Angelica Essential Oil

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LATIN NAME FAMILY NAME SYNONYMS COLOUR Angelica archangelica Apiaceae (Umbelliferae) The plant family that parsley, fennel & dill also belong to Angelica officinalis, European angelica, garden angelica When made from roots & rhizomes colourless or pale yellow which turns yellowy brown with age When made from seeds or fruit - colourless Thin to medium When made from roots & rhizomes rich, herbaceous, earthy, body note, sweet, heavy When made from seeds or fruit Fresher, spicy, peppery top note, intensive green Top when derived from fruit or seed Base when derived from roots or rhizomes



COUNTRIES OF PRODUCTION Said to originate from Africa & was introduced to Europe in the 16th century. Cultivated in Belgium, Hungary, Germany, China, Egypt, Russia, Spain and France PARTS USED EXTRACTION METHOD YIELD Either roots or rhizomes; or fruit and seeds Steam distillation

BLENDS WELL WITH Vetiver, clary sage, basil, chamomile, geranium, grapefruit, lavender, lemon, mandarin, patchouli

MAIN CHEMICAL COMPONENTS Borneol, linalool, bergaptene, limonene, phellandrene, pinene, sesquiterpenes, angelic acid, sitosterol, phenolic acids, coumarins, angelicin WARNINGS & CONTRA INDICATIONS May cause sensitivity to sunlight Avoid exposure to the sun and tanning beds Avoid during pregnancy Not suitable for use by diabetics May over-stimulate the nervous system

THERAPEUTIC PROPERTIES Anti-spasmodic, aphrodisiac, carminative, digestive, diuretic, emmenagogue, expectorant, hepatic, stimulant, stomachic, general tonic


THERAPEUTIC APPLICATIONS EMOTIONAL Grounding Eases dealing with difficulties Creates a feeling of balance Strengthening effect on the spirits To treat nervous tension, nervous fatigue, migraines, anxiety and stress Boost to the flagging mind and body, particularly stress induced CIRCULATION Stimulating & detoxifying DIGESTIVE Indigestion, flatulence, colic, dyspepsia Stimulates appetite GENERAL Invigorates lymphatic system Increases perspiration Cleansing system of toxins May help to reduce feverishness associated with coughs, colds and flu GENITO-URINARY Urinary antiseptic Said to encourage production of oestrogen thereby helping with painful periods Diuretic effect combat fluid retention MENTAL Nervous exhaustion & stress Revitalise tired mind & provide mental drive NERVOUS SYSTEM Headaches, migraines Toothache Stress related disorders RESPIRATORY Expectorant for colds, bronchitis, pleurisy To relieve asthma Restores sense of smell General tonic to the lungs SKIN Tonic for dull congested skin Irritation Psoriasis & associated irritation Accumulation of toxins ANGELICA ESSENTIAL OIL Irene Rains 2

Soothing inflammation Dermatitis & associated irritation Possibly effective on fungal growths STRUCTURAL Rheumatic conditions Arthritis Gout Sciatica OTHER Neutralise snake bites Said to control uric acid Valued for giving the constitution a boost, invigorating the lymph system & generally detoxifying the body

METHODS OF APPLICATION AEROSOL Vapour therapy Clear lungs Bronchitis Pleurisy Ease shortness of breath BATH / FOOT BATH Aiding the lymphatic system Detoxification Digestive problems Colds & flu Fighting fungal growths CREAM OR MASSAGE OIL Cream base Circulation Arthritis Gout Sciatica Migraines Colds & flu To encourage the natural production of oestrogen, this aids in regulating & easing painful monthly periods Massage / bath oil Generally strengthening effect on the spirits To treat nervous tension, anxiety and stress Boost flagging body & mind when fatigue has set in, particularly if stress induced ANGELICA ESSENTIAL OIL Irene Rains 3


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