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A thinking framework for understanding systems behaviour

to ScIO by Nigel Green 5Di LTD

Permission to reuse and adapt original material was granted under a Creative Commons SA 2.0 License by 5Di Ltd.

Im going to talk about

What VPEC-T is How it came about How its been used:
In government - avoiding unneeded IT spend & stimulating organisational change In an international business - aligning business & IT values & strategy In UK company - as the seed for their integrated business/IT strategy In an International rm to examine their IT Operating Model

3 Canvases for VPEC-T Analysis others?

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Values Policies Events Content Trust

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The History of VPEC-T

PEC applied to post 9-11 Sea Container Security curity Full VPEC-T pattern published In Lost In Translation based on work within UK Criminal Justice nal





Policy-Event-Content nt-C tent (PEC) Pattern Developed to meet the Global versus Local challenge

V added to PEC and used nd as pattern for designing an RFID/Event-driven Platform-as-a-Service used by the US Military

VPEC-T applied to many aspects of organisational change

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VPEC-T came out of improving Business/IT communication

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Stakeholder Value

Beliefs Motivators

I really care about

Id die-in-a-ditch for

Dene Behaviour
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Regulation Contracts Decision Criteria Governance Principles Standards Operating Procedures

Direct Behaviour
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External Happenings Points-of-Failure

Planned Activity Triggers Unexpected Events Transition States & Milestones Status Histories


Signals Alerts & Warnings

Trigger behaviour
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Conversations Documents Transactions Data

Taxonomies Inputs

Semantics Outputs


Informs Behaviour
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Condence Trustworthiness Risk Track-Record Credibility


Relationships Intimacy

Mistrust Politics Trust-builders & destroyers

Dominates Behaviour
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VPEC-T Frames Systems Behaviour

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The UK Criminal Justice System

became trigger for extending P-E-C pattern to VPEC-T

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A story of joined-up Criminal Justice

(Why Values & Trust Matter)

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The UK Criminal Justice Departments Exchange

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a misalignment of values

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and lack of trust..

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We learnt:
A Policy-Event-Content analysis pattern taken from Supply Chain Logistics could be applied to the information ows between government departments Business people found it easy describe Day-In-The-Life stories around Events, Policies & Content Important aspects of the Requirement set had been left undocumented: The Values and Trust aspects of the Information System should be explored early to avoid costly failures.
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The story of IS Strategy & Business Operating Model alignment in a Global Organisation
(how much should be dictated from the centre how much left local?)

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Lets standardise on one XYZ software package globally

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Understanding of the Business Operating Model

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Their Business Operating Model

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VPEC-Ting their Business Operating Model

Enterpri se Archite cture In My Co.






Permission to reuse and adapt original material was granted under a Creative Commons SA 2.0 License by 5Di Ltd.

The result
Standard XYZ XYZ package
Align with the businesses core values Think Global, Act Local and enable acquisitions & divestments strategy Keep policy light IS Policy to mimic the Network Operating Agreement and focus on data exchange standards & metrics Share Globally agreed business Event information but recognise that the processes that produce and consume them often differ. Standardise around globally agreed Content but be selective.

Respect in-country partners freedom to operate. Build customer intimacy locally and adapt to local conditions.
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A recent case study

Integrating Web Oriented Architecture & Agile/Lean Development with Traditional IT to deliver strategic business value

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VPEC-T applied to Information Systems Conceptual Architecture

Conceptual Architecture

VPEC-T thinking helped dene their strategic IS architecture. Using Four Systems Types as a canvas
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Four System Types - a Canvas for VPEC-T

Chaotic Complex Ad Adaptive







Please note: This model was inspired by the Cynen framework but is *not* the same model..
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A common language for exploring IT Systems characteristics & touch-points

Web Interactions Agile Sense & Respond

Social & Digital Channels


Fast Response

Basic Lights-on

Specialised Algorithmic

O Organiser
Personal, Ofce & ERP

Process Optimisers

The IT systems they had in place and had planned

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A Blended Conceptual Architecture Focused on Events

Connector r Adapter



By applying VPEC-T against the Four Systems model V,P,C and T emphasis differed but E was a common denominator
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Their journey to a Conceptual Architecture

Connector ctor r Adapter Adapter a

Traditional IT focus



Traditionally, they had focused on internal Organiser systems theyd already started to move to Connecter and Expert the Aha Moment was the need to focus on Event-driven Adaptors this is now their strategy
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A Blended Conceptual Architecture

Digital Channels & Social Highly Adaptive & Emergent, Innovation Apps Protective membrane between the two worlds

Simplied, Event-based Messaging

Optimised Internal IT Portfolio

Rigorous, expert systems.

A conceptual model that strikes a balance between rapid innovation apps t l d and core back-ofce and engine systems
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The Chairman of this business believes that this balanced architecture provides the most viable route to strategic value.

VPEC-T was the design seed of a coherent and holistic architecture that the CIO believes wouldve been overlooked using Best Practice methods.
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A very recent case study

Using VPEC-T to help with Organisational Design

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VPEC-Ting an IT Operating Model

It helped tease-out the critical aspects of each capability in the ITOM and discuss the relationships between each. This work is ongoing
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Different Canvases for VPEC-T

Analysis Synthesis Design

Permission to reuse and adapt original material was granted under a Creative Commons SA 2.0 License by 5Di Ltd. Wikipedia: VPEC-T

Permission to reuse and adapt original material was granted under a Creative Commons SA 2.0 License by 5Di Ltd.

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