GoProAcademy Week4

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Lesson 4

Theres No Free Lunch

By Eric Worre
In This Issue:
Guest Article:

Keys To Business Success

By Jeff Roberti

Book of the Week: The Greatest Salesman In The World by Og Mandino

Quantity Beats Quality

Video of the Week:

If youre not willing to commit at least 10 hours every week to your Network Marketing Business, you should stop kidding yourself and find another business.
MMXI Eric Worre & Go Pro Academy. All Rights Reserved.

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t seems our society has been infected with the notion that immediate gratification and instant results are to be expected. The same is true for Network Marketing. So many people join our great profession and then expect to get rich right away with very little effort.

FIVE HOURS????? And you want success in this profession??? Im sorry my friends, but that just doesnt cut it. Either you want this or you dont. There is no middle ground. Either your dream is worth it or it isnt. You dont need to watch as much television as you

successful people do what unsuccessful people are not willing to do. Im proud of you for taking this step towards becoming a Network Marketing Professional, but I have to help you overcome this limiting belief that youre too busy to invest more hours into your future. The book The Magic of Thinking Big does a great job of breaking down a weeks worth of time. Everybody has exactly the same amount of time. You and I both have 24 hours a day. 168 hours a week. No more. No less. The question is, what do you do with your time? Most people spend about 51 hours a week sleeping and about 50 hours a week at work counting commuting time. So far thats 101 hours. On average, people spend about 15 hours a week eating, figuring 2 hours a day for breakfast, lunch &

So many people join our great profession and then expect to get rich right away with very little effort.
Sorry folks, it doesnt work that way. It never has. Ive been disappointed but not at all surprised by the weekly accountability numbers over the last 3 weeks, especially in terms of the weekly number of hours invested in growing your business. I see all kinds of numbers 2 hours, 4 hours, 7 hours, no hours because Im not ready, no hours because I was on vacation, no hours I wasnt feeling well, you name it. Id say the average for all the people enrolled in this program was around five hours for the week. do. You dont need to update your status on Facebook as much as you do. You dont need to waste as much time as you do. I can hear your thinking right now, He just doesnt understand how busy I am. Yes I do. Please remember, Ive been where youve been and done what you are attempting to do. I know what its like to build a business in the face of obstacles. Its true that

Either you want this or you dont. There is no middle ground. Either your dream is worth it or it isnt.

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dinner and a few minutes here and there for snacks. Thats 116 hours. Now throw in 24 hours a week for relaxing, reading, watching

non-negotiable 10 hours a week to build your business, you should find something else to do. You can set goals to try to do more, but 10 hours should be your minimum.

irritated if theyre questioned about it. They will still go to their JOB, but they wont continue to build their MLM future. Does any of this sound familiar? Heres a time management tip The Network Marketing business is best built in 15-minute increments. It might be hard to take an hour at a time, but its easy to take 15 minutes and make some calls. Take another 15 minutes and follow up. Take another 15 minutes and promote an event. Take another 15 minutes and share your product or service. A good Network Marketing Professionals calendar is filled with 15 minute work time. What does YOUR calendar look like?

Its true that successful people do what unsuccessful people are not willing to do.
television, playing with the kids, making love with your spouse and getting some exercise. That makes 140 hours. And on top of that, throw in 4 hours a week for going to church or watching a football game. That makes 144 hours. But remember, there are 168 hours in a week. So even after weve eaten, slept, worked, played, made love and even watched a lot of television, weve still got 24 hours left over. You could watch another 6 hours of television a week and still have 18 hours unaccounted for. Still feel like you dont have the time? Ill say it as clearly as I can If youre not willing to commit a One of the biggest problems in our profession is developing the mindset of employing yourself. We have no problem living within the boundaries of what an employer expects of us. Well dress right, show up on time, do the work, and well do those things over and over and over every day. Were actually proud of how few days we take off.

The Network Marketing business is best built in 15-minute increments.

And then, those same good employees join Network Marketing and at the first excuse (busy, plans, have the sniffles, forgot, not in the mood, distant relative passed away, Im dealing with stress) and theyre OUT. And not only are they out, but theyll get a little I will promise you this if you put in the time if you develop your belief if you develop your skills if you stay consistent the Network Marketing Profession will reward you with the lifestyle you deserve.

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Keys To
By Jeff Roberti

lthough my story in the Network Marketing industry is somewhat unique due to the level of financial success achieved, there are many, many others that have earned fortunes and full-time careers in this industry. The Network Marketing industry allows distributors to be highly successful because it allows for the opportunity to earn from the efforts of others. Although this is similar to the way traditional business works wherein the business owner reaps the benefits of others efforts; the major difference is that in our business we are rewarded for teaching, empowering and fostering the independence of others.

with limitations and the huge benefits are realized by the owner only. A position within any company has a ceiling on the income potential, here there is none. Remember, your efforts are limited by (1) your value to the marketplace, and (2) time. In this business model you get paid for setting others up for success and there are no ceilings or limitations. The reward is not just the money and time freedom, but fulfillment. Those are strong desires that most people have and few accomplish. That being said, there are many distributors who do not achieve financial success in Network Marketing. In my drive to be a high achiever, I have practiced the following 4 key fundamental principles that are the common difference between success and failure:

We are rewarded for teaching, empowering and fostering the independence of others.
In traditional business the profits are made, but the employee has a ceiling on what they can earn and the position they can achieve within the company. They will never become the CEO. However, in our business we are all CEOs. It is difficult to accumulate business wealth when income can only be generated from your own efforts. Its the John Paul Getty theory that asks would you rather earn 1% of the efforts of 100 people or 100% of your efforts? Given the opportunity, the choice is clear for most people. Those in the work force everywhere operate within that structure, but

