolbar. Not only will you know your
PageRank, but you can see the PageRank of any site
you visit or link to yourself.
Notice that my site only ranks 2/10, but it is still
the #1 ranking for Michael Daehn. This says two
things, first the name is relatively unique so still has
How to Make Money on the Internet

tops results with a low PageRank. Second, I need to

spend more time getting inbound links to this site.

PageRank 2/10

Link Love
When you link to a site you are essentially
voting for that site, and in a way telling Google you
think it is a valuable piece of Internet real-estate. It is
usually a good idea to link to people and sites you
think are valuable to your visitors. It helps to
establish you and your site as a valuable resource.
Have you ever received an email asking you to
swap links? You post a link on your site and in return
the other person promises to post a link on your site.
In general you should stay away from these
reciprocal linking schemes. It is appropriate to link to
How to Make Money on the Internet

a site that links to you, but do it for legitimate

reasons. If the sole purpose is to increase PageRank
you are working in the realm of Black Hat SEO.

Black Hat versus White Hat SEO

Just like in the old western movies, the bad guys
wear black hats and the good guys wear white hats.
If you are involved in shady link trading or other
scams that try to game the system you are
participating in Black Hat SEO. If the search engines
catch you, or thinking you are doing something
suspicious they will black list your site. While Black
Hat techniques can gain you some short term traffic,
they are not a good long term business strategy for
legitimate businesses.

How to Make Money on the Internet

Using Banner Ads

Placing a billboard type ad on other websites
has been around for a long time. They have waxed
and waned in popularity as some studies show that
many people ignore banner type advertisements.


Banner blindness
How to Make Money on the Internet

People do block banner ads for the most part,

but don’t rule them out completely for your site.
Sometimes a well placed banner on another site that
contains related content can be effective.

Email Marketing
Email is not new and not as glamorous as some
of the cutting edge web technologies available today,
but done right it can be the number one traffic driver

for your site. The chart below lays out a solid strategy
for any web marketing program using Chuck as your
hypothetical subscriber.

How to Make Money on the Internet

©2009 by Michael Daehn

Social networks
Social networks are a great way to engage with
your customers and drive traffic back to your
website. The nice thing is that most of these sites are
free. Be sure to set up a profile for yourself, or your
company, and post links back to your main website.
How to Make Money on the Internet

It’s handy to have some profile information set up

that you can copy and paste onto the various social
media sites where you register.

Facebook and MySpace Traffic 1/2008-1/2009

Trends in social networking

MySpace used to be the King, but Facebook has
now surpassed MySpace with number of users.
However MySpace is still a hotspot for music and
How to Make Money on the Internet

artist pages. Micro blogging/messaging tools like

Twitter and FrienFeed are gaining momentum too.

Twitter and FriendFeed Traffic 1/2008-1/2009

A word of caution, you need to be yourself and

not just hock your website. If you get labeled as
inauthentic or a spammer, you will get black listed by
the community. Better to not get involved than to get
a negative reputation.
How to Make Money on the Internet

Social media
Most people lump social networks and social
media together, but for web traffic I view them as
distinct. Social networks require interaction and
communication. Social media sites allow you to
upload content that other people can comment upon
and share with their communities. Social media sites
have a social networking component, and it is
beneficial to cultivate that element, but not required.

So if you have videos, images, white papers,
articles or other media items get them uploaded to
these sites. Even if it is only your company brochure,
be sure to post a copy to the free file sharing sites.
You never know when someone will come across it,
and having links back to your site associated with
this content helps your search results.
YouTube is the most popular video site, but there
are many more out there. By using a service like
TubeMogul, you can post your same video to many
sites at one time. Flickr is the largest photo sharing
site and Scribd has a nice interface for sharing your
documents with the world. Think about where you

How to Make Money on the Internet

audience is and what content you have, then pick a

few of the top social media sites to show your stuff.

