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JACQUELINE, 16, PITTSBURGH Misha, thank you for being part of a show that has made my life so much

better. You are a fantastic actor and I appreciate your generosity and endless kindness that you have for everyone in the world. Thank you.

fans, its not a very usual thing for someone in your position to do. So, thank you again.

KITT, 21, TEXAS I look up to and appreciate you because you've given me the courage to speak even though I have no voice. Thank you for never being anyone other than yourself.

OLIVIA, 13, NEW HAMPSHIRE Misha, I appreciate you because you do so much for everybody and don't think twice about it. I really don't see how people could hate you for doing that! You are basically the angel you play. Thank you for being you, and please continue to do what you do. Forget about the haters!

JOANN, 16, ENGLAND I appreciate you because you inspire people to step forward and be who they are. You show people how to be themselves without being afraid. You prove to them that they can change themselves while helping others.

JESS, 17, UK I really look up to you, Misha. Everything you do is amazing, from Random Acts to your witty tweets - everything makes me smile. You also do a fantastic job of portraying different characters, especially Cas. Supernatural is more than just show to me and Cas is my favourite character, so I have you to thank for that! I love you, Misha! CRISSY, 14, NORWAY I appreciate you, Misha, for so many reasons. You have no idea how many times you, Jared and Jensen have made me laugh, even when Im at my lowest. Your acting is marvelous and inspiring, and just all the things youve done in your life. Im sure you make a great father for West and Maison, and a great husband for Victoria.

JACKIE, 16, OHIO I appreciate you, sir, because you are one of the most hilariously honest actors Ive ever seen. I absolutely adore you, and your tweets. You have no idea how many times Ive looked at your tweets and smiled, no matter how angry or frustrated Ive been. I would just like to mention that Im very thankful for all the times youve kept me from bursting a blood vessel. Bless you. HANNAH, 16, FLORIDA Hi there, Misha. I started watching Supernatural the month my family fell apart. Eventually I got to season four and immediately fell in love with Castiels character. I recognize so much of myself in him, and you portray him so, so well. It helped me connect to him in a much more honest level of understanding. This show wouldnt be the same without you as Cas, and I honestly think you helped me in more ways than one. Thank you for being brilliant, Misha.

SHARON, 16, SWITZERLAND Misha, I appreciate you so much because you basically infect us all with the joy you radiate and you pay so much attention to us

CHRISTINA, 18, FLORIDA I appreciate you, Misha, because of how much you care. Your generosity and kindness inspires me every day. You do such amazing things for your fans, and you give so much without asking for anything in return. People like you truly make the world a better place. Thank you for being you.

LEA, 17, MARYLAND I appreciate Misha and his role in Supernatural because he brought forth a whole new mythology, and displays incredible emotion so well that it can bring me to tears. He's motivated me to continue acting, and I just wanted to say thank you for that.

ALISON, 15, OREGON KATIE, 15, FLORIDA I appreciate you because you inspire me to be myself and love the person that I am. I often see seemingly perfect celebrities and think about what's wrong with me, and how I can change myself to be more likable and popular. However, with you I don't see sheer perfection, but rather, a human being who accepts themselves for exactly who they are, and who will never apologize for being who they are. You inspire me to hold on, keep, and cherish every quality of myself. Thank you.

MADDY, 15, FLORIDA I appreciate you because you are funny and you are really good at acting, especially when working with Jared and Jensen. Misha, I appreciate your role in Supernatural. You are an amazing person.

