How Does A Fire

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How does a fire-fighter steal them to enter a burning building?

How does an anxious person pluck up the courage to introduce themselves to a stranger? How does a severely depressed individual find the strength to go through the motions of another day? All require is courage. Courage is defined as the ability to confront fear, pain, danger, uncertainty, or intimidation Physical courage is courage in the face of physical pain, hardship, death, or threat of death, while moral courage is the ability to act rightly in the face of popular opposition, shame, scandal, or discouragement. It is also the quality of mind or spirit that enables a person to face difficulty, danger, pain, etc., without fear; bravery. There are three character traits are thought important in courage, first is Openness to experience, this trait is associated with both divergent thinking, like brainstorming, and the related idea of creativity. Being courageous, then, is all about having options, and in order to generate those options you need to be creative. Second, Conscientiousness, the conscientious are dependable people who feel a sense of duty towards themselves and others. Lastly, Core self-evaluation: these include traits like emotional stability and internal locus of control. An internal locus of control refers to a feeling of control over situations. And also, there are also four courageous states of mind, Self-efficacy; it is essentially means confidence in yourself and your ability to achieve desired outcomes. Means efficacy, this is the belief that the tools available can do the job. State hope, believing the task is possible and seeing a way of carrying it out at the time at which it needs to be done. Resilience, this is bounce-back-ability. It's also having the belief that should the inevitable problems arise, you'll be able to overcome them. There are tips in building courage, and this is understood that in difficult situations, there are always choices. Your life does not depend as much on what happens to you as on how you respond to what happens to you. Keep in mind that even though an action may be scary at first, simply taking an action is the first step toward building courage. Have the courage to move away from people who think negatively, who want to pull down your ideas. Misery loves company. If there are people around you who dont give you the support you need, or who consistently tell you that you dont measure upwalk away from them. Dont take their words to heart. It takes courage to step outside a circle of people, but if that circle is defining who you are in a negative way, its time to move on. Do not let your fears become bigger than reality. Remember that old definition of FEAR: False Evidence Appearing Real. Humans are extremely creative; we can think of a million things that can go wrong in any given situation. Use that to your advantage. If you know that a particular obstacle might arise, you can prepare yourself and guard against it. Then let go of the things that are beyond your control. If you let it, fear itself gets larger and larger and keeps you from having the courage to move forward. Use yourself as an example. Weve all done things that were frightening at first (made a speech, started a new relationship, began a new career). Most of the time, the result is that you realize they werent as bad as you thought they would be, and now you can go forward and do them again. You have to believe that taking an action is of greater benefit to you than letting the fear hold you back. Go back to your core values. What are your beliefs? What types of people do you want to deal with in your life? What is integrity to you? What are the values youre searching for? What keeps you going? The strongest people are those who keep their core values in mind every time they make a decision. They make decisions based not only on how they think, not only on how their gut feels, but also on what is inside their hearts. When you make a decision, ask yourself: Can I do this and keep my dignity? My integrity? Can I do it without hurting others? If you can answer yes to these questions, youre probably on the right track. Build up your courage step by step. Courage does not always come in one giant package. Success breeds success; every time you accomplish something, your confidence increases and builds

