Introduction of CPD

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INTRODUCTION The Continuing Professional Development (CPD) programme shares the same concept and principles of the Penilaian

Tahap Kecekapan (PTK) assessment under the Sistem Saraan Malaysia (SSM). They are both integral in the medical and health professional development. The CPD programme, which has been in existence for many decades, has recently undergone extensive revision. As a result of this revision, the CPD programme has a much wider scope that encompasses the current PTK assessments, and incorporates an extensive evaluation and competence development for the staff at Ministry of Health (MOH) in both the Kompetensi Khusus (Core/Clinical Competency) and to some degree Kompetensi Umum (Generic/Non-core Competency). OBJECTIVES General Objective To have a competent and excellent workforce Specific Objectives 1. To provide a record for all health professionals on their CPD activities & PTK assessments. 2. To assist the officer and Head of Department to identify and plan the needs for training and personal development. 3. To enable the Head of Department and the individual to monitor CPD & PTK activities. 4. Acts as documented evidence for the purpose of integration of CPD with PTK, annual appraisal and recertification.

What is CPD?
CPD is a combination of approaches, ideas and techniques that will help you manage your own learning and growth. The focus of CPD is firmly on results the benefits that professional development can bring you in the real world. Perhaps the most important message is that one size doesnt fit all. Wherever you are in your career now, and whatever you want to achieve, your CPD should be exactly that: yours.

That is the process?

CPD isn't a fixed process, although we do lay down certain basic processes. Fundamentally, it's a question of setting yourself objectives for development and then charting your progress towards achieving them. It's about where you want to be, and how you plan to get there. Our approach is based on reflection that focuses on outcomes and results, rather than 'time spent' or 'things done'.

s it time consuming?
Were not concerned with how much time you spend on training courses or how many boxes you tick on a form. CPD is about capturing useful experiences and assessing the practical benefits of what you have learned. There is one decisive question that you should ask yourself to evaluate every piece of learning: what can you do now that you couldnt do before? Similarly, when you record your CPD, its the value of the activity that counts. Its not what you did, but how you can use what you learned.

Why should I keep a CPD record?

As a professional, you have a responsibility to keep your skills and knowledge up to date. CPD helps you turn that accountability into a positive opportunity to identify and achieve your own career objectives. At least once a year, we recommend you review your learning over the previous 12 months, and set your development objectives for the coming year. Reflecting on the past and planning for the future in this way

makes your development more methodical and easier to measure. This is a particularly useful exercise prior to your annual appraisal! Some people find it helpful to write things down in detail, while others record 'insights and learning points' in their diaries as they go along. This helps them to assess their learning continuously. These records and logs are useful tools for planning and reflection: it would be difficult to review your learning and learning needs yearly without regularly recording in some way your experiences. View our guidance and support section for more help

What are the benefits of keeping a CPD record?

CPD is an investment that you make in yourself. Its a way of planning your development that links learning directly to practice. CPD can help you keep your skills up to date, and prepare you for greater responsibilities. It can boost your confidence, strengthen your professional credibility and help you become more creative in tackling new challenges. CPD makes your working life more interesting and can significantly increase your job satisfaction. It can accelerate your career development and is an important part of upgrading to chartered membership. Find out more about upgrading to chartered member

How can CIPD help me with my CPD?

As the leading body on the management and development of people we have a strong interest in your professional growth. The credibility of the HR profession is based fundamentally on the commitment of individual members to continuing self-improvement. This is why were so keen to provide tools and resources that help you build purposeful learning into the routine of your professional life. See our CPD guidance and support resources

What is the CPD Policy?

A set of guidelines providing information on CPD. Download the CPD Policy

What is reflective learning?

Continuing Professional Development (CPD) o o o Overview About CPD Introduction What is CPD? What do I need to do? What is reflective learning? CPD Policy CPD guidance and support Benefits of CPD CPD opportunities Frequently asked questions

Why is it important for me to reflect on my learning?

o o o o To accept responsibility for your own personal growth. To help you see a clear link between the effort you put into your development activity and the benefits you get out of it. To help you see more value in each learning experience, by knowing why youre doing it and whats in it for you. To help you 'learn how to learn' and add new skills over time.

How do I reflect on my learning?

Reflecting on your learning enables you to link your professional development to practical outcomes and widens the definition of what counts as useful activity. Quite simply, you need to keep asking what did I get out of this? As a reflective learner, youll think about how youll use new knowledge and skills in your future activities so learning is always linked to action, and theory to practice. Its also useful to reflect on how you learn best. This may be through private study, networking with peers, formal courses, mentoring, or a combination of techniques. You can view CPD case study as well as example records and plans and see how members have made use of reflective learning. View CPD case study View example CPD records and plans

How often should I reflect on my learning?

Reflection should become a routine part of working life that is more or less instinctive. If you see learning as an intrinsic part of your job, you dont have to interrupt your work to do it. People who routinely plan, record and reflect on their learning tend to see more opportunities for personal development. Its a matter of capturing the moment. The fact is, the world becomes a richer, more stimulating place when you embrace reflective learning, because you switch on a kind of intuitive radar thats tuned to pick up useful opportunities. You can start to record and reflect on your learning with CPD online now where you can safely store your CPD by uploading your record and plan in your 'My Profile' area. Start recording CPD online

How CPD benefits you

The benefits of CPD arent just felt when youre going for promotion or upgrading to Chartered membership. Many employers now value learning agility as a core competency. o o o o o Build confidence and credibility, you can see your progression by tracking your learning. Earn more by showcasing your achievements. A handy tool for appraisals. Achieve your career goals by focussing on your training and development. Cope positively with change by constantly updating your skill set. Be more productive and efficient by reflecting on your learning and highlighting gaps in your knowledge and experience.

