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Income Design Team Team Purpose: To provide short term support in the development of community level strategies for

an indentified community outcome and target population. The team will be accountable for delivering upon the following: Elevate a community level strategy or strategies of promise that can support achievement of the desired community outcomes. Design of a pilot program (this would roll into the product development process). Recommendation for measuring community change. The aforementioned deliverables may formulate a whitepaper, pilot proposal or RFP. Team Members: Carla Andorf Ed Barrett Linda Bigley Brenda Dodge Trish Downing Kathy Harmon Kim Johnson Tiffany Myers Eden OConnor Carlos Vega Brian Whitehead Leslie Wright Judy Stoffel

IWD- Skills to Employment/ GAP Tuition Assistance Strengthening Families Impact Team Strengthening Families Impact Team IWD- Iowa City Manager IWD- Regional Supervisor Catholic Charities Kirkwood Community College IWD-Promise Jobs Consultant Disability Navigator IWD Kaplan University United Way of East Central Iowa United Way of East Central Iowa

Duration: 6 months: November 2009 through April 2010. Reports to: Strengthening Families Impact team and staff Projected Timeline of Activities: November: Engage design team in the objectives of the group and lead into summary of research to date highlighting community outcome, target population, critical obstacles, underlying issues, and magnifying factors. Review promising practices elevated by the team to address the underlying issues; test for local relevance. December: Research, if needed, other promising practices to deal with underlying issues. January: Elevate a community level strategy or strategies of promise that can support achievement of the desired community outcomes.

Review map of resources in our community and discuss gaps.

February: Identify what replication looks like locally, including receptacles to reach target population. Determine what action can be done absent of money as well as define how much it would cost to implement a full scale pilot. March: Form a measurement plan April: Review recommendations and deliverables from team work. Present recommendation to Strengthening Families Impact team. Recommendation may include: o Strategies for enhanced collaboration between agencies to achieve the desired outcome, including but not limited to: improved referral systems, outreach to the population, and collaboration of resources. o Policy recommendations

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