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7:00 pm Annual Scout Shabbat Oneg Shabbat follows in the Starensier Assembly 9:30 am Shabbat Ha-Chodesh Parashiot Vayakhel-Pekudei

Exodus 39:22-40:38 Maftir: Exodus 12:1-20 Haftarah: Ezekiel 45:18-46:15 Kiddush follows in the Starensier Assembly 12:00 pm in HaSifriyah: : The Jewish Community Library Now studying Parashat Ha-Shavua, the weekly Torah portion

Shabbat Evening Service

Song while the 1st Torah is being dressed

Shiru L'Adonai Shiru l'Adonai, shiru shir chadash; shiru l'Adonai, kol ha-aretz (2) Shiru l'Adonai, barchu sh'mo; bas-ru mi-yom l'yom y'shu-ato (2)

Shabbat Morning Service

(Sing unto God a new song, sing forth all the earth! Sing unto God, blessed be God's name, Praise God for God's daily help!)

Song while the 2nd Torah is being dressed

Eitz Chayim Hee Eitz chayim hee l'ma-cha-zikim bah v'tom'che-ha m'ushar (2) D'ra-che-ha darchei no-am v'chol n'tivo-te-ha shalom (2)

Shabbat Shiur

(It is a tree of life to them that hold fast to it and all its supporters are happy; its ways are ways of pleasantness and all its paths are peace.) Reminder: Turn your clocks forward one hour before going to sleep tonight (Saturday)!

Commentary and Questions to Ponder

Moses could not enter the Tent of Meeting, because the cloud had settled upon it and the Presence of the Lord filled the Tabernacle. (Exodus 40:35) But another passage (Numbers 7:89) says: When Moses went into the Tent of Meeting. There comes a third verse and reconciles (the difference) between them: Because the cloud had settled upon it. Hence you may say: as long as the cloud was upon it he was not able to enter; when the cloud departed (Moses) entered and He spoke with him. (Rashi) Even to the door, because the cloud covered it, and he was not permitted to come into the cloud. Moreover, the Presence of the Lord filled the Tabernacle, so how could he enter it? The reason for this was so that Moses should not go in without permission, but instead God would call him and then he was to come into the midst of the cloud just as He had done at Mount Sinai. (Ramban) Rashi points out that when our verse says that Moses could not enter the Tent of Meeting, it was only because the cloud representing Gods presence was upon it. What does Ramban add? What lesson did God want Moses and, by extension all of us to learn? How does this help to shape your understanding of covenant?

This Week At Temple Emanu-El

Sunday, March 10 9:00 am - Religious School (Grades TAPT-7) 9:00 am - Stella Kurland Wise Grades 3-4 Family Education Program 9:00 am - Parents and Students together 10:00 am - Family Mishigas in the Bible: The Struggles of Sisters and Spouse with Gail Korinow 11:00 am - Jewish Views of Death and Afterlife with Rabbi Ira 9:00 am - Adult Education Breakfast and... The Mystic River Jewish Communities Project a project of the Jewish Cemetery Association of Massachusetts 11:00 am - Haverhill Jewish Scholarship/Loan Association meeting Monday, March 11 6:00 pm - High School Dinner and Classes 7:30 pm - Religious School Committee meeting Tuesday, March 12 7:30 pm - Basic Judaism

(Prayer for Healing) Mi she berach avoteinu, M'kor hab'racha l'imoteinu May the source of strength, Who blessed the ones before us Help us find the courage to make our lives a blessing And let us say: Amen. Mi she berach imoteinu, M'kor hab'racha l'avoteinu Bless those in need of healing with r'fuah sh'leima The renewal of body, the renewal of spirit, And let us say: Amen.

Mi She-berach

Wednesday, March 13 1:00 pm - Calendar meeting 4:00 pm - Religious School (Grades 3-7) 7:00 pm - Makheila (choir) rehearsal 7:15 pm - Board of Directors meeting Friday, March 15 Candlelighting - 6:32 pm Saturday, March 16 9:30 am - Shabbat Morning Service 12:00 pm - Israel Chavurah Discussing issues concerning Israel and the Middle East

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Mark your calendars

Sunday, March 10, 2013 9:30 am Starensier Assembly Breakfast and.... The Mystic River Jewish Communities Project (A project of the Jewish Cemetery Association of Massachusetts) Explore the facinating Jewish communities along the Mystic River East Boston Chelsea Everett Somerville Medford Free and Open to All Temple Emanu-El's Winter Fun-Raising Event! Sunday, March 10, 2013 12:00 - 3:00 pm We'll supply the hot dogs, kosher deli meat and watermelon Bring picnic blankets, games and toys Food Items Needed: Potato Salad Potato Chips Cole Slaw Salads Tuna Salad Egg Salad Other Fruit Parve (non-dairy) desserts Contributions to help defray the cost of food will be accepted For more details, call Harriet Peick at 978-689-4517 Friday, March 22, 2013 7:00 pm honoring all our Religious School teachers for their dedication to Jewish Education and for their unending nurturing of our children Grades 3 and 4 will participate February and March Birthday Blessings will be given In support of the Adeline B. Watnick Religious School Children's Fund Saturday, April 6, 2013 7:30 pm Live (Note change of date and time!) Contributions are needed for both a Silent Auction and & theme-based Live Basket Auction Silent Tickets: $10 per person; $15 per couple Auction! For more information call or e-mail: Lisa Desberg - 978-360-8298 (, or Marie Katzen - 978-352-3341 ( For more information on any of our many exciting programs or about becoming a member of Temple Emanu-El, call the Temple Office at (978) 373-3861 514 Main Street Haverhill, MA 01830 Find us on Temple Emanu-El in Haverhill, MA

Welcome to Temple Emanu-El

Adult Education

Indoor Picnic and Game Day

Faculty Appreciation Service

Shavuon March 8-9, 2013 27 Adar 5773 Shabbat Shalom! !

2013 Spring Basket Auction

More than Israel has kept the Sabbath, the Sabbath has kept Israel (Ahad Ha'am)

Ira L. Korinow, D.D. Rabbi Lynn Dreyfuss Martin President

Nancy J. LaFleur Administrator

Mindy Harris Cantorial Soloist

Debra Levasseur Religious School Director

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