TRACY, 34, ILLINOIS SUZI, 16, SEATTLE I appreciate you because you find fun and creative ways to spend time with your son, and your love for him is blindingly obvious! I respect and admire Misha for being an actor and being on Supernatural. I respect and admire Misha for going to conventions and putting up with the fandoms craziness. I respect and admire Misha for creating such amazing projects as Random Acts and GISHWHES. But more than anything absolutely above everything else combined I admire and respect Misha because of his life motto: death to normalcy. There is no true normalcy, only a preconceived ideal. So when you break that ideal down, when you say death to it, what you are really saying is that its okay to just be who you really are! It doesnt matter what the preconceived notions dictate; it doesnt matter what everyone else thinks. Its about the individual. Its about how you feel, think, and act as an individual person. Death to normalcy is about telling society and its square-peg demands to screw off, taking responsibility for yourself, and doing your best to help others take the same responsibility. I respect and admire Misha for many, many

MILVA, 20, GERMANY I appreciate you because you created an amazing and lovable Castiel, are very supportive and kind towards fans and because you always answer questions in interviews so very seriously. Lots of love!

BRITTANY, 16, NEW YORK CITY I appreciate Misha because he is a funny, kindhearted, considerate and giving person. He makes his fans happy and everyone around him happy. We love you Misha!

reasons; but the biggest and most important of these reasons is that he helped me respect and admire myself. Now Im trying my best to help others do the same.

IZZI, 15, MASSACHUSETTS Hi, Im not really very good at things like this, but I just want you to know that I really, really appreciate everything you do. Youre an amazing actor, an amazing dad (based on the Cooking Fast and Fresh with West video hes an adorable kid, by the way, and you seem to be really patient with him) and an amazing person over all. You put so much emotion into being Castiel, and I think its really, really cool how many different versions of the character you play, and how well you can act (youre acting has brought me to tears on many occasions). Supernatural is my favorite show, Castiel is my favorite character and Im so glad youre going to be a season 9 regular character. I hope Im not just wasting space now. Anyways, I hope that youre happy. I hope youre enjoying yourself with the show, and Im sorry for all the trouble youre going through with the ridiculous part of the fandom. Theyre pretty eccentric (well, I guess we all are about some things). And I just want to tell you that any hate youve gotten or ever will get is utter bullshit (please excuse my language). Youre amazing. So, I guess Im just going to thank you now, for everything you do. PS: All the effort you put into Random Acts and GISHWHES is much appreciated, as well. I dont know much about these, but it seems to make a lot of people happy, and you deserve to be happy, too.

KASEY, 18, MINNESOTA I appreciate you because you're generally a really nice person. All that you do for charity and for fans, providing a fun way to meet others and raise money for charity and just generally putting up with some of the crappy things you do with certain fans. I really look up to you because of how amazing of an actor and a person you are and even included you as an example of a generally good person for class. You and your family are great people! Thanks for being so awesome!

JESSICA, 21, PENNSYLVANIA I am in awe over your generosity. Random Acts inspires me so much. Thank you, Misha!

FAITH, 18, OHIO When I began watching Supernatural I never imagined how much each of the characters and the actors who portray them would impact my life. Misha, I cannot tell you enough how much youve made an impact on your fans and their friends. You are the most genuine, wonderful and kind person that Ive ever seen. With your uniquely and humorous filled personality, you encourage your fans to be themselves and not to be afraid to. Every day I check your Twitter for another witty remark or photo that makes me laugh until I cry or smile until my cheeks hurt. There are millions

of things I could tell you about how you are awesome, so here are some; youre a wonderful dad, amazing actor (because youve played about seven different characters/character types on Supernatural, each totally different), a role model, and an all around great person! I loved the cooking show that you and West did, and I cant wait to see another! It was so cute and it showed your fans how much you and your wife love your son! Maison will be cooking with her brother in no time! Thanks so much for letting your fans be a part of your family! Your role as Castiel at first was suspicious Actually, I was more worried of them killing you off after the first few episodes because I had grown to love him! As seasons progressed you eventually took on more characters/character types and it really amazed me how you could switch so easily. For example, the scene with the Leviathans, I could see in your eyes whenever you were Cas or the Overlord Cas, because you have an amazing skill of using emotions and facial expressions to portray emotions and people. After Cas disappeared, I grew so angry because I just missed you and your character! Without you we didnt have the total serious humor that youre famous for in the most awkward, or wrong times. Im so, so, so happy you will finally be an official character in Season 9, because that means they probably wont kill you, yay! With your beautiful charity Random Acts. you encourage the real little things in the world and some large things that could change a persons life, day, month, or any other period of time. I cannot tell you enough how much of a difference this makes on the world, because you already know how many lives youve touched and inspired. Its beautiful how much you do for other people by setting up schools