YouTube, Flickr and Scribd Traffic 1/2008-1/2009

Subsites and microsites

Having multiple subsites and microsites that
point back to your main site can be good and bad. On
How to Make Money on the Internet

the good side, you can customize these sites to

target audiences better. You also have inbound links
coming from your own sites coming back to your
main web address. The bad news is that unless you
are careful, it is easy to confuse your customers as to
what site they are on.
Often subsites will click through to a main site
and people get lost. You also are diluting the power of
your main brand and website when you have
subsites. It is better to have all of your traffic going to
your main domain so it gets credit for being a popular

site with search engines.
Sometimes it makes sense to have a landing
page for a campaign or promotion. These can be very
effective when they have a single purpose and a
clear focus. Make sure that you explain what is
happening and where people will go when they click
if you send them away from the page.

Blogs began as a way for people to comment,
share their thoughts and compile information to
share with others on their website. When used
properly, blogs can generate excellent web traffic for
How to Make Money on the Internet

your main site or product. The key is to update often

with relevant content.
Many folks jumped on the blogging bandwagon,
but they never updated their sites. Their conclusion
was that blogging did not work. Search engines love
updated relevant content so your blog will work, but
you have to work your blog.
You can blog yourself, pay someone to blog for
you, or encourage others to blog about your
company. All can be effective depending on your
audience and the kind of information you are sharing.


Google gadgets
How to Make Money on the Internet

Mashups, feeds and gadgets

When you visit a site and see a little box with
news results it is more often than not coming from a
news feed place inside a gadget. If your site has
great content you should syndicate and make it
available to others in the form of gadgets. You can
also open up proprietary information and allow others
to mash it up into their own creations. Feedburner
can help you turn your blog into a feed and sites like

Widgetbox and Google Gadgets can help you turn
them into gadgets.

How to Make Money on the Internet

Making a widget on Widgetbox

Browser based traffic

Don’t overlook the amount of traffic you can be
getting from people typing it into their address bar.
The Internet is only one tool in your marketing
arsenal. You should be promoting your site offline
through the appropriate tools for your situation. Print,
magazines, television/radio broadcast and direct mail
are all ways to drive more traffic to your website.
How to Make Money on the Internet

Postcard with web address

If you have ever tried to find a missing
document in an unorganized filing cabinet you
understand the need for clearly labeling and
organizing all your files. Your system also needs to be
something that others can understand easily so they
can find the information they are looking for. This will
help the humans viewing your site and the search
How to Make Money on the Internet

engines that are crawling through all of your files and

indexing them.
On your website make sure the following
information is labeled clearly:
• Domain names
• Web addresses (URL’s)
• Page titles
• Headings
• Descriptions
• Tags (categorizing or labeling posts,

articles, images, etc.)
Though the algorithm search engines use to
give your site results are proprietary, it has been
shown that the more links you have and the better
organized and labeled your site is the better your
search results.

User experience
Have you ever been frustrated when visiting a
website because you can not get the information you
need? Getting people to your site is half the battle,
getting them what they came for is the next step.

How to Make Money on the Internet

How easy is your site to use once they get

there? Is your content laid out clearly and properly
labeled? Does your navigation make sense? User
experience design is now a major industry in the web
world. Consider getting help, but if you do it yourself
or you are not sure you can’t go wrong by keeping it
simple. It works for Google
The one thing you really need to know about

Have updated relevant content and a site worth
visiting. When you accomplish this, people will want
to come to your site and tell others by linking to you.
If your site is well organized and looks good to human
beings, the search engines will like it too.

How to Make Money on the Internet

3. Setting up your site


How to Make Money on the Internet

Setting up your site is the most technical

element. If you are a do-it-yourselfer it shouldn’t
take you too long. If you prefer to save the time or
hassle there are plenty of people out there reading
and willing to help.

