CCEA Minutes 2 8 13

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CCEA Executive Meeting Agenda February 8th, 2013 6:45 7:35 am Joys Classroom #120 Attendance:

Annie Enzibigilis, Erika Myers, Jake Little, Joy DeFors, Gina Stetka, Mary Pellin, Janet Oliver, Becky Foellmer, Janet Schultz, Jeannie Wyse, Jenny Rickertt


Approval of January Minutes a. Annie motioned to approve the minutes b. Jake seconded the motion c. The January minutes were approved

II. Treasurer's Report no reports at this time

III. School Board Recommendation

a. 3 of the 6 candidates have discussed they are excited to take the questionnaire b. Candidates have a week and a half to answer questions c. Jake would like CCEA members to meet after school next Friday to review questionnaires i. Need to check building use ii. Tim is supportive of the meeting iii. Jake will confirm final date, time and location d. We can recommend up to 4 candidates e. IEA/NEA will send postcards to those living in district would get a recommendation form showing our recommendations. f. Questionnaires will be labeled to keep candidates anonymous for fairness.

IV. Positives/Concerns A. Ide a. (-) numerous comments about heating problems no resolution i. (+) Ed is doing a great job turning the heat on and off, but it fluctuates so much ii. Is there communication with Jill? 1. Yes, she is aware. 2. Response Call Ed. He is aware and tries his best to regulate heat. 3. Erika and Joy will address with Tim b. (-) no cereal this is an issue because some students arent bringing a snack c. (+) Firehouse visit didnt count as a field trip which was nice B. PV a. (+) Becky Foellmer is a wonderful resource b. (+) thank you to Tim for always being positive c. (-) We would appreciate if Kristen was present when we are writing curriculum feel lost i. There doesnt seem to be consistency with the timeline of implementation ii. Wasnt there a timeline presented at the Leadership Meeting? (no) iii. Kristen is supposed to be going to Ide on the 14th to hopefully clarify some points d. Want to be able to look at resources Kristen said in Leadership meeting if you want resources let her know and she will have them available for April 9 meeting.

e. Principal survey was presented to staff. Information was presented & felt that she misread/misunderstood what was being asked. Staff felt awkward in the way it was presented.

C. LV a. (-) LA/Rdg./Math Teachers are feeling overwhelmed with ELA time b. (+) Thank you to let us have common core meetings during the school day i. However it takes away from planning time & ELA must plan together therefore it makes missing plans very difficult to get things completed for the week to come. c. (+) Likes Kims book club will there be more? d. (+) Technology classes yay Becky! e. (+) Building principal monthly meeting

V. Meeting with Mr. Arnold a. Discuss timeline about Common Core and communication to clarify confusing points between Kristen & Principals as well as where does Encore Team stand? VI. Regional Council Report a. Print out your information from ECS b. RIFF recall list being worked on c. Low attendance for pension rallies i. Why are numbers low? ii. How can they get people there? d. 80.5 members total. Jeannie has volunteered to go to National meeting VII.Presidents Report

a. Each Principal is supposed to be getting a group together to meet with principals about concerns and an open level of communication. b. PV Right now Mary Pellin and Gina Stetka are on this committee c. Ide As far as we know Jill hasnt set up a group to meet with as of yet. Ide building reps have been asked to approach Jill. d. Discussion with building principals about what is the timeline for Common Core. e. Concerns about Common Core will also be brought to Tim at Mondays meeting f. Joy & Erika will VIII. Adjournment a. Erika motioned to adjourn b. Mary seconded the motion

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