and healthcare in Haiti. And to your adoring fans at Cons who admire you so much because youve taken a picture with a fan who couldnt afford one. Misha, youve really inspired people And this, this whole book, this book of thank you letters, drawings, pictures, videos, and anything else is proof that your fans love you and want you to know it. More people love you than the dumb people that wanted you fired (which by the way you really showed them, eh? -elbows playfully-). Just know that in times of stupid people trying to do really stupid things (because there will always be something and someone) your fans are here, in the Mishamigos. Well always stand beside you because we love you, Misha!

PAM, 31, CANADA I appreciate you because you are one of the most selfless people I have ever known. You are more than just an actor; you are an amazing person with a huge heart. You always talk about random acts of kindness, and this is mine. This is to let you know how much myself, as well as others, respect, admire and appreciate all that you do. What some dont realize is that it takes energy, generosity and discipline to be unshakably lighthearted and for this I thank you. You put a smile on so many faces and warmth in their hearts with everything you do and not a day goes by that we do not appreciate it. Thank you, Misha, for everything.

RACHAEL, 18, SCOTLAND I appreciate you because you are an amazing actor, but also because of all the things that you do for your fans and for charity. You inspire so many people to take part in charity events and it raises so much money for lots of deserving causes. So, thank you for all the great work you do!

HOLLY, 15, CANADA VICTORIA, 17, ONTARIO I appreciate you because other than being a brilliant actor you do so much for your fans and the world. I cant visit my sponsor child in Haiti this year because of school but knowing there are charities like yours working in Haiti to give it a hand up so it can thrive is extremely comforting. For your charity my sponsor child (Jouviana) and her family appreciate you, as well. Also, I appreciated you for GISHWHES, nothing else has ever brought me out of my shell more, I am so much more confident and willing to just have fun now. And I have made friends across the country and around the world, you really bring people together so well and more than anyone else I know. You make the world a better place for everyone. Thank you. GABRIELLA, 19, FLORIDA I appreciate you because you and your family are spectacular human beings. You really show me that life is something to be seized and loved for yourself and for the good of others. Youve always done just as you wanted and nothing ever stood in your way. You are an inspiration. Sometimes I think that maybe I should give up and do something more practical with my life, but then you inspire me to follow my dreams. Thank you.

SYDNEY, 19, CANADA I appreciate you because you are such a great actor and I also appreciate how honest, hilariously funny and marvelously awesome you are.

HANNAH, 16, OKLAHOMA I appreciate you because you gave me someone to look up to and try to be like. You're an inspiration to me and so many others. You have definitely changed my life for the better. Just you being you makes so many people happy and the work you do to help others in need is seriously one of the most caring, inspirational things I've heard of. I look up to you not because you play my favorite character on a television series (that also changed me), but because you are an amazing person.

MACI, 16, OKLAHOMA Hi, Misha! So, there are about 10,000+ reasons of why I look up to you and love you, but Im obviously not going to write them all because Im not going to waste your time! However, I will share one, possibly the biggest, with you. I have always been terrified to be myself and just do whatever I want. It wasnt just a normal thing, I actually used to be scared of it, scared of being judged. But (not meaning this in a bad way) after you made an appearance in my life I stopped trying to fit in. I wanted to be more like you! Youre just so open and not afraid to be yourself and for me thats practically amazing. I look up to you so much and you have

seriously changed my life. I went from a sad and careful person to someone who is not afraid anymore. What Im trying to say is thank you, a lot, youre the reason I broke out of the box and made something of myself! Youll never know how much youve helped me or mean to me, but thats okay because what youve done for me even without being aware is outstanding! Love always.