Domain names
A domain is the title of your website address., and are all
examples of domain names. The last bit at the end of

your name is called the domain name extension.
There are lots of extensions available to choose from:

.com represents the word "commercial," and is the

most widely used extension in the world. Most
businesses prefer a .com domain name because it is
a highly recognized symbol for having a business
presence on the Internet.
.net represents the word "network," and is most
commonly used by Internet service providers, Web-
hosting companies or other businesses that are
directly involved in the infrastructure of the Internet.

How to Make Money on the Internet

Additionally, some businesses choose domain names

with a .net extension for their intranet Websites.
.org represents the word "organization," and is
primarily used by non-profits groups or trade
.biz is used for small business Web sites.
.info is for credible resource Web sites and signifies a
"resource" web site. It's the most popular extension
beyond .com, .net and .org.
.mobi (short for "mobile") is reserved for Web sites
built for easy viewing on mobile devices.

.us is for American Web sites and is the newest
extension. It has the largest amount of available
names in inventory.
.tv is for rich content/multi-media Web sites,
commonly used within the entertainment or media

There are a myriad of other extensions available

for other countries like .ca for Canada and .uk for the
United Kingdom. In general it is best to get a .com
name for your business, or .org if you are a non-profit
since these are typically what people will search for
How to Make Money on the Internet

Some people will get the same name with

additional extensions to keep other people from using
them. If you feel this could be a problem for you
down the road you may want to consider protecting
yourself by getting additional extensions. For most
people this is not necessary if they have the .com or
.org extension.

Where to get a domain name

To get a domain name you need to register it

through a service. You should not have to pay more
than $10 a year for your domain name. If you are
paying more, I suggest you shop around. There are
usually discounts for multiple year and multiple
domain names registered. If you get hosting with the
same company, they will often give you the domain
registration for free. A few sources for cheap reliable
domain names are:

How to Make Money on the Internet

Choosing the right name for you

It can be tough to find a good domain name with
the popular .com and .org extensions these days so
you will need to be creative. The shorter the name
you can use the better. Try not to use dashes or mix
numbers into your name. Try to pick a name or words
that are easy to spell and remember.
Many sites that sell domain names have a name
choosing wizard. Type in your keywords and they will
provide some combinations and tell you what is
available. If you really want to be an expert on good

and bad domain names check out

How domains work

The reason you need a domain name is so that
your customers can easily find your site without
remembering a long IP address. Each computer
actually uses a long number like as
it’s address. When you register a domain for your
address every time someone types in that name a
Domain Name Server (DNS) directs you to the proper
IP address where the site is hosted.

How to Make Money on the Internet

Once you have your domain name picked out
you need to find a place to host your site. If you are
just starting out I suggest you use the same place
you use for your domain. All of your information will
be in one place and you can save yourself some of
the technical details required when you have
domains and sites hosted in different locations.

How to Make Money on the Internet

Create your website
There are lots of options for creating your site.
The good news is that a lot of the work has been
done and prices have come down. Most people are
not starting from scratch. Even seasoned web
designers re-use and copy code from others.

How to Make Money on the Internet

Do it yourself sites
Again if you have bought a domain and hosting
from a service provider, they will often offer a free or
low cost website builder package. I suggest you give
these a try and get your feet wet.

Third party site building tools

There are plenty of websites that allow you to
create your own site for free or for a small monthly

fee. Bear in mind that these sites use templates so it
will not be unique and most free sites place their
advertising on your site. Here are a few free sites I
have used and recommend:
• Google Pages
• PageFlakes
• NetVibes
• Ning (build you own social network)
• Terapad (blog and website)
• Blogger (blog)
• WordPress (blog)

How to Make Money on the Internet

The nice thing about these site building tools is
that they come with editing tools or WYSIWYG’s,
which stands for what you see is what you get. No
knowledge of code or HTML is required. If you can

How to Make Money on the Internet

write a Word document should be able to handle

editing a page using these editors.

