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4 theSun | TUESDAY MARCH 3 2009

news without borders

CAWP slams water deal ‘sabotage’

by Karen Arukesamy free supply of the first 20 cubic metres of water REUTERS PIC to all Selangor households will be continued,”
Syed Shahir said.
PETALING JAYA: The Coalition Against The coalition’s coordinator, Charles San-
Water Privatisation (CAWP) has condemned tiago, who is also MP for Klang, explained
the federal government’s attempt to “sabotage” that the “sabotage” occurred two days before
the state government’s initiative to restructure a deadline for the concessionaires – Puncak
and take over the privatised water concessions Niaga (M) Sdn Bhd, Syarikat Pengeluar Air
in the state. Selangor Holdings Bhd (Splash), Konsortium
CAWP will submit a memorandum sup- Abass Sdn Bhd (Abass) and Syarikat Bekalan
porting the state government’s move to Mentri Air Selangor Sdn Bhd (Syabas) – to respond to
Besar Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim’s office on March the state government’s offer.
11. He said they were supposed to either ac-
MTUC president Syed Shahir Syed Moha- cept an offer by the state of RM4.6 billion for
mud said the coalition strongly supports the their assets (treatment plants and pipes), and
Selangor state government’s move to control another RM1.1 billion for their equity or return
the water industry and ensure more efficient with a counter offer.
distribution of water at lower tariff rates. “The Selangor residents have been bur-
MTUC is the chair of CAWP – a collabora- dened over the years with increasingly higher
tion of several NGOs, residential associations water tariffs, which are set to be hiked next
and religious bodies. month, despite continuing problems of water
“Is the federal government for the conces- quality, supply, disconnections and other pen-
sionaires or for the people?” he asked at a press alties and bad service overall,” he said.
conference at the Metal Industry Employees Santiago said that according to various
Union (MIEU) office yesterday. reports Syabas has failed to comply with the
“If it is for the people, then allow the state concession agreements, where 72% of the
to continue the negotiation and not interfere agreements were awarded via direct nego-
until the whole thing is resolved or unless the tiations instead of through an open tender
negotiation comes to a dead end,” he said. as required. Besides that, more than RM325
Syed Shahir pointed that the federal million in discrepancy was found between the
government should have facilitated the state
government’s move to acquire the assets and
summary of contracts awarded in 2005, 2006
and 2007 and Syabas’ review document.
remove a
Three Malaysians killed in
equity of the concessionaires, as part of its own
declared aims of consolidating the country’s
The company had also spent about RM51.2
million to renovate its office when only RM23.2
body from
the hotel
Taiwan fire
water industry. million was approved by the regulator, Jabatan PETALING JAYA: Three Malaysian 36-year-old building on Taiyuan Road
It had instead “scuttled” the negotiations Kawal Selia Selangor. women were among seven people on Taipei’s west side.
when it announced on Feb 18 that its Pengu- “It was also reported that Syabas spent who died in a fire at a hotel in Taipei Mayor Hau Lung-pin said it was not
rusan Aset Air Berhad (PAAB) would negotiate RM30 million purchasing vehicles, which early Monday morning, Taiwan News caused by an electrical short circuit.
directly with the companies of the acquisition, explains why we have to pay high tariffs,” reported. The building used wooden panelling
he said. Santiago said. Taiwan officials identified the three in the walls separating its 27 rooms, but
“The federal government’s announcement
has raised our concern on whether the current
» See Page 12 as Chin Seok Ling, 26, from Penang; still passed recent fire safety checks.
Low Mee Sim, 40,from Cheras, Kuala The fire, believed to have started in-
Lumpur; and Lee Loo Yee, 37, from side a room on the second floor around
Puchong, Selangor. 2.42am, spread more rapidly than ex-
According to the report, arson was pected, blocking all exits of the hotel.
a possible factor for the fire at White The fire was deemed the most deadly
Snow Hotel, which operates from a incident in the capital in 15 years.

Utusan counter-sues Teresa Kok

PETALING JAYA: Utusan Melayu (M) Bhd, cum website.
publisher of the daily Utusan Malaysia, has Utusan is also seeking an injunction to re-
counter-sued Seputeh MP Teresa Kok for ac- strain Kok, whether by herself, her agents or
cusing the paper of distorting what she said. servants or otherwise, from further publish-
In a statement to the media, Utusan said it ing or causing to be published the defamatory
had through Messrs Shafee & Co served a writ words. It also seeks general, special, aggra-
and summons on Kok through her lawyer vated and punitive damages, interests, costs
S.N. Nair & Partners on Feb 27 for allegedly and any reliefs deemed fit by the court.
making defamatory statements about it. Kok had late last year filed two suits
The subject matter of Utusan’s suit is Kok’s amounting to RM130 million against Utusan
allegation that the daily had twisted and dis- for defamation.
torted statements she had made over national In October 2008, Kok sued Utusan and its
media and her own blog about food she was columnist Zaini Hassan for RM30 million over
served while in detention under ISA. an article that allegedly defamed her over an
The paper alleged the defamatory state- allegation that she had “forced” a mosque
ments were made on Sept 22 last year, arising from using loudspeakers for the azan.
from statements she made during her press She filed a second suit for RM100 million
conference on Sept 19, 2008 where she had against the paper and its columnist Datuk
alleged that the daily had memutarbelitkan Chamil Wariya over Chamil’s story entitled
(twisted and distorted) her actual words in Politik Baru YB J, which Kok claimed referred
their reporting. to her either directly or through innuendo.
According to the press statement, Utusan is She had also alleged that the article had
also seeking an order to remove the libelous instigated assassination as it had called for the
article or words from the offending weblog fictitious MP, “YB J” should be shot.

PNSB gives IRB commitment over staff benefits

SHAH ALAM: Permodalan Negri Selangor and these included motor vehicles, drivers,
Bhd (PNSB) yesterday gave its commitment holiday benefits, gifts both in cash and kind
to furnish the Inland Revenue Board (IRB) to employees, including the chairman and
with details of all benefits in kind given to the members of the board irrespective of
its employees in the past which it had not rank and position in the company.
declared to the IRB. It said the recent discovery of the state-
A statement issued by the Press Secre- controlled company’s failure to include
tariat of the Selangor Mentri Besar’s Office benefits in kind in the EA forms, which
here said the benefits included those given contravenes the Income Tax Act, was found
to the PNSB chairman and directors. out during the ongoing evaluation exercise
“PNSB has over the years given its in PNSB to enhance the company’s perform-
employees – including its chairman and ance.
members of the board of directors – benefits Mentri Besar Tan Sri Abdul Khalid Ib-
in the form of material, cash or both. Among rahim had directed PNSB to submit to the
the benefits are cars and drivers, as well as IRB a list of all benefits in kind that the
holidays for local and international destina- company had given to its employees in the
tions,” the statement said. past years.
It also said that at a meeting yesterday be- He had said the move was to ensure that
tween PNSB and IRB, the IRB confirmed that the state subsidiary did not run foul of the
benefits must be included in the EA form income tax law. – Bernama

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