1. Long-term Relationships = Long-term Success

Too often sales are the focus in the Network Marketing business. Sales are nothing more than an event on the journey to developing a relationship. In reality, sales are a promise. The path to earning business relationships is in giving your all to insuring that promise is fulfilled. I realized very early in my career that the key to a large, successful and long-term Network Marketing business is critical mass. In other words, the more stable and lasting the relationships within my organization were, the more success and relationship income would be yielded. Some would classify my business as residual income because I get paid from the relationships in

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my organization even if I am not working. However, it is my belief that we should all earn our way, and one of the keys to keeping a large business is to constantly find and

organization. These people never have an effect on me because my desire to grow and serve is such a strong part of my identity. As Napoleon Hill noted, Every person

We are not handed a successful business, rather all the tools that are needed the rest is up to us.
cultivate new relationships. We are not handed a successful business, rather all the tools that are needed the rest is up to us. who wins in any undertaking must be willing to cut all sources of retreat. Only by doing so can one be sure of maintaining that state of mind known as a burning desire to win essential to success.

whatever is necessary to achieve that dream. We all know or know of people who achieved success without working very hard, and we also know they are the exception to the rule. You will find in high achievers that there is not only that willingness to work, but an extra drive that really makes the difference. As the old adage goes, there is very little traffic in the extra mile. It is those who conquer that extra mile that become the examples in everything in life. That little bit of extra effort pays off.

2. Desire
Never underestimate the power of a strong why. Desire is often the fuel behind discipline. The stronger the desire, the stronger ones discipline and resolve. I remember listening to a speaker in Austria who said to achieve greatness your dreams have to be stronger than your largest obstacle. This is so true. Life throws constant interruptions and choices at all of us. For many, that reality creates a life that is like a leaf blowing in the wind. Desire requires resolve. It requires a level of commitment where you will reach the top of the mountain or be found dead on the side. After almost 25 years in this business, I encounter people every day that attempt to test my desire to continue to change the health and wealth of people throughout my

4. Teachable
One of my core beliefs in business is that You Grow before Your Business Grows. It is key to grow right along with your business. That will always give you a better outcome. Dont wait to begin your business until you feel you have sufficiently grown personally or you will never get started. Often I see success become a wall for

3. Willingness to Work
Many who fail to succeed in business seem to lack the key element needed to succeed in anything the willingness to work. Even more important, it is the consistent discipline built around a solid DMO (Daily Method of

There is always something you can learn that will help you achieve more and contribute at a higher level.
Operation our routines in life) that is often the key difference between success and failure. The ability to dream lives in all of us. However, it is the few vs. the masses who have that willingness to work to do continued growth. It is here where the potential of an individual is minimal or even lost. I believe in the principle of CANI (constant and never ending improvement). It has been my experience that the

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There is always something you can learn that will help you achieve more and contribute at a higher level.
more money I made in business, the harder I worked to increase my value to the marketplace and my team. To this day one of the greatest expenses I have in business is investing in my own personal development. There is always something you can learn that will help you achieve more and contribute at a higher level. Investing in personal development only occurs if you remain teachable. Growth in life requires an open mind. When you close your mind because you believe you have enough knowledge, then you are cheating yourself and all those you are serving. In the end, remember that experience is always the best teacher. However, as Vernon Law quoted in the 1930s, experience teaches only the teachable. If part of your DMO is not focused on growth, then you limit your ability to grow. In closing, Id like to emphasize that principles mean nothing if you do not apply them to life. Application occurs through activity. That means you have to integrate these principles into your life if you want to achieve the benefits and rewards that come with them. Make relationships a priority. Learn how to create and build them. Fuel your desire everyday because that will fuel the discipline and resolve necessary to succeed at anything in life. Work hard and make productivity part of your DMO regardless of the amount of success you have achieved. Success always leaves clues. Finally, remain teachable because there is a world of information that can open your mind to new
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possibilities and take your success and happiness to new heights.

About Jeff Roberti: Jeff Roberti is an icon, both within the NSA company and in the world of network marketing. He earned his title as NSAs #1 income earner his first year and never looked back. During his first three years as a distributor, NSAs sales went from a million a month to a million a day. His distributorship now spans 24 countries. Jeffs story is often used by other distributors and companies to demonstrate the unlimited potential of network marketing. It is one of the most recognized and published stories in the history of the industry. Along with his business accomplishments, Jeff has supported many charities including the Make a Wish Foundation, United Cerebral Palsy, American Cancer Society and a host of other childrens charities. He has worked tirelessly throughout the years to give back the good fortune his NSA business has brought to his life. While Jeff continues to build his own business with the same drive that propelled him to the top 20 years ago, his primary focus is now teaching others how to succeed. For more information please visit

Og Mandinos The Greatest Salesman in the World

This is the legend of Hafid, a camel boy of two thousand years ago, and his burning desire to improve his lowly position in life, as told to his apprentice Erasmus. Hafid relates the story of how he became known as the Greatest Salesman in the World. His success lies in the wisdom of ten leather scrolls passed down to him from his master, Pathros. Hafid applied their secrets of success to become the Greatest Salesman in the World. You will long remember the timeless words of the ten scrolls in Ogs most popular work and learn to apply them in your life to find great success!

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In addition to your exclusive content and training you get, below is the video that I have hand selected and that I feel corresponds best with this weeks lesson.

Quantity Beats Quality - NMPRO #466

The blurb for that video is Say less to more people. You dont have to be good, you just have to be busy. Ignorance on fire is better than knowledge on ice. All of these MLM maxims say the same thing Activity is KING.

Watch Quantity Beats Quality Visit

Remember: Success is Duplicatable.

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