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SEKOLAH SERI CAHAYA Name: _______________________ Senior 1 _________

B1D1E1 1. Write the following numbers in words. NUMBER WORDS 215 3 460 3 640 715 632 023 612 331 13 040

2. Write the following whole numbers in figure. WORDS Four hundred and nine Seven thousand three hundred and sixtyeight Ninety-two thousand three hundred and fifteen Six hundred forty-nine thousand two hundred and three Two million four hundred eight and eleven Nine hundred and sixty-one


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SEKOLAH SERI CAHAYA Name: _______________________ _________ Senior 1

B2D1E1 1. Write the place value and the value of digit of each underlined digit. Number 3 218 67 064 189 715 872 943 3 461 237 94 2. Fill in the blanks according to place value. Place value 46 513 2655 310 403 1 513 024 3 649 123 Achieved ( ) Not Achieved ( ___________ Date _______ ) Checked by Millio ns Hundre d thousa nds Ten thousa nds Thousa nds Hundre ds Ten s One s Place Value Value of Digit

SEKOLAH SERI CAHAYA Name: _______________________ Senior 1 _________

B3D1E1 1. Round off the following whole numbers to the stated degree of accuracy Number 1 456 378 2 601 427 986 78 787 Number 2 125 846 3 629 413 1 212 199 307 526 210 813 Ten Thousand Hundred Thousands Millions Tens Hundred Thousands

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SEKOLAH SERI CAHAYA Name: _______________________ Senior 1 _________

B3D1E2 1. Find the sum of each of the following 1. 34 + 65 = 2. 53 + 28 = 3. 315 + 37 =

4. 437 + 369

5. 612 + 47 + 128 =

6. 2135 + 326 + 673 =

2. Evaluate the following subtractions. 1. 928 99 = 4. 1 094 487 88 685 = 2. 1 021 457 = 5. 8 086 6 880 = 3. 9 203 3 582 = 6. 35 019 17 053 8 546

3. Find the product of the following multiplications. 1. 59 87 = 2. 6 083 7 = 3. 834 57 =

4. 25 742 28 =

5. 13 133 412 =

6. 3 246 23 7 =

4. Find the quotient and remainder, if any, of the following divisions. 1. 789 9 = 2. 1 873 15 = 3. 7 331 23 =

4. 14 696 36 =

5. 744 863 58 =

6. 46 439 48 =

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SEKOLAH SERI CAHAYA Name: _______________________ Senior 1 _________

B4D1E1 1. Evaluate each of the following. a. 1 234 392 + 4 715 =

b. 1 213 + 153 4 =

c. 56 28 63 21 =

d. ( 545 5) 4 + 189 =

2. Solve the following problems. a. Alicia bought a laptop at a b. Meiling has 3 450 beads. She price of RM 3 456. She paid it in had use 1 020 of the beads. 12 installments with zero interest Then, she buy 4 packets f beads by credit card. She needed to which each contains 850 beads. pay RM 24 as the processing fee. Calculate the total beads that How much she need to pay for 5 Ratna has. times installment?

c. A factory produces 5 889 bottles every day. On a certain day, 33 bottles are broken. The other bottles are put into 48 boxes. How many bottles are there in each box?

d. The bus fares from Seremban to Kuantan are RM36 for an adult and RM23 for a child. Kenneth buys 3 adult tickets and 7 child tickets. Calculate the total fares.

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