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OBJECTIVE: Objective of this meeting was mainly to give a single platform to all India staff of GDX to discuss their issues for the solutions with the right directions.

DATE: 23.02.13

LOCATION: Head Office of GDX Facility & Management Pvt. Ltd.

Start 10.00AM Attended By:

Stop Total Hrs Start Stop Total Hrs 16.00PM 6 Hrs 10.15AM 15.36PM 5 Hrs 21 Minutes 1. Board of Directors (Sh. Mahesh C. Sharma, Smt. Malti Sharma, Anurag Sharma, Niharika Sharma) 2. Top Mgmt. (Col.Issar, Deep Vashishta) 3. Admin & Management (Shaumi Sharma, Sukhdev Singh, Kalpana Mishra) 4. HR Dept (Mr. Rajinder, Narender Rawat) 5. Account Dept (Chetan Sharma, Anil Aggarwal) 6. Operations ( Delhi: Arvinder Singh, Arun Yadav) (Noida: Bharat Rawat, Kamlesh Tiwari, Sunil Sharma, Shashi, Kushal Pal, Sanjay Singh, Narender Singh, Mr. Rajeev) (Gurgaon: Vikram Singh, Mr.Rajesh, Mr.Arun, Sevender) (Ghaziabad: Mr. Brijesh, (Out-Station: Sandeep Rajput, Manohar Singh, P.H.N Singh, Dhirender Yadav, Shantanu Dutta, Hirday Narayan) 7. Training Dept. (Omprakash, G.D Joshi) 8. Store (Mr.Pramod, Mr.Laxmi) Kunwar Vikram Singh

Chief Guest

Agenda of Meeting
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Lecture of M.D Company Overview by E.D Finance Overview by F.D Lecture of Chief Guest Working of operations H.R Lecture Accounts Opinion Brain Storming Session

Handouts/Documents Shared
1. 2. 2. Outstanding Detail Imprest Detail Sheet of recruitment files without file #

Discussed Item The important discussion points during the course of presentation have been mentioned below:
1. M.D, Sh.Mahesh C Sharma speaks upon the culture of the company ad describe about the dealing with a new contract as GDX team should be available for at least 15 days on every exchange of deployment shift. E.D, Mr. Anurag Sharma of GDX speaks on the current position of company and declare the short term goal of 50 Cr turnover by the end of 2013 and long term goal of 100 Cr turnover by 2015 with the timely payment of liability. F.D, Niharika Sharma discussed about the current outstanding that is very huge of approx. 4 Cr. and liability that we have to pay i.e service tax, wages etc. F.D emphasize upon following up with the clients for payment and timely collection should be there. GDX personnel should ask about the proper detail of deduction at the time of collection like reason of deduction, paid amt., deducted amt. If the reason of deduction is complicated, intimate the superiors so they can directly speak with the client and negotiate. At the time of billing file # should be mentioned on muster rolls. M.D & Col. Issar discussed about, to maintain and build up the good business relation with client. Operation staff should visit the allocated sites frequently and try to build direct contact with higher authorities. For the success of operation, we have to think reasonable welfare of Security Guard and loyalty should be towards company. Security Guard is our end product and presenter so try to be friendly with guards. Properly investigate the debit reason with the help of GDX superiors. Muster roll should be properly prepared and signed by concerned security deployment and respective RM. Before deployment there should be proper training of S/G on basic, dealing with people, duties that they have to perform. frequent patrolling and night checks should be performed of each allocated site. Meet the genuine expectations of client as we are providing security service to them. S/G has to be educated properly about the FnF procedure if any and has to be available for Guards issues. HR Manager, Mr.Rajinder discussed upon ongoing issues related to recruitment. He insisted on asking the previous ESI # because ESI number will remain same in continuation, new ESI number will not be of any use in case of any emergency before 90 days. Hence candidate will not be in a position to avail any benefit with a new ESI number before 90 days. He insisted that for any new recruitment , file should be submitted in Head Office of GDX with proper documentation with 24 hrs. So I file # can be issued for the disbursement of salary. Educate the deployment properly about the benefits of ESI and how could he get the permanent card of ESI. Copy of PF number s should be with every AM of each site so it can be provided whenever required. If any operation personnel required PF, ESI detail of respective site, first they have to mail to HR then they will send the detail.


3. 3.a 3.b 3.c 3.d 4.


4.b 4.c 4.d 4.e 4.f 4.g 5. 5.a

5.b 5.c 5.d 5.e

Action Item
1. 2. Deadline for muster roll submission should be met Confirmation has to be taken for the submission by out station personnel Received muster rolls should be verified with available checklist of more than 1 site. 1 original document is mandatory while recruitment Recruitment slip has to be submitted in accounts. No file without file # No billing without original muster roll Repot has to be generated about the submission of muster roll Acknowledgment of submitted bills has to be submitted in accounts Debit note should be submitted in a/c Intimation of notice period should be given on application in H.O before serving Only R/M has to sign the FnF of S/G Imprest of accommodation should be clear on 2nd of each month FnF voucher should be submitted with FnF documents RM of outstation will visit H.O after every 3 months


Due Date
2nd of Each month Same time of doing fax & mail At the time of receiving

Should prepared on original copy


A/c Dept.



24 Hrs

5. 6. 7. 8.

RM/AM RM/AM A/c Dept. A/c Dept.

24 Hrs 24 Hrs All required forms & documents.

Last week of Month



Within 2 hrs

10. 11.


Within 24 hrs of payment Paper application

12. 13.


Before FnF payment date 2nd of each month



Before FnF payment date


3 month


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