upon itself. When you reach your goal, other people may look at you and say, I cant believe what you accomplished. They see the one big event. What they dont see is the history of small steps youve taken, each one demanding the courage that got you to this place. Push yourself a little more every day, and your courage will be nurtured and blossom before your eyes. Try greater and greater ventures until you are brave enough to accomplish undertakings far beyond what you thought you could. The rewards will be beyond your imagination. Indulge in quiet confidence. Courage advances our skill and advances our position in life. But theres also a warning that one must heed, and that is not to get too cocky. Dont mistake hubrispride taken to the extremefor courage. Most people whom others consider to be heroes do not see themselves in that role. They simply took actions that needed to be taken. There is nothing wrong with taking pride in your accomplishments, but let the accomplishments speak for themselves. They say more about you than words could ever express. Savor the struggle. Courage doesnt always come easily. Sometimes you must struggle against inertia. There are many times when we are in turmoil, when we are actively searching deep within ourselves to find the courage we need. Courage challenges us. Theres an old saying that goes, You never see the true strength of a tea bag until its in hot water. Any time youre going to do something that is a courageous act in any waysmall or largethere is a struggle to do it. Remember that you gain strength from that struggle. Understand that the struggle in itself will build you, not break you down. Be original. Think outside of the box. Dont be afraid to be first. True, other people might not understand, or might criticize your way of thinking. But it is only when you stretch outside of your current situation that you come up with new ideas. You dont have to come up with astounding ideas or inventions that no one has ever discovered before. Being original means seeing things from your unique perspective and believing in their value. Being original means pushing old ideas in new directions. Its not easy to do; it takes courage. But the road not taken usually offers the best scenery and the most exciting adventures. This is the courage that drives us forward and leads us to better lives. To be successful we must do things that unsuccessful people do not want to do. Those things require levels of courage. For example, you know it is important to learn to speak in public. Whether for your current job, an interview, promoting your business or your ideas you are speaking and selling. Statistics show the number 1 fear most people have is public speaking. Selling is public speaking whether for 1 or 100. I know entrepreneurs who say they don't like to sell. If you don't promote your business, people don't know about you. If they don't know about you they can't call you or visit your store! That's very basic but an often forgotten principle. That's not success. Remember the show "Fear Factor" where contestants competed for prizes by conquering their fears through daring feats. Many of those contestants could not complete assignments after signing up and making the show. Their fear held them back and they were not able to look beyond the fear toward the goal of the prize. The successful person feels the fear and does the thing anyway. They give themselves a command and follows through on that command. Let's go back to our public speaking example. You know you must learn to speak in front of others. The best and only way is to just get up and do it. Now, I wouldn't go out and rent a 100 person hall right away! Why? Because you need to practice. Most people do best by starting small, even with people they know in a more intimate setting. Once your confidence begins to increase you will attract larger crowds. Being fearless is risky. As we develop the attitude of courage through action we will become fearless.

For me, I see myself before as coward, weak and timid. But as time pass by I realize that on some point of my life, I need to be courageous in order to deal better with the situations in my life. I should control my fear. And also realized that all we need to do is trust ourselves that everything is we can do with the courage in ourselves. Having the faith with god he is

always guiding us in anything that we do. In starting to have courage, the first thing should do is to face the fear Look them in the eye. Understand why we have them in order to understand the behavior we are acting out. Accept also that fears are there to protect our being. And in order to conquer our fear, we need to faced and accept it. In our life, we always need courage to face the different situation in our life and to resist the temptations. And every one of us faces choices every day in which we come out either courageous or a coward. It takes a great deal of courage to face the daily challenges of life without becoming a wimp. Most people think that courage is the absence of fear and that's not true, it is the resistance and mastery of fear. All people experiences fear including the brave and the coward ones but its the way they handle their fears that either makes them appear brave or coward. We can show our courage when we faced our fears and accepted it. And increasing our 'courage' is too vague and abstract Having courage is required if we're going to do anything above and beyond being average. Living a pedestrian life is relatively easy to do. It's also easy to be a by-stander, a watcher, a wall flower and a non-achiever. These are all things that require no courage at all. If you want more out of life than that, then having courage is a prerequisite. The choice is rather simple. We either have courage and press forward or we look back at opportunities that we passed up with much regret. If we can mentally place ourselves in the future and look back on what we passed up, then perhaps we'll find the courage to take on some challenges and be more successful. Having courage is required because there are ups and downs associated with pursuing success. And, that takes courage because it means our life is self-directed and self-managed, and we are taking individual responsibility for it. We are in charge, and being in charge takes courage. And as Ralph Waldo Emerson says Whatever you do, you need courage. Whatever course you decide upon, there is always someone to tell you that you are wrong. There are always difficulties arising that tempt you to believe your critics are right. To map out a course of action and follow it to an end requires some of the same courage that a soldier needs. Peace has its victories, but it takes brave men and women to win them. it means that we need the courage in order for us to succeed in life.

Saint Michaels College of Laguna Old National Road, Platero, City of Bian, Laguna

Project in Philosophy of Man

(Term Paper- What is Courage?)

Jessica A. Tan BSBA II-A Mrs. Navarro

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