Cool Down Games: Sports Development Unit

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ellsport/physical/a_cool.doc (gd/jg)


A cool down is just as important as a warm up as it prepares the body to stop exercising and helps prevent stiffness. The cool down games in this section are appropriate for younger children as, whilst they are fun, they act as a calming exercise so the children are not left on an exercise high when they return to school classes - which is thankful for teachers! Aim of this section: To decrease the heart rate gradually and to return the body safely to a pre-exercise state.

ellsport/physical/a_cool.doc (gd/jg)


Wink Murder Equipment - None How to Play All the children sit down in a big circle. One child is picked to be the detective and is sent away so they cannot hear the rest of the group. The leader picks one child to be the Murderer. The detective then comes back to stand in the middle of the circle. The Murderer must wink or blink at someone in the circle who then screams and pretends to die by lying down. The detective has three guesses to determine who the Murderer is. General Points Ensure the children do not all look directly at the Murderer for the wink, as this will be obvious to the detective.


Band Leader Equipment - None How to Play All the children sit down in a big circle. One child is picked as the guesser who is sent away so they cannot hear the rest of the group. The leader picks one child to be the band leader who starts performing movements e.g. clapping, tapping hand on face, playing the trumpet etc. The guesser returns and stands in the middle of the group and has three guesses to determine the band leader. General Points Ensure the children do not all look directly at the band leader as this will be obvious to the guesser.


Bumps Equipment - None How to Play

ellsport/physical/a_cool.doc (gd/jg)

All the children start seated on a line. The leader then picks out a point in their head where the treasure is. The leader will then shout out instructions and the children will carry out the movements for that instruction, e.g. - If you had cereal this morning take two bumps forward. - If you had chips for tea take one bump backwards. The children then shuffle on the floor to act as bumps. The game is played until someone has reached the treasure. General Points Make sure some children do not take huge bumps forwards and others only take small ones.

ellsport/physical/a_cool.doc (gd/jg)

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