EMMA, 17, AUSTRALIA Misha, you seriously inspire me to be a better person. You make this world a better place just by being in it. Thank you so much.


SAVANNAH, 18, WASHINGTON Maybe you remember me, maybe you dont. I was at the Emerald City Comicon, saw your panel, waited in line to talk to you (didnt have money for a picture or an autograph, though, which fact is only marginally painful to think about). I told you a) that youre the greatest human being (true), b) that Im a writer, and I really like your poetry (as a writer, I cringe at that weak verb phrase, but I hesitate to make it stronger lest it come off creepy), c) that because of you and Jensen and Jared and everyone on the Supernatural team, Im thinking of writing for TV, and d) that you inspire me, in a general, overarching sense. You told me a) that I should go into television, because its a great environment to be in, and b) that Im creepy (so maybe its too late to be worried about it). I also asked you some dumb question about what you wanted to be in high school.

I appreciate Misha because of his epic trolling on Twitter, his awesome acting skills and commitment to doing Cass voice, and his charity work!

Thinking back on it later, I wished Id asked a different question; the first one that came to mind, when Id relaxed enough from my fan girlish elation to think straight, was why you chose Rachmaninoff to describe Castiel. Turns out I didnt need you to answer that one, because I listened to it later and saw exactly what you meant. I thought it was a cool choice before Id heard it, but when I really stopped to listen, I was blown away by how thoughtful and accurate it was. Still, I wish Id thought of something better to ask. I wish a lot of things, actually. Like: I wish Id introduced myself. (Hi, Im Savannah. Im eighteen. I want to be a writer. Im waiting to hear back on college applications, and I hope to study English and physics and history and biology and a slew of other things. I only joined the SPN fandom during this latest season, but Im already obsessed. I have a geek problem.) I wish Id told you that were reading King Lear in my English Literature class, and I love reading it aloud so much, and I love watching your work and that of your friends so much, Im thinking maybe Ill dabble in drama during college, see where it goes. I wish Id told you that the Castiel storyline plus my recent reading of Neil Gaimans Good Omens, and a little perusal of Revelationsso compelled me that Im writing a short story that revolves around a fallen angel. I wish Id had the presence of mind to be a human being, and properly acknowledge how tired you were, and how uncomfortable some of the more eager fans had made you during your panel. Ive been thinking a lot lately about how these appearances at comic conventions and things must be some of the most draining parts of what you do. All these people clamoring for your attention, hammering you with the same discomfiting questions over and over again. Its not all bad, obviously, and I know you must appreciate how dedicated people

are, but I think sometimes maybe you dont feel appreciated yourself. Not genuinely, anyway. So I want you to know: you are appreciated. Because more than your nuanced acting, your devilish good looks, and your overall unbelievable kindness and generosity, your very existence gives me hope for my future. And this is what I wish Id said the most, what basically sums up every reason I have for dubbing you Greatest Human Being: the fact that amazing people like you exist in the world gives me hope that maybe Ill meet and befriend those people someday. That maybe Ill be one of them. Im approaching my life with renewed vigor after meeting you, and as much I would have liked a picture or an autograph, Im not too broken up over it, because I had the privilege of coming face-toface with one of my greatest inspirations and confirming just how worthy my (somewhat worrying) idolatry is. So, Misha, thank you for existing. Feel free to continue doing so. Love (in the least creepy way possible).

BISMA, 16, INDIA I appreciate Misha because he is an actor, baker and a candlestick maker (surprisingly tough jobs). he wears sock monkey hats. he is a brilliant Tibetan Throat Singer. he founded Random Acts (my friends and I take children who have never been/cant afford to go to the movies - cinema is a luxury here in India. It is one of the most satisfying deeds I have ever done for another person). he is a beautiful person.

he is a family man. he is patient with his Minions (I know we can be a pain, but we love you). he is an angel. he might just be the Anti-Christ. he Is awesome, enough said.

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