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HRC Program

Life is in the sports. Attending body exercise already being a very important way in life which we choosed. Now it is also an important rule to choose a suitable way to do sports according to our own body situation. Our sports capacity can be calculated exactly through examing heart rate. The highest heart rate (Hrmax) means highest times of heartbeat when doing the highest strength sports in one minute, which is also the standard way to check our sports capacity. We can using the percent of Hrmax to show our sports capacity accordingly. Gererally calculating, Hrmax is as same as 220 age reducing your own age. The percent of highest heart rate is: %Hrmax Hard sports HR Zone, the time of heartbeat is 80-89% of Hrmax Moderate sport HR Zone, the time of heartbeat is 70-80% of Hrmax Light sports HR Zone, the time of heart beat is 60-70% of Hrmax Usually, Keeping our highest heart rate in 65%-85% can get a very good sports result, if lower than 60%, too little sport capacity, can get good result. If higher than 85%, too much sports capacity, it will be harmful. The function of Heart Rate Control(HRC) programme is checking the changing of sporters heart rate, adjusting the speed of running belt and rising degree automatically so that to control the sports capacity to getting a healthy sports result. The Working Process of Trends HRC 65%Hrmax[HR Zone]85 5<abs(Tested Heart Rate [HR Zone])10 Controlling measure: Each 5 second adjusting speed at 0.2Km/h 10<abs(Tested HeartRate [HR Zone])15 Controlling measure: Each 5 second adjusting speed at 0.5Km/h 15<abs(Tested Heart Rate[HR Zone])20 Controlling measure: Each 3 second adjusting speed at 0.5Km/h, rising degree at 1% abs(Tested Heart Rate [HR Zone])20 Controlling measure: Each 2 second adjusting speed at 1.0Km/h, rising degree at 2%

Wear wireless belt

Please wear the wireless belt on your chest. (1) Link elastic: Please insert the clasp of the elastic both ends into the hole of the wireless of the wireless belt, then tighten it.

(2) Adjust elastic length insure the belt close touch your chest and wear it


(3) Wet the wireless two polar :splash a little water on the touched area of the two polar ends.

H1 Pre-set time: 30minutes Pre-set age: 25 yeas WEAR wireless belt Wet the wireless belt two poles and wear it on you chest. MODE setting Press SELECT to access P2~P7, Press FAST or SLOW to adjust. AGE setting Press SELECT into AGE setting. Press FAST or SLOW to adjust from 10 to 70 years. TIME setting

Press SELECT into time setting. The default TIME shows 30 minutes Press FAST or SLOW to set user desire running time. Range from 1 to 99 minutes. Press START begin to run. Press FAST to increase speed. Press SLOW to decrease speed. Press UP to increase incline. Press DOWN to decrease incline.

Sally Edwards, author of "The Heart Rate Monitor Guidebook" (Compare Prices) discusses the value of heart zone training. It works for 20-year old athletes as well as 70-year olds with heart trouble. The goal is to get into a particular zone. She identifies 5 zones:

The Healthy Heart Zone: 50% - 60% of your individual maximum heart rate. This is a safe, comfortable zone reached by and easy walk. This is the best zone for people who are just starting to exercise. This zone has been shown to help decrease body fat, blood pressure and cholesterol. The Temperate Zone: 60% - 70% of your individual maximum heart rate. This zone provides the same benefits as the healthy heart zone, but is more intense and burns more total calories. Achieved through a faster walking speed or a slow jog. The Aerobic Zone: 70% - 80% of your individual maximum heart rate. This zone will improve your cardiovascular and respiratory system and increase the size and strength of your heart. Achieved through a steady jog. The Anaerobic Threshold Zone: 80% - 90% of your individual maximum heart rate. . This is a high intensity zone is achieved through a "burning" run. The Redline Zone: 90% - 100% of your individual maximum heart rate. This zone is the equivalent of running full out, and is often used in "interval" training. This zone should be approached with caution and can lead to injuries when sustained for a long period. Maximum Heart Rate Your maximum heart rate is as fast as your heart can beat. This varies for each person, but age is generally used as a guide for what your maximum heart rate is likely to be. A more individualized number can be provided by testing by an athletic trainer, or as a function of some of the more expensive heart rate monitors. Our heart rate calculator is age-based and you can use it to see your maximum heart rate and also to

find out bpm for target heart rates based on percentages of the maximum heart rate.

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