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Platformer Template Step 1: Open GameSalad and set the Project Info to the following below: Title: Platformer

Template-YOUR NAME Platform: iPhone Landscape Resolution Independence (checked)

Step 2: Go to Scenes, double-click Initial Scene, and then click + to create 2 actors.

Step 3: Rename the actors by double-clicking on their names: Actor 1 to Player Actor 2 to Ground

Platformer Template Step 4: Double-click on Ground actor, look at Attributes, and scroll down to Physics. Change the following: Density: Friction: Bounciness: Movable:

0 0 0 Uncheck

Step 5: Go back to Scene Editor and double-click on the Player actor.

Step 6: Under Player actor, look at Attributes and then scroll down to Physics. Change the following: Density: Friction: Bounciness: Fixed Rotation:

0 0 0 Checked

Platformer Template Step 7: Drag in Collide behavior and make Player collide with Ground.

Step 8: Drag in Accelerate behavior under the Collide behavior. Change the following: Direction: Acceleration: Relative to:

270 (down) 1000 Scene



Platformer Template Step 9: Click Create Rule and set the conditions to the following: When ALL conditions are valid: Actor receives event key Actor receives event key

right left

is is

down up

Step 10: Drag a Change Attribute behavior into the Rule and do the following: Change Attribute: Player.Motion.Linear Velocity.X To: 200

Step 11: Repeat Step 10, but add it to Otherwise and do the following: Change Attribute: Player.Motion.Linear Velocity.X To: 0

Platformer Template

Step 12: Double-click on Rule and rename it as Move Right.

Step 13: Click on the Move Right rule you made to highlight it and copy it. How to copy: Click what you want to copy so its selected. Go to Edit. Go to Copy. Go to Paste.

**You will end up with 2 Move Right rules that look like this.**-------------------------------->

**You will edit the bottom Move Right rule in the next step.**---------------------------------->

Step 14: Double-click on Move Right and rename it as Move Left.

Step 15: Change the conditions to the following so it looks like the image below:

Down to Up Up to Down

Platformer Template Step 16: Under Change Attribute, change 200 to -200 to look like the image below.

Step 17: Go back to Scene Editor and place the Ground actor onto the scene. **Stretch out the Ground how you want it and place a few more to make platforms**

Step 18: Place the Player actor onto the scene and resize it how you want.

Step 19: Click Preview button and try moving your Player left and right!

Platformer Template Jumping! Step 20: Go to Scene Editor, double-click on Player, and click + to create an integer.

The + is under Attributes. ---->

Step 21: Double-click New Attribute and name it Jump.


Step 22: Create a New Rule, name it Jump, and set the conditions to the following: When ALL conditions are valid: Actor receives event Attribute

key self.Jump

up >

is 0


Step 23: Drag Change Attribute behavior into the Jump rule and fill in the following: Change Attribute: Player.Motion.Linear Velocity. Y To: 500

Platformer Template Step 24: Drag over another Change Attribute behavior and fill in the following: Change Attribute: Player.Jump To: 0

Step 25: Create a New Rule, name it Jump1, and set the conditions to the following: When ALL conditions are valid: Actor receives event overlaps or collides with

actor of type Ground

Step 26: Drag Change Attribute behavior into the Jump1 rule and fill in the following: Change Attribute: Player.Jump To: 1

Step 27: Click Preview button and try make your Player jump!

Platformer Template Step 28: Go to Screen Editor, create a new actor by clicking +, and name it Walls.

Step 29: Double-click Walls, go to Attributes, then Physics, and uncheck Movable.

Step 30: Go to Screen Editor, then to Player, add Collide behavior, and set to Walls.

Step 31: Go to Screen Editor and place the Walls on the sides (stretch as needed).

Platformer Template Step 32: Create 2 new actors by pressing + and name them Door and DeathZone.

Step 33: Double-click Door actor, look at Attributes, and uncheck Movable.

Step 34: Repeat Step 33, but for the DeathZone actor.


Platformer Template Step 35: Go to Screen Editor, double-click Player actor, and minimize coding. **To minimize coding, click the Triangles to the left of the On buttons**

Step 36: Create a New Rule, name it Level Win, and set the following conditions: When ALL conditions are valid: Actor receives event overlaps or collides with actor of type Door

Step 37: Add the Display Text behavior to the rule, type You Win! and pick a color.

Step 38: Add the Timer behavior to the Level Win rule and set it to After 1 second.


Platformer Template

Step 39: Add the Reset Scene behavior into the Timer and minimize rule.

Step 40: Create a New Rule, name it Player Death, and set the following conditions: When ALL conditions are valid: Actor receives event overlaps or collides with actor of type DeathZone

Step 41: Add the Reset Scene behavior into the Player Death rule.

Step 42: Go to Screen Editor and add the Door and DeathZone actors on the screen.

If you want: -Stretch Door and DeathZone actors -Add a few DeathZone actors -Rearrange the scene


Platformer Template Step 43: Go to Scene, then Layers, click Background, and move Player to top.


Step 44: Click Preview and that is it! You are done!


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