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Deciding to pursue a degree in architecture

most respected and accredited schools ol ure located throughout the state. This


is a big decision, one

that requires careful

th0ught and consideration. We urge you t0

contact your local AIA chapter (go to the
AIANYS website to find

the one in your area). They can put you in

touch with architects in your area. Many
of the chapter members are more than

will help you become more familiar with the

excellent options available to you as you consider architecture as your field of study. We have included all ofthe basic information on the degrees of architecture that each school offers, and an easy t0
use chart

happy to participate in career days or meet

with students to discuss what they do and

answer questions. Also, some chapters offer

with general information on each school.

financial assistance to students interested

in studying architecture. Contact your local chapter to find out ifthey offer financial aid. AIANYS also offers financial assistance

Architecture is a profession that brings art and science together to create buildings and environments. High school students who are interested in pursuing a degree in architecture should have a background in the physical sciences,

through our annual Student Award pr0gram.

Students currently attending one of the

including mathematics; be able to "conceptualize" at

an above-average level; have strong oral and


a NAAB-accredited program


(all included in this book) are nominated

by their professors. Those who are chosen are presented

communication skills; have interest in the arts and

humanities; and possess the ability to draw and sketch.


a scholarship check and

certificate at the AIANYS convention. After reading through this booklet and

lfyour high school doesn't

have any drafting courses,

one way to gain valuable experience is to attend

a college summer program. Many colleges offer

nanowing down your choices, it is important to make every effort t0 visit the campus 0f
every school you are interested in and to meet with someone from the architecture

these programs to introduce young students to the

Architecture is o profession that brings art and science together to create buildings and environments.
study ofarchitecture. A listing ofthese programs
can be found on The American lnstitute ofArchitects

pr0gram. All of the AIA architects in NewYork State wish you well as you pursue your education and future profession.

0rlando L Maione, AIA President, AIA New York State

website, under the Education section. It is also highly recommended that you get involved in a pre-professional organization

while in high school. The largest organization


The American lnstitute of Architecture Students (AIAS). Membership is open to high school and

college students, interns and professionals from any country. For more information, check out the website www.aias.orq.

The Schools of

Architecture in New York State

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