Chapter-4 (Alternative Centres of Power) : Q What Do You Mean by Open Door Policy'?

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Ans. By 1978,deng Xiaoping announced the open door policy and economic reforms in china . the policy was to generate higher productivity by investments of capital and technology from abroad. MODEL OF TRANSITION IN CHINA 1.China followed its own path in introducing market economy. 2.The privitisations of agriculture in 1982 was followed by the privitisation of industry in 1998. 3.Trade barriers were eliminated only in special eco. Zones where foreign investors could set up enterprises. 4.In china , the state played and continues to play a central role in setting up a market economy. 5.Privitisation of agriculture led to a remarkable rise in agricultural production and rural incomes. 6.High personal savings in the rural economy lead to an emponential growth in rural industry. 7.Chinese economy grew at a fast rate. 8.The new trading laws and the creation of special eco zones led to a phenomenal rise in foreign trade. 9.China has become the most important destination for foreign direct investment. Anywhere in the world. It has large foreign exchange reserves that new allow it to make big investment in other countries. Q STATE ANY 2 DIFFERENCES BETWEEN THE ECONOMIC POLICIES FOLLOWED BY CHINA BEFORE AND AFTER 1978.? Ans, 1.State owned heavy industrial sector from the capital accumulated from agriculture. 2. Industrial production was not growing fast enough I.N. trade was nominal and per capita income was veryy low.. Q MENTION ANY 2 STEPS TAKEN BY CHINA TO IMPROVE ITS ECONOMY? OR ECONOMY POLICY OF CHI NA AFTER 1978 WAS ? OR EXPLAIN HOW CHINESE ECONOMY GREW STEP BY STEP? Ans. 1. The then leader announced open door policy and economic reforms in china.

2.The policy was to generate higher productivity by investments of capital and technology from abroad. 3.The new trading laws and the creation of special economic zones where foreign investors could set up enterprises. 4.It has large foreign exchange reserves that now allow it to make big investment in other countries. Q WHAT IS UNEP? MENTION ITS 2 FUNCTIONS. Ans. UNEP is an I.N. agency for the awareness of environmental consequences of economic growth. Its two main functions are 1.To hold I.N. conferences. 2.To promote detailed studies to get a more coordination and effective response to environmental problems. Q WHY DID INDIA AND CHINA BOTH VIEW THEMSELVES AS RISING POWERS IN GLOBAL POLITICS IN SPITE OF TENSIONS B/W THEM? SUSTANTIATE YOUR ANSWER BY GIVING ANY 4 EVENTS THAT HAVE BROUGHT CORDINALITY IN THEIR RELATIONSHIP? Ans. FOUR EVENTS: 1.Indias nuclear test sometimes justified on the grounds of a threat from china did not stop greater interaction. 2. No issues are likely to lead to conflict between the two like that of chinas relations with Pakistan and hostile views towards Bangladesh and Myanmar. 3.Increasing transportation and communication limit .common eco. Interests and global concerns should help establish a more positive and sound relationship. 4. The two sides agrees that broader problem should be resolved peaceful through mutual understanding of concessions. 5.Denwark and swedan have resisted the Maastricht treaty and adoption of the euro, the commons European currency this limits the ability of the EU to act in matters of foreign relations and defence. A Association S- Smith E- East A-Asian N Nations Q WHEN AND BY WHOM ASEAN WAS ESTABLISHED?

Ans. ASEAN was established in 1967 by five countries of this region- Indonesia, Malaysia,the phillipines, Singapore and Thailand by signing the Bangkok declaration. Q WHAT WERE OBJECTIVES OF ASEAN? Ans. 1.The objectives of ASEAN were primarily to accumulate economic growth and through that the social progress and cultural development 2. To promote regional peace and stability based on the rule of law and the principles of united nations charter. Q WHAT DO YOU MEAN BY ASEAN WAY? Ans. ASEAN way is a form of interaction that is informal, non confrontationist and cooperative . the respect for national sovereignity is critical to the functioning of ASEAN. THE 3 ASEAN PILLAR 1..ASEAN SECURITY COMMUNITY a)The ASEAN Security council was based on the conviction that outstanding territorial disputes should not escalate into armed confrontation. b) By 2003, ASEAN had several agreements in place by which member states promised to uphold peace, neutrality, cooperation ,non interference and respect for national differences and sovereign rights. c) The ASEAN regional forum (ARF) was established in 1994 is the organization that carries and coordination of security and foreign policy. 2. ASEAN ECONOMIC PILLAR a) While the region, as a whole is a much smaller economy compared to US ,the EU and japan ,its economy is growing much faster than all these. b)The objectives of the ASEAN eco. Community are to create a common market and production bare within ASEAN states and to aid social and eco. Development in the region. c) ASEAN was focused on creating a free trade area (FTA) for investment, labour and services. d)US and China have already moved fast to negotiate FTAs with ASEAN. 3.ASEASN VISION a)Its vision 2020 has defined as outward looking role for ASEAN in the I.N. community. b)This builds on the existing ASEAN policy to encourage negotiations over conflicts in the region. c)ASEAN has mediated the end of the Cambodian conflicts , the east timor crises and meets annually to discuss east asian cooperation.

Q NAME 2 COUNTRIES WITH WHOM INDIA SIGNED FTAs? Ans. It signed FTA with two countries ASEAN members Singapore & Thailand. Q HOW PEOPLEs REPUBLIC OF CHINA CAME INTO EXISTENCE ? Ans. 1.After the incepton of the peoples republic of china in 1949, following the communist revolution under the leadership of MAO ,its economy was based on the soviet model. 2.It did not have any link with western countries. 3. The model was to create a state owned heavy industries sector from the accumulated from agriculture. 4.It was short of foreign exchange that it needed in order to buy technology and goods on the world market . 5. The economy grow at 5-6 present but an annual growth of population was 2-3% meant eco growth was insufficient to meet the needs of growing population. Q WHAT 4 MODERNISATIONS WERE GIVEN BY ZHOU ENLAC (1973)? Ans. Zhou enlac proposed the four modernisations agriculture, industry, science and technology and military.

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