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For the past two years, we have made progress toward building a better future by cutting taxes and reining in state spending. But our work isnt complete. We must do much more to provide real opportunities for middle-class families and small businesses. Thats why, Ive proposed Blueprint for Jobs a plan to jump-start job creation today and for the long-term future.


ReThink. ReVitalize. ReBuild.

Senator Patty Ritchie Making New York Work

Rethink. Revitalize. Rebuild.

Blueprint for Jobs

Watertown: Dulles State Ofce Building, Room 418 Watertown, NY 13601 Phone: (315) 782-3418

Oswego: 46 East Bridge St., 1st Floor Oswego, NY 13126 Phone: (315) 342-2057 Ogdensburg: 330 Ford St. Ogdensburg, NY 13669 Phone: (315) 393-3024
ReThink. ReVitalize. ReBuild.


ReThink. ReVitalize. ReBuild.

INTRODUCING: Blueprint for Jobs

Over the past two years, New York has successfully taken a number of key steps to improve its business climate to help create jobs. To build on this progress, my Blueprint for Jobs plan will strengthen our private sector economy and help create thousands of new jobs.

A Tax Cut for 1,000,000 Small Businesses

New Yorks small businesses are the backbone of our private sector economy, and the leading source of new jobs. To help New Yorks small businesses succeed and grow, Blueprint for Jobs would: Eliminate the Corporate Tax for 200,000 small businesses over the next four years. Reduce taxes 10% for 800,000 small businesses that le under the P.I.T.

Cut Red Tape

If we make it easier to do business here in New York State, the businesses, jobs and people will follow. Blueprint for Jobs: Repeals at least 1,000 job-killing rules and regulations. Stops new regulations that negatively impact job creation. Provides fast-track permit processing to help businesses.

Lower Energy Bills

High energy costs stie new jobs and hurt our competitiveness. Blueprint for Jobs eliminates a key energy tax on businesses, saving families and employers $2.5 billion over the next ve years. A typical large business would see savings of $30,000 per year. Small businesses would save about $540 per year.

Provide Job Training

Blueprint for Jobs would ensure that every New Yorker -in every region of the state -- has access to job training services to help them in a rapidly changing economy. Fast-Start NY will include specially tailored training to meet the needs of individual employers. Double Funding for: SUNY / CUNY Workforce Development, which provides targeted training to help employers rene the skills of their new hires, and enable more experienced employees to upgrade their skills. Expand Workforce Development Institute, a not-for-prot that works with businesses and labor to provide focused training for workers.

To learn more about my proposal visit my website

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