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Mary Ann P.

Moncera 1T

World Literature Story Map

Les Misrables

March 5, 2013 Prof. Cabaero

Setting: The story revolves around a man named Jean Valjean. The story began in 1815, twenty six years after the start of the French Revolution when a king is once again on the throne of France. The story existed until 1832. Characters: Jean Valjean A prisoner whose only sin was to stole a loaf of bread. He finally got his freedom. Javert A police who got his eyes on Valjean. Monsiegneur A priest who helped Valjean after he was freed Fantine - A girl who works at a sewing factory who was kicked out of work because it was known that she already has a child. The father abandoned them and she was the only one to provide for her. She lets a family take care of her while she was working. Cosette the daughter of Fantine, Valjean promised to her mother to take care of her. Marius Pontmercy a young man who joined the revolution, he fell in love with Cosette. Enjolras the leader of the revolution ponine Madame Thnardiers daughter. Gavroche a litte boy who is poor Madame Thnardier the woman to whom Cosette was entrusted. Thnardier Madame Thnardiers husband, he is an innkeeper but he steals from his customers.

Conflict: Jean Valjean is a man who is imprisoned for stealing a loaf of bread. He struggles to begin a new life. Along the way, he finds a girl who was entrusted to him by a struggling mother. He raised her as her own daughter. Also, the story involves poor people who try to fight a government hoping this will end their poverty. Events: 1) Valjean finally got his freedom after spending years of agony in the prison. A priest accepted him in the church and fed him and offered him shelter. But despite of this, he has just stolen from him. The priest still forgave him for what he have done and defended him from the police. Because of this, Valjean was awakened and he repented for his sins. 2) Valjean started a new life by building a business. Because of his success, Javert didnt recognize him. Valjeans worker Fantine was kicked out of work for having a child. Because of this, Fantine was left in a very miserable state.






She sold her hair and became a prostitute just to have money for her child. Valjean knew about this and rescued her from her situation and asked her where her child is. He later revealed himself in the court that he is Valjean to free an innocent man who is arrested because they thought it was him. He promised to Fantine, before her death, that hell take care of her daughter. Javert, knowing that the man is truly Valjean, starts again his hunt for him. Later, Cosette was revealed to be a slave of a household who runs an inn. Valjean found her in the woods. Valjean paid the dues of her mother to the Thnardiers and took Cosette from them. Later, the man whom was saved by Valjean (when he was trapped) provided shelter for Valjean and Cosette because Javert was chasing after them. The poor people decided to start a revolution against the government. It was led by Marius and Enroljas together with a kid named Gavroche. Marius saw Cosette in the street and immediately fell in love with her. He asked for ponines help to find her. Enroljas met with the other people who will cooperate for the revolution as he announced the death of a man who fights for the poor. Meanwhile, ponine realizes that Cosette is the child her parents treated as a slave. Despite her love for Marius, she decides to help him meet Cosette. Valjean is again found by Javert. Valjean decides to flee with Cosette even though he knows that she is in love with Marius. Cosette wrote a farewell letter to Marius and ponine found it and hid it from him. Valjean tried to join the revolution but some member found out that hes just a spy. He was captured and Valjean was the one asked to execute him. Valjean frees him instead. Later, when ponine is about to die, she decides to reveal Cosettes letter to Marius. She also professed her love for him until her death. The members of the revolution fought to death. All was shot except for Marius who was saved by Valjean as he dragged his body away from the place. Javert tries to stop their escape but in the end, he cannot kill Valjean because he freed him earlier. Because of this conflict in his duties and his personal life, he became troubled and commits suicide. Marius was filled with grief knowing all of his friends are dead. Cosette comforts him and vows to be there for him forever. Valjean decides to go and entrusts Cosette to Marius. He made Marius vow to never tell Cosette about his dark past. Marius discovers that Valjean is the one who saved him on the night he was injured. He discovered he was in the convent and decides to go to him bringing with him Cosette. There in the convent, he thanked him. Valjean hands Cosette his letter of confession. Fantines soul is calling him to heaven. Valjean dies. His soul sees a happy croud composed of the people who started the revolution.

Message: We should never judge a person by the things he has done in the past. Remember, there is a word called repentance. Anyone can change for the better as long as they have determination to do so. Also, in the story, truth is valued. It is not good to live a life full of lies. Also, people have the right to have their own virtues. They do what they think is right. Also, love is greatly valued. We do all our best for the ones we love. Also, if someone is in need of help, we should always lend a hand. The greatest thing Ive learned is that when there is suffering, at the end, there is always joy.

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