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Chapter 42 fragment Bryce eagerly cheered him on as the lights began to display on the inside of the Shuttletrain.

They strapped in and the bullet-shaped train began to slowly accelerate up the tunnel at a sixty-degree angle, as if climbing to the top of an endless rollercoaster. Wayne was operating the control board and experienced a weird feeling of excitement when his stomach dropped. Bryce was scared as hell and filled with heavy adrenaline. Everything turned black as they moved further up the tracks. Suddenly the Shuttle-train advanced like going into warp speed. It was sucked up the tunnel like fluid through a straw, reaching speeds in excess of a hundred miles per hour. Waynes body was pinned back to the seat. The force of the acceleration made him dizzy so he closed his eyes and tried to visualize freedom. A few minutes later he could feel the motion of the Shuttle-train slowing down. He opened his eyes and took a deep breath as the slope leveled off, changing to a forty-degree angle and then to a twenty-degree angle. When the train finally emerged from out of the tunnel in the ground, they were marveled at the sight of the sky that they had been deprived of. The outside world looked so lovely despite the fierce storm that was transpiring. It was raining like wildfire from all directions. Tenacious winds were bending trees and blowing debris all over the place. Tall tidal waves from the ocean looked like they were going to swallow up the whole island. It was then that Wayne and Bryce realized that the success of their evasion would be close to impossible. They gazed out of the Shuttle-train windows in astonishment while it slowly glided to a complete

stop. But like a trailer in a tornado, the train started to rock from side to side and quickly loose stability. Wayne almost lost his mind and Bryce was terrified. Oh shit, Bryce yelled, we gotta go back! We gotta go back! Go back? Wayne said. We cant go back now! - Not even if we wanted to. It took a few seconds for Bryce to accept the truth. Okay - You're right, he admitted. But we gotta do something man, we'll die soon if we don't! Wayne was just as nervous and anxious, but he knew that it was far too late to give up. Deep down they were more afraid of being sent back to confinement than they were of facing the storm. So they decided to make a run for it. On the count of three they hit the latch and slid the door open. They met the dangerous hurricane head on, instantly being smacked in the face by heavy rains and harsh gusts. Before they knew it they were swept off their feet like sand in a sandstorm. Bryce flipped uncontrollably in one direction and Wayne in the other. The last thing Wayne could remember was spinning aimlessly toward some mountains while saying what he thought would be his last prayer. At that point he ran into something huge and blacked out.

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