Code C# Adaboost

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using System; using System.Diagnostics; using using using using using Emgu.CV; Emgu.CV.Structure; Emgu.CV.ML; Emgu.CV.ML.Structure; NUnit.


namespace AdaBoostTest { [TestFixture] public class AdaBoostLetterTest { private static void ReadLetterData(out Matrix<float> data, out Matrix<fl oat> response) { string[] rows = System.IO.File.ReadAllLines("letter-recognition_data .data"); int varCount = rows[0].Split(',').Length - 1; data = new Matrix<float>(rows.Length, varCount); response = new Matrix<float>(rows.Length, 1); int count = 0; foreach (string row in rows) { string[] values = row.Split(','); Char c = Convert.ToChar(values[0]); response[count, 0] = Convert.ToInt32(c); for (int i = 1; i < values.Length; i++) data[count, i - 1] = Convert.ToByte(values[i]); count++; } } [Test] public void LetterTest() { Matrix<float> data, responses; ReadLetterData(out data, out responses); Debug.WriteLine("Data is loaded"); const int class_count = 26; int nsamples_all = data.Rows; int ntrain_samples = (int)(nsamples_all * 0.5); int var_count = data.Cols; // Create boost classifier // // // // // // // // !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! As currently boosted tree classifier in MLL can only be trained for 2-class problems, we transform the training database by "unrolling" each training sample as many times as the number of classes (26) that we have. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

// 1. unroll the database type mask Debug.WriteLine("Unrolling the database..."); Matrix<float> new_data = new Matrix<float>(ntrain_samples * class_co unt, var_count + 1); Matrix<float> new_responses = new Matrix<float>(ntrain_samples * cla ss_count, 1); for (int i = 0; i < ntrain_samples; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < class_count; j++) { int new_row = i*class_count + j; for (int k = 0; k < var_count; k++) { new_data[new_row, k] = data[i, k]; } new_data[new_row, var_count] = (float)j; new_responses[new_row, 0] = (float)Convert.ToInt16(responses [i, 0] == j + 'A'); } } // 2. create type mask Matrix<byte> var_type = new Matrix<byte>(var_count + 2, 1); for (int i = 0; i < var_count; i++) { var_type[i,0] = (byte) Emgu.CV.ML.MlEnum.VAR_TYPE.NUMERICAL; } //// the last indicator variable, as well //// as the new (binary) response are categorical var_type[var_count, 0] = (byte)Emgu.CV.ML.MlEnum.VAR_TYPE.CATEGORICA L; var_type[var_count + 1, 0] = (byte)Emgu.CV.ML.MlEnum.VAR_TYPE.CATEGO RICAL; // 3. train classifier Debug.WriteLine("Training the classifier (may take a few minutes)... "); MCvBoostParams boostParams = new MCvBoostParams(); boostParams.boostType = Emgu.CV.ML.MlEnum.BOOST_TYPE.REAL; boostParams.weakCount = 100; boostParams.weightTrimRate = 0.95; // Note : to turn off set to 0 boostParams.maxDepth = 5; boostParams.useSurrogates = false; boostParams.maxCategories = 2; Boost boost = new Boost(); boost.Train(new_data, Emgu.CV.ML.MlEnum.DATA_LAYOUT_TYPE.ROW_SAMPLE, new_responses, null, null, var_type, null, boostParams, true);

Debug.WriteLine("Training complete"); Matrix<float> temp_sample = new Matrix<float>(1, var_count + 1); Matrix<float> weak_responses = new Matrix<float>(1, boostParams.weak Count); double train_hr = 0; double test_hr = 0; // compute prediction error on train and test data for( int i = 0; i < nsamples_all; i++ ) { int best_class = 0; double max_sum = -double.MaxValue; double r; for(int k = 0; k < var_count; k++ ) temp_sample[0,k] = data[i,k]; for(int j = 0; j < class_count; j++ ) { temp_sample[0,var_count] = (float)j; boost.Predict(temp_sample, null, weak_responses, MCvSlice.Wh oleSeq, false); double sum = CvInvoke.cvSum(weak_responses).v0; if( max_sum < sum ) { max_sum = sum; best_class = j + 'A'; } } r = Math.Abs(best_class - responses[i,0]) < float.Epsilon ? 1 : 0; if( i < ntrain_samples ) train_hr += r; else test_hr += r; } test_hr /= (double)(nsamples_all-ntrain_samples); train_hr /= (double)ntrain_samples; Debug.WriteLine("Recognition rate: train = " + train_hr*100 + ", tes t = " + test_hr*100); Assert.AreEqual(82.06, train_hr*100); Assert.AreEqual(78.43, test_hr*100); Debug.WriteLine( "Number of trees: " + boostParams.weakCount); Assert.AreEqual(100, boostParams.weakCount); } } }

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