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Learning and Learner Support

The Blueprint for Careers Brief Guide

The Blueprint for Careers

The Blueprint for Careers

The Blueprint for Careers is a new approach that offers individuals a framework for managing their career and achieving what is right for them as they navigate their way through life, learning and work. The Blueprint supports individuals to make the most of their opportunities and deal with the challenges of the 21st century. The framework consists of eleven career learning areas designed to guide an individuals personal development and decision making. The areas are organised under three key headings, understanding and developing myself, exploring life, learning and work and developing and managing my career. The Blueprint is useful for individuals, but it is also valuable for a range of learning organisations and workplaces by offering an approach to supporting the career development of students and staff. The Blueprint framework builds upon international practice and has been developed by LSIS for the UK context. The approach was trialled with a range of providers in 2010-11.

Blueprint learning objectives

Understanding and developing myself
1. I know who I am and what I am good at 2. I interact confidently and effectively with others 3. I change, develop and adapt throughout my life

Exploring life, learning and work

4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. I learn throughout my life I find and utilise information and the support of others I understand how changes in society, politics and the economy relate to my life, learning and work I understand how life, learning and work roles change over time I make effective decisions relating to my life, learning and work I find, create and keep work I maintain a balance in my life, learning and work that is right for me I plan, develop and manage my life, learning and work

Developing and managing my career

Within the framework, each of the eleven career learning objectives is underpinned by detailed indicators which reflect a three stage development process. These stages reflect searching for more in depth knowledge and information; understanding the value and significance of new insights and putting this new learning into action throughout life. A more detailed breakdown of the career learning areas and suggested development activities will be available in The Blueprint for Careers: Implementation Guide to be published in early 2012.

How might I use the Blueprint?

As an individual You can start to look at the learning areas in more detail and pick out the areas that you wish to develop, for example, if you are at the beginning of your career or looking for a career change then, starting in Area 1: I know who I am and what I am good at - may be beneficial. You can begin to explore your strengths by asking friends, tutors and colleagues for constructive feedback. Completing on-line career and personality questionnaires will also help to build up a picture of you likes and dislikes when it comes to work and working with others. There is a lot you can attempt yourself when building up a picture of your career blueprint and seeking help and guidance from career advisers will help you to complete a rich picture. Organisations The Blueprint framework offers a way to link policy, practice, resources and outcomes. It also provides a common language for different users and providers. The Blueprint is free and available to use for any organisation that seeks to improve the career development opportunities for the people that they work with. Managers or Human Resources practitioners who are looking to develop the careers of their staff can use the Blueprint for Careers as a resource in appraisals or staff training. Teachers may wish to use the Blueprint for Careers to inform their curriculum and support their students in preparing for life, learning and work. Perhaps most obviously, careers professionals may wish to use the Blueprint as a resource across the whole range of their work. Previously, the Blueprint has been used in trials across England by a range of learning organisations to inform curriculum development; to improve learners decision making skills on further education choices to prevent drop out and to improve learners employability skills.

More information on the Blueprint for Careers

The following guides and reports on the trials of the Canadian and Australian Blueprint in England from 2009-2011 with a number of different learning providers and organisations are available on the Excellence Gateway: The Career Blueprint a competence approach Mapping the Blueprint against other frameworks Careers Blueprint for all- evidence of impact and case studies from the trial of the Blueprint The Blueprint for Careers - evidence of impact A full implementation guide to accompany the new English version, The Blueprint for Careers, will be available from early 2012. This guide will include the full set of indicators for the eleven learning areas, suggested uses and guidance for organisations and individuals on development activities. The implementation guide will also include self-audit tools for individuals and organisations so that the Blueprint can be used for self-assessment, benchmarking and evaluation activities, and planning development.

LSIS and career development

LSIS has produced reports and resources on a range of topics related to career development which are all available on the CLIAG section on the Excellence Gateway. These include: Career learning for the 21st century: a leadership issue for the FE sector, sources of evidence A toolkit to support co-ordination of careers learning for young people in further education Effective practice and partnership working Quality awards for career learning information, advice and guidance Recommended resources for the FE sector Blueprint for Careers Brief guide to the new version created for use in England (available soon) Blueprint for Careers Implementation guide(available soon) LSIS has also produced and trialled continuing professional development (CPD) modules on topics related to career learning, information, advice and guidance (CLIAG). The modules are based on a 3-hour training programme, which can be delivered by a knowledgeable facilitator or used by individuals for their own development. The modules can be downloaded free from the CLIAG section on the Excellence Gateway and used to deliver training to staff on topics related to CLIAG. Each module includes all the notes and slides and interactive learning activities needed to run a short session for staff. The following CPD modules are available: Introduction to Career Learning, Information, Advice and Guidance Introduction to Interviewing skills Introduction to values and ethics Introduction to delivering CLIAG through group work Group work Introduction to evaluating and measuring impact. Introduction to reaching potential by raising aspirations Employability skills CLIAG for those with additional support needs CLIAG and STEM (available soon) Learning while earning(available soon) LSIS can also help organisations improve and develop their career development provision through training and consultancy. Please get in touch for more information.

Learning and Skills Improvement Service

The Learning and Skills Improvement Service (LSIS) aims to accelerate the drive for excellence in the learning and skills sector, building the sectors own capacity to design, commission and deliver improvement and strategic change. LSISs vision is that every learner acquires the skills, knowledge and appetite for learning, living and working and every provider is valued by their community and employers for their contribution to sustainable social and economic priorities.
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