If you have some coding skills and feel
comfortable with HTML you can build your own site
using programs like DreamWeaver or Notepad and
create your own site. These programs also come in
handy if you decide to tweak a pre-built blog or

Professional help
If you don’t have the time or technical skills I
suggest you find a good professional to build you site
for you. I know some HTML and can tweak a blog, but
when my clients need a professional site I go to my
network of web design professionals.

How to Make Money on the Internet


How to Make Money on the Internet

4. Types of Websites


How to Make Money on the Internet

There are many different types of websites, but

if you really want to make money there are three
main categories:

• Commerce sites or stores selling products

• Promotional sites gaining attention
• Informational/advice oriented intended to
drive traffic
Most money making sites fall into one of these

categores, or are a hybrid.

Commerce sites
These sites focus on selling products directly to
consumers. They have a list of products/services and
a shopping cart of paymetn method. They usually
require an extra layer of technical expertise to handle
inventory and billing. Many sites are stand alone and
target consumers directly. Many retail locations now
offer an online counterpart where their customers
can purchase.

How to Make Money on the Internet

Some sites are purely promotional. You can not
purchase the product from the site, but the intention
is to drive sales to other web or real world locations.
Many new movies have a promotional website with a
trailer and viewing information, but you can not
purchase the movie from the site.


You can use an informational site to establish
yourself as an expert in your market. Many blogs take
this approach. The blog authors post relevant and
useful information on a regular basis. Once you have
built up a loyal following you can recommend
products of service that you provide or sell
advertising for others.

Metrics and Measurement

How do you know if your hard work is paying
off? Measure. The great thing about websites as
opposed to other marketing tools is that you can
track all the activity on your site. This is virtualy
How to Make Money on the Internet

impossible to do on the same scale with traditional

media like television, radio and print.

(Note: you need a free google account from to use the Google services listed in this

Before you begin you need to set some goals of
what you want to measure. These key performance
indicators (KPI's) will help you focus on the most
important data for your situation. A problem many

people face with their analytics is not knowing what
to look at. Your website can track so much
information it can be overwhelming what is important
and what is not. Setting your KPI's in advance will
help greatly.

For example, if you are selling tennis shoes some key

performance indicators could be:

• Unique Visitors- Visits include all visits to

your site, even by the same person, Unique
Visits are from different people/computers

• Bounce Rate- how people leave the site right

How to Make Money on the Internet


• Click Through Rate (CTR) to purchase- what

percentage of your visitors are making a

If you know you spent $100 in online adds to

get 100 visitors and 10% clicked through to purchase
than it cost you $10 per acquisition for each sale.

Web analytics

To get started you will need a web analytics
program. There are many packages available out
there, but I will cover two of the most popular here:
WebTrends and Google Analytics. For these programs
to work you need install a little piece of provided
code on your site.

Google Analytics' code looks like this:

<script type="text/javascript">
var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." :
document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));
<script type="text/javascript">
var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-123456-3");
How to Make Money on the Internet


You want to see what people are clicking on your

site. Webtrends requires you to put a tag or code on
each link you want track. Google Analytics only
requires you to put the code on the page that you
want to measure and it tracks the links for you


Webtrends is one the best known premium web
analytics programs. The first thing you will notice is
the price. Depending on the size of your site you will
pay hundreds or even thousands of dollars for this
service. There is usually a certain number of reports
you can run and an annual license renewal fee as
well. It is a nice service and provides some in depth
metrics and othe plug-ins from the company you may
find useful.

How to Make Money on the Internet

WebTrends Dashboard View

Google Analytics
The first thing you will notice about Google
Analytics is that is free. If you are not sure where to
start you can take Google Analytics for a test spin
and see what kind of information can be tracked. I
How to Make Money on the Internet

also find the Google Analytics dashboard easier to

use than Webtrends.


Google Analytics Dashboard View

How to Make Money on the Internet

Which analytics program is right for you?

