Thesun 2009-03-02 Page08 China Acts To Wipe Out Tainted Food Scandals

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8 theSun | MONDAY MARCH 2 2009

news without borders

China acts to wipe out tainted food scandals

BEIJING: China’s nominal parliament on in prison last month for their involvement in the official China Daily newspaper said.
Saturday approved a new food safety law the production of melamine-tainted milk that “For consumers, such a law will hopefully
designed to stem a recent tide of scandals over caused the death of six infants and sickened stop farmers from using too much fertiliser,
tainted food products. almost 300,000. pesticides or other chemicals that may pro-
The Standing Committee of the annual The milk powder scandal was hushed up mote the growth of crops and vegetables at the
National People’s Congress, which approves for several months during last year’s Beijing risk of adverse health effects,” the newspaper
policies and laws proposed by the ruling Olympics and only became public in Septem- said.
Communist Party, said the new law would ber, when hospitals were overcrowded with The law also targets advertising, after
help ensure food safety “from the production sick infants. several celebrities had appeared in television
line to dining table”. This month, more than 80 people in the commercials or milk powder sold by Sanlu,
The law provides for a new monitoring southern province of Guangdong were sick- the main company involved in last year’s
and supervision system, a set of national ened after consuming pig offal contaminated scandal.
standards, a recall system and “severe punish- with an illegal feed additive. But it could increase food prices because
ment for offenders”, the government’s official “Repeated food safety accidents, such as of the cost of stricter tests on raw materials
Xinhua news agency reported. milk contaminated by melamine and problem- and tighter control of manufacturing, the
The approval of the law follows “a spate of atic duck eggs, have made urgent a sound law newspaper said.
food scandals”, the agency said. regulating the entire process of food production “It is unrealistic to hope that the adoption
In the biggest recent scandal, two men – from growing crops and raising stock and of this law will immediately change the land-
were sentenced to death and four others to life poultry to the manufacturing of food products,” scape of food safety,” it said. – dpa

Activists protest immigration raids

PHOENIX: Thousands of people protesting a versy when he marched 220 illegal immigrants in legal immigrants in the US is an explosive political
sweeping crackdown on illegal immigrants by shackles and striped prison garb through Phoenix issue. But it has largely dropped out of the debate
an Arizona sheriff marched through Phoenix on under armed guard. as concerns turn to the economic crisis.
Saturday, toting placards reading “We Are Hu- “Walking people through the streets in chains, A bid to push comprehensive immigration
man” and “Stop the Raids”. public shaming, it’s medieval,” said Veronica reform through Congress was rejected by Re-
Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio has dis- Perez, 32, an archeologist carrying signs reading publican lawmakers two years ago. President
patched deputies into Hispanic communities in “No Human Is Illegal” and “Stop the Raids.” Barack Obama, who supported the measure, has
the Phoenix area where they stop people and “Isn’t cruel and unusual punishment against yet to address the matter.
arrest anyone who cannot prove he or she is a the US Constitution?” she asked. “I voted for Obama for change,” said welder
legal US resident. The event was organised by activists from the Oscar Camacho, 45. “But with respect to immigra-
Under a deal allowing them to enforce federal National Day Labourer Organising Network and a tion, I see no change at all.”
immigration laws, the deputies have arrested group called El Puente Arizona. Estimates of the Around 100 counter-demonstrators waving
more than 1,500 people whom they determined number of participants ranged from 1,000 to 3,000. American flags turned out to support Arpaio on
were in Arizona illegally. Preparing for the march at a park in central Saturday. Some carried holstered pistols.
Latino activists and lawmakers call Arpaio ‘s Phoenix, school district coordinator Sylvia Air- “He is the only one to uphold illegal immigration
programme a clear case of racial profiling because ington, 47, slammed Arpaio’s policies. “Racial laws,” said Dina Rose, 52, standing on sidewalk by
only people who look Hispanic are targeted. profiling, targeting the Hispanic community – it’s the sheriff’s office in downtown Phoenix. “The
Arpaio steadfastly denies the charge. an embarrassment to America,” she said. county sheriff is America’s last hope of protecting
Earlier this month, he stirred more contro- What to do about an estimated 12 million il- our freedoms.” – Reuters

Kansas governor for The 60-year-old governor, a rising

star of the Democratic Party, was an
such “EU impose a truce”, and
“The Sri Lankan president is a
said Mullen, the chairman of the US
Joint Chiefs of Staff. – AFP
health secretary job early supporter of Obama’s presi- murderer”, and “Stop the Tamil
US President
dential bid. She was also said to be
in the running for vice-president.
genocide”. Japan emperor mulls
Sri Lankan troops entered
Barack Obama She served as Kansas insurance the last urban area held by the Pearl Harbour visit
has tapped commissioner for nearly a decade Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam TOKYO: Japanese Emperor Aki-
Kansas Governor before taking office as governor in (LTEE), Sri Lanka’s defence minis- hito and Empress Michiko will
Kathleen Se- 2003. She is currently serving her try said Saturday.– AFP visit Pearl Harbour this summer,
belius to be his second term. – AFP the site of Japan’s surprise at-
health secretary ‘Iran has enough nuke tack on the United States during
to carry out his Paris Tamils protest World War II, the Kyodo news
ambitious health material for bomb’ agency reported yesterday.
care reform pro- Sri Lankan offensive WASHINGTON: Iran has enough If realised, it would be the
gramme, the White House said. PARIS: Thousands of Tamils fissile material to build a nuclear first visit by the royal couple to
A senior administration official marched in Paris on Saturday bomb, top US military officer Ad- the spot where the Japanese
told AFP Saturday Sebelius had to denounce what they termed miral Mike Mullen told CNN yes- bombardment of the US fleet
accepted the offer to serve as the Sri Lankan government’s terday. heralded the declaration of war
secretary of health and human genocide of the island’s ethnic “We think they do, quite frankly,” between the two countries.
services – a position Obama had minority in its bid to wipe out Mullen said when asked if Iran had Akihito is the son of war-time
first offered to former Senate Tamil Tiger rebels. enough nuclear material to manu- Emperor Hirohito, under whom
Democratic leader Tom Daschle, Police put the number of facture an atomic bomb. the Japanese military carried
who withdrew over tax questions. marchers at 2,500 while organis- “And Iran having a nuclear out the December 1941 attack
Obama will make the announce- ers said some 3,000 participated weapon, I’ve believed for a long in Hawaii, which killed around
ment Monday at the White House, in the demonstration. time, is a very, very bad outcome 2,500 people, mostly American
the official said. The marchers shouted slogans for the region and for the world,” soldiers. – AFP

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