How CPD benefits your organisation

As organisations shift the responsibility for personal development back to the individual, the ability and insight to manage your own professional growth is seen as a key strength.

Helps maximise staff potential by linking learning to actions and theory to practice. Helps HR professionals to set SMART (specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and timebound) objectives, for training activity to be more closely linked to business needs. Promotes staff development. This leads to better staff morale and a motivated workforce helps give a positive image/brand to organisations. Adds-value, by reflecting it will help staff to consciously apply learning to their role and the organisations development. Linking to appraisals. This is a good tool to help employees focus their achievements throughout the year.

Frequently asked questions

Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Overview About CPD CPD guidance and support Benefits of CPD CPD opportunities Frequently asked questions

What is CPD? What do I do? How much CPD do I need to do? Why should I do CPD? Does learning outside work count? Is there a minimum number of hours of training I have to do? What if I don't have the time? Is there a form or template I need to use? How should I present my CPD for upgrading? Is it only for people who are upgrading their membership? Is it only for people who are chasing promotions? What if it's not relevant to me and my situation?

What is CPD?
CPD is a personal commitment to keeping your professional knowledge up to date and improving your capabilities. It focuses on what you learn and how you develop throughout your career. You're probably already doing it, but by formally recording your learning you'll show that you're actively committed to the development of your career. Perhaps the most important message is that one size doesnt fit all. Wherever you are in your career now, and whatever you want to achieve, your CPD should be exactly that: yours. View our About CPD section to learn more

What do I need to do?

We recommend you review your learning over the previous 12 months, and set your development objectives for the coming year. Reflecting on the past and planning for the future in this way makes your

development more methodical and easier to measure. You may already be doing this as part of your development review with an employer. Find out more about what you need to do

How much CPD do I need to do?

Our approach is based on reflecting on learning that focuses on outcomes and results, rather than 'time spent' or 'things done'. There are no rules about the amount of CPD you should record, but you should clearly demonstrate how you have developed and what you are now able to contribute that you couldn't before. Find out more about reflective learning

Why should I do CPD?

As a professional, you have a responsibility to keep your skills and knowledge up to date. CPD helps you turn that accountability into a positive opportunity to identify and achieve your own career objectives. CPD is an opportunity to do yourself some good; the nature and scale of the benefit depends entirely on you. The credibility of our profession is based on the willingness of each professional to embrace new skills, knowledge and experience. Find out more about the benefits

Does learning outside work count?

Absolutely. If you do something or learn something outside work that provides a new perspective, adds to your confidence or improves your interpersonal skills inside work, it counts. Its not what you learn, so much as how you can use it. Find out more about the activities you can use for CPD

Is there a minimum number of hours of training I have to do?

There are very few things that you have to do with CPD. We dont specify a minimum number of hours of training, or even the kind of learning experience you should have. Again, its what works for you and whats relevant to you. When we go out and talk to people about CPD at conferences and events, members are sometimes surprised to find that theyre already doing effective CPD and (assuming they have the right experience) qualifying for a higher grade of membership. Read CPD examples Read CPD case studies

What if I don't have the time?

One of the most common misconceptions about CPD is that it takes extra effort over and above your normal daily activities to deliver results. Actually, the most effective personal development is the kind that flows from the experiences and challenges you encounter in your everyday role. Some people set aside a regular hour or so a week to reflect on what theyve done and plan development; many others incorporate it seamlessly into the way they work, as a way of looking at the world. Many members find that theyre already doing CPD without realising it its just a question of feeling the benefit. Find out more about the benefits of CPD

Is there a form or template I need to use?

There isnt a rigid template for planning and recording CPD activity. Weve developed a suite of key questions that will help you reflect on past learning and plan for the future. We also provide tools and

examples to show you how other people go about recording CPD. But were keen that you adopt an approach that works for you. View the CPD questions and find out what you need to do

How should I present my CPD for upgrading?

There are two parts to the CPD process. Both parts need to be satisfied to meet the criteria for upgrading. These are: CPD development record - This lists the activities that youve carried out during the last 12 months, with an explanation of why they were undertaken, what was learned and how this learning was or is to be applied. CPD development plan - This sets out your aims and objectives and your proposed action for the next 12 months. It must include resources required, success criteria, and target dates for review and completion. Find out more about upgrading to chartered membership

Is it only for people who are upgrading their membership?

Every member of the CIPD is expected to do CPD, not just people who are upgrading their membership. In fact, all professionals have a duty to keep their skills and knowledge up to date. As your experience and expertise grow, we hope that you choose to upgrade to chartered membership because this strengthens the credibility of our profession as well as underwriting your credentials as a competent practitioner. This is what those letters after your name really stand for. They mark you out as someone who is committed to continuous learning and aspires to the highest quality of practice. Find out more about upgrading to chartered membership

Is it only for people who are chasing promotions?

We live and work in a changing world so, as professionals, we all need to keep our knowledge up to date. Theres no doubt that CPD could help you achieve specific ambitions, but it can also help you be more confident and productive in your current role. Personal development is every bit as relevant to people who are happy where they are, as to those who are scaling the corporate ladder. Find out more about the benefits of CPD

What if it's not relevant to me and my situation?

The whole point about CPD is that it focuses on meeting your needs and objectives as a professional. Continuing development is not a distraction, it helps you keep your eye on the ball you learn the things you want to know and then you apply what you learn to the challenges you need to tackle. Different working arrangements offer different learning contexts. For example, self-employed consultants may well encounter fresh opportunities for CPD with every new project or assignment. View CPD examples

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