I prefer Google Analytics because it seems
easier to use, requires less work to install the
tracking codes and it's free. Before you decide which
is right for you, determine your KPI's. If they are basic
stats, Google Analytics should do the job. If you have
a more complicated scenario for your data you may
want to check out what Webtrends has to offer.

Other measurement tools

Google Page Rank
Have you Googled youself lately? If you want to
know what people see when they search then try
searching for yourself. How high up are you on the
list? How many listings do you get for your brand
name? If you have the Google Toolbar installed it will
also give your site a ranking of 1-10, 10 being the
highest. The more inbound links and traffic you have,
the higher your Google page rank.

Google Alerts
You have probably heard about measuring web
How to Make Money on the Internet

traffic, but Google Alerts is a powerful tool that is

often overlooked. Sign in to your Google account and
you can set up alerts on the topics or keywords you
choose. I have alerts set up for when anyone
mentions Michael Daehn or marketingenious. It's a
good way to see when your name or product is being
discussed on the Internet. If someone is raving about
your product, you can directly follow up with them.

Blog search
It's a good idea to see when people are blogging
about you too. Sites like allow you to
search blog posts about you and your company. If
you see someone blogging about you, you can visit
How to Make Money on the Internet

their site and leave a comment.

Comment search
Google does not index search results for
comments on pages. A great tool for searching
comments is When you make an
account it also aggregates all of your comments on
the web- another way for people to find you.
How to Make Money on the Internet

Forum discussion search
There's a lot happening on the many discussion
boards around the web. Are they talking about you?
One tool to find out is Type in your
search term and get results from all of the discussion

How to Make Money on the Internet

Twitter search
Twitter is a fast growing communication tool.
Every day millions of people are having discussions
on topics of interest to them. Are they talking about
you or with you? Are you joining the conversation?

How to Make Money on the Internet

More tools
There are a ton of great tools out there for
measuring you Internet success. The good news is
that most of them are free. The bad news is unless
you have clear goals and KPI's you will waste a lot of
How to Make Money on the Internet

time trying to figure out which ones to use and what

the data means. Make sure you do your homework
and set your strategy first.


How to Make Money on the Internet

5. How to Keep Your Website on Top: The

Website Creation Continuum


How to Make Money on the Internet

Great websites are continually honed to better
serve your audience. Start by doing your research.
• Personas- develop a picture of the ideal visitor
for your site

How to Make Money on the Internet

• Education- know everything you can about

your market and the best web tools to reach
• Surveys- not sure what your audience wants?
Ask them
• Testing- perform user tests early and often- the
more you test the better your final site will be
Your initial research will help you define your initial
target audience. To connect with your target audi-
ence you will need:

• SEO- Good search engine optimization assures
you that when people are typing in the name of
your product or service they will find you easily
• UX- A well designed user experience makes sure
that once they find your site, they can find what
they came for quickly and easily
• Conversion- If you put in the hard work for the
steps above, it will pay off with more conver-
sions to sales, customers and supporters
How do you know this is working? Measurement.
Check your search results, refine your UX through
How to Make Money on the Internet

testing and surveys and look at the bottom line- are

you making any revenue? Don't forget to use these
measurements to refine your target audience further.

©2009 by Michael Daehn


How to Make Money on the Internet

The Internet is a fun and exciting tool that has
transformed the way marketing and business are
done. It is an important communication tool whether
you are looking to start an Internet based business or
to market your traditional business more effectively.
Because Internet marketing changes so
frequently you need to stay on top of current trends.
Yesterday’s Friendster is today’s MySpace and
tomorrow’s FaceBook. New sites replace old ones all

the tiime.
Reading magazines like Wired are helpful, but
sometimes a month is too long to wait. A good way
to know what’s happening is to read blogs by people
like Seth Godin or mine at You
can also establish your own network of advisors
through tools like Twitter.
I want to know how you do with your new
Internet ventures, so please send me a note. My
information is always current at

How to Make Money on the Internet


How to Make Money on the Internet

Other books by Michael Daehn:

Available at and

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